#Just maven things
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Supernatural 1.06 “Skin”
What happened? He tried to kill his wife. Tied her up and beat her.
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drewtanakagf · 9 months
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AND SO I DUG SIX FEET -> Maven as told through Cal
plain text: And so I dug six feet deep
A Brother Named Gethsemane, Natalia Diaz | Forugh Farrokhzad via @/feral-ballad | José Saramago via @/morepeachyougurt | Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) dir. The Russo Brothers | Cain carrying the body of Abel, Alexandre Falguière | ottessa moshfegh via @/scorpionshiv | via @/ojibwa | Antigone, Jean Anouilh via @/lelif |
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ball-of-butter · 1 year
normal red queen fans who were genuinely heartbroken when maven betrayed mare: why did you have to give me trust issues like this bruh
me, who liked him 100x more after: YESSSS SLAY UR ENEMIES YESSSSS HEHEHEHE BE BITTER
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imjulia-andilikecats · 2 months
Red Queen Characters and Camping🏕
Farley: Is the leader of the group. Chose the location, planned the activities and befriended the locals so they can get a nice spot🌲.
Cal: Helped set up all the tents and brought some cool camping gear🥾 that would mostly not get used by him or anyone. Tried to help Mare with anything, but she spent most of her time climbing trees.
Mare: Climbed every tree and made every squirrel🐿 her b!tch. Ate a lot of s'mores🍫 and got yelled at by Farley, when she tried to poke a sleeping grizzly bear🐻 with a stick.
Shade: Keeping the peace, making everyone get a long. Stopped Mare from grabbing every squirrel she sees. Pulls Farley away from the group for some "training."😏
Kilorn: Joined the camping trip cause he was hoping to catch some fish in the river. Got sad when it's mostly hiking. Sat next to Cal's overly equipped tent. Used his fishing rod🎣 to steal one of Mare's s'mores.
Evangeline: Hired a private driver to drive her luxury van🚌 to the campsite. Stayed there and only went out to annoy Cal and Maven. Couldn't annoy Mare cause Farley was watching her like a hawk.
Elane: Quietly enjoying herself☕️ at watching all the chaos unfold from the comfort of Evangeline's luxury van. Only came out to eat some food. Ask Mare for some s'mores and Mare, surprisingly gave her some.
Maven: For once, did not wanted to tag a long. Got bullied by Eve for being a wuss puss. Now stuck in a forest, getting feasted on by mosquitos🦟 and severely sunburned☀️. Tried to steal Mare's s'more to tease her, got a squirrel🐿 chucked at his face. Sat next to Cal and Kilorn, who's munching on a s'more. Couldn't go to the bathroom for 5 days straight🚽🧻.
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aerticent · 10 months
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Maven and Elara like-
Reminder we have literally no way of knowing who Maven really is because his mother’s abuse started when he was still just a baby, and who knows what she did during this time and just never told him. Elara robbed him of any life he could’ve lived because from the moment she began her manipulation, he went from her son to her creation
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snakerdoodlle · 1 year
It’s nearly 2 AM and I’m literally crying over Cal and Maven rn
The way Cal defended Maven and stood by him until the very end, being the only person who still loved him despite everything. Cal hanging on to any kind of hope for his brother that he could, searching desperately for someone that could possibly help him. Cal putting off the inevitable for as long as possible, never wanting to give Maven a death sentence but being forced to by the court/Scarlet Guard with so much regret behind it. Cal knowing that it’s not Maven’s fault. Cal blaming himself for years and years for never seeing what was happening to his baby brother, and for never shielding him from his mother. Cal going to Maven’s body first when finding him and Mare. Cal burying Maven on Tuck with the hopes that maybe at last, the broken, lost boy he knew could finally have peace. He promises he’ll always keep Maven with him, he’ll never let him go, never let him be forgotten in his memories. He gave Maven a proper headstone, he made sure his brother could have what little honor he was able to offer. It also basically served as Cal’s final message. Cal will always love Maven, he will always regret what happened, he will always wish he could’ve changed things, he will always have guilt weighing on his shoulders, even if it eases with time. Cal will never abandon Maven like so many others.
And then the way Maven spared Cal the final blow, letting Cal believe he was truly gone despite it being a lie. He hurt Cal just to save him the much worse pain it’d have caused him if he knew the truth. Cal would’ve done anything to try and save Maven if only he’d known, and Maven was aware and didn’t want Cal to go through that. They both knew nothing would’ve come of it, but none of that mattered to Cal ever. He would’ve been willing to do anything.
I am so unbelievably emotional over these two brothers good god
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ohitsmelaura · 1 year
after getting another special event forever ruined by my extended family (the last one was my birthday), i can say that i do understand maven calore sometimes
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viir-tanadhal · 2 years
i think reading and getting books from the public library again will fix me
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six-improbable-things · 4 months
officially surpassed 110 hours in bg3... this is getting close to being the most hours I have in any game except for TS4. (which doesn't count for several reasons, including that I cannot accurately check how many hours I have in that game.) Right now the only game with more house played is Planet Zoo, and I have 116 hours in that game... So BG3 will surpass that quite soon, especially since I've been playing 2-3 hours at a time, at least once a day on the weekends. (and sometimes on weekdays too.)
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techvillehusband · 2 years
strawberries peaches fresh baked pastries laughter bubble baths cherry blossoms daffodils butterflies sheep pinkie pie warmth springtime bright eyes sunrises love songs pretty stones big sweaters kisses sweet scented lotions jam on toast monster high fairies trust in the universe good vibes acoustic guitars barbie smiling in the rain gentle breeze library books soft hands hard work chocolate milk silly straws and most of all love love love love love
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elkian · 6 months
I've seen a lot of takes about the Hbomb video - here's a link; he's also done some similar works criticizing Allen Wakefield (accidentally instigated the prime anti-vax movement while trying to scam people) and Tommy Tallerico (similar vein to The Video, of plagiarism/credit theft).
I've also enjoyed some of his teardown videos, but my real favorites are his Why FNV Is Genius (and Here's Why) and Pathologic Is Genius (And Here's Why), which lead me to buying and playing (some of) Pathologic 2.
One thing worthy of note is that he specifically requests that nobody start a witch hunt over the subjects of his videos. He is an opinionated person and his righteous indignation is very entertaining, but I've never seen him seriously suggest people harass any real human beings. Suggestions to do so after watching the video have been made by the viewers and are explicitly condemned by Hbomb himself in the video. Just saying.
But more to the point is how he ends the video: he decides to cap it off with a reel of suggested viewing for people who create the kinds of things Somerton allegedly made himself, focusing on queer creators.
Here's the playlist linked in the video description:
I don't doubt other people have shared this already, but it hasn't crossed my dash, so I thought I'd give it a mention. It's a really nice way to end a video that, while focusing on informing the viewers and warning people of potential scammers essentially, does have a negative tone at times because he is, well, tearing into someone's monumental career of plagiarism.
The playlist links to videos by Alexander Avila (who was himself plagiarized by Somerton), Matt Baume, Lady Emily, verilybitchie, RickiHirsh, Shanspeare, Khadija Mbowe, hazel, Herby Revolus, Maggie Mae Fish, Kaz Rowe, Kat Blaque, Lily Alexandre, max teeth, drapetomania, Kameno -o, Lola Sebastian, Princess Weekers, CJ The X, Jennie Geist, Mia Mulder, Nick DiRamio, Sarah Z, Rowan Ellis, and finally Maven of the Eventide.
(I have chosen to spare my wrists and sanity by not hyperlinking those names because the playlist is literally right there.)
Fun facts: this list, which apparently also has nonbinary and trans artists on it, contains 0 names I am already familiar with. I don't spend a lot of time on Youtube outside of very specific needs, but this still makes for a good opportunity for me to familiarize myself with work from others in the community.
Anyways, I just think that's an extremely cool way to end a four-hour-video that, while extremely entertaining, is a bit of a down to watch and realize how easily extremely unmotivated people are stealing others' work and making bank off of it. That's all I had to say, goodnight.
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I think it's hilarious that for the most obsessed I've ever been in a fandom, I've watched less than half of the source material and I want to keep it that way
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ball-of-butter · 9 months
red queen in a contemporary setting so when mare dyes her hair purple to symbolise her growing into the new person she was meant to be, maven dyes his hair purple too just to spite her
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lilyway · 4 months
Icarus {Alastor x Reader} Part 3
Warnings: Blood, Gore, Death and canon-typical violence. Please be aware of these warnings going forward.
This is the last part. I'd love to hear your thoughts. This is 9k words. Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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Part 3: My Dearly Beloved
The annual extermination proved to be more brutal than ever, a relentless onslaught against the denizens of Hell that left the air thick with the stench of blood and despair. With each swing of her halberd, she condemned countless souls to their fate. The only unexpected thing that happened was Adam's unexpected act of pouring sinner's blood over her head. 
A few rare moments away from Lute’s watchful eye, (Name) searched for any signs of Alastor amidst the chaos of the extermination. As she scanned the blood-stained skies. searching for a glimpse of her beloved husband, she couldn't shake the pang of disappointment that rang true in the depths of her soul. Alastor remained true to his word and didn’t come back to meet her this year. He may have remained elusive this time, but there was the next year and the year after that. 
The triumphant cheers of her fellow exorcists reverberated through Heaven as they returned. (Name) watched the exorcists raise their bloody weapons high in the sky as they cheered. Her eyes turned to her halberd which didn’t look much better. Her halberd, a weapon now adorned with the remnants of the sinners that she had killed. (Name)'s gaze lingered on the crimson stains and bits of flesh clinging to the weapon's edges. Her face recoiled at the sight as bile threatened to leave her stomach. 
(Name) didn’t look much better than her weapon. Her once lustrous chocolate brown hair now bore the blackish crimson hue of dried blood, its strands matted and tangled with the residue of the dead. With each strand of hair clinging to her face, she wore the marks of the battlefield like a somber crown. As she ran her bloody fingers through her hair. (Name)'s fingers hesitated as they combed through the tangled mess of something brushed against her fingertips. Her mind raced with unsettling possibilities, each more gruesome than the last. Was it a fragment of flesh, torn from one of the sinners she had dispatched?
Shaking the thought out of her mind, (Name) grabbed the hem of her skirt and wrung the blood out of that side of her dress. She just wanted to cleanse herself of their blood. Being an exorcist was messy work, but coming back looking like she bathed in their blood wasn’t something she signed up for. 
"Good work, everyone!" Adam's voice boomed with a mixture of excitement and determination, echoing through the room as the exorcists rejoiced in the aftermath of their battle.
Amidst the celebration, (Name)'s sigh punctuated the air, exhaustion clinging to her as she started to make her way back to her dorm. While (Name) was leaving, she faltered as Lute's stern gaze beckoned her to follow. Lute led her back into the building into a quiet nook. 
"Need something?" (Name)'s voice, tinged with weariness, cut through the silence. Her fingers absentmindedly wiped the blood from her cheek, only serving to smear it further across her skin.
"Adam needs you to head back down to the embassy,"  That was a surprise. They were just here! Who in their right mind would have a meeting right after the extermination? "Bring whoever shows up to the office."
(Name)'s raised brow at the request. “We were just there," she countered, her tone laced with a hint of frustration at the sudden demand.
"Maven," Lute's sharp retort brooked no argument, her glare piercing through any resistance. "The meeting is in forty-five minutes. You better get moving."
“At least let me shower,” Lute’s only response was to point a finger behind her and narrow her eyes 
"Just go," Lute's command was firm, her gesture directing (Name) down the hallway. 
Fortunately, the exorcist building boasted an elevator in its basement, offering (Name) a fleeting opportunity to rid herself of the grime that clung to her like a second skin. With deft fingers, she attempted to dislodge the stubborn remnants of battle from her hair, a futile effort to restore some semblance of dignity to her disheveled appearance. She resisted the urge to dispose of the detritus of their confrontation in the corridors, mindful of the disapproval it would undoubtedly invite from her comrades.
Alone in the confines of the elevator, (Name) found herself afforded a rare moment of solitude, a brief respite from the ever-watchful eyes of Adam and Lute. As the glass panels encasing the elevator reflected her disheveled form back to her, she couldn't help but notice the amount of blood on her person. Her once pristine wings bore the stains of countless skirmishes, each crimson blotch made her want to throw up. Even the halo above her head, once a beacon of celestial purity, now bore a subtle crimson hue.
In the short ride down, time seemed to stretch for an eternity. Her thoughts returned to Alastor and what he could’ve been doing. Was he safe? Was he there, waiting for her? What she would give to know the answers to her questions. 
As (Name) stepped out of the elevator, she found herself enveloped in the eerie stillness of the lobby. The dimly lit space stretched out before her, its pristine surfaces untouched by time. It was clear that the building never saw much use. Rows of empty seats lined the walls, their silent presence a stark contrast to the bustling energy outside.
Running her fingers across the smooth surface of a nearby sofa, (Name) revealed a thin layer of dust. The sight stirred a sense of unease within her, a reminder of the solitude that permeated the empty expanse of the lobby. As she continued to explore the desolate space, (Name)'s footsteps echoed softly against the polished floors.
Her gaze swept across the rows of empty seats, lingering on the faint traces of dust that clung to their surfaces.  A  part of her wondered if anyone would be coming. Would they even find this place? It was clear as day that no one ever stepped foot in here. 
Alone in the empty lobby, (Name)'s senses were heightened, her awareness attuned to the distant echoes of chaos that reverberated from the streets beyond. The faint sounds of commotion reached her ears,  she wanted to try and take a look outside for a moment. 
Despite the curiosity that tugged at her, urging her to venture outside and uncover the source of the disturbance, (Name) hesitated. The thought of confronting the unknown dangers that lurked beyond the safety of heaven. She was in hell and they would tear her apart as soon as she stepped through the door. 
It was a risk she wasn’t willing to take, not without proper preparation and support. The streets of hell were unforgiving, where danger lurked around every corner. But, she didn’t want to become demon food. 
With a determined focus, (Name) pulled the trash can closer, its metal surface clattering softly against the floor as she settled into one of the vacant seats. Determined to restore a semblance of order to her disheveled appearance, she set about the arduous task of removing the grisly remnants that clung stubbornly to her hair.
The process was far from glamorous, each stroke of the comb bringing forth a tangled web of gore and viscera. Yet, despite the repulsive nature of her task, (Name) persevered, her hands steady as she picked the gore out. 
As her fingers glided through the tangled strands, the thought of shearing off her long locks and returning them to a more manageable length flickered through (Name)'s mind. The idea of cutting it back to a more practical length seemed tempting, almost liberating in its simplicity. She imagined the sensation of sharp blades slicing through the tangled mess. 
Yet, even as the notion took root in her mind, (Name) hesitated. She remembered her mother telling her that hair is a girl’s crown. That hair holds memories even the smallest insignificant ones.  (Name) couldn’t cut it and only did when it got past her knees. Having long hair was probably the main reason she was in this mess. 
Her thoughts wandered back to Alastor as she ran her fingers through her bloodstained hair. What was Alastor doing right now? Did he manage to survive this year's extermination? Her every question had no answer and she was left alone in the empty lobby. 
Did he still love her even now? After all these years? Was their love strong enough to survive almost a century? He kissed her, sure, but that was more of a goodbye kiss. 
(Name)'s blood-stained hands hung in front of her, and her hands dropped back down to her lap. She couldn't remember the last time she felt so out of control, so utterly lost amidst the chaos of her own emotions. In the wake of that brief encounter, she found herself grappling with doubts and uncertainties that threatened to consume her.
She had always prided herself on her composure, always having the appearance of someone who was well put together. But now, as she sat alone in the empty lobby, the weight of her emotions bore down upon her like a suffocating blanket, leaving her feeling raw and exposed.
How could one meeting leave her so shaken, so fragile that she could break at any moment. 
She couldn’t understand what Alastor did to her.
As her eyes lingered on the door, debating her options and what she actually could do. On one hand, the allure of venturing outside, of braving the chaotic streets in search of Alastor, tugged at her heartstrings with an almost irresistible force. The prospect of catching even a fleeting glimpse of him would be enough for her. 
But, she would probably be ripped apart. 
The safest option was staying here and falling deeper into her potential madness. It sure felt like it. 
As (Name) sank back into the cushioned seat, she allowed her thoughts to drift far and back to safety that would be Alastor’s embrace. He was her comfort, her love, and her everything. She loved him more than life itself. But, did he love her the way she did?
Closing her eyes and leaned back into the soft cushions as she tried to think of better days to wash away her doubt. 
“Do you know I fell in love with you,” (Name) whispered, her voice quivering slightly. 
Amidst the haze of cigarette smoke and the lingering scent of alcohol, (Name) found herself back in a familiar dimly lit bar. The soft melody of the piano drifted through the air, casting a spell of melancholy over the patrons,  but there was something buried deep in the notes. Something bright and hopeful. 
“I can’t remember, how long has it been?” 
Seated alone, (Name)'s gaze wandered, tracing the patterns of the swirling smoke as it curled upwards toward the ceiling. The muted chatter of the bar faded into the background as she lost herself in the haunting strains of the music and the man playing them. 
The soft glow of the bar's dim lighting seemed to cast a halo around Alastor as he sat at the piano, his fingers dancing gracefully across the keys. (Name) couldn’t help but tear her gaze from her drink as she shifted to view the performance. The emotion he put into every note was his head bobbing up and down as he immersed himself in his performance. 
Lost in the melody, (Name)'s smile danced upon her lips as she hummed along to the gentle strains of Alastor's tune. Pulling her cool drink to her lap as time seemed to be a concept that no longer mattered. 
"All I know," She sang softly, her voice a mere whisper against the backdrop of the piano playing in her mind. "Is this love within my heart, waiting for you."
Her gaze drifted back to Alastor, who played with a quiet intensity, his fingers caressing the keys with practiced skill. There was a distant look in his eyes as if lost in a world of his own creation, yet his music spoke volumes, reaching out to touch the hearts of those who listened.
As his song ended his eyes traveled across the audience and lingered on her as a brief smile appeared on his lips. That was all it took for her eyes to quickly drop back down to her drink. “Can’t you see, what you mean to me?”
In a foolish attempt to control her nerves, she took a big gulp of her cocktail. It didn’t do much to hide her flushed cheeks as her heart raced in her ears. “How I wish you could read my mind,”
That was their first meeting, something as mundane as anything else. Someone who was here for a good time and someone who was trying to drink her problems. It might have been brief, just eye contact from across the room with an occasional smile. 
Soon turned to her singing directly at him and stumbled when he flashed her smile. He made her a mess and she loved every butterfly that fluttered in her stomach. “All these feelings, I could never find.” 
The first time he tried to speak to her was when she was leaving, (Name)'s heart raced as she found herself face-to-face with Alastor. His presence, so close and unexpected, left her speechless, her mind reeling with anxiety. She stood on unsteady legs as the world around her seemed to blur. 
“The right words to explain…” (Name) couldn’t escape her memory as she watched her younger self make a fool of herself. 
Alastor was trying to say something, but she couldn’t hear it. There was too much alcohol in her system and it was making her woozy. With a shake of her head, without a word, she turned and bolted from the bar, her heels pounding against the pavement. 
“Like the snow, all my love,” She followed them out into her memory palace as she stayed an outsider in her memories. 
(Name) would feel her aching feet in the morning as she practically sprinted down the street. Alastor ran after her after his surprise wore off. She didn’t even realize that she was going to leave without her jacket and that it was in his hands. 
“Falling down from above,” 
He tried to call out to her but that only pushed her to run faster. She was almost back to her parent’s house when Alastor caught up to her and grabbed her wrist. Her head snapped back as his chest rose and fell with uneven breaths. Alastor looked so disheveled with his glasses falling off his nose with the mess of curls his hair became. 
“In time,” (Name) could feel her lips curling into a wistful smile as she remembered how young they were back then. They had to be in their early twenties with the whole world in front of them.  
 (Name) was grateful for the alcohol casting a pink flush across her cheeks. She couldn’t help herself and muttered ‘You’re beautiful’ in her drunken haze. In that moment, with his disheveled appearance and the intensity of his gaze, Alastor looked more beautiful to her than ever before. 
(Name)'s gaze drifted down to her wrist, where Alastor's touch lingered, firm yet gentle. His fingertips pressed against her skin with a softness that made her heart flutter. It was too considerate, he was trying to get her to slow down and stop hurting her feet. If he didn’t stop her here, she probably would’ve run all the way home. 
“It piles high, as if to touch the sky.”
Alastor held into her hand for what felt like an eternity, as the starry sky framed his body. He wasn’t doing anything to help the deep blush growing on her face. His disheveled appearance was doing something horrible to her heart. It was racing as it pounded in her ears. How she observed his chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath. He was truly something else. 
As they strolled down the streets, Alastor walked by her side, her wrist free from his grasp. There was enough space between them where no one would have any misunderstandings. He was being a gentleman and just walking her back to her parent’s house. The air was filled with a sense of calm, punctuated only by the occasional rustle of leaves and the distant murmur of nocturnal creatures.
She tried to bridge the silence with small talk and it was a futile attempt to make time go by. The only topic she thought of was the stars hanging above them. The tapestry of twinkling little lights that shined down on them made him seem like a prince. Her eyes kept falling back to him as he glanced up at the sky. 
Alastor, his eyes narrowing with a subtle intensity, as he looked for the star she was pointing at. Alastor, his eyes narrowing as he focused his gaze made her heart skip a beat. The faintest adjustment of his glasses added an air of mystery. How his eyes glittered as the stars reflected in them. I
In her unaware state, (Name)'s steps faltered, and she stumbled over her own feet. The ground approached swiftly, before she hit the ground Alastor's swift reflexes intervened. He caught her by the waist, his grip firm yet gentle, and she was speechless. 
“Hold me tight,” 
Alastor's proximity seemed to tiptoe the line between comfort and unease. His cologne was casting a spell that was leaving (Name)'s senses reeling. (Name)'s thoughts raced, she found herself ensnared by the intensity of Alastor's brown eyes. His gaze, like a whirlpool pulling her deeper into its depths, seemed to swallow any words of thanks that dared to escape her lips. (Name) felt her defenses crumble, her honey-colored eyes meeting him in a silent exchange that spoke volumes. 
“This can’t be right.” 
With a gentle yet firm grip, Alastor helped (Name) back to her feet. A faint chuckle escaped his lips, this was awkward but it didn’t matter to her. (Name) couldn't help but feel grateful that he didn't mention her goofy expression. 
As he extended his arm, a silent invitation for her to lean on him, and she gladly accepted. Despite his seemingly unassuming demeanor, Alastor's build proved to be surprisingly strong and supportive. As he walked her back home, it was a short and sweet little walk. 
“This can’t be how it’s meant to feel,” (Name) remembered the butterflies that flew wildly in her stomach too well. How she could barely get a sentence in without making herself look a fool. 
Alastor, with a casual ease, left (Name) at her doorstep, his steps carrying him back toward the bar. (Name) couldn't let him slip away so easily. With a determined yell, she shouted for him to stop and give her his name. 
Turning around, Alastor met her gaze with a soft smile,  turning her legs into jelly. He told her to ask again when she would remember it and not drunk. That would be the only time he’d tell her. 
“But I can’t turn back time now cause,”
The front door slammed shut with a resounding echo. (Name)'s hurried footsteps echoed down the hallway, waking her parents who jumped to their feet. Throwing open the door of her childhood room and collapsing into her mattress. Her hands found purchase in her pillows and dragged it to her chest. 
“I love you,” 
With each ragged breath, (Name)'s heart threatened to break free from the confines of her chest. Her hands clenched the soft fabric of her pillows, and the sound of hurried footsteps approached. Her father, his face etched with worry, burst into the room, his protective instinct driving him to her side. 
With tear-streaked cheeks and trembling lips, (Name) found herself facing the weight of her father's gaze. She found herself blurting out the words that lingered on the tip of her tongue. 
‘Papa, I think I love him.’ That’s what (Name) said to her father without a second thought. Her father’s eyes widened as his jaw hung open. Without a word, he swiftly departed from her room, his hurried footsteps echoing down the corridor. Fortunately, Alastor was already around the corner and out of her father’s view. As he returned, he told her to get some sleep and left a kiss on her forehead. 
“I only wish it wasn’t true,” If she didn’t love him she wouldn’t be in this position. Perhaps, a loveless marriage would’ve been better. 
What (Name) would give to return back the clock and return to the days when she was able to meet him. Do things over with the knowledge she already has. Make some terrible decisions and fall into hell with him. 
“I wish I could forget - Wish that we’d never met.” 
It hurts, everything hurts. Looking back at a past that didn’t matter. How the start of everything seemed so perfect. The small interactions at the bar and the drunken walks back home always coming back without his name. If only she knew that everything would end up like this, maybe she’d rethink her choices. 
“Inside my heart, I know - Eternal Snow.” How she wanted to see him as opened her eyes and glanced up at the ceiling. 
She was unfortunately still back in the empty lobby without their guest anywhere to be seen. It was probably for the best, she wasn’t in the best headspace to interact with anyone. 
“Do you know, you’re still in my dreams?” He really was, her every thought was consumed by him as he became her strength to survive in heaven. 
As (Name) pulled herself up, her movements felt heavy, burdened by the weight of her emotions. Her feet dragged across the floor, reluctant to carry her forward. She watched the sinners walk by as she hid herself in the dark nook. “How much longer till you let me sleep?” (Name) searched for Alastor in every person who walked by and he never did. 
“One day, I pray that it might.” (Name) tore herself from the window and returned to her seat. She was being stupid and this whole thing was idiotic. “Just take one candle’s flame.” 
(Name)'s voice faltered as the door creaked open, a shaft of light piercing the darkness of her solitude. With a sudden sense of unease, she fell silent, her song dissipating into the quiet of the room like wisps of smoke. A blonde girl peaked her head and quickly looked around the dark room. 
She hesitantly walked in she looked around like she just entered a haunted house as she muttered something under her breath. There was a certain warmth in the girl’s demeanor as she cautiously approached the front desk. 
(Name)'s voice, though gentle, seemed to startle the girl as she jumped slightly. ”You look lost, honey.” As Charlie's head snapped in her direction, (Name) couldn't help but notice the flicker of nervousness across her expression. 
The girl explained with a lightness in her voice that carried a hint of nervousness. “My dad asked me to come to this meeting for him.” She had a voice that was filled with sugar and everything nice and that was (Name)’s signal that this wasn’t going to go well.
(Name) couldn't help but feel a tinge of surprise. "Oh," She responded, there was a moment before she continued. “You're the Morningstar's daughter?" (Name) tried to dig for any mentions of the girl’s name during her time in heaven. 
The blonde girl, with an upbeat attitude that bordered on naivety, confirmed her identity with a bright affirmation. "Right. I’m Charlie!" she exclaimed, as if her name carried a contagious enthusiasm that lit up the room.
“(Name).” Her introduction carried a tone of measured formality, a stark contrast to Charlie's effervescent enthusiasm. “I’ll be taking care of you during your meeting with heaven.” 
As she extended her hand in greeting, (Name)'s gaze lingered briefly on the dried blood that marred her skin—from all the sinners killed an hour earlier. (Name) felt a pang of unease, a discomfort born from the knowledge that she stood before a princess. Not that Charlie carried an air of royalty, but she didn’t want to be rude to the girl. It just didn't feel right to shake Charlie's hand with blood-stained fingers
"I apologize for my appearance," (Name) apologized as she tried to wipe her hands on her dress. "I didn't have time to clean off the blood."
“Oh! Righttt, that’s okay. Don’t be so formal.” Charlie seemed like a really sweet girl and she couldn’t worry that Adam would be a complete mockery of her. 
“Understood.” (Name) couldn’t follow that request. “As you’re here early, is there anything you want to run by me?”
“Oh! There’s a proposal I’ve been working on!” Charlie whipped out a thick stack of papers full of drawings. They were colorful and all drawn with crayons. 
(Name) could feel a nervous sweat go down her face. Charlie was going to be laughed out of the room for sure. “Let’s hear it.” 
“I know Hell's population is out of control. It's a bad situation, it's taking a toll. If we rehab these sinners,” Charlie spoke quickly and in one breath. She took another deep breath and continued. “Extermination, I know you guys fly down just to kill once a year.” (Name)’s shoulders dropped and her hope for a good meeting going well went out the window. 
“Charlie.” (Name) tried to stop her, she was too pure for this. Adam was going to spit and laugh at her efforts. 
Charlie didn’t stop, she was too focused on explaining her proposal. “And it must be annoying to schlep all the way here. If they join you in Heaven, that trip disappears!” 
“Charlie, you're going to be laughed out of that meeting," (Name)'s voice, tinged with a hint of concern. (Name) wanted to think her pure intentions would work. 
"They'll listen to what I have to say," Charlie's response, though laced with unwavering determination, did little to assuage (Name)'s fears. 
"You don't understand. You're having a meeting with Adam, and he will chew and spit all over your proposal," 
"That's alright! You're not the only one who's told me that," Charlie's response, broke her heart. Charlie was just a kid, this shouldn’t have been something people should’ve told her.  
"It's a lovely idea,"
"Thanks. Do you think it could work?" Charlie's question made her think if could work in practice. There was little she understood about souls or if souls could be redeemed. 
"I don't know. I have no idea what the criteria would be. It's a nice thought," (Name)'s response, though tinged with uncertainty. 
“I think it’s possible.” Charlie wasn’t going to drop her dream so easily as she signed her name into a floating scroll. 
(Name) walked over to the elevator and motioned her inside. “Don’t be too upset.” 
As the elevator ascended towards the awaiting offices where Adam and Lute awaited them, the weight of anticipation hung heavy in the air. (Name)'s parting words to Charlie echoed in the confines of the elevator, a gentle reminder that Charlie didn’t take. 
(Name) opened the door for them and quickly stepped back outside the office as the doors slid open. “Maven! Get your ass back in here.” However, before she could retreat further, Adam's commanding voice called her back into the room. 
“As you wish.” With a resigned sigh, (Name) acquiesced, her movements fluid as she leaned against the doorframe. 
Charlie’s meeting went poorly as (Name) warned her it would. The poor girl looked defeated as she received terrible news and one that would probably bring the death of thousands.
For (Name), the extermination coming early left a bittersweet taste in her mouth. On one hand, it meant she would have the opportunity to see Alastor again, a thought that brought her both comfort and dread. 
Her heart went out to Charlie as she saw the expression on her face. It hurt to look at. How she hated that people like Charlie were her weakness. (Name) was an exorcist, there shouldn’t be any room for empathy. There should only be hatred for Charlie and her people. She should be laughing her out of the room and taunting her. That’s what Adam and Lute would be wanting her to do. 
(Name) was silent until they reached the lobby and started walking her out. There was something that wanted to make Charlie at least leave with a smile on her face. She reminded her too much of her younger sister and her foolishly large dreams. 
With a hint of nervousness, (Name) bit the inside of her cheek to cast them aside. “I believe that the words that he told you are not your grave.” Her voice was soft, slightly above a whisper. 
"He didn't even listen to me," Charlie responded with frustration laced in her every word. “There’s nothing I can do if Heaven doesn’t listen.”  
(Name) stopped walking and patted one of the seats nearby. “And I believe that you can make them listen.” As hopeless as Charlie’s situation was, there was something that could still be taken out of this. “Darkness reminds us where light can be.”
Charlie, though wearied, managed a smile as she took a seat, the weight of disappointment evident in her posture. "I couldn't protect them."
"I have been where you are before," (Name) was in her shoes back when she first started as an exorcist. She knew how it felt, feeling like you couldn’t save anyone. When you had absolutely no power to change another's fate. 
Despite the stains on her hands, she took Charlie's hand into her own. "Do you believe they can be redeemed?"
"Of course! More than anything, they're good people deep, deep down, "
“Then, even all the cruelest sinners can start again.” 
"Thanks for believing in me," Charlie expressed her gratitude with a tight squeeze, a gesture that resonated with an unexpected warmth.
(Name), frozen in surprise, couldn't pinpoint the source of the sudden change in her demeanor. She waved her out of the building and collapsed back into the seat.
“Charlie. I hope your idea works.” She muttered to herself. 
Upon her return to heaven, (Name) was faced with the imposing presence of Adam and Lute. The sight of them waiting for her sent a ripple of dread down her spine. As Adam flung an arm around her shoulder, pulling her uncomfortably close, (Name)'s senses bristled with discomfort. The proximity of his touch, coupled with the weight of his presence, felt suffocating.
"We have a gift for you, Maven," Adam announced with a grin with Lute by his side. 
 “What sort of gift?” The uncertainty of what awaited her fueled the knot of anxiety that coiled in her stomach. It made her want to throw up. 
"Since the extermination is coming early," Adam seemed awfully proud of himself as he spoke, his words dripping with ominous intent, "It's time for a little upgrade."
Forcing herself out of his grip and retreated back several steps. “I haven’t done anything to deserve any gifts.” 
"Yeah? I saw you getting awfully cozy with Lucifer's brat," Adam spat in disgust, his disdain evident. "You don't think her lame-ass idea will actually work."
“It could. We have no proof against it.” 
"Maven, you're speaking like a little traitor," Lute interjected, her anger simmering beneath the surface like a dormant volcano on the verge of eruption.
"Think about it, Maven. If you get sent down there and her little idea works," Adam's voice cut through the tension like a blade, his words laden with a veiled threat that sent a shiver down her spine.
"What are you trying to say, Adam?" The implications were clear as day and she didn’t want them to be spoken into reality. 
"What if your man gets redeemed," Adam's words pierced her heart, the man was picking at low-hanging fruit. (Name)'s expression hardened, as her hands twitched to beat his sorry ass into next week. "Using your logic, there's no proof that fallen bitches can too." 
The venom in his words ignited a firestorm of emotion within her, and (Name) couldn't help but snap back. “Are you being fucking serious?"
“Watch your tone.” 
"Time you make your choice, bitch," Adam's ultimatum hung in the air as his hand was stretched out for her to grasp. 
(Name) glared at his outstretched hand, her frustration boiling beneath the surface as she reluctantly accepted it. "Fuck you, Adam," She spat. What she would give to bury him in a thick layer of dirt. 
Adam's grin widened as his grip tightened around her hand, his condescending tone cutting through the air. "Good girl," His words dripped with patronizing satisfaction.
The soft shade of golden light enveloped her body as the blessing coursed through her veins, igniting her vocal cords with a fiery sensation. Though the blessings were never physically painful, the internal panic they stirred was undeniable. It was her first blessing since her encounter with Alastor, and his influence on her loyalty was becoming increasingly evident.
Adam's eyes widened with a twisted pleasure as (Name) fell to her knees, grasping at her chest in agony. “Hurt’s doesn’t, Maven?” He cooed. 
"What did you do?" she spat out through painful gasps of air, her voice straining with every word she spoke. 
"Can't you see a blessing when you see one?" Lute asked coldly as she delivered a kick that sent (Name) sprawling. "If heaven’s light is hurting you, what do you think is happening?"
(Name) pushed herself off the floor, sending Lute a glare that matched the intensity of her pain. “Am I being rejected by heaven?”
“Ding ding, we have a winner!” Adam mocked with his signature finger guns pointed her way.
(Name) rushed to the closest mirror and examined her halo. There, amidst the ring of pure ivory, was the faintest red glow. “No, no, no.” Her fingers clenched around her halo as she desperately prayed away the blight. 
“Remember what side you’re on, Maven.” 
“What side are you on?” Lute's question pierced through the chaos, dragging (Name) away from the mirror and forcing her back.
(Name) remained silent for a long while, her mind swirling with her options. If Alastor sought redemption and achieved it. He would return to heaven, and their reunion would be glorious. However, if she succumbed to becoming a fallen angel and Alastor found redemption, they would be back at square one, torn apart once again. There seemed to be no clear option, no path forward that guaranteed their happiness — But, one. 
“Heaven’s. Now and forever.” 
(Name) couldn't escape the weight of her own self-doubt. She berated herself for her tendency to bend to every hint of a problem, for her inability to stand firm in her convictions. The conversation with Charlie echoed in her mind, her words of encouragement now haunting her as evidence of her own hypocrisy. Despite urging Charlie to believe in the possibility of redeeming sinners, (Name) couldn't help but feel like a fraud, unable to practice what she preached.
“What sort of blessing did you give me?” (Name) asked from the pits of her self-hatred. 
Adam glanced back with a scoff. "Wouldn’t you like to know," His words dripped with disdain and a hint of sadistic pleasure.
With that, they both left and left her there. As they faded from her sight (Name) returned back to her room. (Name)'s room became a chamber of her turmoil. With a surge of pent-up emotions, she hurled her vase across the room, the sound of shattering pottery echoing back in her ears. Collapsing against the door, she sank to the floor, tears streaming down her face as she surrendered to the weight of her despair, her cries muffled by the fabric of her knees.
Months passed as word reached (Name)’s ears about Charlie’s visit to Heaven. Even as Lute and Adam’s shadow, she did her best to avoid her. Mostly because she didn’t want to be forced into bullying her. She was here for important business, not Adam and Lute’s antics. 
Unfortunately for Charlie, the extermination wasn’t called off. But, she did reveal the truth to Heaven’s Court. Which was enough of a win as they were all arrogant to the truth. Of course, (Name) was there during that meeting. She was back by the door leaning on the wall and prayed that she could go back to her room. 
(Name) was in the worst of moods up until the extermination. She had spent most of her time in confessional or praying her sins away. Trying to rid herself of her blight and unfortunately for her — the red slowly spread. The crimson hue reminded her of the blood on her hands and she wanted to vomit. 
The hype around this extermination was grand as Adam made a declaration to Charlie that their extermination would go after her hotel first. While she had been tasked with haunting children before, it had always been under orders, and she had never known them personally. However, meeting Charlie changed things; she recognized more goodness in Charlie than in Adam and Lute combined. Having to strike her down made her sick to her stomach. 
Her hotel had its merits too. If sinners could find redemption there, families wouldn't have to endure the agony of separation. People would have the opportunity for second chances, the chance to make better choices. Better choices weren't something she could have. She had made her choice and had to lay with them now. 
Breaking down Charlie's hotel meant shattering not just the physical structure but also the dream that accompanied it. The work wouldn’t be something that wouldn’t linger in her consciousness.  It had personal stakes for her too. Extinguishing Charlie’s hope came at the cost of her own hope. With Charlie and her hotel gone, Alastor wouldn’t ever come to heaven. 
It absolutely broke her. However, Alastor wouldn’t willingly work with someone like Charlie. Heavens, she didn’t know if they even knew each other. Which was the only hope she had left as she prayed for him to survive. 
“Are you ready yet?” Lute asked from the other side of the changing room door. 
(Name) took one last look at her clothing and exuded an air of mourning. The long black dress, with its multiple layers of fabric, draped fluidly, creating an ethereal silhouette. Her hands were adorned with delicate black lace gloves. They matched the veil that she threw over her face. 
The absence of armor, even chainmail, spoke volumes about her intent. This was a slaughter, not something that should be celebrated. If she was lucky and Charlie did put up a fight. She’d do her a favor and put her out of her misery. 
“As ready as I’ll ever be.” (Name) tone was one of defeat as she grabbed her ivory halberd. 
“That’s a good look on you, Maven.” Lute’s compliment seemed more like a taunt than anything genuine. 
"I don't want to hear your compliments, Lute," (Name) retorted, her voice devoid of any emotion as she brushed past her and returned to Adam's side.
They arrived just in time to catch the last of his fiery speech. "Let’s fucking kill that brat!" His voice thundered, resonating with aggression and malice as the familiar portal ripped open.
On Adam’s signal, everyone dove into Hell’s skies, they found themselves in front of Charlie’s grand hotel. Her eyes looked over the soon-to-be battlefield, catching sight of a very familiar face grinning up at them from the roof of the hotel. It was Alastor, standing tall and proud, with a devilish smile playing on his lips. Her heart dropped, Alastor was working with Charlie. 
She would have to cut him down. 
(Name)'s weapon fell loose in her grip as she flew next to Adam. “Alastor?” she mumbled, her voice barely audible over the rushing wind. Adam grabbed her arm and shoved her forward.
“Fucking sing, I don’t care who has your panties in a twist. You better fucking sing like your life depends on it,” Adam barked. 
(Name) looked back at Adam, then down at Alastor, shaking her head furiously. She looked like she was going to cry and she wanted to. 
“No…I can’t. I can’t bring myself to hurt him,” (Name) tried to protest as Adam flew over to her. But her small act of defiance was met with brutality as Adam yanked her up by her hair, her fingers tightening around her halberd.
Alastor’s eyes narrowed as static filled the air. It was a warning of sorts, even if he was smiling he was about to beat Adam to a bloody pulp. 
"What was that?" Adam's grip tightened on (Name)'s arm as she let out a small cry of pain.
(Name)'s voice was firm. “I said no, Adam.” Her eyes returned to Alastor who gave her a look asking if she wanted him to step in. 
Adam's eyes narrowed as they followed her gaze, landing on Alastor who stood defiantly below them. "Oh, I'll just kill him first," Adam's words cut through the air like a blade, causing (Name)'s heart to plummet.
"Adam, please. Don't hurt him," (Name)'s plea was tinged with desperation, her voice quivering with fear at the thought of Alastor's demise.
“Then fucking sing," Adam's commanded.
(Name) had no choice but to listen. Her wings sliced through the air as she ascended higher into the sky. Her halberd remained held horizontally in her hands, she looked down at Alastor with an apologetic expression. In that fleeting moment, she saw his eyes narrow and his brows rise. 
“A cowardly façade weaves into my voice.”   Her words trembled with emotion as her body began to glow with a soft, golden hue. A shimmering shield materialized around her, encircling her form like a protective barrier.
At the same time, Adam shot her a piercing glare, a silent demand for her to sing with conviction, a signal for the attack to start.
Her body began to glow brighter as she continued. “As I call for war, blinded by this far-fetched noble cause.” (Name) could only watch as her fellow exorcists charge towards the hotel as an eldritch shield appears to surround the hotel to cage the unlucky few who found themselves stuck inside. 
She noticed how the exorcist’s bodies matched the same glow as hers, and her heart shattered. That was the power Adam gave her, as the occasional wound appeared on her body, as the exorcists obtained them as well. The wounds didn’t last long, but this was a double-edged sword.
“Although I had a choice, I believed the lies.” 
Whatever that shield was that Alastor cast was horrific. Tentacles sprouted forth and waved them without rhyme or reason. Some even held angelic weapons as they swung wildly, their range was insane as they cleaved through the sky. 
“But it's all a dream, ending when I open up my eyes.” 
She really wanted to know what this blessing was as her blood poured from a large gash down her arm. This was a little extreme even for Adam. Even if she wasn’t the one experiencing the injury, she could feel it and had to sing through her pain. 
Her voice flattered as she watched her blood drip into the ground below. “I tried to survive by putting all my faith in instinct,” Adam was going to have her killed here. 
The tentacles lashed out with surprising strength, catching (Name) off guard and knocking her out of the air. She struggled against the grip, wielding her halberd to slice through the tentacle and break free. Alastor's shield proved formidable, repelling other angels who attempted to breach its defenses. She felt a hint of pride seeing her husband flaunting his power. 
“I stand gazing down at death as they say...war.” She had to keep her distance from the shield as she ducked and weaved out of the tentacle's grip. It seemed like they were targeting her specifically and trying to get her out of the sky. 
(Name) caught a glimpse of Alastor’s gaze following her as she dodged his attempts to grab her. “They say fight for peace... but what is that?” 
“Raise a shield to the bullets, Hold my ground, all I got now.” She was getting dangerously close to the shield now as she saw the crowd of sinners protecting the hotel. Charlie was amongst them too. 
They were fighting desperately to stay alive and fight off the angels. Much to her surprise, they were killing them too. “But I'm defenseless, all but helpless if it gives beneath my feet,” 
Her song started to sound like a desperate scream for help. To end her suffering and finally put her to rest. (Name) couldn’t do this anymore as she tried to find Adam amongst the crowd of angels. She put her trust in him to keep his word, the chances of him keeping it were low. But, he just had to keep his word. Alastor’s life was on the line if he didn’t. 
The searing pain in her abdomen drew (Name)'s attention downward, her fingers tracing the dark stain on her dress. With a trembling hand, she pressed against the wound, feeling the warmth of her own blood seep through her fingers. It was a rather crippling blow as she knew if she took another or tried to fight anyone in melee combat she’d die. 
She just prayed she didn’t have to as she retreated to Adam’s side. 
Lute was nowhere to be found. She was leading the initial charge before the shield went up and was probably trapped inside. 
As Adam's rage echoed through the air, (Name) didn’t have the time to react. She watched helplessly as he hurled himself toward the eldritch shield with reckless abandon. 
“I’m fucking over this!” 
A banshee scream left her lips. “No!” As she watched the shield start to crack from the impact site and shatter into a million pieces before disappearing completely. 
She flew after Adam ignoring the wound that dripped blood down on anyone below them. (Name)'s hand reached out with urgency, grasping Adam's wrist in a desperate attempt to halt his reckless advance towards Alastor. Despite the searing pain from her own wounds, she refused to let him hurt her  husband. 
“Adam , please .” (Name)'s voice quivered with desperation on the verge of being swallowed by betrayal. “You promised.” 
“I didn’t promise jack shit .” Adam didn’t turn around; he kept flying down to the rooftop and left her there. 
"You gave me your word!" She screamed, her halo pulsating with a deep crimson hue.
He wanted me to sing. I’ll give him a performance, he’ll never forget. 
“I will rise in resistance,” As she clenched her hands down on her halberd the previous glow flickered from around the exorcists. “Sing the oath of rebellion. ” She flew high as she watched every shield and blessing she cast on the exorcists flicker and fade. 
Adam's voice thundered across the battlefield, “Maven! What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” He roared as he felt her protection disappear. 
All she responded with was a dark glare that said ‘fuck you, Adam. I hope you die’. 
As Adam turned his back on Alastor and turned his anger towards her. A crimson barrier appeared around Charlie and her friends. “Wipe away the weakness,” 
“You’re going to fall! Do you no longer give a shit about that?” Adam screamed as he shot beams of light at her. 
(Name) dodged his attacks as she pointed her halberd at him. “Better than supporting a liar.” 
“I’m going to fucking kill you!” 
"You can try.” 
(Name) knew it was only a matter of time until he caught up with her and followed through with his threat. All she could do now was support them the best she could until the light finally left her eyes. 
“Will you let those scars define you?” Oh, how she knew this was a death wish. She could barely dodge out of the way from the beams coming at her in rapid succession. 
Adam was right on her heels as she brought him skyward and away from Alastor. “I say, liar. I say rise in hell.” As the last note escaped her lips Adam grabbed her ankle and threw her down against the hotel roof. 
A scream left her lips as her blood escaped her lips and was welcomed by Adam standing over her with his guitar ax raised high in the air. (Name)'s scream pierced the air as Adam's guitar ax loomed menacingly over her. Her gaze shifted to Alastor, who approached with growing antlers, a harbinger of impending danger. But before he could intervene, Adam's blade descended, slicing across her chest. The wound wasn't immediately fatal, but without treatment, she would bleed out with enough time. 
“Just lay there and watch, bitch.” 
Adam returned to the air as he stared at the demon before him as Alastor’s eyebrows furrowed with anger even with a smile plastered on his face. 
“Adam, first man, next to die.” Alastor seemed angry and yet confident. 
“Who the fuck are you?” Adam asked with a shit-eating grin on his face. He was getting cocky and (Name) hoped he could use it to his advantage. 
The small bow he did was an unneeded flourish, but it did warm her heart slightly. “Alastor, a pleasure to be meeting you. Quite a pleasure. ” His grin increased as his gaze flickered back to her as she struggled to get up. 
(Name) forced him a smile as blood poured out, by some sort of miracle her organs weren’t falling out. 
“I’m about to end your fucking life.” 
With electric currents of demonic magic, Alastor created tentacles from the ground. He looked absolutely terrifying, he didn’t look like her husband anymore with that look in his eye. 
As she struggled to get off the ground their voices seemed to grow more distant. Adam seemed to have taken Alastor’s bait and was now charging into his attacks blindly. When Adam landed a missed blow that placed his feet on the rooftop and she knew Alastor could have a chance of winning. 
Finally managing to pull herself off the floor enough to sit up though, it was probably pretty foolish as every cell in her body screamed in pain. It was like someone set fire to her nerves. She needed to get up and help him or he could actually die. Her husband was a smart man, but Adam had the strength advantage. 
As the men danced around the rooftop as Alastor dodged and weaved from his attacks. Getting a hit in here or two using his shadows and familiars to annoy Adam to give him openings. 
She wished she could actually see the fight and see Alastor wipe the floor with Adam in battle. But her vision was blurring as the world spun. She was getting closer to her death.
(Name) tried to grasp onto her halberd and use it to pull herself up. Just so she could do something to help. 
“One day you will realize,” She could at least do this much, her voice didn’t project anything higher than a whisper. Nothing happened. She didn’t have enough strength to sing. 
She had to keep trying, she needed to help him. (Name) needed to save Alastor. As her world blurred and crashed into one another. Her thoughts remained with him. She would give anything in the world to see him see another day. 
My belle, my beautiful bride. Thank you for always staying with me. (Name) smiled at the memory of Alastor’s personal little vows to her. How she wished to spend more time with him. 
There was a flash of light and Alastor was in front of her with his broken mic stand in his hands. He glanced down before Adam threw him next to her. (Name) pulled herself to his side and placed the weakest touch against his cheek. 
“ I love you, my dearly beloved. ” Her smile was faint as she saw Adam’s shadow over them. 
Give me strength. I don’t care if I die. Take the dying embers of my life if it means I can save him. I’ll give you everything I have. My soul, my memory, whatever you want. God, please. Help me. (Name) begged to whatever higher power to hear her. She wasn’t asking for much, just enough power or strength to save him. 
“My Dearly Beloved,” Her voice rang out through the hotel as she pulled Alastor into her embrace. “Be strong, I shall be there.” Her voice was louder than she expected as she felt her soul burn from within her chest. 
“You’re still not dead, bitch!” Adam groaned as (Name) gently leaned Alastor against the railing and forced her shaky legs up. He was clutching his chest, his wound was deep. But, it wouldn’t be fatal if he left now. 
(Name) blocked Adam from reaching her dear husband. “Always here beside you,” Adam had his weapon raised and she didn’t back down. “So, keep your head held high.” (Name) glanced back at him with pleading eyes for him to flee. 
The ax came down knocking her off her feet as her golden blood splashed all over Alastor’s face. She fell over top of him and tried to pull herself back to her knees. He wasn’t gone yet, she wouldn’t stay down until Alastor escaped. 
She could barely speak as she smiled at the faintest crimson glow surrounding him into a warm embrace. 
Adam’s ax found its target as it went through her stomach. “Will try to steal you away into their arms,” This was it, she was probably going to die. “But you belong in mine…” 
As her words fizzled out so did her protection and she collapsed into his chest. The world was fading to black as Alastor held her close to him as she felt herself sinking into the depths. 
Her last thoughts before she faded completely were the following. 
I love you, Alastor. 
I’m sorry, I couldn't get back to you sooner. 
Don’t worry, my beloved. We’ll meet again. 
That’s a promise. 
Take care of yourself, 
I’ll always be there with you in spirit. 
Always next to your side, 
You won’t ever be truly alone. 
Keep smiling for me. 
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Thank you for reading this disaster. I might make it into a series, I've have been seriously thinking about it. Which is why it has an open ending. She could have died or she didn't. Who knows.
The songs are: Eternal Snow from Full Moon wo Sagashite ALIEz from Aldnoah Zero My Dearly beloved from Kingdom Hearts
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aerticent · 1 year
me ignoring that one annotation that says Maven clings to Mare despite Cal loving him more than anyone cause it goes agaisnt my “Maven clings to Cal more than anyone” thought process💀💀
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snakerdoodlle · 1 year
Just got such a strong urge to see Gisa teaching Maven how to sew because I feel like he’d like it/be pretty good at it
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