#Jae’s Kirby canon
midnightsun-if · 5 months
Question author!
If you made this IF to a movie or show which actors would play which characters?
This was such a fun question to answer! I didn’t go based off the “canon” FCs that I’ve given for the actual book versions of the characters (that you can find within the pinned post), but I went based off my own belief that said actors/actresses would be able to play the characters well and truly bring them to life.
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Koda: John Boyega
Scarlett: Vanessa Kirby
Cyrus/Cyra: Tom Blyth or Ashley Benson
Quinn: Matthew Daddario or Alexandra Daddario
Caden: Jae-young Kim or Moon Ga-young
Sloane: Jordan Calloway or Zendaya
Blake: Froy Gutierrez or Sara Sálamo
Reginald/Regina: Darren Criss or Hailee Steinfeld
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sweet-hydrangea-tea · 3 years
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I gave her beans!!
all the mages have beans!!
everyday my mage sisters become more cat like
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allofthemarvels · 7 years
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Interesting that in the midst of Grant Morrison, Jae Lee and José Villarubia's 2001 Fantastic Four: 1234 miniseries--most of which is a jumbled thematic recapitulation of odd things from the FF's history--we get this straight-up Jim Steranko tribute. I mean, arguably its source is one of the great '60s Dr. Doom moments (there's another homage to it in a mid-'70s issue of Master of Kung Fu, of all places), but Morrison and Lee are clearly not working just from the Lee/Kirby canon here.
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sweet-hydrangea-tea · 3 years
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on a brighter note I finished my mage designs :)
I will be redesigning Flamberge tho I’ve seen so many cooler Manticore images and I’m gonna post her separately
headcanons under the cut/ TW for suicide near the end, I will mark where
og name: Amelia/Lumi
Fran was a human turned sea monster, her parents abandoned her because she didn’t want to move to warmer climate, when she became a sea monster her memories were altered and erased to make her believes she was always one of them, she is very devoted to their cult and their god, the only reason she joined
her death was caused by her being captured by humans and she was tortured and froze to death
Jambandran is because Hyness wouldn’t let her go once she had her magic she was chained to him, she hates it, she doesn’t believe a thing in the Jam Cult, yet she puts on a human figure and does what her sisters do just to fit in, secretly she’s spying on them, when she has the chance she will contact the high priest and tell him everything
She prefers to be called Lumi, so that’s what I’ll be calling her
she fights with Zan often
og name: Hazel
Flamberge is bold, she’s always willing to fight for what she think is right, yet she is often also a little timid and sad, that happiness is all fake
she acts chaotic, because everyone likes it, it makes her feel more normal about herself, but she’s suffering, mostly from trauma, her species as a Manticore is rare due to being feared, they were hunted down and their numbers are low, her family was forced to hide in the forest, yet even so she was found, they took her away, called her terrible things, hurt her, until they finally burned her alive
Hyness got there last moment, and saved her from too much damage, but she’d never be the same
Flam has a prosthetic hand, it’s her left, it was burned off so Hyness made it for her, she personally hates it, so she doesn’t wear it unless she has to, even so she works out as a distraction, all three sisters do, they try to balance it all out, but Flamberge has worked hard with her right arm just so she could hold a two handed sword with one hand
she’s a healer, she makes potions, medicines, and even new spells to help those she loves, it’s against her ways to use them for anything other than healing, but at times she does make potions that have 24 hour effects, just for fun
she’s the peacekeeper, breaks up fights between Zan and Lumi
Zan Partizanne:
og name: Winona
born in a field town which was mostly farm land she actually has quite a bit of knowledge on plants, she adores sunflowers
she quick, always fast on her feet, it makes up for her lack of arm strength but she’s working on it, she’s just not very good at it
she can’t fly, her wings have a mutation where her flight feathers didn’t really grow in, she still has the baby feathers so her wings are fluffy, molting is a pain in the ass and sh is incredibly itchy during this time, Flamberge made an ointment that helps but it messes up her feathers and makes her a little uncomfortable, but less than before
she was homeschooled and never learned how to read, write, etc, her parents were awful teachers yet had good intention, they pulled he rout because she attacked a kid during free time and the nurse declawed her, she’s self conscious about her lack of griffin qualities and other skills, even so she is incredibly smart, she‘s the only person in the whole base that knows much at all about technology, but she’s more into how it works, she doesn’t know too much and anything above gears is beyond her knowledge, basically she’s a part time mechanic for everyone and everything, but nobody outside of Jambandra Base can read her notes because it’s all in Jambandran, unless they can translate
Zan was kidnapped from her town one day, she was playing when she was taken, nobody helped her. She was sent away to a far planet and was forced to work, the place was rocky and cold, with towers and rain was common, she wasn’t used to it. She suffered through abuse and was overworked, but she did learn a lot from this experience, but more trauma that anything really. She had a friend who lived there, she taught her how to use a spear and gave Zan her spear, but she pitied her life and helped her escape, but they died saving her.
tw for suicide, you can skip this part
Zan lost all hope and tried to end it all through suicide, climbing the tallest tower, she looked to the sky and decided to taunt it before she left, waving her spear and saying terribly things about herself, until she was struck down by the sky.
ok it’s over now
When Hyness found her he didn’t want to give her lightning magic, it was a little unstable and hard to control, but it was usable, he gave it to her and went back, her recovery was very slow and she was easily fucked up, as in she had brain damage, her eye sight was bad, she pretty much lost her hearing etc, it took her time to recover being struck by lightning but she was given a pair of glasses (she doesn’t wear them during battles or practice) and possibly something similar to a hearing aid?? Magical Earrings™️
She was shy at first, and very self conscious, but slowly she became braver and started loving herself again
she fights with Lumi often
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sweet-hydrangea-tea · 3 years
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didn’t feel like coloring
but younger mages doing pranks on everyone with their new elemental powers 👁
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sweet-hydrangea-tea · 3 years
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extra Fran doodles + another OC named Flurry and a cool cult symbol
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sweet-hydrangea-tea · 3 years
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mages doing cat stuff
something something catnip something something tw: drugs(?) I don’t know if it counts but just to be sure
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lets be honest any creature in the Gamble Galaxy that can purr can and will get stoned by catnip
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sweet-hydrangea-tea · 3 years
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more bean,,
lots of beans for everyone!!
more beans under the cut (as in head canons)
some Halcandreans have paw pads, cause their early ancestors were very, very cat like, as time grew by quite a few of the species that split off from the original lost them, which would explain why everyone was surprised (including Magolor) when they found out the mages basically have paws
they are very sensitive to touch even after they harden up due to exposure to touch surfaces, a small cut hurts at least 2-3x more than it usually would depending on where it hit
they have claws to, which are useful if they don’t have their weapons with them, they grow out so it’s not uncommon to see Francisca filing them down with a nail filer, or Flamberge tearing up a tree, they, don’t like to clip them
the reason I didn’t mention Zan is cause she’s declawed, you can blame Hyness, he is very sorry but it can’t fix the damage already done, she’s very self conscious about it
(this was supposed to be posted last night but I couldn’t :()
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sweet-hydrangea-tea · 3 years
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It’s one of those days, maybe I’ll redraw this later
but Zan doing the tazer hand prank thing makes me go: aaaaaaaaaaa💕
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sweet-hydrangea-tea · 3 years
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Zan can only read and write in Jambandran
she had to be homeschooled for reasons I won’t share right now, and her parents were terrible teachers that could only get her to speak, when Hyness found her he first taught the three sisters Jambandran, (it’s pretty much the language he’s most fluent in) yet of course, at the time this would make Francisca(8) the only one who could read and write in English/Common Star, she taught Flamberge(6) and just assumed Zan(10) already knew. This wasn’t figured out till after they all became generals, (a good eight years later) they had a girls night out and
Zan couldn’t read the menu
she got frustrated and ran off, the other two left shortly after, deciding they’d have a girls night another time, Zan was mostly embarrassed once this was 100% figured out, and Fran and Flam tried to teach her, but it wasn’t one of her top priorities so she refused to learn anything, this became a problem once she moved to Popstar, because most texts were written in English/Common Star since it was more or so the language most speak there, she eventually forced herself to get lessons from friends
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sweet-hydrangea-tea · 3 years
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here’s the art I promised!
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sweet-hydrangea-tea · 3 years
Zan has a rock collection and picks up cool rocks even during her missions, if she can‘t pick it up at that moment she watches it or just doesn’t stop thinking about it till she has it on her dresser
yes this is me shut up
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sweet-hydrangea-tea · 3 years
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Forgot to post this
but it’s the she
a character I never talked about, but she’s Fran (Lumi)’s adopted mother
[art in the corner is from good friend @konjiy]
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sweet-hydrangea-tea · 3 years
Sylvia is heartbroken
maybe young love wasn’t a good idea
I mean, when you’re only a child and in love with your best friend things are a little awkward, maybe eight year olds shouldn’t even know what love love is
cause you never know when a plague might strike your small village in the middle of nowhere
and you never know if your best friend would even make it through the night
unfortunately, Juliet would only live for a few more weeks before passing, Sylvia desperately trying to get inside her friends house just to be with her one last time as the illness slowly succumbs her
she’d never be the same
it‘s worse when a month later your parents die and you still don’t know if you caught it or not, if you will ever see your friend or family again
searching for peace, you turn to the forest
climbing your favorite tree, you make it to the highest branch
As you sit down you realized you forgot to check the wind and how stable the branch was in your hurry, but it’s to late now
you fall
fifty feet, with the branch below you
it’s stopped by a stinger branch, but you keep falling
you soon touch the floor, something broke
you lay there in pain, you start crying
the branch dislodges from the other branch
it lands on top of you, you would of heard a much greater snap if you weren’t screaming in pain
you scrap the ground, crying for help
but no one came
your vision fades
you died
it is now the present
you are still heartbroken
you don’t think you could get into another relationship
it still hurts, even though it was over twelve years ago
you wish you could live without the pain...
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sweet-hydrangea-tea · 3 years
Mages temper
As shown from their battles, the three mages all seem to have a bit of a short fuse, some longer than others.
Francisca has a pretty long one, this is thanks to her calm, cool, and collected personality, it’s hard to make her angry unless you hurt her sisters, she’s even calm during what would be a heated argument. If she does get angry you really pushed her to her limit, you wanted her to be angry, and because of that you suffer a gruesome death, becoming nothing more than a piece of art in her small studio.
Flamberge’s is not very long, yet not to short either, she’s very chill and friendly, so if you want to be friends with all three of them start with Flamberge, then let her introduce you to her siblings. She gets mad mostly when you hurt her siblings, *cough cough* Francisca *cough cough* (sibling relationship please don’t call this a ship) or when in a heated argument, though she doesn’t get as violent as her icy sister, she’ll still fight. Back at base it was known that when Zan and Flamberge get in a heated argument that you should leave the room immediately and get Francisca or Hyness, it’s usually Zan who starts the true fight, but in the end after they’ll healed back at the med bay the two will hug it out and then proceed to get grounded for the 4th time that week.
Zan’s is pretty short, especially if you make fun of her or her name, she’ll go full hunt mode and hunt you down, and then challenge you to a battle, again, not as violent as Francisca, but still more than Flamberge. She’s often stubborn and won’t admit when she’s wrong about something, which will lead to an argument, though yes she will get angry if you attack Flamberge or Francisca, she’ll be more concerned than anything else, being the elder sister she’ll protect them, just not in pure anger. When in a heated argument she’s the first one to throw a punch, and start a very heated fight, if she doesn’t have her spear and the other person (like Flamberge) is psychically stronger than her she’ll just be pinned to the ground yelling and just have an awful time till somebody shows up to help.
(I go off topic here yet if I deleted it I would of just wasted my time so read it if you want to I guess)
(TW: alcohol mention(?))
Because she’s over the legal age during her breaks she’ll sneak out and go to a planet not to far from Jambandran Base, and just go to a random bar and will get drunk, start an argument, and start a bar fight, then get the local authorities involved. When they see her outfit and hat they’re like: “not her again, not the death cult nun.” and of course try to arrest her but her hands go right through the cuffs and she drunkenly zips off, knocking over everything trying her best to just get home, she’s home late and just goes straight to her room and goes to bed, in her uniform, cause she’s unable to get into a shirt and some shorts. The next morning? She has a terrible hangover and everyone is questioning how the fuck she has a hangover until Hyness found out and banned her from going outside the base without supervision cause goddammit drunk Zan is destructive as hell and has the shortest fuse possible, but at the same time she’s just, soft and squishy, and may end up breaking down crying cause she’s drunk and is saying depressing childhood shit she shouldn’t be telling to strangers.
Might talk about my psychical strength headcanons with them in the future 
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sweet-hydrangea-tea · 3 years
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after the events or KSA and HiAD, Flamberge stops being the shortest and has a growth spurt, making Zan short. (Francisca is the tallest, Zan used to be second and Flamberge used to the the shortest, oh how the tables have turned)
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