#Karaca Koçovalı
patlicangil · 7 months
Ece Yaşar Kimdir? Özel Hayatında Neler Oluyor? Show Tv ekranların 'da yayınlanan Çukur dizisinde hayat verdiği Karaca Koçovalı karakteriyle sevenleriyle buluşan Ece Yaşar oyunculuğu ve eşsiz yeteneği ile göz doldurdu. Yaşarı tanımayanlar ise arama motorlarında onu araştırmaya çoktan başladı bile. Merak edilen güzel oyuncunun yaptığı paylaşımlar ve hakkında çıkan haberler çok konuşuldu. Bu yazımızda sizlere Ece Yaşar kimdir? kaç yaşında? h... https://www.begonya.com/ece-yasar-kimdir/?feed_id=172593&_unique_id=655cf20f9fadd
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aliferousdreamer · 3 years
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Sena, Akşın & Karaca on a girls day out ♡
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asavnazstory · 3 years
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usernare · 3 years
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ECE YASAR çukur: sezon 4, bölüm 24
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moonlayl · 3 years
Karaca Koçovalı can be added to the list of female characters who was brutally murdered  for no reason 😭
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elysians-stuff · 4 years
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Bir öpüşe bir aşk sığdırmış gibi...
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patlicangil · 2 years
Ece Yaşar Kimdir? Özel Hayatında Neler Oluyor? Show Tv ekranların 'da yayınlanan Çukur dizisinde hayat verdiği Karaca Koçovalı karakteriyle sevenleriyle buluşan Ece Yaşar oyunculuğu ve eşsiz yeteneği ile göz doldurdu. Yaşarı tanımayanlar ise arama motorlarında onu araştırmaya çoktan başladı bile. Merak edilen güzel oyuncunun yaptığı paylaşımlar ve hakkında çıkan haberler çok konuşuldu. Bu yazımızda sizlere Ece Yaşar kimdir? kaç yaşında? h... https://www.begonya.com/ece-yasar-kimdir/?feed_id=58158&_unique_id=62adda6ded76a
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asavnazstory · 4 years
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usernare · 3 years
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ECE YAȘAR AND KUBILAY AKA çukur: sezon 2, bölüm 23
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elysians-stuff · 4 years
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"aşk tutardı yengenizi"
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usernare · 3 years
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ECE YAȘAR AND KUBILAY AKA çukur: sezon 2, bölüm 25
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aliferousdreamer · 2 years
sometimes i remember sena and i want to cry
sometimes i remember sena and i want to punch someone in the face
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Aliço is a fictional character in the television series Çukur, played by Rıza Kocaoğlu.
Aliço is autistic. His childhood changed when his father discovered that he was good with sniper rifles. Aliço's father Yavuz was a commander, and due to this, he was always ordered to complete tasks for him. After he fleed his family, he became homeless. Aliço tried to manage his life by collecting garbage in the streets. One day, other garbage collectors assault him for no reason. They try to steal the garbage truck. At that moment, İdris Koçovalı arrives. He attacks the other garbage collectors and saves Aliço. İdris asks him to come to Çukur.
After İdris realises how intelligent Aliço is, he decides to make Aliço his informant. İdris builds a hut for Aliço to live in. Whenever Aliço gets hungry, he visits the Koçovalı Family so that Saadet and Sultan Ana can make soup for him. When Yamaç Koçovalı returns to the neighborhood due to his brother Kahraman's death, Aliço becomes his informant. Aliço witnessed the death of Kahraman and he even interfered unlike Selim, who did nothing at the time of Kahraman's death. Aliço threw a bottle at Çıyan, one of those who fired a bullet at Kahraman.
Aliço falls in love with journalist Hale, and they experience love for a short time. His old sniper friend Laz kills Hale at Baykal's request to provoke Yamaç. Once Yamaç captures Laz, he delivers him to Aliço. Since Aliço does not have a sense of vengeance, he does not harm him, but Laz's fingers are cut and killed by the Russians.
Kökünde ölüm olanın dalında da ölüm olur. Yaprağında da, elmasında da, kurdunda da.
After the Karakuzular raid on the Çukur neighborhood, Aliço gets hospitalized in a mental hospital. Yamaç and Sena find him in the hospital and over time he gets better. A while later, Aliço is kidnapped by Yücel Tansoy. Yamaç comes to save Aliço, but Yücel shoots Aliço. He stays in the hospital for a while. While leaving the hospital, Aliço, who was fingerprinted in the hospital, is found by Cüneyt. Cüneyt is the man of Alico's father Yavuz. Cüneyt rescues Aliço from Yücel and brings him to his father Yavuz's house. Here, with the order of Yavuz, Aliço is given military drills. In twenty seconds, they impose sanctions such as push-up penalties if they cannot assemble the sniper rifle. Unlike Yavuz, Cüneyt is a good man and does not want to wear Aliço down. While the people in the house are eating in the garden, Aliço sends an encrypted message to Yamaç and conveys his life and whereabouts in the message.
Yavuz's main objective is to kill the man who destroyed his old team with the help of Aliço. Once Aliço is ready to snipe Ebu Kaysar, he realises that his children are in the car. Aliço feels sympathy for the children so he does not perform the act. However, it is too late as Yavuz has already placed a bomb in the garbage container next to Kaysar's house. Yabuz detonates the bomb as he leaves the house, but kills his children. As a result, an operation is organized against Yavuz's house for killing his children. Yavuz, who blames the price of this mistake on Aliço, wants to kill him, but his brother Zafer interferes and kills Yavuz instead. Cüneyt delivers Aliço to Yamaç after this as Yamaç was already imprisoned there at that time. They return to Çukur. Aliço is very upset when he hears that İdris is dead. Aliço continues being Yamaç's informant and he seeks clues from garbage cans to gather information about Azer and Efsun. Aliço manages to analyze everything.
Yamaç disappears and Aliço sets out with Emmi to find Yamaç. Years later, they manage to find Yamaç. After a long adventure, they return to the neighborhood. Due to Uncle Cumali starting to rule the neighborhood, the neighborhood has changed a lot and Aliço's hut has turned into a fish buffet. Aliço does not approve of the fish buffet, and so he decides to raid the buffet. The owners of the buffet attack him, leaving him severely injured.
Yamaç successfully turns the fish buffet back into Aliço's hut, and Aliço becomes untroubled. However, after Celasun and Karaca's death, Aliço becomes very depressed. His mental state begins to deteriorate when he finds out about Emmi's death. Due to this, Aliço does not leave his hut. Visitors such as Medet and Seher come to see him.
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