#Its Surabaya
bogorexpose · 10 months
Keren! Mahasiswa ITS Surabaya Ciptakan Mobil Balap Listrik
JAKARTA – Mahasiswa Institut Teknik Sepuluh November (ITS) Surabaya yang tergabung dalam tim Anargya, berhasil menciptakan mobil balap listrik. Rencananya, mobil balap listrik ini akan diikutsertakan dalam kompetisi Formula Society Automotive Engineer (SAE) Japan, pada 28 Agustus – 2 September 2023 di Ecopa Park, Shizuoka Prefecture, Jepang. Atas keberhasilan tersebut, Menparekraf/Kabaparekraf…
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The Scary Aisle
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SYAR'I, WA 0852-5814-1212 Nasi Kotak Aqiqah Anak Laki Laki Dekat ITS Surabaya
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SYAR'I, WA 0852-5814-1212 Nasi Kotak Aqiqah Anak Laki Laki Dekat ITS Surabaya
Al-Kautsar Catering Aqiqah menawarkan menu syar'i, sehat dan free tester. Dapatkan berbagai menu unggulan dan manfaat praktis serta halal
Nasi Kotak Aqiqah Anak Laki Laki Dekat ITS Surabaya
#Nasi KotakAqiqahAnakLakiLakiDekat ITS Surabaya
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baliportalnews · 7 months
Dorong Pertumbuhan Startup Muda, Pertamuda Workshop Series 3 Sukses Digelar di ITS Surabaya
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, SURABAYA - Konsisten dalam mendukung perkembangan startup muda di Indonesia, PT Pertamina (Persero) kembali menggelar Pertamuda Workshop Series 3 sebagai rangkaian dari kompetisi ide bisnis Pertamuda Seed and Scale 2023 di Gedung Riset Center, ITS, Selasa (10/10/2023). Pertamuda Workshop Series 3 ini mengambil tema 'The Power of Networking: Building Meaningful Connection' dimana diharapkan para anak muda dapat memahami pentingnya networking dalam kehidupan profesional dan pribadi. Menurut Probo Prasiddhahayu, Manager Non Government Stakeholder Relation PT Pertamina (Persero), workshop series kali ini merupakan bagian dari upaya PT Pertamina (Persero) membina sinergi antara dunia industri dan perguruan tinggi. Pertamuda Workshop sendiri berlangsung hingga empat kali, dimana para pembicara merupakan praktisi bisnis dan tim dari Pertamina. “Series ketiga ini merupakan acara offline pertama yang kita buat setelah pandemi. Kenapa dipilih di Surabaya, karena kita melihat animo yang tinggi dari para startup muda disini," jelasnya. Selain offline, pihaknya juga memfasilitasi Workshop secara online sehingga peserta tidak hanya terbatas yang mendaftar saja namun terbuka bagi seluruh mahasiswa di Indonesia dan masyarakat umum selama kapasitas ruang virtual mencukupi. Tak pelak, workshop yang pertama kali berlangsung secara offline ini peserta sangat antusias. Sekitar 1200 mahasiswa menghadiri acara yang berlangsung secara hybrid dan berebutan mengajukan pertanyaan kepada narasumber. Sementara itu, Direktur Inovasi dan Kawasan Sains Teknologi (DIKST) ITS, Agus Muhammad Hatta yang hadir dalam kesempatan tersebut sangat menyambut baik Pertamuda Workshop Series 3. Dengan acara tersebut diharapkan dapat memberikan manfaat untuk kedua belah pihak "Pada 2035 nanti, ITS akan bekerja keras menciptakan institusi yang bersifat kewirausahaan. Tentu ini merupakan tantangan besar bagi kami ke depannya. Adanya workshop seperti ini sangat membantu para mahasiswa dalam membaangun networking serta dapat mendorong perekonomian secara berkelanjutan melalui penerapan ilmu dan teknologi," jelasnya. Adapun pembicara dalam workshop kali ini yaitu Edric Chandra (Program Initiator of Diplomat Success Challenge), Arya Dwi Paramita (Corporate Secretary PT Pertamina Hulu Energi) dan Arief Abdurrakhman (Dosen Teknik Instrumentasi ITS & Ketua Indonesian Career Center Network (ICCN) Jawa Timur). Ketiganya membahas terkait strategi dan etika dalam networking, mengelola hubungan dalam jangka panjang, pemanfaatan networking dalam karir dan bisnis, resolusi, dan parameter keberhasilan dalam networking. Perlu diketahui bahwa Pertamuda atau Pertamina Muda Seed & Scale, sebuah program dari Pertamina yang merupakan kompetisi ide bisnis untuk mahasiswa Perguruan Tinggi Negeri dan Swasta seluruh Indonesia, terbuka untuk ide bisnis dengan berbagai sektor yang berimplementasi pada pilar ekonomi, sosial, dan lingkungan dari Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Pertamuda - Energizing Your Future adalah sekuel ketiga di tahun 2023. Dimana rangkaian kegiatannya yaitu Kick Off & Seminar Pertamuda 2023 dimana menjadi penanda dibukanya pendaftaran Pertamuda 2023. Setelah pelaksanaan Kick Off, dilanjutkan dengan Pertamuda Workshop Series (PWS) yang dilaksanakan selama empat kali dan terbuka untuk umum. Dan pertama kalinya di tahun ketiga ini, di gelar dua kali workshop secara hybrid dan dilaksanakan di ITS serta ITB. Setelah rangkaian Kick Off dan OWS, dari semua pendaftar Pertamuda 2023, akan dilakukan kurasi ide bisnis untuk menentukan 30 peserta yang berhak maju ke babak Demoday Pertamuda 2023. Demoday Pertamuda berisi agenda mentoring/pitching session dan penjurian untuk menentukan 3 peserta terbaik kategori Early Stage Pertamuda 2023 yang akan mendapatkan dana pembinaan senilai total Rp300 juta. Dan 3 peserta terbaik dari kategori Energy Founder mendapatkan dana senilai total Rp105 juta. Pasca Demoday Pertamuda, 10 peserta terpilih akan mendapatkan fasilitas pendampingan dan mentoring bisnis selama 3 bulan. Serta dilakukan visitasi ke kampus dan lokasi usaha TOP 3 kategori Early Stage. “Untuk itu kami mengundang seluruh mahasiswa Indonesia untuk segera mendaftar sebelum di tutup tanggal 28 Oktober 2023 melalui www.pertamuda.id,” pungkas Probo.(bpn) Read the full article
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iwan-fadila · 1 year
Tekiro Sukses Gelar Servis Gratis Bersama ITS
motogokil.com – Assalamu’alaikum wa rochmatullohi wa barokatuh, semoga kita semua selamat di perjalanan sampai ke tujuan. Sebagaimana kita ketahui bersama, tekiro merupakan merek hand tools yang tidak diragukan kualitasnya untuk keperluan bengkel dan juga orang yang hobi bongkar mesin. Dan tekiro juga diakui sebagai merek yang memiliki penghargaan yang terus berlanjut sampai saat ini. Akan tetapi…
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kbanews · 1 year
Alumni ITS Siapkan Kejutan agar Pemilu 2024 bisa Jurdil
SURABAYA I KBA – Pemilu 2024 mendatang nampaknya akan berjalan dengan ketat. Akan sulit untuk bermain-main. Sejumlah alumni ITS Surabaya, akan mencoba menjaga agar Pemilu 2024 mendatang bisa jujur dan adil. Tak hanya pengawasan secara manual saja yang dilakukan, tapi juga termasuk memanfaatkan IT. Salah Satu Founder Jangkar ITS (Jaringan Keluarga Besar Alumni Institut Tekhnologi Sepuluh November)…
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maganganaksmk · 2 years
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zvaigzdelasas · 5 months
Since Indonesia’s bloody anti-communist purge in the 1960s, politics in the archipelago nation have largely been dominated by centre-right forces. But a newly formed leftist party believes it can garner enough popular support to start changing that.
At a press conference in Jakarta on January 3, Indonesia’s Labour Party (Partai Buruh) chief Said Iqbal said his party’s electability was on the rise in the lead-up to the February 14 general election.
Said, who is also president of Indonesia’s Trade Unions Confederation, cited a recent survey by pollster Risetindo Barometer as evidence for his claim.
“An independent survey was conducted in 18 cities involving 1,200 respondents, and found 67.8 per cent of workers or 3,390,000 voters, both unionised and non-unionised, planned to vote for the PB,” he said. Said pointed out that the figure would correspond to 2.3 per cent of Indonesia’s total number of eligible voters. “This means we only have 1.7 per cent to go before crossing the 4 per cent parliamentary threshold to make it into the House of Representatives (DPR).”[...]
“PB [could] be the first centre-left party to accomplish this feat. Its success in qualifying for the election was in itself remarkable, given that another centre-left party, Prima, didn’t,” [...]
In 2020, President Joko Widodo signed the Omnibus Law aimed at easing business by cutting red tape. But unions and labour activists branded the legislation as a major setback for labour rights and protections. Some controversial clauses include reductions in the size of severance pay and paid leave. Activists also claim the law provides employers with new loopholes to deny workers permanent work status and other benefits.[...]
“Our party has decided not to back any of the three presidential candidates because our condition for support was a signed political contract spelling out the respective candidate’s commitment to revise the Omnibus Law,” he said.
None of the candidates agreed to do so, he said[...]
uruddin said his party’s strategy revolved around “real issues affecting people’s livelihoods” which have been neglected by the more established parties, citing the government-managed universal healthcare system (BPJS) as an example.
“While the BPJS seeks to cover the healthcare of all Indonesians, in reality around 20 per cent of the population is unable to access it, largely because they can’t afford the monthly dues,” he said.
Nuruddin said that at the city level in Surabaya, he had started lobbying officials to provide subsidies for poor residents – including itinerant construction workers, vagabonds and small traders – so that they could be covered under the scheme.
He said the PB had instigated a new mechanism in Indonesia’s electoral process known as “constituent recall”, under which voters could demand the removal of their representative if he or she were deemed to be in serious breach of voter aspirations.
9 Jan 24
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usafphantom2 · 6 days
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29th May, 1940. First flight of the Vought F4U Corsair, which would serve extensively in the Second World War and Korea, with almost 13,000 built. Fast, rugged and heavily armed, the aircraft suffered from some initial problems but excelled as a fighter and fighter-bomber. With its distinctive inverted gull wing, designed to provide clearance for the propeller, the Corsair earned its nickname of ‘Bent-Wing Bird’.
Due to a high accident rate on its introduction to service, the U.S. Navy initially refused to use Corsairs on carrier operations. Instead, they were flown by Marine units in the Solomons, who quickly exploited their powerful machines to establish superiority over Japanese aircraft. From September 1943, VMF-14 (the ‘Black Sheep’) under ‘Pappy’ Boyington shot down nearly 100 aircraft and damaged the same number in two 6-week tours. Boyington himself would claim 28 kills before being shot down in January 1944.
It was the British Fleet Air Arm that first flew Corsairs operationally from carriers, having made a number of modifications to improve their safety on landing. Initially used on strikes against the Tirpitz from April 1944 before relocating to the Pacific, 16 squadrons of FAA Corsairs were in service by the end of the war. On 9th August 1945, Canadian pilot Robert Gray earned a posthumous VC after bombing and sinking a Japanese warship despite his Corsair being on fire after taking hits from flak.
Cleared for carrier service on U.S. Navy carriers in mid-1944, Corsairs soon proved their worth, increasingly in the ground attack role but also against kamikaze attacks. By the end of the war, Navy and Marine pilots were credited with destroying over 2,100 Japanese aircraft for the loss of fewer than 200 Corsairs in combat - though substantially more were destroyed in accidents.
Corsairs returned to combat duty with both the U.S. Marines and Navy during the Korean War. One MiG 15 was shot down in September 1952, but the aircraft were used almost exclusively for ground attack. Marine aircraft were redesignated AU-1, armoured and armed with 4x20mm cannon plus rockets or up to 4,000lb of bombs.
Corsairs were later operated by the French Aéronavale over Indochina, Suez, Algeria and Tunisia into the 1960s. In July 1969, a Honduran aircraft flown by Captain Fernando Soto took part in what may have been the final combats in history between piston-engined fighters, shooting down two Salvadoran Corsairs and a Mustang. Both El Salvador and Honduras retained their Corsairs into the 1970s.
1) Future astronaut John Glenn on a training flight in his VMF-155 Corsair over California in 1943. He would fly 57 combat missions in the Pacific.
📷 airandspace.si.edu
2) Fleet Air Arm Corsairs lined up on the deck of HMS Illustrious, prior to a raid on Surabaya, 27th May 1944.
📷©️IWM A 24274
3) Corsair on the deck of USS Bunker Hill off Okinawa, 9th May 1945.
📷 ww2db.com
4) Well used AU-1 Corsair of VMA 212 in Korea, 1952.
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"But what selfhood was to be determined in the Indies? What were its common ties, and where did its boundaries lie?
Leaders voiced very different ‘nations of intent’. The rallying cry of Ernest Douwes Dekker before the war, of the Indies for the Indier, suddenly lost force. The word ‘Indies’ too closely evoked both British India and the Dutch state, as did its variant, Insulinde . Some preferred the term Nusantara, literally the ‘islands within’ or ‘between’. It broke with the linguistic inheritance of Dutch; it was archipelagic in compass. But its origins lay in a chronicle of the world-conqueror from fourteenth-century Majapahit, Gajah Mada, and this made it too Java-centric for nationalists from the outer islands. The term ‘Indonesia’ had been used by early British ethnographers and then by some Dutch scholars at Leiden University to designate a wider cultural region of island Southeast Asia. Suddenly it began to acquire imaginative force. In late 1917 the exile Soewardi and others established an ‘Indonesian Association of Students’ at Leiden. Some of its members were Dutch, such as the Semarang-born H. J. van Mook, who had attended the same Surabaya high school as Sukarno, where his father taught. Men like van Mook expected to participate in and to lead an ‘Indonesia’, but they did not yet see it as a nation. Others saw ‘Indonesia’ as a common destiny of the island peoples, in the struggle for which Europeans, Eurasians, Chinese and Arabs might be allies but not full members. But there was also a claim for a more equal belonging, where, in Soewardi’s phrase, ‘whoever is a citizen of the Indonesian state is also an Indonesian’. The question of the new nation’s ethnic and cultural foundations remained unresolved and untested in the Indies itself."
Underground Asia, Tim Harper.
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motorrio · 1 year
Tekiro - ITS gelar Servis Gratis untuk masyarakat Surabaya
Servis Gratis – motorrio.com – Tekiro, perkakas otomotif dan Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) pada Sabtu (13/05) kembali menggelar Service Gratis di lapangan Ole-Ole Futsal jalan Bung Tomo Surabaya. Kegiatan Service Gratis ITS kali ini merupakan yang ke-6 kalinya diselenggarakan semenjak tahun 2013 dan selalu mendapatkan respon positif dari masyarakat. Continue reading Untitled
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indihome-suck · 1 year
As someone who was also a pantura warrior when they were a child, the vibes of IM3 paper maps from KOMPAS are unbeatable as well as stopping for restaurants we normally don't go to.
But like. I remember why I prefer highways more this year when my mudik lasted 17 hours compared to its normal less-than-10-hour trip 😭
THIS IS SO REAL!! One of my core memories of mudik is when my little sister, then a toddler, threw up on one of those kompas map my dad got for free at the rest area LMAO.
With highways my mudik lasted only 12 hours now compared to Pantura era that took 2 whole days. Which is an improvement!
I think one of the key moments of Pantura especially if you went to Surabaya, is seeing all the beaches and salt farms(? Ladang garam) and boat carpentry on the side of the road. You can't get that with the trans Java highway since it passes through the middle of the island.
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My Memories (CW: Past Suicidal Ideation, Urination mention, Desecration)
Earlier this morning my mother asked me if I could, as someone who was traumatized by their parent’s divorce to the point of considering suicide, recount my experiences and methods for recovering from my trauma as a helpful primer for recently divorced parents and their children. It sounds all well and good but there’s just one problem: I can’t actually remember how I did it. 
Not because my mind blocked it off as a sort of trauma response or anything mind you, even without properly trying I can get a pretty good blow by blow of my reactions, but that’s the thing really, that’s all I can remember by now. Think of it this way, it’s sorta like….
Surabaya is built atop the ruins of dozens and dozens of cities, they may not all be of the same size and scale, and while some of them are named Surabaya or some variation of Surabaya not all of them are. But these cities were very real, people really did live and work in them, and learning about them can be very worthwhile, digging in deep to gleam anything at all about how the people lived, what their houses looked like, what they did for a living, what they ate and drank and worshiped and get a sense of the scale of it all. But I can’t for the life of me figure out how all this is supposed to relate to modern day Surabaya, I mean sure today’s world didn’t just spring out of nothing one day, but I think it gets harder and harder the further down you go, after all how is the history of Jung-La-Yu at all relevant for studying or understanding what modern day Surabaya and its people are like?
And that’s the thing, when I think back to then I’m not picking at an old scab, going through yesterday’s leftovers, or walking down the street, I’m digging into the dirt, I’m going through a museum. I can clearly say that certain things happened, and I can certainly tell you in somewhat certain terms when it happened, where it happened, and how it went down, but I haven’t the foggiest why it happened at all.
I can tell you that at some point around 9 years old I walked past the bookcase in the living room of the last home my parents shared and realized that I forgot what the Indonesian word for crab was, I can tell you that before that I tried to impress some friends by showing them a Ben 10 Upgrade toy my father got me and realized that none of them knew what the hell it was, that even further before that I was young and dumb enough to get away with pissing in a mosque’s washroom, and that at some point when I was 13 I looked out at my apartment’s balcony when I was alone and wondered if I should just jump right off. 
What I can’t tell you is what was going through my mind in and around that time, or why any of it seemed like something I would be doing in the first place. I can sure as hell guess, but so can anyone else really.
And hell, maybe the narrow band of what we consider ‘core memories’ that serve as the foundation of our personality and behavior have always lied closer in our past than we think, as the simple act of living and remembering changes what we hold dear gradually enough that we can’t quite remember when it was ever different, maybe all of our memories no matter how grand and seemingly life changing are doomed to slowly rot away any traces of additional meaning and remembered thought over the years until it becomes just another thing that happened, or maybe I just got sick of my mind constantly trying to guilt trip me with my past mistakes that I just learned to let go of it all and start over.
My mind is fire, not stone. All I know is that just as I looked back in my past today and realized that I couldn’t quite figure out why he didn’t jump out of that balcony or leapt into that river when given the chance, I know that one day, in 10-20 years I’ll think back to the time I wrote this article, and can’t for the life of me figure out why she would sit down and write all this for. 
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SYAR'I, WA 0852-5814-1212 Catering Aqiqah Anak Laki Laki Dekat ITS Surabaya
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SYAR'I, WA 0852-5814-1212 Catering Aqiqah Anak Laki Laki Dekat ITS Surabaya
Al-Kautsar Catering Aqiqah menawarkan menu syar'i, sehat dan free tester. Dapatkan berbagai menu unggulan dan manfaat praktis serta halal
Catering Aqiqah Anak Laki Laki Dekat ITS Surabaya
#CateringAqiqahAnakLakiLakiDekat ITS Surabaya
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baliportalnews · 8 months
Dorong Pertumbuhan Startup Muda, Pertamuda Workshop Series 3 Sukses Digelar di ITS Surabaya
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, SURABAYA - Konsisten dalam mendukung perkembangan startup muda di Indonesia, PT Pertamina (Persero) kembali menggelar Pertamuda Workshop Series 3 sebagai rangkaian dari kompetisi ide bisnis Pertamuda Seed and Scale 2023 di Gedung Riset Center, ITS, Selasa (10/10/2023). Pertamuda Workshop Series 3 ini mengambil tema 'The Power of Networking: Building Meaningful Connection' dimana diharapkan para anak muda dapat memahami pentingnya networking dalam kehidupan profesional dan pribadi. Menurut Probo Prasiddhahayu, Manager Non Government Stakeholder Relation PT Pertamina (Persero), workshop series kali ini merupakan bagian dari upaya PT Pertamina (Persero) membina sinergi antara dunia industri dan perguruan tinggi. Pertamuda Workshop sendiri berlangsung hingga empat kali, dimana para pembicara merupakan praktisi bisnis dan tim dari Pertamina. “Series ketiga ini merupakan acara offline pertama yang kita buat setelah pandemi. Kenapa dipilih di Surabaya, karena kita melihat animo yang tinggi dari para startup muda disini," jelasnya. Selain offline, pihaknya juga memfasilitasi Workshop secara online sehingga peserta tidak hanya terbatas yang mendaftar saja namun terbuka bagi seluruh mahasiswa di Indonesia dan masyarakat umum selama kapasitas ruang virtual mencukupi. Tak pelak, workshop yang pertama kali berlangsung secara offline ini peserta sangat antusias. Sekitar 1200 mahasiswa menghadiri acara yang berlangsung secara hybrid dan berebutan mengajukan pertanyaan kepada narasumber. Sementara itu, Direktur Inovasi dan Kawasan Sains Teknologi (DIKST) ITS, Agus Muhammad Hatta yang hadir dalam kesempatan tersebut sangat menyambut baik Pertamuda Workshop Series 3. Dengan acara tersebut diharapkan dapat memberikan manfaat untuk kedua belah pihak "Pada 2035 nanti, ITS akan bekerja keras menciptakan institusi yang bersifat kewirausahaan. Tentu ini merupakan tantangan besar bagi kami ke depannya. Adanya workshop seperti ini sangat membantu para mahasiswa dalam membaangun networking serta dapat mendorong perekonomian secara berkelanjutan melalui penerapan ilmu dan teknologi," jelasnya. Adapun pembicara dalam workshop kali ini yaitu Edric Chandra (Program Initiator of Diplomat Success Challenge), Arya Dwi Paramita (Corporate Secretary PT Pertamina Hulu Energi) dan Arief Abdurrakhman (Dosen Teknik Instrumentasi ITS & Ketua Indonesian Career Center Network (ICCN) Jawa Timur). Ketiganya membahas terkait strategi dan etika dalam networking, mengelola hubungan dalam jangka panjang, pemanfaatan networking dalam karir dan bisnis, resolusi, dan parameter keberhasilan dalam networking. Perlu diketahui bahwa Pertamuda atau Pertamina Muda Seed & Scale, sebuah program dari Pertamina yang merupakan kompetisi ide bisnis untuk mahasiswa Perguruan Tinggi Negeri dan Swasta seluruh Indonesia, terbuka untuk ide bisnis dengan berbagai sektor yang berimplementasi pada pilar ekonomi, sosial, dan lingkungan dari Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Pertamuda - Energizing Your Future adalah sekuel ketiga di tahun 2023. Dimana rangkaian kegiatannya yaitu Kick Off & Seminar Pertamuda 2023 dimana menjadi penanda dibukanya pendaftaran Pertamuda 2023. Setelah pelaksanaan Kick Off, dilanjutkan dengan Pertamuda Workshop Series (PWS) yang dilaksanakan selama empat kali dan terbuka untuk umum. Dan pertama kalinya di tahun ketiga ini, di gelar dua kali workshop secara hybrid dan dilaksanakan di ITS serta ITB. Setelah rangkaian Kick Off dan OWS, dari semua pendaftar Pertamuda 2023, akan dilakukan kurasi ide bisnis untuk menentukan 30 peserta yang berhak maju ke babak Demoday Pertamuda 2023. Demoday Pertamuda berisi agenda mentoring/pitching session dan penjurian untuk menentukan 3 peserta terbaik kategori Early Stage Pertamuda 2023 yang akan mendapatkan dana pembinaan senilai total Rp300 juta. Dan 3 peserta terbaik dari kategori Energy Founder mendapatkan dana senilai total Rp105 juta. Pasca Demoday Pertamuda, 10 peserta terpilih akan mendapatkan fasilitas pendampingan dan mentoring bisnis selama 3 bulan. Serta dilakukan visitasi ke kampus dan lokasi usaha TOP 3 kategori Early Stage. “Untuk itu kami mengundang seluruh mahasiswa Indonesia untuk segera mendaftar sebelum di tutup tanggal 28 Oktober 2023 melalui www.pertamuda.id,” pungkas Probo.(bpn) Read the full article
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howluckyiamm · 1 year
week-long escapade
I got a chance to travel to my hometown again last week, and it’s a special one because I have an extra time to travel yeay. It’s approximately one week long, I left Jakarta at Tuesday night last week and right now I’m writing this in the train going back to Jakarta.
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By the time I arrived in my hometown, one thought that’s instantly popped up on my mind was to visit my favorite cafe named Ewok, it’s a bit far from my place, but I really like to go there mainly to work ( and of course I still have to work during my travel :/ ) and taste it’s iconic Americano coffee. Few years on I think for me this cafe is still the coziest place to work, because of its fast wifi and subjectively they also provide an air conditioned indoor smoking room—the most important feature of a good cafe, if you ask me ofc hahahha. I hope I can go to this cafe again next time.
Other than my hometown, I also visited Surabaya and Malang, it’s a quite long journey I know, but absolutely worth it. In Surabaya, my main goal was to visit my friends there, the last time I met them was in October last year so it’s really good to be able to meet with them. Aside from getting a drink and talks about each of our life situation, we also go to the pool cafe to play billiard. I’ve grown to like pool since my first time playing it with my other friend in Bandung in January this year.
I only spent one day in Surabaya, but I think it’s enough to satisfy my desire to meet my friend there. After I finished meeting up with my friends in Surabaya, I go straight to Malang, there I also meet my friends, this one is my longest lasting friendship that I had, we’ve been friends since junior high. It really bring back the memories that I have when I was still frequently visiting this town. 
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in above pic is Koko!, she’s a stray cat that is being taken care of by my friend this past few months
I stayed in my friend’s home for one day and a half, four of us had a lot of fun, I also played pool there, talks with my friends till dawn and cooks a simple meal for Iftar with them. I think Malang had the best atmosphere with its cold weather and the warmth of my friend’s home.
Alas, in Sunday evening, I had to go back to my home and spend two more days there before I go back to Jakarta. Even though visiting this three towns made me feel a bit tired, but I would do this again without second thought! Hopefully I can do something like this again in the near future, wish me luck!
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