#Kawakami Otojiro
chipsboo · 8 months
Meiji Tokyo Renka ‘wallpapers’ 🍾 (part 5/5)
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Portrait: <3
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2t2r · 3 years
Sada Yacco : de geisha à star du théâtre occidental
Nouvel article publié sur https://www.2tout2rien.fr/sada-yacco-de-geisha-a-star-du-theatre-occidental/
Sada Yacco : de geisha à star du théâtre occidental
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naha-division · 9 months
Wild Shīnu - Inspiration
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Hercules — Shuumatsu no Valkyrie
Junichirou Kubota — Tomo-chan is a girl
Juzo Sakakura — Danganronpa 3
Kyo Kusanagi — Street Fighter
Crow — Show by Rock
Itto — Genshin Impact
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Ryunosuke Tsunashi — Idolish7
Cater Diamond — Twisted Wonderland
Iketeru Daga — A Life Lesson with Umarichi Oniisan
Azami Izumida — A3!
Impey Barbicane — Code: Realize − Guardian of Rebirth
Raul Aconite — Cupid Parasite
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Vil Schoenheit — Twisted Wonderland
Chigiri Hyoma — Blue Lock
Otojiro Kawakami — Meiji Tokyo Renka
Arashi Narukami — Ensemble Stars!!
Kouyo Ozaki — Bungou stray dogs
Yukinojou Tachibana — King of Prism: Seven Shiny Stars
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kah0hinata · 5 years
okay multiple questions here but:
1. why is otojiro (i think i got his name right) doing this. for fun? to increase his acting skills? to troll people? to avoid people recognizing him?
2. does otojiro just walk around in this getup? is there anything in particular that he does while dressed like this? go to tea shops and have fun?
3. HOW DOES NO ONE RECOGNIZE HIM he has crossdressing photos that are up for sale where people KNOW its him, he's way to famous for no one to connect the dots, HE HAS PUT ON MAKE UP AND HAIR EXTENSIONS AND THAT IS THE EXTENT OF IT, HOW IS HE GOING INCOGNITO IN THAT???
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jewlwpet · 5 years
Less than a century ago, Europe and America had to rely solely on art works, Japanesque parodies, and a few first-person reports for their total knowledge of Japanese theater. And theater might have lagged behind the plastic arts even more had it not been for Otojiro Kawakami (1864-1911) and Sada Yakko (1871-1945), pioneers who opened western eyes to Japanese theater, and Japanese doors to western imports. So vast and deep were their achievements that many remain unprecedented to this day. They were instrumental in creating Japan's first political theater, "docudramas," and children's theater. They led the first Japanese theater company abroad, touring extensively in America and Europe in 1899-1901 to provide the West its first glimpse of Japanese theater. They built the Japan's first western-style theater, implemented numerous managerial forms, and founded a school for actresses. Yet they have rarely been given their due. Bowers calls Kawakami a "sensational charlatan," while Japanese historians often treat him as a blowhard and clown, a necessary but trivial stepping-stone from kabuki to shingeki ("new theater"), the western-style modern theater.
Jonah Salz, “Intercultural Pioneers: Otojiro Kawakami and Sada Yakko”
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thecrazyanimegirl · 5 years
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“You have good taste, Mori-san.”
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chizakura · 5 years
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hibari-asamishiina · 7 years
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msyuksanh · 5 years
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4Gamer’s article on the “Meiji Tokyo Renka ~High Collar Date~” event on June 22nd, 2019 at the Maihama Amphitheatre!
The name of the event was “明治東亰恋伽 ハイカラ浪漫劇場~Honeymoon~/ Meiji Tokyo Renka High Collar Romance Theatre ~Honeymoon~”
CAST Namikawa Daisuke (Ogai Mori) KENN (Hishida Shunso) Toriumi Kosuke (Kawakami Otojiro) Okamoto Nobuhiko (Izumi Kyoka) Fukuyama Jun (Goro Fujita) Tachibana Shinnosuke (Yakumo Koizumi) Umehara Yuichiro (Ozaki Koyo) Aoi Shouta (Taki Rentaro) Maeno Tomoaki (Yokoyama Taikan) Morikawa Toshiyuki (Charlie)
Visit the link for the full article and more photos: [source]
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Morose Mononokean II 1 | Mob Psycho 100 II 1 | Meiji Tokyo Renka 1 | My Roommate is a Cat 1 | Promised Neverland 1
I think I’ve got too many cute fluffy creatures this season...
Mononokean II 1
For some reason, before I started watching this I kept reminding myself of Tomodachi Metre and fearing the new OP (because there’s almost always a new OP when dealing with a second season) would be faster-paced…the song is faster-paced, but not in the way I thought it would be (I thought it was going to be hard rock kind of pace, but it’s at least a tad slower than that).
Utakuni is such a fluffy kitty!
Ah, Moja Moja is best moja, indeed. Gossamers from As Miss Beelzebub Likes just don’t compare, y’know?
The Legislator is practically the king of “You mad, bro?”. (LOL)
Okay-dokay, lemme explain. There are 3 arms of government (known as the separation of powers, in order to have a series of checks and balances) – the Legislative, Executive and the Judiciary, meaning we’re missing that final one at the moment…
I never knew Morose Mononokean was so obsessed with comedy…or maybe I’m just noticing it now that I have experience with comedy I get bored at…
Abeno’s face of disgust really sold that moment with Moja, LOL.
Well, by virtue of being a sequel to something I watched previously, it’s more likely to get coverage, but you can never say for certain until the first episodes are over and done. On to the next thing – Mob Psycho!
Mob Psycho 100 II 1
Alright, all these “II 1”s are going to make me confused someday, aren’t they…?
I think the dude’s Suisho simply means “water crystal”. But I’m only guessing as to what kanji are being used here, so I could be wrong.
The pixel art bit was good. More like that, please!
“Your life is your own” – is that Mob Psycho’s slogan, in the same way Symphogear has that thing about “holding courage to fist” and whatnot?
Unlike Mononokean, which you only need to know the very basics (which are in turn explained in the episode itself), it seems Mob Psycho is playing hardball in that department – if you don’t remember that time Kamuro started kicking his lackeys around, you’re going to have to watch it again. (Either that, or you watch the Reigen recap.)
Hmm…”[something to help Mob] grow” sounds a bit odd, but that’s a correct translation. That’s what seichou suru means.
Oh great…you know how I said I was cleaning out the house lately? Someone found an old copy of this book called Inventing Elliot, which I despised studying about (because it got me some of the lowest grades in my school life, aside from outright failures and close scrapes with failure). The problem is, I’m getting Inventing Elliot vibes from this particular plotline…and since that’s Mean Girls in a boys’ private school + Mob Psycho is all about the abuse of power, that’s completely a storyline the show would go with. *gulp*
Hey, they have actual eyecatches now! Hooray!
A certain kanji for “Emi” (with a mi in hiragana, IIRC) is “smile” in English, so I find it interesting they paired Mob up with a girl like her. (Then again, if it were a hiragana/kanji mix, that’s not a name.)
Oh yeah, the hitode (starfish) shirt.
Rinshi! Ekoda-chan 1
Why am I covering an R18+ series? It’s a long story…
The jokes are, as of this segment with the old lady, only about 50% hits. That seems to be a pretty bad track record. The thing about Ekoda being identified as 3 years older than what she really is is also relatable, since I don’t think I’ve grown much past a certain age.
Note there’s a Japanese store called JUSCO. There was one in Hong Kong, which was full of cool stationery.
Wait…that’s it? So why’s it 26 minutes??? Documentary…okay, I’m getting the heck out of here.
Meiji Tokyo Renka 1
I heard Ume was here…? More bishies and more Ume for me!
What’s up with the Haikara-san ga Tooru outfit, anyway?
Who dis boy? He kinda looks like Mikoshiba from Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun…Update: That’s Ougai.
At least the jazz music is cool. Also, the episode title should be “Suddenly, under a Strawberry Moon…” or something, since it went totsuzen ni.
*Mei checks her phone* - This is why you don’t text and walk across the road, kids!
Ougai…y’mean, Mori Ougai? The loli dude from Bungou Stray Dogs is this redhead?! EHHHHHHHHHHHH?
Oh great. Amnesia plotline…
Hishida Shunso…a painter.
Okay…that’s a really obvious point where you’d be able to insert your own name if you were a gal (or if you wante to play as a gal).
The age of the Rokumeikan seems to pin the timeline down to “after 1883”. For some reason, it sounded familiar, but I wasn’t familiar with why - so maybe I’ll learn about it someday.
“Little Squirrel”?(!) (lowkey laughs for all the wrong reasons) And here I thought “Little Flower” (from Magic-kyun’s Louis and Dame x Pri’s Vino) was awkward-sounding but still endearing.
Okay, second redhead. When I saw him in the OP, I swore he was Ancient Magus’ Bride’s Chise…
So the germophobe redhead is Izumi Kyoka…but I’m not sure who this Kawakami is…
I don’t know how anyone could make a germophobe endearing, much less make him romanceable…
Otojiro Kawakami. Comedian and actor.
Lafcadio…wuh? Update: (Patrick) Lafcadio Hearn, Greek dude with a Japanese penname. He seems to have written stuff on Japan as well as other places.
“…that collection of ghost stories…”
Everyone seems to have forgotten about the roast beef but the animators…LOL…oh, spoke too soon. Kawakami just walked it back to the table.
Wowwwwwwwwwwww, Mei is so easily distracted by roast beef and pretty boys who, to be honest, aren’t that pretty…I’m just waiting for the long-haired dude and/or Ume and I’ll kick my butt out of here.
I thought Fujita was voiced by a familiar voice and turns out I was right – it’s Fukuyama Jun.
Well, that was mildly unsatisfying. I think I spent more time watching Mei getting blushy at dudes and not feeling an attraction myself. Fujita was the only one I wanted and he didn’t even do much but swing a sword. Seriously, though, what the heck was Charlie doing turning off the lights all of a sudden?
My Roommate is a Cat 1
Well, it’s either that title or Dokyounin wa Hiza, Tokidoki Atame no Ue. …which is a lot to write in one shot.
Why’s the cat on Subaru��s…junk?
The cat appears to be typing out the Dancing Men from Sherlock Holmes…except they’re cats. The Dancing Men are basically what made me think I had a career in computer security in the first place, come to think of it…but I’ve abandoned that kind of thinking now. Modulos are way too hard for me.
Them spoilers! I know that feel.
Koguma = small bear, in a story about a small cat. LOL.
Hiroto…I thought about this during the funeral scene, but…why does he look like Suzaku from Code Geass???
Hmm, yeah. I can see why Hiroto isn’t all that convinced – I’m a similar kind of person, with only a small pool of pursuits that keep me going for a long, long time. *looks at rabbit outside and remembers when I saw it in the darkness about 3 years ago*
Oh, so Subaru was so absorbed in his manuscript he forgot to eat, huh?
Kitty show too cute! Ehehehee… <- (ecstatic about having a new weekly dose of cuteness)
Promised Neverland 1
I’ve read the first volume of this. I’m not 100% in love with it, but if I can have bragging rights over finding the next big hit, why not?
Noitamina…now that’s a name I haven’t seen in a few years…*grumbles at Amazon*
For some reason Norman (white-haired boy) has this “betrayer” vibe written all over him. It’s because I know in BnHA and Ao no Exorcist, there are betrayals by certain people.
The aesthetic of this thing is like a fairytale and not like a typical anime. That’s probably one thing that convinced people to give it a shot.
LOL, there’s a Detective Conan door..well, it kind of looks like one.
The word for “tag” in Japanese is onigokko and “It” is an oni. That gives a whole new meaning to “playing tag with monsters”, doesn’t it?
Update: I can sort of feel my “this is popular, so I won’t like it” radar going off...so I’ll put it on hold until I get over that feeling.
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newsintheshell · 5 years
Crunchyroll: altre serie si aggiungono al palinsesto invernale della piattaforma
Un’altra stagione ricca di simulcast è alle porte, i primi episodi online già da domani.
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Siamo ormai agli inizi della nuova stagione anime e Crunchyroll si affretta ad annunciare quali serie faranno parte del palinsesto invernale. Dopo aver confermato in precedenza l’arrivo di “The Rising of the Shield Hero”, “Girly Air Force”, “The Price of Smiles” e dell’attesa seconda stagione di “Mob Psycho 100″, la piattaforma ha ha annunciato altre sei serie che saranno distribuite, sottotitolate in italiano, in contemporanea con il Giappone. Vediamole in dettaglio.
Boogie Pop and Others
Adattamento completamente nuovo della serie di romanzi mistery, dai connotati sovrannaturali e profondamente psicologici, scritta da Kouhei Kadono ed illustrata da Kouji Ogata. La serie tv sarà diretta da Shingo Natsume (ACCA: L’ispettorato delle 13 province) presso lo studio Madhouse. La sceneggiatura sarà curata da Tomohiro Suzuki (One Punch Man), mentre il character design da Hidehiko Sawada. Lo studio si è già occupato di un primo adattamento ispirato al romanzo, nel 2000 infatti Takashi Watanabe ne diresse una serie anime di 12 episodi, distribuita in Italia da Dynit con il titolo “Bogiepop Phantom”. 
Takeda Keiji stava aspettando la sua fidanzata, Miyashita Touka, a scuola. Ma lei non si è presentata all'appuntamento e non riesce a trovarne traccia. Il sole inizia a tramontare e Takeda decide di rinunciare e di tornare a casa. In quel momento vede un uomo vagare barcollando con le lacrime negli occhi. Takeda e le altre persone capiscono presto che l'uomo non è normale e decidono di ignorarlo, ma una persona si avvicina allo strano individuo. Una figura misteriosa che indossa un mantello e un bizzarro cappello. Questa persona sembra avere lo stesso volto di Miyashita Touka, la fidanzata che ha scaricato Takeda...
Il primo episodio sarà disponibile in streaming dal 4 gennaio alle ore 15:00.  
WATATEN!: an Angel Flew Down to Me
Serie anime basata sul manga comico “Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita!” scritto e disegnato da Nanatsu Mukunoki. A dirigere il progetto presso lo studio Doga Kobo (Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun, New Game!) sarà Daisuke Hiramaki. La sceneggiatura sarà curata da Yuka Yamada (Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid, My Sweet Tyrant), mentre il character design sarà ad opera di Hiromi Nakagawa.
Miyako è una timida studentessa del liceo ed è anche un'otaku. Un giorno le accade d'incontrare alcuni ragazzini angelici delle elementari! Quando Miyako vede Hana-chan, nuovo amico della sorella minore, il suo cuore non smette di battere! La ragazza tenta di stare con loro, ma con difficoltà... una commedia a sketch su come rimanere accanto alla ragazza super carina sta per iniziare!
Il primo episodio sarà disponibile in streaming dal 8 gennaio alle ore 16:00.  
Magical Girl Spec-Ops Asuka
Serie animata tratta dal manga scritto da Makoto Fukami (Psycho-Pass) e disegnato da Seigo Tokiya, che propone una versione più cruda ed action del genere majokko con ragazze armate fino ai denti. A dirigere il progetto presso lo studio LIDENFILMS sarà Hideyo Yamamoto (Code:Realize, Strike the Blood). Il character design sarà adattato da Yoko Suzuki e la sceneggiatura sarà curata da Makoto Fukami e Norimitsu Kaihou (School-Live!, Danganronpa 3).
Leggende, miti e magia... l'umanità ha finalmente la possibilità di incontrare un mondo che è stato dimenticato per via dello sviluppo scientifico. Comunque questa riunione non è delle più felici. Dei mostri invadono la terra dal mondo dei morti rendendo inutili le armi moderne e lasciando incerto il destino dell'umanità. Ma grazie all'Otherworld Trade Agreement, l'umanità ha la possibilità di uscire dal baratro dell'estinzione grazie alle ragazze magiche. Queste eroine, che hanno ottenuto poteri magici immensi, conducono finalmente gli umani alla vittoria malgrado tutte le ferite fisiche ed emotive che provoca loro farlo. Nonostante tutto questa vittoria si dimostra niente più che l'inizio di una nuova battaglia. Con la crescita del crimine in tutto il mondo, terrorismo indiscriminato, guerre civili e disordini pubblici il lavoro delle ragazze magiche non finisce mai...
Il primo episodio sarà disponibile in streaming dal 11 gennaio alle ore 20:15.  
Kemono Friends 2
Seconda stagione della popolare serie che, a seguito delle controversie nate dall’estromissione del regista Tatsuki (Impegnato su “Kemurikusa” questo inverno), sarà diretta da Ryuuichi Kimura (Aikatsu!) presso lo studio Tomason.
Al Japari Park, un enorme zoo da qualche parte nel mondo, un misterioso fenomeno ha dato un'apparenza umanoide agli animali. Nella nuova forma sono conosciuti come "Amici" e vivono insieme in armonia nel parco. Un giorno gli Amici Serval e Caracal incontrano un bambino umano nella foresta. Invitano così il piccolo affamato ad unirsi a loro in viaggio e vanno a cercare molti nuovi Amici, cibi deliziosi e i segreti del parco. Affrontano anche una brutta situazione che scuote la terra sotto i loro piedi! Una storia nuova sul Japari Park sta iniziando!
Il primo episodio sarà disponibile in streaming dal 14 gennaio alle ore 20:35.  
Meiji Tokyo Renka
Serie ispirata all’omonima visual novel sentimentale di genere otome pubblicata da Broccoli. Il progetto sarà diretto da Akitarou Daichi (Kamisama Kiss, Ninja Girl & Samurai Master) presso lo studio TMS Entertainment. A supervisionare la sceneggiatura e il comparto animazioni sarà invece Junko Yamanaka (Kamisama Kiss, Ninja Girl & Samurai Master).
Un mondo misterioso ti chiama... Questa notte è immersa in una luce lunare cremisi. In una notte di luna piena rossa, la liceale Ayazuki Mei è stata attirata dalla magia del misterioso mago Charlie ed è entrata in una scatola. Quando si è svegliata si è trovata a Tokyo nell'era Meiji! Mei, persa e confusa, è aiutata da Mori Ougai e Hishida Syunso che la conducono nella propria carrozza indirizzata verso Rokumeikan, una sontuosa sala da ballo gremita di potenti ufficiali. In questo luogo incontra personaggi storici come Izumi Kyoka, Kawakami Otojiro, Koizumi Yakumo e Fujita Goro. In questo mondo, durante la "Misty Hour" tra tramonto e alba compaiono i "mononoke". Chi può vederli è chiamato "Tamayori" e Mei è una di loro. Mentre vive un'esistenza non a lei familiare i senDatanti sbocciano tra lei e queste persone e il potere dei tamayori può solo fortificare questi legami. La sua possibilità di tornare al proprio mondo  giungerà con la luna piena del mese successivo. Sceglierà la vita moderna o... ? Nella fantastica era Meiji di Tokyo, una storia d'amore attraverso il tempo sta sbocciando.
Il primo episodio sarà disponibile in streaming dal 9 gennaio alle ore 18:00.  
Katana Friends ~ Mini Toji
Serie animata che porterà di nuovo sullo schermo le protagoniste di “Katana Maidens ~ Toji No Miko” (che trovate sempre sottotitolata in italiano sulla piattaforma) e del videogioco “Toji no Miko: Kizamishi Issen no Tomoshibi”, in una simpatica versione ristretta.  La serie sarà diretta da Yuu Nobuta (High School Fleet, Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai), presso lo studio project No.9 (Angel's 3Piece, Ryuuou no Oshigoto!). La sceneggiatura sarà curata da Aoi Akashiro(Classroom of the Elite, Killing Bites) e il character design sarà ad opera diHiromi Ogata (Magic Kaito 1412), che supervisionerà anche il comparto animazioni.
La vita quotidiana delle ragazze include combattere e non combattere? Tutti i personaggi della serie animata "Katana Maidens" e del gioco per cellulare "Katana Maidens Kizamishi Issen no Tomoshibi" si uniscono in versione mini!
Il primo episodio sarà disponibile in streaming dal 5 gennaio alle ore 20:00.  
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chipsboo · 8 months
Meiji Tokyo Renka ‘wallpapers’ 🍾 (part 5/5)
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Landscape: <3
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recentanimenews · 5 years
Crunchyroll Presents the Winter 2019 Anime Simulcast Lineup!
The Winter 2019 anime season is here, and it's time for the best part (besides actually getting to watch the new shows): announcements! This is going to be your one-stop shop for all the new license updates, so sit back and dig into the fresh batches of incoming anime below.
  First up, international announcement links: 
Español Português Français Deutsch العربية Italiano Русский
  Latest Update (1/3):
Today sees the announcement of six new shows, including Boogiepop and Others, Magical Girl Spec-Ops Asuka, Meiji Tokyo Renka, WATATEN!: an Angel Flew Down to Me, Kemono Friends 2, and Katana Maidens ~ Mini Toji. Here's the breakdown for each, followed by an in-progress table of the Winter 2019 season.
  Boogie Pop and Others
Launches on January 4 at 6:00am PT
Territories: Worldwide excluding Asia and French, German and Russian speaking territories
Takeda Keiji was waiting for his girlfriend and junior in school, Miyashita Touka. But she doesn't show up at the time they agreed on and he can't get a hold of her. The sun starts to set and Takeda decides to give up and head home. But then, he sees a man unsteadily wandering around with tears in his eyes. Takeda and the other people around him quickly realize the man is not normal and decide to ignore him when a mysterious figure approaches the man. A mysterious figure wearing a cape and a bizarre hat. That figure happened to have the same face as Miyashita Touka, the girlfriend who ditched Takeda...
  Magical Girl Spec-Ops Asuka
Launches on January 11 at 11:10am PT
Territories: Worldwide excluding Asia, Australia, New Zealand, and French, German and Russian speaking territories
Legends, myths, magic... Humanity has finally had a chance encounter with a world that had been all but forgotten among all its scientific developments. However, this reunion is not a happy one. Monsters invading from the world of the dead render modern weapons useless, leaving the fate of humanity uncertain. But with help from the Otherworld Trade Agreement, mankind gains a possible means of returning from the brink of death in the form of magical girls. These girls, who have obtained immense magical powers, finally lead humanity to victory despite the many physical and emotional wounds it causes them. However, even this victory proves to be no more than the beginning of a new battle. With the rise of international crime, indiscriminate terrorism, civil war, and public unrest, the work of the magical girls is never done...
  Meiji Tokyo Renka
Launches on January 9 at 9:00am PT 
Territories: Worldwide ex Asia, the Middle East, North Africa, France (and New Caledonia) and Germany 
A mysterious world calls to you... Tonight is bathed in strawberry moonlight
  On the night of a crimson full moon, high school girl Ayazuki Mei, lured by the magic of mysterious magician Charlie, enters into a box. When she awakens, she's in Tokyo during the Meiji Period!
  The lost and confused Mei is aided by Mori Ougai and Hishida Syunso, who take her in their carriage to the Rokumeikan, a lavish ballroom full of powerful high officials. where she meets historic figures such as Izumi Kyoka, Kawakami Otojiro, Koizumi Yakumo, and Fujita Goro.
  In this world, during the "Misty Hour" between sundown and sunup, "mononoke" appear. Those who can see them are called "Tamayori," and Mei herself possesses this power. As she navigates an unfamiliar life, romance begins to bloom between Mei and these men -- and the power of the tamayori will only strengthen their bonds.
  Mei's chance to return to her own time will come during the full moon one month later. Will she choose modern day life, or...?
  In the slightly wondrous Meiji-era Tokyo, a love story across time begins to blossom.
  WATATEN!: an Angel Flew Down to Me
Launches on January 8 at 7:00am PT 
Territories: Worldwide ex. Asia
Miyako is a shy college student who is also an otaku. One day she happens to meet some angelic grade school kids! When Miyako sees her little sister's new friend Hana-chan, Miyako's heart won't stop racing! Miyako tries to get along with them but struggles... A sketch comedy all about trying to get along with the super cute girl is about to begin!
  Kemono Friends 2
Launches on January 14 at 11:35am PT  
Territories: Worldwide ex. Asia
At Japari Park, an enormous integrated zoo somewhere in this world, a mysterious phenomenon caused all the animals to take on humanlike appearances. In their new forms, they came to be known as "Friends," and they all lived in harmony together in the park.
One day, The Friends Serval and Caracal meet a human child in the forest. They invite the hungry child to join them on their travels, and they go on to find many unique new Friends, delicious foods, and secrets of the park! They even face a dire situation that rocks the very earth beneath them! A brand new story of Japari Park begins now!
  Katana Friends ~ Mini Toji
Launches on January 5 at 11:00am PT  
Territories: Worldwide ex. Asia
Does the girls' daily life include fighting and not fighting? All the characters from the TV animated series "Katana Maidens" and the smartphone game "Katana Maidens Kizamishi Issen no Tomoshibi" are gathered together in smaller form!
  Here's how the season is looking so far: 
Boogiepop and Others
Magical Girl Spec-Ops Asuka
Meiji Tokyo Renka
WATATEN!: an Angel Flew Down to Me
  Time January 4 at 6:00am PT January 11 at 11:10am PT January 9 at 9:00am PT January 8 at 7:00am PT Studio Madhouse LIDENFILMS TMS Entertainment Doga Kobo Regions Worldwide excluding Asia and French, German and Russian speaking territories Worldwide excluding Asia, Australia, New Zealand, and French, German and Russian speaking territories Worldwide ex Asia, the Middle East, North Africa, France (and New Caledonia) and Germany  Worldwide ex. Asia
Kemono Friends 2
Katana Maidens ~ Mini Toji
Saint Seiya Saintia Sho
The Rising of the Shield Hero
  Time January 14 at 11:35am PT January 5 at 11:00am PT Mondays at 4:00am PT January 9 Studio Tomason Project No. 9 GONZO Kinema Citrus Regions Worldwide ex Asia Worldwide ex. Asia
North America, Central America and South America including the Caribbean, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Europe, MENA
Premium-only in France, Monaco, Andorra, Luxembourg, Switzerland, and Belgium  Worldwide ex. Asia
Mob Psycho 100 II
The Morose Mononokean Ⅱ
Girly Air Force
The Price of Smiles
  Time January 7 at 8:30am PT TBA January 10 at 8:30am January 4 at 8:00am Studio BONES Pierrot Plus Satelight Tatsunoko Production Regions Worldwide ex Asia U.S.A., Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Iceland, Netherlands, Latin America (Central and South America including Caribbean), German and French speaking Europe Worldwide ex Asia  Worldwide ex Asia
The Promised Neverland
Kaguya-sama: Love is War
  Time January 9  January 12     Studio CloverWorks  A-1 Pictures     Regions TBA  TBA    
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chizakura · 5 years
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aonodreamland · 8 years
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Otojiro won the janken so he’s allowed to pinch Kyouka’s cheek XD
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msyuksanh · 5 years
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Namikawa Daisuke and the cast of “Meiji Tokyo Renka ~High Collar Date~” gather together! With inevitable heart-skipping proposal situations too!
On June 22nd, 2019 at the Maihama Amphitheatre, the “明治東亰恋伽 ハイカラ浪漫劇場~Honeymoon~/ Meiji Tokyo Renka High Collar Romance Theatre ~Honeymoon~” took place!
CAST Namikawa Daisuke (Ogai Mori) KENN (Hishida Shunso) Toriumi Kosuke (Kawakami Otojiro) Okamoto Nobuhiko (Izumi Kyoka) Fukuyama Jun (Goro Fujita) Tachibana Shinnosuke (Yakumo Koizumi) Umehara Yuichiro (Ozaki Koyo) Aoi Shouta (Taki Rentaro) Maeno Tomoaki (Yokoyama Taikan) Morikawa Toshiyuki (Charlie)
Visit the link for more photos and the full article: [source]
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