#Johnstrade rp
tricksterchris · 4 years
Seems like I'm on the hunt for someone to role play with once again (18+) ! That never gets old, my most common ships are Johnlock and ineffable husbands, less common Johnstade, sherstrade and johnlockstrade (I love me some Lestrade) if you're interested we can build a plot from the ground up or I'm open to ideas, just message me or like the post
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gr-lestrade · 3 years
#sherlockrp pleaaase interact
characters I rp:
Greg Lestrade
Jim Moriarty
Sherlock Holmes
Mycroft Holmes
(Badly) John Watson
open to almost any but won't do any mxf ships w Sherlock or Mycroft bc I hc them both to be gay.
main ships are:
I am open to polyships too
Will discuss triggers in dm but I won't ever rp pedophilia or r&pe/non-con/dub-con/cnc
Where you can find me:
Instagram: @moriartyslegacy & @ofholmesiandemeanour
Discord: gr.lestrade#9265
Tumblr: dms too ofc
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cheekbonesofbenny · 7 years
Roleplay anyone?
I RP most of the male ships (all the gay! 😂) from Sherlock inluding Johnlock (my favourite haha), mystrade, sherstrade, holmescest, Johnstrade, Anderlock and many more.
I can also roleplay some ships from Harry Potter, message me if interested.
I roleplay on kik Cheekbonesofbenny or email [email protected] I look forward to hearing from you :)
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repohorrortodd · 7 years
Since Omegle is being a bitch
I RP, Sherlock and Cabin Pressure. (Though my CP skills are a bit rusty. No one rps that much anymore.) Sherlock tags I RP include: Holmescest, Sherstrade, Viclock, Sherstrade, Johnstrade, Johnlockstrade, johncroft, myjohnlock (Mycroft/Sherlock/John), Hamex, Parentlock, Teenlock, Teacherlock, and Unilock. For Cabin Pressure I RP: Martin/Douglas (marlas? Martiglas?), Arthur/Martin (Skipthur) and Martin/Diego. If you want to RP, send me a message on Tumblr or my email is [email protected].
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green-grape-gaze · 10 years
Means of Protection
Rather sad and quite confusing at first given we had so many pairing tags. Johnstrade though, and rather short.
Stranger: Have you seen Sherlock around? I'm worried about him. VT (22)
You: I saw him yesterday. -JW
Stranger: Haven't seen him since the party last night. Thought he needed a ride back, but he was nowhere to be found. VT
You: He's probably out and about looking for trouble. -JW
Stranger: Probably. Worry's wasted on him, isn't it? He always turns up later, smelling disgusting but perfectly fine. VT
You: Exactly. We'll worry after the second or third day. He'll likely turn up tomorrow. -JW
Stranger: You're right. VT
Stranger: How's Greg? Haven't seen him since he started on his dissertation. VT
You: He's doing well, I think... -JW Come to think of it, I haven't seen him sine yesterday either. -JW
Stranger: Thought he was mired in the depths of research. VT
You: He probably is. -JW
Stranger: Do you want to text him quickly and find out? VT
You: [Delayed] Yeah, I think I will.. -JW [To Greg] How is the dissertation going? Tugging you hair out yet? -JW
Stranger: Bit busy. GL
You: Well yeah, you're doing research... -JW Unless you're doing something else? -JW
Stranger: Research, yeah. GL
You: Oh my god... You're shagging someone, aren't you? -JW
Stranger: No. Not that. Emergency. GL
You: Emergency? -JW What emergency? -JW
Stranger: Nothing much, just this guy I know. It won't take too long. I'll be back in a few hours. GL
Stranger: Did you need anything? GL
You: Just this guy? Do I know him? Do you need help? -JW
Stranger: Don't want you going ballistic about it. GL
You: [Delayed] It's Sherlock. That's who it is, isn't it? -JW
Stranger: What? GL
You: The guy, it's Sherlock. -JW
Stranger: Why do you think it's Sherlock? GL
You: You said you didn't want me going ballistic. Victor messaged me asking about Sherlock. -JW It's him, isn't it? -JW
Stranger: This is the bit where you need to not go ballistic. GL
You: [Delayed] Oh God... -JW What happened? -JW
Stranger: Are you going to tell Victor? GL
You: No. -JW Probably not. -JW How bad? -JW
Stranger: This is why we weren't going to tell either of you. You are going to go ballistic, aren't you. GL
You: No. No. I'll be perfectly calm. -JW
Stranger: Even when you're not hearing about potentially enraging news, you're generally not perfectly calm. GL
Stranger: I've seen you play rugby. GL
You: I'll be /fine/. -JW Just tell me. -JW
Stranger: He got a bit hurt. GL
You: Define a 'bit.' -JW
Stranger: No. That's all you need to know. GL
You: Jesus Christ... Alright. Alright. -JW Just keep me updated. -JW
Stranger: Fine. GL
Stranger: He says he's fine, by the way. He's insisting and being a git about it. GL
Stranger: Apparently you're not supposed to tell Victor. Really, really not supposed to. GL
You: He could chop a finger off and he'd insist he was fine. -JW I'll try not to tell Victor, but I'll have to come up with a lie... -JW
Stranger: I'm drowning in my dissertation and enlisted Sherlock to help me with it. GL
You: Sounds good. -JW [To Victor] Hey, Sherlock's with Greg. Said they were working on his dissertation together. -JW
Stranger: Oh, thank goodness. See, you were right all along. VT
You: [Delayed] Yeah... They're both perfectly fine. -JW
Stranger: Good. Well, I'll see the lot of you in class tomorrow, I guess. VT
Stranger: Mycroft might try to grill you about what happened. Don't tell him anything, yeah? GL
You: I don't think they'll be in class tomorrow.. Greg is really pouring into it and Sherlock never goes anyway... -JW [To Greg] God, how many people am I going to have to lie to? I don't even know everything. -JW
Stranger: True. VT
Stranger: Oh, shit. Not any more, apparently. Mycroft found us. GL
You: See you in class tomorrow? -JW [To Greg] What the bloody hell is really going on, Greg? -JW
Stranger: Someone thought it would be a good idea to drug Sherlock last night, and he called me when he woke up because he thought I'd be the least likely to kill someone. GL
Stranger: Currently trying to preserve evidence and shit without having everyone stomping about calling for blood, but with His Highness Holmes the Elder now in on it, that's probably not gonna happen. GL
You: [Delayed] You've got to be kidding... Someone drugged him last night? -JW Victor was at the party! He probably knows who it is. You've gotta tell him, Greg. -JW
Stranger: Victor wouldn't tell us. He'd sit quietly for a while and then a few weeks later somebody would be floating down the Thames all stripped of ID. GL
You: He wouldn't kill someone. Not really... He'd just-shite. -JW He's gotta know though. It would be so easy for him to figure it out. -JW What if we had Mycroft watch him? -JW
Stranger: That might do it, but only because Mycroft's a territorial bastard and he'd want to do the murdering himself. GL
You: [Delayed] I'm gonna tell him. Warn Mycroft. I'll give him seven minutes. -JW
Stranger: Shit. Okay. SH
Stranger: When this is all over I'm gonna kick my roommate out, lock the door, and let you snog me senseless. Need to fucking lose my mind. Feels like it's happening already. GL
You: Right... Yeah. Okay. Caught me off guard. -JW [Eight Minutes Later] Alright... I lied, but I need your help. Greg finally told me the truth and Sherlock was drugged last night at the party, but he doesn't know by who. You've gotta tell me who it is, Vic. -JW
Stranger: [very delayed] How would I know? VT
You: Victor, don't you dare evade it. -JW You were there last night. Who could have done it? -JW
Stranger: Whoever was there. I don't remember the whole guest list. I didn't invite everyone. VT
You: Victor... Come on, I know you. -JW I know what you're thinking. Who was it? -JW
Stranger: I don't have a clue. VT
Stranger: Where's Sherlock now? Is Greg okay, then? Or was he drugged too? VT
You: Greg is fine. Mycroft is with them. I don't know where they are. -JW
Stranger: I'll text Greg, then. VT
Stranger: [delayed] All right, Mycroft and Sherlock are sorting it between themselves. Vic's coming to see Sherlock, and I've been told to go home and get some sleep. GL
Stranger: Don't think I'm going to sleep, though. GL
Stranger: Can I come over? GL
You: Yeah, definitely. You're always welcome to come over. -JW They gotta watch Vic, he didn't tell me who it was. -JW
Stranger: I'll tell them. GL
You: Good. -JW
Stranger: Half an hour later, Greg let himself into John's dorm, stale-smelling and exhausted. He made a beeline for John and pulled him into a tight hug before John could say anything. "Think I'm a horrible person," he muttered into John's shoulder, "but I can't help thinking about if it had been you. I can't--" He was shaking a little.
You: Twiddling his thumbs, John sucked in a deep breath and started puttering about and tidying up while he waited for Greg. He was in the process of making himself a second cup of tea when he heard the door open. Turning around, he was caught off guard by the arms around him, feeling the other man shake. He drew him in close, ignoring the scent in favor of holding the man close. "Shhh... Shhh, it's alright. It's okay." He murmured, rubbing the man's back.
Stranger: "I know," Greg said, "but it's just. I don't know. I had to be--rational--and calm--the only fucking calm person there--so that he'd get taken care of properly and it wouldn't all go to hell, and I just--I don't know." He clung to John. "I guess now it's my turn to be the idiot, huh?" he said. He tried to laugh; didn't much work. "I know that everything will be fine, but it--doesn't look that way. His /face/, John--"
You: "Come on... Let's go sit down, alright? Let's go sit down and you can tell me and we can hold onto each other, okay?" He soothed, leaning back slightly to palm Greg's cheek tenderly. He maneuvered the man back, ushering him towards his bedroom so they could lay down. His stomach churned at the thought of what may have happened, only knowing bits and pieces here or there. He calmed himself, kissing Greg's shoulder as he moved them.
stranger had to go... 
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ironstrangle · 10 years
Lost Johnstrade
After a dry spell I get a beautiful rp only to lose it.
Stranger: "My life was going in a dead end, I thought I was going to end it. But after I met Sherlock, everything just seemed to make sense. Until...until..." John trailed off as he spoke to his therapist, a knot forming in his throat as he looked away, her eyes watching him carefully, scribbling a few notes down. Her voice was soft as she replied, "You have to admit what you've lost, John." He replied with a soft 'I know' before continuing. "I started dating Greg to..." He trailed again, unable to get the words out of his friend(lover's) death. "--and I know he knows. I couldn't let myself hold him for weeks after we started going out. I couldn't let myself." Her eyes lit up as he mentioned the Detective Inspector, scribbling down another note. "This is the first time in weeks of therapy you've mentioned Greg." John offered a weak smile, which read a smug, 'I know' before saying. "I think our time's up for the day." Rising from his chair, knowing Lestrade was waiting for him outside the door(unknown to him the greying man could hear every word in the session), Greg always picked him up. They'd always go to the pub after his therapy sessions, even though John thought it was about time he called them quits. He emerged from the door, looking at the elder male with a Hollywood smile, "Good to see you again."
You: Greg knew very well what he was. He knew what he was to John Watson and he knew what Sherlock Holmes was to the man. For some reason, however, he could not let go of John, so he didn't. He stuck close to that man, because it made sense. Still, hearing it spoken made his heart hurt in the worst way. He really loved John, but could he truly ever be the man that John had left behind? "Always amazing to see you John," he said, his expression rather pained, as much as he tried to smile. "C'mon, let's get out of this dump."
Stranger: When he saw Greg's pained expression of course John's face morphed into one of concern. "What's wrong?" He asked, brows knitting slightly, "Bad day at work? They're all a bunch of piss artists anyways." He gave a smile, letting his hand move to pat the other comfortingly on the back (seemed almost more like an action of a friend rather than lover). Of course Watson had a general idea of what spurred such an expression, he had heartfelt sessions through that thin door. Talking about tragic divorces or parental issues from childhood of some kind. Though feigning obliviousness his lips split into a tooth revealing smile. "Ladies first; you don't know how badly I need a pint right now." Greg was a good man, a handsome man too, he was smart, courageous, a good in the sack. Christ how he wished he could fall in love with him, but he couldn't /let go/.
You: "John, can we talk for a few minutes?" Greg asked. This was the conversation that he did not want to have. He took a breath and tried to keep himself calm. He didn't want to give up John, honestly. He took him by the hand and down out of the office building. "Somewhere private. I think that this is a talk that's been a long time coming." He hated this. He still hated this.
Stranger: "Of course." He's heard this is something he's heard many times before while Sherlock was alive. He was about to get broken up with, it was for the best. Really. Greg was a handsome man, who could charm any man or woman he wanted(except John apparently) he shouldn't be wasting his time. John offered an understanding smile, as he let his thumb soothingly rub the back of the other's coarse hand as a way of reassuring Lestrade it was /okay/. Probably gave the wrong signal though. "Just do it here," he suggested. "It may be easier for the both of us." Meaning both of them had way too much pride to lose control of their emotions too much in public.
You: Greg looked at him and felt something horrible in the pit of his stomach. He was stupid to fall in love again. He had told himself after the divorce that he wasn't going to do it to himself. "John, you loved Sherlock," he blurted out, because it was all he could say, "and you still love him. You haven't let go yet, and I...I don't know what to do about that. I really feel like I...like I love you, but...I don't know what to do." He looked at John and took his hand, meeting his eyes. Sherlock used to make comments about the detective's skill, but he was brave and he wasn't going to look away as much as he wanted to.
Stranger: John silently flexed his jaw as the other mentioned Sherlock, his eyes widening a fraction when the other had admitted falling in love. "You love me?" He repeated softly, slightly surprised. He could remember Greg swearing and cursing how he'd never fall in love again, damn it all but enjoy sex from time to time. They toasted and cheered to that. Yet here the man was going back on his word, for him of all people. John perhaps was a good man, but he was a selfish man as well. He didn't love Greg, no, but he didn't want to lose him. "I love you too." He replied, "I really do." The most perfectly delivered lie he'd ever given. The emotion was there in both his face and his eyes, "I'm just--" John breathed. "It's hard to let go. It's not fair to you, and I'm sorry."
You: Greg looked at John and sighed heavily. Despite what John's true love thought about him, he was far from an idiot. He knew when a suspect was lying, even a good one. He knew that John didn't love him, so all he had to do was say 'okay, that's it then.' Why did he torture himself? "I understand, love," he said softly. "I really do. You don't get over something like that so easily. It hasn't been long...he hasn't been gone long and I totally understand how you feel." Greg wasn't really sure what they were supposed to do now. Go on and pretend?
Stranger has disconnected.
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cheekbonesofbenny · 7 years
It's been a while, but I'm always open to RP
I usually RP via email [email protected] or kik Cheekbonesofbenny, I can also RP via the chat mode via tumblr. I RP between one liners or one paragraph, I don't really have triggers or anything, but I don't like character deaths, at least with main characters and I don't do femlock. I mostly rp Johnlock but can also rp holmescest, sherstrade, johnstrade, johncroft and a few other Sherlock ships :) If you do want to RP with me I enjoy long term RP's and prefer people to let me know in a nice polite manor if they want to quit the RP. I look forward to hearing from you :) Please note I currently work 12 hour shifts so might not reply for a while from time to time.
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cheekbonesofbenny · 7 years
RP anyone?
I haven't asked for a while but it's gone a little dry on the RP front. Maybe it's not as fashionable anymore but I still enjoy it :P I don't like femlock or major character death. I reply daily, most of my replies being one liners but sometimes they will be longer. I RP Johnlock, Mystrade, Holmescest, Sherstrade, johnstrade, johncroft, anderlock, sheriarty and johnriarty. Possibly other things. Wouldn't mind some howince (if you're a mighty Boosh fan) or skipthur if you like cabin pressure. I RP on kik Cheekbonesofbenny or email [email protected] Look forward to hearing from you :)
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cheekbonesofbenny · 7 years
RP anyone?
I'm looking for long term RP's. The only thing I don't like is major character deaths. My main ship is Johnlock (OTP), I also RP mystrade, holmescest, Sherstrade, johnstrade, johncroft, Sheriarty, johnriarty, anderlock or maybe a few other ships. I point blank don't do Femlock or any of the changing male characters to female. I RP on email [email protected] or kik Cheekbonesofbenny :)
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cheekbonesofbenny · 7 years
Does anyone wanna RP?
Especially Johnlock after that latest episode. I also RP mystrade, holmescest, sherstrade, Johnstrade, johncroft, anderlock, sheriarty, johnriarty and maybe something else if you're interested. I don't like femlock and I don't like major character deaths. I RP over on kik Cheekbonesofbenny or on email at [email protected]
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cheekbonesofbenny · 7 years
I'm unwell, come and cheer me up.
RP anyone? I don't like femlock and I don't do major character deaths. I RP Johnlock, Mystrade, Holmescest, Sherstrade, Johnstrade, Johncroft, Sheriarty, Johnriarty and Anderlock. I may be willing to try something else, just ask, I'm pretty open. If you're interested I RP on email [email protected] or on kik Cheekbonesofbenny :)
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cheekbonesofbenny · 7 years
RP anyone?
I have a free weekend and it's my favourite past time so why not. I RP Johnlock (my favourite please let it be cannon), Mystrade, Holmescest, Sherstrade, Johnstrade, Johncroft, Sheriarty, Johnriarty or Anderlock :) I RP on email [email protected] or on kik Cheekbonesofbenny :)
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ironstrangle · 10 years
Johnstrade Omegle.
Stranger: Mayy be abit drnuk. JW
You: Hmm. It appears that you are indeed 'a bit' drunk. - GL
Stranger: Mm. I cuoldcome overr. JW
You: I would very much like that. - GL
Stranger: Also me. JW
You: Also you, eh? Got a cab? - GL
Stranger: Yeeep. In acab. JW
Stranger: whats you radresss? JW
You: Good. Very good. - GL
You: *address* - GL
Stranger: Chers. i told hiim. Cabie. JW
You: Very good. I can't wait to see you - GL
Stranger: [delayed] M outsied. JW
Stranger: Cantger up stars. JW
Stranger: Stairss. Hahaa JW
You: I'll come meet you. Man you are totally wasted, aren't you? Stairs are the enemy - GL
Stranger: John looked up from where he was sitting on the first step as Greg came downstairs. John's wallet was in his hand, having just paid the cabbie, and he had no idea what to do with it. He held it up to Greg. "Here," he said, trying his best to sound serious, as it was a serious matter, despite his slurring words. "You're pretty."
You: Greg bit his lip to suppress the slight laugh that came up. Not that John would even have any idea that he'd been laughing, given the state that he was in. He took his wallet and shook his head. "You're pretty too, mate, now c'mon, I'll help you up."
Stranger: John hummed as Greg practically pulled him up and helped him upstairs. "Should shag," he said, leaning his head on Greg's shoulders. "More fun when you're- no, /I'm/ drunk." He giggled, letting Greg support most of his weight, too far gone to feel guilty about it.
You: "I'm not drunk though," Greg told him with a nervous laugh. Okay, he knew there was serious morality issues at play here, but god, did John have to say that? He'd been attracted to the doctor for some time. He took him upstairs. "Creates a bit of an unbalance."
Stranger: "Might not, anyway," John said, making a face and waving in the general direction of his crotch. "Could just. Not get it up. Not your fault," he added, whispering as Greg sat him on the sofa. "'S coz I drank."
You: He laughed a little bit at that as he leaned over and kissed the other man on the cheek, feeling bold, especially considering that John would likely not remember much. "Sit down, relax. Doesn't seem like you to get so utterly trashed."
Stranger: John nodded. "Army. Army mates." He leaned back into the sofa, as holding himself up seemed like a losing battle. "Drunk me under tables," he said, closing his eyes, and wrinkling his nose. "Should have. Erm. Water."
You: "Water is good," Greg said with a laugh as he watched John lie back. "Let me get you some, actually. Not gonna help the hangover you're gonna have tomorrow much, but some." He quickly retrieved a bottle of water from the kitchen.
Stranger: John accepted the bottle eagerly, and tapped the top a few times. "'S not working," he muttered, holding it out to Greg. "You got it? Sure you can."
You: Greg laughed at that. Oh, John was an adorable drunk. He should probably be filming this. "Of course I do," he said as he undid the water bottle cap.
Stranger: John let out a breath as he took the open bottle, and without spilling too much of it, was able to down about half of the bottle. He held it back out to Greg. "Ac- Aco-" He wrinkled his nose and focused. "Alcohol. Alcohol's much better."
You: "Well, in some ways," Greg agreed with a slight laugh as he took it and set it down on the coffee table in front of him. Ugh, when did John ever get so adorable? It was kind of rare in a grown man.
Stranger: John pointed a finger at Greg. "You're smart," he said, shifting to put his feet up on the sofa. "Good in bed. Sherlock said. Decude. Deduced. Deduced it."
You: "He did, did he now?" Greg asked with a slight laugh. "And how on earth would good old Sherlock Holmes deduce that about me?" If this was true, this was news to Greg.
Stranger: John shrugged. "He might've been teasing me," he said, words slurring even worse now that exhaustion was setting in. "Fancying and all that."
You: "Wait, fancying me, perhaps?" Greg asked. Now, he wasn't exactly unconfident, but since his divorce, Greg had a few doubts about himself that were unbecoming of a man his age. He wanted to know for sure.
Stranger: John hummed and nodded, patting the space on the couch. "Let's shag," he said again, though he'd closed his eyes. "Could do it either. Top or not." He shrugged, awkward with him lying back.
You: Greg leaned over and doubted the morality of having sex with someone who was totally wasted, but still, he was so curious. "Can I kiss you first?" he asked with a teasing tone.
Stranger: John grinned. "Yeah. I'll taste like the liquor. And water," he said, opening one eye to watch Greg. "'S not good, but you're cute."
You: Greg grinned and leaned down, just kissing him lightly, a smirk on his face. John would probably never remember this, but it was pretty unforgettable.
Stranger: John hummed happily, licking his lips his lips as Greg pulled back. "You taste better," he said, holding up a hand and trying to pull Greg down to him again.
You: Greg grinned as he leaned back down to John's level. "I do?" he asked with a raised eyebrow. "You taste pretty amazing yourself."
Stranger: John moved back on the couch, as if to make room for Greg, while palming himself tiredly. "'S not working," he said, giggling.
You: Greg nodded at those words, laughing lightly as he sat near John. "Understandable, unfortunately," he laughed.
Stranger: "
Stranger: *"Tomorrow, then. Grrreg." John patted his back. "You'll shag me. How'd you. However you want," he said with a definitive nod, eyes shut again.
You: "Tomorrow," he said, knowing John probably would not remember the promise, but making it anyway. "We will definitely do whatever you'd like tomorrow."
Stranger: "How?" John asked, patting his back again. "Do you bop or-" he giggled. "Bottom. What do you do?"
You: "Do I bop?" Greg repeated, breaking into a laugh. Oh god. John was so cute. "I'm not quite certain. Never gone that far with a man. What do you do, John?" He laughed.
Stranger: John shook his head. "Only ever fellat-" He made a face as he struggled with the word. "Blows. Gone down. Good. Fun."
You: Greg then burst out laughing. "Well, we shall experiment then, love, see what works for us." Greg had to laugh at that. God John was bloody adorable. It was ridiculous.
Stranger: John nodded. "I'm sleeping here, yeah," he said, shifting as he got more comfortable, reaching into his pocket and pulled out his phone. "Text Shlock. Tell him I'm. I'm alive. And you're cute."
You: "Yes, you are," Greg said with a slight laugh. He took out John's phone and then texted Sherlock. 'Hey, it's Greg. John's fine. Totally drunk, but came to my flat. - Greg. '
Stranger: John nodded. "What's he said? He's probably jealous. You know. You're cute and all. Nice arse."
You: "He hasn't responded," Greg said with a laugh as he held the phone in his hand, waiting for a response. "I am very cute and all. But I doubt Sherlock's jealous."
Stranger: John just shrugged at that. "I'll feel bad in the morning," he said, quieter, getting to the point of falling asleep. "I hate making people do. Erm. Things. For me."
You: "Yes, probably true," he said as he scooted a bit closer. "What do you need?" he asked, reaching out and quickly stroking the other man's cheek, just because he could.
Stranger: "To piss," John said, frowning. "Need to-" he sat up and laughed. "Can't walk. You've gotta help."
You: "Of course," he said as he helped John up, easing an arm around the man's shoulders to hoist him up.
Stranger: As the got to the loo John pulled away a big, pulling the toilet seat up and leaning his shoulder against the wall, fumbling with his button. "Can't get it," he said, leaning his head against the wall as well.
You: Greg blushed a little, which was totally idiotic, because he'd done worse with his drunken mates in the past. Still, he undid John's trousers for him. "Got it now?" he asked.
Stranger: John nodded and pulling himself out, forcing himself to concentrate on this, the thought in the back of his mind that he'd never forgive himself if he pissed all over Greg's bathroom. He thought he managed relatively well though, and after he finished, just closed his eyes. "Might sleep here," he decided.
You: "Nope, not sleeping in my bathroom," Greg said decisively, pulling John's trousers back up before dragging him back into the hall. He then decided the bed was better than the sofa and took him there.
Stranger: John groaned as Greg dragged him away, and wiped his hands on his trousers, nearly collapsing into Greg's bed. "Shoes," he muttered, moving his ankles to highlight his point.
You: He laughed at that and quickly took off his shoes. "Lie back John," he said as he cast them aside. He needed to get the man to sleep, and that was all there was to it.
Stranger: John did as asked and shut his eyes. "Promise you'll not hate when I get up," he said, tugging at the blankets to no avail, as he was laying on top of them.
You: "I will not hate anything about you," Greg said, knowing that was not an issue. He did not want to have to shift John into the bed so he got another blanket to put on top of him.
Stranger: ((sorry, I have to leave :( I just got a sort of urgent thing but this was lovely thanks! xx))
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