#Kamen Rider Geats x Revice
dryedmangoez · 6 months
My Top 16 Favorite OSTs of 2023
“Perfect,” “encapsulate,” “capture,” “evoke”; I’ll use those words a lot here. But it really is those things that make a song well-suited to be part of a TV or film soundtrack. Here are 16 of my favorite OSTs of 2023! Continue reading Untitled
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tokudocu · 3 months
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People in various regions outside of Japan can vote for three Riders of their choice to become part of the chemy card lineup. A few friends confirmed had confirmed it to me.
Basically how this works is, that you can vote for three of the Riders or Forms of your choice. Let's use Wizard as an example, you can vote for Land, Water, and Hurricane forms for Wizard, it's not just limited to Riders.
If you loved Geats Oneness, you can vote for it as well.
It's not just limited to the TV series, forms seen in Outsiders and the various theatrical-exclusive releases of Kamen Rider can be voted for as well. Each one is limited to three votes; after that, you won't be able to access the voting form.
I hope this has been informational for everyone.
You can vote here: https://toy.bandai.co.jp/special/ridechemytc_vote/
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lowder-the-koopa · 12 days
Lowder Reviews: What's Next 3: Kamen Rider Edition
More future proofing
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(^v^) Thanks to Zein-sama, we are now Malice Free, Proud to Be! Hop on Kamen Rider Chronicle, we're gonna have lots of fun! (^v^)
(^v^) Zein-sama is your friend! (^v^)
(^v^) Have a nice daycycle~! (^v^)
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robowilofficial · 1 year
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Vice that points at gay people
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alpona · 1 year
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Ikki's outfit being the kamen rider he is while Daiji and Sakura walked out of a jdrama set
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tokuteasings · 1 year
Kisses - Hiden Aruto, Kamiyama Touma, Igarashi Ikki, Ukiyo Ace
This is also dedicated to RingoBingo21 on ao3 who also inspired me to write. 
Hiden Aruto
Literally, kissing Aruto is like you’re kissing sunshine incarnate. His smile is like you got hit by a truck made out of pure adrenaline caked up in pure happiness and love and his kisses are always full of excitement and pep in his step.
He always does this thing when he just grabs the sides of your face with his hands and pulls you into his orbit with a gentle sort of brush against your skin and kisses you like you’re his entire world - because you fucking are and it’s so fucking cute okay? After you two part, he has this oh so cute smile to his face and his cheeks are flushed and his lips are kiss-swollen and his eyes are blown and he has this shy yet puppy-like look and it’s so cute and he will probably ask, “Do you wanna…kiss again?”
Loves it when you kiss him as a reward for his lil jokes!!! It’s like candy on top of candy!!!!! It’s literally his favorite thing so he starts making more jokes around you just to earn more kisses.
Laughs into his kisses, smiles into his kisses!!!! Oh so fucking cute!!! Loves it when you peck his face too and Aruto also loves giving you lil pecks here and there as well!!!! His faves are cheek and nose kisses.
Cannot function without a kiss in the first thing in the morning. Will show up to work all pouty and upset if you don’t give him a kiss that morning. Izu has developed a sort of “sensor” to send you messages if Aruto-sachou is being all pouty because of his lack of kisses.
Kamiyama Touma
He smells like books and a sense of home that you can return to after a long hard day at work, vanilla dancing at the edge of his senses and his kisses are just like that. A sense of home that is meant to relax you, ease you into a lull and it’s the same for him. It’s a loosening of shoulders when you two kiss and Touma just melts into a sort of putty in your arms.
He’s always left breathless and flushing after kissing you and it’s this sweet and gentle goofy smile that graces his lips after you two finish. Like a happily ever after in a book, you are his happily ever after.
Touma uses kisses as rewards more often than not. Finish a page of his manuscript? He gets a sweet peck on his cheek. Two pages? A peck on his other cheek. Three pages? A kiss on the lips.
Very publicly affectionate, holding hands and whatnot. Kisses in public are always so sweet too! Anyway you should totes randomly kiss him in public just to make him blush because it’s cute, especially when he tries to use his hat to hide his face.
Kisses to his fingertips always turn him into a blushing mess. It’s due to him always using his hands for something or other and sometimes there’s lil paper cut scars here and there, so kiss those and you’ll hear him stutter and flubber. It’s so fucking cute. Please believe me.
Igarashi Ikki
The first kiss with Ikki doesn’t come until you two are dating and even after the first date. He has to be goaded on by Vice to kiss you and even then…well…his kisses are warm. It’s like the bathhouse his family owns. It surrounds you and encases you in a sweet honey mead that drowns you in a blanket of love and warmth.
Ikki is the kind of person who always asks before kissing you. It’s not that he’s shy, he just wants to establish a set of boundaries between you two - healthy and happy. He doesn’t wanna overstep his bounds even though he wants to, to take you up into his arms and kiss you breathless. He does sweep you into his embrace to kiss every now and then but those are the moments when he is the happiest. Like scoring a goal in a game!
Like Touma, kisses between you are a reward system. Finishing up chores? A kiss to the nose. Finished cleaning the bathhouse together? Pecks on the forehead. Scoring a goal in soccer? A full on kiss to the lips!
Also gets rather pouty when you don’t give him kisses in the morning. But unlike Aruto, is not too too pouty. He adores those lazy kisses in the morning and may try to stay in bed a liiiittle longer with you just to earn some free kisses from you!
Truth be told, another kiss he adores are shoulder kisses and neck kisses. It’s not just for the sexy times but more so because it tickles and it makes him feel safe and warm with you. Plus, those are the easiest kisses to do as you two are relaxing in the baths at the Igarashi bathhouse.
Ukiyo Ace
Kissing him is a thrill, a danger, a risk you need to be willing to make. Ace tastes like a mystery. You can never tell what’s going on inside his head, even as participants of the DGP or as a civilian lover. Ace is someone who keeps you on your toes with kisses, passionate but hidden under layers and layers of sneaky little sly bastard-ness.
On that notion of keeping you on your toes…you can never tell if Ace wants to kiss you or not…or even where! Maybe he may give you a “hint” if you’re lucky. He may glance at your lips and you lean towards him for a kiss but nope! His lips are suddenly on your forehead, so far away from your lips! He would laugh at your pout and “apologize” by giving you a “real kiss” but nope! It’s another misdirected trickery! He will give you a kiss though, don’t worry.
Isn’t shy to public affection and makeouts, even in front of other people. Sure Azuma would roll his eyes, Keiwa and Neon would blush and turn away, but like Ace loooves kissing you! He sees you as a good luck charm and it’s a sort of game between you. Whoever wins the next round of the DGP or chores, etc, gets a kiss!
Even then, Ace doesn’t know when he’s going to lose you - to the DGP or via world resets and really…he kisses you like it’s his last. He teases you, yes, but he cherishes you. So when there are times to relax and kiss each other without the hub-bub of the world around you it’s…a moment of calm and quiet peace. Ace and let down his little walls and wrap you in his arms and kiss you until you are breathless, nuzzle his face into you neck and inhale your scent and realize that you’re there in front of him and won’t leave.
Also adores neck and shoulder kisses but hand kisses to just tease you in public. He loves smoothly turning a simple situation into a kiss like one moment you’re holding hands and the next he brought your hand up to kiss your knuckles!!!!
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asknarashikari · 1 year
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nee-san is not happy.
There's so many ways to interpret what's going on here that I don't even know where to begin
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morninkim · 1 year
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I enjoy that Buffa's role in the geats x revice movie is to:
show up to ttrpg night despite being dead
look annoyed
not kill a guy and then get called a pussy
die again (by said guy he didn't kill)
rez with the rest of the squad
show up to the final fight
die again(?)
show up to ttrpg night as a ghost to glare at Ace
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i-am-randomtrash00 · 1 year
behind the scene of Geats X Revice.
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tokudocu · 3 months
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This tweet says we can vote for the Riders that we want to be part of the Ride Chemy Card Line Up.
This got me curious, who is everyone voting for?
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mxbbadperson · 1 year
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luckykittenpirate · 1 year
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@takkynoko @himitsusentaiblog
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washipink · 1 year
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this man Genta went and had ANOTHER kid knowing full well what happened with the last three? good lord...
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siawynartz · 1 year
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Dark/Evil Keiwa with earrings is so cool- I can't help but to draw it 😭💕
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The photo gotten from the exclusive talk about the movie, when I first saw it I was "KEIWA WITH EARRINGS?? IS HE ON HIS KAGERO ARC??"
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