#If this post doesn't make you interested also know that it is FULL of banger songs and incredibly fun action sequences
beastialmoon · 1 year
Ok sorry but I'm gonna weeb out a little bit. I've been thinking about making a post like this for a few days now so bear with me.
Symphogear Spoilers below.
You know what I love most about Symphogear? You have an entirely selfless main character who uses their trauma and hardship as growth so others don't have to feel the same pain.
The only one of two survivors from a concert event turned tragedy, bullied by her peers and filled with survivors guilt, she adapts the term "Heiki, Hecchara" or "It's alright, I'll be fine." A term she learns from her - admittedly deadbeat- dad that gives her the motivation to move forward during times of hardship.
For 4 seasons, over and over, Hibiki is reaching out and trying to listen to her enemy's needs. In the very beginning of the show, she realizes that her Gungnir, being only her fists, also allows her to hold hands with those around her. That is her Armed Gear - not a missile, or a sword, or a scythe - but the ability to hold hands with anyone. [pix 1-3]
Then at the end of the show, she realizes that, for once in her life, it's okay for her to be just a tiny bit selfish.
Hibiki saves Miku from Shem-Ha not to save the world or even to save her friends, but because she loves her and needs her sunshine. The outcome is still the same but the motivation is full of such love and beauty this way. [pix 4-5]
It's so lovely to see selfless characters learning to be selfish from time to time. It's okay to reach out and grab for what you want.
Especially if what you want is a good and meaningful relationship with someone you hold incredibly dear to you.
Okay really long post just to say that symphogear is really gay at its core and I love it so much 🥲
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ignitesthestxrs · 7 months
I know you said you’ve gone back into it slowly but any book recs?
yes absolutely!! i have read some bangers lately tbh. also another thing i am trying to do is start uuuh reviewing what i'm reading so i will link a couple of those as well. but here is a sporadic collection of my reading enjoyments of the last year or so!
em is hands down one of the best writers i know with prose that will punch you in the face and leave you asking if you can have another, please.
IF FOUND RETURN TO HELL is a queer found family novella featuring a done-with-this protag working in a wizarding call centre who abruptly comes down with a case of 'sweet angel baby boy possessed by demon hell child' in a broken magical healthcare system where following protocol is more important than like, helping people. so what is journeyman wen to do if not, you know, help anyway?
THE DEATH I GAVE HIM is the queer scifi hamlet retelling of my dreams, which is funny because i didn't care about hamlet until this book taught me how to. a thoughtful exploration on the nature of adaptation, death & immortality, and also what happens when your best friend is an AI and you wanna fuck him.
IN COLD BLOOD by Truman Capote the original true crime novel. still stuck in my truman blorbo moment. full review here
ASSASSIN'S APPRENTICE by Robin Hobb classic 90s fantasy with surprisingly emotional focus on the protag in a way i really dug. unhinged levels of accidental queerbaiting in a way that i enjoyed rather than despaired of. full review here.
PANDORA'S JAR: WOMEN IN THE GREEK MYTHS by Natalie Haynes a great overview of classical women that takes into account multiple sources and the way they have been read over centuries, and how the time in which a tale is being told affects the tale just as much as what the text of the story actually is. does a good job of walking the middle ground between like, historical sexism and the reflexive girlbossification instinct.
IN OTHER LANDS by Sarah Rees Brennan the queer harry potter offshoot we all actually deserve. portal fantasy with an acerbic main character who will save the world out of sheer spite because the world doesn't seem to think he can save it, or want him to do it even if he could. a genuinely lovely musing on the nature of loneliness, what abuse does to a child, how it's hard but possible to overcome the prejudices you learn when you're young, and how eventually, you're going to have to make the decision to let yourself be loved.
SHE WHO BECAME THE SUN by Shelley Parker-Chan truly i don't have the word for how fucking excellent this queer epic fantasy is. set in mongol-ruled china, this book is a masterclass in political intrigue, historical fiction, military fantasy, and also genderfuckery. feat. the kind of tragedy you see coming for several hundred pages and still takes your breath away when it hits, and also lesbian fisting. anyone who says books based in history can't get queer can get fucked.
A MARVELLOUS LIGHT by Freya Marske for a total 180 in mood, here is your queer romantic fantasy set in an Edwardian England that is reflective of the fact that like, queer people did in fact exist in Edwardian England. A lighter fare that nonetheless will hit you right in the heart and leave you delighted that a) there's a second book out now and b) the third one is coming soon. also Freya is an Artiste when it comes to writing good sex scenes, which
i belatedly realise it seems like i'm focusing on in this post but i just! like a queer text that tackles queer sex with nuance and interest and the horror and/or joy of the body, and the above authors are all fucking masters at their art (which includes, but by no means is limited to, writing about fucking)
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Fall Out Boy - So Much For Stardust song-by-song review
I'm just gonna start this by being completely honest: since MANIA was released, I haven't been interested in any Fall Out Boy songs because I was that disappointed by that album. To my surprise when they released the first singles of SMFS they sounded pretty good, but they still weren't enough to get me hyped, I even forgot that the album was to come out today until I got the notification
Well, this opinion changed instantly when I listened through the whole record. This might even be one of the best albums of the year for me already. But let's not get that ahead this early. Here's what I think song by song.
01. Love From The Other Side
The first single the band released off the album and conveniently the opening track starts with a dreamy piano+string intro which then explodes into a surprising rock riff that is very reminiscent of the earlier FOB records. So much so that when I first heard it I thought it was a B-Side from Folie A Deux or something. But no, it was a well-written pop punk banger with a great hook in the chorus that was a 2022 release (as a single). The music video is also hilarious with old man Pete telling a tale and the band wearing dumb costumes and having countless references to older FOB videos. Nostalgia factor 10/10.
02. Heartbreak Feels So Good
The second single and the second song starts with an intro that scared me a little when I first heard it. Not because it was spooky but because it had a little late 2010's dancehall feeling to it that I really hoped the music industry had grown out of already. But as soon as the drums and later the guitars arrive everything suddenly made sense. The post-chorus ooh-s reminded me a little to the MANIA era but they weren't as jarring as I expected. Sounded very poppunk again, similarly to the older FOB albums. The line: "I’d never go, I just want to be invited" is one that I think every introvert like me can relate to which is a nice touch in the song. The music video has Rivers Cuomo in it which made the song even better for me as a huge Weezer fan.
03. Hold Me Like a Grudge
Now this was what I expected from a newer Fall Out Boy single. Despite being only the first single that was released today, same day as the album itself, if I heard the full album for the first time, I would've guessed this was the first single. It's really dance-y, borderline annoyingly. The yeah-yeahs reminded me a little of Michael Jackson's highs that brought a little soul vibe to the whole song. Also although the song has distorted guitars in it, I wouldn't call this one a rock song, more like a funky, dance-y, disco pop banger which happens to be played by a whole rock band. The lyrics are really good in this one, seems like the boys found the right pen again because lines such as: "And I guess I'm getting older cause I'm less pissed When I can't get onto the guest list" or "Part time soulmate, full time problem" seem way less cringy than "I'll stop wearing black when they make a darker color" for example. Overall this one is a great song but if you want the emo version of FOB, you might not like it.
04. Fake Out
The fourth track starts off really reminiscent of the 00's, this one is a calmer, "sad but i'm dancing anyway" type of song. The verse riff to me sounds like a blink-182 song, similar to Bored to Death or What's My Age Again with the clean guitars, it really seems like this one was written to pay respects to the band's roots. The lyrics in this are on point again, the opening line of the chorus: "Love is in the air, I just gotta figure out a window to break" is again really quotable, and Patrick's vocal performance singing the high notes is perfect as usual. The elder emos who liked FOB from Infinity On High might enjoy this song a lot.
05. Heaven, Iowa
The first more of a power ballad on the album starts very pop-ish, so the listener doesn't know what to expect until the second chorus hits. Patrick again shows his incredible range, and in the second chorus the guitars and the drums follow him on his journey to the highest of highs. It's honestly one of the more annoyingly catchy songs for me on the album, by the time the last chorus hit I was ready to scream: SCAR... CROSSED... LOVERS... FOREVER. There's even a spicy guitar solo/lick at the end that adds to the whole power ballad feeling.
06. So Good Right Now
If you want a really retro sounding, almost rockabilly song to dance to then look no further. This song also screams both Infinity On High and Folie A Deux to me. The chorus is a little repetitive, it's like it's purposely trying to convince you that the singer is feeling soooo good right now. Maybe this is an obvious contradiction that just flew over my head. There's also a lot of woah-s and yeah-s which add to this feeling of repetitiveness. Overall I think this one, despite sounding really retro, a forgettable song for me.
07. The Pink Seashell (feat. Ethan Hawke)
This one is an interesting spoken word interlude between the (seemingly) happiest and the biggest sounding songs on the record: Ethan Hawke's guest appearence from the movie Reality Bites where his character speaks about enjoying life despite its hardships. Honestly this interlude hit me way harder than it should've. There's not much to say, if you're a 90's movie fan, you probably know this whole monologue, if not then prepare the tissues 'cause you're about to be sad.
08. I Am My Own Muse
As previously mentioned, this one is easily the biggest sounding song on the whole record. The first intrumental section really shows how good songwriters the boys in the band are. There's a sting section, a brass secion, accompanied by the heavy sounding muted guitars are just amazingly well put together. I recommend listening to this one with good sounding headphones. The melody in the verses also similar to 40's and 50's love songs with the melody ending on a lower note. I feel like this song pays homage to these huge movie soundtracks and scores that were in the classic movies back then.
09. Flu Game
Surprise, surprise, another dance-y sounding piece. This one just blatantly tells you that there was a heartbreak and the singer of the song doesn't need to count on them or anyone anymore. I don't know if just because of the danciness or because of the production but Flu Game has major Folie A Deux vibes for me. I also like the ear allegory between Mike Tyson and Van Gogh. Sometimes I love FOB because of these clever lyrical comparisons and not because of the melodies, and this one belongs to that category.
10. Baby Annihilation
Despite the title sounding like a deathcore album, this one is just a short spoken word interlude by Pete Wentz himself, the first one since 20 Dollar Nose Bleed apparently. It doesn't hit as hard for me as the Ethan Hawke one but if you like Wentz' lyricism you might even enjoy this little break between songs. It's a disappointed yearning for something better and that's pretty much all it wants to say.
11. The Kintsugi Kid (Ten Years)
If you liked Save Rock And Roll, this song might be for you. The Na-Na-Na's bring that feeling to this song, the instrumental is not as pop rock-ishly heavy as in the other songs. I also like the melody before the bridge a lot, it's very pop punk. I don't think this one will become a hit but the diehard fans of the band will still enjoy this song a lot.
12. What a Time To Be Alive
We pretty much paid homage to every decade now, of course the 80's won't be an exception. The drums in the beginning sounded a little like Mary On A Cross by Ghost to me and the riff is also reminiscent of that kind of music. But again, the melody and the production also reminded me to Papa Don't Preach by Madonna so I don't know what to think anymore. The song's groove is similar to the Madonna song as well. The lyrics are clearly written about the lockdown era and how we were waiting for the apocalypse to happen. The song is vibey and happy but the lyrics are probably the darkest so far. To add to the 80's feeling there's even a harmonized guitar solo in the end. Great piece, I really enjoyed this one.
13. So Much (for) Stardust
And the cherry on top, as mentioned in the previous song, the title track of the album. The piano intro sounds very soul-ish to me which compliments Patrick's voice. Then we get a Save Rock'n Roll type of ballad chorus which is completely expected for a Fall Out Boy closing track but the real cherry on top is something else. Around 3 minutes there's a reprise of the first song of the album which hasn't happened in Fall Out Boy songs since What A Catch, Donnie on Folie A Deux. When I heard the callback for the first time I gasped "No Shit" to myself because that was such a cheap but great solution by the band that I didn't know was still in them. Pretty much the best closure since What A Catch, Donnie. Absolute perfection
So here it is, I didn't think I would enjoy a FOB record in 2023, but here we are. This album is perfect for elder emos' nostalgia boner but also a fresh take on how pop rock/mainstream pop punk should sound in the current year, embracing the nostalgia. The record is amazing for the early spring weather, I listened to it during a long walk by myself, I'd recommend you to do the same. Easily will be among the albums of the year for me personally.
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homeofjonicles · 2 years
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The Jonicles - Entry 26.5
It is currently the 3rd of October, 2022 at 7:33 pm on a warm-ish Monday night, the day of absolutel reckoning. You know, I don't really mind Mondays that much.... Sure, it's the first day you go to school or work, but they're not that bad... It is also day #137 of my Jon Arbuckle hyperfixation.
Woah! Another bonus entry? That's unheard of! Yeah, I'm writing a shortie today. I wanted to quickly talk about some interesting Garfield-related media that I've found recently that I may make full entries of eventually because I think they're definitely worth looking into!
Back in 1995, a Garfield themed eurodance album was released and, apart from a music video made for it back when it was released that was later reuploaded by Lumpy Touch, it hasn't gotten much attention. It's a strange, relatively obscure little thing that I discovered from a Reddit post in early-mid September. I haven't seen it mentioned on many Garfield icebergs and there's, to my knowledge, no videos that have been made about it, apart from the odd remix and the aforementioned music video (which you should check out, by the way. it's got a lot of 'Garfield And Friends' clips in there that really give off so much of signature late 80s early 90s aesthetic). The most interesting thing is how un-Garfield it is. Yeah, the lyrics do talk about cats, but there's nothing about Garfield's live for lasagna or the other characters, for that matter. In fact, they never really mention Garfield's name, which makes me wonder if they were just generic tracks that PAWS Inc. liscensed and slapped Garfy-Baby onto. That isn't to say that the music doesn't slap though - 'Cool Cat', the most iconic track in the album, is such a BANGER!! It gives me huge Sonic R vibes if Sonic R was more like Nightcore. That piano in 'Hold On To Your Dreams' is just the absolute chef's kiss, we have an official piece of Garfield media that contains the phrase "I'm Getting High", and don't even get me strated on how hype 'Party Of Love' is!!! I'm so genuinely surprised that something like this actually exists because of how oddly unique it is? Like, what genre of music do you think of when you think of Garfield? If you grew up with the 80s cartoons, you probably think of something jazzy, something smooth with a snazzy bassline that defines Garfield's character and makes it memorable. If you grew up with something more modern like the DTV Garfield movies and 'The Garfield Show', you might think of brass instruments that are loud and bursting with energy, something more goofy and energetic. But eurodance? I think it goes without saying that this is one of my favourite bits of obscure Garfield media because of how unique and how much of a BOP it is. Someone show this to Quinton - that is, if he hasn't already heard it!
This piece of media is a little, well, strange, to say the least... So, you know the comedian Gilbert Gottfried, right? You probably know him for his incredibly recognisable voice and taboo style of comedy... Now mix it with Garfield. Like, fuse them together. What do you see? Do you see some terrifying abomination of a man-cat hybrid? Just imagining Gilbert Gottfried's face plastered onto the fat cat? Wondering why the fuck anything like this would even come into existence in the first place and why this world is so unholy? Good, because that's what I thought too when I first saw this freaky little guy. It's called Gilbert Garfield, an ARG series that focuses on the person behind the archival of a lost series he recieved on VHS tapes that's similar to Garfield And Friends except, well, except that Garfield is also Gilbert Gottfried. Listen, this series is simultaneously on of the most eerie and hilarious ARGs I've ever seen. The premise is so silly, stupid even, yet it works so well... Fucking.... Gilbert Garfield... It starts out Gilbert Garfield saying something about the creation of lasagna whilst Odie is immediately shot in the face offscreen by an Italian-speaking alien who arrests Gilbert Garfield for the future crime of killing Jon Arbuckle and they take him to their spaceship, only to get lasered by Gilbert, and then everything falls into this plot of Gilbert being driven insane by his own third and fourth eye seeing abilities and it's crazy. That's not even scraping the surface yet. It's so fucking mental, I love it. The presence of Gilbert throughout the clips that have been uploaded really reminds me of Zalgo, an eldritch horror being that you may remember if you were on the internet and in the creepypasta community during roughly 2004-2010, to which the plastered Gilbert Gottfried face present on Garfield and how any media he's in seems to be corrupted parallels the corruption of any comics and cartoons Zalgo causes by his presence. Of course, Zalgo doesn't blast Italian aliens with a cosmic fire laser thing and have the face of Gilbert fucking Gottfried, but y'know! And this is all still being developed too. In fact, a new video was uploaded literally 2 days ago from when this is being written, and many more are being uploaded in other places. They even have their own website, it's crazy. I must warn you though, it is quite disturbing and is hard to follow, especially the latest video which has gore and mentions things relating to... Erm... Let's say, something being squirted onto people who are not alive... Yyyeeeaah! But seriously though, I really like this series, I even drew a little Gilbertfield on some paper while on holiday (as seen above), he's a horrifying little abomination that I love so dearly. I can't wait to see what further developments this will have!!!
So, that wraps up this little bonus entry. I have some other topics that are a little more spooky to write entries on during this month, including one that is near and dear to my childhood. I might talk for in-depth about these topics, but for now, I'll be leaving with this.
Last edited at 8:25 pm.
Your Local Jonnoisseur
Posted on the 3rd of October, 2022 at 8:35 pm.
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veeaxx · 1 year
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I posted 179 times in 2022
That's 175 more posts than 2021!
55 posts created (31%)
124 posts reblogged (69%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 135 of my posts in 2022
Only 25% of my posts had no tags
#veda chats ✧ - 49 posts
#twisted wonderland - 47 posts
#veda reblogs ✧ - 40 posts
#twst wonderland - 39 posts
#twst - 35 posts
#twisted wonderland x reader - 32 posts
#twstファンアート - 25 posts
#twst x reader - 24 posts
#veda chats ✧ - 20 posts
#disney twisted wonderland - 16 posts
Longest Tag: 86 characters
#kinda surpised how i got her a second time and got enough soulstones to promote her 🤨
My Top Posts in 2022:
A/N: I'm so sorry this came a bit very, very overdue. I had a few things going on, I lost all my motivation, and i made this when i was rlly tired. I had to remove the last three side characters because I'm unfamiliar with their personalities up until now..I'll try writing them when I get to know 'em better! Enjoy reading! :D
pls simeon's song is such a banger
𝗛𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗰𝗮𝗻𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗢𝗯𝗲𝘆 𝗺𝗲! 𝗨𝗻𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲𝘀 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝗻 𝘀/𝗼 𝘄𝗵𝗼 𝗵𝗮𝘀 𝗮 𝘀𝘄𝗲𝗲𝘁 𝘁𝗼𝗼𝘁𝗵:
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• I have a feeling that Diavolo loves sweets. Am I the only one??
• He probably eats a fair amount of them too.
• But of course, unlike you..It's a daily thing.
• He invited you to the castle for dinner once, and he saw you were awfully interested in the sweet treats.
• He thinks it's cute.
• Yeah, he does. Apparently he always seems to crack a smile at the sight. oh and he blushes a lot too
• But he's gonna spoil you. Definitely.
• Expect to see many surprises awaiting you, cause oh boy, this man is going to go all the way.
• If he's eating something sweet, he always offers some.
• But most of the time you end up finishing it..
• Dw he doesn't mind, so it's completely fine if you do! <3
• He asks Barbatos for advice in making your favorite treats.
• Diavolo cares so much about your well-being however, so he tries to get you healthier food options sometimes!
• When he sees you sneak out for treats he's so clueless-
• "..M/C, is that you--"
• He always invites you over for tea, but there's usually more 'sweets' than tea.
• Your love for sweets is very appealing to him. He loves it <3
• I have a headcanon that you guys buy so much treats, that when you come back to the castle you're carrying TWO bags.
• No one's judging you, nope. Yeah, you should pass if you're gonna judge M/C...
• Your expression is what makes his heart flutter
• Your smile, your eyes when you eat something to your liking..
• It's too adorable for him!
• "There's my favorite human! Let's have tea at the castle. Besides, I have a special surprise for you."
See the full post
199 notes - Posted May 5, 2022
*+:。.。 。.。:+*
"Baby it's cold outside.."
A/N: Listened to this song and got the motivation to make something about it with none other than our dearest Idia~ Thanks to @azlrse for helping me decide who to pick! I also included a text convo for idia's confession 🤭
TW: There are hints of freezing in the cold and cold weather. Also, ooc idia?? If I missed a warning please tell me immediately!!
Pairing(s): Idia Shroud x gender-neutral!reader
Fandom: Twisted Wonderland
Please refer to my masterlist to see the rest of my works!
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Winter falling over NRC was something you never expected.
It's as if you were in the Arctic, it was freezing. But the cold didn't seem stop anyone, including you.
Running around the snow-covered court yard with Grim while having snow ball fights with Ace and Deuce, baking winter-themed pastries with Trey, causing chaos with Ruggie, hanging at the Mostro Lounge with Jade and Floyd, having Christmas make-overs with Vil, and hanging around with Lilia and Malleus in their dorm.
It was wonderful. But you felt you were lacking something,, or rather someone..
But of course, that specific someone happened to be Idia, your significant other. The shut-in scoffed at those who played in the snow, muttering phrases like "Who would go out at this time..." Or "Playing in the snow? Seriously?" He didn't mean to be rude majority of the time, but his sarcastic attitude couldn't help it.
His little brother, Ortho had tried multiple times to bring his brother out to have fun. But the 'fire-head' always refused. Being the angel he was, Ortho respected his brother, and didn't force him.
However, part of him felt sad that his brother never really went out and had fun like the others, thus resulting in Ortho using his tablet to always be on a call with Idia and bring it everywhere. The perfect solution!
Idia sighed. He appreciated his brother's efforts, but he wondered what was so special about going out and having fun in this type of weather. The only thing that would make him go out was a new video game, and of course, Y/N.
Let's dive into Idia's interest in Y/N, shall we?
He never knew how or why he became awfully interested in the prefect. Whether it be because they were usually his player 2 (besides Ortho), or because they just understand each other, he loved them. Eventually it came to the point where he caught feelings and confessed through a text, being too shy to see them in person.
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218 notes - Posted August 17, 2022
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⋆ their s/o wants to sleep over, what happens?
𝐀/𝐍: this is quite delayed + shorter and i apologize for that, but here's savanaclaw—also guess who just found out how to make the text small 🤦‍♀️
𝐓𝐖: savanaclaw is definitely ooc, if i missed a warning, do tell me!
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫/𝐬: leona, ruggie and jack.
𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦: twisted wonderland
𝐭𝐰𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: let me know if you'd like to be added!
⋆ please refer to my 𝐦.𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 to see the rest of my works!
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267 notes - Posted December 7, 2022
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a random post i made because i've been having a floyd brainrot recently !!
"Boop!" You exclaim, booping your boyfriend's nose softly. "Gotcha, Floyd~" You tease, all the while Floyd's cheeks turn a bright red before he grins. "Such a sneaky little shrimpy~" He mutters, ruffling your hair. You shrug your shoulders, giggling shortly after. "Learnt from the best, of course." Floyd's grin grows slightly wider. "Oh, and who does that happen to be?" He asks, acting as if he doesn't know the answer. You look up at the giant, crossing your arms all whilst smirking. "My, what an amazing question~" You mutter. He hums, making you scoff teasingly and softly drag him down to your height using the collar of his shirt. You quickly kiss the boy on his lips, his eyes widening and cheeks glowing a faint red. "It's you, Floyd." You reply. He chuckles, all while still being flustered. "No wonder why I fell this hard for you, M/C.." He mutters, you rolling your eyes playfully. "That's enough~ Let's get to class, Floyd." You tease. "Oh of course, dearest~" He replies, bowing down in a playful manner, making you giggle.
likes and reblogs are deeply appreciated, lovelies~
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289 notes - Posted September 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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⋆ their s/o wants to sleep over, what happens?
𝐀/𝐍: i might make other parts if this blows up, contains headcanons and a drabble per each character! also octavinelle makes a cameo in ace's part&lt;;33
𝐓𝐖: the boys are quite ooc, if i missed a warning, do tell me!
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫/𝐬: riddle, trey, cater, deuce and ace.
𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦: twisted wonderland
𝐭𝐰𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: let me know if you'd like to be added!
⋆ please refer to my 𝐦.𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 to see the rest of my works!
See the full post
632 notes - Posted September 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
I had to post this 🥹‼️
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iqmmir · 6 months
hhi questions for milgtam ask game!!! ii hope its not too much
6,7,15,21 for yuno
6,7 for kotoko
15 for muu
21 for amane and mikot
Thank you for the questions <3 I love talking, so never worry about it being too much <3 anything to get my mind off chemistry :3 this was supposed to be a lot lot loooot longer, but then i went 'nuh uh we're not posting that'
Yuno :3
6. favorite relationships with another character in the prison?
I like the banter thing she has going on with kazui. 'yes yes yeah yup totally thats your type i believe you kazui' it's very funny to me. also i like that she can be very honest with him because she knows he wont be judging her for anything she says
7. favorite relationships with another character if they weren't in milgram, the way you'd imagine or would like them to be?
I think Amane and Yuno could have an interesting dynamic! I really like how she tries to get close to Amane with her cat's cradle skills, and amane herself doesn't seem averse to yuno. And they have the whole 'dont look down on me with your impression of me as a harmless good girl' thing going on.
15. what do you think of their voice?
it is so soothing and it's very cute but also i really love how her seiyuu can convey how pissed off and tired of others she is, especially during the 'so creepy wont you just disappear' during tear drop
21. do you have any similarities with them/relate to something in them?
we are both very cute :3c
jokes aside, how desperate we are to feel 'warmth' (in yuno's words) maybe. the 'no one is important to me including myself' line killed and murdered me. there's nothing warm within, so look for it in others. change yourself to fit the expectations of those who offer you warmth. those who dont can go fuck themselves. maintain a superficial relationship, like each other and be nice on the surface, who cares how numb you feel inside if you can express yourself in a way that makes others like you.
there's also our demeanor, that leads many people to the conclusion that we're 'sweet' 'kind' 'naive' 'childish' 'stupid' and that we don't get what we're doing, we're forgiven no matter what, it feels no one is willing to listen to how we don't think that way, we don't like ourselves so we mold ourselves in a way others will like, if we do something wrong, everyone immediately starts coming to conclusions and coming up with excuses for us without knowing the full reasoning and circumstances
Kotoko :3
6. favorite relationships with another character in the prison?
maybe how she gets along with amane? amane likes how kotoko doesn't immediately decide on what kind of person she is based on her age, and marks her paper quite honestly. I just think amane should have someone she feels comfortable talking to actually
7. favorite relationships with another character if they weren't in milgram, the way you'd imagine or would like them to be?
idk, i think she and shidou could be good friends? no real reason. maybe cause they're both pretty quiet and closed off people, they'd find similarities in each other and warm up to each other?
15. what do you think of their voice?
amazing, banger, i love it so much. i love how her seiyuu conveys her desperation in inmf and brings out how cocky she is, and also how she conveys how scared and upset she is in after pain
21. do you have any similarities with them/relate to something in them?
we dont like people similar to our parents, i too want to beat someone to death with a baton. everything else is a secret, i dont like thinking about it sorry
21. do you have any similarities with them/relate to something in them?
i too love energy drinks :3c we both like getting along with others, someone not wishing me happy birthday probably would keep me up at night as well. i think we are both also very friendly and extroverted. we both have a very 'go along with what others say without offering much of a rebuttal' attitude
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robinsnest2111 · 3 years
indirectly tagged by @lampmeeting
it's not part of the original thing but I'm gonna add a silly little self portrait as well~
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Questions to get to know you a little better:
1. What do you prefer to be called name wise? Robin or any kind of nickname related to that you can come up with lol Some of my favourites are Rob and Robble
2. When is your birthday? November 21st
3. Where do you live? A little town in Niedersachsen (Lower Saxony), Germany. Known for being the summer residence of a royal bloodline some 200 years ago. Yes there's a castle :P
4. Three things I am doing right now? Trying to forget the nightmare I just woke up from, thinking about getting a few more clementines from the kitchen and fininishing a little sketch I started yesterday
5. Four fandoms that have piqued my interest: Metalocalypse (ofc), Hogan's Heroes, Ghost BC, What We Do In The Shadows. Those are the main 4 at the moment but there's always a chance for other fandoms to take over for a bit.
6. How has the pandemic been treating you? ....yeah. Not so great. My grandma died suddenly at the start of the pandemic, I had to leave my internship I was super happy at early because of lockdown, finished my last semester at college with horrible online classes, had to move back in with my parents, cut contact with someone I've known almost all my life, barely passed my finals, still on the hunt for a job (started applying to places in September) and am close to losing it any day now lol Also pandemic means no flea markets which was one of the few things keeping my brain happy and occupied while giving me a chance to ride my bike around the region for hours :^(((((
7. Song(s) I can’t stop listening to: Sadly no particular song coming to mind right now, but I've had Ghost's entire discography and Dethalbum I, II, and III on rotation for months now lol. This Toss A Coin To Your Witcher Remix has also been stuck in my head for a while and is always worth a listen (Also have some silly techno/hardstyle remixes stuck in my brain permanently because I listened to them as background noise while trying to make my final college projects somewhat decent. Terence Hill & Bud Spencer - Lalalalalala, Da Tweekaz - Jägermeister, Star Wars Hardstyle, DJ Ötzi - Anton aus Tirol, Das Leben des Brian - Schwanzus Longus)
8. Recommend a movie: The Road to El Dorado by Dreamworks, a children's movie, I know... Each song is an absolute banger tho (even the German versions!), the jokes are silly but fun, the queer/gay hints add that little spice that I subconsciously picked up on and felt comforted by as a kid and the design of the everything is just (chef's kiss) Also the chemistry between the 4 main characters is gud as heck. It's the childhood movie I latched on to the most, my mother had to rent the dvd almost every single day until I bought a copy myself lol
9. How old are you? 24 orz I don't feel like it at all...
10. School, university, occupation? Finished college in August, unemployed because no one wants to hire in the creative field during a worldwide plague :^)
11. Do you prefer heat or cold? As long as it's under 35°C I prefer heat. My hands and feet are icicles 95% of the time after losing weight :^(
12. Name one fact others may not know about you? Since I'm an expert oversharer you probably know almost everything about me already orz But uhhh. Lemme see... I learned how to operate a laundry machine at the ripe old age of 20 at my internship at a hair salon lmao My mother never had the nerve to show me how on the modern machine we have at home (along the lines of "you will fuck it up anyways so let me do it >:^(((" which is an overarching theme in her raising me lol), but the older machine with the simpler dials at the salon was a good start to learn and honestly one of the things at this internship I'm still super grateful for...
13. Are you shy? Oh hell yeah I am... It's all the years of getting only negative feedback for trying to interact with others lol
14. Preferred pronouns: He/Him mostly, still figuring out if I still like they/them or nah (since in German there are no neutral pronouns that aren't neopronouns I've automatically gotten more attached to he/him lol)
15. Biggest pet peeves: I feel so mean for admitting it but honestly: Any noises my parents make. If I'm having a particularly bad low brain energy day even hearing them breathe makes me wanna run away and scream in anger... (Doesn't irk me with anyone else tho, which is weird...)
16. What is your favorite "dere" type? Oh there's more than 4 types now?? I've always liked Kuudere types the most out of the original 4 types, but I guess Shundere and Utsudere are right up my alley too!!!
The Kuudere (クーデレ), sometimes written Coodere or Kūdere, type refers to a character who is often cold, blunt, and cynical. They may seem very emotionless on the outside, but on the inside they’re very caring — at least when it comes to the ones they love.
The Shundere (しゅんデレ) type refers to characters who are sad and very depressed. While a full smile on their face might be out of the question, their love interest can help them open up and feel accepted.
The Utsudere (うつデレ) type refers to a character who is often sad and depressed. There is a reason for the character’s despair such as being bullied at school. Even if their life improves, they are often wary of other characters’ motives.
17. Rate your life 1-10? Maybe a 4? 4.5 at max
18. What is your main blog? The one I'm posting this on lol
19. List all your side blogs and what they’re for:
yorkiesart - old as hell and inactive artblog
bleedingheartbird - very triggering and depressing vent blog :^(
yorkie2111 - my very first username, a sea and ocean themed aesthetic blog now mostly for when I miss Denmark a whole lot (kinda inactive)
robinsartnest - a second attempt at a separate art blog, inactive as well lol
20. Is there anything people should know before becoming friends with you? I'm a clusterfuck of several undiagnosed mental illnesses and probably other conditions that I'm trying to figure out and deal with on my own until I can get professional help and some diagnoses. At times I'm weird and distant and overall very depressed and unpleasant, I've already hurt so many people this way and am trying to be better every single day. Basically I've never been given the "How to properly Human" manual and am frantically trying to get it right without hurting too many innocent people in the process.
Anyway, if you are nice to me I will love you forever ♡♡♡ :'3c
idk who to tag so if you wanna do this, do it~
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ivory-sunflower · 4 years
Music #1 ✨
Hiya Lovelies!
I said that I’d make a post about the musicians I love, these are some of the smaller musicians I follow that definitely deserve more love and recognition. Did anyone ask for this? No… Is that going to stop me making this post? Absolutely not!
My all time favourite musician ever! I absolutely adore this man and want nothing but the best for him, I’ve followed him for about 7 years and I’ve been to 10 of his shows (and I would do many many more). He is genuinely one of the most lovely people I’ve ever met, he’s just gentle and sweet and has a beautiful Irish accent. He’s just the definition of gentle giant (he’s 6’6, so he stands well over a foot taller than me).  He’s not that active online anymore and isn’t looking at releasing any new music any time soon which is a shame, but I would still wholeheartedly recommend his older stuff. Two of my favourite songs aren’t available on streaming services (sigh…) these songs being ‘Home’ and ‘Fall’ (not ‘Fall in Place’ but that is an absolutely lovely song). His newest EP ‘Love Pop Suicide’ is brilliant and his last single ‘Why Are You Bothering With Me?’ is so so good, the video for WAYBWM makes me feel so many things because it’s full of clips from all his past videos. ‘Disarm’ is another banger, as are ‘Care’, ‘Adventure Time’ and ‘You’re Alright’. I’ve said for years if my first wedding dance isn’t to ‘Your Life Over Mine’ then I will just straight up leave my oen wedding. Oh my goodness I could go on and on! I was meant to be getting a tattoo earlier in the year with a quote from his song ‘Astronauts’ but quarantine put that on hold. Just look at him! He’s such a lamb, I was so so happy that night 💛
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Conchúr White
Another absolutely lovely Irish fella, he’s a total sweetheart! I met him in October at a city festival (I specifically bought a ticket for this to see him) and he was so lovely to talk to. I wish I could go back to that time because I think I smiled for 3 weeks straight afterwards, even when I think about it now I get ridiculously giddy! I was meant to see him play his first headline show in Dublin 3 weeks ago but alas that plan was cancelled, hopefully I’ll be able to make it to the rescheduled date. He released his debut EP ‘Bikni Crops’ in March and it’s honestly so good! The title track ‘Bikini Crops’ is amazing, but I think ‘Daisies’ is my favourite on the EP. He’s got some brilliant unreleased tracks that I heard at the festival and through livestreams, I cannot wait for him to release ‘The Woman in the War’, I have a video of that on my phone and I just adore it! His songs are beautifully written and he’s an excellent storyteller, he’s a very small musician and I think he deserves so much more recognition!  
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So Silences was the band that Conchúr was originally part of and that’s how I found him. They were a great little band until they separated to do their own projects in early 2018. I’ve followed them for a fair few years (maybe 5 years now) and I love their sound so much, they’re just really chill and great to just vibe to. I really like ‘Cops and Robbers’ at the moment and I’ve been learning ‘There’s a Wolf’ on guitar recently. ‘Red Dress’ and ‘All these Crimes’ are also great songs. I’m not usually a fan of covers but their cover of Thin Lizzy’s ‘Dancing in the Moonlight’ is so so good! 
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Dave Giles
Well Dave is one of the best songwriters I’ve ever heard, his songs are just beautiful! I saw him once in 2017 when he was supporting Bry and that was when I started listening to him but didn’t pay that much attention to him in all honesty. Then he released his newest album ‘Tennessee & 48th’ and oh boy! I sure did regret sleeping on his music! It’s such a good album, honestly any song on that album is worth a listen. I particularly like ‘No One Knows’, ‘Devil in a Green Dress’, ‘Last Man on the Moon’, and ‘Shoebox’ but for real any song on that album in particular is amazing! Like any musician, he’s a bit of an odd fella and he doesn’t wear shoes when he performs (I don’t know if I fear or admire him for that), but he’s pretty sound and he’s a massive space nerd too so his twitter is interesting to follow. This is the only photo I have with him, just don’t question the hat… 
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I don’t really know what to say about this band, mainly because I know nothing about them… They released one album in 2011 and then disappeared off the face of the earth, they fluctuate between 1 and 3 monthly listeners on Spotify, although once it did peak at 5. I really like their song ‘Five Working Senses’ and I encourage you to check them out. Maybe we can get them to 6 listeners!
This is probably the most popular group on this post but they are a band that I got into quite recently after winning some tickets to one of their gigs in a Twitter giveaway and I had a great time! It was my last concert before quarantine and I wish I’d just enjoyed myself more (I also tried to invite the guy that I liked at the time and he straight up said no so rip me). I’ve mostly been listening to their album ‘Hot Motion’ and it’s sooo good, I’d never really ventured into psychedelic rock before and I’ve got to admit that I am a fan now. They are a trip back in time to look at, imagine a proper old school 70s rock band with the big collared shirts, flared pants, platforms, long hair, everything! Absolutely brilliant! I love their songs ‘The Howl’ and ‘The Beam’; I listen to them a lot in shower and they just make things a bit more fun. ‘Atomise’ is another great one, but it kind of makes me want to lie on the floor and stare at the ceiling for a few hours not because it’s sad or anything, it just has a very specific vibe.
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So there's some of the "smaller" musicians I love, I'm planning on doing a post about the bigger ones I like. Have heard of any of them before? If you decided to check them out, what did you think? I'd love to hear what people think!
Sorry this post doesn't fit the cottagecore theme that well but hey it's my blog 💕
~ Love Ginger xx
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