plentyeyes · 6 months
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portfiend's oc directory template
three weeks ago i began work on a little Eleventy-based website template for storing character information akin to Toyhou.se. it's been in a releasable state for about a week, but i've also been pushing updates to it near daily!
i also wrote up a quick tutorial for setting up the project on its download page, but i plan to improve it in the future.
click here to preview this template: NeoCities click here to get the code: GitHub
built-in "namespaces" for characters, locations, and stories, with their own page templates and information card formats
uses eleventy's tagging system to allow you to tag pages for fine categorization
a big focus on linking to other pages. each "creative" page lets you navigate between the previous/next item in the category. pages have a "linked pages" list that allow you to navigate to related pages, including "what links here"
a content filtering system allowing developers to hide/blur certain content from people who have not opted into it. optionally supports needing to click an "i am 18+" box before entering the site
lightbox images; clickable image links that can reveal metadata such as captions and artist credits
tabbed views allow you to view specific sections of content at a time, used in the various creative pages
SASS wrapper for optional better-formatted stylesheets. don't know how to use SASS syntax? SASS also supports regular CSS!
this project is licensed under MIT License.
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maxisjoey · 3 months
Fight against Big Social Media
After seeing the actions of both Matt Mullenweg and Elon Musk, I think it should be clear that the people who run the platforms that let us communicate with each other are - in the most polite way possible - malicious dumbasses.
Your online presence is not safe in the hands of people like this, even if the owner of the current platform you're on is "one of the good ones", they will eventually get replaced one day.
We cannot realistically take down these social media giants, but we can at least slowly move like-minded people to better alternatives, and arm them with the ability to not be silenced or harassed easily.
Limit your given data for them and constantly point people to content you create to other alternatives, like a neo-cities website or a reliable Mastodon instance. If your platform has extensions like OldTwitterLayout or Vencord, immediately install them and disable all telemetry and tracking data they have on you. Most extensions either have telemetry disabled by default once you install them, but double-check their settings to make sure that they're indeed disabling them.
Create your own website on Neocities or host it on Vercel. This might sound difficult to less tech-savy people, but there are several resources out there like a markdown-to-html converter and w3school's entire repository of knowledge on how to make web pages that can help everyone get into creating their own website. I highly recommend that you stick with Neocities, as it's part of the indieweb and is very friendly towards new people learning these sorts of things. If you're using Vercel, make sure you're hosting your website on a private repository on Github so that you can never lose your website no matter what changes in the future.
Find a webring you're interested in and join it. This is what you can use to find other like-minded people.
Understand how the content-delivery algorithm of platforms you're using works and actively work against it. For example, Twitter punishes its users for following too many people, use this to your advantage to stay hidden from the dangerous freaks we call "People who pay for blue checkmarks", or if you're a content creator looking to market themselves; use this knowledge to boost yourself and your alternative platform(s) that you use.
Setup services and webhooks that let you automatically cross-post content between platforms. If you're unable to move away from Twitter or Discord for example due to your friends/mutuals/fans refusing to move with you, there are services like mamot's crossposting service and a Matrix bot bridge for discord that let you do just that. (Please double-check the service that you will use before logging into it to make sure they're trustworthy.)
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dankwebofficial · 1 year
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The first official beta release of Danknet Explorer is now available! If you want to test it out you can download it on this ridiculous neocities page I made. I made it from an internet archive of an old IE site. Just like Pale Moon it runs flash, and because it is a pretty recent fork, flash is pretty well sandboxed.
There is currently only a Windows build. If you run mac or linux and know some stuff about XML/XHTML, and CSS, and want to help out shoot me a message and check out the source code.
My long term goal with this is to tailor it to the classic / indie web communities so if there is a feature you'd like to see added please either fill out this google form, posting in the suggestions channel of the discord or open a suggestion as an issue on the github.
Note, this version is one security patch behind Pale Moon. I'm working on the merging script right now and hopefully we'll see an update soon. When I roll out updates, there isn't a standard update platform yet that detects new updates and alerts you. So I'll post about a new update here or in my discord.
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thekovah · 5 months
Thanks for supporting Cloudhiker!
Hi! I am the creator of Cloudhiker.net and in the recent weeks, the website became increasingly popular on Tumblr and a lot of you people explored the internet with us. It's great to see the small web becoming more and more alive and companies like Tumblr supporting the people and the tech powering those website that make the internet what it really is: a great place for people from all over the world to talk, express their opinions and ideas, and share what they create.
The small web (or indieweb) is what Cloudhiker focuses on and I deeply encourage all of you to submit your websites.
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onemillionfurries · 2 years
I really think people should check out this video. It's honestly one of my most favorite videos on the indie/old/yesterweb.
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huckleton · 1 year
finally updated my personal website to be presentable
there's a lot of old and outdated stuff on my personal website, but the theme of the site and the about page are updated to a point where i'm okay with showing it to other people
please check it out !!!!!!!
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xxkyupiter360xx · 29 days
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I've been working a lot on my neocities website lately. I made this stamp by hand of my sona to put on the home page. It's pretty small so it might not appear in super high quality.
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virtueisdead · 1 year
THIS IS THE GREATEST FUCKING NEWS I HAVE EVER RECEIVED please share this with anyone who may be interested!!
(all below images are from the above forum post! dont ask for any more info than is in there, and no lookin around for more info! let these holy webdevs work in peace!)
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[ Image ID: A series of images showing a near exact replica of the 2000s YouTube design recreated in the modern day. End ID ]
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polyducks · 9 months
New Website!
I finally updated my website! It now has an RSS feed so you can keep track of my updates without using soc media. Most updates and art will be coming from there from now on. Please do try out my contact form and send me nice mail! https://polyducks.co.uk/
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elinksbrowser · 2 months
Working on something new
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cloudhiker-net · 4 months
🌀 Weekly Recap for week 4 of 2024
New Websites: 938 from 21 different users Websites viewed: 134,796 Users with first contribution: PrabhatDoley, TymeSqr, sirjorge, revenge-of-the-castiel and AmanvirParhar User signups: 126
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plentyeyes · 2 months
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portfiend's webcomic template
i made another Eleventy template, this time for webcomics. if you haven't seen my other one, the character directory, go check it out!
preview the template on Neocities get the source code on GitHub
list of features
pages are markdown and can contain images, text, and any other hypertext content
"first". "previous", "next", "last" navigation, using the mouse or arrow keys
divide your pages into chapters and subdirectories, list them by section on the archive, automatically sort them numerically
"save" and "load" buttons (optional), for readers to save their place and return to it later
includes the javascript library swup for faster page transitions
those author's notes you'd find on websites like comicfury
RSS feed automatically generated from comic pages
mobile-responsive layout
like this template? feel free to throw me a tip at my ko-fi or a recurring donation via liberapay. i do this stuff for free and i don't have a job, so any contributions are greatly appreciated!
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meisekimiu · 5 months
I think Tumblr shouldn't actually go all-in on ActivityPub integration. I mean, I encourage federation and interoperability, but AP is way too complex and it will take forever for Tumblr's team (where's that post with the guy wearing the tie for a belt) to implement it completely.
Honestly they should have started with Webmention + Microformats instead which would have been much smaller in scope and still given some amount of interoperability. Especially considering one of Automattic's services already pings Webmention endpoints. I just think it would be neat and allow artists/etc to be notified and credited when their work is shared elsewhere.
Maybe after a basic proof of concept with Webmentions, they can then enter Activitypub JSON hell.
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neargod-mugr3 · 9 months
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Yes... a rip-off from steam Wishlist... leave me alone.
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lordmattuk · 9 months
Fine-tuning ActivityPub to blog on Mastodon
In my last post, I talked about how WordPress, IndieWeb, ActivityPub, and the friends plugin came together to allow blogging over the Mastodon network. In this post, I am going to look at some fine-tuning that I have applied. Our two main case studies are Matt’s Social Node and I Am The DJ. Each of them has had a few teething troubles. Brid.gy: A helpful third-party website One IndieWeb…
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View On WordPress
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nemescontent · 1 year
Looking for Y 2K and Frutiger Aero aesthetic site
Okay, tumblr this seems like your cup of tea!
I'm research for a personal project I'm hoping to do this year. What is everyone favourite sites from the years 2000 - 2013ish. Personally, I want study Y2K and Frutiger Aero aesthetics but all types are welcome. Reblogs are appreicated. I'll start by sharing some:
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