#Kazami Kakeru
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fictional-birthdays · 2 months
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Happy Birthday! (April 17th)
Charlise (Animal Crossing)
Charlotte Anana (One Piece)
Porter (Animal Crossing)
Mr. Aoki (Pop’n Music)
Himeno Ayanokoji (Love Live! School Idol Festival)
Kakeru Kazami (Shounen Hollywood)
Nonoka Miyanaga (BanG Dream!)
Heikou (Show By Rock!!)
Gaaruru (PriPara)
Sakamoto (Nichijou)
Prince Hata (Gintama)
Gaopowerroo (Sanrio)
Tamayo Kizaki (Angelic Layer)
Tomoka Osakada (Prince of Tennis)
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jun-mie · 4 years
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m-yellow · 4 years
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disasteromnia · 5 years
But can they sing? (TW)
✧ A big reason for me starting doing this is because of of Kazuki Kato, Mal’s voice actor. He’s an amazing singer and I just wanted to post a bit more about his work lmao╰(▔∀▔)╯
Since this whole thing did start with Mal, I’m going to start with him! Can I just say Diasomnia has been blessed with voice actors?? Boi the only one who has a newbie voice actor is Sebek like you can just tell they’re the favourite dorm
Malleus Draconia
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Voice: Kazuki Kato
Kazuki Kato isn’t really a voice actor, he’s a an actor/singer. Some of that acting work includes:
✧ Daisuke Kazama/Kamen Rider Drake in Kamen Rider Kabuto / Kamen Rider Kabuto: God Speed Love
✧ Shiro Kazami/Kamen Rider V3 in Kamen Rider The Next
✧ Ichomoku Ren in Jigoku Shoujo (Hell Girl) Live Action
✧ Keigo Atobe in Prince of Tennis Musicals
✧ Kaito in Senbonzakura (Musical)
✧ Tybalt in Romeo and Juliet (2014 Musical)
As for voice acting roles, he does have quite a few experience under his belt! Some of that includes:
✧ Kikyo in Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
✧ Masamune Date in Ikemen Sengoku: Toki o Kakeru Koi
✧ Kento Aizome in B-Project
✧ EASY GO (KHR! Op 6)
✧ Faith
✧ Vampire
✧ Sand Castle 
✧ LOVE IN SECRET x SEXY NIGHT shall we make love? come on baby
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amy-the-fairy · 7 years
Tagged by the lovely @glasssnowdrop still surprised to have been chosen lol
Rules: write your 10 favorite characters from 10 different fandoms and tag 10 people
Decim - Death Parade (my cherished son)
Princess Daisy - Super Mario Bros 
Princess Yona - Akatsuki no Yona 
Dandy - Space Dandy (thank to have made me smile so much when time were rough)
Matsuno Osomatsu - Osomatsu san (what a cute and desperate case)
Spanner - Katekyo Hitman Reborn (wish he had his own charasong
Kazami Kakeru - Shounen Hollywood
Ozaki Toshio - Shiki (I’ll always defend you~)
Tanaka Ryuunosuke - Haikyuu!!! (I love this thug)
Ryuugazaki Rei - Free! (I hope they will not use you as a fanservice device in the next season, son...)
I tag : @showtimebananas @sangrebelleza @nhvz @hetaliamatsu @reecheecx @r0ryy  @kritzels-trash
It’s all I have in mind... sorry if I forgot someone ^^”
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thedigitalpen · 8 years
Are they trying to kill me with this? I’m all about this ship!
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shonen-hollywood · 8 years
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To: Soup (@primevalsoup)
Hello dear!! Merry Christmas!! Here's a drawing of our five lovely boys huddling together during the cold winter! It's not added but please look as though they are huddling under a huge blanket, drinking hot chocolate ;u; I hope you like this drawing! Once again, Merry Christmas, and continue to stay healthy and happy!! ^-^/ (Also available on twitter!)
From: Ash
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I used to wonder why Kakeru’s solo “Makka Na Pride” was never uploaded on Tumblr, until I tried to myself and found out how big the file was.
So instead, I uploaded it on Google Drive! Here’s the link.
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jun-mie · 7 years
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ociocchi · 9 years
(vía https://soundcloud.com/ociocchi/rkm2fmhkwphh?utm_source=soundcloud&utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=tumblr)
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chihiro-67 · 9 years
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thedigitalpen · 8 years
Unlikely pair-ups, bromances & couples we ship... #1
Sometimes while you’re watching a show, there are those times were you see some form of chemistry between 2 characters who ordinarily wouldn’t be put together in a match up or you see a couple that has very little chemistry but for some reason you really want to support them. I know that it goes against the flow/storyline that is carefully developed throughout the show, but when the characters are well-developed, this kind of thing is bound to happen..
So I’ve started compiling a list of some of the unlikely pair-ups that I’ve enjoyed catching every now and then. They don’t always have to be romantic, but it’s that kind of potential that lies under the surface that intrigues me.. Like, if they were out of school and in college or in the work place and they ran into each other again and weren’t with anyone, would they be able to make it? Would the still be friends? And being a fujoshi, this isn’t strictly limited to just girl-boy relationships of course..
I’ll be doing a series of these since it’s an ongoing list – the more you watch, the more you’re likely to find. So to start things off, we have…
Shounen Hollywood: A bit of an odd choice since there aren't really any girls in this show but then again, these posts aren't limited to just girl-boy interactions. Kakeru and Makki are my boys of choice.. And not just because I think that they are the cutest of the bunch, but because they're the 2 of the group that seem to genuinely get along. They take the train together and when Kakeru has his little meltdown, Makki is the one to try his hardest to get things back on track for the group - the 2 of them being the ones to disappear for a couple of days. And what brings Kakeru back? The very same hand-drawn flyer that Makki made. Even in the second season, you’ll see lots of these moments where they 2 of them are there for each other. This is most probably because they have a somewhat similar approach to their job and have a similar train of thought. Whenever one disappears on their own, the other one follows to make sure that they’re alright. So sweet! Whether you want to go boys-love romantic or not, they have an easy kind of friendship and share more than just their job - their chats on the train are pretty fun and you can tell that they'll be friends for a while to come...
And now for the picture fest that will illustrate exactly what I mean!! :D (Don’t act like you didn’t know that there would be pictures)...
When they first started out, Makki and Kakeru would catch the same train together and just talk about their day or whatever else came to mind and have a laugh.. This is where the two of them first started to connect:
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The advantage of going home together is that you always have a pal with you if you want to catch a bite to eat. Makki lives alone so I’m sure he appreciates the company, even if he talks about some pretty odd stuff:
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They always support each other when they’re at work. If you watch closely, you’ll notice that there are a number of times when either Makki or Kakeru will walk away to take a moment alone. Whenever that happens, the other one will always follow to find out what’s wrong.. I think it’s the sweetest thing that they are always looking out for each other and keeping an eye on each other:
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They share a similar mindset when it comes to this “being an idol” thing - they aren’t exactly sure what’s expected but they try to do what they can. This would explain why they can usually understand each others’ point of view, but they don’t necessarily get how others feel about things.. They’re in sync:
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Kakeru isn’t much of a “joiner” but Makki always makes sure to include everyone in the fun, including Kakeru:
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Even on the way to work, they share a bit of themselves that they usually wouldn’t want everyone to know about.. Like when Kakeru feels he can’t sing with confidence, Makki gives him some advice:
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And like with any good bromance, they always keep it real with each other, even if it stings a little:
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Even if the truth hurts, it doesn’t mean that they won’t try to help each other fix the problem, even if it means using a little force. After all, that’s what friends do:
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And in return, Kakeru will rescue Makki right back if he needs it, no matter how ridiculous the situation:
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And if Makki is feeling discouraged, Kakeru helps him look on the bright side of things:
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Sometimes friendships can go through some tough times, which might not be ideal, but it’s only natural.. Kakeru goes through something he’s not ready to share after finding out how some people feel about Shounen Hollywood, but even so, Makki is always ready to stand by him, even if Kakeru is being an ass for now:
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Eventually Kakeru comes to see that even when he has no faith, Makki has enough for the both of them:
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Sure it’s not all sunshine and roses after a misunderstanding and there may be a bit of awkwardness, but they eventually find their way back to their version of “normal”:
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And then it’s back to business:
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Although Makki tries hard, he’s not the best dancer and he also has issues with reading kanji since he was a yankee (a thug) in high school. He gets berated quite a bit by Kira but Kakeru has Makki’s back and makes sure to support his partner, especially when he sees how those criticisms get to him:
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And yes, Kakeru can also keep it real with Makki when he suggests shaving his eyebrows off:
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And even the others in the group can sometimes see that they are on their own beat:
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Even when things get hectic for the boys, these two manage to make some time and take opportunities to hang out and chill:
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Sometimes you have to wonder if Makki is a naughty influence on Kakeru when they get up to mischief together and go spying on Kira and his new love interest. But then again, Kakeru balances it out and keeps Makki in check when he goes off these missions:
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These guys can be pretty hilarious together, but when Kakeru finds out he has to take Makki’s spot in the centre, it’s not so much that he feels guilty, but rather that he wonders if he will be able to do as good a job as Makki does and “surpass his smile”:
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In the end though, although Makki was disappointed at losing his spot, he always supported Kakeru and made sure to help him so that he could be the best centre man possible:
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To my mind, Makki and Kakeru are like the foundation of the group. They support each other both at work and out of work and when one feels down, the other is there to pick them back up. You could call it bromance or you could go the fujoshi route and say that they have some serious couple potential, but either way, watching them was one of my favourite parts of the show and that’s why they have been chosen as one of the many partnerships that I loved and supported throughout the show.. And I know I’m not the only one out there that feels this way about them...
Well, I hope you enjoyed this incredibly long and picture-filled post! Look forward to more like this in future because I’ve already got a LOT of ideas. And if you have any unlikely/unusual partnerships you liked, let me know! I’d be interested to see what/who you liked seeing together!
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s-eita · 9 years
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Shun + Kakeru  ❤
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This was my submission for the Halloween 2021 Fanwork Contest on the Idol Boys & Actors Discord server. I already knew I had no chance of winning. I just used the deadline to motivate myself to make something ShoHolly.
Originally, I was going to make a silly joke of a fanart where Kira and Shion (same seiyuu, different anime) swap outfits. Then, I'd say, "They're cosplaying each other. Cosplay involves costumes, and costumes make Halloween." I scrapped the idea because it was too easy and I wanted to really contribute to ShoHolly.
My second idea was to draw Kira in a sparkly idol version of the Grim Reaper costume with a huge pinwheel in the place of a scythe. I imagined the end product being a closeup of Kira sitting down, and soon realized I could not draw that at all.
In the end, I chose to play to my strengths, and my strengths were "everyone is standing in a wide shot."
The idea to design Halloween costumes for all of ShoHolly first came to mind when I thought of Kira in spiderweb fishnets. The fishnets were supposed to be a dark shade of blue, but I erased it because it was making the web design hard to see, and the remaining color post-erasure actually looked so good I didn't recolor the fishnets.
I intended to put Kakeru in a suit with a long tailcoat, like Sebastian Michaelis, except it looked boring when I tried. I nearly made him Slenderman before the idea to dress him like a BDSM dom hit me. The belts, boots, and corset would've been black if I had the energy to color. All the energy went to darkening his red leather jumpsuit.
As for Shun, I've been wanting to put those ripped jeans on him since seeing Holly Stage For You. It took me so much time to figure out how to draw the rips. I think I might've drawn his chest too broad here.
At first, I put the glowstick in Makki's mouth. That was another endeavor that took so much time. Then, I drew a back pocket on his baggy pants and decided to move the glowstick there. I can't remember if I had the idea to collar him to Kakeru before or after getting the dom suit idea.
Tommy's outfit might be the one I regret the most. I had drawn him holding a pumpkin pail before his clothes, and I got the idea to make him look like a kid going out to trick-or-treat, which meant he had to wear a kid's Halloween costume. There's nothing fashionable about bedsheet ghosts, so I put spider legs instead. Next, to emphasize on the "kid" aspect, I put Tommy in a Gothic-Lolita-inspired outfit. It was a lot effort to decide how many layers of frills were needed. Honestly, the end product looks like a mess.
In the future, I will paint. The texture of color pencils here is just awful, and I don't have enough ink varieties. The sky will be orange, and the ground and anything in the background connected to it will be black. The shadows will be orange, too. Only the characters, the moon, and the stars will be colored differently. And Tommy will be in a nicer costume.
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