#Kissing in the weave while flipping off mystra
piratemousey · 6 months
"Peace on the Road"
Tav and Gale
Affinity Designer (I'm teaching myself still with tutorials and a technique called "What's this do?")
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My Tav: Ava Kross, Bard School of Lore
She honors the goddess Tymora who brings luck to adventurers with gold clovers falling like coins on her lute. The pillows are ones she's collected along the road to try and make her tent more comfortable.
This took long but I learned a lot about the program. The background was the last thing I did when I realized they were just in a white space. lol So, the background was a quicky.
If anyone has recommendations or tips about digital art, let me know. I learned photoshop about fifteen years ago in college when I went for fine art. I almost changed my major but then I had to go live with a blue eyed cutie.
Anyway, here's a fanfic for anyone interested in Gale romance.
Tav x Gale
Warning: romancing Gale, act 1 and 2 spoilers, head cannon, kissing, misuse of magic, magic which may not exist but it's a story, Lorroakan slander.
Tav laid quietly in her tent, the only sound the soft notes as she plucked her lute. After a long day on the road, Tav finally cleaned off the mud and crawled into her tent. The camp was quiet. The companions had spent the morning sifting through the remnants of the Duergar village. The underdark was strange for Tav who’d spent her life one the surface, but as she looked through the empty homes of the underdark dwarves, Tav no longer felt satisfied in her victory for the Myconids. Part of her knew that saving the colony was right. The Duergar were servants of the absolute. But it didn’t make it any easier to see children toys, crafting materials, pots and pans. Evidence of life. Life outside of warfare and dark alliances. They had lives and loves. It wasn’t that much different from Baldur’s Gate.
As Tav heard the soft rustle of her tent’s flap being moved, she wasn’t surprised to turn her eyes to find Gale crouched there.
“I didn’t know if you wanted to be alone with your thoughts,” Galen said.
“I can be with my thoughts and you,” Tav said. Gale smiled, looking down in his bashful way. It was funny to Tav that a powerful, daring, ambitious wizard would blush for her.
Gale climbed into the tent, sitting on the inside of the bedrolls where there was room. He sat contented on her overstuffed pink pillow. Tav and Gale had grow closer since the grove and the tiefling party. They shared so much in common; their love of knowledge and all things arcane. They read poetry to one another and recounted countless facts they found fascinating. But, it was more than that. Since the moment they spent in the weave together they’d been comforting one another. It started with a hand on the shoulder, or a touch on the back. It wasn’t something they talked about, it was something that happened. They quickly escalated to hugging.
Tav remembered when Gale hugged her fully for the first time. She’d sent everyone away from a planning meeting in frustration, but Gale stayed. He watched her with his soft brown eyes before he gathered her in his arms. His tenderness moved her and she found her frustrations lulled by the warmth of his affection. Gale held her firmly, and she held him back.
They hadn’t even kissed yet but she felt the connection. The warmth and reactions of love. He was trying to be a good friend. He was burdened by the orb and couldn’t imagine anything else in his life.
But Tav knew she was falling in love.
“Half the trouble is the beach wasn’t the best place for a camp,” Gale said. He moved his fingers in a practiced way, and a soft purple glow surrounding them along the floor of her tent. The soft scent of roses and vanilla encompassed them, sealing out the reality of the world outside.
“It seems I’m not alone in being thoughtful,” Tav said. “The whole camp is quiet.”
“I think everyone is tired,” Gale said. “Most of us haven’t been without the sun for this long, it will effect the mood. The underdark is peaceful though, and beautiful in it’s own way.”
Tav nodded her agreement. “I love the glow of the plants. It makes it more obvious everything around us is alive.” Tav let out a sigh, trying to push away her worries. “I’m probably the only one wondering what happened to the Duergar’s children than,” Tav confided in Gale knowing he’d search for a way to make things right.
“Given the Myconids propensity for recycling, I’d say they’re probably full of mushrooms tending a mushroom garden,” Gale said thoughtfully. Then he looked over at Tav realizing what he’d said. “I’m sure some of them made it to other colonies.” He tried to recover.
“You’re probably right on both counts,” Tav said. She pushed lose hair back from her. “It’s just one of those days you get on the road I guess.”
“We go through a lot in our day to day,” Gale said. “Never mind the hard ground, the cold, the mud, the dead things. We encounter things which test us. My own experimentations aside,” Gale said while he gestured to the scar on his neck from the orb blast. “These tests may not be fun, but there are some which can make us better. Some of them bring rewards which can further our skill and power, some take from us. People like us, we can’t resist the tests.”
“I always tested well but I went to a bard school,” Tav said in a self depreciating way.
“All knowledge brings challenges, none are less than the others,” Gale said. His smile was earnest, his face open like it was when they’d be info-dumping to one another about their interests.
“You don’t believe that,” Tav said with a laugh.
“I do, just because it’s not something I excel at…” Gale said.
Tav chuckled at Gale’s stuttering explanation.
“You don’t think your bard school was important?”
“I think it was important; especially at the time. But, I would have bet Gale of Waterdeep, an evocation wizard with his tower and his Tressym, would find it frivolous.” Tav said. She smiled and kept her tone playful so he’d know she was teasing him.
“You wound me,” Gale said with false discomfort. “I'd never begrudge a bard their own search for truth. You know my love of knowledge is only surpassed by my own self-obsession."
“What a self to be obsessed with,” Tav said. She couldn’t help but flirt with Gale. He was so close and she loved his smile. He looked so handsome and sweet when he smiled.
“If you think I’m bad you should meet this absolute ass of a man I know in Baldur’s Gate. Lorroakan. Thinks if you summon enough elementals and inherit enough magic artifacts from famous cousin’s people will think you’re powerful. He has a fire elemental in library, I understand the necessary for a good firetrap now and then, but surely he sees the danger of a flame creature near books.” Gale was incensed by this Lorroakan and his reckless elementals. Tav loved when he grew impassioned.
“We’ll have to go post up in front of his shop,” Tav said. She gestured with her lute. “I’ll think up some limericks for him.”
“I can provide petty details if you have need of any,” Gale said, looking pleased. “Wizards do love to gossip.”
“A collaboration?” Tav said. She shifted her body on the bedroll. She wanted to draw Gale’s attention to her body, and it worked. She saw him look over her reclining form briefly, his lips parting. “That could benefit us both. Tymora blesses people who share creatively in order to celebrate life, love, all kinds of things.”
“The blessing of a goddess,” Gale said, his eyes finding Tav’s again. “Well, we know the lengths I’d go to for such a favor.” Gale’s eyes were full of his affection for Tav. She’d seen the look before, usually when she wanted him to kiss her the most.
“I know Lady Luck well. I can teach you what you need to know,” Tav said. “She’s a more… giving goddess than some of the others.” Tav kept a soft sexy smile on her lips. She could tell Gale was responding to her innuendo.
“What would your first instruction be?” Gale asked, his voice taking on that soft rumble Tav loved.
“You can come closer if you’d like,” Tav said. She shifted her lute the beside her as if clearing the way for Gale.
Gale moved onto his hands and knees and moved closer. His smile endearing and self-assured. He rested on his elbow beside her. At first it looked to Tav like he might leave a space, but then they were close. They were in each other space and the weight of attraction pressed between them. Tav felt a yearning, she saw it on Gale’s face. He looked over her figure again before his hand rested on her side, the other arm, pushing beneath her back.
The soft perfume of roses had filled the tent only heightening the romantic atmosphere. And the silence of the camp gave the impression of being completely alone.
Tav and Gale gazed into one another’s eyes with desire. Gale rested his head against Tav’s cheek for a moment as he felt overwhelmed with affection. Tav released her lute, leaving the favor of the goddess Tymora for later. She rested her hand on his arm as it held her. Gale eased back to meet Tav’s gaze again. His hand moved from her waist to her cheek, gently tracing her lips with his fingers. Fingers which commanded the weave, hands which could be strong or delicate as needed.
Tav enjoyed Gale’s touch. She wanted to kiss him, but she also wanted whatever tenderness he would show her.
His hand moved under her ear. As Gale titled her head up, she closed her eyes. Their lips met softly. When Gale tilted his head to the right. He separated their lips for seconds. Those seconds drove Tav wild and she set her hand on his wrist. Gale’s lips curled in a satisfied smile as he gave her individual feathering kisses. Then he tilted his head to the left. He leaned into the kiss, pushing her lips apart. Tav scooted closer, her body pressed against Gale’s as their kiss deepened. Tav moved her hand into Gale’s coat, rubbing his chest. Gale’s tongue was pushing against Tav’s own, pushing her arousal. She used her tongue to run down Gale’s before gently sucked on his tongue while her fingers pushed open his collar.
The air shifted and the smell of seaweed drew Tav’s attention from her enjoyment of the moment.
Gale broke their kiss. When Tav looked around, she saw the purple glow was gone. Gale had stopped channeling.
“I’m sorry,” Gale said. “I don’t know why I used a concentration version of the spell. There’s another scent spell that stays around, but I don’t knows your thoughts of woody scents.”
“Did I break the concentration of Gale of Waterdeep?” Tav asked with a sly smile.
“You did indeed,” Gale’s gaze was on hers again, his passion only just beneath the surface.
“That sounds maybe like another test for you to pass,” Tav teased.
Gale laughed, letting his head drop between them. Tav felt so natural and relaxed as they held one another.
“Maybe another time,” Tav said. “I like woody scents, reminds me of the library.”
“Me too,” Gale replied as if their love of the library was almost a new idea. She loved his enthusiasm. Gale leaned onto his side to cast another spell, the warmth of the weave filling the tent again. The scent of heartwood and oak moss.
“That’s lovely,” Tav said watching the soft tendrils of weave which carried the scent.
Gale’s touch drew Tav’s attention. His thumb caressed her neck, his fingers gliding to her chin. He tipped her lips to his again. She let her fingers travel again over the scars on his chest, feeling his heartbeat race again. Tav didn’t know what reaction was occurring, but she knew it made Gale’s passion rise.
Tav and Gale kissed gently and spoke softly to one another as they lay in the haze of their affection. The small tent became an oasis from the troubles of the road and those which had upended their own lives. However, Tav felt conflicted. Amongst the tadpoles, and devil’s deals, fetching heads for giant mushroom people, She’d found Gale. He was wandering into the wilderness to die when the illithid plucked him up for their plans. Tav would never had the chance to meet him let alone fall in love with him. While Tav didn’t hold tightly to the goddess of adventure and luck, she wasn’t lying when she told Gale about the blessings which found people who honored her spirit. Tav didn’t care if she had to thank a goddess, an illithid, or a pack of goblins, she was gifted Gale. Tav wouldn’t lose him to the orb or some goddess’s whims.
I know that the game cannon has it’s own romance points. However, my head cannon is that while Gale was defiantly distracted with his own mortality, he and Tav were physically affectionate. The night with the stars, the tour, and the bed was their first time having sex. Gale had separated his emotions and even alone time with Tav from their day to day in his mind, not believing he could have anything good. He continued to wait for Tav to leave him as the pain from the orb grew, but that didn’t happen.
That’s why when he confesses his love he’s desperate and somewhat confused. He never thought he’d find love. He thought his fate was to die. But, in act two he can’t deny their love any longer.
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