trekkie-lkm-archive · 3 months
Info: So I was watching the movie and I was just like, 'Gee, Kirk's sure getting knocked around a lot, I wonder how he's still standing?' BECAUSE I MEAN JUST- Let's list what I remember.
1) Was whammied by McCoy and his medical voodoo. 2) Was further whammied by really goddamn severe allergic reactions to said voodoo (even if it was hilarious at the time.) 3) SKYDIVING FUN TIEMZ and fighting on the Giant Drill of Death. 4) Vulcan nerve pinch, osnaps. 5) Was deserted on a fucking freezing planet, chased by a bigass Cloverfield monster, rolled down a huge snowbank and ran for his life across cracking ice. 6) Unexpected mind rape meld. 7) Had the crap beaten out of him and was choked half to death by Spock. 8) Had the crap beaten out of him by Romulans who (they're related to Vulcans, right?) are probably x100 times as strong as humans. Strangled again. 9) From what I can guess, little to no sleep for anywhere from 24 to 72 hours. 10) HE WAS RUNNING A WHOLE LOT, I mean the man must have been goddamn exhausted. 11) Mental stress from A) the destruction of a whole fucking planet, B) the loss of almost the entirety Starfleet Academy cadets (probably including the green chick he'd been 'friendly' with), C) memories he might have picked up from Spock Prime about the life he never lived and might never have, plus the severe the emotional backlash from the meld and D) ALL OF THAT GODDAMN STRESS. Srsly.
So what I would like is a post-movie fic where Kirk, after the adrenaline wears off (this can be immediately after they escape the pull of the anomaly or hours or even a day later, I don't care) completely crashing. Like, having a conversation one minute and falling flat on your face the next type crashing. Because really, the human body isn't made to withstand a beating like that without requiring some recuperation time.
McCoy/Kirk, Spock/Kirk, Spock/Kick/McCoy or Spock/Kirk/Uhura is preferred. Hurt/comfort is a must. Bonus points if there's concerned!Uhura finally demonstrating even the slightest sliver of respect for Kirk after everything he did. Even more bonus points for concerned!McCoy snark. :D
I don't know it's appropriate for a kink meme, but I'd really rather the focus be on the hurt/comfort and characters than the on sex, if there's any sex at all. I leave that up to the author.
...hopefully that wasn't too specific. BUT I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER SRSLY. I don't know why Kirk whump is so addictive. He just bruises so pretty, IDEK. (thread)
Fill: 1/3
Author: Kain_was_Here
Archive Link
Fill: 2/3 + Journal
Author: Kei_Rin
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Fill: 3/3
Author: Zinfic
Archive Link
Plus bonus fic's mentioned in comments:
One + Archive
Two + Archive
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destroy-some-evil · 4 months
Summary: Zee does his good deed for the year. Also known as: What I wish happened in episode 9.
It's been just a little bit more than a decade since I last wrote and uploaded a fic and it's Twins the series that gets me writing again. I have no words.
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trekkie-lkm-archive · 4 months
Info: Girl!Kirk/Spock Genderbending
Kirk pissed off one to many priestesses and now has to deal with the consequences.
Fill: 1/1
Author: Kei_rin
Archive Link
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destroy-some-evil · 2 months
Still thinking about Until We Meet Again.
I'm just thinking about the AU where Pharm grows up knowing his grandfather.
One of his earliest memories is being absolutely frightened of this big man with pale eyes that he starts crying. He doesn’t remember if he was old enough to walk, but it doesn’t matter because his father is there. His dad picks him up and tells the man in the doorway to leave, and the man does. He doesn't say anything; he just puts the present he brought for his grandson down on a nearby side table and turns around without saying anything. There is an apology in his eyes, but does not insist that anyone hear it. Pharm eventually clams down, sniffling into his dad's shoulder.
The next time he meets his grandfather, ...
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