#Immigration consultant kitchener
shreehari22 · 6 months
Best PR Visa Consultants in Ahmedabad | Shreehari Immigration Consultant
Canada PRLooking to best PR Visa Consultants in Ahmedabad & Canada? Shreehari Immigration Consultant is the best PR Visa Agent in Ahmedabad & Canada. Canada is the most preferred country for Indians when it comes to applying for PR Visa. Canada’s flexible immigration policies, cultural diversity, democratic values, career opportunities, and Indian communities, lure thousands of individuals to apply for PR Visa in Canada from Ahmedabad As The Best Canada PR Visa Consultants in Ahmedabad. We will help you make your Canadian dream and secure your PR Visa for Canada in Ontario, Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, and Guelph.
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What is Canada PR?
Permanent residency is granted to people who are not Canadian citizens, giving them the right to live and work in Canada. There is no time limit on their stay. This is a way for working professionals to move to Canada and eventually settle down in the country. Statistics suggest that top country to apply and gain permanent residency in Canada is India.
By gaining permanent residency, these foreign nationals have most of the rights that Canadian citizens enjoy, unlike with student visa. Besides having the freedom to study, work and live anywhere in the country, unless specified, permanent residents have access to social benefits like free education for their children and state health care facilities. People can also gain permanent residency and move to Canada with the family. Another advantage of permanent residency is that after staying in the country for a specified number of years, one can apply citizenship. As of now, the regulation states that a person who has lived in Canada on permanent residency for three years can apply for citizenship.
Benefits of getting PR Visa in Canada?
Being a Permanent Resident in Canada, you:
Can Live, study or work anywhere in Canada
Can apply for Canadian Citizenship
Can get Health care and most of the other social benefits, which a Canadian Citizen receives.
Are protected under Canadian law and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
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sseomtada · 3 months
being [ruben dias]
your move to Manchester signifies a triumph - the result of nearly a decade of relentless, hard work. However, your sweet victory is quickly turned sour when you reencounter the person you once deeply loved.
a/n: remade secretly only to be back on my bs...here's to praying for me to finish this fic? | 1/??? | 4191 words
This weather was nothing short of an utter atrocity.
It was the kind of bone-chilling freeze that overpowered even your skin's ability to raise its own flesh. Every ounce of energy repurposed instead to turn that evolutionary feature inwards. A futile effort, at least in your case. Even back home in Amadora, you suffered from genetic lack of internal warmth.
Miserable environment aside, the move would be worth it. Everything that you’ve done for the past few years - nearly a decade of sleep deprivation, being the brunt bearer of power trips and clinging to the slimmest sliver of rarely presented opportunities - had led to this.
Not the brutalist view spanning the length of your new floor to ceiling living room windows, but what it signified. Growth. The expansion of your firm here, in Manchester.
“Estou exausta…”
You pulled your eyes from the endless clouds to see your right hand, Aki, draped limply over the last of your boxes.
“Careful.” You bent to rip open the tape sealing the one near your feet.
“Oh, sorry.” She blew her overgrown bangs up to no avail. “Am I crushing your precious CB2 ceramics?”
“Actually, you’re slowly sinking onto my very sharp surgical steel kitchen knives.” The box cutter in your hand gestured vaguely to the label beneath her hips.
Aki’s yelp echoed off through the empty loft as she sprang from the impending mockup of a medieval torture method. Your laughter joined in when she grimaced and muttered something threatening to the thick cardboard that remained dent free.
“Thanks for helping me with all this.” You exhaled. “I owe you.”
“We’re even when you think about it.” She fetched a box opener of her own.
Your eyes widened. There was never a moment in your lifelong friendship when she didn’t take up on an IOU card. Not even when she purposefully served a suspension for knocking the lights out of a girl who blew gum into your hair in the fifth grade.
“I mean, you brought me along with you to open Bana. Full executive package, no less.” Aki beamed and then sneered upon unboxing her newfound arch nemeses.
That was true. Since she was the company’s Head of Finance, her immigration to Manchester was completed covered. Housing located right across the hallway, a brand new car of choice and an increase in salary to accommodate for the higher price of living wasn't the worst package to receive.
It didn’t feel like much of a repayment for her efforts when all things were considered. Bana wouldn’t be close to what it was today if it wasn’t for her. Any business was only as successful as how well they manage their finances, an aspect that she can solely and proudly take credit for.
Not to mention that you both would be extremely busy while trying to fully establish this new branch. If anything, she at least deserved the building’s penthouse suite for the headaches bound to come throughout this journey.
“So…is that a pass on the 1982 Bruno Giacosa?” You dangled the proverbial carrot.
Aki didn’t miss a beat, “Don’t be ridiculous.”
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Getting ready for your first day at the office never felt this good.
Perhaps it was due to the fact that your first ever job was, understandably, anxiety inducing. Being an intern for a well-known marketing firm wasn’t known to be a glamorous position - the multitude of reasons for that not stopping at being a coffee gopher.
After climbing the ladder to a mid-level position within your previous company, it became painfully obvious that the older leaders had no intention of making room for you soon. To eradicate any dreams of that from your mind, they even outright said it.
That led to your next go at a first day, the start of your own consultancy which would then go on to become Bana. Even though you had established your presence in the marketing world and had a few loyal clients, no amount of seminars you’d attended or books you’d read could’ve prepared you for the monster of a task you’d taken on.
This time felt different. There was always going to be an element of nervousness when stepping into a new venture. Even though this was a new branch on a tree you knew well, there was a lot to learn about operating in a new country and little time to do so.
What you had now, however, allowed you to convert that nervous energy into excitement. Experience, establishment and esteem. Those things among the equally as important trustworthy team behind you left you more confident than anything else that this could potentially only be the beginning.
“There better be a good reason why you’ve got me out early on a morning like this.” Aki’s poor facial muscles have yet to relax since the move it seemed. This time their scrunch was due to storm clouds looming in the distance.
“I think our very lovely AD has something exciting to share.” You nodded to give her the go ahead.
“Ladies, as you know I’ve been working on getting us an in with a certain business through my various sources and I’m happy to report that Bana was among the firms selected to pitch.” Cindy could barely contain her excitement.
Her optimism was infectious and part of the reason you recruited her. Another reason for bringing her into the fold to establish the new office was the insane network she had.
The blonde Londoner was in a similar predicament to you when you were starting out not long aog. Even hungrier, if you admitted it. Her former employer didn’t see the potential she clearly possessed, so you had no problem poaching her from them.
“And do we finally get to know the name of this state secret level business?” Aki leaned forward.
“Nike!” Cindy couldn't hold back any longer.
Even your face dropped at that. Not in the way that one’s expression would if they just found out that they’d been rejected from their dream school. It was something akin to finding out you’d won a fucking Oscar.
Among the celebratory cheers and shimmies, you thanked Cindy greatly for her hard work. And although it was a moment of uncontainable joy, the wheels had already began to turn in your mind.
There was absolutely no room for error if you wanted this pitch to be chosen. Being a newer firm undoubtably going up against major competition, Bana’s proposal had to be more than just that.
It had to be a statement. One that said you were not only a major player in this field, but that you also were to be seen as a direct rival.
You got to delegating tasks quickly. The sooner you got the bare bones of the pitch down, the quicker you could work on perfecting it. Aki was on budgeting as always - pricing presentation materials, researching and pricing the estimated budget for the product rollout for Nike.
Cindy was mostly on recon regarding the target audience. The product being launched was a new pair of their iconic AirMax, so you anticipated her using historical data as a guideline.
You’d have to do a fair bit of research yourself - getting into market research, the brand’s positioning and messaging - all while putting your firm’s spin on where you think Nike is hoping to go with this launch.
It was needless to say that the midnight oil would be burning. You set up a co-working space in the conference room to make communication seamless in brainstorming and building. This was the energy you missed so much, and a more sentimental reason behind your expansion.
Back home in Amadora, Bana was a well oiled machine. With a strong staff beside you, the hands on aspects of marketing were placed on the back burner by your own doing. In order for your employees to grow, you had to let them lead projects of their own and you trusted them to do so.
Now, you were back to inhaling concerning amounts of dry erase marker fumes and getting carpal tunnel from extensive mood boarding. That along with a side of meal deliveries and an equally as hard-working coffee machine made the long hours seemingly fly by.
“I’m so tapped, I need to power down for the day.” Aki stretched her back dramatically.
“Feel free to head out too, Cindy. Get some well deserved rest.” You took a moment of your own to release tension in your neck. “I’m good here for the next few hours.”
She was visibly grateful to be given the go ahead to clock out. From past experiences, you were able to sympathize all too well. You also made a mental note to have a conversation with her regarding working hours. There was never going to be an obligation of staying behind under your watch.
Cindy and Aki neatly organized materials for their return in the morning while you made your way to your office to continue outlining. With all of the research required collected, all you had to do at this point was place the information into their allocated areas.
There were three short raps at your door before you called her in.
“Still being here wasn’t exactly what I meant by rest, Cindy.” You chuckled, not looking away from your monitors.
“I’m on my way out now! Just wanted to bring you over the client mailing list I got from my source a minute ago.” She slid a USB drive onto your desk.
Your brows raised appreciatively, “Thank you, really. I mean it when I say that your presence here is essential and invaluable.”
Cindy waved a hand, her head shaking in time.
“I’m just happy to be helpful. See you tomorrow!”
You bid her goodbye and immediately got to taking a look at the information she left behind. It would be very useful in filling in some gaps you needed to flush out ideas that would attract the goal audience for the new product.
Influencers, Performing Artists, YouTubers…Athletes.
The last of those categories was obviously a given considering the brand. It also wasn’t the first time you’d come across that group in your line of work. This time though, seeing the label suddenly formed a knot in your stomach.
You were brought back to all of the avoidance in the aftermath - everyone in your life completely air-gapping the football world from your path. They did that to protect you, a gesture you still couldn’t bring yourself to thank them for verbally.
The mouse beneath your hot palm slowly shifted as you moved the cursor to click and expand the list. That knot grew to the size of a boulder. It squeezed your insides painfully within and forced a broken little noise past your lips.
One look at the name Ruben Dias was all it took to rattle you to your core.
o passado
At the age of seven, you moved to Portugal.
There wasn’t much you missed about your hometown, or even remembered for that matter. All you knew was that you were eerily calm for a child whose entire life up until that point had been uprooted. It was possible that your serene state of mind came from your mom.
She was all you had in the world. There was virtually no relationship had with her family - the only photograph you ever had with your grandparents was at your christening.
When it came to your dad, she put it as kindly as she could for a kid. You were smart enough to read the inference in her tone and the look on her face in the handful of moments he was brought up. He wasn’t in your life because he didn’t want to be.
Yet still, none of that made you sad or shaped you into a person defined by traumas. You intended to live the life that your mother encouraged you to. Be a kid, climb trees and get dirty, make friends along the way.
And that was just what you did. The first of them being the girl in your class that waved you over to the empty seat beside hers when you transferred. My name’s Akenna, but I hate it so I make everyone call me Aki instead.
She was the only person other than your mom who made you feel safe enough to confide in, just as easy to talk to as it was to listen to her wild recounts of her own life story.
Aki quickly became a regular in your home and you in hers. The giggles and secrets held in the various forts sprawling from your living room to bedroom would stay under lock and key until long after you both passed.
The next person you met would be the one who arguably shaped you the most. Loud shouts and tussling with a ball in the neighborhood park with his siblings was where you met Ruben. His tattered football rolled to your feet that touched the ground after you’d leapt from the swings.
With a weak kick, you returned it. Ruben shook his head in disapproval before he shot it right back at you. Try that again, with the left this time. You didn’t know if it was anger at being challenged by some random kid or genuine hidden talent, but when you hit the ball with your instep, it flew powerfully and directly into his own.
She’s on my team!
Inseparable wasn’t a strong enough word to describe you two. After finding out that you lived only one house down, he would come to your school to walk with you back home. On many of those occasions, Aki was there too. Your mom would be waiting with snacks and a warning, don’t play too long out in the sun, patifes.
Somewhere and somehow along the years, you and Ruben had become so close that it seemed you two were dating. Ivan jokingly asked one day as you were sharing a vanilla ice cream cone, ew, are you boyfriend and girlfriend? Ruben grabbed your hand, laced your fingers with his, and simply said, yes.
And that was that.
As for when you began to realize you loved him, that was harder to pinpoint. Maybe it came once you began to notice how helpful he was to you and your mom.
Ruben was always willing to lend a hand with repairs around your house, even if it meant searching up how-to videos when he thought you weren’t paying attention. Or how he’d go out of his way to walk your mom home when she worked night shifts.
Aki often griped and rolled her eyes at how you two were making her feel like a third wheel. Those complaints were always quickly followed with rebuttals that she’d spent a grand total of fifteen days as a single girl since she was thirteen.
Just make sure my maid of honor dress isn’t fugly at your wedding.
It was all but a given that marriage was pending in the future for you two. Ruben never had eyes for any other girl and you…God, you were terribly devoted to him. Even your posters of Justin Bieber found themselves catching dust in the closet, replaced by a collage of photos you and Ruben had taken together over time.
Five years saw graduations, proms, college acceptances and many, many firsts experienced together. His arms were the only man’s you’d ever laughed in, cried in, slept in. His eyes were the only one’s you saw when you closed your own. His lips were the only thing you wanted to taste on the good and bad days, and everything in between.
So, what happened on September 15th 2017?
To this day, you still had no answers to the why behind that question. Nor could you allow yourself to wrack your brain for them any longer should you want to hold onto your sanity.
As for what. Simply put, it was the worst day of your entire life to date.
On the eve of his debut for Benfica’s first team, an event he’d dreamt of and worked so hard for, one that become just as significant to you by extension, Ruben broke up with you. Over the phone, no less - which added humiliation onto a violent erupting volcano of destructive emotions.
Cold turkey, brutal, cruel. It’s over, don’t contact me, I don’t love you anymore.
There were no warning signs, no moments in retrospect left unturned during your spiral, that could’ve possibly made what you read true. You initially thought it was some sick joke. Maybe one of his teammates had taken his phone. Or perhaps there was some girl that wanted him and was jealous that he was yours, so she decided to play dirty.
It was none of that or the million other scenarios you came up with on you walk over to his home. You came to learn that it was, in fact, not a joke. Ruben meant it when he said he was done with you.
He made that painfully clear as he looked at you standing under the faint glow of the lantern on his front porch through the window. Those eyes you once dreamt of fondly seemingly someone else’s as he drew the curtain and shut off the light.
You don’t recall much of time that passed in the months following that night. Every now and then you’d get flashes - Aki crawling in and out of the bed you temporarily became one with, your mom scooping you up to help you bathe and wash your hair.
It was better that way, you think. A blessing in disguise to not be able to clearly recall the most devastating period of your existence.
When your memory resumed, it always picked up at the same place. You siting with Aki on the steps of an abandoned subway station in total silence.
In your mind, you were there with him years ago when the line was still functioning. The rush of the train brought wind along that rose your hair like lightning was about to strike. Ruben grinned toothily as he smoothed it back, tilting your face upwards.
He said I’d always be home when I was with him. Where am I supposed to go now?
The silence returned even louder following the question that neither of you had the answer to.
Instead, you sat there in it with your best friend and shed the last tears you ever would over Ruben Dias.
o presente
Seven years was a long time.
It came with two college degrees, laser focus and an ability to compartmentalize so strongly that it would terrify artificial intelligence.
Whatever threatened to upend you at the sight of his name was snatched up and contained to be dealt with sometime in the future. You didn’t put literal blood, sweat and tears into your career to let one old wound derail it at such a pivotal moment.
With the same vigor you scrapped up to move on with your life, you poured every ounce of energy you had into absolutely nailing your pitch. Five all nighters, thirty six edits and ten complete run throughs later resulted in Bana being chosen as the firm to brand the newest AirMax.
“I always knew you were a genius, but this project was just,” Aki kissed the air as she took the next left to drive back to your shared building.
“Team effort, Aks.” You mumbled.
The thing about throwing yourself entirely into one project was that when the hard work was done, all the was left was the shit you were avoiding. You could feel it there, gnawing at the back of your head like a mice on a fresh piece of cheese.
“What if we watched an old coming of age movie like we used to on nights like this? Pop out some wine, get in our pj’s…real wild stuff.” She nudged your elbow with hers.
You casted a fond glance at her. Aki would never come outright and say it, but it was her way of checking in with you. The client mailing list was no secret to her since she needed it for the budgeting, so there was no way she missed him being on there.
The mice grew hungrier. Throughout all of your breakdowns and pain, she held all of hers in unselfishly and arguably stupidly. You weren’t the only one who lost someone important to you on that night.
“We do that after product launches. The deal has only just been sealed.” A smile was managed to form on your end.
“Ah…best not jinx it then, huh?” Aki blew a raspberry.
In order to keep her worries at bay this time, something you silently promised to do ever since your senses had returned, you squeezed her arm and doubled down.
“Besides, I haven’t had a proper night’s sleep in nearly three weeks. I think I’ll just go for a short run, take a shower and hibernate.”
She nodded, liking the sound of that plan. You would’ve felt proud of your disarming skills had you not known the real reason for her shoulders relaxing. She was looking forward to having the next two days off more than anyone else.
“Don’t forget to text me when you get back.” Aki stuck out her pinky.
“Always.” You locked yours in tight.
The repetitive beat of your feet meeting the ground had the ability to still your mind nearly as much as pouring yourself into your work did. Left, right, left, right, left. When you added in the accompanying swing of your arms, the constant reminder to keep your breath in control and music that made you feel like you could punch a hole through a wall - you were nothing short of a machine.
It was one of the healthier coping mechanism you’d clung to back home. Every day, you’d take to the streets of the new neighborhood you moved to and then to the track at you university.
You’d gotten so good at it that you were scouted to run for the school’s team. Going pro was never a part of your plan, though. You only accepted the offer because it came with a free ride.
A drop of water hit your face, but it was cold.
Your treads slowed a bit as your eyes turned skyward. The clouds illuminated against a murky purplish background with the warning of distant lightning approaching. You refocused and pumped your legs faster. Fucking Manchester.
In between your songs transitioning, you heard a faint rumble. It made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, the sound distorted by the headphones muffling your ears playing tricks that twisted the noise to sound partially human.
Whether it was or not, you weren’t trying to stick around to find out. It was late at night and the weather was going to get hellish soon.
From the corner of your eye, you spotted a shadow ripping behind the streetlights - closing in on yours with each meter. Lactic acid built painfully in your muscles as you pushed even harder, breath control thrown to the wind.
It was gaining on you while rain began to fully fall.
Within a matter of seconds, which is all you had, you came to a decision. You were too exhausted from sleep deprivation and being nearly an hour into your run to beat whoever was chasing after you. The only option you had now was to steel your nerves and use the keys in your pocket as a last line of defense.
Your right hand blindly reached down and was met with lint. Terror hadn’t been felt until that very moment. A thousand and one scenarios raced through your mind with you reaching for the ones that would allow you to leave this situation at least narrowly unscathed.
The one you got a firm grip on using the element of surprise to hopefully distract them from whatever intentions they had for an instant. You took one last deep breath before spinning around swiftly and throwing out a fist.
A man in a baseball cap dodged the punch to his credit, albeit not very ideal for you. His balance, however, was in your favor. He slipped on the slick sidewalk and landed flat on his back with a pained groan.
You were the last thing you should’ve been given that you’d been granted an escape - frozen. On your behalf, you would’ve been halfway down the street and barreling towards your building had it not been for the wide eyes staring up at you.
Those eyes…Ruben’s.
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sprout-fics · 1 year
BRO FUCK YEAH I love that collectively we have appointed Laswell as the Mother/Wine Aunt™ can’t wait for Fix to have time with the Girlies and start to heal !!!!! This story speaks so much to me bc my parents were also Not Great and finding a loving maternal figure later in life ABSOLUTELY changed pretty much everything for me, I hope Fix and Laswell can a wholesome relationship like that I’m gonna make myself cry just thinking about it 🥺
Yes!!! I'm so excited to watch Laswell take one look at this fucked up traumatized girl and go 'Hm. Mine now' and bully her (gently) into therapy and fixing her shit. There is absolutely a scene planned where Fix cries into Kate's arms at midnight in her kitchen.
Also featuring my personal vision for Laswell's wife: Paula, a black immigration lawyer consultant who also insisted she and Kate adopt a retired bomb sniffer dog named Whiskey
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golden dad au ash in hisui shenanigans!!!
i've been talking about potential shenanigans a ho-oh hybrid ash could get up to in the distant past on and off in the group discord for a few months. and then i finally got around to doodling outfit designs. the top is based off the kimono top outfit in the game, and other aspects of his outfit are pulled from travelling priest garb. details of how things go listed below. this got longer than i thought.
This happens to Ash at some point during Journeys, before the Team Galactic Arceus shenanigans netflix only special happened.
Unlike in Legends: Arceus, here Ash isn't just randomly nabbed and dropped without warning into Hisui. This is because 1) Ash is basically Arceus' favorite (great-great-great) grandchild at this point and the old duff would never, 2) even if he did try, Bert would kill him and 3) Delia.
Instead, Ash comes home one day to visit his parents and finds Arceus sitting at their kitchen table drinking tea and basically explaining what the hell is happening, that someone in the distant past is messing with Dialga and Palkia and Giratina in an attempt to get Arceus to show up himself, and while the old goat COULD nab some rando to help out, they figured Ash would want to get involved as soon as he heard someone was messing with them - and they weren't wrong, either. Plus, Arceus trusts him.
Because of the prep session, Ash actually comes in with a cover story to make him more palatable to the locals - a birdsong priest acolyte from Ecruteak Village in Johto (the united land of Tohjoh?). So while he is still seen falling from the rift, he isn't as blatantly strange as the Hisuian protagonist comes off as, nor Ingo - he simply gives off the air of a displaced foreigner who was unfortunately swept up in the strange rifts.
It helps that Kamado and several of the villagers are from Johto - they're already aware of the fledgling birdsong priest faith that came about after the burning of the tower, so Ash's presence actually ends up being a small bit of familiarity in the harsh new environment of Hisui they've immigrated to. As such, while people are still wary of what his presence means, they're not as distrustful of Ash himself.
This doesn't completely extend to Kamado himself - Ash and the village leader actually have a bit of a fraught relationship. It seems like Kamado resents the Birdsong priest faith somewhat - they encourage companionship between people and Pokemon, after all, and Kamado has a hard time of not seeing Pokemon as dangerous creatures after the destruction of his old village by rampaging Pokemon, and he still resents the faith for their contrasting views in the aftermath. It takes a long, long time for Kamado to trust Ash, even though Ash spends a fair amount of time helping both the local villagers and the Galaxy Exploration Team.
Speaking of what Ash does in Hisui - he actually isn't the main person helping un-frenzy the Noble Pokemon or completing the Hisuian Pokedex - at least not the main person. Half of the time he sticks close to Jubilife Village, helping the villagers out with small problems and consulting with them, helping them forge connections with the local Pokemon wildlife, and the other half of the time is spent either going out with the Galaxy Team's expeditions or just wandering the Hisuian wilds with apparently no supervision whatsoever.
The main person sent out to un-frenzy the nobles is actually the local Akarei (haven't decided which one it is), Laventon's assistant. Ash supports them by lending his own battling expertise alongside Pikachu, as well as adding purification blessings to the balms that they create to un-frenzy them. While he takes over the majority of the process during earlier battles, as Akarei becomes more and more confident in their skills, they're the ones reaching out to the Diamond and Pearl Clans, and the ones who are approached by the clans to help un-frenzy their nobles.
The one exception is during Noble Electrode's unfrenzying - Ash is furious at Melli for ignoring the suffering of a Pokemon under his care, no matter that Melli genuinely seems to feel that the frenzying is a necessary evil. He purifies Noble Electrode's entire being of the frenzying in one go out of pure rage, and when another bolt of frenzying lightning comes down to strike Electrode, Ash takes the blow instead in order to demonstrate to Melli how much pain the frenzying lightning is putting the Noble Pokemon in. (He unfortunately didn't think about the repercussions of letting a half-legend hybrid like himself be exposed to the frenzying lighting would be, and it's only his being half-human that keeps him from rampaging about. The waves of pressure he gives off does scare the shit out of Melli though, so Ash considers the overall result to be a plus.)
It's Akarei who builds their own team as they travel across Hisui - Ash doesn't catch any Pokemon and only has Pikachu with him, but he befriends several Hisuian species, and their descendants are able to be found in small pockets in Sinnoh in the present day - Ash reunites with said descendants as he continues visiting Sinnoh during the present day Journeys season.
Unfortunately, Ash's sort-of friendship with Kamado does not stop the older man's paranoia from getting the better of him and demanding that Akarei be exiled when the rift gets worse. It does stop him from banishing Ash - unfortunately, this just makes Ash all the more disappointed in Kamado for giving into his paranoia and making the easy decision. When pointing out that Ash himself was a key part in the unfrenzying of the nobles, and is the one who ACTUALLY fell from the rift does nothing to change Kamado's decision, Ash opts to simply walk out of Jubilife Village with Akarei, and doesn't return even when Akarei themselves are welcomed back into the village later. It puts a damper on the village's unity as they realize that Kamado's decision may not have been made in earnest, and it means there's less of them willing to go with him up to Mount Coronet, or to uphold Akarei's banishment.
While Akarei is the one who uses the Red Chain to release the first dragon from frenzying, Ash is the one who uses his purification and battling skill to hold off the second dragon until Akarei can forge the Origin Ball to catch the second one.
Out of everyone in Hisui, it's only Akarei and Volo who are made aware of Ash's true identity as a time-travelling half-legendary pokemon human hybrid - it's Ash who collects the Plates while Akarei was subduing the frenzied Nobles, and Ash who battles Volo and Giratina singlehandedly with both himself and Pikachu. Ash makes use of his full transformation in order to be able to match Giratina - and meeting Ash in the past is partially why its so friendly to Ash in the Sinnoh movie trilogy, not that Ash knows that.
anyways there's probably more details but y'know, i'm sorta remembering them off the top of my head, feel free to ask or whatever
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briantravels60 · 2 years
Day 27 – Pontevedra to Armenteira – 21 km
Leaving Pontevedra in the morning provided some beautiful views of the city.
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With any early start I was able to catch the sunrise outside of Pontevedra.
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About 3 km outside of Pontevedra I left the main route and took the spiritual variant. This route was hilly (700 m up and 430 m down) and scenic, passing through a number of villages and towns including Poio, with its monastery, and the seaside town of Combarro, with its numerous granaries. Only one third of the walk was on dirt paths, fortunately through tranquil forests.
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I walked all day with Christian from Germany; Steen from Denmark, a Dynamics AX consultant; and Karmen from Estonia. When I asked them about the war, they concluded that there are two big issues: energy (availability & costs) and immigration (Ukrainians and now Russian men fleeing conscription).
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Recently, the majority of the people that I have been meeting are Canadians and Germans. Strangely disproportionate.
Tonight we attended a pilgrims’ blessing at the Armenteira monastery. Even though it was in Spanish, I found it to be very peaceful. Afterwards I enjoyed dinner with other pilgrims.
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Last night I stayed at Apartment Oliva in Pontevedra. It was a two bedroom apartment that fit three people. It had had a kitchen, living room, washing machine, and a terrace. The terrace had lots of sun but was not private. Clean and modern. Highly recommended.
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thecapitolradar · 2 years
Speaking personally? We focus on kitchen table issues -- jobs, clean air/land/water, housing/homelessness, practical gun reform. Our experience runs the gamut from medicine, career military service, finance, cults, child abuse, addiction, and police issues to guns. We are doctors, nurses, psychologists. We've consulted for the FBI, the CIA, the Secret Service, members of Congress, and the White House.
We had detailed plans for gun reform, immigration, Chinese human rights violations, immigration, voting rights, bail reform, prison reform, banking reform, marijuana legalization, and the Green New Deal -- plans that had robust support on both sides of the aisle.
Our plans were shot down by the Right under the iron fist of the Southern Baptist Convention. On the Left, Black Lives Matter outliers refused to discuss any of these issues unless we denied our 30+ years of experience in advertising, marketing, and branding to "confess" that "Defund the police" was the Gospel, and that it glittered as hard and as brutally as a fist full of rings to the teeth.
Yeah, they sent us a crude, untutored drawing of "What would happen to" us. The FBI has it -- and their names and addresses -- now.
You will note that none of these belly-crawling trash-eaters are members of Congress. They do, however, presume to threaten members of Congress with the publication of all kinds of personal information.
So, fuck you, and fuck your vote, because the extreme wing of Black Lives Matter, and the Southern Baptist Convention -- which is 100% extremist Right wing -- know what's best for you.
<record scratching>
Those knuckle-draggers are the victims of their own uncontrolled impulses, and they will never win.
We are backing candidates of our own choosing -- candidates as dismissive of psycho BLM and the SBC as we are.
We are building businesses and rebuilding cities in areas where sanity rules, and choking them off where extremism rules. We labor in the private sector, and no one's going to stop us.
We have already started naming the candidates whose election we support. Look for their names here. We have money. Our candidates need your vote. Join us.
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immigrationwayca · 7 months
Immigration Lawyer Kitchener: Navigating the Path to Canadian Residency
Kitchener, a vibrant city in Ontario, Canada, has emerged as an attractive destination for immigrants seeking a better life and new opportunities. However, the immigration process can be intricate, demanding an in-depth knowledge of Canadian immigration laws and procedures. This is where an immigration lawyer in Kitchener becomes invaluable. In this article, we will explore the significance of having a local immigration attorney in Kitchener and discuss how they can assist you on your journey to obtaining Canadian residency.
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The Role of an Immigration Lawyer in Kitchener
Immigration lawyers play a pivotal role in helping individuals and families navigate the complex process of immigrating to Canada. Whether you are pursuing permanent residency, a work permit, or Canadian citizenship, a local immigration lawyer can provide valuable assistance in several ways:
Legal Expertise: Immigration lawyers are well-versed in Canadian immigration laws and regulations, staying current with any changes, ensuring that your application adheres to the law.
Personalized Guidance: Each immigration case is unique. An immigration lawyer in Kitchener can offer personalized guidance, tailoring their services to your specific circumstances and objectives.
Application Preparation: The process of preparing immigration applications can be time-consuming and overwhelming. An experienced lawyer can assist you in completing the necessary paperwork accurately and efficiently.
Avoiding Mistakes: Mistakes on immigration applications can result in delays or rejections. An immigration lawyer can help you avoid common pitfalls and ensure your submissions are error-free.
Advocacy and Representation: In the event of disputes, appeals, or challenges, your immigration lawyer can act as a strong advocate, effectively representing your interests.
Why Choose a Local Immigration Lawyer in Kitchener?
Selecting a local immigration lawyer in Kitchener offers several unique advantages:
Familiarity with Kitchener: Local lawyers understand the city's unique dynamics, including its job market and local customs. This knowledge can be invaluable in tailoring your immigration strategy.
Accessibility: Being based in Kitchener, a local immigration lawyer is more accessible for in-person meetings and consultations, offering a personal touch during the immigration process.
Network: Local lawyers often have established relationships with immigration authorities, which can streamline the process and address any specific challenges associated with the region.
Community Ties: A local immigration lawyer is typically well-connected within the Kitchener community, offering access to resources, support, and advice as you settle into your new life in Canada.
Choosing the Right Immigration Lawyer in Kitchener
To find the best immigration lawyer in Kitchener, follow these steps:
Research: Begin by researching local immigration lawyers in Kitchener. You can utilize online directories, review platforms, and recommendations from friends or family.
Credentials: Verify that the lawyer is licensed to practice immigration law in Canada. Examine their qualifications, experience, and track record in handling immigration cases.
Consultations: Schedule consultations with potential lawyers to discuss your immigration needs. Pay attention to their communication style, understanding of your case, and willingness to address your questions.
Client References: Do not hesitate to request references from previous clients to assess the lawyer's effectiveness and client satisfaction.
Fees: Discuss the lawyer's fees and payment structure upfront. Ensure they are transparent about costs and any potential additional expenses.
Emigrating to a new country is a life-changing decision, and an immigration lawyer in Kitchener can be a crucial asset on your journey to Canada. Check their legal expertise, local knowledge, and personalized guidance can make the immigration process smoother, increasing your chances of a successful transition. With the right immigration lawyer in Kitchener by your side, you can look forward to a new life in this dynamic Canadian city with confidence and peace of mind.
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holidayspackage · 11 months
Australia Trip Cost from India: A Comprehensive Guide
Dreaming of a memorable trip to Australia? Exploring the stunning landscapes, witnessing unique wildlife, and experiencing the vibrant culture Down Under is an exciting prospect. However, before embarking on this adventure, it's essential to have a clear understanding of the Australia trip cost from India. In this comprehensive guide, we will break down the expenses involved, helping you plan your budget and make the most of your Australian getaway.
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Australia Trip Cost from India:
When calculating the cost of your Australia trip from India, several factors come into play. Let's delve into each aspect to get a better understanding:
The airfare is typically one of the significant expenses when traveling internationally. The cost of flights from India to Australia may vary depending on the season, airline, and departure city. It is advisable to book your flights well in advance and consider flexible travel dates to secure the best deals and potentially save money.
Indian travelers visiting Australia need to apply for an appropriate visa. The cost of an Australian tourist visa varies based on the type and duration of your visit. It is crucial to check the latest visa requirements and fees on the official Australian immigration website or consult with a reputable travel agent.
The cost of accommodation in Australia can vary significantly depending on the city, type of lodging, and the time of year. Major cities like Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane tend to have higher accommodation prices compared to smaller towns. Consider options such as hotels, hostels, vacation rentals, or even camping, depending on your preferences and budget.
Getting around Australia involves various transportation options, including flights, trains, buses, and rental cars. Depending on your itinerary and the regions you plan to explore, transportation costs can vary. Consider utilizing public transport and booking in advance to secure better deals. If you plan to drive, keep in mind fuel costs and potential expenses like tolls and parking fees.
Sightseeing and Activities:
Australia offers a plethora of attractions and activities to suit every traveler's interests. From iconic landmarks like the Sydney Opera House and Uluru to snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef or exploring the scenic Great Ocean Road, there are countless experiences to enjoy. Research the entrance fees, tours, and activities in advance to budget accordingly.
Food and Drinks:
Food expenses can significantly impact your overall trip cost. Australia boasts a diverse culinary scene, offering a variety of dining options to suit all budgets. While eating out can be expensive in major cities, you can also explore local markets, food stalls, and cook your meals if you have access to kitchen facilities. Opting for budget-friendly eateries or taking advantage of lunch specials can help reduce costs.
Travel Insurance:
It is highly recommended to have travel insurance to protect yourself against unforeseen circumstances such as medical emergencies, trip cancellations, or lost luggage. The cost of travel insurance will vary depending on the coverage you choose, trip duration, and your age. Shop around for the best insurance policy that suits your needs and offers comprehensive coverage.
Planning an Australia trip from India involves considering various aspects of expenses to ensure a well-managed budget. By accounting for factors such as flights, visa fees, accommodation, transportation, sightseeing, food, and travel insurance, you can estimate the Australia trip cost from India more accurately. Remember to research, compare prices, and make informed choices to make the most of your Australian adventure. Bon voyage!
Must Read: Discover Europe: Customizable Tour Packages for Indians
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vsrlawcanada · 1 year
Best Immigration Lawyer in Kitchener
VSR Law Office is a top-rated immigration law firm in Canada, offering expert legal services for individuals and businesses. Contact us for a consultation.
Visit : https://www.vsrlawfirm.com/
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myconsultantcanda · 1 year
Brief introduction of IRCC
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Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) is a federal government department you will be interacting with both before and after you arrive in Canada.
Clients interaction with IRCC before and after arrival Your exposure before you arrive will be through online immigration applications or the many visa offices outside Canada. After you arrive you may have further involvement through one of more than 500 IRCC-supported service provider organizations for settlement services, and interact with IRCC bylater extending your permanent resident card, and eventually going through the process to become a Canadian citizen.
IRCC in-land offices IRCC has an operations support centre in Canada’s capital city of Ottawa, and immigration case processing centres in Ottawa, Edmonton, Mississauga and Sydney. It also has offices in Calgary and Edmonton in Alberta; two in Vancouver and one in Surrey, British Columbia; one in Winnipeg for Manitoba and Nunavut; Fredericton, New Brunswick; St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador; Yellowknife, Northwest Territories; Halifax, Nova Scotia; Hamilton, Kitchener, London, Niagara Falls, Ottawa, Mississauga, two in Toronto, and Windsor in Ontario; Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island; two in Montreal, Quebec; and Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
It also has temporary offices across Canada for citizenship tests, interviews and ceremonies and immigration interviews.
IRCC help center Your first point of contact for questions is the IRCC Call Centre at 1-888-242-2100.  Wait times can be long and both immigrant settlement agency staff and Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants complain the answers to questions are not consistent. One call centre employee can give you one answer, and another could tell you something different. However, the IRCC website has comprehensive information.
Front counter IRCC staff do not provide general information or updates on specific files. IRCC was formerly known as Citizenship and Immigration Canada and its website at www.cic.gc.ca is thorough and contains most of the information you will need, including application forms and application guides. There is an online help centre at www.cic.gc.ca/english/helpcentre/index-featured-can.asp
The objectives of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act The Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) and its accompanying Regulations are the sources relied upon for immigration and refugee applications, decisions, and appeals. IRPA has 10 objectives, described in the Act, including: to permit Canada to pursue the maximum social, cultural and economic benefits of immigration; strengthen the Canadian social and cultural fabric; support a prosperous economy with the benefits shared across all regions of Canada; reunite families; promote the integration of permanent residents; facilitate the entry of visitors, students and temporary workers; protect the public health and safety of Canadian society; promote international justice and security; and work with the provinces to secure better recognition of foreign credentials of permanent residents and more rapid integration into society.
Recent PR programs of IRCC  Recent IRCC programs designed to share the benefits of immigration across Canada include the Atlantic Immigration Pilot and the Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot. The Greater Toronto Area continues to attract one-third of all immigrants to Canada, with Vancouver and Montreal also receiving large shares. 
IRCC’s immigration plan IRCC is estimating between 310,000 and 360,000 immigrants will arrive in 2020, with a target of 340,000. The largest numbers will be in the various economic streams, with the remainder in family class, refugees and protected persons or humanitarian and compassionate categories. An increasing number of spaces will be devoted to provincial nominees. The immigration target continues to rise each year to counteract an ageing population and shrinking labour force.
IRCC says, in its Departmental Plan, that it “continues to manage permanent resident selection, attracting the best and the brightest to Canada, through its Express Entry application management system and its collaboration with provinces and territories that nominate permanent resident candidates.”
One of its goals is to eliminate the backlog of privately sponsored refugee applications and reduce processing times to an average of 12 months for most applications.
IRCC’s current priorities are to grow immigration; streamline economic immigration program requirements; improve settlement outcomes; improve client experience; provide international leadership on refugee and migration issues; introduce a more inclusive citizenship study guide; and work with Canada Border Services Agency, Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the provinces to address increases in irregular migration to Canada.
In addition to a target of 340,000 immigrants in 2020, the number of temporary residents arriving will be in the millions. In 2016-17 there were almost four million visas and electronic travel authorizations issued to visitors, international students and temporary workers.
Another IRCC goal is to focus on improvements to program delivery through the more than 500 service provider organizations it funds across Canada. It especially wants to see improvements in language training, employment services and support to vulnerable newcomers, including visible minority women. 
It also wants to work with the service provider organizations to ensure that services pertaining to culture, history, sports and recreation are available. Cross-cultural activities and one-on-one exchanges will be encouraged to build language skills. It will continue to work with the more than 60 Local Immigration Partnerships across the country to encourage welcoming communities for newcomers. 
IRCC’s budget for 2019-20 is almost $2.4 billion and approximately $1.4 billion is allocated to settlement support services.  It has a total workforce of more than 7,000. A little more than 1,000 people work in the area of visitors, international students and temporary workers; almost 3,000 work in immigrant and refugee selection and integration; approximately 1,600 work in citizenship and passports; and almost 1.600 in internal services. The thousands of people across Canada working for service provider organizations are employees of non-profit organizations, not IRCC.
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Let us take your Stress - Canadian Immigration
When it comes to getting your Canadian PR or applying for a work permit or a supervisa, all you need to do is get in touch with Takarra as we put your stress to rest. We have over 20 years of experience and can provide you with the best answers applicable to your situation. From assessing your documents, preparing your application, and then finally submitting it professionally, we are with you in this journey. So go ahead, pick up the phone or write to us!
  At Takarra, we provide Canadian Immigration Consultancy in matters such as Super Visa, Visitor Visa, Express Entry, Business Immigration Programs, Ontario Provincial Nominee, Spousal & Parents sponsorship, Humanitarian & Compassionate, Caregiver Pilot programs and Work Permit applications like Post Graduate Work Permit, Spousal Open Work Permit, Intra-Company Transfers, LMIA-based Temporary Foreign Worker program.
 Jagpreet is a licensed consultant with CICC and has 20 years of experience.
 #Takarrai #immigration #canada #student #visa #toronto #ontario #shift #consultancy #expressentry #workpermit #business #intraCompany #lmia #pnp #cdn #Immigratewithtakarra #Takarrainsta #TakarraImmigration #cdnimm #ImmigrationMatters #Brampton #Mississauga #Kitchener #Etobicoke #NorthYork #Barrie #Waterloo #Kingston #Niagara #India #Philippines #skilled #workers #RCIC #OINP #JobOffer #EOI #ExpressEntry #program #EEdraw #nostress #2023 #celebrations #journey
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trenityconsultant · 1 year
Are You Moving to Work in Another Country? 5 Tips for a Stress Free Move
Moving to a new country can feel like an emotional rollercoaster. The feelings of leaving behind the place and people you've been living with nearly usually accompany the thrill of moving to a new country.
Nowadays, people are somewhat aware of various cultures and ways of life thanks to the internet and other technologies. Nevertheless, no matter how well-informed you believe yourself to be, culture shock is inevitable. The best thing you can do is get ready for the change.
Here we have listed a few tips and tricks for you to be stress-free while you make your move to the new country:
Give Yourself Some Time
No matter how eager you are to begin your new life, setting an arbitrary timetable for moving adds time pressure to the already overwhelming list of concerns. It's crucial to approach the Migration Consultants in Abu Dhabi systematically and step-by-step, taking it all in stride.
Tie Up All Loose Ends Before You Leave
You'll need to work extremely hard to give your new house the best possible start once you move in. This entails meeting new people, locating employment, and settling down as much as you can. Unnecessary distractions can only serve to hinder your efforts.
The last thing you need are phone calls or emails from home regarding expenses or your prior work. Before you go, make sure everything is in order.
Learn About the Language and Culture
Which languages are spoken most frequently where you're moving? Is it a significantly different culture from the one in your current city? It is advisable to learn a few simple lines in the language spoken in your destination country to prevent misunderstandings.
If it seems too challenging, ask your moving company to designate an Immigration Consultants in Abu Dhabi who can assist you. It's critical to read immigration and visa documents carefully before signing them. Never sign anything if you aren't certain about it.
Mark One Box “Unload Me”
You'll be worn out, overwhelmed, and in possession of nothing but mysterious boxes when you get to your new house. Therefore, be sure to name one of your boxes "unload me" in addition to labelling the others with room names like "kitchen" and "bedroom."
Include anything you believe will be necessary to get through that challenging first day, including a towel, clean clothes, fresh linens, coffee or tea, some food, and anything else you can think of.
Learn to Administer Your Expenses
Regarding taxes and returns, different nations have varied regulations. In a perfect world, your employer would assist you with this. Find a reputable financial advisor to assist you if you are launching your own company in a foreign location.
Network with the Expats
You become an "expat" as soon as you enter a new nation and start treating it as your new home. One excellent approach to learn about the habits, cultures, and more of the local area is to stay in a homestay until you locate a more permanent residence.
Another fantastic way is to network with other expats. You'll learn first-hand from someone who has really lived in your new city or nation what it's like to do so!
Trenity Consultants: Get Expert Help with Migration Consultants in Abu Dhabi
To put it mildly, the migration process is complicated. Assemble a team to make sure you receive specialised guidance about visas, jobs, housing, taxes, education, relocations, insurance, money, banking, pensions, and a long list of other topics to reduce stress.
When there are immigration advisors and a variety of different specialists who can lift the burden off your shoulders, it is not necessary to do it alone.
Book Your Free Consultation
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beveragesfood · 1 year
Find A Quick Way To Best Business Opportunity in Dubai with low Budget
Posted By: Foysal
Dubai is one of the best cities from a business point of view, and it is a welcoming city for entrepreneurs and immigrants who want to live in Dubai. Starting a business in Dubai with little money will make you a millionaire or a billionaire. People often get confused about investing big money to get big profit. It is an interesting fact about Dubai that it does not require high investment so you can start with little money.Find A Quick Way To Best Business Opportunity in Dubai with low Budget .
Here we provide you with the list of the best business for sale in Dubai at low investment options and ideas. It depends on investors’ interest and tastes in what kind of business start-up they want to do in Dubai. 
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Content Writing:
Content writers play an important role in web development and digital marketing business. They write blogs, articles, reviews, social media and web content. Once you can establish your position in these companies, you can start your own business with a group of people for digital marketing. But some specific points that consider timeliness, service delivery, and reliability, these things will take you to a higher level. Also, both content writing and copywriting have low risks and high rewards. It is also one of the most sought after companies in Dubai.
Food Company:
The food industry is one of the fastest growing businesses in Dubai and around the world. Hotels are always there or Dubai's most profitable business. This is great for single expats working in Dubai to have their own kitchen and start a traditional kitchen. People love to try different food and traditional food from different countries. However, there is one thing that restaurants and restaurants require a high initial investment, so you can try stalls, juice bars, mockeries and food trucks, which will lead to low-cost business in Dubai
Door To Door Food Delivery 
You can start up free home-cooked food delivery. Everyone likes tasty food, and it is accepted by every society. Most people and young people in Dubai used to do this business, and according to Dubai’s taste, it will also grow faster.
Catering Services
In catering services, you don’t need a specific shop or established shop; you just need a space at your home to prepare the food. You can use the social media platform to boost your business setup in Dubai. Food quality and catering services should be excellent to grow your food setup. 
Bakery Supplies :
You can purchase bakery items from the nearby retailers of your location in Dubai. Reach out to them and ask about the competitive rates of bakery goods. You can preserve those bakery items for checking the sales and then try this business setup. Then, your business will act like a booster shot, and it will enhance your sales. 
Consultation Services
People are usually less aware and less informed regarding official knowledge or in-depth knowledge regarding sensitive topics. The consultants are saviors, and they are always there to help you out. You can opt for a consultation service business set up in Dubai after digging up the comprehensive knowledge.
Legal Consultant:
Business firms and Citizens seek advice regarding legal policies, federal laws, and legal issues. They may need assistance in representing them at the authority for legal formalities. A legal consultant doesn’t require a specific office. After obtaining the necessary approval and license, an individual can commence a legal consultation firm at home.
Business Consultation:
Dubai residents and expats with ambitious dreams will require direction and authorization through the whole process. You can set- up a business consultation office with low investment if you have comprehensive knowledge, and business consultation organizations have extraordinary possible outcomes with a financial supporter like Dubai.
Digital Marketing and IT Consultation :
Information Technology (IT) has changed the world. These days, an organization that doesn’t have an automated company may not prevail in its efforts. Hereafter, practically all business firms utilize the administrations of IT specialists and advanced digital marketing specialists. You can start your business by freelancing and making a digital firm in Dubai; this is the best business to start if you know the digital marketing- world.
Real Estate:
A home business can turn a profitable business into a short-term one. You need to make advanced plans to increase your value among customers. First, focus on a specific area, which is your specialty (niche). Spread to other parts of the land only after gaining support in the said area. Obtaining land rights in Dubai is the first step. You can gradually expand your business by hiring employees for this job.
Wrap Up!
This is not a complete list of low investment companies in Dubai. You can turn your personal business into a big business with personal involvement and service in a very short period of time. The atmosphere in Dubai is beneficial for the development of the team, and also, you can offer it to help you. If you are experienced, knowledgeable, and educated, you can quickly start your business in record time. If you want to buy a company or structure in Dubai, you can use the tobuz online platform. Tobuz is the best business system for buying and selling online, and it is a reliable, safe and profitable system for sellers, buyers and sellers. Don't hesitate to contact us and visit our website now! https://businessfinder.me/
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swiftimmigration · 2 years
Spousal Sponsorship Canada Visa
The Objective Of The Family Class Of Immigration Is To Reunite Close Family Members In Canada.
The Family Class allows Canadian citizens and permanent residents to sponsor their dependent children, parents and grandparents, and spouse or common-law/conjugal partner. Canada strongly supports keeping families together whenever possible. As such, the processing of Family Class applications is given the highest priority at Canadian Visa Offices.
The Spousal Sponsorship Category
The Spousal Sponsorship program is a subsection of the Family Class immigration category. Under this program, a Canadian citizen or permanent resident may sponsor a spouse or common-law partner for Canadian permanent residence.
Both the Canadian citizen or permanent resident (also called the ‘sponsor’) and the foreign national (the ‘sponsored person’) must be approved by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) in order for the sponsored person to receive a visa.
In order to receive a visa through this immigration program, the sponsor and sponsored person must prove that their relationship qualifies under one of three categories:
Common-law Partner
Conjugal Partner
NOTE: Canada recognizes same-sex marriage, and same-sex partners may be eligible to apply under any of the above three categories, provided they meet all eligibility requirements.
Outland Sponsorship
An Outland application is generally pursued when the sponsored partner is living outside of Canada. However, Outland applicants can still be in Canada and apply through the Outland program and may be permitted to travel in and out of Canada throughout the application process. Outland applications are processed through the visa office that serves the applicant’s country of origin, or where they have resided legally for at least one year.
Inland Sponsorship
The other potential option for Spousal/Common-Law Sponsorship is the Inland route. Inland sponsorship is when the couple is together in Canada and the foreign spouse/common-law partner has temporary status in Canada, either as a worker, student, or visitor. The person being sponsored may be eligible for an Open Work Permit, allowing him or her to work for any employer in Canada while the sponsorship application is being processed.
Our team of experienced Immigration consultants offers expertise in several immigration services such as Express Entry, Spousal sponsorship, Temporary Visa, Super Visa, Study visa, Work Permit, LMIA, PNP, Canadian Citizenship and more.
Our Immigration Consultants provide Canadian Immigration Services to clients all over the world. Based in Mississauga, Ontario, we serve people in Brampton, Toronto, Hamilton, North York, Scarborough, Pickering, Ajax, Guelph, Kitchener, Whitby, London, Vaughan, Hamilton, Markham, Cambridge, Milton, Waterloo, Peterborough, Niagara Falls, Ottawa, Barrie.
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steedimmigration · 3 years
How to immigrate to Canada after 40 years old- Immigration Kitchener
Questions about the possibility of immigrating to Canada after 40 are increasing especially from those who have children, and because of the economy of some countries, they choose Canada to offer a better quality of life for their family.
There are several ways to live in Canada as a permanent resident! Ask immigration consultant
Although the age factor can reduce the options for immigration processes, it is important to keep in mind that this is not a factor that makes it impossible. One possibility is to recover the points lost due to age in other areas of the Canadian Government's requirements.
The Express Entry score gradually decreases after the age of 30, when the applicant loses about 5 points each birthday. At 40, the loss is even greater: there are 10 points less per year and, at 45, the candidate no longer receives points in terms of age.
Proficiency in French and English, for example, has a significant weight in the Express Entry process, which may be exactly what sets you apart at the time of selection. Even though not everyone is aware of this information, the clb 7 in french + clb 5 in english can add 50 additional points to the candidate's profile.
Previous work and study experiences in Canada can also be a deciding factor for applicants over 40 years of age. - Get help of immigration consultant
The Express Entry system awards up to  30 points to those with Canadian academic training and up to 80 points for 1 year of work in the country in an occupation considered high skilled (NOC 0, A or B)
Canada currently has more than 80 programs aimed at receiving foreigners in the country. And the best: in addition to the options made available by the federal government, Canada also has several selection systems for immigrants at the provincial level, many of which are not age restricted - and usually are the most suitable options for applicants over 40, especially because some of them can add 600 points to your Express Entry profile after the nomination!
Remember: the age factor will not make your immigration process impossible but make sure to understand your profile and make the right planning according to it!
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daloy-politsey · 3 years
On my first date with Yehoram, I offered him a sip of my prosecco at the hip Tel Aviv bar I had brought him to. He tensed, paused and quietly replied, “I’m not sure if I can. I don’t know if it’s kosher.” I immediately recognized his confession for what it was: a coming-out. I told him that it’s fine, that we can ask the waitress if the wine has a certification, that I grew up in an observant family too. He finally breathed.
I already knew that Yehoram is female-to-male transgender. In fact, it was the only thing written on his dating profile. Over the course of our year-long relationship, and then our seamless transition into friendship late last year, he explained to me that the queer community will often accept that he is trans but not that he is religious. But the same is not always necessarily true of the religious community – and particularly of his family.
There are many preconceptions about his family. The matriarch Mazal, 74, and patriarch Yehiel, 78, were both born in Sana’a, Yemen, and immigrated to the newly-declared State of Israel in early childhood. (Haaretz is honoring their request not to publish the family name.) They are visibly Haredi: Mazal wears long skirts and tucks her hair into modest black caps; Yehiel trims his salt-and-pepper beard, and wears a uniform of crisp dress shirts, black pants and a black velvet kippa.
They speak with heavy Yemenite accents – which have been at least partially adopted by their seven children – and their speech is seasoned with religious aphorisms and allusions. People are surprised to learn that Yehoram, 32, is accepted and supported by his parents, to a degree that is rare even in the secular homes of Tel Aviv.
At their kitchen table in a town near Rehovot, central Israel, Mazal has set out water, juice and a homemade cake. Yehiel has set down a voice recorder of his own, to make sure he isn’t misrepresented. They have a story to tell about being the parents of a trans son, and they have decided that I am allowed to tell it.
Before we begin the interview, both are apprehensive. After much deliberation, they decide that I can publish their names but not their images. Yehiel is a respected figure in religious circles: he serves as his synagogue’s main cantor on the High Holy Days, is a mezuzah scribe and kashrut supervisor for the Chief Rabbinate. He spends his free time poring over religious texts, with Yehoram often alongside him. His son no longer attends the local synagogue in which his father plays so large a role; the congregation knew him before his transition, and it could hurt his family’s reputation.
If someone goes to the rabbi with this article in hand and tells Yehiel that he’s out of the fold, “at our age, there’s no fight left. There’s nothing you can do,” he says. “It would destroy me.” When he thinks I cannot hear him, he says that he suspects that one of his contracts as a kashrut supervisor was not renewed for this exact reason – because of his unconventional family.
But if getting his story out shows religious parents that they can embrace their own LGBTQ children, he wants it published. “I want to help,” he says.
Mazal chimes in. “Both of us do. You hear these stories about parents throwing their children out ... I don’t understand it. I don’t understand how you throw out your child.”
She recounts going to the shivah of a friend of Yehoram’s – the transgender queer activist DanVeg, who took her own life in 2016.  “I saw them all in the living room, with their heads on each other’s shoulders. I started to cry. I wanted to hug them all, to go one by one. And they came to me; they saw the look in my eye. There was a man who had become a woman, who came to hug me. And a young girl, and more. I couldn’t take it,” she says, wiping away tears that are coming faster and faster. “More and more of them told us that they’re alone, abandoned by their parents. How can you throw out your child? The child of a human being!”
I get up to hug her, and she cries into my back: “Why? Why would you throw your child out of your house? Why?”
They say they never suspected that Yehoram was different before he came out to them, if not unconventionally, as queer at the age of 18, some 14 years ago.
He did not employ the usual lexicon: “I told them, this is how I am – I’m wearing pants from now on and I’m not interested in men,” he recounts. In Yehoram’s absence, Yehiel recalls it as well. Yehoram sat his parents down in the living room and said his piece, and then asked his parents for a response.
“We got up immediately, as if it were coordinated,” Yehiel says. “We hugged [him] from both directions … and we told [him], ‘You have nothing to be afraid of, no need to worry. You’re our daughter, it doesn’t matter what you do.’” Yehoram then opened his backpack to show a couple days’ clothes inside. “If you didn’t accept me, I would have killed myself,” he told his parents.
From there, they worked to make sure that their son wouldn’t, for one moment, forget that he is loved and cared for. They also made sure that he could live a normal life. “It was important that he be self-sufficient, have a respectable career, be able to build a life without us,” Yehiel explains. “Every day, I’m afraid that he won’t be here. I think about how he can build his life so he’s not dependent on anyone else.”
Mazal and Yehiel tend to refer to Yehoram with female pronouns when he isn’t in the room, and occasionally slip into them when he is. To her, Mazal says, he will always be their daughter. “It’s hard for me,” Yehiel concurs. “[He] should be patient.”
Mazal calls him by his chosen name – an anagram of his birth name – to make him happy. “And to connect with [him] – what can you do? We love [him] either way. [He’s] our daughter.”
There have been difficulties in accepting him along the way, she concedes. But like many parents of LGBTQ children, they are mainly rooted in concerns that he will be able to live a safe, fulfilling life.
No one should mistake their acceptance for liberalism – they repeatedly note that the Pride Parades, with their scanty clothes and glitter, are unsightly. “The left brings it in,” Mazal says. “Non-Jews from abroad, with all their tattoos and whatnot.” However, their embrace of their transgender son and the many queer people who have passed through their doors does not come in spite of their firm religious beliefs, but is the direct result of them.
Yehiel, a lifelong religious scholar, has poured over sources biblical, talmudic, rabbinic and kabbalistic. The kabbalistic concept of the soul provides a simple explanation for the transgender phenomenon, he believes.
“We have the knowledge that Jewish souls can be reincarnated into anything – into non-Jewish families, into animals, even into food,” Yehiel explains. “We were taught that the soul of a man can be reincarnated into a woman, in order to remedy something he had done in a past life.”
When Mazal was pregnant with Yehoram, she had already given birth to five daughters and was hoping for a son. The couple went to a respected rabbi, who told them to buy a bottle of wine for the circumcision ceremony and to come see him 40 days into the pregnancy. Yehiel says that when the time came, it was hard to get hold of the rabbi to schedule an appointment, and they were only able to see him eight months in. The rabbi gave them the blessing regardless.
“The body was already formed female,” Yehiel says, but the prayers had worked: “The soul was male.”
And there is scripture to back up the existence of LGBTQ people within Judaism. “You’re not different, you’re not strange,” Yehiel says. “This [phenomenon] has always existed. It’s in the Torah, and it’s in the mystical sources.” Mazal adds: “It’s a shame that we don’t lay this out these days, to have everything written up and organized to say that it’s all there in scripture.”
At 26, Yehoram told his parents he was transitioning. He underwent top surgery – a double mastectomy – without informing them. “On the one hand, it hurt us,” Yehiel admits. “For us, it meant that’s it – it’s sealed. If he’d told us in advance, we would have told him to wait. Maybe the situation would change.”
But what’s done is done, Mazal says. “What hurt me is that [he] underwent the surgery and I wasn’t there. That ate at me.”
Both loudly agree that the important thing is that he is happy and healthy. “We hope just for success – and thank God there are many successes, so everything is alright,” she says. “I’m just waiting for children,” she laughs.
Yehoram, who has taken a seat next to her, smirks. Mazal jokes about him coming home pregnant one day. He’s slightly irked, but jokes along. A couple of years ago, he froze his eggs through Ichilov Hospital’s fertility clinic for transgender men, and hopes to one day become a father, no matter how he has to do it. His parents strongly supported the move. They have 31 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
Yehoram asks a question of his own: Whether his parents want to talk about the time they took him to an esteemed rabbi in Tel Aviv, after he came out at 18.
“After he told us everything, we consulted with a rabbi,” Yehiel relays. “I remember that he got angry and yelled at him. I didn’t like that. He hurt him, and I couldn’t stay any longer, so we left.”
“The rabbi told me that I had lapsed, deteriorated in my spirituality,” Yehoram explains. It’s clear that he remembers it vividly. “That I had fallen.”
After that, the rabbi told him to leave the room, and for his parents to stay. “I heard shouting, and then you left the room,” he says to his parents. “You didn’t say anything, I didn’t say anything. We were quiet all the way home.”
No one discussed the incident for days after, and they barely spoke at all. After three days, Yehoram says, he asked his mother what had happened after the rabbi told him to leave the room.
“I didn’t know what happened, I assumed the worst. You told me that [Dad] got very angry and told [the rabbi], ‘How dare you hurt and belittle a Jewish soul?’ You said you had to give him however much money, and that you just threw a small bill onto the table and left the room,” Yehoram tells his mother. “It really surprised me. I thought you were on his side, and then I suddenly heard that you were on mine.”
When he is with us in the room, Yehoram sometimes seems agitated by his parents’ insistence that their acceptance has always been complete. He tries to direct them toward other instances, other rabbis they don’t or won’t recall. It is often difficult for parents to acknowledge the pain or discomfort that their actions caused their children, even if they were accidental. Mazal brings out a picture from Yehoram’s bat mitzvah, of them embracing the young girl he was. They look almost exactly the same, 20 years later, beaming. Young Yehoram, in a long-sleeved, high-necked dress, is smiling, but the smile does not reach his eyes.
Elisha Alexander, co-CEO and founder of the transgender advocacy and information organization Ma’avarim, says that even though Yehiel and Mazal’s acceptance of their son may seem unique, he would like to think it’s more common than we assume.
“There are religious and even ultra-Orthodox people who accept their trans family members, but it’s usually in secret. The main problem in these communities is the leadership,” he says.
But if more of them realized that embracing their children was a matter of pikuach nefesh – the Jewish concept that saving a life supersedes most religious commandments and norms – they would be more inclined to find a halakhic solution to integrating transgender people into these communities.
There is also a misconception that acceptance is a binary choice: That any parent who does not kick their transgender child out of the house or disown them has, by default, accepted them. “This could not be further from the truth,” Alexander says. “Accepting your child means accepting every aspect inherent to them, including their gender identity, pronouns and so on.”
When parents refuse to do so, their child may seek acceptance elsewhere. He adds that studies show that acceptance within the family drastically reduces the suicide rate among transgender people.
Knowing this, Yehiel says that any parent in his position must continue loving and supporting their child. “This child can fall,” he says. He does not mention it, but he is aware of the stories and statistics: trans youth who find themselves on the street face high rates of abuse and exploitation. Thirty to 50 percent of transgender teens report suicidal thoughts and behaviors – a rate three times higher than for teens overall. But that figure falls to 4 percent when families accept and embrace them, says Sarit Ben Shimol, manager of the Lioness Alliance for families and transgender children and teenagers.
Yehiel adds that it is the duty of parents to give children the support they need to thrive. “As a parent, it is your responsibility to tell your child: You are my child and you are my life. My life depends on you. Watch over me so that I can watch over you,” he says.
As we get up from our seats, Yehiel looks at me for a moment and asks, “If it’s not too personal – since we already opened up the topic – what is your relationship like with your parents?”
I tell them that I talk to my parents, and especially my mother, almost every day. That it was difficult for them to come to terms with my sexual orientation as well, and that sometimes I have an inkling that it still is, even if they won’t say it outright. But I try to be patient.
“Good,” Mazal says. “It’s important to be patient – they’re learning too.” She embraces me again, and Yehiel rests a hand on my shoulder. They invite me to come again, whenever I like. “After all, you’re like our daughter, too.”
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