gw666 · 2 months
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Top Albums February 2024
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valleyofsacrifice · 3 months
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drcareimplantc · 10 months
Trụ implant kontact
Cấy ghép răng Implant Kontact là giải pháp hoàn hảo cho người mất răng. Trụ Implant Kontact là loại trụ Implant Pháp chất lượng cao, giá thành tốt. Tại Việt Nam, đây thương hiệu trụ Implant được khá nhiều Cô Chú, Anh Chị tin dùng.
Xuất xứ của trụ Implant Kontact
Trụ Implant Kontact là trụ Implant Pháp, sản phẩm được sản xuất bởi tập đoàn Biotech Dental. Đây là dòng trụ Implant được nhiều Cô Chú, Anh Chị và Bác sĩ tin dùng bởi chất lượng hàng đầu.
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Trụ Implant Kontact được công nhận là một trong 10 thương hiệu trụ răng tốt nhất thế giới. Cùng với đó, công ty Biotech Dental thuộc top 10 công ty sản xuất trụ Implant lớn nhất toàn cầu.
Cấu tạo của trụ Implant Kontact Pháp
Trụ Implant Kontact được sản xuất trên dây truyền và công nghệ hiện đại tại Pháp. Trụ có thiết kế dạng hình trụ nón với đường kính là 3mm đủ vững chắc để phục hồi cho những trường hợp răng đã mất.
Những đặc điểm cấu tạo nổi bật của trụ Implant Kontact bao gồm:
Trụ Implant Kontact được làm từ vật liệu Titanium nguyên chất. Đây là vật liệu an toàn được cấp pháp sử dụng trong nha khoa trên toàn thế giới.
Với vật liệu đảm bảo cũng dây chuyền sản xuất hiện đại, trụ Implant Kontact là một trong những trụ răng an toàn nhất. Rất ít trường hợp xảy ra biến chứng do sử dụng dòng trụ răng này.
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Trụ Implant được thiết kế xoắn ren liên tục dọc theo thân giúp tăng diện tích tiếp xúc với xương hàm. Nhờ đó mà thời gian tích hợp xương của trun Implant Kontact nhanh chóng hơn. Hơn nữa, những ren xoắn này còn giúp tạo độ chắc chắn cho xương hàm khi phục hồi những trường hợp bị tiêu xương.
Các cánh cắt liên tục trên chiều dài thân trụ giúp tối ưu hóa sự ổn định cũng như giảm lực chèn lên xương.
Công nghệ SLA là công nghệ xử lý bề mặt trụ Implant giúp nâng cao khả năng tích hợp với xương hàm. Sau khi được cấy ghép, trụ Implant Kontact sẽ thay thế chân răng đã cũ đảm bảo khả năng phục hồi hiệu quả.
3 ưu điểm nổi bật của trụ Implant Kontact Pháp
Cấy ghép răng Implant Kontact là giải pháp hoàn hảo cho người mất răng. Trụ Implant Kontact là loại trụ Implant Pháp chất lượng cao, giá thành tốt. Tại Việt Nam, đây thương hiệu trụ Implant được khá nhiều Cô Chú, Anh Chị tin dùng.
Trụ Implant Kontact có thể đạt tuổi thọ vĩnh viễn nếu được chăm sóc đúng cách. Cô Chú, Anh Chị chỉ cần phục hình một lần là có thể sử dụng lâu dài. Bên cạnh đó, việc chăm sóc răng Implant cực kỳ đơn giản. Cô Chú, Anh Chị chỉ cần chăm sóc như răng thật cũng như thực hiện thăm khám định kỳ với Bác sĩ.
Hiện có trên 60 quốc gia đang sử dụng trụ Implant Kontact trong phục hồi răng đã mất. Hằng năm có tới hàng trăm triệu người sử dụng loại trụ này. Điều này cho thấy chất lượng của trụ Implant Kontact được cả thế giới công nhận.
Ngoài ra Cô Chú, Anh Chị hãy tham khảo thêm: Bảng giá trồng răng Implant tại Dr. Care - Implant Clinic: Trồng răng Implant không đau
Dr. Care Implant Clinic
Địa chỉ: P3-0.SH08, Tòa nhà Park 3, Khu đô thị Vinhomes Central Park 208 Nguyễn Hữu Cảnh, Phường 22, Quận Bình Thạnh, Tp HCM
Phone: 0909478910
Website: https://drcareimplant.com/
Nguồn tham khảo: https://drcareimplant.com/vi-sao-nen-trong-rang-bang-tru-implant-kontact-606
MAP: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=691390527449622009 
Thông tin: https://www.google.com/search?q=dr.+care+implant+clinic&kponly=&kgmid=/g/11g0gb08tb
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kontacttech · 2 years
When using an encrypted mobile device, the security of the data and communications are directly dependent on the mobile service provider or network carrier. Mobile service providers and/or network carriers can access all unencrypted data passing through it.
Additionally, through the mobile network and SIM card, mobile operators can push over-the-air (OTA) updates.
The OTA flow presents a serious threat as it can push any software to the device in the background with escalated privileges, regardless of any defense mechanisms the device might have. This technical flow could easily be abused by ill-intenders with access to the mobile network to collect sensitive data.
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Good evening! And/or morning/day
Do we know how Paul met Aljoscha at the beginning of Feeling B?
I know Flake talks about his own meeting and the formation of their previous band, but Paul's already there in those stories, if memory serves me right?
Good evening/day/morning!
Yes, as a matter of fact we do, from the book 'Mix mir einen Drink - Feeling B - Punk im Osten' (from page 41), and like with Flake they first met Alexander Kriening and Aljoscha through him
As it's been ages since i have done a book quote, i'll do this one 🌺 Paul tells the story
"Ich lernte Kriening 1982 bei irgendeinem lauten Konzert im Kulturpark Plänterwald kennen. Anschließend sind wir zusammen zu mir in mein Kinderzimmer gefahren und ich sprang vor ihm immer auf und nieder und hab ihm meine Ideen vorgespielt. Ich hab mir Lieder ausgedacht und hab die ihm rumspringend vorgestellt. Inzwischen hatte ich den Hals an meiner 'Iris' Gitarreabgesägt, das mache ich seitdem immer. Ich muss da meine eigene Note reinbringen. "Wir machen mal eine Band zusammen", sagte Kriening und rief wirklich fast genau ein Jahr späteran und verabredete sich mit mir um 13 Uhr nächsten Tages am Senefelderplatz. Er kam dan gegen 14 Uhr mit einem älteren Mann an. Ich drängelte Kriening und fragte dauernd, wer das ist, aber der hat mich immer wiederabgewürgt. Er sagte nur kurz, wir gehen jetzt in die Kneipe. Ich war zuvor mein Leben lang noch nie in einer Kneipe gewesen, ichbin irgendwie Komischerzogen worden. Ich wollte nicht in diese Kneipe und erklärte kurzerhand, mir ist schlecht! "Aha, dir ist schlecht, dannbekommst du einen Kräuterlikör", war der erste Satz, den Aljoscha zu mir gesagt hat. Also sind wir rein in die 'Sportlerklause' neben einem Polizeirevier und da haben die beiden Älteren sofort losgebechert. Ich musste Kräuterlikör trinken. Danach sind wir zu Aljoscha in die Wohnung in der Fehrbelliner Straße 7 und das hat mich schwer beeindruckt. Er hat damalsin einer Dachwohnung gewohnt: einfache Bodenfenster, das Dach teilweise seltsam isoliert, stellenweise auch offen. Ziemlich freakig, das fand ich schon gut. Ich kam aus Baumschulenweg, da war überall Teppichboden, hier war es schon ein bisschen dreckiger. Das war mein erster Kontact mit dem Prenzlauer Berg. Kriening hat mir dann eröfnet, das ist unser Sänger und ich gleich: "Nee, nicht so einen alten Mann!" Dazu kam, dass Aljoscha Füße in seinen Turnschuhen dermaßen gestunken haben, das war für mich einfach unglaublich. Er hatte immer Turnschuhe ohne Socken an, das war die Hölle! Das sollte auch so bleiben mit den Füßen."
(Tagesbucheintrag am 1. April 1983) Gestern war ich in der Unterwelt, zusammen mit Kriening. Wir waren bei einem Musiker, vorne Glatze, Locken, lila Tuch, widerliches, sinnloses Gekreische, Lachen, total im Stoff, hat aber urst starke Wohnung. Unterm Dach bei ihm probte eine Punkband. Ich weiß nicht, ob ich wirklich Musiker werden will. Ich habe große Angst davor, mich mit solchen ekligen Leuten zusammenzutun. Mir war richtig schlecht, ich kam mir vor wie im 'Tatort' und fragte mich, wozu lerne und übe ich? Kam mir vor wie jemand, der in ein Kinderheim kommt, weit weg von allen Freunden.
"Nach zwei Stunden saßen wir glücklich und betrunken in seiner Dachwohnung rum. Nun war der Altersunterschied gar nicht mehr so zu merken und ich hatte mich damit abgefunden, dass der unser Sänger sein soll. Als ich mit Aljoscha geredet habe, kam er mir gar nicht mehr so alt vor, ich hab mich an ihn gewöhnt. Er sprühte nur so vor Ideen. Gleich am ersten Abend haben wir uns den Titel 'Ich bin Unsichtbar' ausgedacht. Das war eine Idee von mir, und Aljoscha hat dazu einen Text aufgeschrieben. Aljoscha leierte mir gleich ein paar Texte aus dem Kreuz, er hat sich mit einem Zettel hingesetzt und alles aufgeschrieben. Damit war ich schon um ein paar Texte ärmer. Das konnte Aljoscha sowieso sehr gut, den Leuten ideen wegnehmen. Aber im positiven Sinne, er hat die förmlich ausgesaugt. Er hat die Leute wie ein Schwamm aufgesogen. Wenn man die Ideen nicht gleich genutzt hat, sind sie meist verschüttgegangen. Aljoscha konnte gut Ideen klauen, mit der Umsetzung haperte es meist."
(Tagesbucheinträg 6. april 1983) Aljoscha, das ist der Typ, den ich erst so doof fand, ist aber total stark. Schweizer Staatsbürger, studiert drüben von Montag bis Freitag. Wochenende in Ostberlin. Wiederum ein Beispiel, man darf die Leute nicht nach dem ersten Eindruck beurteilen. Ich glaube, ich mag Aljoscha. Mit der Band, hab ich mir überlegt, geht's nicht. Ich werde mit ihnen drüber reden. Ich hab einfach keine Lust, mich zu binden. Wenn ich mirvorstelle, den Freitagabend für immer verplant, den Sonnabend auch noch - nein. Aber wenn ich nicht mitmache, verpasse ich auch eine Menge...
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"I met Kriening in 1982 at some loud concert in the Kulturpark Plänterwald. Then we drove to my childhood room together and I jumped up and down in front of him and played my ideas to him. I thought up songs and played them for him jumping around. In the meantime I had sawed off the neck on my 'Iris' guitar, which I've been doing ever since. I have to put my own touch to it. "Let's make a band together," Kriening said and actually almost exactly a year later called and made an appointment with me at 1 p.m. for the next day at Senefelderplatz. He arrived around 2 p.m. with an older man. I pestered him and kept asking Kriening who that was, but he kept cutting me off. He just said briefly, we’re going to the pub now. I had never been to a pub in my life, I was somehow brought up in a funny way. I didn't want to go to this pub and said without further ado, I'm sick! "Aha, you're sick, then you'll get a herbal liqueur," was the first sentence that Alyosha said to me. So we went to the 'Sportlerklause' next to a police station and the two older ones started drinking right away. I had to drink herbal liqueur. Then we went to Aljoscha's apartment at Fehrbelliner Strasse 7 and that really impressed me. At the time, he lived in an attic apartment: simple floor-to-ceiling windows, the roof in places oddly insulated, and open in other parts. Pretty freaky, I thought that was a good thing. I came from Baumschulenweg, where there was carpet everywhere, it was a bit dirtier here. That was my first contact with Prenzlauer Berg. Kriening then opened up to me, that's our singer and I immediately said: "No, not such an old man!" In addition, Aljoscha's feet in his sneakers stunk so badly, it was just unbelievable to me. He always wore sneakers with no socks, it was hell! It would stay that way with the feet."
(Diary entry April 1, 1983) Yesterday I was in the underworld with Kriening. We were with a musician, bald in the front, curls, purple cloth, disgusting, senseless screeching, laughing, totally stuffed *1) , but has a really great apartment. A punk band was rehearsing under his roof. I don't know if I really want to be a musician. I'm terrified of associating with such yucky people. I felt really bad, I felt like I was in 'Tatort' *2) and asked myself, why am I learning and practicing? Felt like someone who goes to a children's home, far away from all your friends.
"After two hours we were sitting around, happy and drunk, in his attic apartment. Now the age difference was no longer noticeable and I had come to terms with the fact that he would be our singer. When I talked to Aljoscha, he didn't even seem so old anymore, I've gotten used to him. He just sparkled with ideas. Right on the first evening we came up with the title 'I'm Invisible'. It was an idea of ​​mine, and Aljoscha wrote down a text for it. Aljoscha grinded out a few texts from me right away, he sat down with a piece of paper and wrote everything down. I was already a few texts poorer. Aljoscha was very good at that anyway, taking ideas away from people. But in a positive sense, he literally sucked them dry. He sucked people up like a sponge. If you didn't use the ideas right away, they usually just got lost. Aljoscha was good at stealing ideas, but there was usually a problem with the implementation."
(Diary entry April 6, 1983) Aljoscha, that's the guy I found so dumb at first, he's really good. Swiss citizen, studies over there from Monday to Friday. Weekend in East Berlin. Again an example to not judge people by first impressions. I think I like Aljoscha. The band, i thought it, but it won't work. I'll talk to them about it. I just don't feel like committing myself. If I imagine planning Friday evening forever, Saturday too - no. But if I don't join, I'll miss a lot...
1) not really sure what 'im Stoff' would be translated, but i assume from the context something like 'not sober'
2) Tatort is a very famous longrunning german tv show about crimes, so he compairs it to being ata crimescene from that show
more rammstein related book quotes
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Tank Man, remember that Mongolian BMP from a bit ago? Same guy also found a Mongolian T-72 "modernization" at the same base. Honestly it just looks like they welded slat armor on and called it a day lmao.
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They also found a BMP-1, but Mongolians took away its phat ass!
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Tbh, neither of these are quite as baffling as the other Mongolian BMP.
The T-72 really just does seem to have some slat armor welded on, and called good, and while the assless BMP is somewhat upsetting, it's not quite so interesting as the empty kontact on the other BMP.
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warehouseradio · 1 year
Warehouse Radio Episode 29 - Guest Mix: ident
Twitter: twitter.com/i_d_e_n_t Bandcamp: ident.bandcamp.com/ Instagram: www.instagram.com/i_d_e_n_t/ Merch: www.redbubble.com/people/i-d-e-n-t/shop?asc=u Tumblr: @i-d-e-n-t-blog
Tracklist under the cut
TRACKLIST: dorian electra - emasculate (remix) ident, zrmpa - failboot proxy - destroy chromeo - tenderoni tepir - jacuzzi (data remix) ident - teachers (cover) death grips - i've seen footage + daft punk - oh yeah poetically - domination game + mstrkrft - heartbreaker boyz noise - kontact me gigi barocco - puah + lamont - titanic + fergie - fergalicious justice - the parrtttytyyyy licky - work it out (herve goes low remix) + mr. oizo - steroids (ft. uffie) ident - contortionists (short edit) tony astro - XXL caveman cypher + justice - stress (shuzin super stress edit) justice - stress husky - motion (edit) + wherefore - wishful thinking tekken 3 ost - nina williams (ps1) + tekken 3 ost - king (ps1) fred falke - last wave daft punk - aerodynamic + boys noize - & down + ident - hold me (vocal) husky - original is better (edit) + dj mehdi - signatune (space laces remix) daft punk - aerodynamic
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onetomanyreview · 1 year
10 สนับเข่าฟุตซอล รุ่นไหนดี แบรนด์ไหนดี ราคาไม่แพง 2023
เมื่อกล่าวถึงการเล่นฟุตซอล สนับเข่าฟุตซอลเป็นเครื่องมือสำคัญที่ช่วยคุ้มครองปกป้องคุณจากอาการบาดเจ็บแล้วก็ค้ำประกันประสบการณ์การเล่นที่สะดวก ด้วยรุ่นรวมทั้งแบรนด์ต่างๆเยอะแยะในตลาด การตัดสินใจว่ารุ่นใดเยี่ยมที่สุดสำหรับคุณก็เลยบางทีอาจเกิดเรื่องยาก ในเนื้อหานี้ พวกเราจะมาดูสนับเข่าฟุตซอล 10 ลำดับแรกที่มีขายในปี 2023 โดยเปรียบคุณลักษณะ ราคา รวมทั้งประสิทธิภาพโดยรวม
สนับเข่าฟุตซอลแบรนด์ไหนดี 2023
H3 Tripple
Under Armour Hustle 3.0: Under Armour
Hex McDavid: McDavid
Brine King Elite: Brine
Shock Doctor Knee Compression Sleeve: Shock Doctor
Venum Kontact Evo: Venum
Reusch Alex Bono: Reusch
Select: Select
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chickawah23 · 2 years
Lol, way to set your readers up for disappointment when Karlie doesn't end up dropping an album like they're thinking she might, Enty
Lolol. Make sure to Pre-order “Kloss Kontact” now!!The new album drops 7/27!!!
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knuerkknight · 3 months
cut corner of the plate with a down swing, just the top edge before every pitch, THATS YOUR OPTIMAL POINT OF kONTACT
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Kontact - Bloodchild (Full Contact 2024)
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hydralisk98 · 4 months
Content study list for my 16^12 paracosm, for myself and you all sweet, sweet mutuals!
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Halo Reach, Tron Legacy, Reverse 1999, Helluva Boss, Wolfenstein The New Order, The New Order / "TNO" (Hearts of Iron 4 total conversion mod), Civilization 5 Complete Edition, Civilization Beyond Earth Rising Tide, Stellaris, Ruby Gillman Teenage Kraken, Spiderverse?, 300, 300 Rise of an Empire, Marathon Infinity, The Legend of Zelda 1, Quake 1, Pokemon Black & White, Wakfu, A Bag Full of Apples, Rammstein, Sabaton, Powerwolf, Daft Punk, Cyberpunk 2077, Cyberpunk RED, Solarpunk (aesthetic optimism genre), Kaiserreich (Hearts of Iron 4 total conversion mod), GURPS, Pathfinder 2E, D&D 5E SRD (under the one offered Creative Commons license), OSR, FKR, XCOM Enemy Within, The Elder Scrolls 2 Daggerfall, Hypnospace Outlaw, Counter-Strike Global Offensive, SimCity 4, The Sims 2, Citizen of Rome Dynasty Ascendant, Crusader Kings II, Europa Universalis IV, Pathfinder Kingmaker, Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous, Tyranny, Spore, Alpha Centauri, Total Annihilation, Half-Life 1, Portal 2, Cortex Command, The Anacrusis, Tacoma, Zachtronics, Ion Fury, INFRA, Factorio, Terraria, Portal Stories Mel, SOMA, Choice of Alexandria, Choice of Robots, Prince of Persia Sands of Time, The Stanley Parable (demo & full game), The Beginner's Guide, Logic World, MineTest, Superliminal, Tentlan, Paradise Lost, The Witness, Secret Little Haven, Wargroove...
Tools of the Trade (essentially much of the KDE Plasma 5.27 desktop environment and a couple more utils)
GIMP, Krita, Blender, Inkscape, OpenStreetMap, SweetHome3D, LibreOffice Suite, Fish (command-line shell), Es (command-line shell), Karbon, , QGIS, GPlates, GProjector, QOwnNotes, KdenLive, Kate, LabPlot, Qt Creator, Buildroot, Debian, Devuan, Celestia, Cosmonium, KDE Plasma, KDE Liquidshell, custom KDE Plasmoids, ZealOS, Parade, Left, Ronin, Dotgrid, Pilot, Orca, GNU Common Lisp, LibertyEiffel, GNU CMake, GNU CoreUtils, OpenMPT, FastTracker, Furnace Tracker, Bintracker, Kitty (terminal emulator), , KDE Plasma Mobile, KDE Kirigami, Marble, Alpaka, Glaxnimate, KAlgebra, Kalm, Klevernotes, Licentia, Kalendar, Discover, Thunderbird, Peruse, Vail, KTechlab, KUIViewer, Francis, Kommit, KGeoTag, Rolistream RPG Client, Choqok (Mastodon, Jami & the Fediverse?), Arianna, RKWard, Konqueror, KMPlayer, Plan, Tokodon, PlasmaTube, KDiff3, Keysmith, Alligator, ghostwriter, Kontrast, AudioTube, youtube-dl?, Weather, digiKam, KLettres, Picmi, KTurtle, Parley, Kolf, Minuet, Okteta, Subtitle Composer, KJots, Skrooge, KEXI, Tellico, KFloppy, K3B, Kaffeine, ISO Image Writer, KMyMoney, Calligra Suite, KStars, Kid3, Haruna Media Player, Krusader, Telly Skout, KRename, Kongress, Kasts, KDE itinerary, Artikulate, Rocs, Kig, Step, KNights, KMPlot, KMouth, Umbrello, KAppTemplate, Cervisia, KNotes, Clazy, KWordQuiz, Kwave, DragonPlayer, KAddressBook, Cantor, Kontact, Skanpage, KTouch, KOrganizer, KBackup, Timeshift, Falkon, KMag, KMail, KImageMapEditor, Akregator, KGeography, Elisa, Krfb, Konversation, KMix, KDevelop, KDebugSettings, Kleopatra, KTorrent, KRuler, Kompare, Sweeper, KRDC, Lokalize, KCharSelect, Skanlite, KDE Partition Manager, KGpg, Yakuake, KColorChooser, KFind, Filelight, KWalletManager, KCalc, Gwenview, SPectacle, KDE Connect, Konsole, Kdenlive, HakuNeko, Kavita, GeoHub, Back Of Your Hand, locus, OwnTracks, darktable, Pixelmator, Procreate, Clip Studio Paint EX, OpenToonz (also its Morevna Edition), enve, Firefox, LibreWolf, Synfig Studio, Pencil2D, Storyboarder, TupiTube, BountySource, SourceHut, Gitea, GitPrep, digiKam, RawTherapee;
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gratzelinvest · 5 months
🇵🇱 Miasto: Marbella🌴🌴🌴🇪🇸
Stan/okręg: Malaga
Cena: 690.400 €
nieruchomości: 105 m 2
Powierzchnia działki: 161 m 2
Sypialnie: 2
Łazienki: 2
Orientacja: południowy zachód
Rok budowy: 2023
Parking: Podziemny
IWONA +34631824409
🇬🇧 City: Marbella🌴🌴🌴🇪🇸
State/district: Malaga
Price: €690,400
real estate: 105 m2
Plot area: 161 m2
Bedrooms: 2
Bathrooms: 2
Orientation: southwest
Year of construction: 2023
Underground car park
IWONA +34631824409
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phinnweb · 5 months
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Various Artists
Tampere Connection
Kontact Records (Finland)
14 November 2023
Out now. A showcase of local techno and electronic scene. Featuring Kompleksi (Mike Not & pHinn). Availability: Spotify, YouTube, Beatport (more to be added) Full tracklist: 1. Tm Shuffle, Monoder – Solstice 2. drS (FI) – Power of Hydrogen 3. Amuri Tekno – Tuulee 4. Jusa – Deep Inside 5. MASA Miracles – !? 6. Empath – Overarching 7. Joonas Aleksi – Falling Up 8. KimiK – Hypnojyske 9. Semi Sailor – Sunday Jitterbug 10. Matti Haaponiemi – Vapaa Viikonloppu 11. Roz – Osmium 12. Kompleksi – Battlestar Erotica
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Is this cope cage covered in ERA blocks, or cinderblocks? Either way it's hilarious.
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So far as I can tell, that is Kontact-1 ERA mounted to a cope cage. Funniest shit I've ever seen.
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