#It's Colonisation
claraameliapond · 7 months
Gerald Kaufman speech
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words-and-coffee · 9 months
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Alice Te Punga Somerville, Always Italicise: How to Write While Colonised - Kupu rere kē
[ID: A poem titled: Kupu rere kē. [in italics] My friend was advised to italicise all the foreign words in her poems. This advice came from a well-meaning woman with NZ poetry on her business card and an English accent in her mouth. I have been thinking about this advice. The convention of italicising words from other languages clarifies that some words are imported: it ensures readers can tell the difference between a foreign language and the language of home. I have been thinking about this advice. Marking the foreign words is also a kindness: every potential reader is reassured that although you're expected to understand the rest of the text, it's fine to consult a dictionary or native speaker for help with the italics. I have been thinking about this advice. Because I am a contrary person, at first I was outraged — but after a while I could see she had a point: when the foreign words are camouflaged in plain type you can forget how they came to be there, out of place, in the first place. I have been thinking about this advice and I have decided to follow it. Now all of my readers will be able to remember which words truly belong in -[end italics]- Aotearoa -[italics]- and which do not.
Next image is the futurama meme: to shreds you say...]
(Image ID by @bisexualshakespeare)
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sky-daddy-hates-me · 1 month
Do not forget about West Papua.
Do not forget about the colonial genocide being committed against the indigenous West Papuans.
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mahoganygold213 · 7 months
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amadeus-lmao · 2 years
I'm not mourning the queen AT ALL. She directly benefited from the colonization of Yemen, India, Ireland, Rwanda, Uganda, the Maori, Scotland, Pakistan, the Indigenous of Australia and North and South America etc. A lot of you are real fucking quiet about how they were treated. Her and the rest of the monarchy weren't just some "pop icon" their actions had consequences and the world lives through it. Call me disrespectful all you want, the rest of the royalty can cry with all the money and artifacts they stole.
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jewreallythinkthat · 19 days
Just seen someone say "am yisrael chai" is a dog whistle.
Like a dog whistle for what? It's a Jewish term which has been around for fucking forever and literally had dnothing to do with anyone not Jewish. They really are taking our word and sayings, deciding a new meaning which is totally bogus and then punishing us for something they made up and pretended was true.
And they call us colonisers.....
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userdocumentary · 1 year
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QUEERSTRALIA (2022) Episode 1 dir. Stamatia Maroupas
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the-ind1gen0us-jude4n · 5 months
Israel is the most successful de-colonisation project in human history.
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idontcarecarebear · 8 months
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I kinda wish he became a member of the revenge.
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stil-lindigo · 8 months
when people talk about educating yourself on the origins of ideologies like zionism, it isn’t to ask for sympathy but to show that fascism always hinges on the same rules - dehumanisation and other-ing of scapegoat populations in the pursuit of power.
fascism is, at the end of the day, uncreative and there is value in recognising the signs. When an entire ideology is dependent on the inherent depravity of a certain identity, it is worth some scrutiny.
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werewolfenthusiast · 6 months
seeing people defend nz colonisation because “at least we weren’t violent” like fuck the schools really are failing us
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slicedblackolives · 3 months
can u imagine how much more fucked job hunting would be if vampires were a thing. there's no openings because everyone mid-senior level and up has had that job since the 90s. the youngest professor on the tenure-track is 101 with 62 publications. u just graduated from medical school and you're competing against 175 yr old dickheads who have specialised in 4 types of surgeries and can diagnose 80% of diseases from scent alone. good lord.
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spaghettioverdose · 3 months
Kill yourself colonizer
Anon, am I (as a Romanian immigrant) colonising England right now? 🤨
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race-week · 2 months
The Sky UK commentators are now trying to claim Zhou as some variety of English by saying that he lives in Sheffield and that it’s a ‘good day for Yorkshire’
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chaithetics · 1 month
I know for a lot of us, today is Mother's Day. I don't celebrate Mother's Day, but even so, it is IMPOSSIBLE to go through today without thinking about all the Palestinian mothers who have been murdered The Palestinian mothers who have lost their children to Israel's genocide, funded by the West. The children who have lost their mothers. The Palestinian mothers giving birth without any form of anaesthesia. The Palestinian mothers starving themselves more so that when and if aid gets through their children can hopefully have more rations. The Palestinian mothers who are fighting illnesses and injuries. The Palestinians mother who don't know what they're going to do. Those in Palestine who have had to step up to take on the role of a mother. The Palestinian mothers not getting a chance to take a break or process anything because they have to beg for the world to care, to look, to convince us to give aid and listen so that they can evacuate, so that their families can survive at the very least.
As of Sunday 12th May 2024, Mother's Day, nearly 35,000 Palestinians have been murdered and over 14,500 of those Palestinians are children. This is since October 7th 2023, this does not take into account all the lives lost since the Nakba in 1948. And Israeli Forces are currently carpet bombing the Jabalia Refugee Camp.
Remember these mothers and children. Please do not stop engaging with Palestinians and what their posting, with resources, educating yourselves. Please keep sharing, donating, and going to local rallies, protests, and vigils, keep engaging with Operation Olive Branch, and please keep emailing your government and local representatives!
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words-and-coffee · 9 months
Kupu rere kē My friend was advised to italicise all the foreign words in her poems. This advice came from a well-meaning woman with NZ poetry on her business card and an English accent in her mouth. I have been thinking about this advice. The convention of italicising words from other languages clarifies that some words are imported: it ensures readers can tell the difference between a foreign language and the language of home. I have been thinking about this advice. Marking the foreign words is also a kindness: every potential reader is reassured that although you’re expected to understand the rest of the text, it’s fine to consult a dictionary or native speaker for help with the italics. I have been thinking about this advice. Because I am a contrary person, at first I was outraged — but after a while I could see she had a point: when the foreign words are camouflaged in plain type you can forget how they came to be there, out of place, in the first place. I have been thinking about this advice and I have decided to follow it. Now all of my readers will be able to remember which words truly belong in Aotearoa and which do not.
Alice Te Punga Somerville, Always Italicise: How to Write While Colonised - Kupu rere kē
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