#Just adding the fact that they got sidelined on their own wedding episode is just no
genericpuff · 1 year
One thing that has always irked me about LO is that Smythe will more or less sideline or otherwise forget plotlines.
Like, I hate that this latest FP chapter was a bland wedding (where Persephone wasn't able to even choose/create her own dress??? I'm sorry, that makes me so mad. She's just a doll for everyone to dress up with no agency whatsoever. If instead of Hera giving her the "perfect dress," she showed Persephone a selection of dresses, and Persephone picked one out and modified it to be dark magenta/black with her signature crown and chose to make her eyes red, that would've been better. At least then one could argue this chapter served to show Persephone's growth in terms of taking ownership of herself. Smythe could still insert Hera into the scene but then at least Persephone would have a say in HER wedding).
If Smythe absolutely HAD to have HxP get married immediately just to spite Demeter or whatever, I wish she would have inserted a scene or something with Apollo and Leto hearing about the wedding and realizing their plans were foiled or that they'd have to come up with a different way to overthrow Zeus, maybe even incorporate that espionage thing Psyche has going on, or even better, have a Demeter-centric episode in which we see more of her backstory when she hears about Persephone marrying Hades immediately, structured so that we hear her internal monologue while she mourns and fears for her daughter's well being and we see the beginnings of winter. (Not that I trust Smythe with Demeter or her story, but still.)
Like. Somehow Smythe managed to make HxP's relationship the most boring part of the retelling, and this wedding episode was a testament to that. It literally had no substance, nothing new was added, and the story was not advanced in a meaningful way. I highly doubt their dynamic or anything is going to change either. It's just now they're contractually obligated to each other? (Another point of contention. This is Ancient Greece... Smythe couldn't have bothered to google Ancient Greek wedding traditions and incorporated elements from whatever popped up first in the search? I know this is supposed to be "modern" but that increasingly feels like an excuse to just not do research (using that term here loosely).)
I feel like Smythe truly doesn't care anymore, and I think she's just winging the plot and story at this point. (I'm not sure if anyone feels this way, but if I reread the first few chapters of S1, I feel like LO was supposed to have a completely different trajectory and we only got here by accident.) This comic could have been so good and interesting, and it's just disappointing.
I know this ask is already pretty long, and I appreciate you taking the time to read it. I just want to add one last thing.
Your Lore Rekindled?? Amazing. Top tier. Chef's kiss. I love your interpretation of Dionysus, and I LOVED how you ended Ep5 with Persephone calling Hades terrifying. Like. So good. So excited to see where you take Rekindled. Thanks for being the hero we need as LO becomes an even bigger trainwreck with each passing week. You're awesome, and I hope you have a nice day 😁
That's the thing, I would have been fine (still a little upsetti, but I could cope) if LO went for the "Persephone was trying to get away from her mom and the Mortal Realm" take. Because it can come with the positive of having Persephone and Hades' relationship be consensual (even if it ends up being at the cost of her relationship with her mother, considering the fact it also requires the endless winter it's pretty much unavoidable LMAO). But like... it's the fact Rachel can't write anything consistently and will randomly retcon shit or dial the mildest character traits up to 100000 with NO consideration for motives or intentions that boils my piss. It's incredibly manipulative writing and the more it happens, the more I start to get the sense Rachel doesn't have a lot of emotional maturity herself to understand other people's perspectives outside of her own. I know that's probably a harsh assumption to come to but it's hard not to come to it when she keeps doing shit like this (as Demeter isn't the only one in LO to get this treatment). Rachel will basically just make her characters do whatever she thinks needs to be done to get her audience to feel a specific way about them. It's like a lawyer asking leading questions, it's manipulative and cheap writing.
And honestly, that's LO's worst crime among everything else - it's boring. I can handle stories that are spicy around the rim, I can handle problematic protagonists or otherwise plotlines that would NOT fly in real life due to how morally heinous they are, so long as they're entertaining. LO isn't even entertaining. Like, people will tell me LO shouldn't be "taken seriously", that you should consume it the same way as you would trash TV or a telenovella, but I don't get how I can do that either when it's so painfully BORING. A relationship is only as strong and interesting as the characters in it. If your characters are boring and uninteresting on their own, sticking them in a relationship together isn't gonna be much better. Now you just have two boring people being boring together lol
IDK where Smitty's head is at but I do get the feeling she's checked out. LO wasn't even supposed to go on this long in the beginning. But it can be really easy to drag things along for the sake of the money and fame and I feel like that's where we're at, like Rachel's just buying herself time before LO inevitably comes to an end. I definitely don't envy her position there. But she wouldn't be the first Originals creator who essentially "gave up" during production and started phoning it in thinking no one would notice. They do notice though. The sucky thing is that people are noticing what's up with Rachel and she's still like... pretending she's still into it, when she very obviously isn't. And if she is, then... whoof.
Hot take but LO just isn't a comic that should have become popular. Not that the concept itself couldn't have been popular, but like, my take on it in general is that people shouldn't be so concerned with "getting rich quick" especially in the arts industries. Like, to get across what I'm saying here, let me pose you a hypothetical: which would you rather be known for in the end? The first-time comic you got lucky with that reeks because you had no experience managing a longform series and lost your dedication to it years ago and it was literally your "first try"? Or the comic that came after you learned the craft and know what you're putting out is the best version of what it can be and proven to yourself it's what you really want to do with your life?
LO wasn't Smythe's first webcomic (she also created The Dr. Foxglove show which... I'm pretty sure she doesn't want anyone to know about because she's already starting scrubbing her ArtStation of it, oop-) but LO was her first foray into longform serialized storytelling. It might seem like a hot/harsh take, but no one should become instantly famous off their first project like that, as much as it might seem like a "dream come true". Because most of us aren't ready for that sort of responsibility yet. Your first, second, even third project should be learning experiences as a main priority. Getting famous off the first thing you do just because it got lucky or it scratched a certain itch in the market? Doesn't always bode well if you have no prior experience in that industry. Rachel has stated she has imposter syndrome in the past and while I feel like an asshole for saying this, it's one of the few times where I'll say "maybe the imposter syndrome has a point". Some people really do fail upwards. It's not to say Rachel doesn't deserve to be where she is (because god knows she probably isn't enjoying being there now with all the eyes on her that she didn't expect to have when she started out) but like... just because someone is famous for what they do, doesn't mean they're actually skilled at it.
But that might just be me being jaded. I used to want my first comic to become big and famous too but now, looking back at it, I'm so fucking glad it didn't LMAO I still don't know if I'm actually legitimately ready for that sort of thing, if it ever happened. Lucky for me it probably won't but I also didn't expect to end up with any sort of audience here the way I have so... that's been pretty neat LOL A little weird because I've been spending over a decade already just kind of creating for the void, and it's weird that it took an LO rewrite comic to do it, but w/e, the universe does what the universe does.
Sorry, I'm getting sentimental now LMAO This was really just my weird way of segueing into my big thanks for reading Rekindled <3
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makeyouminemp3 · 3 years
The fact that j*lie made Freelin's wedding more about Haylijah than them, just seems homophobic to me.
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13-reasons-ideas · 4 years
Can’t Go Back Part 5
A few hours later, Dr. Marcus came out and let us know the surgery was successful. “Depending on how his body reacts to coming off the anaesthesia, you may be able to go home tonight. I’ll send him home with a prescription for pain medication. He will be in recovery for a while, but you can see him after he is back in his room.”
“That sounds great. Thank you, doctor.”
Scott and I sat and talked while we waited. He had refused to go to school or leave my side while Monty was in surgery or recovery. I sent him home when Monty was out of recovery and we knew everything was okay. Dr. Marcus called me into his room again to discuss things.
“Everything went well and I am confident you will make a full recovery if you stick to our recovery plan.”
“That’s great news. What is the plan exactly?” Monty asked.
“You will need to take it easy for the next little while. It's important to keep your leg elevated, apply ice to your knee and rest as much as possible. I would like you to be on crutches for anywhere from one to two weeks, if you have discomfort after two weeks, continue with crutches on and off for about two more weeks. Or until your discomfort has lessened. Around two to four weeks you can try to begin bearing weight on your leg but do not go too hard too fast. It’s about baby steps. You will also begin physical therapy around this time. Your therapist will recommend multiple times a week in the beginning to try and get as much range of motion back as possible. With continued therapy and care, I see no reason as to why you would be unable to return to playing sports in the time you would like. But that is only if you are careful and not ignoring what you are supposed to be doing.” “So in other words, my life will be PT and maybe walking at some point, for the next four to nine months?”
“Essentially, yes. I recommend ibuprofen or an anti-inflammatory for the pain, in addition to the icing schedule we discussed last night. Additionally, I understand you are newlyweds, but physical intimacy is going to have to take a backseat to healing.”
I squeezed Monty’s hand. I think that is the part he is going to take the most issue with. He looked at the doctor with sad eyes. It’s not like you’ll die of no sex dearest husband.
“I understand that may not be the best news, I was a newlywed once too. But once you have range of motion and can bear weight on your leg, we can discuss clearing you for that as well. I see no reason that it would be a four to six months before clearance item. Plus, do you really want to be the guy who re-tore his ACL having sex?”
Monty smirked. “No. You do not. It sounds cool, but it’s really not. Your friends will laugh at you.”
“Coach Kerba would kill you. Besides, we have the rest of our lives for that.” I added.
“I guess that’s fair.” He grumbled.
After some practice with the crutches, he was cleared to go home. I wasn’t really in the mood to cook anything, so I ordered us pizza when we got home, and Monty was situated on the couch with his leg elevated on a few pillows on the coffee table. I had a feeling he was going to make good on his vow to “annoy me for the rest of my life” in the coming weeks. I went to our room to change into pyjamas and put my wedding set on while we waited for the pizza to arrive.
It arrived shortly after and he made a face at my vegetable pizza, “don’t worry. I got you pepperoni. You don’t have to eat vegetables today.”
“Good.” He smiled and I plopped myself down on the couch. After arguing about what to watch for a while, we settled on a rerun of Law & Order: SVU. This one seemed less intense as some of the other episodes.
“So, everyone knows now.” I said, placing my fork down after finishing a slice of pizza.
“Yeah, they do. I still don’t understand why you eat pizza with a fork by the way.”
“You said you would stop giving me crap about it you jerk. And it’s only certain kinds when they’re hot. This one just happens to be one of them.” I laughed, poking his arm.
“Hey, I’m injured.” He protested; feigning being affronted.
“Your leg is injured. Your arm is fine.”
“Does this mean I can wear my set to school now?” I asked, pondering the idea as I twisted my engagement ring around.
“I was going to wear my ring, so I don’t see why you couldn’t wear yours.”
“Okay.” I kissed his cheek and cleared the dishes into the dishwasher. We spent the rest of the evening cuddled on the couch, arguing playfully about what to watch when one show ended.
I woke up the following morning wrapped in Monty’s arms. I don’t think I will ever get tired of this. I watched him sleep, snoring softly for a few minutes before our alarm went off. “hhuummggg.” Monty groaned.
“Babe, it’s time to wake up.”
“Nooo. Sleep.”
“I know but we need to go to school.”
I sighed, “fine, I’ll tell you what. I’m going to go brush my teeth and make coffee. By the time I’m back in here, I would like you to at least be sitting up. Preferably, you would have pants on.”
“Mhmm. Yes dear.”
Shaking my head and throwing back the covers, I got up and went about my business. I decided to give him a couple more minutes to get himself up so I got dressed and grabbed a slice of pizza for each of us for lunch. When I got back in our room to check his progress, he was still snuggled up under the covers. “Montgomery. You need to get up.”
He let out a long sigh, “fine. If I have to.”
“You do. I’m not facing the music on my own. Leftover pizza okay for lunch?”
“Yeah that’s fine.” He grumbled, sleepily. I’m not entirely sure he knows what I asked him.
“Do you want an Advil?”
“No, I think I’m good for now. Thanks, though babe.” I watched him sit up and begin to get himself ready. I knew it was going to take him longer than usual, which is why I insisted he get up now. Once he had some coffee and toast in his system, he was a lot more personable. Before we left for school, I made sure to put on my wedding set. It felt odd to wear it in public, but also incredibly satisfying.
I drove us to school early to meet Scott and Justin for some moral support. “He let you drive the Jeep?” Scott asked as soon as I had parked, and we were out of the car.
“Well considering he physically can’t drive right now and the fact that if it gets in an accident, it’s also my problem, yes. He let me drive.”
“Even still. I’m surprised. How’re you feeling, man?”
“Eh, it hurts but it’s not like I can’t manage it.”
“Do you want an Advil?” I asked quickly.
“No Addy. I’m fine. And I can administer my own medication, I am an adult after all.”
“I know. I just don’t know how else to help is all.”
“I know. You make good coffee though. That helps.”
“Right, right. Coffee. That’s why you married her.” Justin laughed.
“Well if you really want to know why I married her….” Monty teased.
“La la la la la. I’m not listening.” Justin exclaimed, covering his ears.
It was still early, but we decided to make our way inside to our lockers anyway. The few people in the halls stopped to watch us with curious eyes. I was nervous to make eye contact with any of them, so I kept my head down. We were almost at my locker when a student got up the nerve to stop us and say something. I think his name was David or something. I recognized him from my ninth grade French class. “Hey. I was at the game and saw that hit. I’m sorry you got hurt.” He said to Monty. He blinked in surprise, none of our group expecting that kind of response. The kid turned his attention to me, and Monty moved in front of me slightly. “Use your wifely influence to make sure he’s on the sidelines at every game. Maybe then he can talk some sense into the team.” He looked down at my left hand, briefly examining my ring. “Good choice. See you guys around.” He nodded and waved as he walked away. The students around us stood silently. We were all stunned. After we broke out of our shock and shared amazed looks, the four of us made our ways to our lockers. Chatter had resumed once again but grew eerily silent as I gathered my books. They’re here.
Justin spoke up when he noticed my friends approaching, “she’s had a long couple of days guys.” Monty sucked in a breath, likely preparing to tell them to fuck off.
“We just want to talk to her.” Clay told Justin. They still hadn’t acknowledged me or Monty.
“I think you said enough the other night Clay.”
“Addison?” Alex prompted.
“Hmm?” I responded.
“Can we talk? Alone?”
“Depends. I’m pretty sure whatever you want to say to me can be said in front of them.”
“We’d really rather not….”
“I’m not sure if you realize this, but I’m injured. I can’t even stand up on my own. It’s not like I can hurt you or anything.”
“Fine. But just know that I’m going to tell him what you say anyway.”
“That’s fine.” Jessica said.
The boys took that as their cue to leave, but not before Monty leaned down to kiss me softly. “I’ll see you at lunch.” He muttered against my lips. I nodded. My friends looked uncomfortable and I heard Scott talking to Monty as they walked away.
“You smug bastard.”
I hadn’t noticed that Justin stayed behind until I felt his hand on my shoulder, causing me to jump. I was too focused on the impending explosions from my friends. Before they began, Tyler came up to our tense little group. Great. “Hey guys. Hey Addison.”
“Hi Tyler.” I greeted. “How are you?”
“I’m alright. How are you doing?”
“I’m alright.” My friends watched our exchange with their breath held. This is so awkward. Will somebody please mention the elephant in the hallway?
“You guys really did it?”
“Got married?” He nodded. Thank you. “Yeah. It’s all legal. New last name and everything. Publicly at least. Still waiting on all of the changes to be processed everywhere. Some places take longer than others.”
“Huh. Explains why he’s been so mellow lately.”
“You haven’t experienced getting him out of bed in the morning. But yes, for the most part he is pretty mellowed out.”
“Interesting. I have to go meet Mack in the dark room. Bye guys.”
“Bye Tyler.” We all said. There was an awkward pause.
“Did… that really just happen?” Clay asked.
“I think so?” Jessica replied.
“Maybe he realizes he doesn’t have a say in who I spend the rest of my life with.” I muttered.
“Well he’s not exactly your best friend in the world Addy.” Alex said. I shrugged and saw Zach coming towards us. Hopefully he takes this okay.
“You got freaking married and didn’t tell anyone?” He asked, immediately after arriving at my locker.
“She told me.” Justin offered. I shot him a glare. Thanks for the help dipwad.
“Yeah.” I said, lamely. It’s not like I could deny it at this point.
“Why? I mean, he’s Monty.”
“Thanks Zach. I hadn’t noticed the identity of my husband.” I replied.
“That’s not what I meant. I mean, you married Monty Addison.”
“And your point is, what exactly?”
“He’s nothing like you.” Clay said.
“Which brings me back to, your point is…?”
“He isn’t the relationship and marriage type.”
“Well, evidently, he is. I have the diamond and the paperwork to prove it,” showing them my ring to prove my point. I was slowly growing tired of their loosely veiled distaste for my choice.
“He’s an asshole to like everyone. He doesn’t like any- did he pick that?” Jess stated.
“Yeah, he did. I was there. He saw it and knew it was the one.” Justin replied.
“It’s so… nice. And big.”
“Thank you? And it’s not that big. Its only point seven five carats. He said she said something about the setting making it look bigger than it actually is.”
“Wow. I didn’t have him pegged as a guy who knew diamonds.”
“I don’t think he did. But he knows how to pick ‘em.”
“I’ll say. Anyway, as I was saying. He’s an ass. To everybody. All the time.”
“Not to me.”
“Well you’re apparently married to him.” Clay grumbled, haughtily.
“Even before we got together, he wasn’t an ass to me. We weren’t friends by any means, but he wasn’t really that much of an ass.”
“Lucky you.”
“Clay, lay-” Justin started.
“Okay. If you’re just going to be a dick about this, then we don’t need to have this conversation Clay.” My friends blinked at me in shock. Clay looked at me harshly for a second before coming to his senses and looking at me like a dog with his tail between his legs.
“I’m sorry Addison. This is just kind of a big shock. You got married and didn’t tell any of us. Yes Justin, we know you knew.”
“I told you not to be an ass to her about this the other night. I told you she wouldn’t take any of your crap.”
“How did this all happen?”
“It’s a long story.”
“When did this all happen?”
“One of Bryce’s parties in tenth grade….” I trailed off.
“You’ve been together for almost two years and never said anything to us?
“Don’t ever let us tell you you cant keep a secret again.” Zach said.
“I still don’t understand why Addison?” Alex asked, trying to be civil but I could hear the undercurrent of anger in his tone.
“I can’t really explain why I chose him Alex. Sometimes there is no explanation. I didn’t start dating him at sixteen like ‘I’m going to marry this guy.’ It was just fun in the beginning. The forbidden-ness of it all was thrilling. And then the longer it went on, I started to think that maybe this was right for me. For us.”
“Why didn’t you tell us?”
“I mean, I wanted to. Until we told Justin I had every intention of telling you. But then I was hit with a reality check. Realistically, Justin only took it as well as he did because I’m his best friend. I knew you guys would be mad and freak out, just like you are now. Don’t even try to deny it. You would have.”
“Even still. We would have been mad, but we would have come around Addy.” Clay said.
“Really? It took like eight years for you to like Justin and he literally had to live with you for that to happen. You expect me to believe that you would have been okay with me dating Monty?”
“Maybe…?” He squeaked.
“Exactly. So it was just easier not telling you guys. Or anyone aside from our parents and select people.”
“You told his parents?”
“Yup.” I said, checking my watch. “But that is a story for another day, I’m afraid. I have to get to class.”
“It better be a story for another day. I want to hear how that went.” Alex said, excited by the prospect of that story. That wasn’t the exciting one yet, bud.
“So does this mean things are okay for now?” My friends nodded.
“Yeah. I take it you’re sitting with him at lunch?”
“We will see you around Mrs. de la Cruz.” Zach smirked. I rolled my eyes at him.
“Not my mother-in-law. Addy is fine.” With that, Justin and I walked away. It wasn’t the best conversation and it certainly wouldn’t be the last, but it was better than I think any of us were anticipating.
People stared at me in class and I heard a couple of comments that weren’t worth repeating about various aspects of our relationship, but it could have been a much worse few hours. When I arrived in the cafeteria and made my way over to where Monty and the rest of the team had congregated, I could tell something was up. Monty was sitting, his leg elevated on the seat across from him, wearing a very displeased look on his face. The group looked up at me and back to him.
“What?” I asked.
“I think he grabbed your lunch by mistake.” Charlie chuckled.
“What are you talking about?” I asked again as I sat down and pulled out what I thought was my lunch. When I opened it and saw a slice of pepperoni, I understood what the problem was. “Oh, I see. I’ll trade you if I can have your fruit snacks.”
“You don’t like fruit snacks. And technically they’re our fruit snacks.”
“Exactly why I said your fruit snacks. You hide them in the cart and think I don’t notice until I make lunch. Here.” I said as we traded lunches. I smiled as a pulled out my leftovers.
“What is that?” Garrison asked, staring at the slice.
“Vegetable pizza.”
“And he looked like you tried to feed him wet dog food because, why exactly?”
I turned to Monty, “would you like to explain why you don’t like it? Or shall I?”
“No. It’s fine. I just don’t like it.”
I laughed out loud at his response, “it’s because it has vegetables on it. He doesn’t like vegetables.”
“I like vegetables. Sometimes.”
“It wouldn’t kill you to eat them once in a while, you know.”
“Yeah, yeah. I know.” He sighed and chucked a fruit snack at me. I turned to his friends.
“I married a nineteen-year-old child.”
“Yes. Yes you did.”
His teammates and I chatted for a while pleasantly until Bryce showed up. They seemed to take a very quick liking to me. “Hey guys. Addison.”
“Walker.” I replied as the kids around table chimed in heys of varying tone.
“So, it really wasn’t Justin. Didn’t think you would let Monty here get within ten feet of you by yourself, let alone be close enough to have-.”
I squeezed Monty’s hand tightly to keep him in check and he winced. Michael opened his mouth to step in, but I beat him to it, “wasn’t your business then. Not your business now. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you’re only so interested in my sex life because you wish it was you.”
Garrison choked on his water and coughed while the other boys around him watched our interaction with various looks of shock and amusement on their faces. “Interested in sex… with you?”
“You heard me.”
“I’d think long and hard about your next comment Bryce.” Monty told him, darkly.
“Oh really?”
“I’m your brother.”
“And she’s my wife.”
“Dude what about bros before-.”
Once again, he was cut off, this time by Charlie. “Are you that fucking dumb? Are you trying to get your ass kicked?” Bryce simply looked at him, his head tilted slightly.
“He can’t do anything to me. His leg is screwed. Sorry you got hurt by the way.”
“Awe Scotty. He thought I meant Monty. Isn’t that sweet?”
“The sweetest.” Scott replied, holding his hand to his heart.
“No. I don’t mean him. I meant her.”
Bryce looked at me, sitting sweetly slowly eating my granola bar. “Uh huh. Her. Right.” My gaze turned dark and my brow arched, threateningly.
“Try me. I may be small, but that just makes it easier for me to hit you where it hurts.”
He gulped. “O-okay. Sorry. Comments will be kept to myself.”
Monty turned his attention to me and smiled lovingly. I smiled brightly back at him and watched as he picked up one of Michael’s grapes and chucked it at me. I barely had time to move to catch it in my mouth to avoid being hit in the eye. “Why you little….”
“You love me.”
“I do.” I sighed, dreamily. While I had him caught off guard, I threw his fruit snack back at him. I hit his head and landed in his lap. He turned and looked at me, a look of fake shock and anger on his face.
“And she calls him a child.” Garrison muttered.
“You should see them when they try to decide on a movie or tv show to watch. It’s literally like watching five-year-old kids argue over their favourite toy.” Scott muttered back.
“Or when she tries to get him out of bed in the mornings. She has to literally bribe him sometimes. Calls me other times to physically remove him from the bed.” Charlie added.
“Almost called you this morning actually.” I said.
“I wasn’t that bad. And you were asking a lot of me Addy.”
“Montgomery. I asked you to sit up and put pants on.”
“I had surgery on my leg Addison.”
“And yet, you had no issue putting pants on when we left the hospital darling.”
“That was different.”
“It wasn’t the morning then.”
I looked at his friends, a dumbstruck look on my face. “Everyday. The only time he didn’t object to getting up was the one day on our honeymoon I wanted to sleep in.”
“I was promised Curio Coffee waffles. The way you and your parents raved about them, I assumed they were something special. They were by the way.”
“I said nothing about waffles at five in the morning on a Saturday.” Monty grumbled unintelligibly in response as the bell rang.
“Fuck. If I knew lunch with you two was going to be this entertaining, I would have made you tell people a long time ago.” Scott laughed.
“You’ve been keeping a gem from us Monty. You’re welcome to sit and share stories anytime Addy.” Garrison told me.
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miasswier · 5 years
miasswier’s ultimate glee ranking: no 23
23: Girls (and Boys) on Film
Tumblr media
Written by: Micheal Hitchcock Directed by: Ian Brennan
Overall thoughts: This is legitimately one of the funniest episodes of Glee to ever air. Every time I watch I just die of laughter. And it’s awesome because there’s so many amazing one-liners that I always forget one or two and get to experience them all over again with every re-watch. Aside from that, it’s a solid episode. It’s got quite a few things that a like, including the only Marley/Jake/Ryder scene I not only can stand, but actually enjoy watching.
What I Like:
I can’t even list all of the amazing one-liners in this episode because this review would be like ten pages long, but here are my favourites:
“Ain’t nobody got time for that”
“Ryder kissed me” “Was he any good or did his enormous donkey teeth bite into your lips?”
“Is that a garage door opener?”
“What about Brody’s vote? Or, do drug dealers not get to vote?”
“She was going all ACDC”
“Oh, okay, I like how guys pretend to be all accepting about everything, but when your friend suddenly shows up in your home, moves in, and goes through all your stuff, you’re offended?!”
“If I were you I would forget the hair and lead with the wheelchair thing.”
“Aw, not even She’s Having a Baby? Because you always cry at the end when Elizabeth McGovern has the baby.”
“We should do The Artist so we don’t have to sing.”
For once an episode that has a main Will Schuester storyline that doesn’t make me want to die. Because it feels right that he would have a lot of screen time in this episode. Thankfully it doesn’t do what “I Do” and “Yes/No” does, and sideline him in his own fucking plot.
The “Unchained Melody” scene. It’s so goddamn clever.
Santana is so fucking funny in this episode. BUT, she also manages to be really sweet to Rachel when Rachel starts crying (even if you can tell on her face that she has no idea what to do about a sobbing Rachel Berry falling into her arms).
We finally get to see how Kurt is feeling about his break-up with Blaine. It’s actually kind of refreshing that we get his perspective after the events of “I Do”, since all season long he’s been sidelined while Blaine’s feelings get explored deeply. It makes me so happy to see Kurt get a nice little storyline relating to his feelings for Blaine vs his relationship with Adam.
I’ve always found it hilarious that Adam is more upset about the fact that Kurt used to sing “Come What May” with Blaine than he is about Kurt and Blaine hooking up at the wedding (which he very clearly is aware of).
I always did think Kurt and Adam are cute, so it’s nice we at least got one episode exploring how they are together before Glee flushed Adam and Kadam down the toilet.
The little detail about the boombox being Blaine’s. Because of course he’d have a boombox.
What I Don’t Like:
Finn still acting like Will and Emma’s relationship fell apart because of him, when it’s very clear that him kissing her is so far from Emma’s mind. Like, chill, dude. Stop trying to make everything about you.
Santana making a joke about Rachel becoming bulimic. It feels especially awful considering Glee is just coming out of a multiple episode long arc about a girl dealing with bulimia.
The show is still trying to sell a Kitty/Marley frenemy deal, when at this point it should just be going for the friendship angle. I don’t know why they kept trying to make Kitty seem conniving for so long? She never tells anyone about Marley and Ryder, so what was the point of making it clear she’s just there for the gossip and not because she cares about Marley? It just makes her seem unnecessarily mean, and Marley unnecessarily dumb.
You’re All the World to Me: As a song, I’m not a fan, but I do think the performance is really cool. They did a good job with it.
Shout: I don’t care for this song. The more times I watch this episode, the more it feels like they only added this number in so that the 500th number wouldn’t be “Come What May” because they wanted to avoid shipper bullshit (which was already going on since quite a few Finchel fans were mad that their couple didn’t get to sing “Come What May”). Like, seriously, what does this number add to the episode? Nothing, is the answer.
Come What May: I have a love-hate relationship with this cover. Moulin Rouge is one of my all time favourite movies, and I’ve always loved “Come What May”. When they announced Klaine would be singing it, I basically lost my shit. And then they released the audio and… they cut half the fucking song. Seriously. It went from an almost five-minute long song to three and a half minutes. My favourite parts got cut. I seriously don’t understand why they fucking did that. I bet you anything that if Finn and Rachel or literally any straight couple had sang this song that they wouldn’t have cut it. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND. But all that being said, I really love the in-episode performance. It’s like they knew we’d be pissed they cut out half the song so they threw us a bone by letting them perform the whole recorded version in the episode. It’s an awesomely emotional scene, especially when it pans out and you see that it’s Kurt’s fantasy, not Blaine’s. But, ugh. I’m still mad that they cut half the fucking song.
Old Time Rock and Roll/Danger Zone: I like this one! It’s fun and they did a good job of mashing these songs up.
Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend/Material Girl: Like, honestly, they didn’t even try. They ripped this right out of Moulin Rouge. They literally kept the line “Talk to me Harry Zidler,” instead of changing it to the original “Talk to me Harry Winston”. There’s obviously a few other moments that are very obviously from the movie, but that’s the most obvious one to me. I wouldn’t have minded if they’d just done this as a musical performance, but they did it as an assignment for mash-up week, which implies they had to make their own mash-ups, which implies that the girls mashed up these two songs on their own. This has always annoyed me so much.
In Your Eyes: This is one of two Will Schuester solos that I actually really like (the other being “Sway”). It always makes me tear up, and I think he sounds fantastic.
Unchained Melody: I LOVE THIS SONG. Like I said earlier, I think the whole scene is so goddamn clever. Having Marley come out of the scene and watch herself with both guys, especially knowing the Ryder stuff is all in her head. It shows her conflict so fucking well, and is just really cool. I love this cover, and I love this scene. Basically the only scene that involves all that nonsense that I actually appreciate.
Footloose: This is a good song, but it feels like one song too many. We’re at eight, now. Oh my god. Stop singing. Just let it end, for the love of god. ALSO this falls into the same trap that “Anything Can Happen” did: it’s so fucking upbeat, but we left off on a really intense note with Will and Finn. Feels like way too much a shift in tone.
Final Thoughts: God, this episode makes me laugh. I named a few of my favourite lines earlier, but seriously, there’s so many. Santana especially kills it in this episode, although Sugar has some pretty funny lines too. For once I don’t feel like the Will/Emma story is being forced, which makes me able to enjoy it. Plus, we finally get to see a bit of Kurt’s side of the break up, which was way too long coming. Overall just a really fantastic episode, with honestly very few things that annoy me.
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