#Instagram api
claudigitools · 1 year
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Grow Your Brand With 34+ Million Influencers
Welcome to the #1 performance based influencer marketing platform, built specifically for eCommerce.
Find brand-fit influencers
Feel the full power of Influencify and discover the perfect influencers with our massive database of 34M+ Influencers across Tiktok, Instagram and Youtube.
Advanced filters
Narrow down your search with filters like influencer's audience country, gender, age, ethnicity, interests, brands mention, hashtag, video views, reels and a lot more.
Influential fans
Use the Influential fans tool to reveal influencers among your custormers base, email subscribers, instagram, Tiktok & Youtube followers.
Revolutionary Wayof Finding Brand-Fit Creators.
We reinvent influencer discovery by using the latest tech in computer vision and Al - making it easy to find brand-fitting, authentic influencers with an audience who match your campaign goals.
On top of the 35 Million influencers database access. Influential fans search can help you find influencers among your own email lists or social media fans.
Connect your social profile (Instagram, Tiktok or Youtube) and let Influencify find influencers among your followers, likers or those who mentioned you in any post before.
Influential fan tools
Audience location, gender & age
Audience lookalike search
Connect & Hire Influencers ThatResonate.
Whether you want to show your product the same audience several times using different influencers or you want to reach as many people as possible.
Now you will be able to know exactly what percentage of unique or repeated followers influencers have. And create the sense that your product is "the talk of the town".
Estimate Audience Overlap
Detect fake followers
Plan Campaigns ThatDrive Results.
A comprehensive influencer management solution allows you to activate campaigns, connect with influencers, whitelabel messages, manage conversations, and review and approve content - all in one seamless platform.
Email Integration
Google Analytics Integration
Instagram API
Discover Sponsored Posts & Track Influencer Stories
Instagram stories expire in 24h, track & save any influencr’s stories or even spy on your competitor's influencers campaign. Get inspired by 10,000+ e-com video ads on Tiktok, Instagram & Youtube.
Sponsored posts library
Instagram stories tracking
Get Started
1,014 Trees planted, thanks to our customers. We plant 1 tree in Africa, for each subscription bought
Plant a Tree
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kaffeekatze · 7 months
ok i am going to post [thing]!! with postybirb to save time!
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delete and repost on bluesky because it does this
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delete and repost on tumblr because me and html aren't friends
twitter post [failed]
manually open instagram and post it from a mobile device because desktop posts have no options also rescale for square aspect ratio
oh shit the tags on Pixiv are wrong
edit in links in the telegram version manually because you can only do it this way
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beepboopiloveyou · 11 months
Somehow in the same exact day,
the same exact fucking day,
my RIF app gets disabled at 8pm. So, fuck Reddit. Then Instagram informed me that my art was too spicy and my account was restricted. So, fuck Instagram.
I'm happy to have found my way here 💖
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Never saw like these!
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freturetechno · 11 days
Choose from floating or trunnion mounted designs, available in 1, 2, or 3-piece configurations and even 3-way L/T port options. We adhere to industry standards like API 6D, ISO 17292, ASME B16.34, and API 607, ensuring exceptional reliability. Select from soft or metal seated options, and choose manual, actuated (rack & pinion, scotch yoke, electric), or gear operated configurations for a perfect fit. Upgrade your flow control with Freture Techno's high-performance ball valves.
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abdulhaquee · 3 months
 Ask on WhatsApp: +8801719461325
I will setup Facebook Conversion API pixel or Server-Side tracking through GTM
What I will do:
Setup Facebook Conversion API Pixel or Server-side tracking 
Facebook Events Tracking with GTM Server (PageView, ViewContent, Add to Cart, Checkout, Purchase)
Domain Verification 
How will I setup server-side tracking?
I will setup Facebook Conversion API with GTM-Server (Stape/gtm-server.com) and Google Analytics 4(GA4) with Google Tag Manager
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foodspark-scraper · 7 months
Exploring DoorDash API: Exciting Data Adventures!
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In today's fast-paced world, on-demand food delivery services have become an integral part of our lives. DoorDash, one of the leading players in this industry, has revolutionized the way we order food. Behind the user-friendly app and efficient delivery system lies a complex technology infrastructure powered by an Application Programming Interface (API). In this article, we'll embark on an exciting data adventure to explore the DoorDash API and understand how it works, why it's important, and what possibilities it offers.
Understanding APIs
Before we dive into DoorDash's API, let's clarify what an API is and why it's significant. An API, or Application Programming Interface, is a set of rules and protocols that allows different software applications to communicate with each other. It acts as a bridge, enabling the exchange of data and functionality between diverse systems. APIs are integral to modern software development and are used in various domains, from social media platforms to e-commerce websites.
DoorDash API: An Overview
The DoorDash API allows developers to access and integrate various features of the DoorDash platform into their own applications. This API provides a wide range of functionalities, making it possible for developers to create custom solutions, ranging from building restaurant websites with DoorDash integration to developing analytical tools for delivery optimization. Here are some of the key components of the DoorDash API:
Restaurant Information: With the DoorDash API, you can access a vast database of restaurant information, including details about their menus, pricing, operating hours, and locations. This data is crucial for applications like food delivery aggregators.
Order Management: Developers can use the API to create, manage, and track orders, which is essential for restaurant owners and delivery drivers. This feature enables real-time order updates and seamless customer experiences.
Delivery Services: The API provides access to DoorDash's extensive network of delivery drivers, allowing developers to offer delivery as a service on their platforms.
Pricing and Payment: Pricing details, payment processing, and various transactional functions can be accessed through the API, simplifying the integration of financial features.
Why the DoorDash API Matters
The DoorDash API holds immense importance in the modern food delivery landscape for several reasons:
Business Integration: For restaurants, being present on multiple delivery platforms is essential. The DoorDash API streamlines the process of listing and managing their offerings on the DoorDash platform, thus expanding their reach.
Custom Solutions: The API empowers developers to create tailored solutions. Whether it's a restaurant owner looking to enhance their website or an entrepreneur aiming to build a unique food delivery app, the DoorDash API provides the building blocks needed.
Data-Driven Decision Making: The DoorDash API offers access to valuable data, including order history, delivery times, and customer preferences. Businesses can use this data to make informed decisions and optimize their operations.
Seamless Customer Experience: Integration with the DoorDash API ensures that customers enjoy a smooth and consistent experience when ordering food. It also allows for real-time order tracking, increasing transparency and trust.
Exciting Data Adventures with the DoorDash API
Now that we've established the significance of the DoorDash API, let's embark on some exciting data adventures that it enables:
Dynamic Menu Display: Imagine a restaurant website that uses the DoorDash API to display its menu with real-time pricing, availability, and reviews. This dynamic integration not only enhances the user experience but also reduces the administrative burden on the restaurant.
Delivery Time Predictions: Developers can leverage the DoorDash API to predict accurate delivery times based on historical data, current traffic conditions, and order volumes. This feature ensures that customers receive their orders promptly and creates trust in the service.
Multi-Platform Promotion: Restaurants can use the API to sync their menu and promotions across multiple delivery platforms, ensuring consistency in pricing and offers. This simplifies marketing efforts and attracts a broader customer base.
Customer Loyalty Programs: Using the API, businesses can access customer order history and preferences. This data can be used to create personalized loyalty programs, offer targeted promotions, and drive customer retention.
The DoorDash API opens the door to a world of exciting data adventures, allowing businesses to enhance their operations, streamline customer experiences, and tap into valuable data insights. In an era where the on-demand economy is thriving, this API serves as a powerful tool for restaurant owners, developers, and food enthusiasts alike.
As technology continues to evolve, the role of APIs in our daily lives will only become more prominent. Exploring APIs like DoorDash's offers us a glimpse into the interconnected digital ecosystem that powers the services we rely on. Whether you're a developer looking to create a cutting-edge food delivery app or a restaurant owner aiming to expand your reach, the DoorDash API is a valuable resource that promises exciting data adventures and endless possibilities. 
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Greetings From Ashra Technologies Pvt Ltd
We are Hiring……
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sangitastella · 8 months
Having trouble maximizing the potential of your online business? Let me solve your pain point. I'm an expert in setting up Facebook Pixel conversion API, ensuring seamless data integration, and GA4 E-commerce Tracking via GTM. No more guesswork; I'll make sure your conversions and customer behavior are accurately tracked.
Proven Expertise: I've mastered the art of pixel setup. Your data is in capable hands.
Tailored Solutions: I customize setups based on your unique business needs.
Data-Driven Decisions: Accurate tracking means you'll make informed decisions.
What will you get?
Increased RO
Precision Tracking
Improved Conversions
My service includes:
1. Install Facebook Pixel API accurately.
2. Set up GA4 for detailed tracking.
3. Personalized solutions for your needs.
4. Updates and optimizations for better performance.
5. Quick turnaround for results you can see right away
6. Track events based on your business requirements.
I ensure your pixel and tracking systems work harmoniously to help your business flourish. My in-depth knowledge and precise execution set me apart.
To better understand your needs, please contact me before placing an order. Let's chat
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adifferenttopic · 9 months
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alfasumberrejeki · 11 months
Pintu Darurat Gedung, Pintu Tahan Api Sargentsafe Fire Door
Spesifikasi :
Ukuran Total Frame :
H.2100 x W.1000 x D.120 mm
Ukuran Pintu Custom/ menyesuaikan
Kusen 2 mm
Daun Pintu ( 1.2 - 1.8 mm )
Tebal Pintu 55 mm
Rockwoll 100 Kg/m3
Panic Bar : Dekkson
Door Closer : Dekkson
*Bisa Request Ukuran/ Ukuran Custom
Pintu Darurat Sargentsafe / Fire Door merupakan salah satu varian produk keamanan yang biasa digunakan di gedung perkantoran, apartemen, hotel, rumah sakit, pabrik, perumahan, dan bangunan lainnya untuk memberikan perlindungan saat terjadi bahaya kebakaran.
Sargentsafe Fire Door didesain dengan citra modern dan keamanan serta menggunakan material pilihan berkualitas, dengan lapisan yang memberikan perlindungan saat terjadi bahaya kebakaran.
#pintudarurat #pintubaja #pintutahanapi #emergencyexit #pintudaruratgedung #sargentsafe #pintudaruratsargentsafe #pintubesi #pintugedung #pintubajatahanapi #pintutahanapisurabaya #distributorbrankas #jualpintutahanapi
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joelwindows7 · 11 months
Ayo, WHAT?!?! Facebook made their own Twitter?!?!?!
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That's right. It's called Threads, simply.
You wanna try look at my Thread? Here
So, Zuckerberg, made his own Twitter yeah. I've just discovered when uhh one of an artist start sharing their Threads, you know. I am curious, Threads?? Oh, it's Facebook. Okeh, I download Threads.
You see, this one is under Instagram. So to Threads, you need Instagram account. I assume if you already have:
Meta Quest / Oculus
Other Meta accounts
Then you can start register with it.
Make note once again, this is Facebook
I am still skeptical with any of the claims they made, especially, Fediverse?!?!? Really? Can that load with another interface then, just Odysee can be loaded with 3rd party LBRY app that has nothing to do with LBRY inc nor Odysee Holdings? Stuff like that. Treat this as grain of salt, coz... you already know who is Zuck and his wicked business trick going on before and probably still now.
Why Threads then? Wait, Twitter died?
Dying sir / madam / idk. I heard, Twitter rate limit. Here 1 news.
Yes my friend. This is rushed up Elon's idea in order to probably save some bandwidth.
Yeah, I understand Web scrapper leeches it all out.
But Facebookifying (Require Login)?!?!?! Man you've become what you hated, so.
So there you have it
Threads. An ironic alternative to Elon's damages. Go ahead, feel free to try, if you ummm had nothing to hide.
What about Tesla
Phased out. Not only Elon canceled Indonesia branch of manufacturing, everything.
We got Hyundai IONIQ 5, and that's what we're going to acquire.
I know, no entertainment of sort unlike Tesla, but you might agree that an games in dash probably is a bunch of unecessariums. Car is to transport medium amount of objects, that's all. Okeh, but I still wish Hyundai had gaming like Tesla though after what we found in the middle dash cluster, an Android, and previously Windows CE.
Yeah. The entertainment in the middle is basically embedded multimedia computer, of course. After I think.. 2015 or 2016, it's Android.
No, the Cluster is another minimal computer, of course. We're talking the middle computer.
Wait we're going outta where.
Yeah, no more Tesla. Hyundai is better in my opinion. It's price still a million IDR, but certainly much less than Tesla (not only still import but many factors added). And it's decent enough.
And yeah. I am confused. Threads is by Facebook. Meta. Oh man. I wish the new Twitter wasn't Facebook. Still centralized ae eff right??
Well, stick to Tumblr. Idk.
by JOELwindows7
Perkedel Technologies
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prevencion-1 · 1 year
Servicios Generales
*Dray Wall
Entre otros
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instagramsekejai · 1 year
Viskas apie Instagram
Instagram yra išskirtinis socialinis tinklas. Ši populiari platforma buvo sukurta vien tik dalintis nuotraukomis. Būtent dėl šio vizualinio aspekto Instagram tapo tokiu populairiu, kokia ji yra šiandien. Daugiau nei milijardas registruotų paskyrų, nuo mažų įmonių iki didelių įstaigų, nuo naujienų organizacijų iki kultūros centrų, įžymybių, fotografų, muzikantų, jau nekalbant apie įtakingųjų (angl. influencerių) pramonę - sunku prisiminti laikus, kai Instagram neegzistavo.
Taigi, jei vis dar esate už Instagram ribų, skaitykite toliau. Paruošėme jums neilgą gidą apie tai, kas yra Instagram programėlė, kaip susikurti Instagram paskyrą, kaip pradėti ja naudotis.
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onychaos · 1 year
Twitter did it again
So, I’m sure most, if not all, seen the news that happen with WordPress and Twitter. That being that Twitter has shut off API access to jetpack, meaning that WordPress can no longer use the API to send out tweets when a user posts content. For most people, this is whatever, since they can still use the share button or go to Twitter.com. Sure, it is extra steps to post some content you been…
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View On WordPress
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pinolitas · 1 year
I was actually gonna do the menstrual cycle project so I can show my doctor how insane I'm posting when I'm in the luteal phase and how delusional I get when I'm ovulating but Twitter api doesn't let me make any GET calls for free and the basic subscription is $100 a month they're actually worse than Apple lmao like... who is paying for that... anyways I'm gonna scrape my own fucking profile I'm not respecting your robots.txt boss 🫡
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