#Jack McDevitt
madcat-world · 4 months
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the Engines of God: Czech Version (1 of 5) - Calder Moore
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that-dinopunk-guy · 3 months
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I bought more paperbacks.
(Also I got the Peter F. Hamilton books entirely based on enjoying Pandora's Star like twenty years ago and completely managed to not realize there's another book between The Dreaming Void and The Evolutionary Void.)
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scififr · 1 year
Village in the sky, par Jack McDevitt (Gallery/Saga press, janvier 2023)
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Neuvième volume dans la série Alex Benedict. Cette fois-ci nos héros s’intéressent à la recherche de non-humains dans la galaxie.
Des aventures sans violences, par des personnes plutôt tranquilles, dans un univers de bisounours. Agréable comme un doudou, mais cette fois l’intrigue est vraiment minimaliste et sa résolution encore plus naïve que d’habitude.
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typingoverworld · 2 years
From “Firebird” by Jack McDevitt
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sapphicautistic · 11 months
The more I learn about like literally any aspect of life on earth and how SPECIFIC it all is and how dependent everything is on chains of events that go back to random occurrences like... the more sci fi where Everything Just Happens to Be Pretty Much Like Earth strikes me as boring and unimaginative.
But the woooorst is when Every Sapient Species Is Pretty Much Exactly Like Humans in psychology, technology, their social systems etc despite having dramatically different evolutionary lines and like different senses, different physical forms, different repro systems etc like come ON
Isn't half the fun in imagining different ways to exist??
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manfrommars2049 · 1 year
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‘Polaris’ by Jack McDevitt, 2004. Cover art by John Harris. via CoolSciFiCovers
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crackinglamb · 10 months
Get to Know the Blogger
Tagged by @lilbittymonster, thank you! 😘
Tagging @effelants, @fadedsweater, @chride, @demarogue, @notedaverage and @serial-chillr. No pressure.
Last Song - Human, Rag'n'Bone Man
Currently Reading - Doing an idle flipthrough of Tevinter Nights again, The Long Sunset by Jack McDevitt and my approximately 4.5 billionth read of Evolution's Shore by Ian McDonald. I'm reading too many fics to list.
Hey, I've been laid up for about two months with my back, there's not a lot to do while bedridden. Leading to...
Currently Watching - True Blood on blu-ray, all 7 seasons. I'm halfway through season 4 at the time of writing this. Also have binged all of Farscape, and had started that over when I remembered TB existed.
Current Obsession - Playing Subnautica: Below Zero when I'm able. After being utterly turned off by it when it first came out because the creative mode wasn't still story mode, I've completed it four times in a row in the last two weeks because there is now a custom mode that makes it way more enjoyable. (Jumpscares and chronic pain are not a good mix, accessibility in the form of turning off/lowering aggro is a required feature for me.)
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tachyonpub · 1 year
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jamesdavisnicoll · 2 years
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The Hercules Text by Jack McDevitt
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genuineformality · 2 years
No one:
Absolutely no one:
Me: A selection of favorite Sci-Fi Properties (In no particular order):
Academy Series, Jack McDevitt - In the nearish future, we discover that we are not alone in the universe, but also those civilizations rose and fell before humans even entered the scene. Xenoarchaeology, xenolinguistics, mature woman protagonist
The Sparrow, Maria Doria Russell - In the nearish future, we discover life practically next door. While world governments are fucking around, the Jesuits put together a first contact team. This is a gd work of art in terms of literary achievement and is some of the most beautiful, heartbreaking writing I've ever read
Dipple Series, Andre Norton - a loose series of mostly unrelated short novels about outcasts in space originating in a slum called the Dipple. Andre Norton was ahead of her time, but not all of these aged as well as they might. Tight little adventure stories.
Ancillary Series, Ann Leckie - A ship's AI without a ship seeks justice and also friendship. Fuck, you should inject this straight into my veins.
Wayfarer Series, Becky Chambers - In a far future, humanity makes it to space, finds a bunch of aliens, and makes friends with them and each other. If you're into Big Relationships in Space, you cannot go wrong.
The Murderbot Diaries, Martha Wells - A human/machine construct that calls itself Murderbot keeps getting into trouble when all it wants to do is watch its stories. Big mood, Murderbot.
Both of Ted Chiang's published story collections - Just do yourself a favor and read these. The film Arrival was based on Story of Your Life and I think about some of his stories every single day because they are lodged so firmly into my brain.
I effing love Star Trek, and the more recent shows' absolute bananapants, breakneck storytelling is giving me life.
In recent years, I'm finding I like the parts of Star Wars that don't involve Space Wizards. Like, I love the aesthetic and the world building of Star Wars, but I was over stories about whiny white teenagers even when I was one, and I'm even less patient with that now.
The Battlestar Galactica reboot is some of the best visual storytelling that I've seen in years. I'm still reeling from it.
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thepaisleyreview · 5 months
Science-Fiction. Sorted.
Key: strikethrough means duplicate to be deleted ; bold means recommended ; I have not listened to everything.
Abbott, Edwin A - Flatland (1884) Banks, Iain M - Use of Weapons (1990) Bear, Greg - Eon (1985) Bester, Alfred - The Demolished Man (1953) Bradbury, Ray - The Martian Chronicles Brin, David - Startide Rising (1983) Brin, David - The Postman (1985) Brin, David - The Uplift War (1987)
Dick, Philip K
Dick, Philip K - UBIK (1969) Dick, Phillip K - The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch 1964 Philip K Dick - VALIS - 1981 Dick, Philip K - Broken Bubble (1988) Dick, Philip K - Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep (1966) Dick, Philip K - Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said (1974) Dick, Philip K - Interviews [ note: unsorted ] Dick, Philip K - Mr. Spaceship (1953) Dick, Philip K - Of Withered Apples Dick, Philip K - Radio Free Albemuth (1976) Dick, Philip K -The Man in the High Castle (1962) Dick, Philip K - The Minority Report and Other Stories (2002) Dick, Philip K - Ubik (1969) Dick, Phillip K -A Scanner Darkly (1977) Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K. Dick - BBC Radio
Effinger, George Alec - A Fire In The Sun (Budayeen 2) Effinger, George Alec - The Exile Kiss (Budayeen 3) Effinger, George Alec - When Gravity Fails (Budayeen 1) Farmer, Philip Jose - To Your Scattered Bodies Go (1971)
Gibson, William [note: incomplete - have misfiled some]
Gibson, William - All Tomorrows Parties Count Zero (1986) (96kb mp3) Gibson, William - Idoru Neuromancer (1984) [ note: read by the author ] Pattern Recognition (2003) Virtual Light The Peripheral - William Gibson (2014) Agency Alien III An Audible Original Drama
H - Haldeman, Joe - The Forever War Hamilton, Peter F - The Reality Dysfunction (1996) Herbert, Frank - Dune Keyes, Daniel - Flowers for Algernon LeGuin, Ursula - The Dispossessed - 1974 LeGuin, Ursula - The Lathe of Heaven - 1971 LeGuin, Ursula - The Left Hand Of Darkness (1969) LeGuin, Ursula - The Left Hand of Darkness (Alt Copy) LeGuin, Ursula - The Word For The World Is Forest (1976) Lem, Stanislaw - Solaris (1950) L'Engle, Madelein - A Wrinkle in Time Lewis, CS - Out of the Silent Planet (1938) May, Julian - The Many-Colored Land (1981)
McDevitt, Jack - Chindi McDevitt, Jack - Engines_of_god McDevitt, Jack - Time Travelers Never Die -2009 McDevitt, Jack - Echo- Jack McDevitt McDevitt, Jack - Seeker McDevitt, Jack - The Devil's Eye McDevitt, Jack - Polaris-Jack McDevitt McDevitt, Jack - talentforwar.m4b McDonald, Ian - Hyberabad Days Morgan, Richard - Altered Carbon (2002) Niven, Larry - Ringworld - 1970 Niven & Pournelle - The Mote in God's Eye Pohl, Frederik - Gateway Powers, Tim - On Stranger Tides Powers, Tim - Declare Powers, Tim - The Anubis Gates Powers, Tim - Three Days to Never Reynolds, Alasdair Revelation Space - Alastair Reynolds - 2000
Robinson, Kim Stanley - Aurora.m4a Robinson, Kim Stanley - Mars Trilogy [AudioBooks] Robinson, Kim Stanley - New York 2140 Robinson, Kim Stanley - The Years of Rice and Salt Robinson, Kim Stanley - Three Californias Triptych 01 - The Wild Shore [Rudnicki] Robinson, Kim Stanley- Three Californias Triptych 02 - The Gold Coast [Rudnicki] Robinson, Kim Stanley- Three Californias Triptych 03 - Pacific Edge [Rudnicki] Rucker, Rudy Rucker, Rudy - Ware 1 - Software Rucker, Rudy - Ware 2 - Wetware Rucker, Rudy - Ware 3 - Freeware Rucker, Rudy - Ware 4 - Realware
Sagan, Carl - Contact Scalzi, John - Old Man's War (2005) Shelley, Mary - Frankenstein (1818) Simak, Clifford - Way Station (1963) Simmons, Dan - Hyperion Simmons, Dan - Ilium (2003) Smith, E E 'Doc' - Gray Lensman (1940) Stephenson, Neal - The Diamond Age (1995) Sterling, Bruce - Mirrorshades - The Cyberpunk Anthology
Wells, HG - The Invisible Man (1897) Wells, HG - The War of the Worlds Wells, Martha - Artifical condition Willis, Connie - Doomsday Book (1992) Wyndham, John - The Day of the Triffids (1951) Wyndham, John - The Chrysalids Verne, Jules - Journey to the Center of the Earth (1864) Vinge, Vernor - A Fire Upon the Deep (1991)
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netmassimo · 5 months
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The novel "The Long Sunset" by Jack McDevitt was published for the first time in 2008. This is the eighth novel in the Academy series, set in the 23rd century and starring the space pilot Priscilla "Hutch" Hutchins.
When an alien signal is detected on Earth, a new interstellar expedition is set up with Priscilla "Hutch" Hutchins as the starship's pilot, also due to her experience in first contacts with alien species. However, humanity's isolationism is growing and the mission is in danger.
Derek Blanchard, who runs the new mission, is determined to leave but even the authorities seem to want to prevent the starship from leaving for purely political reasons. More and more people seem terrified of encountering hostile aliens, and this forces the team to leave hastily.
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scififr · 1 year
The mimicking of known successes, par Malka Older (Tor, mars 2023)
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Dans un avenir lointain l’Humanité a dû fuir la Terre et s’est réfugié dans des sortes d’anneaux artificiels construits autour de Jupiter à la bonne altitude pour que la gravité soit adaptée ; pourquoi pas, finalement… Mossa, « Senior Investigator », va requérir l’aide de Pleiti, chercheuse et ancienne petite amie du temps de leurs études, pour résoudre le mystère de la disparition d’un autre chercheur.
Un petit roman très agréable. Tout en étant plus violent, je retrouve le même plaisir que dans les premiers « Alex Benedict » de Jack McDevitt.
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letti in un anno #8
PASSATO: [giugno 2021 - febbraio 2023]
Nostromo : Relato de un litoral - Joseph Conrad El largo viaje a un pequeño planeta iracundo - Becky Chambers Vernon Subutex : Volumen 2 - Virginie Despentes Mire al pajarito - Kurt Vonnegut Vernon Subutex : Volumen 3 - Virginie Despentes La conjura contra America - Philip Roth Red Mars - Kim Stanley Robinson El Doctor Fischer de Ginebra - Graham Greene La cucaracha - Ian McEwan Tifón - Joseph Conrad Una semana de vacaciones - Christine Angot Marte verde - Kim Stanley Robinson La esfera luminosa - Liu Cixin El héroe de las mujeres - Adolfo Bioy Casares (racc.) Cuentos de H. Bustos Domecq - Adolfo Bioy Casares (racc.) La casa en el confín de la tierra - William Hope Hodgson L’ora desiata vola : Guida al mondo dei rebus per solutori (ancora) poco abili - Pietro Ichino Pornotopía : Arquitectura y sexualidad en “Playboy” durante la guerra fría - Paul B. Preciado El laberinto de las aceitunas - Eduardo Mendoza Garriga El buque fantasma - Frederick Marryat *La historia de tu vida - Ted Chiang (racc.) *Destinos truncados - Arkadi y Borís Strugatski Fantasmas - Henry James *Mundo anillo - Larry Niven *Los ingenieros del mundo anillo - Larry Niven Un occhio - Stuart Gordon Il segreto dell’ultrauomo - A. E. Van Vogt / La lupa di Thargha - ? Las máquinas de Dios - Jack McDevitt Artemisia - Andy Weir Gli anni delle tenebre - Christopher Stork / Conquistatori spaziali - Luigi Naviglio La fiebre del heno - Stanislaw Lem El brazo marchito y otros relatos - Thomas Hardy (racc.) El marciano - Andy Weir Existiríamos el mar - Belén Gopegui El balneario - Carmen Martín Gaite (racc.) *Una princesa de Marte - Edgar Rice Burroughs El lado frío de la almohada - Belén Gopegui *El trono del mundo anillo - Larry Niven El revés de la trama - Graham Greene El invencible - Stanislaw Lem Fluyan mis lágrimas, dijo el policía - Philip K. Dick Astronautas - Stanislaw Lem La casta de los Metabarones - Alejandro Jodorowsky / Juan Giménez (fum.) La historia personal de David Copperfield - Charles Dickens Contrapunto - Aldous Huxley Il gigante annegato - J. G. Ballard (racc.) La zona del disastro - J. G. Ballard (racc.) Le sabbie di Marte - Arthur C. Clarke *En busca del tiempo perdido : La prisonera - Marcel Proust Luna : Luna nueva - Ian McDonald
PRESENTE: La voz del amo - Stanislaw Lem
FUTURO: Fiasco - Stanislaw Lem *En busca del tiempo perdido : Albertine desaparecida - Marcel Proust
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riemmetric · 1 year
2023 in Books | The Reading Plans
Tomorrow Goodreads will ask me how many books I want to read in 2023. And I’m not sure what will be my answer, but I do have an idea of what I would like to read next year. Again, in list form, because it’s easier to find my words like this. 
▲ The big goal for this year is to read all the physical books on my TBR. I got four (!) new books for Christmas and, together with the ones I’ve bought for myself the past couple of years, I have a decent stack of things I’m very much interested in that sit on my shelf and collect dust because I keep buying Kindle versions of weird niche books youtubers recommend. I love reading physical copies, I am interested in all this stories. All I need is a little bit of self restraint. 
▲ Discovering new favourite authors is always exciting, but I would love to dive deeper into the bibliographies of my currently established favourites. So far, Emily St. John Mandel is the only author whose bibliography I’ve read in its entirety (at least, as far as the novels go). I’ve been wanting to read the complete works of Jack McDevitt for a really long time (his books are always good fun), I want to read all the Sci-Fi work by Adrian Tchaikovsky because his Sci-Fi style is my favourite (and I find his fantasy series quite daunting, considering how little I like fantasy and how long the series is), I want to read more things by Paul Tremblay, by Iain Reid, by Charlotte McConaghy. 
▲ What about the classics? My mum has a beautiful edition of War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy (Romanian translation). It’s split into four volumes which are pretty comfortable to read and hold. In general I’m not super attracted to old things (I always joke that I don’t like thinking about the world before the invention of the lightbulb), but this might be the type of slow reading experience that is much needed sometimes. And I do feel like I’m reading too much in English sometimes. I also recently took an ancient edition of For Whom The Bell Tolls by Ernest Hemingway from my grandmother’s shelves and I think I would like to read it. I hear a lot of good things about Hemingway from the classic lit booktubers and it seems fast paced enough to not be a slog. I’m not making any promises, though. 
▲ Greg Egan. Anything by Greg Egan. This is an Australian author who writes hard Sci-Fi. I know very little about his books, except that he features a lot of advanced mathematical topics in his stories. As a mathematician, I feel compelled to check his works out. 
▲ The other big reading plan I have is dive into the the world of British Sci-Fi masters. I’ve read Alastair Reynolds’ Revelation Space and I’m interested in trying House of Suns next. Then, it’s time to taste the works of Peter F. Hamilton and Iain M. Banks, all of which I’ve seen here and there in the English section of my favourite bookshops in my city. Sci-Fi continues to be my favourite literary genre. 
▲ These are the plans. I didn’t want this post to be a big list of titles and synopses, so I leave you with my tbr shelf on goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/29691853-ioana?shelf=to-read
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fanrolli · 2 years
Dark side of the moom
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As well as having a skeletonised dial, this collectable watch is remarkable for its specially decorated version of the. 50 years later, OMEGA has produced this incredible chronograph in tribute to that mission. In 1968, the Apollo 8 crew became the first humans to ever see the dark side of the moon. New and previously undocumented versions of DSOTM get added to the database frequently making it one of the most interesting titles to focus on for "deep collectors". Speedmaster Dark Side of the Moon Apollo 8. However there are a number of versions with significant differences in packaging and design, such as this version: Pink Floyd - The Dark Side Of The Moon from the Philippines which has the artist's name and LP title printed in large text on a non-gatefold sleeve. Most of the vinyl versions were issued with gatefold sleeves. There is no strumming pattern for this song yet. 2 contributors total, last edit on Jul 23, 2021. Difficulty: intermediate: Tuning: E A D G B E: Capo: no capo: Author Matt Montoya a 2,192. 356,234 views, added to favorites 1,968 times. It would be wrong to say that this side of the moon. The Dark Side Of The Moon Album Tab by Pink Floyd. Certified 15 times platinum in the US and 14 times platinum in the UK. On Septemthe MR first reached the threshold of 1000 different versions and is currently hovering around that number, making it one of the most populated MRs in the entire database. The side of the moon which we are never able to see being on earth is known as the dark side of the moon. Stereo remastered album on heavyweight 180g vinyl. Harvest issue, identifiable with a solid blue triangle on the labels instead of the shaded triangle used on most other versions. The most sought-after and valuable version of DSOTM is the original U.K. In the U.S., the album has spent more time on the Billboard 200 album chart than any other release in modern history.Įarly releases included two posters and two color stickers inside the gatefold sleeve, all designed by the U.K. It stands as one of the most successful commercial recordings of all time, and has been released in many countries. It was recorded at Abbey Road Studios in London, England and released in 1973. Listen to The Dark Side Of The Moon (2011 Remastered Version) on Spotify. An epic spellbinding tale of heroism and hope, by Nebula and Campbell Award-winner Jack McDevitt."The Dark Side Of The Moon" is the eighth studio LP to be released by Pink Floyd. There, in a mysterious, seemingly abandoned space shuttle, a sinister force lies in wait. Winner of the Hugo Award and the Nebula Award for Best Novel.Īs it all seems perfect on the just-completed American moon base, an amateur astronaut has just discovered a comet headed straight for the moon. Play trailer 1:55 1 Video 71 Photos Action Horror Mystery In 2022, a repair crew is sent to fix an orbital weapon but their spaceship malfunctions and ends up heading towards the dark side of the moon. In this tale of revolution, a lunar colony decides to rebel against Earth.
The novel behind the iconic phrase, "There's no free lunch," written by 4-time winner of the Hugo Award for Best Novel, Robert Heinlein. This is NO ORDINARY laser show Our cutting edge projection system from Laser Fantasy mesmerizes your. But first, we need you to sign in to PBS using one of the. An ABSOLUTE classic No need to say anything more. Clarke, considered to be one of the greatest science-fiction writers of all time.Īfter finding a monstrous apparatus on the surface of the moon, its human inhabitants attempt to understand this murderous maze that seems to make everyone around it insane. Use one of the services below to sign in to PBS: Youve just tried to add this video to My List. A novel by Hugo and Heinlein Award-winner Arthur C. A rescue team attempts to save passengers on a sunken lunar cruise ship before time runs out.
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