random-brushstrokes · 3 months
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Anton Katzer - Woman Reading (1890)
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fiinalgiirls · 1 year
tovah & siena, @persephonyed​.
chad lyons was prom king. he was a varsity jacket. he was the guy who carried the keg into the house party. the guy who carried your books home from school for you. the guy who helped your mother with the dishes after dinner (if her parents would’ve allowed her to have a boy over for dinner). he was earnest and kind. he was going to college on a lacrosse scholarship like every other special, earnest boy in america. until he wasn’t. until his dominant hand was devoured by the a girl who didn’t even make the prom ballot. she wasn’t carrie white, but she was somewhere in between her and cher horowitz.
things got much worse after that for tovah. of course chad blamed her for the loss of his hand, but no one really believe that. he’d been mauled by a wild animal and it was the trauma of it that made him blame her. people felt sorry for tovah, as well as chad. it made them popular, but not in the right kinda way. at least tovah had been baptized a girl and come out the other end a saint in the blood of her first love. until the other night.
her first night in town after a good season alone as a park ranger. who really knows when the video could’ve been sent, but it pinged on her phone the second she hit cell service. someone’s shaky hand had captured chad and tovah, lips pressed together in the back of his jeep on the warm spring night, lit clearly underneath a full moon. a red halo framed the moon above and tovah had chuckled when she saw it. just like practical magic, she’d thought. the sender left no name. no demands. just the video and an address. not even a date or time. it made her blood boil, singing hot inside her like the howl of a wolf. 
she needed help from someone. a person who’d been around a hell of a lot longer than she had. since her change, she didn’t keep in touch with many wolves, but a few were worth talking to. everyone needed a pack. she dialed up sonja once she hit the road who gave her the address of someone much older than any of them and, probably more dangerous. whether or not she’d help tovah was anyone’s guess and it was with that trepidation that she made the trek to check the woman’s current local haunts (she was a nomad, like any of them after all). before finding her in a bar decorated as if marie antoinette had ever seen the inside of a warehouse in industrial seattle. there were few things that tovah feared more than herself, but vampires were up there. 
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“no chance in hell you’d be interested in helping a wolf with a problem?” she asked the back of the woman’s head, squinting her eyes in an indulgent blink before circling to face her. “sonja sent me.” she clarified, wishing she’d stayed in the woods and avoided this whole mess altogether. only it would’ve found her anyway. the wrong things always did. “i think i’m about to have a bit of an image problem.” the problem being that people would see beyond the image of an outdoorsy blonde girl and instead know the wolf underneath.
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tragedienes · 2 years
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murderwatch.com’s initial coverage when binyamin katzer is doxxed after years of secretly living in akron, ohio...
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someotherdog · 1 year
bg. bk. bl. bw. cw. dc. dr.
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russian-dallas · 2 years
Linda Adler, Donna Hartman, Graciela Katzer speak about Plano International Festival 2022
Linda Adler, Donna Hartman, Graciela Katzer speak about Plano International Festival 2022
Linda Adler, Donna Hartman, Graciela Katzer speak about Plano International Festival 2022 #PIFDT @Linda Adler, @Donna Hartman, @Graciela Katzer
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girlactionfigure · 9 months
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Col. Rabbi Jacob Goldstein was the Chief Chaplain at Ground Zero for all military branches following the 9/11 attacks in NYC. The son of Holocaust survivors, Col. Goldstein was born in a displaced persons (DP) camp in Paris shortly after WWII. He immigrated to the U.S. with his parents and went on to serve as a U.S. Army Chaplain for 38 years. 20 years ago, on the morning of September 11, 2001, Col. Goldstein’s National Guard unit was among the first to arrive on the scene. Following that tragic day, he spent 4 and a half months living at Ground Zero, sleeping in Bowling Green Park with fellow soldiers. This picture shows Rabbi Goldstein (left) at Ground Zero with the remains of the fallen towers visible in the hazy background.
Today, and every day, we remember and honor the 2,977 lives lost on the morning of September 11, 2001, and we remain forever grateful to the countless first responders who demonstrated immeasurable heroism on that fateful day. 
: Maj. Jean Katzer 
American Society for Yad Vashem
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popculturebrain · 15 days
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strykingback · 6 months
Opening Ceremonies!
Everyone was gathered at the Town Square while a little podium and everyone murmuring amongst themselves along with the visitors. In which the town elder of Forde Village would walk up to the podium.
"Good Morning everyone and all visitors a like. We would like to thank all of you for coming to our village on this most auspicious day. Forde Village was once founded by our ancestors who once left Atlas along with many others after they had threatened our form of expression and joy. Thus did we create many villages that remained connected with eachother, Bragi, Forde, Ardia, Katzere, and others that had spread across the Atlesian homeland for one key reason. Freedom of Expression. Yet, it was when the corporations led by a ruthless PMC came to ruin it all for us......many of our bordering friends had sadly met their fates.... after the belief that our villages sat upon deposits of dust. But when it came to Forde... we were unprepared... but we had one thing. In our language. Forde means Fortitude and Strength. For the past fifteen years we all had managed to stay alive even when all hope was lost....." The village elder spoke.
"But now. We are all here... even those who have sadly passed on are here with us as well. With that being said...I shall pass things off to Atya who had organized this event." The elder said stepping away and passing things off to Atya who walked up to the podium.
"Thank you. For years, I had always dreamt of having an event where all of the neighboring villages in our original homeland of Atlas would come to Forde and celebrate a time of blessings and unity together.... and today it has been realized..... I know many of us here are a bit nervous because of the way we look, act, or see things. But we would like those to know that you are our family member now and we will do everything we can to make you feel welcome! As the village elder said Forde means Fortitude or Strength. Thus we want you all to know.... that our Strength comes from the love of our people and this village. I also want to extend a firm thank you to the King of Brumel for going out of his way to help us make this village grander than ever and for any neighboring villages around us for lending their support. With that being said.... Let the Celebration Begin!!!" She said giving her speech as everyone erupted into cheers of joy and applause.
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eretzyisrael · 2 years
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Col. Rabbi Jacob Goldstein was the Chief Chaplain at Ground Zero for all military branches following the 9/11 attacks in NYC. The son of Holocaust survivors, Col. Goldstein was born in a displaced persons (DP) camp in Paris shortly after WWII. He immigrated to the U.S. with his parents and went on to serve as a U.S. Army Chaplain for 38 years. 20 years ago, on the morning of September 11, 2001, Col. Goldstein’s National Guard unit was among the first to arrive on the scene. Following that tragic day, he spent 4 and a half months living at Ground Zero, sleeping in Bowling Green Park with fellow soldiers. This picture shows Rabbi Goldstein (left) at Ground Zero with the remains of the fallen towers visible in the hazy background.
Today, and every day, we remember and honor the 2,977 lives lost on the morning of September 11, 2001, and we remain forever grateful to the countless first responders who demonstrated immeasurable heroism on that fateful day. 
: Maj. Jean Katzer 
American Society for Yad Vashem
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Schwarzer Katzer
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fiinalgiirls · 1 year
tovah & bill, @tragedienes​
tovah could remember a story one of the rabbis from her childhood had told them about two men who came seeking repetence. one man had committed, like many people, lots of small sins. the other had committed one great sin that he thought must be considered unforgivable even by g-d. the rabbi in the story told these men to gather stones corresponding to the size and weight of their sins and scatter them in a field. when they returned to him, he asked that they gather them and bring them back to him. the lesson was that one large sin is easy to recognize and work hard at making amends for to g-d and man. many lesser sins are hard to see and identify. little things, tovah’s rabbi had said, little things matter. 
she wondered what this meant for a man like bill. bill could scatter pebbles, skipping stones, river rocks, and boulders all day long and he, she thought, would never bother going back for them. there was something to covet in that, if not admire. for tovah, she could collect a pocket of tiny rocks and maybe never scatter them at all. perhaps, instead, she would snake her fingers around each one and feel the weight of them in her jeans as she walked. 
“does that really matter to you?” it seemed like it might. if she carried her stones to feel the weight of them, maybe he wouldn’t scatter all of his either. maybe some of them he wore like trophies. “is it so important to you that everyone knows that bill is a real sinner?” her voice remained even, calm. there was a pebble for that too; a sin against herself. tovah katzer was always so fucking even and calm. neither afraid to speak her mind nor compelled to confrontation. she didn’t know if he was even religious. hell, she wasn’t really anymore except in the way that was inescapable. 
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deadlinecom · 3 months
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theart2rock · 5 months
Voyager-X veröffentlichen Single Hypnotize You
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VOYAGER-X widmen ihre neue Progressive Metal Single „Hypnotize You" der Bedeutung des Zitats 'Brot und Spiele' in Zeiten des Medien-Overkills. Nur wenige Wochen nach dem fulminanten Start ihrer ersten Singleauskopplung „Janus Face" und dem mittlerweile über 30.000 Mal auf YouTube aufgerufenen Lyric-Video von Kult-Videograf Wayne Joyner (u. a. Dream Theater, Alter Bridge, Ayreon) legt die nach fast dreißig Jahren wiedervereinigte Progressive Metal Band VOYAGER-X mit ihrer neuen Single „Hypnotize You" noch eine ordentliche Schüppe drauf. Der Song, der gerne als Opener bei Konzerten gespielt wird, thematisiert den bereits in den 90er Jahren immer dominanter werdenden Medienwahnsinn und ist heute bedauerlicherweise mehr denn je aktuell. Eingebettet in den täglichen Strom des Medienoverkills ist Brot und Spiele für das Volk ein bewährtes Mittel, um von den echten Problemen wie Kriegen, Umweltzerstörung usw. abzulenken. Verstärkt durch Mario Gansens eindringlich-mitreißenden Gesang und das virtuose Zusammenspiel seiner Bandkollegen ist „Hypnotize You" ein außergewöhnliches Highlight ihres bereits von der Presse hochgelobten Albums „Magic", das am 22.03.2024 über Dr. Music Records erscheint und mit seiner magischen Mischung aus Progressive Metal, Melodic Rock und Hard Rock die Fans begeistern wird. Das neue, von Mario Gansen und Bassist Jörg Schreiber in Zusammenarbeit mit Romin Katzer produzierte Lyric-Video bringt zudem die Botschaft des Songs auch audiovisuell treffsicher auf den Punkt: https://youtu.be/wKIMevI4nzk Die medienkritische neue Progressive Metal Single „Hypnotize You" von VOYAGER-X ist ab sofort genauso wie der bereits veröffentlichte Song „Janus Face", der von in den Wahnsinn treibenden Albträumen handelt, als Download und Stream bei allen bekannten Plattformen erhältlich: Spotify | Amazon | Amazon.com | Apple Music & iTunes | Deezer | Tidal | YouTube Music VOYAGER-X gehörten zwischen 1987 und 1997 zur Spitze der aufstrebenden Rockszene rund um Nürnberg und Süddeutschland. Ihr erfrischender Sound mit einer originellen Bühnenperformance und starken Songs begeisterte Fans härterer Rockmusik auf unzähligen Konzerten und Festivals. Sänger Mario Gansen nahm 1979 mit der deutschen Krautrock-Formation Grim Reaper das Album „We Were All Fools ..." auf und spielte im Vorprogramm von Judas Priest und auch von Motörhead bei deren 1980er Bomber-Tour. Während eines Dynasty Gigs, seiner zweiten größeren Band, traf er erstmals auf die VOYAGER-X Musiker Stephan und Jörg, mit denen er darauf die nächsten zehn Jahre gemeinsam erfolgreich musizierte und die auch heute noch an Bord sind. Eigentlich hätte das Album „Magic" bereits 1997 erscheinen sollen, doch kurz nach den Aufnahmen der Songs im Zirndorfer Deckelmann Studio, entschieden die Musiker aufgrund ihrer damaligen Lebensumstände, die sie rund um den Globus verteilte, ihre Band, die damals noch VOYAGER hieß, auf Eis zu legen. Aus diesem Dornröschenschlaf erwachte die Gruppe dann erst, nachdem sich die Originalbesetzung bestehend aus Sänger Mario Gansen, Gitarrist Stephan Baumgärtner, Bassist Jörg Schreiber, Keyboarder Christian Mordek und Schlagzeuger Peter Webert während einer Veranstaltung im Jahr 2019 traf und dabei die Idee zündete, das fortzusetzen, was 22 Jahre zuvor nach einer aufregenden Dekade intensiv gelebten Rock 'n' Roll Lifestyle so abrupt endete. Aufgrund anderer Bands, die den Namen inzwischen nutzten, wurde der Bandname in VOYAGER-X umbenannt. In den Lyrics, die aus der Feder von Sänger Mario Gansen (ex-Grim Reaper, ex-Dynasty) stammen, werden politische wie auch immer noch aktuelle Ereignisse verarbeitet. Die neun Songs entschweben förmlich der Zeit, als musikalische Virtuosität und Gesangskunst noch perfekt harmonierten und Bands wie Van Halen, Survivor, Marillion oder Saga die Charts dominierten und erhielten durch das Remastering von Romin Katzer ein modernes Soundgewand. Die Süddeutschen schlagen mit ihrer anspruchsvollen Rockmusik gekonnt die Brücke von klassischem Bombast- und Artrock hin zu moderneren Sounds und verstehen sich als Entertainer mit einem gewissen Anspruch, die ihr Publikum mit ihrem abwechslungsreichen Programm auf eine Reise durch ihre eigene Rockgeschichte mitnehmen. Daher dürfen sich Freunde großartiger melodischer Rockklänge, im Stil von Queensrÿche, Fates Warning oder Savatage jetzt auf die Veröffentlichung des außergewöhnlichen Albums „Magic" freuen, das ab sofort als Digifile-CD u. a. bei folgenden Plattenhändlern vorbestellbar ist! VOYAGER-X „Magic" Streaming & Download: Amazon | Apple Music & iTunes VOYAGER-X „Magic" Digifile CD: Amazon | Buecher.de | Weltbild | Just For Kicks Music | Grooves | ExLibris | MVD Quelle: Dr. Music Promotion Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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someotherdog · 4 months
🎰 (again 🦑)
send 🎰 for five random pairings:
001. harper & bill —omg nurse x gangster? maybe he goes to her whenever he gets hurt in a shoot out or something? maybe he hit on her at the hospital or at a cafe/bar and things got a bit ~flirty and numbers were exchanged? and then he showed up on her doorstep one night bc he obviously can't go back to the er, they'll call the cops since the lobos and the cucuys were all over the news! knowing bill, he takes advantage of her kindness, but i think they'd eventually bond over their fundamentalist backgrounds since she grew up in a ruby ridge sort of scenario and he was raised mormon so they'd have some commonality there 002. taemin & nadine — struggling business owner and a realtor walk into a bar one night... lol actually i could see something like nadine trying to sell the restaurant out from under him (lol real estate is a cutthroat industry!!) bc it's in an up-and-coming area or something real estate-y, idk. i foresee lots of bickering! and slowly growing to understand each other. plus like... his sandwiches are really good so? who can blame her for coming around so often. 003. yasmin & mary esther — um obviously these girls get high together? mary esther is an Official Party Girl™ and yaz is a stoner drummer so they would def run into each other at house parties and such. the problem is that mary is a total asshole and lowkey has a drug problem, so oops maybe there's something a little toxic abt them? because i see yaz = peacemarker and mary esther = manipulator so idk! just a thought! there could also be some horror-y elements if perhaps they got really high one night and then oops! dead body in the room. 004. raine & zach — hmm the hotel manager and the actor! i'm sensing that maybe zach came into town because he's filming a hallmark movie or something of that ilk? and the only hotel in town is, of course, raine's charming little inn! since there probably isn't much to do when he isn't filming, he spends a lot of time in the lobby bothering raine lol and maybe bonds with her son over, like, indie movies or tv shows! they get closer and closer but then he has to leave bc the movie has finished filming and it's time to go back home to los angeles :( 005. rosalie & benny — this one is a bit of a toughie bc benny is a homebody that would probably never go to the ocean/beach bc he would never want to take his clothes off and i doubt she would ever need to be in akron, ohio BUT i do have a verse where he moves in with his sister so she can lowkey take care of him after his previous location is leaked to the press and he's harassed again, so maybe the katzer sibs relocate to a town that just happens to be where rosalie is from/living at and yearning for community again, benny goes to shul one day and whaddya know! rosalie is there too. maybe she instantly clocks him as benny katzer—infamous final boy—or just recognizes that he's a very lonely man.
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campmurderparty · 8 months
benny & lacey.
It all seemed like a cruel joke. For the first time in years, Benny finally felt some semblance of normal. After that man killed his friends and made mincemeat of Benny, he finally felt normal enough to let someone be close to him. Lacey had seemed like a breath of fresh air. The first person in the world he thought he could actually love—turns out that the kindredness between them was the tragedy of a massacre. For her part, the daughter of a killer. For him, the survivor. “I don’t think you’re like your mother, Lacey." It was hard not to let it affect how he saw her, though. Even with a huge secret of his own, that would probably change how she saw him. “I just wish you told me sooner, that’s all.” Inhaling deeply, he turned in his seat to face Lacey fully. “I guess now is a better time than ever to tell you the truth. My name isn’t Chayim Katz. It’s Binyamin Katzer, or Benny. Just benny.” He watched her reaction to see if there was any recognition. “In my first year of college, I went on a spring break trip that ended with my friends dead. I was the sole survivor of the Nevada farmhouse massacre." Benny winced, hating to say the title the media gave the massacre. Finally exhaling, he looked down at his lap and scratched his nails against his jeans. “I guess we’re both liars then.”
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Ein Katzer namens Tom (er ist sehr mächtig)
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