#Justice Bakare
onglai · 4 months
MATA is shady
I like the agency and all, but boy, aren't they scary
First off, the first thing General Rama decided to do after Ali got his hand on IRIS was to execute him before Bakar (and Jenny) intervened. And even then Ali was considered the agency's, and I quote, "property". That's illegal.
Secondly, while it's not explicitly said, MATA is a child soldiers factory. They're training children to fight their war whether inside Cyberaya or outside.
And third and lastly, by using Protokol Gegas as an excuse, they can abandon those child soldiers who've been nothing but loyal to them just because a mission doesn't go their way. While this is a noble moral code, again I repeat that literal children are expected to carry this code as we've seen during S1E7. Right on the next episode, even General Rama admitted that he was grateful Ali wasn't a good agent and had disobeyed a direct order because he wanted to save Alicia.
Bear in mind that MATA is Cyberaya's military first and foremost, founded and funded by none other than Dato' Othman to protect Cyberaya from threats. They're not created as a justice system like the police is. They're just there for Cyberaya's interest and could care less about people's plight such as the Pinggiran.
...okay, I've cooked enough. Time to sleep
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salsedine · 6 months
10 characters, 10 fandoms
Tagged by the lovely @greypetrel - so here we go! Thanks :*
Everything is under the 'read more' after the first one because I don't want to clog other people's dashes.
Aaand I tag @birdkeeperklink & @pyritefes2 here, so they don't have to scroll down the whole list to understand why and where they are tagged :P as usual, no pressure at all!
1.Stephen Black (Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell)
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Incredibly well written and compelling (Mrs Clarke, teach me your secrets) in the book, and great acting by Aryion Bakare in the show. Probably one of my favourite male characters ever.
2.Lucrezia Borgia (Borgia: faith and fear)
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I loved her character's arc through the 3 seasons. It really showcases the thing I love most about this serie, despite its flaws (and some are big flaws) - it never shied away from complexity. All characters are shown as capable of great tenderness and great cruelty - and this is one of the reasons why I think that they really captured the spirit of the renaissance.
3.James Flint (Black Sails)
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"I was unjustly branded as a monster in the eyes of the so-called civilized society, so I'm going to destroy it" - what's not to love? And yes, of course I'm obsessed with the "freedom in the darkness" speech, of course.
4.Justice (Dragon Age)
"A world so full of beauty that beauty goes overlooked. I must see it with different eyes."
I couldn't find a gif, ops! Put my favourite quote instead. Initially I was really torn between Merrill and Anders and other five characters, but I'm in an AwakeningTM mood so I've picked my favourite rotting corpse.
5.Mr Nancy / Anansi (American Gods)
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^^^ favourite scene/quote, no questions.
6.Jacquette/Jacquetta Woodville (The White Queen)
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"We are all on fortune's wheel," I say. "Without a doubt we will rise. We may fall. But still I have no fear of it.”
Look at that Burgundy-inspired fashion!! The witchcraft and prophecies and definitely less accurate, but eh- that's still my thing. Also, a novel about her story (The Lady of Rivers) is the only book by Philippa Gregory that I didn't dislike, and that's truly something.
7.Uinen - Silmarillion
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I have a soft spot for sea-themed mythology, so I obviously loved that section of the Silmarillion.
8.Hastur (Good Omens)
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#team-Hell, because I like the demons' character design. Also, for some reason Ned Dennehy follows me on Instagram, so I feel like he deserves a mention.
9.Thomas Cromwell (Wolf Hall)
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I have developed a love/hate relationship with this book&show - but Mantel's prose is stunning.
"It is wise to conceal the past even if there is nothing to conceal. A man's power is in the half-light, in the half-seen movements of his hand and the unguessed-at expression of his face. It is the absence of facts that frightens people: the gap you open, into which they pour their fears, fantasies, desires."
Do you see this? Annoyingly good.
10.Morgan le Fay - Camelot
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I feel like this show had a lot of potential that it never got to fully express, and Eva Green as Morgana? Inspired casting, 10/10.
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beardedmrbean · 4 months
Police have arrested the girlfriend of Joliet mass murder suspect Romeo Nance for allegedly preventing police from finding her boyfriend after they said he killed seven members of his own family and one other person on 21 January.
Kyleigh Cleveland, 21, was charged with obstruction of justice on Wednesday after she allegedly told police she didn’t know Nance’s phone number as the manhunt was underway.
Police said they first made contact with Ms Cleveland when they were looking for Nance’s three-year-old son after he was not found at either of the two family homes where the shootings took place.
When detectives found the child at a home in Plainfield with Ms Cleveland, the 21-year-old was cooperative with police, and agreed to be questioned, authorities said.
However, detectives believe she withheld critical information from them to prevent them from apprehending Nance.
Ms Cleveland, who is the mother of Nance’s three-year-old son, was ordered by a judge to be placed on home confinement and electronic monitoring.
Police believe Nance went on a deadly shooting spree on 21 January, shooting nine people in the Joliet area, eight of whom were killed.
Seven of the victims are believed to have been related to Nance, police said. The victims were later identified as Nance’s mother, aunt, uncle, brother and three sisters.
He is also believed to have shot two men at random, including the final victim, 28-year-old Toyosi Bakare.
Investigators do not believe that Mr Bakare was related to any of the other victims.
The ninth man, who was shot in the leg, is also not believed to have been connected to any of the other victims.
Nance later took his own life hundreds of miles away in Natalia, Texas, following a confrontation with law enforcement officials, police said.
Following the shootings, it remains unclear why Nance travelled to Natalia, which is more than 18 hours away from Joliet by road. Illinois authorities confirmed on Tuesday that Nance had no known ties to Texas.
Medina County, Texas, sheriff Randy Brown said he believes Nance was trying to reach Mexico.
“It seems like they [criminal suspects] all head to Mexico,” he said.
Police are now working to establish Nance’s motive for the killings.
“We can’t get inside his head,” said Bill Evans, Joliet’s chief of police. “We just don’t have any clue as to why he did what he did.”
“We may never know the truth or motives,” added Dan Jungles, Will County Sheriff’s Office deputy chief of operations.
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dosedemoii · 2 months
Question 1:
Cell phones are powerful tools in allowing movements like #BlackLivesMatter and #MeToo to gain momentum through citizen journalism and the creation of online communities.  
To start, equipped with cameras, cell phones enable regular individuals to become citizen journalists, blurring the lines between consumers and producers of media content (Little, 2024). Citizen journalism gives power to the general public, allowing them to share their experiences with a wide audience without being censored, ignored, or silenced (Little, 2024). For instance, they can document events such as instances of police brutality, racial profiling, sexual harassment, or assault. A powerful example of this capability was seen in the viral police brutality incident involving George Floyd that happened in 2021. The first screenshot attached shows the viral police brutality incident where George Floyd was murdered by a white police officer in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Similarly, in the #Metoo movement, the second screenshot shows a woman who was being sexually harassed in public while on a live stream.
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This incident gained widespread attention on various social media platforms exposing the prevalence of such behavior and drawing attention to the #MeToo movement.
Moreover, cellphones facilitate the creation of online communities where individuals can share their content and connect with other activists. For instance, the Blackout Tuesday event on June 2, 2020, flooded social media platforms with black tiles transforming social media into a stage for advocacy and awareness (Bakare & Davies, 2020). This dominated social media as major institutions, artists, actors, and regular people participated, drawing attention to the #BlackLivesMatter movement (Bakare & Davies, 2020). This intended to stop online activity in solidarity for the #BlackLivesMatter movement (Bakare & Davies, 2020).
Overall, cellphones redistribute the power within society by giving regular people the ability to document and share their experiences online (Little, 2024). This shift challenges existing hierarchies, such as those dominated by traditional news outlets owned primarily by White males and empowers individuals to demand change (New Social Media Tools, 2016). Cellphones facilitate citizen journalism, social media, and community mobilization to empower individuals to document and share social injustices consequently enabling movements like #BlackLivesMatter and #MeToo to gain momentum.
Question 4:
Another hashtag that has changed the concept of power on the web and the world is #FreePalestine and #PalestineLivesMatter. This hashtag is a global movement advocating for the rights and freedom of Palestinians by Israel (Malli, 2021, para. 7). Citizens reporting from Palestine use these hashtags to post unedited scenes and events in real time with a global audience (Malli, 2021, para. 5). The third screenshot shows various TikTok’s using the hashtag to share news, personal stories, and calls for justice for Palestine. One of the significant changes brought about by the #FreePalestine movement is the shift in the narrative surrounding the Israel apartheid which favours Israel perspective (Malli, 2021, para. 3). It has challenged mainstream media representations and showed the realities of the Palestinian experiences and grievances (Malli, 2021, para. 9). Despite Israel’s efforts to shift the blame of civilian casualties onto Hamas, the movement holds them responsible for the devastating loss of Palestinian lives (Shurafa et al., 2024, para. 14). Israel, as well as other government’s effort to control the narrative is being stripped away.
Furthermore, the #FreePalestine movement has become a worldwide movement as people countries like Canada and the U.S are protesting in support and boycotting corporations like McDonald’s and Starbucks over their perceived support of Israel (Rajvanshi & Serhan, 2024, para. 1). In conclusion, the #FreePalestine movement has played a significant role in challenging power dynamics on the web and in the world by giving voice to marginalized communities, raising awareness about their struggles, and advocating for justice and freedom.
Bakare, L., & Davies, C. (2020, June 2). Blackout Tuesday: Black Squares Dominate Social Media and spark debate. Blackout Tuesday: black squares dominate social media and spark debate. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jun/02/blackout-tuesday-dominates-social-media-millions-show-solidarity-george-floyd 
Little, N. (2024). Citizen Journalism [Class Handout]. Slate. https://slate.sheridancollege.ca/d2l/le/content/1196044/viewContent/15472368/View
Little, N. (2024). Power of the Web [Class Handout]. Slate. https://slate.sheridancollege.ca/d2l/le/content/1196044/viewContent/15472365/View
Malli, R. (2021, May 25). #FreePalestine: How Palestinian solidarity won the internet. The New Arab. https://www.newarab.com/opinion/freepalestine-how-palestinian-solidarity-won-internet (https://www.newarab.com/opinion/freepalestine-how-palestinian-solidarity-won-internet)
New Social Media Tools Empower Citizen journalism (2016, July 17). https://phys.org/news/2016-07-social-media-tools-empower-citizen.html 
Rajvanshi, A., Serhan, Y. (2024, February 14). What to Know About the Global Boycott Movement Against Israel. Time. https://time.com/6694986/israel-palestine-bds-boycotts-starbucks-mcdonalds/ (https://time.com/6694986/israel-palestine-bds-boycotts-starbucks-mcdonalds/)
Shurafa, W., Chehayeb, K., & Lidman, M. (2024, February 18). Israel vows to ‘finish the job’ in Gaza as War Cabinet member threatens a Ramadan deadline for Rafah. AP News. https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-war-news-02-18-2024-380f901e8c2f52d537d0aa9f9bf0a6bb (https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-war-news-02-18-2024-380f901e8c2f52d537d0aa9f9bf0a6bb)
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crimechannels · 6 months
By • Olalekan Fagbade Alleged treason: Absence of judge stalls Presidential candidate’s case The alleged treason case filed by the Federal Government against a former Presidential candidate of the African Action Congress, Omoyele Sowore was stalled on Tuesday at the Federal High Court, Abuja due to the absence of the judge. Sowore is standing trial before Justice Emeka Nwite on allegations of treasonable felony. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the government had accused Sowore of treason following his call for a protest tagged #RevolutionNow, on Aug. 5, 2019. Sowore was in court on Tuesday, but the matter could not go on. His counsel, Mr Marshall Abubakar told NAN that the court registrar had informed him that the judge was on national assignment in another jurisdiction of the court. Abubakar said he had to take a new date, Feb. 14, 2024, for hearing. NAN recalls that on the last adjourned date on Nov. 15, Justice Nwite had threatened to strike out the four-year-long case if the government failed to obey an order of court to serve the charge on the second defendant. The prosecuting counsel, Ms Mariam Okorie, however, said she was not aware if the second defendant, Olawale Bakare, had been served with the notice. Counsel to Sowore, Abubakar, had told the court that the prosecution team was only trying to frustrate his client by its inability to serve the second defendant the hearing notice for him to appear in court. Abubakar said that he had written a letter to the Attorney-General of the Federation and Minister of Justice asking that the charge be severed so that Sowore could take his plea and stand trial alone. The prosecutor also told the court that since they had written to the minister, they would have to wait for the minister’s response to know the next line of action. Justice Nwite had at the time, said that he was minded to grant an adjournment on the condition that by the next adjourned date, the prosecution team would comply with the order of the court to serve the second defendant. The judge had warned that if the order of the court to serve the second defendant was not complied with, the matter would be struck out. (NAN)
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afandomfarfaraway · 1 year
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Ariyon Bakare as Detective Inspector Clinton Blair in Black Ops (2023)
Airyon in a new police comedy where he, judging by the trailer, oozes competence and elegance in contrast to everyone else who oozes none of these things. Gets called “hot in a kind of budget Idris way” which isn’t doing justice to either Airyon, Idris or budgets ;)
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hardynwa · 1 year
Yetunde Bakare Reacts Over Colleague Who Was Arrested
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According to news reports, Justice Chukwujekwu Aneke of a Federal High Court sitting in Ikoyi, Lagos, on Monday, February 13, ordered that Nollywood actress, Oluwadarasimi Omoseyin, who was arrested for tampering with the new Naira notes be remanded in Kirikiri pending the determination of her bail application. From various investigations, the 31-year-old was arrested after the video of her spraying and stepping on the newly redesigned Naira notes at a party surfaced online. In her statement to the Commission, she claimed that she received the new Naira notes from her fans at the party and that she did not know the persons who gave her the money. Nigerian actress Yetunde Bakare just reacted to news of the arrest of her colleague as she says, and quote, "They've taken this too far as if they have something against her there's obviously more to this! A lot of people sprayed money at that particular party!" Nevertheless, netizens also found it strange that she was arrested as other people are still spraying the new notes so maybe the law just wants to use her as a lesson to others. Read the full article
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baliportalnews · 1 year
Raih PROPER Emas Dua Tahun Berturut, Pertamina Ngurah Rai Buktikan Komitmen CSR Berkelanjutan
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, BADUNG – PT Pertamina (Persero) melalui Subholding Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Jatimbalinus melalui DPPU Ngurah Rai buktikan komitmen CSR Berkelanjutan. Terbukti dengan kembali diraihnya penghargaan dalam Program Penilaian Peringkat Kinerja Perusahaan Dalam Pengelolaan Lingkungan (Proper) Emas 2022 yang diselenggarakan Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (KLHK) pada, Kamis (29/12/2022) lalu di Jakarta. Penganugerahan PROPER Emas ini diberikan langsung oleh Wakil  Presiden KH Ma'ruf Amin didampingi oleh Menteri Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (LHK) Siti Nurbaya Bakar di Istana Wakil Presiden. Pelaksanaan program CSR oleh DPPU Ngurah Rai ini merupakan wujud dari kepedulian perusahaan dalam menjada kelestarian lingkungan yang sejalan dengan komitmen Pertamina dalam menjalankan upaya-upaya Go Green dalam kegiatan operasionalnya, yakni melalui program Eco Religion Waste Management System Desa Adat Kedonganan yang membawa Pertamina DPPU Ngurah Rai kembali raih emas pada akhir tahun 2022. Kegiatan CSR yang melahirkan inovasi sosial Eco Religion Waste Management System Desa Adat Kedonganan ini mengusung pelestarian budaya Bali untuk mewujudkan Ecological Justice sebagai bagian dari Tri Hita Karana melalui pengelolaan sampah upakara dengan penerapan peraturan adat dan keagamaan di Desa Adat Kedonganan. Program CSR ini menghasilkan 3 inovasi program, aplikasi KENSIK, kompos trichoderma SP dan briket bioarang. Aplikasi KENSIK (Kedonganan Ngardi Resik) merupakan platform rapor digital berbasis barcode dan TPS3R Kedonganan Ngardi Resik sebagai tempat pelaksanaan program merupakan TPS3R pertama di Bali yang memiliki platform digital ini. Program dan aplikasi ini juga sebagai bentuk dukungan Pertamina atas program Pemerintah Provinsi Bali tentang Pengelolaan Sampah Berbasis Sumber yang tertuang dalam Pergub Bali No. 47 Tahun 2019. Aplikadi ini hadir sebagai sistem pelaporan pelanggaran kebersihan masyarakat yang ditindak oleh Jagabaya. Selanjutnya inovasi kompos trichoderma SP. Kompos ini dihasilkan dari kegiatan di TPS3R Kedonganan Ngardi Resik melalui pengelolaan sampah organik sisa upacara adat dan rumah tangga. Pengelolaan sampah sebagai kompos ini untuk mencegah infeksi jamur dan penyakit tanaman. Terakhir inovasi briket bioarang. Selain menjadi kompos trichoderma SP, pengelolaan sampah di TPS3R Kedonganan Ngardi Resik juga diolah menjadi briket bioarang. Briket bioarang ini merupakan alternatif penggunaan dari arang kayu yang mana briket bioarang ini memiliki kelebihan tidak terkontaminasi bakteri ecoli dan salmonela. Saat ini lebih kurang 24 café di kawasan Kedonganan sudah menggunakan briket bioarang yang dihasilan program CSR Pertamina Kedonganan Ngardi Resik. “Melalui program TPS3R Kedonganan Ngardi Resik, kami mendukung inovasi Eco Religion Waste Management System Desa Adat Kedonganan yang merupakan inisiasi bersama antara Pertamina dan Peemerintah Provinsi Bali. Kami berusaha menanamkan kesadaran kepada masyarakat untuk dapat melakukan pengelolaan sampah secara bersama-sama sehingga dapat menghasilkan produk baru yang bermanfaat dan memiliki nilai tambah,” ujar Area Manager Comm., Rel. & CSR PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Jatimbalinus, Deden Mochammad Idhani. "Program ini sebagai wujud pelaksanaan program CSR yang berkelanjutan juga sejalan dengan  penerapan Environment, Social & Governance (ESG) dan Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs). Pertamina selalu berupaya seimbang dalam menjalankan bisnis perusahaan. Demi menjaga kesinambungan bisnis perusahaan, Pertamina juga berupaya mengembangkan program CSR terutama di sekitar wilayah operasional perusahaan," tukas Deden. Sementara itu Deny Djukardi, Executive General Manager PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Jatimbalinus menyampaikan bahwa Pertamina menyambut positif kegiatan PROPER yang diselenggarakan KLHK. Dengan adanya PROPER tersebut, maka penilaian kinerja pengelolaan lingkungan oleh Pertamina lebih terukur, objektif dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. “PROPER ini sejalan dengan komitmen Pertamina untuk mengimplementasikan ESG secara terintegrasi dari hulu ke hilir untuk mendukung bisnis yang berkelanjutan,” tutup Deny.(bpn) Read the full article
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ohafiatv · 2 years
‘I hear voices in prison asking me to kill somebody’
‘I hear voices in prison asking me to kill somebody’
A 41-year-old man, Nurudeen Bakare, standing trial for the murder of his mother, has told a Lagos High Court sitting at the Tafawa Balewa Square that he has been hearing voices asking him to kill somebody in prison. Nurudeen, who lived abroad for 12 years, is standing trial before Justice Modupe Nico-Clay. The defendant was 37-year-old when he allegedly killed his mother, Abosede, 65, by…
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youthsloadedmedia · 2 years
Alaba Bakare's Death: Court Summons IGP, Others Over Alleged Cover Up 
Alaba Bakare’s Death: Court Summons IGP, Others Over Alleged Cover Up 
Alaba Bakare’s Death: Court Summons IGP, Others Over Alleged Cover Up The Ikeja High Court on Wednesday ordered the Inspector General of Police (IGP) and Assistant Inspector General of Police (AIG) Zone 2 to appear before it over alleged compromise in an investigation. Justice Taiwo Oladokun gave the order following an affidavit of urgency filed by the family of late Alaba Bakare, owner of Bama…
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alabs1 · 2 years
Court Summons IGP, Others Over Alleged Cover-Up In Lagos Hotelier’s Death
Court Summons IGP, Others Over Alleged Cover-Up In Lagos Hotelier’s Death
The Ikeja High Court on Wednesday ordered the Inspector General of Police (IGP) and Assistant Inspector General of Police (AIG) Zone 2 to appear before it over alleged compromise in an investigation. Justice Taiwo Oladokun gave the order following an affidavit of urgency filed by the family of late Alaba Bakare, owner of Bama Hotel and Suites. He was allegedly murdered on January 24 by his wife,…
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tampire · 5 years
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Blonde And Black Villain Couples
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holyhousehold786 · 4 years
Since the Imam Mahdi, the 12th Imaam (as) is in occultation, he is coward??????
The latest Nasibi assault on the Imam of time so as to intimidate the Shi’a is the suggestion that our Imams occultation is because he is a coward, as he fears being killed.
Reply One – The occultation is pursuant to the will of Allah (swt)
First of all, it should be made clear that He (as) is a guide or an Imam, appointed by Allah (swt), therefore whatever he does, is according to the will and command of the authority that he utilizes not at his own whim. Allah (swt) could have decided against such a disappearance and granted him (as) the power to ensure the dominance of Islam at that particular time. We know that this did not happen, if He (swt) has decided to keep Him (as) in occultation for a time only known to Him (swt), and will instruct him (as) to appear at a specific time, it will be when He (swt) deems it the correct time that the religion of Islam should prevail through Him (as). No one is entitled to question His (swt) wisdom behind this all.
He (swt) is the one who gave 950 years old life to Prophet Noah (as), kept Prophet Isa (as) alive who is almost 1995 years older than Imam Mahdi (as), Kept Prophet Khidhr (as) alive kept the companions alive, in suspended sleep for hundreds of years
No one knows the wisdom behind such long periods of longevity. Thus,
Allah (swt) has always made His appointed ones act in different manners in different situations.
For example we read the following incident in Al-Mustadrak al-Hakim, Volume 2 page 394 that has been declared Sahih by both the author Imam Hakim as well as by Imam Dhahabi, the margin writer of the book:
Asma bin Abi Bakar said: ‘When it was revealed ‘{Perish the hands of Abu Lahab}’ Um Jameel bint Harb the one-eyed came holding a stone and she was saying: ‘We reject the dispraised (Muhammad) and hate his religion and disobey his instructions’. The prophet (s) was sitting in the mosque with Abu Bakr, when Abu Bakr saw her coming he said: ‘Oh messenger of Allah, she is coming and I’m afraid she would see you’. The Prophet (s) said: ‘She will not be able to see me’. The the Prophet (s) recited ‘{ And when you recite the Quran, We place between you and those who do not believe in the hereafter a hidden barrier;}[17:45]’. Then she stood in front of Abu Bakr and was unable to see the Prophet (s) and said: ‘Oh Abu Bakr! I have been informed that your companion ridiculed me’. Abu Bakr said: ‘No, by God of the house he didn’t ridiculed you.’ Then she left saying: ‘Quraish knows that I’m the daughter of its master’.
Al-Mustadrak al-Hakim, Volume 2 page 394 Tradition 3376
Imam of Ahe Sunnah Ibn Haban has also recorded this incident in his collection of Sahih traditions namely ‘Sahih Ibn Haban’ Volume 14 page 440 while Shaykh Shu’aib al-Arnaoot in his margin of the book further declared the tradition to be Sahih:
Ibn Abbas said: When it was revealed ‘{Perish the hands of Abu Lahab}’ the wife of Abu Lahab came to the prophet (s) and Abu Bakar was with Him (s). When Abu Bakar saw her coming he said: ‘Oh messenger of Allah, she is ribald woman and I’m afraid that she may harm you, it would be better if you leave.’ The prophet (s) said: ‘She will not be able see me’. Then she arrived and said: ‘Oh Abu Bakar! Your companion ridiculed me.’ Abu Bakar said: ‘No, he doesn’t say pems either’. Then she said: ‘You are truthful accoring to me.’ Then she left. Then Abu bakr said: ‘Oh messenger of Allah, how come she didn’t see you?’ The prophet said: ‘There was an angel covering me by his wings.’
This incident can also be read in:
1. Majm’a al-Zawaed, Volume 7 page 144
2. Musnad al-Humaidi, Volume 1, page 154
3. Musnad Abi Y’ala, Volume 1, page 34
4. Dalael al-Nubuwa, Volume 2, page 618
5. Tafsir ibn Abi Hatim, Volume 10, page 3472
6. Tarikh Dimashq, Volume 67, page 173
The Prophet (s) is the leader of Mankind, the most superior one in the human race in terms of morality and all positive characteristics and according to a view upheld by most of the Muslims, He (s) is the reason for the creation of this entire universe, yet we see that Allah (swt) made him go into temporary occultation before the enemy who was a female i.e. weak in terms of physical strength and that too all alone and without any lethal weapon. No Muslim would dare to attribute cowardice to the leader (s) of leaders for his occultation to safeguard himself from a weak enemy make any sort of conjecture as to what might have been Allah’s (swt) wisdom behind taking His (swt) beloved Prophet (s) into occultation
With this in mind when it comes to the last son from the progeny of the same Prophet (s), the Nawasib evidence their illegitimate ancestry by abruptly attributing cowardice to him just because He (as) is going to destroy their future Imam [Sufiyani].
Reply Two – Prophet Musa (as) went into hiding fearing state persecution, and this period in hiding bore fruit
Allah (swt) informs us in Surah Taha verses 20-21 of his Glorious Book:
20. And there came a man, running, from the furthest end of the City. He said: “O Moses! the Chiefs are taking counsel together about thee, to slay thee: so get thee away, for I do give thee sincere advice.”
21. He therefore got away therefrom, looking about, in a state of fear. He prayed “O my Lord! save me from people given to wrong-doing
The key lesson that one can gauge from the aforementioned verses is that a divinely appointed Prophet of Allah (swt) upon the counsel of a man fled the city fearing for his life.
Now in light of this verse can we deduce that Prophet Musa (as) was a coward? Certainly not, there was divine wisdom behind this approach, and this period of absence away from his enemies was of immense benefit to him.
It was during this hiatus that Musa (as) was equipped with divine teachings and powers that thus enabled him (as) to return to the city at a later date equipped with the necessary arsenal with which to quell the evil designs of the State.
He sought refuge in Madain where he befriended Prophet Shuayb (as) marrying his daughter, and becoming his employee as a shepherd for a ten year tenure (Surah Qasas verse 28). It was following the completion of this tenure that Allah (swt) revealed Himself (swt) to Musa (as) through a bush instructing him (as) to return to the city from where he had fled, so as to confront Pharaoh and free his enslaved people. Prophet Musa (as) exhibited a fear:
33. He said: “O my Lord! I have slain a man among them, and I fear lest they slay me.
34. “And my brother Aaron – He is more eloquent in speech than I: so send him with me as a helper, to confirm (and strengthen) me: for I fear that they may accuse me of falsehood.”
35. He said: “We will certainly strengthen thy arm through thy brother, and invest you both with authority, so they shall not be able to touch you: with Our Sign shall ye triumph,- you two as well as those who follow you.”
Allah (swt) could have instructed Musa (as) at any time, but the best of Planners waited enabling Musa (as) to become a family man and take on the responsibilities associated with this role when his previous life would have been care free a shepherd, that helped him to appreciate skills such as patience, hard strenuous work, when his life prior to it had been that of pomp and royalty in the Palace of Pharaoh
Allah (swt) gave him his main task after these new life skills were acquired.
We appeal to justice, whilst no one knows the precise reasons behind the ghaybah of the Imam (as) what is the objection if we argue that the rationale might well mirror the story Musa (as) who went into hiding to avoid persecution and whilst in this state was emboldened with the necessary skills to counter his foes, and thus returned to this hostile environment when Allah (swt) deemed it the right time to do so?
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walecyb1 · 5 years
AGURA STOOL: AJiboso Ruling House Will Produce the New King
AGURA STOOL: AJiboso Ruling House Will Produce the New King
The ongoing Kingship tussle presently in Gbagura Kingdom of Abeokuta has taken a new dimension as the Ajiboso ruling house is presently claiming the rightful mandate to the throne.
However an Ogun State High Court sitting in Abeokuta has been asked to declare the appointment of Saburee Babajide Bakre to fill the vacant stool of Agura of Gbagura as null and void by the Ajiboso ruling house for the…
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guillemelgat · 5 years
This was one of the first songs I tried translating from Basque, and probably one of the most ambitious, but it’s a classic so I had to. Since winter is now actually (possibly?) leaving, I figured now would be a good time to post it. This version is with the Basque Symphony Orchestra, and also features Ainhoa Moiua interpreting the song in Spanish sign language (LSE). My translation didn’t do it justice and could probably use corrections, but hopefully you all enjoy the song!
Elurrak joan direnean nire mendien artean When the snow disappears from my mountains Eguzkia teloian atzekaldean da The sun is on a cloth backdrop Ateratzeko beldur da, beldur eszenikoa It's afraid to come out, it has stage fright Aspaldi antzeztu ez duen obra honetan In this play that it hasn’t performed in a long time
Izpi txiki txikiren bat agertuz doa gaurkoan Today, a tiny, tiny ray comes approaching Poztasun handi batek besarkatzen nau A great happiness embraces me Mesedez ozen esan negua joan egin dela Please say loudly and clearly that winter has gone Nire arima hotzak ez du sinizten eta Because my cold soul does not believe it
Laztandu nazazu orain, ur urdinen artean Kiss me now, between blue waters Orain lainorik ez da, aurpegi biluziak Now there are no clouds, bare faces Ta larrua jotzean garrasirik ozenena, And having sex, the loudest cry Gordin amaigabea, negua joan da ta Unending rawness, because winter has gone
Jaio berrien antzera taupaden beharra dut orain Like a newborn, I need a heartbeat now Belarriekin ikusteko nire begiek entzuten ez dutena In order to see with my ears what my eyes do not hear Mesedez ozen esan negua joan egin dela Please say loudly and clearly that winter has gone Izara guztiak erre ditut eta Because I’ve burned all the bedsheets
Laztandu nazazu orain, ur urdinen artean Kiss me now, between blue waters Orain lainorik ez da, aurpegi biluziak Now there are no clouds, covered faces Ta larrua jotzean garrasirik ozenena, And having sex, the loudest cry Gordin amaigabea, negua joan da ta Unending rawness, because winter has gone
Soinu bakar bakarra zure bularraldean A single sound in your chest Negua joan da ta Because winter has gone Borobildu zaizkit ertzak zure ondoan I am surrounded by shores, by your side Izpi lasaigarri bat A ray of relief Negua joan da ta, negua joan da ta Because winter has gone, winter has gone
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baliportalnews · 2 years
Kejari Badung Terapkan RJ Pada Kasus Pencurian ini
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, BADUNG - Kejaksaan Negeri (Kejari) Badung kembali menerapkan Restorative Justice (RJ) pada satu kasus pencurian yang melibatkan satu orang tersangka atas nama Kadek Joni Astawa, Selasa (29/11/2022) kemarin. Dalam kesempatannya, Kepala Kejari Badung, Imran Yusuf didampingi Jaksa Fasilitator Angelica Ansanay dan Imam Ramdhoni melakukan penghentian penuntutan atas nama Kadek Joni Astawa yang disangka melanggar Pasal 362 KUHP dengan melalui pendekatan Restorative Justice (RJ). Imran menjelaskan, adapun kasus posisi perkara tersebut berawal pada Sabtu tanggal 24 September 2022 lalu, dimana tersangka dengan mengendarai sepeda motor milik mertuanya melintas di Banjar Busana Kelod, Desa Baha, Kecamatan Mengwi, Kabupaten Badung dan melihat ada warung sembako yang dalam keadaan sepi sehingga timbul niat tersangka untuk melakukan pencurian. Kemudian tersangka memberhentikan motornya di depan warung sembako tersebut dan melihat laci penyimpanan uang dalam keadaan terbuka, kemudian tersangka mengambil uang sebesar Rp3.000.000,- (tiga juta rupiah) yang ada di dalam laci tersebut. Namun, ketika mengambil uang tersebut pemilik warung melihat kemudian tersangka kaget dan uang yang ada di genggaman tanggannya jatuh dan berceceran di lantai dan seketika itu juga tersangka meminta maaf kepada korban selaku pemilik warung. Tersangka beralasan melakukan tindak pidana pencurian dikarenakan tersangka butuh biaya berobat anaknya yang terkena luka bakar, sedangkan tersangka sendiri sudah lama tidak bisa bekerja sebagai buruh dikarenakan tersangka baru saja sembuh dari sakit patah tulang akibat kecelakaan kerja dan tersangka juga malu untuk meminta uang kepada mertuanya dikarenakan selama ini mertuanya sudah banyak membantu membiayai tersangka dan keluarganya, sehingga atas dasar tersebut tersangka mengambil jalan pintas mencari uang untuk berobat anaknya dengan mencuri. "Dasar dilakukan Penghentian Penuntutan melalui pendekatan Restorative Justice dikarenakan korban telah memaafkan perbuatan tersangka dan meminta agar kasus ini dihentikan dan tersangka dapat mencari nafkah untuk membiayai keluarganya, tersangka baru pertama kali melakukan tindak pidana, ancaman tindak pidana yang dilakukan tersangka tidak lebih dari 5 (lima, red) tahun dan kerugian yang dialami oleh korban sudah kembali," jelasnya. Lebih lanjut, I Made Gde Bamaxs Wira Wibowo, selaku Kepala Seksi Intelijen Kejari Badung menambahkan, dengan berakhirnya penghentian penuntutan berdasarkan keadilan resoratif terhadap tersangka atas nama Kadek Joni Astawa, maka dengan ini perkara tersebut resmi dihentikan dan tersangka dikembalikan kepada keluarga untuk selajutnya dapat kembali berkumpul dengan keluarga. (aar/bpn) Read the full article
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