pastacurls · 5 months
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I get that the anime wanted to push his and kayo’s relationship but was it necessary??? What was the reason to take away the importance of his friendships???? WHY?????
And this isn’t even the only instance of things that were taken out that showed an emphasis on his friendships with the others.
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Like??? Kenya’s reactions??????? They’re so emotional and so good WHY were these not put into the anime adaptation????? (And yes, I know both of those are in the live action but STILL!!! I would’ve loved to see it in the style of the anime itself)
I will never get over what we were ROBBED of when it came to some of Erased’s manga to anime adaptation, it’s an amazing adaptation but still I wish this stuff was kept the same/kept in
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liedende · 10 months
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After being Erased sober for 2 years I have now fully relapsed back into hyper-fixation territory 🥳
What does this entail you ask?
🦋 More Merch!! (coming in 2024)
🦋 Even MORE merch!! (with limited quantity)
🦋 More art and updating my older AU
Thus is my plan for next year, thriving to create even more CURSED erased merch…. Now, I wish to hear you opinion about these few design drafts
[Click more to view the sketches of the designs]
🫀shaped lollipop acrylic charm
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🐟 swimming with fishes liquid (lollipop)
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🕷️🕸️ Dangling Yashiro-sensei ✂️
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anime-ships-all-good · 8 months
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Kobayashi Kenya x Fujinuma Satoru
Boku Dake ga Inai Machi
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faerociousbeast · 2 years
i am a big kensato fan now
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This fandom be like:
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shuotaizawa · 4 years
not to be THAT type of fan but i genuinely think that satoru and kenya ending up together was completely plausible and would have been really sweet
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kikyozoldyck · 4 years
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just finished erased ✨
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sereiaxz · 3 years
Bruh I love Kensato I need more fanfics
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anime-freckles · 5 years
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Kensato [ ERASED ]
“If there’s a ‘part two’, take me with you.”
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bokumachirevived · 6 years
Okay, for my Bokumachi/Erased fans, send me headcanons about your favorite Erased ships/brotps (whether it be Satoru/Kayo, Kazu/Aya, Satoru/Kenya) or ask me about mine!
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gyamburu · 6 years
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pastacurls · 4 months
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And what if I said them. What if I did. What then liberals.
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liedende · 5 years
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Here’s something I’ve been working on for a while: Fate/Erased AU!!
I’ve compiled some info on the AU here: shorturl.at/MVZ68
Expect more from this AU coming, because hooboy do I have plenty more things to add to it.
Airi - Caster (Adult Satoru)
Satoru - Saber (Kenya)
Kayo - Assassin (Yashiro)
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diaphanserarchive · 7 years
the internet has a lack of quality kensato content and instead chooses to fixate on extremely unhealthy yashisato, whether it be during the revival timeline (literal pedophilia) or current times (actual criminal/intended victim + arguable power imbalance). please consider the healthy alternative of two adults of the same age in a constantly consensual relationship who have been good friends since childhood. 
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archive-creamycomet · 7 years
Reconciliation - Chapter 38
Finally, am I right? ง( ᐛ )ง Seriously, writing these chapters emotionally wrecks me haha;;;
“The lock shook and shivered in the doorknob, before sliding over with a near silent click.”
Read on AO3 here: [link]
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monstertots · 7 years
Remember Me: Chapter 2
Fandom: BokuMachi / Erased
Characters / Pairings: Satoru Fujinuma / Kenya Kobayashi
Genre: Comedy, Drama, AU
Rating: PG
AO3: link
Summary: Kimi no Na wa AU for Kensato
This chapter is Kenya's pov and the day before last chapter, next one will be back on track with how the timeline plays out in the movie which means Satoru in Kenya's place for the first time
Kenya awoke to the sound of his phone vibrating and golden rays shining directly onto his eyelids.  Squeezing them shut further, he flipped onto his stomach trying to block out the ongoing signs of morning.  He knew how to rush to get ready and had stayed up late studying last night; a few more moments of sleep couldn’t hurt.
Drifting back off there was an odd feeling he couldn’t quite place.  Ignore it, it’s nothing, he quickly thought.
But something caused Kenya rush and sit up, stealing any hope of more rest away from him.  He could of sworn...no.  He was just too tired.  There was no one who would be calling his name anyways.  His parents hadn’t woken him up for school in years and he couldn’t be running so late that one of his friends had shown up.
Flopping back down on the bed, that’s when he noticed.  His hair felt longer than it ever had been before, and he instantly sat back up.  Well...that isn’t normal.  Straightaway, Kenya started running his hands through the hair that quite obviously did not belong on his head.  Pulling a strand down confirmed that.
It was darker, no a completely different color.  It was brown now.  This was too weird and Kenya decided that it was best to do an once over of himself to make sure nothing else had miraculously changed over night.
He flung the sheets away from his body, settling his hands on his legs.  Instantly Kenya felt a difference, he wasn’t very muscular per se, but he could feel the added softness and tenderness in these thighs.  Hands flying away, they hovered silently as he tried to process everything.  Alright.  He wasn’t going to freak out.  This was probably just another dream and that’s why he couldn’t fall back asleep.  That made enough sense he thought as he gripped on the arms of this new body, squeezing a bit, and closing his eyes.  Again they were less built than his own and Kenya wondered just how much smaller this body was to his.  He wouldn’t really be able to tell unless he was able to compare side by side.  Finally, he started to feel the main body, abdomen and chest.  It all felt so real and Kenya could barely believe a dream could fabricate this.  Even though the body was smaller and weaker than his own, who he was currently living as couldn’t of been much different in age.
Suddenly, there was the sound of angered footsteps and before Kenya could even open his eyes the door to the room was being flung open.
“Satoru!  You need to get up, now!!”
Their eyes met for a strange moment, in which Kenya realized that he was in no normal position for anyone to be in.  The younger girl in front of him just blinked as he set his hands down beside himself, and without a word closed the door.
Well this was a fantastic way to start off a day, dream or otherwise.
 Within the first hour of his “new life”, that’s what it felt like so that’s what he was calling it, Kenya had learned 3 things.  One, the girl was his sister named Airi.  Two, he lived with her and his grandmother because their father was a politician and he apparently disliked him.  Three, the town he lived in was really rural.  He was a little surprised that the phone he owned even could get service in such a place.  There were plenty of people living here sure, but any other towns nearby seemed nonexistent.
Actually there was a fourth thing he had learned.  And that was that yes, he indeed had friends.  Friends he had no idea about and had apparently been with for a lifetime.  Well he had just settled for staying quiet and listening; saying that he was fine and just tired from studying.  Which was true to some extent.
The two, Kayo and Hiromi if he heard correctly, seemed to get along really well and enjoyed teasing each other too.  The teasing wasn’t obvious and was a bit more on the girl, Kayo’s side but it had Kenya wondering if that’s how all of them acted together or if the two were a couple.  He supposed that it wasn’t really something he would be able to gather by just watching them though.  But asking was off the table; this walk to school already felt awkward enough.  Did they feel the same way or had the excuse worked?
Lost in thought, Kenya almost missed the two changing path to enter school.  Luckily he caught this and was able to catch up before it looked suspicious.  But then he was slapped with the sudden realization, lockers.  He wasn’t going to know what locker was his.  Well, he might as well just ask who he trusts.
“H-hey I’m still mostly unconscious so...can I ask which is mine?”
Kayo turned at the tug on her sleeve, blinking before pointing one out. “Wow, am I going to have to point you to a desk too?”
Kenya tried to laugh as he changed shoes, but it came out too nervous. Because yes, yes he was.
 Laying back down in the foreign bed, Kenya felt exhausted.  Gladly classes weren’t too bad.  Kayo jokingly pointed his desk out which he thanked EVERY god for and they mostly only took notes.  
At some point during the day he had zoned out wondering just when this dream would end.  It just seemed to drag on like any other day.  He wrote on one of the pages of his notebook “who are you?” he wasn’t very sure why but this really did feel like living in another person’s shoes.  At least it was a pretty calm other person’s shoes, but that didn’t keep him from stressing every step of the way.  Which is why he was so tired despite it being such an easy day and almost passed out instantly after his head hit his pillow.
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