#Jaime Lannister imagines
chloe-skywalker · 7 months
Better Man - Jaime Lannister
Jaime x fem!reader ! Stark
Warnings: GOT
Word count: 1, 037
Summary: Before the battle against the white walkers Jaime has a long time coming conversation with Y/n.
Authors Note: I honestly wrote this as I was watching the show and this was the first Game of Thrones imagine I wrote (its not the first to be posted). I honestly don’t know where I planned this to take place so I put it towards the end of the series. 
P.s - I didn’t watch the show as it was premiering live but I watched it for the first time in October 2022 and I finished it in 2 weeks. I loved it, great show. I was sad that each season only had 10 episodes or less.
Game Of Thrones Masterlist
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“You're quite the knife thrower, Lady Stark.” Jaime stated as he strutted over to her. They weren’t that far outside the walls of Winterfell, but they were alone.
“And I hear you're quite the swordsman, Ser Jaime.” Y/n replied picking up another knife, he had startled her when he spoke. It had been dead silent before he spoke, but she didn’t show that he had startled her.
Jaime nodded with a cocky smirk. “My reputation precedes me.”
“I would hope not all of it.” Y/n said looking at him, noticing his expression fall at her words. “Well, people don’t have the nicest things to say about you, your personality or your family.”
Jaime squinted his eyes before nodding, but he decided to lighten the mood with his answer. “Personality? I presumed I didn’t have one.”
He to had heard the rumors that she spoke of so he knew what she meant with her words.
Y/n laughed at his response, at least he could joke about it. Then again he was use to insults by now, wasn’t he?
“As for my family, I’m not my father or siblings.” He spoke again, approaching her step by step. Once he was right in front of her he leaned in and spoke seductively. “How about you make up your own mind about me?”
The two of them always seemed to flirt in each other's company, but it could never go far and they never had the time to really get to know each other either.
“I’d love to, but we never seem to have the time now do we?” Y/n decided to tease him, even though it did hold truth. When had they ever had the time? For yours it was one thing after another.
“I would make the time-” Jaime went to answer but she cut him off before he could finish.
“I don’t think your sister would appreciate that.” Y/n gave him a sad smug expression.
“Cersei doesn’t control me.” He growled lowly.
“But doesn’t she?” Y/n raised her eyebrows at his reply. She knows what she’s seen with her own eyes, he can’t argue that.
Jaime shook his head and pointed out. “Not since the war of the five kings.”
Y/n tilted her head recounting the time a few years ago he recalled. Was this really suppose to help his case? “You mean since my brother took you prisoner and my mother broke you free?”
As much as Jaime could agree hearing her tone that it wasn’t the best thing he could’ve brought up. But it did play to his point so he stated. “I spent over a year away from her and the rest of my family. That’s quite a lot of time to contemplate.”
Y/n would admit that he was away from his family who she believed was the reason for his bad traits and actions were beneficial for the man in front of her. She could see the changes in him by just looking at him. Because she truly looked at him. She looked past his exterior and looked at the man inside.
“I can see it in your eyes.” Y/n nodded in agreement with his statement. Which shocked and puzzled Jaime. “You are a changed man. You're not the man I first met in Winterfell. You're better. You are a better man now.”
Jaime looked down, having a hard time believing her words. No one ever believed in him as much as the woman in front of him and she barely knew him. “I don’t know about that.”
Y/n could see how much he doubted himself, and that saddened her. But it didn’t shock her, the Lannisters did not seem to be an encouraging family.
“But I do.” Y/n stated, the tone she used compelled Jaime to look into her eyes. She stated her belief in him so strongly and without a doubt, it made his heart clench. But in a good, emotional way. “I do. But even with that said as long as Cersei has a hold over you, there will never be a chance for us.”
If she was honest Y/n wanted him to chase them. Give them the chance to be together that they both so obviously wanted. But he had to make the decision himself, she couldn’t for him.
Y/n gave him a sad smile before moving around him to walk back to Winterfell, having stelfed the knives back on her belt the only thing she was leaving behind was a charming Lannister that didn’t seem to know what he wanted in life.
“Say the words.” Jaime spoke before she could get to far, turning on his feet and facing her.
“What?” Y/n stopped and turned towards him confused at his random choice of words.
Jaime took her confusion as his opening, he walked over to her, his face all serious. Shocking Y/n with the words that came out of his mouth. “Say the words and I’ll stay. Say the words and I’m yours. Only yours, forever.”
“And what words would that be exactly?” Y/n questioned nervously, she wanted to believe he was serious. But that depended on what words he meant.
Jaime wrapped his handless arm around her waist and leaned his forehead against hers.Gently running his other hand, the only hand he had left that was flesh and bone across her cheek. “You know the words.” He whispered, hoping she knew. If she felt the same as him she’ll know he thought.
Y/n felt like her heart was going to beat out of her chest. Looking up into his pleading eyes she said the words that they have wanted to say for years to each other. “I love you.”
Jaime smiled, relieved that she did truly feel the same. Jaime pulled her into a sweet passionate kiss that should’ve happened years ago. There was nowhere he’d rather be. As their kiss continued Y/n wrapped her arms around his neck, enjoying the kiss just as much as him. Pulling back so they could both get air, Jaime smiled genuinely happy for the first time in years. “I love you too.”
Taglist: @gruffle1 @padawancat97 @misspendragonsworld
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prettyundeadgirl · 12 days
Crave The Rose
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1st and 3rd gifs made by me :)
Summary: Throughout your time in King's Landing, you and the carelessly attractive Kingsguard grew fond of each other. Your sister Margaery believes you both suit each other exceedingly well, soon setting you two up, and beneath the moonlight, love unfurls.
Pairing: Jaime Lannister x Tyrell Female Reader
Wordcount: 1.9k
Tags: Fluff, Smut, 18+ MDNI
AO3 Link
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From the moment he set foot into the lush gardens of King’s Landing, his pair of viridescent eyes, shot with gold, set themselves onto you with an untold and profound intrigue. 
He’d go to the gardens whenever the chance arose, knowing you frequented there. He first enjoyed admiring you from afar, and it soon led him down a luring path where he’d do anything possible to get closer to you. Whether it was a simple, “Pardon me,” to brush past your skin and hear your gentle voice apologize for ‘being in his way,’ or to simply greet you. 
Engaging conversations soon blossomed, and you grew rather fond of him, leaving your grandmother and sister early to catch up with him and walk through the endless greenery, scented with vibrant inflorescences.
The day was up early, new and fresh, yet the torrid heat remained the same. You strolled beside the pond’s stone borders, taking a seat on the edge and basking in the generous and unyielding rays of sunlight that brightened the strands of your hair and complemented certain aspects of your features. 
Jaime had arrived only moments after and spotted you in an instant. He gathered in the picturesque view—the delicate movement of your leg crossing over the other, the intricate, floral trim of your dress, and the way you hovered over the pond to see the fish swimming beneath the lily pads that lay afloat, graced with pearlescent water lilies.
When you looked at him, lashes lifting slowly with that smile you always gave him, everything in his peripheral vision was meaningless as he stared at you—the electric, captivating focal point. And like the white, casting moon, you had a gravitational pull on the ocean tides of his attention, distant yet somehow influential, tugging him along. It wasn’t until you broke the contact to face your approaching sister Margaery that he was then dragged onto the mundane shores of reality. 
Margaery was undoubtedly graceful, with her lustrous, long brown hair and soft doe-like stare.
“Grandmother wants to speak with us.” She stated, and as you stood up from your spot, she acknowledged Jaime with an inquisitive glint before interlacing her arm with yours. You asked her what she wanted as you both withdrew from the area, leaving Jaime with an indescribable and strange sense of longing.
Gone from his view, a smirk appeared on her face, and etched in her creases was a curiosity one couldn’t possibly deny, and it had been there for some time.
“He’s rather handsome, isn’t he?”
“Very.” You answered noticeably quickly. 
“He likes you, I’ve seen it. I think you’d make a beautiful couple.”
Disbelief flashed across your features and you expelled a scoff, “You’re all wrong, he’s a Kingsgaurd. Forbidden to love. And he swore an oath to the king, your king.”
She giggled at your reaction, “Dear sister, you have much to learn. Most men never keep their oath, and what I saw today, his mind was clearly breaking that oath.” She drawled the last few words, wanting you to hear every syllable.
She was right.
Out of his sight, involuntary images and thoughts of you embedded themselves into the crevices of his mind—some pure, most not. It lingered in the back throughout his day and grew in the night before he went to sleep, and when he awakened, the hazy memory would come to a clear. He spent many mornings and nights this way—starting and ending with you, and he almost felt himself go mad, but he never knew one to love it as much as he did.
Beneath the heavens, you were situated on a long stone bench surrounded by verdant bushes and flourished plants, gazing out to where the sky and sea touched. The golden hours of the afternoon drained into the horizon; the sun, already gone, succumbing to its own inevitable demise. Darkness swept away the remnants of daylight that lingered, until the night prevailed, and myriad pinpricks of white sparkling light, softer than satin, adorned it graciously. 
The glistening, tranquil waters lapped against the stone structure, its song melding with your blissful hums. It reflected the prideful moon hung above which watched as you held a flower you plucked from a nearby bush, stripping it of its petals until all that remained of it was the stem. You placed the petals into your hands, sending them off into the night where they swayed down for the vast expanse of water to claim, flowing away until they were no longer visible.
Before long, your attention is drawn to the familiar clattering sound of armor approaching your direction.
“Ser Jaime.” You greeted, rising from your seat.
“Lady (name).” 
“What did you wish to speak to me about?”
His brows slightly furrowed at your question, “I was told you had wished to speak with me. Did you not?”
“No,” You admitted with pure honesty, taking a few steps forward. “My sister told me you wanted to meet me here, said you had something you’ve been wishing to tell me for a while.”
A spark of realization pervaded you after you finished your sentence, and as if by magic, the realization traveled to him as he smiled and you let out a small laugh, a sound he never tired of.
Inches away from him with that gentle gaze that sent his heart to cease, you raised your arm and traced the indentations of his shiny, aureate armor. The world was quiet—just the two of you, surrounded by nothing but plants and gleaming stars.
“Do you have something you wish to tell me, Ser?” The sudden shift in your tone and closeness sent an unbidden tightness to his throat.
“Yes.” He admitted. “I’ve wanted you since the moment I laid my eyes on you.”
Pulling him closer, your lips grazed and you kissed him, the rose of your mouth blooming against him. His hands, by nature, encompassed the curves of your hips, and the cool gilded fingertips of his false hand contrasted with the warmth of your exposed skin and sent shivers through you.
He sought the answer to a question that plagued his unsettled mind, rendering him incapable of thinking about anything else for the duration of your time here, and at the base of your tongue, the answer evades him: Your lips were as soft and divine as he conceived, and you tasted sweeter than any honey he’s ever had, making him smile against the orient pearl bone of your teeth. 
You pulled away, and his lips grew cold at your abrupt absence, “It’s late. Could you escort me back to my chambers?” You said against his mouth, words coated with a heavy implication.
His lips curled into another grin, “Of course.”
Arm looped around his as you were led into the Keep, where shadows draped against the narrow halls and slowly fell onto you. The silence was a symphony until your footfalls quick and sure echoed the halls akin to the beating of one’s heart. 
When you reached the door, he wasted no time, drawing you close, the warmth of his body enveloping you as he reconnected his lips to yours with a fierce intensity. In that moment of pure, unbridled passion, you both shared the same thought: I don’t want this to end. 
You craved each other, he was doubtless of it as you pulled him into your chambers with deafening haste, and once the door had shut, his hands moved with purpose, and your dress descended to the floor. You clumsily fiddled with his armor, removing the burdensome weight of his duties. 
With your bare bodies exposed to the night’s air, he propped you against the wall, and you wrapped your legs tightly around his waist, never breaking the burning, sinful kiss. Your fingers entwined with his flaxen hair, and a carnal desire had curled its way through his veins, clogging his marrow and taking over him entirely. His kisses were rough and possessive as he moved to your neck, and you sighed those pretty, sensuous moans he tended to find himself imagining, yet they could never compare to how you sounded now. 
He carried you with ease, and the gentle river of bed sheets, brightened by the pale moonlight, creased as he lay you upon the bed and gazed at your flushed cheeks and half-lidded eyes, with your legs parted for him and him only. You were utterly remarkable, sculpted by The Seven themselves; and he briefly wondered if he was even worthy of your love, for his perceived flaws over the years tainted him, and the gold hand fitted on his arm reminded him of it.
Your eyes gleamed up at him with sincerity and love, not a trace of judgment or distaste. It was louder than his doubts and beckoned him.
He pressed his weight on you and planted seeds of sloppy kisses, starting from your mouth, and down to the cleft between your thighs. Your sighs were heavenly when his mouth met where you wanted him most, and he relished in your taste as his generous tongue performed a rhythmic undulation. You lifted your hips, pushing into his mouth, and further parting your legs to provide him better access, and when he heard whispers of his name fall from your lips like it was the only word you’ve ever known, it swept over him, defeating any worries he harbored.
His name floated in the air, and he felt you tremble and wither as he licked your sensitive flesh. A blissful wave had overcome you, your chest rising and lowering. It was nothing you had ever experienced, and you desperately wanted to feel it repeatedly.
He returns to your mouth once more, allowing you to taste yourself on his lips. His fingers traced over your thighs before lifting your leg from your knee, leaving you completely accessible to him. You hummed when he placed himself inside you with much need, movements starting slow and soon quickening, desperate to let out the build-up of his release in you. Your hands clutched at his back, nails ever so slightly indenting crescents into his skin as you felt his cock grazing the spot that ached for him. He moved away to stare into your eyes, admiring you for a moment your eyes brimming with love and lips parted, trying your best to stay silent and not draw attention to your chambers if anyone walked by. Still, the effort was futile as your moans fluttered out of your throat.
He moved to your ear languidly and spoke breathless words. “Tell me… Tell me I’m yours and only yours.” The tension in your abdomen tightened at his gentle demand, and a weak smile pressed against your ear as you did as you were told.
You couldn’t contain it any longer, and you came hard and sweet beneath him. He soon followed, a soft, low groan escaping his chest, and his thrusts slowed as your breaths intermingled in the room of meager light, slowly coming back to awareness. You and him never wanted the Gods to let it be forgotten, and you remained in each others’ arms until the night turned day.
In the early morning, sunlight swept away the dust of stars, and you were awakened by a lightness in the bed and a chill to your body that wasn’t there during the night. A sullenness burdened your heart when you twisted to an empty side, but soon diminished and was replaced by a warmness at what had been placed on the pillow, leading you to replay the unforgettable event that occurred in the night.
A single rose.
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bellarkeselection · 10 months
Kingslayer Prisoner pt 3
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Part 1
Part 2
Jaime and Y/n finish their conversation in his tent and they get closer than they thought they would
If things weren't already complicated enough with me being a Tully who just lost her family and Jaime being the Lannister that caused it. No now I was standing in front of the man trying to stop my hands from shaking before I made an attempt to close the wound. To top it all off the golden lion was shirtless in front of me and I could feel my face was hot meaning I was a blushing mess before his green eyes. “Jaime…I…I don’t know what to say. I’ve never even kissed anyone until the other night. I don’t know what I feel for you…argh seven hells!”
“But you do feel something for me though. I’m not wrong about that am I Y/n?” He lifted his head slightly upward meeting my blue gaze. He reached for with his real hand wrapping his fingers around the needle causing me to drop the blade onto the floor.
Jaime gently tugged me forward where I stumbled over my own boots straight onto his lap. “Jaime - Woah. Maybe I do but I don’t really know what to do with something like that.” I shook my head at him with my hands resting on his shoulders so I didn’t fall of his lap, not like he would let me hit the hard dirt ground.
The golden lion slowly raises his real hand up to cradle my cheek in his palm. He leans forward closing the gap slowly but what caught me off guard was the fact that he was kissing me. “Typically this happens, Tully girl.” I gasped taken back by his forewordness. But something inside me decided to not fight against the feeling immediately yet I rather wrapped my arms around his neck kissing him back as best as I could since I wasn't sure if I was doing it right.
"Am I doing this the wrong way. I mean you're with your sister. And I was just disowned by my uncle and all...mmm." I moaned into another kiss when Jaime crashed his lips back onto mine and I couldn't fight back om how good it felt to kiss him.
Everyone in the seven kingdoms knew who this man was now. Everyone knew that he broke his vow and killed the Mad King. That he slept with his sister. To create three bastard children that everyone thought were Robert Bartheon's. "I'm not thinking about my sister. I haven’t been able to think about my sister since I got to meet you. You've consumed my every thought, Y/n Tully."
“What are we supposed to do with this then. You’re a Kingsguard and I am the abandoned niece of Brynden Tully. We can’t just go running off together like in the takes of royalty can we?” I drew back searching hus eyes for any hesitation knowing that he was probably playing with me since most didn’t trust any Lannister.
Quickly I attempted to move off of his lap yet he only tightened his arms around my waist keeping me closer to him. “We could run away, Y/n. My lord father is gone and that means that I could be in charge of his house.”
“But what about your vow to the Kingsguard for life. To take no wife, hold no lands and father no children. You’d break a vow to be with me a girl you know nothing about.” Pushing my hands against his chest I tried to put distance between us somehow.
Jaime blurted out where I stiffened my back while he spoke. "I've already broken so many vows. I don’t care what people say of me anymore. Not if it gives me the chance to spend my life with you. So what do you say, will you become Lady Lannister. Will you be with me?"
Staring at the lion holding me close to him my heart was beating against my chest. I was always confident compared to most young girls who would see his handsome face. “Yes…yes Jaime. If you wish to run from your sister. I will run with you.” I mumbled out blushing longingly at him moving my hands to rest on his shoulders to steady myself.
“Can I kiss you now cause I’m not good with words for long.” He asked me moving his real hand back up to cradle my face in his palm.
“You may.” I nodded simply with a childish smile.
Without much of a warning Jaime Lannister crashed his lips onto mine deeply and I fling my arms around his neck kissing him back. Our bodies were pressed together as much as we possibly could. He had his golden hand on my lower back with his other running through my auburn hair until we needed air. “I would have never become a Kingsguard if I knew I would get to marry you, Y/n.” He declares through a raspy voice focusing his bright green eyes on me.
Once I had caught my breath I moved my hands underneath my tunic shirt removing it and my trousers before I pressed my lions back onto his. The Lion immediately kissed back where he picked me up never breaking the kiss. He walked towards the bed and dropped me down to the bed. My back hit the soft silk sheets before I rose up from the bed staring at him softly. “I don’t know what to do. My sisters each had different opinions of how this is supposed to feel…”
“And how did they describe it, hmm?” He brought my fingers to his lips, kissing them softly for a moment before releasing them.
“Cat said that it will hurt at first but then after that you will learn to enjoy it. And Lysa says that it's like someone is trying to break you. I’m not really sure which one of them I should believe.” I wrapped my arms around myself watching him when he climbed off the bed standing before me.
Jaime shifted his gaze downward over my entire body. Moving my fingers down I searched for something to grab onto so I was used to being able to calm myself down by archery practice or with a sword. But right now I didn’t have much of a choice. “If you want to know what this will be like I’ll tell you this. It’s uncomfortable and they’re will be pain like you’ve taken a hit from a sword. But I’ll do my best to make it enjoyable for you.”
“I trust you, Jaime. I owe you my life and my heart after all.” I grinned up at the golden lion wrapping my hands around his neck drawing him in for another kiss before our bodies became one. Both of us moaning and kissing like crazy until we reached our end point. Jaime laid down beside me when we got underneath the covers holding each other. “I guess it wasn’t so bad I became your prisoner.”
He kissed the crown of my head squeezing me against his warm chest smiling down at me seeing my eyes slowly close and we both drifted off to sleep for the night. “I’d take you prisoner again if it means I get to call you mine.”
Comments really appreciated ❤️ Tag list - @makeshift-prime @rosie-posie08 @lover-of-books-and-tea
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tessimagines · 1 year
❤ + jaime lannister + 😢
Glimpses // Jaime Lannister
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Summary: Jaime catches a glimpse of the reader in the Red Keep’s Garden.
Warnings: A little splash of angst and Cersei (that’s a warning right?)
Masterlist | Game of Thrones Masterlist
Wordcount: 376
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Her back is turned to him. He can see her hair shining in the King’s Landing sun, long, flowing and free. She strolls through the Garden of the Red Keep, her fingers running along the flowers that line the bush beside her. Her dress is a light green, the edges of it lined with a gold thread that shines bright and strong in the sun. To him, she seems to glow, standing out brighter than any of the flowers that surround her. 
This is not the first time that Jaime has seen her. In the last few weeks, he has seen her make her way around the Red Keep. He’s passed her in the corridor, watched her in the throne room. He’s seen her walk around this very Garden before, her arm linked with the likes of Loras Tyrell. 
It wasn’t jealousy he felt. He doesn’t know her of course. But there was still this unusual and uncomfortable feeling that bubbled just under the surface of his skin. There was this yearning to know her, to hear her voice speak to him, not just from a distance while she talks to a friend. He wanted to find out how easy it would be to make her laugh or smile. 
She enticed him. It was a type of curiosity he had never quite felt before. As exciting as it was, however, it also left Jaime with a sense of dread. It knotted itself deep and tight inside his stomach every time he felt his gaze linger on her for a little too long. 
In front of him, she turns around. Her eyes lock with his for half a second, but to Jaime, it seems longer than that. He watches the edge of her lips curl up into a small smile before she turns her back again, continuing in her stroll through the Garden.
The door behind Jaime opens with a crash. It breaks his focus on her and he stumbles, turning around to face his sister. He watches as her green eyes dart behind him, landing on the woman standing amongst the flowers. She looks back at him, her features cold and harsh.
Without a word, she walks past him, a single finger beckoning him to follow.
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Thanks for requesting @janedoe2080!
Check out my Back-to-Writing Celebration and make your own request here
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charliedawn · 5 months
"Marry me."
How I think marriage proposals would go for those characters.
Sandor Clegane:
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"…Wanna get married ?" You asked as both you and Sandor were sleeping side by side in the forest. Sandor blinked—half asleep. He had back pain and a headache. He had hoped that the wine would help him to fall asleep quicker, as to not have to hear you say any other crazy thing or request for the day. But, of course. He was mistaken.
"Huh ?" When the information seemed to eventually settle in his brain, his whole face seemed a perfect depiction of confusion. He finally turned around and you could see in his eyes that he wasn’t exactly sober either. You decided this was the perfect moment to ask—since he would probably not even remember you asked the next morning. It gave you courage to ask again.
"Wanna get married ?" You repeated with a little more determination and this time, he answered.
"…You. Wanna get married ?" He asked this time—more because he was curious than awaiting an actual answer. But, you took your chance and answered truthfully.
He was momentarily surprised by your confidence before he huffed a laugh and wrapped an arm around you.
"…Fine. We’ll get married in the morning. Now, hush."
There was then a moment of silence before you both bursted out laughing. Just two drunks having the most normal conversation ever. You knew that by tomorrow, he would have surely forgotten all about tonight. But for now, you were satisfied with the knowledge that his subconscience hadn’t said no.
Oberyn Martell:
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"Would you like to marry me ?" You asked Oberyn while he wad writing and whose lips curved slightly into a small smirk at the request. He was used to your rather straightforward nature. He liked it even. It made him laugh and enjoy your presence at parties. You were curious and completely unashamed or afraid of any consequences your requests or demands would bring. This is why he always caved. But, he could also be playful and this is why he answered with a small grin:
He was curious to see your reaction, but his smile slightly faltered when he saw the hurt in your eyes at his rejection. It was the first time he had seen you so upset and he immediately regretted his words.
"Oh. Okay then." You were embarrassed and turned around quickly to get back to your own private quarters. But he was by your side in an instant and wrapped his arms around you from behind.
"I was only kidding. I would LOVE to marry you, sweet peach."
He then kissed the back of your neck lovingly. You let out a sigh of relief as you leaned back against him.
"…Really ?"
He chuckled.
"Yes. Really."
He then kissed your temple and you stayed in his arms for a while before he started nuzzling the back of your neck.
"But what brought the subject, sweet peach ?"
You sighed before closing your eyes.
"…You’re the only one who truly enjoys my presence. You laugh and smile at me, even when my words are nonsense. So I thought…why not ask ?"
Oberyn seemed taken aback for a moment before his smile widened and he pressed your back further against him to kiss your shoulder and whisper in your ear.
"Let me tell you a little secret. I would marry you for your nonsense, my dear. Because your nonsense makes more sense to me than this whole world does…"
Tyrion Lannister:
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"Do you want to marry me ?" You asked Tyrion one night and the man was so stunned that he spilled his cup of wine.
"What ?"
Tyrion was the most decent between all the Lannisters. He had helped you more than once and there was no doubt in your proposal. You would never find better husband.
"You heard me."
He stayed silent again and made you nervous. Would he refuse ? Would he tell you that he has already found someone ? Would he tell you that he has no interest in you ? But, he didn’t. He simply sighed.
"…Why ?"
Why ? You could tell him a thousand reasons why. Because he was one of the few good men you knew. Because you had no intention of marrying any other. Because you knew he could be gentle. Because he was funny. Because he could be brave. Because he had the heart of a true lion…but no. You wouldn’t tell him like that. Because even if you did, he wouldn’t believe you.
"Because I want to." You settled for instead and his eyes widened slightly in surprise before he smiled a little and shook his head.
"Why would you want to marry an imp ?"
"It is not an imp that I am marrying, but a prince." You retorted. You both stared at each other and his gaze softened as he started actually considering it for a moment.
"You would be miserable." You frowned in incomprehension at his words.
"Why ?" He glanced away for a second.
"Because I am not a good man."
You huffed a bitter laugh at his words.
"Haven’t you heard ? There are no good man left, my prince."
Tyrion seemed taken aback, but he couldn’t deny the truth behind your words and drank a little of his wine.
"Tell me, Tyrion. If I was to become your wife/husband. Would you hit me ? Would you abuse me ? Would you lie to me ?"
He shook his head with a small smile. No. He wouldn’t. You smiled back and Tyrion finally nodded understandingly. It wasn’t about love. It wasn’t about finding a good man. It was always about finding the one who wouldn’t hurt you…And hence, he understood and maybe…maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to have a wife/husband ?
Jaime Lannister:
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"Jaime…" You sat down next to him at the feast prepared for the Lannisters and even though you could feel Cersei glaring daggers at you—you grabbed his hand. He didn’t react, but you could feel his fingers slightly curving to hold yours.
"Hello, buttercup." He finally greeted you in a whisper and you couldn’t help but smile weakly. You knew of his heart and his loyalty to his sister. It wasn’t really your business to interfere, but you didn’t like how Cersei was treating him. And, you also knew that his heart could maybe be won over.
So, you did the most nonsense ever and challenged him. You stood up and faced him—catching the attention of everyone in the room as you declared loudly.
"Jaime Lannister. I challenge you to an arm wrestling competition !"
That ought to have gained his attention as his eyes finally met yours and what he found in there made his eyes widen in surprise. You were determined and even though he was a knight—you didn’t seem scared of losing. He tried to laugh and wave it off as a mere joke—but you didn’t back down and even provoked him.
"Are you perhaps not a lion ? But a scared chicken ?"
That oughta do it. He was up before you could even pronounce another word and the fury in his eyes made you smile. He had taken the bait.
"If I win, you must agree to one single demand of my choice without knowing what it is !"
"And if I win ?" He quickly shot back and you bit back a laugh.
"Then I will give you whatever you want."
In a matter of minutes, everything was settled and you were both in position. Everyone assumed you were mad or had consumed too much wine to challenge Jaime Lannister—but it couldn’t be further from the truth. You had planned it carefully. You had trained and trained your body and your mind. You had worn big sleeves to hide the muscles hidden underneath. This could be the most important challenge of your life and you wanted to win. More than anything.
The moment Jaime gripped your hand, his eyes stared straight at you as he realised what you had done. This was not the strength of the Y/N he was accustomed to…but it was too late to stop and in a matter of seconds—Jaime Lannister was on the floor.
Everyone was stunned.
But, you only gracefully stood up from your seat and looked down at him before smirking.
"…I will be waiting for that marriage proposal." And with that, you were out of the room—leaving a very confused Jaime and a very angry Cersei behind. But, you knew that a lion never backed down from his word. And Jaime would be yours.
Petyr Baelish (Littlefinger) :
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"Marry me." Littlefinger didn’t even seem surprised by you sudden demand. Everyone knew that your father wished to marry you off to Ramsay Bolton. And even though Littlefinger wasn’t sure why you would come to him with such a request, he didn’t show it.
He didn’t even look up as he simply asked.
"Why ?"
You huffed a bitter laugh. The man would sell mother and father for a throne. And he dared to ask why ?
"Does it matter ?"
He licked his thumb to turn the page of the book he was reading nonchalantly, even though you knew that he was secretly weighing the pros and cons of such an alliance.
"Depends. What will it bring me ?"
You looked away.
"Don’t pretend not to realise how advantageous it would be for you to be a part of the Lannister family. You’d have an easy access to the iron throne."
He hummed and pretended to think about it. It was true marrying you would be a fast way to get access to all the nice advantages of being a part of the so-called prestigious Lannister family. But, it had its own set of disadvantages to consider. He would become more than just a little man in the shadows that no one would deem worthy of being a threat, he would become a lion. A black lion.
"…Tell me why you would lower yourself to such an alliance with me. Surely, there would be one handsome young man who would say yes to such a proposal without even blinking. Why go to me, princess/prince ?"
You hesitated before sighing in defeat.
"…Because if I am to marry a snake, better be one I know than one chosen by Tywin Lannister."
At that, Petyr finally dignified you with a glance. You held his gaze and after a few seconds, he smiled.
"Very well, my beauty. Lead the snake to the lion’s den then."
Sansa Stark:
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You and Sansa had been longtime allies and friends. You were maybe the only friend she had ever had after the almost complete destruction of House Stark. You had developed feeling for her over time and knew that asking her for her hand wouldn’t be easy—but you were willing to try.
"Please, Sansa of House Stark." You knelt on one knee before her with a rose in your hand and the other hand on your heart. "Would you marry me ?"
Sansa was surprised by the proposal. She had married twice and both marriages weren’t a success. She had lived through nightmares and pain out of such a dream as marriage. She used to want to get married with someone she loved so badly, but not anymore.
"My heart is not so easily won by a rose and pretty words anymore." She replied instead—thinking that she would succeed in breaking your resolve. But, she was mistaken.
"I know. I know that I may never be worthy of even your eyes on me. But…I am a fool, and my heart beats for you. And if you want it ? Then it’s yours. And even if you don’t want it. Let me fight for you. And prove my loyalty to the most beautiful and strong lady the North has ever seen." You pleaded and Sansa was rendered speechless.
She looked into your eyes and saw only love and adoration. She then glanced down at the rose you offered her and after a moment of hesitation, she finally took it.
"…You may try to win my heart, Y/N. But, I cannot promise you success."
You smiled and shook your head.
"Just having you acknowledge my feelings is enough for hope to enter my heart."
Sansa smiled back.
Maybe…romance wasn’t utterly dead.
Jon Snow: (Before the tragedy 😭)
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"Marry me." It was said with such confidence that Jon himself was stunned as he looked up at you with widened eyes.
"What ?"
"You heard me."
There was a moment of silence before Jon smiled and he suddenly pulled you into his arms. There was no yes or no. Just a moment of pure euphoria as he couldn’t stop laughing as he buried his face in your chest. He was so happy, he forgot to form words.
When he was finally calm once more, he kissed you passionately.
"Yes. Yes. Yes, I will."
You both started laughing together and Jon even fell back on the snow as you held him tightly.
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"Marry me." You demanded and Daenerys looked back at you. She didn’t seem surprised or even mildly confused by the demand. She knew of your feelings for her—and she was more than happy to reciprocate.
But, marriage ?
Marriage meant boundaries. Marriage meant attachment. Marriage meant she would have to think about you and a possible future where she wasn’t all powerful.
She sighed before stroking your cheek and offering you an apologetic smile.
"My dear Y/N…If only I could, do not believe for a second that I would say no. But, as the future queen of the Seven Kingdoms…I cannot."
You closed your eyes and a few tears rolled down your cheeks. You had expected such an answer of course, but still…your heart ached.
"I…understand." You forced yourself to say and Daenerys nodded. She was a queen. A khaleesi. And you were just…human.
Ser Jorah:
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"Please. Marry me." Ser Jorah was stunned at the unexpected request and turned towards you with widened eyes. He was about to answer when you quickly added.
"Love me. Hate me. I want you and you want her. But, I am not asking for your love. But for your protection, kind ser Jorah." He closes his mouth and seemed to think about it for a moment. He knew that you were a young lady/man who had left her/his family to join Daenerys. He had no idea you held such feelings for him…
"You can have my protection, but why go to such lengths to have it ?" He finally asked and you sighed before taking his hand in yours.
"Because it is not only physical protection I seek." You then laid his hand flat upon your heart and Ser Jorah seemed taken aback once more. He looked at you and you didn’t shy away from his gaze.
You knew Ser Jorah was honourable and even if he would never return your feelings, he would make a far greater husband than anyone you ever knew. He would respect you and your heart. And that was more than you could ever wish for…
Ser Jorah accepted.
After all, it was only his name that you were going to bear and his sword that would protect you. You would call him husband, but only in name.
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melrosing · 5 months
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wanted to imagine outfits for them as heads of their houses!
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ransprang · 6 months
Jaime Lannister x Fem!Reader Hcs
Fueling my Nikolaj and GOT brainrot~ enjoy
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NSFW and SFW -
1. Man protects you like a dawg. He will not have anyone touch you or get too close without drawing his sword the second they take a step closer (Not even your parents).
2. Jaime loves having sex the second you both are alone, he just can’t help it. A quickie in the meeting room, in his chamber, after shower. He loves it when he stands tall and you’re on your knees sucking him off as a to thank him for protecting you.
3. Jaime loves carrying you over his shoulder. He’s strong, and you’re his. In the palace he will subtly tease you by carrying you over his shoulder to your room.
4. Jaime loves restraining you, he will tackle you down, pinning your hands above your head. He likes to be in charge, and fuck you to relieve his stress from the long day of managing Cersei.
5. Jaime would like to have children with you, and possibly favour them over Joffrey. As they are his to claim to the public, and he can love them freely also protect and raise them.
6. Jaime likes being just a boy around you. No pressures to fight or decisions. He likes teasing, making jokes and possibly be obsessed with building blocks which makes you look at him sometimes think, how at the core hes just. a. guy.
7. When you watch him fight or be an exceptional swordsman you want him to fight you similarly but in the bedroom, without his clothes on and definitely with a different sword of his. You could testify Jaime was skilled with his other not so miniature sword as well.
8. Cersei would love bullying you, in order to push you away from her beloved brother. Jaime wouldnt never rage at her, but would protect you from all her evil schemes and will never let anyone or anything harm you. They will have to face him before you.
9. Jaime takes off his metal hand and stares at where his wrist used to be sometimes, but he will only show such level of sadness and vulnerability in front of you.
10. Jaime loves pounding you with your legs over his shoulders, he loves to watch your breasts bounce bringing him closer to the edge faster.
Your twin,
Admin Sav
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atomic--peach · 1 year
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Her Grace's Handmaiden. Pt3
(Cersei Lannister x Fem Reader x Jaime Lannister: SMUT threesome, voyerism, praise kink, oral (Male receiving) )
AO3 VERSION: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48276340
After the event with the mare, the queen saw fit that you would be given basic riding lessons.
"Right, now just do exactly as he says" Cersei emphasized. "No second guessing or backtalk. Treat him as you would me."
"Of course, Your Grace" You were wrapped in a thin wool cloak and worn leather boots, bracing against the chill of the coming autumn. The summer had to end sometime, you supposed.
"My brother is being very generous, offering to teach you." Cersei reminded you.
"I am very grateful for the help" You kept your eyes trained ahead, not wanted to see presumptuous by looking at the queen too much or talking too much.
It was bizarre, two high-borns taking such an interest in someone like you. It made you uneasy, as if waiting for the other shoe to drop.
"I certainly don't to embarrass myself more than I already have."
Jaime was waiting for you by the stables, dressed in sturdy riding leather. His blonde hair flopped into his eyes and was brushed back with a gloved hand before he spotted your approach and smiled charmingly.
"Sweet sister" he greeted Cersei before resting his pale green eyes on you "And your new plaything."
"Now Jaime" Cersei chided him, "Be nice, Y/N isn't used to your teasing like I am."
"She will be" Jaime smirked at you, watching the blush creep up your neck and across your face. "Come, let's get started."
"I'll be waiting with the party, my dear." Cersei touched your shoulder, quickening your pulse as you whipped around.
"Your Grace, you're leaving?"
"Rest assured, you are in good hands" The queen insisted, flashing you a cryptic smile. "Good luck"
"Charming, isn't she?" Jaime came from behind you, watching as his sister left you to your own devices. "Come now, the faster we start, the faster you can stop being bullied by Clegane and that rabid stallion of his."
Eager to stand (er, ride) on your own two feet, you followed him before realizing there was only one horse readied.
"Uh, Ser?"
"You didn't think I'd jump to letting you ride on your own that quickly, did you?" Jaime practically laughed in your face. "Here, you first."
"I..." you gawked at the saddle the horse was set with. "You mean riding astride?"
"Something wrong with it?"
You thought for a moment before embracing your mistress's request to trust the knight.
"No, not at all"
He hoisted you up onto the back of his sturdy mount before swinging his legs up behind you. You swallowed a gasp, suddenly finding yourself pressed between the pommel of the saddle and Ser Jaime's chest.
"Let's get into some open terrain so you have space to learn"
Before you could protest, the knight had set the beast off at a quick gallop, one hand gripping the reigns and the other arm wrapped firmly around your waist to keep you from falling off.
Once you were well away from the party and in a broad scope of field, Jaime stopped the horse.
"Now," He handed you the reigns and without preamble place two solid hands on your shoulders. "The first thing to know about proper horse riding is your posture. You want to guide the beast properly? You have to sit it properly."
He gently guided your shoulder back, straightening your spine in the process.
"Now there's a saying my riding master taught me as a boy. And while it may seem forward, I need you to trust me."
Your skin prickled at the near constant contact between your bodies but tried to push it down and focus on the lesson. "Her Grace insisted you were the best. You have my full trust, Ser."
"Good Girl" Jaime praised in a tone that almost melted into a purr. "Now the first thing you want to remember about riding a horse is; Shoulders like a Soldier..."His hands slid from your shoulders, down your arms, before coming to rest on your hips. "and Hips like a Whore."
"Ser!" You gasped but Jaime tutted you into submission.
"I warned you it was forward, but just trust me." He soothed, "Now I am going to drive the horse forward slowly, and I want you to just-" His grip on your hips tightened "Follow the motion."
The beast began to move forward at a gentle walk and as the they went; Jaime's hands slowly guided your hips to match the motion of the horse's gait.
"A little faster?" He asked and you nodded, growing in confidence.
The walk turned to a trot, and the trot to a brisk cantor, and finally to a full gallop which left you breathless, clinging to the horse with your thighs as if you might fall off at any moment.
"Very good" Jaime practically cooed in your ear, slowing the beast back down to a peaceful trop. "You are everything my sister promised."
You beamed at that, proud to have lived up to your mistress's praises.
As your breath returned to you, you began to notice something different. Something that hadn't been there when you started your ride.
A hardness pressed against your ass, brushing up against you with the motion of the beast below you.
"S-ser Jaime." You swallowed. "We should go-"
"Go back, so soon?" Jaime crooned, pulling you closer to him in the saddle and bringing the horse back to a quick trot. "It's a lovely day, we should take advantage of it"
The hardness grew, and you tried not to notice until you felt it twitch slightly and Jaime muffled a moan in his throat.
"I don't think Her Grace would-"
"Would what?" Jaime grinned knowingly at your confused tone. "Sweetling, why do you think she left you out here all alone with me?"
"Because she trusts you, you're her brother."
"Hm" Jaime's hands massaged your hips slowly, running over your soft thighs and even venturing around to the front to cup your sex through your skirt.
You gasped at the sudden touch, pulse pounding as his two fingers skillfully located your slit and began to rub gently through the fabric of your dress.
"Ser" You breathed, trying to organize your thoughts as Jaime pulled your hips back to him, your back flush against his chest, rubbing slow circles through your skirt with the tips of his fingers.
"Just relax, sweetling" He breathed into your ear, "If you get too excited, the horse will sense it. Then we're both in trouble."
"We shouldn't..."
"I don't see you stopping me." He pointed out, hips continuing to brush the length of his cock against your ass. "All I feel is your body heating up against mine. Are you getting excited?"
"Oh Gods." Without thinking, you scrambled off the horse, falling onto your back as you did so.
Jaime laughed out loud, dismounting skillfully and grabbing you by the ankle before you could run for camp.
"Easy, easy girl" He chuckled, batting off you attempts to kick him like they were nothing. "Just calm down."
"The Queen will know." You gasped, heart suddenly pounding. "Her Grace, she trusted me, she's done so much for me, and now I'm here with you and she'll be so angry."
Hot tears began to stream down your face as you began to panic. Jaime paled, not expecting this to go this badly as he attempted to shush your sobs.
"No, no, no, Darling. Just listen, just listen" He tried to grab your attention. "Look, we'll go back to camp. We'll see my sister. Everything will be okay; I swear to you."
Not quite believing him and half convinced your mistress would abandon you here in the wilderness as soon as she heard, you wiped your tears and nodded.
Jaime gathered you in his arms and guided you back to the horse and ferried you both back to the party. He did his best to hide your distress from everyone else as you approached the queen's royal caravan.
"Enter." Cersei turned eagerly as her brother entered, giddy to see how her plan unfolded before her face fell. "What happened?"
Jaime opened his mouth to explain but before he could, you fell to your knees and bowed lowly.
"Your Grace," You sobbed into the ground. "I'm so sorry, I have failed you and betrayed you. I am not worthy of your mercy, but I beg for it all the same."
"I-" Cersei starred at Jaime who shook his head, shrugging in a helpless fashion. "Jaime, what did you do?"
"Exactly what you told me to do, I swear." Jaime insisted,
"Oh" Cersei's mind clicked with understanding and an amused smile crept across her face. "Oh, Y/N. You stupid little thing. Get up."
You obeyed, wiping your tears as the Queen knelt down to look at you.
"Y/N, I sent you out with Jaime *hoping* he would seduce you."
"Yes, sweetling." She laughed, "You've been so good for me these last few weeks, and I wanted to reward you. You foolish girl, look at you worked up over nothing. Don't you feel ridiculous?"
You did, ridiculous and embarrassed and ashamed.
"Ser Jaime, I owe you an apology." You couldn't meet his eye, "Her Grace told me to trust you and instead I took you for a villain. Please forgive me?"
"I suppose I can." The knight nodded. "Though you did leave me in quite the uncomfortable position."
"Oh" a blush flooded your face again. "I'm sorry."
"Sweetling" Cersei placed a hand on the top of your head, "You aren't thinking of denying my reward for you, are you?"
"I-" The words caught in your throated. "Your Grace, I-. But-"
"Jaime, come here." Cersei beckoned her brother closer, leaning in to whisper in your ear, "You haven't quite earned the privilege of my bed yet. Treat Ser Jaime as you would me."
Your instructions were clear, and if it pleased your mistress, you were more than happy to comply.
Cersei's nimble hands reached forward to undo the laces of Jaime's trousers, pushing you forward to do the rest as she returned to the chaise with an eager gleam in her eye.
"Have you ever bedded a man before?" Jaime asked and you nodded. It had only been once, but you remembered how everything worked.
Peeling through layers of fabric, you freed the knight's semi-hard cock from his small clothes and scooted closer to him on your knees. A deep rumble of a groan filled the caravan as you took the tip in your mouth, sucking gently before taking more and more length down your throat. Before long, the tip of your nose was buried in the patch of fine blond hair at the base.
"Gods" Jaime breathed, a hand reaching down to grasp at your hair. "Gently, darling gent-" His words caught in his throat as you drew your tongue up the length of him before swiftly taking it whole, gagging slightly to accommodate it. The taste of salty pre-cum coated your taste buds and you hummed with satisfaction.
"That's enough."
You paused your ministrations when your mistress cut in sharply.
"Jaime," she crooned lowly, "Don't be greedy."
Jaime sighed, his brow already shining with perspiration as he withdrew his cock from your throat, a thin strand of saliva hanging from your lips as you gazed up at him.
"The queen is right, sweetling." He sighed, guiding you up by the tip of your chin. "This is supposed to be your reward, not mine."
Eagerly, you allowed him to unlace your bodice and aided him in removing your skirt and small clothes.
"Excited little thing, aren't you?" He chuckled, pulling you in for a deep kiss. His tongue prodded at your lips pleadingly until you parted them, making sure to explore his mouth as much as he did yours. He growled at this, unaccustomed to not being the dominant one, but you responded by sharply nipping his lower lip and grinning. He pulled away with a challenged look, as if calculating his next move.
"Come here" He spat, spinning you around and pulling your back flush against his chest, one hand snaked to your throat as the other danced across your chest. His calloused fingers grazed over your nipples, which responded eagerly as he palmed the softness of your breasts.
"Look" He breathed in your ear, rubbing his hips against your ass as he had in the field. "If you'd been a good girl, we'd have had privacy. Now look at you, about to be fucked in front of your queen."
You moaned at this, biting your lower lip and closing your eyes as he chuckled against your shoulder.
"Or maybe you like this better? Tell me, how long has it been since you've been properly fucked, hm? Years, perhaps?" His hand wondered between your legs once more, locating the sensitive bundle of nerves he knew drove women wild.
"That's right sweet girl," He breathed, firmly pressing his fingers against your clit. Your body tensed and your hips didn't know if they should chase the pleasure of his fingers or flee the intensity of the electricity building between your legs. "Now now, you stay right there."
One hand tweaking your hard nipples and the other pressing your ass against the knight's cock as it circled your clit, you knew you wouldn't last long like this. Your thighs trembled and tried to tighten around his hand, which only made him tease you more.
"Look at this sister, only a few minutes and her body is begging for release. Is that what you want, sweetling? To cum in front of your mistress?"
"Gods, yes! Please, please, please." You begged, skin slick with sweat.
"What a sweet girl, begging so nicely for us." Jaime cooed, sucking on the crook of your neck with a humming laugh. "What do you think, sister?"
You looked up and saw your mistress's face alight with excitement, her own thighs squeezing together as she watched the show her brother put on for her.
"I think....not"
You whined when Jaime all at once withdrew his touch from your body.
"Take her to the bed. I want to watch her cum around you." Cersei requested and Jaime gladly obliged.
"Tell me, sweet sister," Jaime hummed, watching Cersei leave her chaise to meet him at the bed where he deposited your aching, desperate body. "How would you like your little slave fucked?"
"Bend her over" Cersei demanded without hesitation, cupping your face almost gently as Jaime flipped you on your stomach. "I want to watch your face when he fucks you."
Her words drove another spike of need between your legs as Jaime spread your thighs and thrust into your dripping cunt without preamble. The sudden intrusion made you instantly clench around him and claw at the bedding desperately as he drove into you over and over.
"Look at me." Cersei cooed, watching your eyes dart rapidly trying to find her, "Gods, you look so pretty like this. How does he feel inside of you? What I would give to fuck you like this." Her hands petted your hair, damp and clinging to your neck and forehead with sweat. When she spoke to you like this, it was like the whole world melted away and became an extension of her. Even Jaime, especially Jaime, was just an extension of her and her will. She was the one who was fucking you right now, and it was her who made the muscles in your core snap as waves of pleasure washed over you.
When your body began to spasm under him, Jaime could only hold back long enough to pull out as quickly as he possibly could, coating your ass and back with ropes of cum. His weight collapsed on top of you for a moment, both of you breathing heavy. Both of you feeling like you'd been fucked by someone who hadn't even touched you.
Cersei rose up off the bed and tossed a rag at Jaime before leaning over you again, peppering soft kisses over your still sensitive skin.
"Good girl, sweet girl, how wonderful you've been for me." she purred.
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januaryembrs · 19 days
hot chocolate + a drabble about reader and jaime lannister having a baby at casterly rock? 🥹
BABY MINE | Jaime Lannister x reader
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description: you give Jaime an heir to Casterly Rock
length: 500 wds ish
warnings: AFAB!Reader, use of mother to describe reader, nude, rough Labour mentioned.
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“She’s so beautiful,” You cooed, stroking the faint honey curls, the sparse few she’d been born with thin and wispy and you would have thought she was entirely hairless had the two of you not held her close since your labours. 
It had been long and arduous, just like the entirety of your third trimester, and there was a moment where Jaime was struck with a worry that you would succumb to haemorrhaging like his mother had when Tyrion was born. It wasn’t entirely uncommon, it had played on his mind more than he’d ever admit. But the second you’d heard that wailing cry of your baby bursting into the world with all the dramatic flair of her father, you’d quickly found the strength to pull through. 
“Of course she's beautiful, you’re her mother,” Jaime said, the two of you entirely topless as you leaned back against his chest on your bedding, a squirming bundle of creamy skin and silken blankets in your arms. You hummed with a small smile, leaning back to rest your head against his cheek, his left hand squeezing you tightly to his body. He paused for a moment, and it was like you could hear him thinking, “Help me take this off, darling. I don’t want to frighten her,” 
His right arm came up to where you wriggled a hand free, resting her tiny body in the crook of your arm. Jaime’s golden hand glinted in the soft chamber light, cold to the touch and just that bit too rough for a newborn’s skin despite the fact you wanted to reassure him he could never scare his little girl. 
Biting your cheek, you unstrapped his wrist for him, the solid weight slipping off the side of the bed with a thumb that stirred her little eyes to bat open, not that Jaime cared particularly about the prosthetic when his baby’s eyes fluttered behind thick, dark lashes and she looked up at two faces that smiled dotingly at her despite only knowing her a few hours. 
Jaime brought his good hand up to the back of her scalp, his residual limb on his other side slipping under her body to hold her warm skin lovingly. 
“I don't care if I sound bias, she’s perfect,” You murmured, tired eyes roving over every inch of her unable to pick a single fault. She was like the Seven had blessed her between each of their gifting hands, like an angel had befell your arms, like you wouldn’t be surprised to see a halo and wings sprouting any second now. A thought struck you, and you bit your lip, glancing up at the side of Jaime’s face, as she let out the world’s smallest yawn, her gums entirely toothless and pinker than peonies, “You’re not disappointed she’s not a boy, are you? I know your father wanted you to have an heir-”
Jaime interrupted you with a soft kiss to your hairline, sticky where you’d sweated in between curse words as you’d began contracting, where he’d held your hand the entire time. 
“I don’t care if she were born with twelve toes and green hair, I love her more than I ever knew it possible; I love you, more than I deserve to,” He replied gently, his sea foam eyes roving over your face where you sighed happily and lay back on his collar, feeling his heartbeat raw and steady against your back, almost rocking you to sleep the way yours had done your baby. 
“I love you too, Jamie Lannister,” 
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chloe-skywalker · 7 months
Protection - Jaime Lannister
Jaime x fem!reader Stark
Warnings: GOT
Word count: 2,033
Summary: Reader is a Stark stuck in King's Landing after everything and including her fathers death. The only one that seems to care about her is shockingly Jaime Lannister.
Authors Note: I think after the changes Jaime’s character made from being held captive by the Stark’s and losing his hand plus his time with Brienne that he would be protective of the Stark girls. The oath he made to Catelyn he didn’t want to break, so I think that means something. Just like he couldn’t himself but he helped himself and Breinne by sending her to go look after and find Arya and Sansa. - I couldn’t decide whether I wanted to be romantic or him protecting her because she resembled what he thought a daughter of his own would be like or if he was honoring his promise to Catelyn. I tried to leave it open.
Game Of Thrones Masterlist
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Y/n didn’t understand what she had done in life to deserve this treatment. To have the recent events happen in her life. To watch her little brother almost die from a horrible fall, to then having to watch her father be executed, she didn’t know where her youngest sister was, she had to watch her other younger sister be tormented by a brat that was only going to become a awful king, and her older brother by a year had started a war to get them back with their mother by his side.
But how she had managed to have the Queen’s rath bestowed upon her in physical abuse. Y/n didn’t know how that happened and she knew for fact she hadn’t done anything to deserve it.
But Y/n had been in Kings Landing long enough to know that Cersei and Joffery didn’t need reasons to be cruel. It just seemed to be part of their personality.
Tyrion was the only kind one to Y/n and Sansa. Along with his friend Bronn and man servant Podrick. Y/n didn’t trust anyone else in the Red Keep.
Lately Y/n noticed Jaime, ever since he got back he had been trying to get close to her and Sansa. But neither Stark knew what to make of it. He really was trying to get closer to Y/n, but Y/n was worried that it was some kind of plan from Cersei.
It was a normal sunny day, Y/n actually thought it’d be a good day to go out and walk or ride but leaving her room? That didn’t feel like a good idea, given her appearance.
Suddenly in the incredibly quiet room there were sounds of knocking on her chamber doors. Y/n gave a soft ‘come in’, just loud enough for the person on the other side of the door to hear.
Upon seeing Jaime Lannister Y/n nervously started ringing her hands at what they might have planned for her now. “Ser Jaime. To what do I owe this visit to?”
Jaime shook his head. “I’m not here on any business.”
“Oh?” Y/n was curious but she still wanted to be cautious. So she kept her head down. For more than just that reason though.
Jaime noticed the way she was holding herself and it reminded him of a scared animal. So he raised his arms to show he didn’t mean her any harm. Her behavior made his eyes fill with concern. “Y/n, I’m not going to hurt you.”
Y/n realized that this could be very bad so she needed to back track. “Ser Jaime, I-I meant no o-offense.” She stuttered shaking her head but still keeping it down with her hair framing her face to cover her face from his view.
“You made none. No reason to apologize.” He quickly reassured.
As they stood there Jaime took more notice of things. Things that were making him more concerned by the second. So he took enough steps to be standing right in front of her.
“Y/n, look at me. Please.” Jaime asked, but when he noticed how she was so hesitant to do as he asked. Jaime slowly raised his hand to lift her chin, as gently as possible to not spook her. When she was finally looking him in the eye, face to face is when Jaime noticed. She has a bruised cheek bone which to him looked almost like it belonged to a fading black eye, and she had a cut on her eyebrow and her lip. No wonder she was hiding her face, he thought. “Who did this?”
“No one, Ser Jaime. I fell that’s all.” Y/n quickly tried to dismiss, hoping he’d let it go. If she said something and he was sent by Cersei, then it’d get worse. If he was genuinely concerned for her and she told him, he might not believe her. His twin sister did it after all.
“Please don’t lie to me, Lady Y/n.” He pleaded with her. His concern was growing more and more. But he also had his suspicions. “Who did this?”
Y/n cast her sight back down to the floor, not wanting to lie to his face. With how much genuine concern was in his eyes and actions, she felt bad lying to him. “No one, Ser.”
Jaime let out a sigh, he could clearly see she wasn’t going to verbalize her answer. Which inwardly gave him his answer anyway and he could feel anger bubbling up inside of him. He knew in his gut who did this, and he wasn’t going to let it go. “Can I see you later Milady?”
Y/n nodded, stepping back still not lifting her gaze. Of course she said he could. He seemed to be one of the only people who cared as of late, but also she didn’t really have a choice. Not in her situation. “If you so wish to, Ser Jaime.”
Her behavior honestly scared Jaime slightly. She didn’t seem like the same girl he met in Winterfell or the same one that was in Kings Landing when he lft and was captured.
Ever since that encounter Jaime had been visiting and spending a lot more time with Y/n Stark. No one would bother her with him at his side.
But Jaime had yet to have that talk with his sister. But today was the day, he had heard some concerning things from the handmaidens assigned to Y/n and he was fuming.
“Ah, brother. What is so urgent that you came barging into my chambers without knocking.” Cersei spoke sarcastically as he barged into her room.
“What did you do to Y/n Stark?” He asked, getting straight to the point, face red with anger.
“The little bitch. Well, what did she say?” Cersei scoffed at even turning to look at her brother.
“Nothing. She said nothing. I came here to you on my own.” Jaime wanted to yell, how could she be so cold.
“How do you know it was me? The girl is quite clumsy.” Cersei smirked, and Jaime wondered if Y/n’s excuse of falling was something she was told to say.
“Oh, I know your handy work when I see it.” He scoffed stating a fact that not even Cersei could argue with.
Cersei could tell he wasn’t gonna drop it once she looked at him, so she sighed and said. “I assure you she deserved it.”
“I can guarantee that she didn’t.” He countered. Jaime knew how petty his sister could be and revenge was something she enjoyed. She wasn’t going to fool him.
“You weren’t here.” She shook her head and growled out her words. Why was he even bringing this up?
“Doesn’t matter.” Jaime didn’t need to be there to know Y/n didn’t deserve his sister's warth.
“Why do you care for this girl?” Cersei asked with a furrowed brow.
“No. Why? Why do you care for her so much? After everything her family’s done to ours?!” She yelled at him getting up from her vanity table and stormed over to where he stood.
“She had no part in that!” He yelled back, done with trying to be social.
“Why do you protect her?!” Cersei spat with clear jealousy. Of course she noticed him protecting her but why was what she couldn’t figure out and that angered her more and more. Someone having her twin's attention other than her never sits well with the golden haired Queen.
“Don’t touch her again, Cersei. I mean it.” Jaime stated in a low voice. His expression and tone shocked Cersei. He’s never used either on her and deep down it did shake her a bit. He’s never been this mad at her, or this deeply apparently.
Jaime was going to make sure that Y/n was taken care of. No one would harm her ever again. That he’d promise her. Not even his sister. If Cersei did she’d regret it because he was done with her cruelness.
“And what will you do if I do decide to touch her again?” She questioned as he looked at her so seriously she honestly was starting to feel uncomfortable.
“You don’t want to find out.” He stated before turning to leave, as he opened the door Jaime felt pride in himself. He stood up to his sister for something he believed in.
“Is that a threat?” Cersei asked with narrowed eyes trained on her brother's back.
“Its a promise.” Jaime said before slamming her door behind him. He felt good and now he felt a weight lifted off of himself and Y/n. Sure he still had to watch their backs but Cersei wouldn’t do anything to go against him if she was as smart as she acts.
^     ^     ^
It had been a pretty normal day but Y/n just felt that they all blended together since so much had happened. Things had shockingly gotten better since Jaime and her had become close. But nothing good ever lasts is what she had learned being in King's Landing.
“Come in.” Y/n said upon hearing knocking at her room doors. She turned to face the door after hearing it open, seeing Jaime enter with caution. “Ser Jaime.”
“Lady Y/n.” He bowed his head with a soft smile on his lips, but as he looked around the room and noticed the uneaten food sitting on the table. Jaime’s concern came bubbling back up 10 fold. The handmaidens had told him she was skipping some meals and it worried him. But seeing it was worse. “The handmaidens said you haven’t eaten today.”
Y/n shrugged looking away from him. “Not very hungry.”
Jaime knew that part of it could be the stress of what's happened. It could also be her injuries that made it painful to chew, or it could be something Jaime really hoped it wasn’t. He didn’t even want to think about that idea.
Jaime stepped over to her, brushing her hair away from her face with his hand. Uncovering the still recovering injuries to her face. “Does it hurt?”
Of course it hurt still but he had been so kind to her she didn’t want to worry him. So she shook her head softly. “Not much anymore, Ser.”
“You don’t have to keep up the formalites with me, Y/n.” He smiled softly hoping to make her more comfortable around him. Show her he meant no harm.
“I shouldn’t-” She looked at him with wide scared eyes.
“I’m telling you you can. So you can.” Jaime stopped her calmly, looking her in the eyes. He could see how scared she was to do anything that might cause her to be harmed. Anything that might make it so she could be punished. “I won’t hurt you like my sister.”
“I-” Y/n’s eyes widened, just when he made her a little more comfortable again he say’s that. Y/n shook her head at him in fear. She didn’t tell him who did it so how did he know? Now that he knew what would happen to her? What would the Queen do to her now? Y/n was panicking on the inside.
“You didn’t have to tell me, and don’t worry I’ll protect you from Cersei.” Jaime told her, she had to know. But seeing her so panicked made his heart clench, so he started running his hand through her hair to comfort her and calm her nerves and mind. Jaime grimaced at her reaction for a second. This poor girl was terrified and it was all because of his family.
“How?” Y/n asked him while looking at him like he’s crazy. How could he, a knight, protect her from the Queen? Nobody could control Cersei.
“In any way I can, and I will. She will never harm you again. No one will. Not on my watch.” Jaime vowed to the poor girl that was stuck in this predicament. Not by her own choosing had any of this happened to her. And he was going to stop it and make her life better.
Taglist: @gruffle1 @padawancat97 @misspendragonsworld
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bellarkeselection · 11 months
My Tully Lover
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Y/n Tully can't help but start a secret love affair with Jaime Lannister while she is supposed to be working her way towards a husband
Running through the hallway of the Red Keep my hair was getting thrown around in my face when I reached a certain chamber door. Swinging the door open I sucked in a breath closing the door quickly behind me before someone could notice me. “I have been waiting all day for you, Y/n. My little secret fish.” Jaime’s voice whispers in my ear with a husky tone and I felt his arms wrap around my waist.
"I've missed you too, Jaime." Spinning around in his arms I leaned up on my toes kissing him slowly.
Jaime tugged me against his chest deepening the kiss slowly. One of his hands moved into my hair while my other hand went to grasp his shoulder blade. Our others hands moved around bringing the other person closer to one another. "One of these days I am going to wake up and you will be gone. Since you have to be looking for a husband while you're here."
“I thought you told me once that everybody else doesn’t matter. We are the only ones who do matter in this world. You’re exact words were fuck everyone but us. What changed hmm?” I raised a brow at him with a smirk on my face when his green eyes scanned over me.
The knight of the Kingsguard cupped my face in his hands leaning down and capturing my lips onto his slowly. “That is what I said because it’s true. Because I don’t want to think about you leaving me, Y/n Tully.”
“And why is that. We’ve known that this couldn’t last between us.” I pulled slightly away blinking through some tears not wanting to be wed off to anyone else but him. But my father had already wed off my sisters Cat and Lysa so I wasn’t far behind.
Jaime turned away from me going over and pouring some wine into a glass taking the whole thing in one big gulp. “I’m not good with words. You know that….so if I can’t do this don’t get annoyed.”
“Okay, so what are you trying to tell me?” I questioned him slowly striding across the room meeting him at the table with the wine in the corner closely watching him.
The golden sighed heavily where I could tell his shoulders were tensed when he started speaking slowly. He wasn’t good with words like his younger brother Tyrion. “Y/n, I’ve only been with anyone except Cersei. I haven’t experienced any type of romance…not for real. Until I met you and now…urgh marry me.”
“Wha…what. Jaime we can’t marry. You’re a member of the Kingsguard. You can’t marry or bear children to anyone.” I parted my mouth opened in shock twisting the fabric of my dress.
“My father wants me to become his heir again and undo my vow as a knight. I want to be with you. I want you as my wife if you’re father will accept.” Jaime turned quickly to face me before he cupped my face in his hands where our eyes locked onto each other deeply.
Shaking my head up at him I throw my arms around his neck smiling up at him like a child getting a present. “My father doesn’t care who I ask him to let me marry. He already has two secure marriages with my sister Catelyn and Lysa. So I accept, Jaime. I’ll always accept.”
“So you’ll marry me even if I am a Lannister. I know you’re family doesn’t like to deal with Westeros and wars.” He shook his head until I leaned up kissing him slowly where he leaned down deepening the passionate kiss.
Threading my fingers through his golden hair he moaned into the kiss until we both needed air. “I want to marry you because I am in love with you, Jaime Lannister.”
“And I think I’m in love with you too, Y/n Tully.” He vowed back tugging my body closer to his before I jumped up wrapping my legs around his waist. He crashes his lips onto mine and we didn’t break the heated kiss not even after we stumbled back onto the bed.
Comments really appreciated ❤️ @makeshift-prime @rosie-posie08 @lover-of-books-and-tea
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tessimagines · 1 year
Hello, I’d like to make a request. 💥+Game of Thrones+ a preference about how they would react if you comforted them when they were crying/vulnerable. Feel free to pick the characters you want!
GoT Preference: Comforting them & their Reaction
Jon Snow
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We all know Jon is broody
Therefore, he can have a bit of trouble accepting comfort
You can always tell when something is wrong, and will let him know you are always open for comfort
At night, that is when Jon can loosen up a little more
Comforting generally starts with small physical touches, like running a hand through his hair of placing a hand on his back and kissing his cheek
He will eventually begin to talk and accept more physical comfort
The night will end with Jon's head on your chest, you placing soft kisses to his forehead
He doesn't cry often, but knows that if he does in front of you, you will never judge him
He appreciates your comfort more than he lets on
He rarely verbally thanks you, but sometimes, he will leave a little thank you note for you to find in the morning
Robb Stark
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Robb knows he can immediately come to you for comfort
If he has any issues or problems, you are generally the first person he wants to discuss them with
After meetings with the heads of other Northern Houses, they will be dismissed and you will stay behind to talk things over
If something is emotionally getting to him, he is the kind of person who wants to talk it over
You can stay up all night, talking over the things that are upsetting him
He also appreciates physical comfort, like holding his hand while he is talking
When he is finished getting all of his emotions out and hearing any of the advise you might have, he will take your face in his hands and kiss you
It's a deep and passionate thank you, one that shows how grateful he is to have you
Eddard Stark
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Ned likes to bottle up his emotions
He knows he can always turn to you but it is hard for him to be vulnerable around other people
When things really get to him, he tends to become silent
This is when you know
You will comfort him with a kiss first, and cuddle up to him
He doesn't need words
If he cries, you don't say anything, you know he would rather you just remain physically close
You know he is beginning to feel better when starts to place kisses to your forehead
He doesn't need to say thank you for you to know he appreciates your comfort
The thank you is there when he finds peace and falls asleep in your arms
Jaime Lannister
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Jaime is another one who bottles up his emotions
If you ever ask him if he is okay, the answer is always the same: "I'm fine."
Him knowing you care is generally more than enough of a comfort to him
Just asking and a kiss to his cheek is enough to make him feel better. Not completely better, but significantly
Jaime will never admit it but he loves head scratches when he is sad or stressed
He does find it hard to thank you, that requires a vulnerability he doesn't like to show
There are some nights, however, where everything just comes to a head
Tears, sobs, everything. He will start talking about whatever is bothering him with no limitations
In these moments, you just sit and listen. Just the idea of being listened to is perfect for Jaime
To thank you after those nights, he will run you a bath or buy you a gift as a thank you
sometimes, he will even sum up the courage to whisper a thank you in your ear
Tyrion Lannister
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Tyrion knows he can rely on you
But when you have spent your whole life being unloved by the people who are supposed to love you most, it can be hard to trust
That's why he can become distant when he is upset
He doesn't like showing vulnerability in fear that you will laugh
He knows this will never happen, but he can't let that feeling go sometimes
When you kiss him though, sometimes you can feel him melt into it
He loves physical comfort
He appreciates that affection more than he could possibly put into words
In these moments, when he can feel you are there for him, sometimes he will let himself cry
And you will just hold him, slowly running your fingers though the mop of curls on his head
He is simple in the way he thanks you - "I love you"
Tormund Giantsbane
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Tormund is very open with his feelings
He, of course, likes to appear strong in front of others, but Tormund doesn't seem to equate weakness as being emotionally open and vulnerable
No, to him, that is a showing of true strength
When Tormund is feeling sad or down, he will tell you he is sad or down
He seeks out your comfort more than most men would
If he needs you to hold him, he will tell you and then lie in your arms for as long as he needs
He is not much of a crier, but he is not afraid to shed some tears in front of you
Tormund's way of making it up to you, is a little more physical than others
He is not afraid to show you intimately how much he appreciates your comfort
Sandor Clegane
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This man is the king 👑 of repressed emotion
He will simply refuse to accept that anything is wrong with him
If you offer comfort, he is simply not accepting
Dedication is key, however, and sometimes, rarely, Sandor will let you hold him
He might grumble about it, telling you that you are being "fucking stupid", but inside, he revels in it
That physical connection has the power to calm any emotional storm going through them
He will never let you know though, no, that would be way too vulnerable
Jorah Mormont
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Jorah is a man who thrives off words of affirmation
The most effective way to comfort him is to reassure him through words
He can totally feel himself calm at your reassurances
Sometimes, all he needs to hear is that he is enough and you love him more than he could possibly imagine
Every time you comfort him, Jorah wonders how he ever ended up having a love like yours
Afterwards, all he wants to do is hold you in his arms and place kisses to your cheek
Sometimes, you have to stop him from continuously thanking you
Oberyn Martell
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Oberyn Martell is an emotive man
It is very easy to tell when he is upset
He is honest and real about his emotions, always
He likes to talk them over with you and hear any advise you can offer
Sometimes, though, all he wants or needs is for you to listen
Some nights can be entirely full of him talking about his issues
This will always lead to talk of Elia
As these nights progress, Oberyn's mood always seems to improve
He slowly moves closer
By the end of the night, he has his arms around you and is placing soft kisses all over your body
Oberyn shows his appreciation through pleasure, letting his body do the talking
Gendry Waters
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Gendry can get grumpy when he is upset
When he snaps at you, which is rarely, this is when you know something is wrong
A few moments of silence go by before he takes a deep breath and apologises
You don't ever say anything, but instead, you walk over and just wrap your arms around his body
He will always lean into it, taking comfort in the feeling of you holding him
Sometimes, this is all he needs, but other times he needs to talk about his emotions or issues in order to feel better
He will look into your eyes as he does so, their soft expression calming him down
When he is finished you will just smile and place a kiss to his lips
He will place a hand up to your face, running a finger across your cheekbone and thank you
Podrick Payne
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Podrick Payne is not a man afraid of crying in front of you
Whenever he is stressed or feeling down, that is what mostly happens
To him, there is no more calming feeling in the world than having you hold him while he cries
He also likes when you just listen to him talk about whatever is bothering him
Your advise is always appreciated too, but he also just likes when you listen to his issues and don't try to solve them
When he feels comforted, his way of thanking you is through acts of service
This can include trying his best to make you a meal or running you a warm bath
You can make your own request for my Back-to-Writing Celebration
Masterlist | Game of Thrones Masterlist
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sommornyte · 16 days
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𝘑𝘢𝘴𝘰𝘯 𝘓𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳 (18) — 𝘓𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘢 𝘓𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳 (17)
𝘚𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘸𝘪𝘯 𝘓𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳 (16) — 𝘛𝘺𝘨𝘦𝘵𝘵 𝘓𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳 (14)
𝘛𝘺𝘤𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘢 𝘓𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳 (14) — 𝘓𝘶𝘤𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘓𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳 (11)
𝘔𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘺𝘯 𝘓𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳 (7) — 𝘛𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘓𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳 (6)
𝘒𝘦𝘷𝘢𝘯 𝘓𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳 (5) — 𝘛𝘺𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘓𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳 (1)
(𝗧𝘆𝗴𝗲𝘁𝘁 & 𝗧𝘆𝗰𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗮 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝘁𝘄𝗶𝗻𝘀, 𝗝𝗮𝘀𝗼𝗻 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗟𝗮𝗻𝗻𝗮 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗻𝗼𝘁! 𝘗𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘉𝘰𝘢𝘳𝘥)
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facelesswoman666 · 1 year
Hello everyone i have something for you guys, for my Game of Thrones fans ✨
A lion thinks with his loins, not his head!
An (Uncle) Jaime Lannister x (fem/Niece) Lannister Reader
I wanted to write this as a thank you to everyone who has supported me recently and my last post, please keep supporting.
This is 18+ as per usual, and it’s not heavy on plot but it’s not extremely light on plot, who am i kidding it’s pure smut, enjoy! xo
warning, public sexual activity
Minors DNI, otherwise enjoy.
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Court became increasingly dull, and minutes refused to tick by as if a broken clock had been strung upon the throne room walls. Pale red stone walls built strong, to protect its regal inhabitants.
I found i never adopted the proper acquiescence it takes to become a lady of the court. I fiddled, to no end, so much so that my mother corrected me endlessly. Although Cersei Lannister wasn’t typically everyone’s mother, in fact being birthed into the Lannister bloodline seemed rarer these days than it had been.
“Princess, have you drifted away?” a soft, rugged voice queried to me on my balcony.
“No uncle.” My simper was delighted at the intrusion of Jaime, his hair sand blonde and shone like gold under the blaring sun. He truly was the human embodiment of a lion, brave as he was strong.
The heat of childish embarrassment creeped up my thighs. I was handed a single lantana flower, peppered with smaller clusters of petals layered upon each other. “Red and gold” he stated “to match the colours of your pretty dress my dear”
His hand lingered atop mine, it was as if letting go would be a tragedy of unforgivable nature. He stroked a thumb over my delicate skin, dared himself to kiss it, up my arms, to my décolletage.
That manor of behaviour was unbecoming of a maiden.
“You’re hand, is so soft my princess” he spoke aloud, it roused a giggle from me.
“Do you go about stroking the hands of many princesses?” i raised an eyebrow in curiosity, searching his features for an answer.
He mouthed, in exaggeration. Only You, my love.
I could not, it was forbidden to crack myself open in sexual submission for the man i had come to adore, love even. I was taught, that to lose your maidenhood before marriage was a vile and disgusting example of anti-religious misconduct on behalf of both persons.
He gazed into my eyes, those gorgeous emerald eyes, he acted as a man starved. Who was i to deny him? I was a lady, a respectable lady. His hand rested now on my waist and slipped higher and higher in the seconds that went by “Jaime” He hushed me and brought a single finger to my agape mouth.
He placed a single, sweet, stolen kiss on my desperate lips. The kisses we stole in privacy were the most precious kisses i had ever experienced. The ones i held close when i had no company. My solitude was the time when i acted on those encounters, fingers that played between my thighs.
Now, his fingers played between my thighs, above the cover of my dress. It’s thin, silken fabric easily removed, open access. A peach torn open, the juice licked from between its flesh. “shhh, my love, let us have this moment” His voice rendered as but a whisper to my ear. I could feel his low grunt against my neck, as it raised my hairs to stand upright.
His fist entwined with my hair and he tugged harshly, my neck strained to meet his eye from behind, lustful, pupils flaring in passionate flame. He gripped my pelvic bone from the front, forefinger and thumb bruised either side of me. I whimpered and he pressed stiffly into my ass, hardened at the feeling of softness and moist warmth.
He rocked me forward into the wall of the balcony, i winced at each forced impact. The pleasure arose in me from our prohibited intimacy. I wanted him to fuck me. I would beg him to take me. Ravish me, anywhere. I burned for him. And he for me. Kisses, sloppy open mouthed kisses upwards towards my jaw. His fingers splayed across my jaw, tightened around it, his grip vice like.
“You are so fucking beautiful” His palm groped the peak of my breasts, massaging my nipples in rigorous movement. The bodice of my gown prised from my torso, the most compromising of positions for a lady of my rank in nobility. Jaime’s moans became lewd, dirty in their nature, poking himself further into the back of me.
I had to turn, to look him in the face, to place my hand gently upon his unblemished cheek and ask him to stop “Jaime, my love” he interrupted my speech with a peck of his lips “Please, i beg we may continue somewhere more private?” He hands rubbing feverishly up my waist, over my breasts repeatedly. i steadied his arms and kissed him deeply, i took his hand in mine.
A look of wonder shone in his eyes as i lead him deeper into my sleeping chambers “Let us continue, unburdened by outside scrutiny”
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Hello, can you write a story where Jaime seeks the reader for comfort and reassurance after losing his hand? Even after some time he still feels insecure about it? When getting intimate for example?
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Fandom: Game of Thrones
Pairing: Jaime Lannister x Fem!Reader
Warnings: DNI unless 18+, It gets kinda dark before it gets good cause I got carried away (again). Mentions of SA, incest, manipulation, violence, heated makeout sessions, mentions of both male and female anatomy, selling women like livestock, female masturbation, oral, male recieving, fingering, p in v (wrap it before you tap it) etc.
Word Count: 5,588
Summary: Jaime and Y/n can’t keep their relationship a secret for long, and Jaime struggles with his new hand.
Taglist: @gruffle1 (I know you said you wanted to be tagged in all my works and I think a few have slipped through the cracks. I hope this is still okay though)
Author’s Note: I am so, so sorry for this long awaited request! It’s been at least two years and I know I needed my oldest request taken care of. So thank you for your patience, Nonny! I hope it’s worth the wait.
I made the reader Jon Arryn’s young, distant cousin, so that there’s reason for her to be a member of the King’s court and Queen Cersei’s lady-in-waiting. Also another sorry in advance if the story jumps around a bit.
(I do not consent to my works being reposted/copied)
Several, long months have come and gone since Jaime had attacked Ned Stark in the streets of King's Landing. He had run off to avoid capture and to rally with his father to save Tyrion, who was then in the clutches of Ned Stark's wife. He didn't have time to properly pack or say goodbye to his family. No one even knew where he had gone until Ned Stark was brought back to the Red Keep that same evening, his leg severely injured. When the Hand of the King spoke of Jaime's attack, Queen Cersei was quick to spin a tale about how Ned was the first to attack after stumbling out of one of Lord Baelish's brothels drunk. It didn't deter King Robert enough to send Ned away, but it did earn Cersei a bruise on her face.
Lady Y/n Arryn tended to the Queen's bruise that night, quietly listening to Cersei's drunk, angry rants about Jaime being accused of treason and running away. Dutifully, the young lady-in-waiting helped Cersei get ready for bed before slipping away the moment she was dismissed. Y/n retreated to her own quarters that night, sobbing silently to herself, worried sick for her secret lover. Every night, she prayed to the gods to forgive Jaime of his sins and bid him a safe return, but not long after Jaime left, King Robert died and Joffrey took the throne. His first decree was to arrest Ned Stark and hold his daughter Sansa captive for treason. Things began to quickly spiral. Not long after Lord Stark's arrest, word got back to King's Landing about Jaime's capture. In retaliation for his father being arrested, Robb Stark had gathered their banners and rose the entire North up against the crown, winning battle after battle against the Lannisters, including the battle that transpired before Jaime was taken prisoner.
Months had gone by and there was still no progress in rescuing Jaime. This agitated Tywin Lannister almost as much as it did Lady Y/n, but at least he could openly show his disdain if he so pleased. Y/n, on the other hand, had to suffer in silence, soothing her queen every night Jaime wasn't by her side. The envy festered deep in Y/n's gut whenever Cersei whispered her twin brother's name in her sleep. Lady Arryn could only wish she could blame it on the wine, but she was no fool. Jaime had once gone to her in confidence about his relationship with Cersei. How their mother once found them in bed together when they were very young and immediately put a stop to it. Cersei's feelings for him remerged when she married King Robert and was left unsatisfied in their marriage bed, but Jaime never returned those feelings.
At first, he said that what happened with his sister when they were children was a young and stupid mistake and he never loved her that way. Even later on in his life, he wasn't attracted to his sister and didn't want to soil his white cloak of honor for someone who clearly took advantage of him as a child. But then, slowly, Jaime admitted that if he was ever going to break his oath, he would only do so for Lady Y/n. She had caught his eye when the late Jon Arryn, once Hand of the King, assigned his cousin to be Queen Cersei's lady-in-waiting. Jaime, of course, never said such things out loud, but he knew from the start that Y/n was beautiful and that observation slowly turned into a need to be around her. It wasn't hard to put himself in her company since their duties to the King and Queen brought them together more often than not.
When Jaime finally spilled all of these sins to her late one night, Y/n had asked if he was truly willing to break his vows for her, even if it meant only ever meeting in secret. She was, after all, unmarried and still a maiden, her family hoping that one day she'll catch the eye of one of the high lords in the King's court. If word got out that an unmarried lady and a duly sworn Kingsguard were seeing each other in secret, it would be devastating for both of them. When Jaime quickly said he was willing to take the risk, Y/n followed that up with another question. Was he willing to risk her life if their secret meetings ever led to a child? She was no maester. She couldn't get her hands on any moon tea without being detected even if she tried. Was Jaime willing to let Y/n risk her life if anyone found out? If the Queen found out?
Jaime admittedly shuddered at that idea, knowing what Cersei was capable of. With that in mind, he vowed to Y/n that none of their secret meetings will lead to a child because he vowed to only ever love her from afar if it meant protecting her. Y/n's heart wept at the idea of being apart from him, knowing how he felt but being unable to act on it. That very first night, she kissed him with a promise on her lips. She promised Jaime to meet him in secret, but only so that he could hold her. Nothing more.
Years of their secret courting had gone by without a hitch. They met mostly at night when both the King and Queen were asleep in their respective rooms. At first, they only talked quietly in the dark until the early morning light, but then it led to unspoken kisses. The kisses soon led to touching, and over the years those touches began to grow bolder. As promised, Jaime never took Y/n's maidenhead, but that didn't stop them from other nocturnal activities. Oftentimes, he would sneak out of her room with the phantom touch of her mouth around his cock or his clean fingers would still feel warm from being inside of her.
It was blissful, and Jaime always found himself imprinting his love for her in every kiss and every touch. It was always said in secret, but it was always said with sincerity. Despite having to sneak around, it was the best years of the young lovers' lives. That is, until the day Jaime learned of Tyrion's capture and attacked Ned Stark, quickly leaving the city to join his father at Casterly Rock. That day was the last day Y/n ever saw her lover before everything went downhill. The days turned into weeks, then months, before slowly creeping up on a year. At that time, Y/n learned of a horrifying rumor. When Robert died and Joffrey was crowned King, both of Robert's brothers, Stannis and Renly, rallied to war for the Iron Throne, claiming that Joffrey was not their brother's trueborn son. Stannis claimed that Joffrey was the bastard son of incest, between Cersei and Jaime Lannister.
When Y/n heard of this, her blood ran cold and her stomach turned, threatening to release its contents. She didn't want to believe these rumors, but whenever she looked at Cersei's children, she could now see plenty of Jaime in them. Denial turned into anger, the young woman wondering if everything Jaime told her had been a lie. She wondered just how long he had been lying to her, and if he ever stopped loving Cersei to begin with.
Again, she could only react to this in her own time but kept herself stoic and dutiful whenever she was in the presence of the Queen. Despite how cruel Cersei was to her, Y/n wouldn't ever give up her knowledge of this rumor or her relationship with Jaime just out of spite. Cersei was still Queen Regent. She could do whatever she wanted to Y/n, even for no reason at all. So Y/n kept her mouth shut and continued to take the Queen's usual cruelty. With House Stark and now House Baratheon rallying against her son, Cersei was starting to grow stressed, which drove her to be crueler to her servants. But even then, Y/n didn't speak a word.
Many things happen to distract Y/n from her dark thoughts. Joffrey had Ned Stark executed under charges of treason, Tyrion was named Acting Hand of the King upon his return, Renly Baratheon was mysteriously murdered, and Stannis Baratheon tried laying a siege on the Red Keep from the Blackwater Bay. Before the night was over, Tywin Lannister and his remaining army came to the rescue, and was named Hand of the King for his heroism.
Before the year was up, Jaime had returned to King's Landing.
Y/n was walking up to the Queen's chambers, holding her skirts and carefully watching her feet so she wouldn't trip on the stairs. She nearly reached her destination when she finally looked up and noticed a poor, filthy, crippled old man standing in front of her. She opened her mouth to scream before his hand clamped over her mouth and shushed her. Taking a moment, Y/n recognized those eyes, her own widening in disbelief. His hair was long, matted, and discolored. His skin and clothes were stained in filth, not an inch of him were spared. His beard mostly covered his face and worst of all, he only had one hand, the arm missing said limb was held close to his chest.
Several moments had passed before Jaime carefully removed his hand from her mouth, trying to contain the relief from his eyes but to no avail. The astonishment and delight in Y/n's eyes, however, quickly turned dark and stoic. Jaime's hurt and confusion were evident when she stepped away from him with a cold look staring back at him, "Ser Jaime."
A beat skips by before a tight smile reached Jaime's lips, hiding under his beard, "My lady."
Y/n brushed passed him with just as cold of a shoulder, her eyes lowered in disgust, "The Queen would be thrilled to know that you are safe."
Jaime was too shocked to follow her, at first, before his legs finally moved and silently trailed after the lady-in-waiting to Cersei's chambers. After Y/n had closed the doors behind him, Jaime wouldn't see her again for several days.
She had claimed to be ill in this time, dismissing herself from serving the Queen until she felt better... or until she could come up with a plan to leave King's Landing. Ever since she learned of Joffrey's true parentage, Y/n has been trying to get a hold of her late cousin's wife in the Vale, but Lysa Arryn didn't appear rushed to respond to her. Y/n was hoping she could be dismissed from her duties and travel back home to the Eyrie, never wanting to speak of Jaime's affair with her or his betrayal ever again. With all of her letters being left unanswered, Y/n felt hopeless. She couldn't bear to stay in King's Landing anymore now that Jaime was back, but where was she to go if she couldn't return home?
One night, Y/n was getting ready for bed, dressed in her nightgown and undoing the braids in her hair so that it could be brushed. Her mind was far away until she heard the familiar sound of the secret entrance attached to her chambers being opened. Startled, she quickly turns away from her mirror and watched as Jaime climbed out of the hidden passage as if no time had passed between them. Freshly cleaned and shaven, Jaime looked as though he never left the Red Keep, apart from the cut hair and golden hand he now sported on his right arm. Instead of his armor, Jaime wore a white undershirt and pants, as if ready for bed. When he looked around, his eyes found Y/n's, and the two of them kept that gaze locked in silence, daring the other to move first.
After some time, Jaime sighed in surrender, looking away to close the secret door behind him. He had half expected the entrance to be sealed since it appeared as though Y/n was avoiding him, but he knew he needed to try and see her. He needed to know if she was avoiding him because of his new appearance, or if... she simply no longer loved him.
Turning back to her, Jaime was shocked to find Y/n standing up to greet him, only, she decided to skip the formalities and get right to the source of her anger, "Is it true? Is Joffrey yours? Are all three of them yours?"
The bombarding questions stunned Jaime, like lightning hitting him head-on. He couldn't move a muscle, horrified eyes scanning hers until the guilt and shame took over. Jaime swallowed down the bile coming up his throat before whispering, "... Yes."
Y/n was quick to react as she stumbled back to lean against her vanity for support, the mirror behind her catching the guilt of Jaime's reflection, watching her every movement, "You lied to me."
He found himself moving again, a hand out to her as he stepped forward, but she flinched. Jaime immediately froze in his steps, hurt shadowing his face as he slowly lowered his hand, his voice cracking under the weight of his sins and sorrows, "I'm so sorry. Cersei found out about us -years ago- and I begged her to spare you in exchange for... in exchange for me..."
Y/n didn't dare buy that until she knew everything. The whole truth and nothing but the truth, "How? How could she have known? We were so careful at the beginning, not even Lord Varys could've known."
Jaime blinked as he tried to find words to calm her worries, but in truth, he didn't even think to try and find out how Cersei figured him out, even after all these years, "I'm not sure. Maybe she just... knew. I am her twin after all."
Watching as Y/n turned her back to him, watching her reflection crumble in the mirror, Jaime felt his heart clench in agony as she demanded more answers, "How many times?"
"Just those three times the children were conceived. Cersei always planned it around the times Robert would come to her marriage bed. That's all, I swear."
The last few words struck a nerve, Jaime could tell by watching her shoulders tighten, as well as her voice, "You lied to me... for years. You let this continue... for years, without ever telling me the truth, even when you had plenty of opportunities to do so! And yet you can stand there and suddenly swear to me as if I can still trust your word? After everything has been a lie?"
Jaime's legs moved before his mind could, closing the distance and grabbing her shoulder with his one good hand. Y/n let out a small gasp of surprise but didn't dare scream in fear of someone bursting into her chambers. Her eyes wildly watched Jaime with worry, fearfully waiting for him to do something, but Jaime just stood before her, frantically searching for something in her eyes. Whatever he was looking for, he found it, and spoke ever so gently, his breath ghosting her lips in their confined space, "Everything I have done... every sin, every vow... every time Cersei took me into her bed, I did it all to protect you."
"And what would you have me do?" The smile she bore was thin and unhinged. Neither genuine nor kind as she glared up at him, "Thank you? Forgive you?"
"No. No, I know I can never ask that of you. I just thought... you deserved to know why I did it. Cersei would have killed you if I refused her."
"So you just never bothered telling me?"
Jaime raised his other hand to grab her other shoulder, only to let a deep ache in his limb remind him that he didn't have a right hand anymore. Jaime stared down at the offending golden hand, a thought festering in the back of his mind. For the first time since he had returned home, he realized that he would no longer get to hold Y/n with both hands, to run all of his fingers all throughout her skin and through her hair as he kissed her breathlessly. Y/n followed his gaze to also stare at his fake hand but made no move to acknowledge it as he finally found his words, "I was scared of losing you. It was selfish of me. I know that now. You had every right to know, this entire time. You had the right to choose whether or not you'd like to stay with me after what I did. I knew, deep down, either way, I'd lose you. So I kept quiet. I'm sorry."
"I suppose I can't blame you," she spoke bitterly, staring back up at Jaime through her eyelashes, "Why have one woman when you can have two?"
The accusation stung, and Jaime knew he deserved it. All the same, he was still a selfish man and he could not let his lover think this way a second longer. His hand rose to her face, caressing the skin of her jaw as he whispered, "I don't love her, Y/n. I never have. Every time she summoned me to her chambers... I obeyed because I was willing to do anything if it meant protecting you."
Y/n relents for a while before finally letting down her disgust and anger, leaning against the touch of his hand that she hasn't felt in a year. Her eyes were sad, distant as they bore a hole into his shirt, "Do you intend on seeing her again?"
Jaime's head lowers in shame, softly speaking under his breath, "I don't want you to die, Y/n."
Y/n rolls her lips, looking away as she rapidly blinks to hold back tears. She found it difficult to smile, despite trying, "Then perhaps it is better for everyone if I leave. Cersei can't hurt me if I wasn't here, and she will never be able to torment you again."
"I... I don't want that either."
"Then what do you want, Ser Jaime?"
He said it with confidence as if it was the easiest thing in the world to say, "I want to marry you."
She smiled, entertaining his dream before crushing it, "You can't, my love... you made a vow as a Kingsguard."
"I already broke those vows."
Y/n's hands reach up to rest against his chest, her fingers tapping lightly against his heart, "Technically your vows state that you cannot hold any lands or wife or father any sons. You didn't break any of those vows when you were with me."
"... But I broke those vows when I killed a King and fathered a Queen's children."
Her eyes meet up with his, "Then I suppose you're no longer a Kingsguard in the eyes of the gods."
"No... I suppose not," an idea struck him in full force, the whole revelation dawning as clear as day on his face. Y/n watched the whole thing unfold with curiosity as he spoke, smiling like an excited child, "There's another way... If you'll have me."
The very next morning, Jaime stood in front of the Hand of the King, his father, with a proposition and the confidence of a lion, "In the eyes of the gods, I was no longer a Kingsguard the moment I struck down the Mad King. And now that I can't fight with my sword hand, I am no longer of any use as a knight. My place isn't in King's Landing anymore... my place is in Casterly Rock."
Despite the stoic expression on his face, Tywin could not help the slight incline of his head, giving away his contained interest. Jaime smiled on the inside, knowing he had his father trapped with his bait, "Have Joffrey dismiss me and I will be your son and heir... under one condition."
"Name it."
"Arrange a marriage for me. Wed Lady Y/n to me."
A few moments pass before Tywin leans back in his seat and straightens his posture, overshadowing his son even when one sat and the other stood, "Why her?"
"House Arryn has been strangers to our house as of late. Jon Arryn is gone, Lysa Arryn is unwell, and her sickly son is heir to the Eyrie. Any strong relationship we could possibly have with them now lies with Y/n," those were the words his lover had him recite nearly all night long. Despite how much she loved him, even Y/n knew that he wasn't the smartest Lannister. Years from now, Jaime would recite this tale to his brother, and Tyrion will laugh with pride. Y/n may be a quiet individual, but she always had a way with words that always magnetized Jaime to her. With her advice, Jaime found the right words to reel his father into his proposal. But now, he spoke with his heart, "I've known her for years. She's been a friend of our family ever since she became Cersei's lady-in-waiting. She shares our desire to strengthen the family name and she's learned about Casterly Rock from listening to Cersei."
Approval is one of the very few emotions Tywin cared to possess, but he only bore it through his eyes. However, despite his inner excitement, he was no fool either, "And why should I agree to this proposition?"
"Because if you don't... I will tell everyone the truth."
"The truth?"
It was Jaime's turn to tilt his head as if fascinated by this questioning, "You don't know, do you? You never believed it. How is that possible?" Watching his father keep a hard gaze, unflinching, Jaime's eyes visibly show the realization, "What am I saying, of course, it's possible! How can someone so consumed by the idea of his family have any conception of what his actual family was doing? We were right there in front of you and you didn't see us. One look in the past twenty years, one real look at your own children and you would've known."
"Known what?" Tywin mutters, although keeps his expression neutral.
Jaime couldn't help the smirk on his face as he splashed his father with the cold, hard truth, "Everything they say is true about Cersei and me. Your legacy is a lie... until the day Y/n and I have children, of course."
Tywin's fists tighten around the arms of his chair but otherwise say nothing. Beaming with confidence, Jaime finally sat down across from him, as equals, "Our first son will be named after your father. And our first daughter..." Jaime conjures a sobering expression, carefully watching his father's eyes, "Will be named after Mother."
Another tilt of the old lion's head told Jaime he had him intrigued. Mentioning his mother always worked with his father, after all. Tywin let out a long breath through his nose but doesn't visibly admit his defeat otherwise. He grits out the terms and conditions through his teeth, "Just so we are clear... you will revoke your rights and vows as a Kingsguard. You will take back my name and bear my father's house colors. You will take Lady Y/n Arryn as your wife and father for each and every one of her children, squandering any disgusting rumors that have spread about you and your sister."
Jaime entertains his father with a rise of his eyebrows, "Of course."
"You will become Lord of Casterly Rock after my passing and your firstborn son will be named your heir, as will your second son should anything happen to the first, and so on and so forth. Any daughters you have will be given to properly matched suitors so that the Lannister legacy also lives on through other houses."
Jaime's good hand tightens, inwardly disgusted by his father already trying to sell off any granddaughter he might have when they don't even exist. He speaks with a tight voice in response, "Y/n and I will find suitable men for our daughters. Men who will care for them as needed and love whatever children our daughters give them."
"Your first son will be named Tytos II and your first daughter will be named Joanna II."
"Yes, yes," Jaime agrees while standing up, but makes sure to look Tywin in the eye with a small smile and the last laugh, "And our second son will be named Tyrion II."
Tywin kept his word -begrudgingly- and convinced Joffrey to release Jaime from his vows the very next day. Everyone at court was there as Joffrey stood in front of his throne and decided to throw in a few mocking comments about Jaime's incompetent hand while he was at it, but Jaime took the insults in stride and bowed for good measure. It may have bothered him to hear the quiet laughter all around him, but at the moment, he didn't care. He got what he wanted out of the laughing stock. Once Joffrey dismissed him, Tywin named Jaime his heir and then announced the union between Lord Jaime Lannister and Lady Y/n Arryn. Small surprised gasps filled the throne room, but otherwise, it was a moment of celebration. Y/n had crossed the room to stand beside Jaime when she was announced and even bowed before the King and his Hand in gratitude.
To say Cersei was enraged was an understatement. She tried breaking into her former lady-in-waiting's chambers, only to find a couple of guards posted in front of Y/n's room. Cersei then tried to summon Jaime to her, only to find Tywin at her door moments later. Her father forbade her from interacting with her brother and his betrothed until they left for Casterly Rock and then proceeded to demand she marry Loras Tyrell sooner than later so that these disgusting rumors could be left behind them. She had gone strangely mute and compliant after that, only speaking when spoken to and pouting as if she was a punished child. But Lord Tywin was no fool. If Cersei ever obeyed him, it usually meant she was plotting behind everyone's back. The Hand of the King planned Jaime's wedding to take place in the Sept, but then made no plans to throw a feast or following party. A simple wedding with no room for error... or poisoned wine.
Jaime and Y/n were married within a fortnight, exchanging new vows between each other and sealing those vows with a kiss for all in attendance to see. When they regrettably parted and turned to face their guests, Y/n held Jaime's golden hand while waving to the crowd and a part of Jaime felt reassured by that smallest gesture, despite not being able to feel her hand in his. Tywin didn't hesitate to send them both on their way to Casterly Rock, barely waiting for them to pack and leave that very same day. Jaime didn't speak a word against it, knowing how paranoid his father had become now that his grandchildren weren't legitimate and his legacy was in shambles. Lord Tywin would do anything for the family, even if it meant saving it from a jealous queen.
For a wedding gift, Tyrion Lannister gave his brother and his new sister-in-law a large, extravagant wagon to travel in on their way to the Westerlands. Within the wagon were red and gold cloths nearly lining up all the walls and floor, even the curtains. Underneath a seat was a secret, dry compartment filled with many expensive wine bottles, and in one corner lay a pile of pillows, cushions, and blankets. The Imp winked at his brother when watching Jaime's reaction, "You have a long journey ahead of you. I wanted you and your bride to be... comfortable. After all, we can't have you wait to consummate your marriage until you make it Casterly Rock, now can we?"
Despite the crude joke, Jaime laughed and hugged his little brother, partially sad because he was going to miss him. Tyrion held onto Jaime for a long time and then kissed Y/n's hand, "Until next time... Lady Lannister."
Y/n positively beamed under her new title. With short goodbyes to the rest of the farewell party, Jaime and Y/n leave in their new wagon with several of Tywin's best personal guards riding on horses alongside them. Once King's Landing fully disappeared behind them, Jaime opened the first bottle of wine and poured out two glasses. The newlyweds drank quietly, just enjoying each other's company, the worst being far behind them. After a time, Jaime stood at his full height, the ceiling of the wagon being large enough to do so, and held out his good hand to Y/n, "Might I have a dance, my lady?"
"You may, my lord," she took his hand and stood up with a wide, fond smile. As they stumbled and danced inside the moving carriage, neither said a word apart from laughing if they lurched forward when the wagon hit a bump or they tripped over one another's foot. With Jaime holding Y/n's hand with his good one and pulling her body tight to him with his golden one, he had felt more at peace than he ever did before he killed the Mad King. However, he starts to feel the loss of his limb again when he couldn't feel the warmth of Y/n's back against his missing fingers and palm, and earlier at their wedding, when he couldn't feel her hand in his.
"I want to hold you..." He found himself whispering in her ear.
She laughs under her breath, not grasping the distress in his voice quite yet as she leaned her head against his chest, "You are holding me."
"No, I-- I want to be able to hold you with both hands. That's all I ever wanted."
Y/n pulled her head away to stare up at her husband, recognizing the shame and humiliation shadowing his usual proud and golden features. His eyes tried to look away, but she raised her hand to cup his cheek gently, forcing him to keep their gaze locked. After a moment, Y/n smiled, "We can make that hand good for other things, Jaime."
"Like what?"
A twinkle in her eye causes Jaime's entire body to stiffen, his eyes carefully watching the way her lips moved as she smirked, "Like... how about I take that golden hand of yours and you watch me get myself off with it."
Despite his appearance, Jaime is old enough to be the father of a teenage king, and at this moment he felt his age catch up to him with how fast his heart was beating. He damn near thought he was going to have a heart attack and whatever showed on his face brought his new wife to laugh at him in his last moments. The sound alone could've brought Jaime to his knees if he wasn't holding Y/n for support. After her laughter died down, she lifted her hand to cup the back of his neck and pulled him down, greedily kissing him like he was the very oxygen she needed to breathe. Jaime's brain finally caught up with him and he kissed her back with equally fervent heat, taking his good hand to gently hold her face. With his eyes closed, he could feel his wife's hand wandering, leaving trails of burning need in her wake. Eventually, her fingers meet at the clasp of Jaime's gold hand and stay there, waiting.
Jaime opened his eyes to meet hers, finally realizing what she was doing. For a moment, he looked as though he wanted to refuse, to step away from Y/n and exclaim that she deserved someone who could love her with both hands. Someone who could protect her with both hands, someone... who could hold any future children with both hands. Jaime wanted that for her, more than anything, but with the way she was looking up at him through half-lidded eyes, lashes kissing her skin when she slowly blinked, Jaime couldn't resist. He forces down all the negativity in his head and nods to her.
Y/n swiftly tilts up to kiss his mouth with reassurance before looking back down at her hands, carefully taking off the prosthetic hand. After some fiddling, the hand slides off and Y/n takes it, using both hands to hold it. Jaime watches with slight amazement, taking a moment to notice how large the prosthetic looked compared to Y/n's own. Horses outside trotting alongside the wagon draw Jaime back to reality, looking back up to inspect his wife's face. Her face was flushed and her breaths were irregular as she reached out to gently push Jaime back towards the pile of quilts and cushions.
"Lie back, husband," chills ran down Jaime's back from the way Y/n's voice lowered, "And watch me."
Jaime obeyed, only watching her facial features as she lay down beside him, her skirts lifted as she used the gold hand to circle and rub her clit. He watched her lips as soft moans and sighs left them, the way her eyes struggled to stay open when she hit a certain spot. He watched her chest rising and falling as she neared completion, her beautiful sounds rising in volume with her whole body beginning to shake in anticipation. When the last moan she released sounded like his name, Jaime felt his loss of control drain from his body. Without a care in the world, he grabbed his gold hand from her and tossed it aside, ravishing his wife's lips with his own as his one hand hurried to untie his breeches and prep his erection to full mass. He had forgotten why he felt ashamed in the first place as he slowly, finally, entered her, with her fingers finding perch in his hair, gasping up at the ceiling of the wagon. Y/n shamelessly moaned his name, begging him for more in between gasps and confessions.
Now, for the first time, in all the years they've loved one another, there was no need to keep that love quiet.
For hands of gold are always cold But a woman’s hands are warm
A/N: Wow, I... I really strayed off the path, didn’t I? The actual request didn’t even come in until the last part... I gotta stop doing that.
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dragons-and-handcuffs · 5 months
Okay but imagine Cersei's son, who is older than Joffrey. A product of Cersei and Jaime's affairs. He takes the throne after Robert Baratheon dies. He knows exactly who his father is. He knows he is not the rightful heir, but he strongly desires the throne. He is more proud to be a full Lannister than to be known as the King's son. Cersei's favorite child.
Imagine him having a scary aura. He is worse than Joffrey but more smart and cunning. Definitely has no problem being in the front line of the battle. Imagine Stark!reader imprisoned by him. He has no intention of letting her go. Imagine a whole harem of whores and noble ladies to fulfill his desires and fantasies.
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