#It's perfectly reasonable to hate bigots/Nazis/etc.
eisthenameofme · 2 years
This blog is full of hatred. This blog can fit so much fucking hatred in it.
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lumios64-blog · 4 years
2020 is likely gonna be an horrible year.
For 1 unique reason: The US election of 2020.
Remember how awful the social climate was, after Donald Trump was elected?
Right wingers were threating Left wingers as if they were nothing, but screaming brats and Left wingers were acting as if they were oppressed by the Right wingers when that was wrong. 2016 was the year when the term “SJW” really became popular alongside “Bigot“ and people were calling each other “Racist”, “Sexist”, “Cuck”, whatever comes through your mind.
There is far more than that to unpack. Left wing groups and Right wing groups became far more aggressive and dangerous. I am talking about the likes of Antifa, The Proud Boys, The March Against Marxism, New Black Panther Party, Unite The Right Rally, etc and they allowed extremists to infiltrate said groups. Antifa has literal Communists (Call them Tankies if you will) while the three other Right wing groups have literal Nazis in them, but that aside it is funny to see these groups became infiltrated by literal scum of the earth after the social climate became extremely toxic ever since Donald Trump was elected. Do not get me wrong, it is not the fault of Trump, it is not something he can control. No, it is the fault of all the clowns that voted for him and Hillary Clinton while the former is a businessman who knows nothing about politics, except the economy, the latter is a sociopath that wanted to start WW3 with Russia. All this extremism led to the Charlottesville incident, the Andy Ngo incident, the Mosque shooting and many more incidents between political figures and people who had no involvement in any of this (In the instance of the Mosque shooting, it was a far Right extremist shooting harmless Muslims, yikes).
To this day, Antifa activists still assault people they disagree with, rather than target what they named themselves after, Fascists, and the March Against Marxists guys still assault people they disagree with, rather than target the people they named themselves after, Marxists. And all of that is because of what people label other people, they label one another “Fascists” or “Marxists”, so they can be targeted by either Antifa or The March Against Marxism. As I said, it is because people became extremely toxic after Trump won. As a result, people cannot stop labeling each other with stupid stuff like “SJW“, “Bigot“, “Cuck“, “Racist“, and I can go on and on with the labels. Feel free to read about witch-hunting because this whole shit is just people witch-hunting one another.
“But Trump is not gonna win this time, I’m voting for Bernie Sanders.“ You really think this is gonna solve anything? If Trump loses, the Right wing will go apeshit. If Trump wins, the Left wing will go apeshit. It is a lose-lose situation. I have absolutely no reason to be optimist about your vote and it does not help that people like Tim Pool keeps saying “There is gonna be a civil war!“ once per week because it certainly does not mitigate it.
That will certainly happen at some point, but my point here is that everytime Tim Pool or anyone else for that matter opens their damn mouth about civil wars, everyone in their respective comment section starts threatening to pull a weapon if the opposition comes near them. For that matter, a lot of Conservatives are watching Tim Pool (Maybe there are other political affiliations as well I dunno) and their opposition are Progressives. This shit is just horrible and I will stay pessimistic until the very end, nothing smells good about that election. I hope for a miracle!
Also, I will hate this year for three other personal reasons:
1. Microsoft will stop supporting Windows 7, the OS I used since ever because of how powerful and user-friendly it was. Microsoft has pushed its customers to buy Windows 10 for years now which is complete spyware. The only alternative aside from Windows 7 is either Windows 8.1 or ReactOS which is not finished yet and is not yet usable.
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2. Adobe will stop supporting Flash Player. I used this a lot to play online games and watch animations and all. The death of flash is allegedly caused by the arrival of HTML5. I do not hate HTML5 because it is handy and works perfectly fine within your browser (heck, a game I love, Crosscode, was made using HTML5), but it still saddens me that Adobe does not try to keep the player working. There was another player that was called shockwave player that had the exact same fate like one decade ago. I never had the luck to try it out, so I do not feel anything toward it, but if you were one of those people that used to play a lot of games on shockwave, now I feel you.
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3. Two words: Youtube, COPPA. I am not gonna say that COPPA is a bad thing because it is not, but since Youtube is being as incompetent as ever they will punish the creators for something that is their own fault in stead of trying to find a solution to protect the kids browsing the website. But let’s be honest, it is also the fault of the parents, children should not have a Youtube channel and within the guidelines it is explicitly forbidden for kids under 13 to make videos. Lastly, was not there an app called “Youtube kids“? Why do the parents let their kids watch on the normal Youtube app?
This year will just suck for me and it will likely suck for everyone who’s reading this and that is because of the elections in the US, I cannot see this whole year going any better than 2016.
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onceasacross · 3 years
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Anti-Semitism is the hatred of a person of any colour/ religion to a person of any colour who is religiously, Jewish. Many consider this to be a form of racism, however it isn't, as Jews are a religious group of people rather than an ethnic group. (Despite Nazis and some other far right groups claiming the contrary.) This is instead just a form of bigotry.
I obviously am strongly against Anti-Semitism, as I treat people individually rather than by the religion they believe in, colour that they are etc. I personally do believe in freedom of speech, within reason, and with some minor restrictions, this especially involves criticism of Israel or Jewish people, I think this is perfectly fine. However, threats of violence/death, impersonating for malicious purposes, demonising or slandering Jewish people is unacceptable to me. And I would never do it, no matter what terrible thing happened to me involving Jewish people.
I do understand, although definitely do NOT endorse, why some people may hate Jews, for example, the recent Israel Palestine conflict, Israeli troops have been committing horrible crimes against peaceful Palestinian people, including pointing guns at innocent children, and even worse sometimes firing them. These terrible crimes can sadly radicalise people into hating whole other groups of people.
But it's also important to know that many Jews do bad things but Jews on the whole are good and have truly had large parts of history that have been awful to them, for example, the Roman persecution of them back around 50AD, the expulsion of Jews from Spain and Portugal in the times of Christopher Columbus around 1492. Programs in Tsarist Russia in the 1800s when Jews were blamed for natural disasters, when peasants burnt down their homes and killed Jews, us British refusing to allow much immigration to Palestine during persecution by Arabs in the 1920s and 1930s. The Nazi persecution of Jews from 1933-1941 and outright genocide against Jews from 1941-1945.
Basically, its very important to note, that history is very complicated, and its best to look at multiple sources all with different views, (yes including bigoted ones as you can tell how they got radicalised, and where those views developed, so that you can deconstruct them, and educate them on how they are wrong.) If we can make adults and specifically children, develop critical thinking skills, I feel bigotry, racism etc would eventually practically disappear as we would all realise that its individuals not the overall amount of people doing these terrible acts.
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susandsnell · 7 years
least fave character: star wars
You know this is so tough because I love everyone in Star Wars???? Like even the most unsympathetic of the villains  who you’re supposed to dislike - I love to hate them, I love to analyze them, I love to watch them. Like yes, you have your iconic baddies like your Emperors and your Mauls and your Vaders and your Kylo Rens, but Tarkin is deliciously dastardly, Count Dooku is wonderfully hammy (and in love with General Grievous don’t deny it), even Phasma and Hux are super interesting. Even aliens like Jabba and Yoda, who are both awful for different reasons, I think are so well designed, and whatever moral issues you have with their characters, it kinda just blows me away that these were fully functional Jim Henson puppets (originally, anyway) and not for one second does the audience doubt that they’re real. 
(Wow, coco, someone asked you a question and all you can do is gush.)
I guess for now I’m going to have to go with Master Vrook from the Knights of the Old Republic games (is this a cheat? it’s still part of the franchise!) because no one else in the movies invokes in me that kind of white-hot rage, because by space, he is the absolute embodiment of everything wrong with the Jedi Order taken to its logical conclusion. He uses an already faulty system in the worst ways possible, and is a perfect example of how you can adhere perfectly to a particular code of rules and be deeply unethical. The Revan memory thing? That’s not just unethical, that’s possibly a war crime. His interactions with Juhani from the first game and the Jedi Exile from the second game are nothing short of abusive, with a side-helping of discrimination against the Cathar species in Juhani’s case and downright quasi-murderous in the Exile’s case. And I do mean abusive, because he has been in a sense one of the legal guardians of both these young people since their early years, and he emotionally terrorizes them before kicking them out in the cold if they displease him, blaming them for his mistreatment. Given Bastila’s plot and character arc, it can be argued that he likely had some terrible influence on her, too, contributing to her fall. She certainly communicates with him a few times in-game, so it can be reasonably inferred that he’s likely one of the Masters pressuring her - and one of the ones whose behaviour and interpretation of the Code are contributing to her heavy disillusionment. (I swear, Bastila is such a fascinating hybrid of Anakin Skywalker and Barriss Offee and a few other characters, although technically her arc was written a decade before Bariss’.) 
Even pre-canon, he’s a douche. Vrook’s isolationist policy in the Mando wars chillingly hearkens to real-life foreign policy ethics (and I know this is a thorny parallel to make in the SW fandom because apparently thinking a space bad guy has a cool laser sword and a well-written character makes you a Nazi apologist/Trump Supporting bigoted meanie, to which I respond can you gentiles please let me enjoy my space nonsense in peace), wherein he’s perfectly happy for the Jedi to intervene in military matters when it is convenient for them and where they stand to gain or lose something personally (any of the sidequests you take, the Star Forge, protecting them from Malak, etc.), but when it comes to the Mandalorian wars, he’s happy to sit by and allow conquests and genocide to prevail because it’s not the Jedi’s problem. Beyond this, he seeks to punish anyone who tries to intervene, and history proves him wrong! Revan and their followers saved countless alien species, planets, and the galaxy! And what does he do in the face of this? 
That’s right. Double down, and scapegoat a traumatized teenager in a trial that greatly resembles kangaroo court.
Fuck you, Vrook. 
(Tagging @mylordshesacactus because I know you’re already here for Vrook salt.) 
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