#Ilse Aeducan
quaxorascal · 3 years
heavy is the head that wears the crown FOR YOU. i’m fine though
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sleepyspoonie · 7 years
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the gang’s all here
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quaxorascal · 5 years
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I had the chance to commission the lovely @faerun to make pixel icons of my Warden kids, and I am utterly in love with their work!! Their commissions are closed at the moment, but please do check out their art if you have the chance!!
[ID: four pixel, chibi-like icons of characters from the bust up. The icons feature two elves, a human, and a dwarf.
Idina, the first elf, is fat and has has light brown skin, a curly blonde bob, green eyes, and freckles. She is grinning pleasantly on a green background.
Fyfa, the second elf, is very thin and has brown skin, long and curly brown hair, hazel eyes, and curvy tattoos on her face. She is grinning mischievously on a silver background.
Sutton, the human, is broad-shouldered and has fair skin that’s been very sunburned, long and straight red hair that is tied back, blue eyes, and a tattoo of blue roses climbing up her right cheek. She is smiling pleasantly on a blue background.
Ilse, the dwarf, is stocky and has brown skin, very curly dark brown hair, grey eyes, full lips, and a trimmed goatee. She is smiling smugly on a dark red background.
All are wearing armour: Idina, Fyfa and Sutton’s armour is blue and silver, while Ilse’s is gold with a purple cape. /end ID]
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quaxorascal · 6 years
#squad, contact, track and field, fragrance, and poison for the da group? and if you're up to it: photo album for all of them too c:
Gladly!! (from here)
#squad: who’s friends with who? what are the squad dynamics like?
The short version that I’d originally written ended up getting Really Long so how about I break this down alphabetically
FYFA: doesn’t interact much with Idina, though when they do talk she asks questions about magic; doesn’t interact much with Ilse, thinks she’s too uppity; initially didn’t like Kallian much but spends more time with her now that the Blight is over; immediately took a liking to Naoka during the Blight; doesn’t interact much with Sutton but likes her on the basis that Naoka likes her; warmed up to Theresa circa Broken Circle and has not ceased to be a nuisance to Tess since
IDINA: doesn’t interact much with Fyfa, though when they do talk she asks questions about Dalish life; doesn’t interact much with Ilse; likes Kal but didn’t spend much time with her until after the Blight; warmed up to Naoka slowly, and now likes her very much as a friend; gets along with Sutton; has been best friends with Tess since they were itty bitty, and it took them 18 years and a whole Blight to figure out they like each other
ILSE: doesn’t interact much with Fyfa or Idina, though she likes the latter more than the former; doesn’t interact much with Kal until they’re both close to their Callings, at which point they get along p well; hated Naoka at first, but they started to get along after she worked through her own Issues, and now the two of them are qps; doesn’t interact much with Sutton but enjoys her company well enough; thoroughly enjoys Tess’ company
SUTTON: doesn’t interact much with Fyfa; gets along with Idina; doesn’t interact much with Ilse but likes her on the basis that Naoka likes her didn’t pay Kal much mind until midway through the Blight, then reached out to Kal (and ultimately saved her life by doing so); hit it off immediately with Naoka, then after a rough patch between Redcliffe and Orzammar the two of them properly got together; good friends with Tess
And that was Still long lmao
The rest will go under a cut!
contact: how does your OC(s) feel about touch/physical contact? are they affectionate? if so, how do they display affection to others?
FYFA doesn’t like contact from people she doesn’t know, but if she knows you and likes you, she will find any reason she can to touch you. You know she likes you if she drapes herself over you like you’re furniture. She’ll call anyone on their bullshit, but when she loves someone, she’ll hug them afterward
IDINA enjoys some casual touch, like handshakes and an arm on the shoulder, even a quick hug if she knows who you are. She isn’t much of a cuddler until she loves you, however, and even then she prefers showing her affection in other ways, most often with words -- sweet nicknames and the like
ILSE finds touch to be too intimate for her liking most of the time, in particular because she’s very slow to trust people. When she and Naoka get together, though, it’s revealed that’s she liked cuddling while asleep. While awake, she’s more likely to share space and silence with someone if she likes them. If she’s smiling in your company, she trusts you; if she’s adjusting her schedule to suit you, she adores you
SUTTON loves contact but she’s very adaptable, and she quickly becomes fluent in the love languages of the people in her life. She loves picking people up to hug them bc she’s tall and buff enough to do so, but her three favourite people don’t like being picked up. It’s very tragic
track & field: which (if any) of your OCs are athletic? what sports to they play? which of your OCs would go HARD in P.E.?
All except for Idina are athletic actually! It isn’t that Dee dislikes physical activity, it’s that she vastly prefers just pain ol’ walking if she’s supposed to move at all
Ilse is the least athletic of the other three per say, but she’s both fit and competitive, and she would love contact sports like rugby. Fyfa likes being athletic for the sake of moving around, and she’s also competitive for the sake of competition; she’d probably genuinely love track and field tbh. Sutton regularly spends time at the gym with her buddies, and absolutely goes hard as hell during competitive sports. She’s mostly here to have fun, but she’s not having fun if she’s not giving it her all
fragrance: what do your OCs smell like?
FYFA has a perpetual herbal smell to her, no matter how long it’s been since she was in the woods. There’s a sharp accent to her scent that could be spice or could be blood. As she gets older, the smell of death clings to her sooner than it clings to the others, overtaking the herbal smell little by little
IDINA smells like petrichor; in the Circle she smelled more like flowers pressed in a book, both the pages and the flowers themselves, but after leaving the Circle she was outside as often as possible. When using combat magic, or while she’s feeling intense emotion, she smells noticeably of ozone for a while
ILSE’s hair requires lots of care, including various oils, to keep it curly and healthy in the dry heat of Orzammar. Most of those oils don’t have much scent since they’re largely nut oils, but one can notice a coconutty smell to Ilse if one is close enough
SUTTON usually smells of salt in one way or another: sea water and sweat are each viable culprits. She frequently smells like dog, too, to the surprise of absolutely no one
poison: vices/bad habits? what are they? how do they affect your OC?
FYFA, in Shay’s on words, will die on any hill she sees. She likes arguing for the sake of arguing; she’s very good at talking for ages about nothing at all, and also good at telling lies, both extravagant and plausible. This got her into all sorts of trouble growing up, which she delighted in
IDINA will do just about anything for sugar. Not only that, but she has a bad habit of making assumptions; this has led to more than one instance of her assuming something that Tess didn’t mean, and Tess hates it when people put words in her mouth, so that ofc went well. She also used to shrink under pressure, and while she’s gotten better at this with time, she still has a tendency to ramble and to restart her sentences when stressed or nervous
ILSE is deeply traditional, and she has a very hard time altering her course when she learns that tradition isn’t the most favourable path to walk. This makes her first six months on the throne strenuous for her and Naoka, who had stayed behind as her second and who had to frequently remind Ilse of their intended goal of rebuilding the society of Orzammar
SUTTON puts into motion nearly every impulse that crosses her mind if it seems like fun, consequences be damned. This has led to more than one painful rash, broken bone, and judging look. Again, though, consequences be damned
photo album: describe one of your OCs’ favorite memories.
FYFA: Eating berries with Tamlen and Merrill behind their shared aravel. Merrill was the only one among them to have vallaslin, despite being more than two years younger than her and nearly three younger than Tamlen; the two of them would be completing their hunters’ trial in a couple of days. But for now, the three of them were children, flicking rotten berries at each other’s faces, carding stained fingers into one another’s hair, tangling their legs together, laughing and carefree
IDINA: Those tentative steps she took on the shore or Lake Calenhad after stepping off the boat she, Tess, and Duncan had been in, before they reached the wild grass and flowers and she laid down among them. Years and years of waiting to be on this side of the lake culminating into this long moment, with her on her back, looking up at the grey sky through squinted, smiling eyes. When her eyes found Tess, she was smiling down at her, one of her rare and soft smiles that Idina had always felt were meant just for her; Idina had never felt so free
ILSE: That two-second-long period between the Assembly acquiescing to her and Tess’ pitch to make her Queen and Bhelen making an attempt on Tess’ life for it. The whole room was alive with sound, as the deshyrs celebrated the end of their indecision and politely (or enthusiastically) welcomed their future Queen; and her new friends were right behind her. For the woman who had spent the better part of the year in various states of Alone, this welcome was long-awaited
SUTTON: Standing with her mother on a cliff on the coast of the Waking Sea, watching huge waves crash into the rock face with such force that, even while standing several feet away from the cliff’s edge, Sutton and Eleanor’s clothing was soaked by the half hour mark. Eleanor did not lose her attachment of the sea after marrying into the land-locked Couslands, and here, watching and listening to the waves, humbled and small and yet at ease, Sutton understood why her mother loved and respected the waves
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quaxorascal · 6 years
Just for fun I’m gonna write this post about what my DA peeps would be in DnD 5e
Fyfa Mahariel: Rogue, Scout archetype, wood elf. If Assassin were a class of its own she’d multiclass after meeting Zevran
Idina Surana: Sorcerer/Druid multiclass, Storm Sorcery origin/Circle of Dreams, elf. Took a feat to let herself wield a sword
Sutton Cousland: Fighter, Eldritch Knight archetype, Defense style, human. Is fascinated enough by magic to be an Eldritch Knight but not pious enough to be a Paladin
Ilse Aeducan: Paladin (Torm), Oath of the Crown, gold dwarf. Almost changed her oath to Vengeance in a fit of passion, but decided against it
Nisaleigh Hawke: Rogue/Monk multiclass, Mastermind archetype/ Way of the Shadow, half-elf. Could have been an Arcane Trickster but she likes her stealth too much
Mnuve Lavellan: Druid/Warlock multiclass, Circle of the Land (Coast)/ Pact of the Blade (Great Old One patron), wood elf. The pact is broken when she loses the Mark in Trespasser
Isador Surana: Wizard, School of the Artificer, sun elf. Proficient with the Healer’s kit, took a feat to be able to cast a couple cleric spells
Evan Surana: Bard, College of Lore, half-elf. His bardic focus is either a pan flute or another wind instrument
(Bonus) Yvette Shepard: Sorcerer, Shadow Magic origin, idk what race she’d be but she wouldn’t be human
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quaxorascal · 6 years
Shay nudged me toward filling out this meme for each of my Wardens and honestly I had been looking for reasons to do just that so Here We Go
full name: Ilse Anika Valda Endrina Aeducan
gender: cis girl, intersex
sexuality: aroace
pronouns: she/her
family: younger brother Bhelen, older brother Trian, mother Abha, father Endrin (all deceased); nephew Endrin; Rica and Naoka are definitely family in some way or another, even if unofficially
birthplace: Orzammar’s royal palace
job: Paragon Queen of Orzammar, Commander-in-Chief of Orzammar’s military, Deshyr of the Assembly of Orzammar, Captain of the Grey of Ferelden (honorary)
phobias: failure, marriage quite frankly
guilty pleasures: being able to sit down, sea salt dark chocolate
morality alignment?: lawful neutral
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: surprisingly extroverted? Though it’s certainly handy when you’re a queen and have to be in contact with people through the majority of your day
organized/disorganized: organized!
close minded/open-minded: very very closed-minded at the beginning of the Blight, has been opening up more since
calm/anxious: calm but attentive
disagreeable/agreeable: she knows how to make herself agreeable, let’s put it that way lmao
cautious/reckless: she’s naturally cautious, though she’s prone to the occasional “fuck it” decision
patient/impatient: she’s a Pro at the long game
outspoken/reserved: verrrry reserved
leader/follower: a born and raised leader if there ever was one
empathetic/unemphatic: she’s honestly not the most empathetic person around but she does like being nice and giving people compliments (provided the people live up to her standards)
optimistic/pessimistic: honestly she’s more of a pragmatist than either of these
traditional/modern: traditionalll
hard-working/lazy: she’s a hard worker, exemplified by the fact that since the Blight began she’s more or less had to work for everything she has
otp: nah
ot3: nah
brotp: she and Naoka are the absolute best QPs, and she and Tess are wonderful friends
notp: nah
The other two are under the cut!
full name: Idina Mullein Surana
gender: cis girl
sexuality: quoiromantic lesbian
pronouns: she/her
family: fathers Isador and Evan, two aunts and one uncle on Evan’s side (not in contact with); wife Theresa
birthplace: Sothmere, Ferelden
job: Constable of the Grey of Ferelden
phobias: imprisonment, failure
guilty pleasures: any sickeningly sweet food, sleeping in, kissing her wife over and over and over
morality alignment?: neutral good?? yeah
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: definitely ambiverted, and the company of Certain People recharges her almost always
close minded/open-minded: open-minded when she’s learning about new things, closed-minded when being told she’s wrong about something
calm/anxious: mostly calm until she thinks she’s done something wrong
disagreeable/agreeable: very agreeable! She loves people and being around them
cautious/reckless: on the reckless side usually
patient/impatient: she’s so very patient especially with her loved ones
outspoken/reserved: she tends to keep her opinions to herself unless she Knows you
leader/follower: she’s more of a leader than she believes!
empathetic/unemphatic: very empathetic
optimistic/pessimistic: she is Eternally an optimist
traditional/modern: modern I would say?? Shrug tbh
hard-working/lazy: I mean she’s a pretty passive person, but especially when she’s hyperfixated on something she works hard to achieve her goals, so I suppose hard-working?
otp: TessIdina of course ;0
ot3: Idina in the poly Wardens AU is just like “I’m happy with just one wife, the others can have their fun”, then she meets Celia and is like “Oh,”
brotp: she and Sutton in certain AUs snuck right up on me but I love them so much, also she and Naoka are So Good
notp: Idina/dudes I guess
full name: Fyfa Yrneha Sabrae Mahariel
gender: agender
sexuality: panro ace
pronouns: she/her/they/them
family: father Theron (deceased), mother Yrneha (absent), adoptive mother Ashalle; wife Leliana, platonic husband Zevran
birthplace: somewhere in the southern Frostback Mountains, Ferelen
job: Lieutenant of the Grey of Ferelden
phobias: ghasts, abandonment
guilty pleasures: starting shit™, draping herself over her friends in affection
morality alignment?: chaotic neutral
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: extroverted!!
organized/disorganized: her alignment is chaotic and so is her life
close minded/open-minded: more closed-minded I would say? Especially at the beginning of the Blight, but she definitely opens up
calm/anxious: calm content until given a reason to be anxious
disagreeable/agreeable: if she doesn’t want you to like her you won’t, if she does want you to like her there’s a good chance you might
cautious/reckless: 100% reckless and 0% apologetic
patient/impatient: Fyfa?? Wait for things?? Who do you think she is???
outspoken/reserved: she keeps her opinions loud and her feelings quiet
leader/follower: honestly she’s not a half bad leader but believes she wouldn’t be good at it so she’s happy to follow her friends’ lead
empathetic/unemphatic: she’s something of an empath and it is, in her opinion, a frequent pain in the ass
optimistic/pessimistic: shrug tbh?? It’s more that she tends to fixate on One possible end result and becomes intolerant of deviation
traditional/modern: definitely a traditionalist
hard-working/lazy: she’d like to be lazier than is required of her tbh, but she’ll see her given tasks through to the end
otp: Leli and Fyfa have had my heart for the past three or so years and honestly they always will
ot3: Leli/Fyfa/Zev Hell Yes
brotp: I honestly have so many??? Calen, Naoka, Tess, Ali, Zev
notp: if I Have to pick one it’s her and Ali, that’s her great big kid brother
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quaxorascal · 4 years
Got tagged for this by @cityandking, thank you! Just for fun, I’ll tag @actuallyaltaria @subcorax @sleepysak @sleepyspoonie @bimercenary aaand @patchodraws
I’ll do this for two different OCs just for fun too :3c
full name: Abha Aeducan, originally of house Rao
gender: female
sexuality: bisexual
pronouns: she/her
family: Nehal (mother), Gagandeep (father); Endrin (ex-husband), Trian (son), Ilse (daughter), Bhelen (son)
birthplace: Orzammar
job: (former) Queen of Orzammar
phobias: heights, lowkey magic as well but with exposure she can be okay
guilty pleasures: wearing near-excessive amounts of jewelry, bodice-ripper novels, and tbh? embroidering her own clothing and cooking for herself. darling needs to learn how to provide for herself as much as she does for others
morality alignment: Lawful Good
sins: lust / greed / gluttony / sloth / pride / envy / wrath
virtues: chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience / justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
Introvert / Extrovert: extrovert
Organized / Disorganized: organized
Close-minded / Open-minded: somewhere in between, but can come around to someone else’s way of thinking if she learns enough about it
Calm / Anxious: anxious lmao
Agreeable / Disagreeable: agreeable
Cautious / Reckless: cautious to a fault
Patient / Impatient: patient
Outspoken / Reserved: somewhere in between
Leader / Follower: leader, not that she believes it
Empathetic / Unempathetic: empathetic
Optimistic / Pessimistic: ehhh? in between I think
Traditional / Modern: traditional
Hard-working / Lazy: hard-working
otp: Abha/Revka
ot3: Abha/Revka/Kuan Hao 
brotp: man Abha needs more friends her age. Abha&Ilse have a really strong friendship though, I sure love that mother/daughter dynamic
notp: Abha/Endrin lmao. they worked out well Once but in time they just didn’t see eye to eye anymore and they drifted apart
full name: Isador Mylo Surana, née Greyeyes
gender: bigender
sexuality: gay
pronouns: he/him and she/her
family: Daisy (grandmother); Connor (father), Jamie (mother); Evan (husband), Idina (daughter)
birthplace: Culhope, Ferelden
job: in-home doctor for the Highmount alienage
phobias: claustrophobic, also not the biggest fan of large bodies of water
guilty pleasures: getting new tattoos. that said, he is in no way ashamed of any of his pleasures
morality alignment: Chaotic... Good? yeah i think that’s it
sins: lust / greed / gluttony / sloth / pride / envy / wrath
virtues: chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience / justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
Introvert / Extrovert: extrovert, tho he doesn’t always act like it since he’s not the most outgoing
Organized / Disorganized: as organized as he cares to be, which is usually “I have a system for this!”
Close-minded / Open-minded: open-minded in most areas
Calm / Anxious: he’s pretty laid-back, tho he definitely isn’t chill, which is what I almost wrote. he’s too dramatic for that lmao
Agreeable / Disagreeable: will argue for fun sometimes, but is mostly agreeable!
Cautious / Reckless: reckless
Patient / Impatient: it depends, but he does have a Big capacity for patience
Outspoken / Reserved: outspoken.
Leader / Follower: more of a follower I’d say?
Empathetic / Unempathetic: empathetic
Optimistic / Pessimistic: pretty dang optimistic
Traditional / Modern: modern, tho he appreciates tradition a lot
Hard-working / Lazy: depends on who you ask
otp: Isador/Evan
ot3: Isador/Evan/Faljere. These are some Real Guilty Pleasure hours and also a candle I’ve been holding for years lmao
brotp: Isador&Revka!! love these goons, love their love
notp: uhhhh romanic Isador/Revka I guess?
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quaxorascal · 7 years
Purely for my own reference, a breakdown of the hair types for most of my OCs:
Callie: 3C
Brian: 2B?? Maybe 2A
Naomi: 1A
Lucian: 2B for sure
Kerryn: 3B
Fyf: probably 2A in Elemental but idk if they straighten it or not, 1B or smth in DnD
Io and Õe: 1C
Alex: 1B? I think
Camille: somewhere between 3C and 4A
Sydney: 2A
Fyfa: 3A or 3B
Sutton: 1B
Idina: 3A in DA, 1B in Elemental and Recharg.eable
Ilse: 3B
Isador: 1B
Evan: 3A
Nisaleigh: 2B
Mnuve: 1C??
Yvette: 1C For Sure
Punchdrunk: between 2B and 2C
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sleepyspoonie · 7 years
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dice palette for @quaxorascal! this is for their dragon age hero, ilse aeducan! 
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sleepyspoonie · 7 years
my and @quaxorascal‘s wardens as troubled birds bc im easily entertained and lack impulse control
ilse aeducan
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naoka brosca
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sutton cousland
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kallian tabris
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fyfa mahariel
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theresa amell
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idina surana
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quaxorascal · 8 years
"Hey Ilse, dare you to tell that deshyr over there his face looks like the backside of a Bronto."
Any other day, Ilse might’ve told Brosca she would have to go halfway and call him such a thing in private, maybe after a glass of wine.
But this deshyr in particular had been like a sharp rock in Ilse’s shoe for no less than a week, and she’d already thought of some choice names to call him all by herself. Brosca knew exactly what she was doing; and, frankly, ‘the backside of a Bronto’ was a fairly tame thing to call him.
Her smile is small and clever when she tells Brosca: “Just make sure to act as surprised as he does when he hears it.”
@sleepyspoonie (I’m on mobile rn so I can’t add tags, but here you go!!)
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