#Imma still drop a hint hehe
crystalflygeo · 5 months
“are you sure you haven’t seen her around?”
“no,” yaoyao said sadly, “i’m sorry, mei jiĕjie… i asked the other adepti and they also said they haven’t spotted spring bringer in a few days now…”
“i see… and you say you overheard the funeral director saying that the consultant on the parlor is taking a few day offs?”
“mhm! but… why do you ask? are they related?”
“…. you could say that.”
meirin’s frown deepened.
were they perhaps just taking a vacation together? but in that case, why…. why didn’t she respond to my prayers? no, something is definitely wrong here. if anything happened to her, there was no way that person would stay silent, after all.
the young child looked up worriedly as the woman’s expression turned darker, the lines between her eyebrows creasing further. her dainty fingers tugged on the adult’s hand, “…. jiĕjie, have you had lunch?”
“hm? oh, not yet… hey, why don’t we get lunch together over at wanmin? my treat, of course.”
“i was about to suggest that! it's always better to think with your stomach full! ah, but i can pay for myself…”
“no no, consider it thanks for helping me with the information gathering. besides, i’m craving some liyue-style meat-based dishes…,” meirin paused, remembering a certain tale - or, well, it would be more proper to describe it as an incident - which crys had told her before.
“…. yaoyao? after the meal, can you show me the way to the nearest post office? i’d like to send a letter to fontaine before planning my next move.”
if the geo dragon is missing, then i’ll try my luck with the hydro dragon….
...... i hope al haitham has some new information when we regroup later.
“Survival skills like those become very much a necessity when you’re wandering all over the world. The wind can tell us many things including the coming of rain or the presence of danger.”
“I still think it’s impressive! You have very keen senses…”
The pair chats calmly as they eat, this time enjoying a meal at one of the village’s restaurants, sitting side by side at the counter, taking small bites with their chopsticks and enjoying fragrant tea. A ship set to Liyue will sail early the next morning and agreed to take them for a comfortable price (With Crys promising she’d pay Kazuha back ASAP and once again thanking him profusely)
“So, you’ve been to Liyue and Mondstadt before, any other place?”
“I’ve wanted to visit Sumeru for a while… hmm, what about you? Mentioned Fontaine for a… business meeting? And the Ministry of civil Affairs… I’ve heard before of an adeptus working there.”
“Oh! Well… I do… I travel a lot too I suppose. Though I cannot recall much, and specially not being here in Inazuma before.”
“Hmm.” Kazuha remains pensive, statements like those does make it sound like she’s probably important, most likely people will quickly recognize who she is as soon as they steep on the harbor, or at least he hopes so. Or that at least going back to a familiar place her memories would come back easier.
“Oh! I want some of th-”
“Do you think-”
Crys stretches a bit in front of him to pick a piece of sashimi, at that moment Kazuha turns back to her and both end up faces mere inches apart, noses almost brushing.
Kazuha’s cheeks get warm with a healthy blush spread while Crys immediately turns scarlet.
“I-I’m sorry-!!”
“No! i-it was me I-!”
Both sit back a little apart, Crys practically shrinks into her seat looking at her lap while Kazuha pointedly stares at a wall. There a short silence.
Crys feels bad, her ears droop. “I’m sorry Kazuha, it was my bad.”
“No worries…”
“Well, if it isn’t my favorite diplomat.” A female voice purrs with amusement. “I thought you’d be long gone back to Liyue, dear.”
The pair turns across the counter, there sits a woman with long flowing pink hair, fuzzy ears hanging low adorned with jewelry, and a stylized shrine priestess’ outfit. She rests elbows on the table, chin propped at her crossed hands with a mischievous glint.
Crys stares and blinks.
“Ah… Guuji Yae.” Kazuha murmurs.
“Hm, I thought after your business at Narukami a couple of weeks ago you’d be right back home, how interesting to find you here in such unique company.”
“I’m sorry I… we know each other?” Crys asks embarrassed.
Yae Miko stays silent for a few moments, her eyes sharp and unreadable as she seems to calculate a million things at once. Finally, she speaks again, her tone completely serious. “What happened to you?”
“She’s… lost. She lost her memories it seems, can’t remember a lot of things, flashes come and go in the past few days” Kazuha explains. “I found her passed out outside Chinju forest almost a week ago, Lady Guuji.”
Yae Miko hums, eyes narrowing. “Any aggressiveness? Has she passed out again since then?”
“N-no…” Crys mumbles.
“So probably not erosion. Anything particular?”
“Um… I can’t… remember people close or important to me, their names, faces, my own names… it's like just out of reach, I have them at the tip of my tongue but”
“But,” Kazuha pipes in. “Whenever she does remember a name, other memories seem to come back along with it.”
Miko’s eyes widen a fraction. “I see… allow me, just a moment.” She stands up and gets closer, much to Crys’ nervousness. Her gohei materializes with a glow and she waves it around a couple of times in slow precise movements before almost tapping the illuminated beast on the head.
Her expression turns severe.
“Hm. As suspected.” She sighs and dismisses the item again. “You my dear, have been ‘pranked’ by a powerful youkai.”
“It’s an ancient and difficult technique, usually meant to… ensnare others and force them into subservience. You’ve had your name stolen.”
“My… name?” How can one steal a name?
“That’s right” She drawls, sitting back again across from them. “Your memories, your experiences, your identity, they are all tied to your name, it’s who you are, and so long as you don’t reclaim it, you’ll continue being lost…” She explains calmly.
Crys pales, she feels anxious, sick.
“Can’t you undo it, Lady Guuji? After all you are… very powerful.” Kazuha clears his throat. Miko gives him a look.
“Unfortunately, only the bearer of the curse can break it you see.”
“B-But-!” Crys stands up, she’s shaking slightly. “Y-You know who I am, you know me, you know my name, my real name… don’t you, Lady Guuji?”
Yae Miko sucks in a breath almost imperceptibly. “It’s been… centuries since you called me that.” She murmurs. Then shakes her head, and Crys’ feels her hope drop. “I have always known you officially as Spring Bringer and for several centuries you have gone simply by ‘Crys’ I’m afraid I am not privy to your true name.”
“That… can’t be…” Crys drops back into the chair, crying. Panic rises in her chest, how did this happen? How can this be? How does no one know? What if no one knows? How does she herself not remember her own damn NAME!!
This time Kazuha stands up, placing his hands on the crying woman’s shoulders trying to comfort her as she sobs. “But then how did some random youkai know her name?”
“Simple, to steal a name you need it to be written down. Literally ripping out or destroying it seals the deal. You must have had some document or letter on you with it perhaps.” She shakes her head. “Regardless, Spring Bringer, listen to me, do not fret. Go to Liyue. The other adepti will know, they will help you.” She reassures.
Yet, the distressed adeptus continues crying.
Kazuha steels himself. At least they now have answers… and a solution.
Lost in the forest, so deep In solitude’s embrace, shroud of mystery A deer wanders, and softly weeps     
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no drawings this time but ayyy biggest lore bomb drop 1k words
@i23kazu ebg Jan 19-26
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homoromantixx · 2 months
Ive never listened to maneskin but I will after this but if its not your vibe I also like methatonin by destroy boys if its your vibe!! Also you will more likely be dead on but if ur stuck I can always drop more hehe-🍒
Maneskin is rlly good, I reccomend them!! They're a diff vibe from rhe songs you reccomended, but still rlly good!! I love the ones you've mentioned too, True Romance was super good 😌❤️
Also, listening to Methatonin rn and it scratches such a good spot in my brain omg 😭❤️ I need to listen to more music with this vibe, imma check our more songs from Destroy Boys after this >:)
( As for the hints, I have a couple theories but nothing I can be sure of yet, so imma just lurk and be nosy till I'm more sure >:3 )
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kinktae · 4 years
no idea if anyone has said this yet but i feel like kiri only told jk she wanted him to spite y/n and that she has no desire to get back together w him 🤭
bitchin 8 asks because i suck
spring2787 said: Pls tell me my son didn't do that to her in bitchin 8.... Ahhh.. Jeon Jungkook.. You dumb brat... 🥺
Anonymous said: You’re such an amazing writer, like damn you have SO MANY PEOPLE invested in your stories that you now have 1247294 people ganging up on jungkook and forming protection squads for y/n 🤣🤣 I’m so excited for what’s to come !!!!
cheeky-kookie said: Hey bb just me dropping in to give my opinion on the Bitchin' Chapter because I havent done it yet & you know how whipped I am. JK did a big uh-oh and fucked up. Hes confused. Kiri came and it's what he wanted forever. My theory is that it probably didnt feel like what he wanted after the fact and that's why he met up with MC. ALSO, the MC is upset (understandably) but she cant blame him bc she has given him no hint that there could be something there. Overall, good chapter :) Still whipped.
Anonymous said: I "kombucha girl"-ed to y/n telling jk she would never fall for him but I've decided it's what she (bitchin!jk) deserves 😤😤
unknowntalesx said: oh my god that anon went off 😂😂 nd the other anon has a good point! he might be very confused and wanted to see if y/n had feelings but alas the dirty dickin was still dirtyyy, oh meathead, i lovE bitchin
yourdelights said: watching everyone freak out over bitchin makes me very glad that i decided to wait and read it all after it's finished. i'll still end up suffering, i'm sure, but i'll get all the suffering done in one shot. like ripping off a bandaid after wetting it first.
Anonymous said: Lmaooo I'm over here sipping on my tea, waiting for Yara to wear her black latex suit and give little Jungkook a visit.. Honey, you've got a big storm comin 🍵🍵
Anonymous said: I feel like Kiri is going to cheat on him again and THEN he'll finally have the big revelation that oc was the right girl for him all along
Anonymous said: the real question is: is kiri going to use what happened and jk “cheating” on y/n with her to hurt y/n 😶👀
yourdelights said: watching everyone freak out over bitchin makes me very glad that i decided to wait and read it all after it's finished. i'll still end up suffering, i'm sure, but i'll get all the suffering done in one shot. like ripping off a bandaid after wetting it first.
Anonymous said: Lmaooo I'm over here sipping on my tea, waiting for Yara to wear her black latex suit and give little Jungkook a visit.. Honey, you've got a big storm comin 🍵🍵
Anonymous said: I feel like Kiri is going to cheat on him again and THEN he'll finally have the big revelation that oc was the right girl for him all along
Anonymous said: the real question is: is kiri going to use what happened and jk “cheating” on y/n with her to hurt y/n 😶👀
Anonymous said: rose i really hope u know that we want to y/n to have an least a moment with taehyung in this goddamn fic called bitchin
Anonymous said: thank god we just ship y/n with tae in this house right
Anonymous said: we are going to beat jk’s ass after all that shit he did with y/n 😤 meanwhile i wanna say a very important thing: taehyung WOULD NEVER do that lmao bye
Anonymous said: Me after reading about what Jungkook did to OC in bitchin08: I hate to say it, I hope I don’t sound ridiculous, I don’t know who this man is. I mean, he could be walking down the street for little bitches who don’t know how to process their feeling and need to get their shit together before a pissed off best friend come to chop their dicks off because he couldn’t keep it in his pants, and I wouldn’t know a thing. Sorry to this man
anonbebe97me said: Please, for the love of God, update Bitchin’ soon. I literally felt it so bad when he admitted what he did. My entire heart collapsed. I cannot even. Your writing is so good- I genuinely laughed during so many moments in this series and you might be my favorite writer. Seriously, I love you
Anonymous said: bitchin’ is legit the best thing ive ever read
Anonymous said: Same anon who has a (metaphorical) hole in her chest now...This fic is written so beautifully and I feel like I didn’t express that in the previous ask... it’s too good and damn why I did I have to get emotionally attached to these characters because now I’m genuinely Devo 😪 but still looking forward to what comes next (whenever it comes :))
Anonymous said: So I was putting off Bitchin 8 for a little bit because I didn’t know if I could handle it. I don’t know why a fictional story has me so effed up, but it does. So tonight I read it and OMG now I’m all angsty and upset! Why do you do that to us? Suchhhhh a good fic and amazing writing, but whyyyyyyy must you make us feel this way. This boy needs to get his shit together and just love her already. My heart can’t take it. 🤦🏻‍♀️❤️
madjammil said: I am waiting with bated breath for part 9 of Bitchin'! Part 8 had me all distraught 😭
Anonymous said: Will Y/n fight Jungkook? 🤧😂
cuteipat said: Should I prepare tissues or not?
toomuchdaegu said: art 9 dropping on my birthday, that is very much adequate
sydney--chan said: Your new mobile theme looks really good babie 🥺🥺 I cant wait to get my heart stomped on again during bitchin' 9!!! You're the only person I'll allow to do that to me HEHE hope ur doing well luv u ❤❤❤
wallbitjch said: Bijj stop teasing us 😤😭 huuhu but thankyousomuch ok 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘💕 bitchin foreva
Anonymous said: fanservice is gonna be yara x tae i KNOW IT
Anonymous said: Fuck Jungkook. Stan Yara.
Anonymous said: YOU MADE ME FALL IN LOVE WITH BITCHIN' KOOKIE OMG until chap 8. 🤡 You nice keep going.
Anonymous said: so, either taeyara shit happens or y/ntae shit happens... bro lowkey kinda wanna have y/ntae just to piss jk the fuck off man like fuck u jungkook
Anonymous said: I can’t wait for this Bitchin update. You better heal my heart. After last time, I shouldn’t trust you, but I’m placing my heart in your hands once again. Don’t hurt me. Jk you’re the best. I love you.
Anonymous said: When I say I'm not ready for pt. 9 of bitchin' I mean, FUCKKKKKKKKK NO I DON'T WANNA CRY STILL CRYING OVER PT. 8 😫
Anonymous said: It's a shame to do this while i'm drunk but i just want you to know that i love you and i will probably Fall asleep when you Will post pt 9 of bitchin' but i really really love the way your posts and your writing make me smile, giggle and dmkdldldldldlldldldldl scream when theres no Word to descrinw how i feel. I love you, please, have a great night know that you maks my heart boom boom 🥺🥺🥺💜💜💜
cheeky-kookie said: I re read Bitchin' 8 and almost cried because Jungkooks heart was breaking slowly I just- Hes an idiot but he cares for MC
Anonymous said: if kiri doesn’t drop dead in this chapter imma take matters into my own hands 😡 also chop off jungkook’s dick, he doesn’t deserve it
paolaa9700 said: Don’t gonna lie, I hate you for making me wait for the new chapter of Bitching until 4am (in my country). But you think I’m gonna stay awake until that hour just for that? Well you are right cause I’m gonna freaking wait. I’m already so nervous oh my god, oh my god! I can’t put in words how nervous and happy Im 😂
Anonymous said: mskjxjsmksksdkdjndlskxjbfbjc i just read pt.8 of bitchin and eye- fuck why did you do that to me? 😭 (also i think i’m new here, but i just want to say i’ve been reading your work for almost an entire year and it never ceases to amaze me! 💗)
tinievmin said: YOUR NEW THEME IS SO CUTE OMG!!! Also, I’m so excited for bitchin’ pt 9 but I’m terRIFIED THAT ILL STILL BE MAD AT JK ))):
rebekahoofblog said: im READY for pt 9, got my reminder SET. bitchin makes me wanna draw jungkook until i pass out boutta make more fanart i love ur writing the most 💞💞have an amazing day
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whatshethinks · 4 years
What happened?
BUT OK, MONDAY NIGHT AROUND 7pm - he picked me  up at KFC Marisol and then I got him fries and burger. And he was like whaaat you didnt hafto! I was like i know its cool
And then we got into his car, and he was all giddy and I was too, definitely. And then, I hand fed him fries and he was shooketh. And then I was like jeez, just eat it already. Hahaha! Tapos ayun he got used to me handfeeding him the fries and shit.
Then I was like hey where are you taking me (eh before when he was back in Cali, we talked about how I  had a dream about him and I having sex at Clark, CDC parade grounds) and he was like Im taking us to CDC HAHAHAHA
And then otw to Clark, I was asking him questions about his life like who he lives with in Cali, if he prefers his mom than his dad HAHAHA
So he was answering them, okay. Happily. So i kept going. Once we got to CDC, we just had parked car conversations. And we was eating fries (he's conscious about his diet so he tries so hard not to eat as many fries) and then while I was talking and singing he would just stare at me. Dead ass serious like stare like SEXY stare, like IM GOING TO  KISS YOU NOW stare.
Ofc I was a tease, so I came close to his face and said "what are you doing?" in a sexy voice (at least I thought it was sexy) and then he was brushing my face and hair with his fingers
Okay so! THE STARE. That fucking stare, was so fucking sexy and shit I can cum just by his stare. Ive never had someone stare at me that way before.
So he was staring at me! And I was wearing this baggy  knitted sweater from H&M and while he was staring, I was lowkey tryna make the sleeves fall off my shoulder like the slut I am. So his californian ass was like: damn mami
And then, I was singing Ivy - Frank Ocean, cause thats what was playing. And he suddenly kissed me. And we started making out you know, and he was grabbing my tits and shit, thank god they grew. And then he was like "oh my god" I was like "hehe what, why?"
And then, I got all heated up. I took off my sweater! And I was wearing a bra and jeans only by this time, and he was like "fuck, you're so hot" and then he would bite his lips and stop and just stare at my tits. Like as if they're the biggest tits he's ever seen. Validation right there for me!
And then, things are getting heated. He was trying to remove my pants, I said "adrian" and he would get his hands off immediately off me. Which was n extra turn on! Cause damn, I like me a good boy too mamas. And then I was kissing his neck. He smelled so good. And thats not even the best part of his body yet.
I went and touch his peepee, and then damn. That shit was hard as fuck and LONG... So I was like "oh my god" under my breath. And he removed them shorts immediately.
When he removed them, I was like "fuckkkkkk" cause jesus christ. I dove my mouth into that dick real quick!
His groin smells so good. Like every corner and inch. Which is so hard to believe cause he didn't come from his house, he came from a fucking funeral with his friends for fucks sake. How does it smell so good. So ofc, I had to show him my skills. My god, I sucked that dick for so long my jaw almost locked. Long story short, he didn't cum. He face fucked me while standing upin the car (thank you, Toyota Innova for having a huge ass space inside) and then I deepthroated without a doubt.
And then, he wanted to fuck - "wanna get a room?"
Me: Not yet, be patient Adrian: Fine baby
After a few mins, he tried to squeeze my butt but my ass small so barely squeezed anything. But thats okay.
And then I had to remind him I was on my period. He was like "Oh shit I totally forgot about that"
- We were smoking weed too on the drive to Clark, like the vape pen whatever you had before.
And then oh my god, honest to god the way he kisses me was so good. He would hold my face and squeeze my mouth with his hand and just fucking eat my whole face. And god, if someone was taking a video of it - they would have came.
It was the best kiss I've ever had. And then we'd take pauses after a few minutes. And I lied down on his chest and just feel his chest and arms and tattoos. And then, he would trace his fingers on my back and hair and give me FUCKING SMOOCHES.
R O M A N T I C!
So thats the fucking signal I picked up right? Cause who the fuck gives smooches to someone you just wanna fuck??!
Smooches are for "I wanna keep seeing you you adorable slut" not "I will hit you up only when Im horny"
So i was so gooey with all the smooches and the finger tracing and shit. I was rubbing his chest. And all that ROMANCE shit!
After a while, we decided to order takeout from Mcdonalds. And then, I offered to pay. He was like:
What are you doing? Let's half What are you thinking? Stop!!! Put that back
So he grabbed my wallet and fucking threw that shit back in my bag and said
Wag ka maglalabas ng pera pag kasama mo ko
So of course I went all soft and shit, once again!
While we were waiting for our takeout, I hand fed him fries again with caramel sundae this time. He was like "Im more of a chocolate sundae guy" but he still ate. Then he ate his burger. And then it was so cute cause the servers from McDonalds came out to deliver our food, and there were two of them... and they were all giggling and shit when they handed the 1 pc of burger and giggling when they left too.
I was like, "oooh they like you" He was like "they didnt have to go in pairs when they gave us this burger naman diba" I was like "they probably like you"
I wish I could say, thats my boyfriend.
Then he started sharing his life story back in the Philippines. Where he did a feeding program for his birthday 2 years ago and shit. How he got that trait from his mom and all. How he would do that again after a year. Then he dropped me off at Marisol, the gate at the kanto where you have to enter. I didnt let him drop me off at my house per se.
Then while I was fixing my stuff, he was like are you sure you're okay to walk home? I was like, yeah Im a big girl.
And he laughed, and was like "come here baby" and was gesturing a hug. So he hugged and fucking GAVE. ME. SMOOCHES. AGAIN.
I texted him at 6am to ask if I left my brella in his car. And then he replied at almost 2pm. When I saw that he was online at like 12pm (Facebook). But I brushed it off. Then, his message was dry as usual.
He acknowledged my head and I said we'd transfer to Telegram cause Im at work, but it was just small talk like I asked him when is he gonna pick his dog up downtown so I can meet his dog, Samson. He was like, "Ill def let you meet him, imma take him to CDC some time and you can come with"
And then, I was like Ill look forward to that and shit
And I sent a meme, and he just said "that is me" and I didnt reply na.
I texted him when I got out of work, you know - lowkey dropping hints and shit. And he replied 4 hours later. I just assumed he's with his friends
We talked during dinner and while I waited for his reply, I slept at 12am. And then he replied at 2am. And then I woke up at 5:30am for work, and he said "aga mo nagigising" and I said yeah and he was like "hatid kita sa work" and shit, but as the good girl and angel that I am, I said "No, pahinga ka nalang"
Then when I got out of work again, I asked him where he was at. And he said he just woke up but he was online for hours before that on Facebook. And he had plans with his family for his cousin's birthday and I was like oh okay.
And he said, puntahan kita mamaya? Ofc my heart went oops! Hahaha.
Okay I waited from 6pm to 9pm for him, and I was so tiired and sleepy already and when we met I was like I deserve an apology and he was like, matagal ba? Shet sorry talaga. Sinurprise pa kasi namin cousin ko.
And I was like, yeah a bit but its fine, tulugan nalang kita haha.
And then, I was so tired I couldnt think of a convo. So I asked him where he was planning to take me, and he said, up to you. I was like, anywhere.
And we ended up in a motel LOL. Like jesus christ, how can I say no now.
We got in the motel room, and oh, I forgot to mention on the way to the motel - I told him I got him a gift, cause his bday was on Sept 24th and he was like "OH MY GOD WHAT ARE YOU DOINNNNNNNNN, WHY DID YOU DO THAT"
He was prolly thinking I got him a watch or something like a scrapbook, LMFAO.
Then when we got to the motel, I gave him my gift, which was weed. I was like, I picked those up from the streets. And he was like "oh shiiiiit, you didnt have to" I was like, I know it no biggie.
Then he was like, "shit babyyyy, thank you"
And then we lied down and I was wearing a mini skirt and sweater. And he saw skirt go up and he was like "oh fuck" and then we made out and then I removed my sweater, and bra he was like "oh my god"
And then he slipped my panties to the side, and oof I liked that very much, thank you. And then, from missionary, we went to doggy. And then he was like - can I cum inside, and I didnt hear him the first time and the second time, so the third time, he was like "can. i cum. inside?" and I said, oh yeah go.
"are you sure?" "Yes haha"
and then he fucking did, it was so hot.
The sex is not as good as Kyle, as well as the dick feels. Ya know!? Hahaha but I dont mind.
and then I went to pee and I showed him my underwear with his cum on it LMFAO. And then he was like shookth
And then, we watched Rick and Morty for a while and then he turned the TV on and then in the movie, there was a funeral. And he switched it off, we ended up watching 1 ep of Brooklyn 99 and then we sang the intro of B99 together, unscripted. How cute was that. Cute as fuck.
Then you know how high people laugh, theyre just like "he.he.he" that was our laugh all through out the episode. HAHAHAHA we cute as fuck.
Then someone called him, a guy. I was assuming it was his cousin or something. Asking him what time he'll be home and where he's at.
Ever since then, he felt so uneasy. And off... I was making out with him, he was hard but it would just die. We were blaming the aircon LMFAO, and then I was like hey its okay. So we ended up spooning instead and he was playing with my titties and then, we tried again. And then, he got hard and died again. He was like "fuckkk so sorry baby, I've never had this problem before haha idk why its acting up right now"
I was like hey its okay, so I gave him head. And we started trying again, then ayun after a few mins. He was able to cum, and he came on my pussy naman.
We cuddled after cleaning up, and then he was staring into space, I was like whats wrong? You okay?
Yeah I am, why whats wrong? Ikaw ok ka lang?
Me: Yeah Im okay, you seem off lang
Adrian: No, wala wala. Dont mind me..
Me: Aww, its gonna be okay.
Adrian: De kasi, kanina sa movie may nakita akong coffin... naaala ko sya (his bestfriend who died whos the reason why hes back in the PH)
Me: oh shit, sorry.
And then he was like, no its okay... And then I was like you wanna bounce na ba?
Adrian: Ok lang ba? Kasi I actually have to go.
Me: What, of course its okay. I get it!
A: You sure ha? Feel ko galit ka...
Me: What, noo come  here. *kissed*
A: Sorry talaga
Then we checked out
The trip back home was awkward but we kissed goodbye and shit. And then the awkward texts came.
also forgot to mention, I asked why didnt he cum on my face and he was like: well I still wanted to kiss you after (:
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