jonmarchione · 10 months
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In January I started painting in a weekly portrait painting night started by artist Lauren Carlo. I designed & animated the logo for our group of painters we named the 100 Heads Society. Next weekend we're having our first bi-annual show of the past 6 months of work!
You can see some of my recent paintings from the weekly portrait night! I've definitely improved a ton since I started in January! If you want to see my first, embarrassing paintings you'll have to come to the show! 😜
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looky--loo-blog · 6 years
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pavonisgiron · 11 years
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Another little speedpaint, this one's for itsspelledjon, who drew these lovely little Babettes for me! 
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forrestlupin · 12 years
Rule 1 - Post the rules.
Rule 2 - Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and then make 11 new ones.
Rule 3 - Tag 11 people and link them to your post.
Rule 4 - Let them know you’ve tagged them. (If you’re tagged in this post, you’re tagged) 
1. What song are you currently listening to right now or what is the last song you listened to? (No cheating!) 
How To Save a Life - Grey's Anatomy cast
2. Which Disney character are you most like (princess, prince, villain, singing frog?) 
Mowgli. Haha. I played him! :D
3. What is one of your dreams? 
Make a living acting.
4. What do you love to eat Nutella with? 
My fingers
5. A book you love but no one knows about? 
The Cat that Went to Heaven by Elizabeth Coatsworth
6. What is a weird, quirky thing you do? (For example, I don’t eat applesauce with a spoon. I get one of those cups and just drink it out of the cup. Hey, I’m weird) 
I mix curry powder into my coleslaw.
7. What are you currently reading right now? 
NOTHING! D: I'm in between books. I just re-read The Magicians by Lev Grossman..
8. If you could be a villain, who would you be? 
Scar. Always fucking Scar.
9. What fanfiction are you anxiously waiting to update? 
Casting Moonshadows by Moonsign! READ IT.
10. Favorite Disney movie? 
Mulan, hands down.
11. Middle Earth, Hogwarts, Camp Half-Blood, Panem, 221B, or Narnia? 
Oh fuck. Uhm. My Priority list:
Camp Half-Blood
Middle Earth
1.) Who's your favourite fictional character?
2.) Which fictional character would you switch lives with?
3.) If all your fantoms are drowning and you could only save one, which?
4.) How many times have you posted on Tumblr?
5.) When did you get your first pet and what was it?
6.) How far away are you from where you were born? I WANT MILES.
7.) What's your favourite animal?
8.) How many times have you seen The Devil Wears Prada?
9.) What's your favourite role of Patrick Wilson?
10.) What's your middle name?
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jonmarchione · 6 years
Hey I’m live streaming some drawing! I’m finishing up a new environment study.  Stop by and say hi! :)
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leetz3111 · 13 years
Okay. So.
Well this is the first time i feel like I've actually talked on my tumblr. I just wanted to say that I wanted to thank all of my friends here on tumblr especially since i will be graduating soon. I really thank you for making these years memorable =) For allisonmj I must thank you for your kindness to me and being such a great friend, i will always remember our mj dance medley and i know we can rock the house again! To abbylynne, I thank you for being such an amazing friend to me when you're around. I hope we can hang out soon. To itsspelledjon, I think that you're such a funny person to be around i really enjoy it. To fluteaholic, i know we may not agree on everything, but i love your love for music and your ambition to make it a huge part of your life truly inspires me. To rachlovesmoony, i love the fact that you embrace being a dork,like me, and aren't afraid to show it. I felt like this was needed before graduation but this may not be the last time i will use a text post. for now i must pry myself away from tumblr and do some homework.
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pavonisgiron · 11 years
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A gift for a very good friend who draws lovely pictures for me and has let me borrow some of his books, which I appreciate very much. 
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landstriders · 12 years
itsspelledjon replied to your post: Woooould anyone ever be interested in doing a book...
i would be interested in such an endeavor
Okee doke! I'll send you a message!
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pavonisgiron · 12 years
how do you come up with your stories/character designs?
With character designs, I think a lot of it is just sketching, I like to play with the shapes of things and sometimes I get attached to them and start developing a character around it!Hm. Many of my characters are based off of objects or ideas I want to personify. Julian and the story/world he lives in is all based off of the color wheel, with each character's personality being a color and their interactions based on how their 'color' goes with others on the color wheel. Like Julian is orange, so his personality and point of view is orange, and his best friend's personality is a bluish color, orange's complement.  And the story for that I came up with while killing the tiny bugs that creep into houses and thinking of how unfair it was, and what they would do if they could fight back. And for Clyde, I'm not too sure how I got to designing that.. I think it may have also been influenced by color palettes! But the story for that is... well. I guess a kind of catharsis kind of thing. Like in the story Clyde is driven by the idea of going back home, living his life as he wants. And with me, I moved to a place where I really don't want to be when I was a lot younger and I've always wanted to go back.. so running away in a story was a better choice than doing so in real life..  Uh. The designs and some of the scenery are based off of people and places I knew when I lived there and where I currently live as well.I guess, the ideas for these really come from anywhere. Personal life and  things that interest me.. I hope that helps? edit- Also, I've found it really helps to draw and know about a lot of things, the more you're familiar with the more you have to draw in if ever you need it. Like if all you know is birds, it'll be harder to branch out into other things that you don't know of, and therefor you'll have less of a variety of ideas because of the narrow amount of resources. The more you're comfortable with the better.
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itsspelledjon · 13 years
If I found my blog, i would follow it, so why don't you?
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