#Idk if my signature will help since I’m not local but I tried!
marvel-ousfairy · 3 years
“Flesh eating plants, are you kidding me???” NALU Oneshot
Author’s Note: Ummm... So I don’t normally post my own writings, but I wrote this literally years ago and figured it was about time I posted it. Better late then never, right? *Chuckles nervously* Anyways, there are a few plot holes and things but I’m honestly too lazy to change it sooo, here you go! Let me know what y’all think. (Also I appologize in advance for any wierd formatting issues. I blame Tumblr.)
Warnings: Fighting, angst with a fluffy ending, killer plants? idk what else to put haha. If you read it and think there are any other warnings I should add, please please let me know.
Pairing(s): NaLu
“Open, Gate of the Golden Bull: Taurus!” Lucy Heartfilia shouted, summoning the celestial spirit to her side.
“Mooo! It’s nice to see you again, Miss Luuucy.” Her celestial spirit, Taurus, drawled as the golden light of Lucy’s magic dissipated.
A large crash echoed through the forest near Magnolia as Lucy dove to avoid getting hit by a thick plant root, only a gaping hole left of the earth where she previously stood.
“Not the time,” Lucy panted before struggling to her feet again. “I need you to get in there and snap those vines!” she directed.
Celestial Wizard Lucy Heartfilia, her partner Fire Dragon Slayer Natsu Dragneel, and their cat companion, Happy, had taken a simple job helping out a local farmer. The request had asked for a few wizards to come assist in the extermination of the vermin rampaging through the owner’s crops.
“Stop pouting,” she said as the trio walked through town towards the agricultural district. “At least you get to beat something up.” She smiled, glancing around at the fruit and vegetable stalls lining the streets.
The pink haired wizard crossed his arms before letting out an offended huff. “I’m a dragon slayer, not an exterminator.” He whined.
The blonde let out a giggle, ignoring his petulant child act. Her laughter didn’t last long, however. Upon their arrival at the little farm, the trio soon realized that things weren’t as they appeared. Much to Lucy’s horror and Natsu’s delight, the vermin that needed bashing turned out to be full-fledged, plant-based monsters.
“’Let’s do it’ I said. ‘This will be easy’ I said. How does a Venus Flytrap even grow this large?” Lucy grumbled as she jumped over another stream of murderous plant roots. Finally finding solid ground, she pointed Taurus towards the twisted nether of roots and stems that kept the frightening flora grounded. Meanwhile, Natsu busied himself with torching the other five or so reanimated plants that littered the forests edge.
“Fire Dragon: Roar!” He let out a manic laugh as his flames transformed an entire line of trees into glittering torches, burning friend and foe indiscriminately.  
“Natsu, watch where you’re aiming,” Lucy scolded, letting loose a disgruntled shout as she once again narrowly missed a blow to the side via killer plants. The self-proclaimed farmer, apparently, was a wizard himself who specialized in foreign herbs with magical properties. Their current foes were the result of his latest creations gone very wrong.
“We already owe a great deal in repair costs as it is. The master will kill us if we burn down another building,” she reminded him, hand on her hip.
“Yeah, Yeah.” Natsu shrugged as he incinerated yet another row of trees and crops.  “Stop with your naggin’ already. We’ll be fi– Hey Lucy, watch out!” The dragon slayer let out a roar as Lucy whipped around. A faint gasp swept past her lips as a verdant blur crossed her vision. Pain ricocheted down her left side as a stray vine from the Flytrap knocked her to the ground, tangling with her legs and whipping her towards the Venus’ awaiting jaws.
“Argh,” Natsu screamed, face contorted in anger. “Fire Dragon: Wing Attack!” The vines that dug at her skin, slowly encroaching upon her torso, were suddenly engulfed in flame and burnt to a crisp. She yelped as Natsu’s flames left her stranded in the open air. With nothing left to catch her fall, she plummeted back down to the rigid ground, her head smacking against the dirt with a harsh crack. A muffled yowl came from beneath her and she rolled over to find a disgruntled Happy scowling back at her.
“You alright, Luce?” Natsu questioned, finishing off the last of the nasty creatures.
“I’m the one in pain,” Happy cried, indignantly. “Lucy squashed me with her fat butt!”
“WATCH IT, CAT!” she screeched at the little blue exceed, the pain from her fall quickly washed into the foreground.
Natsu cackled, causing the celestial spirit mage to turn her glare on him. Noticing the change in atmosphere, he yelped as a certain red-haired wizard came to mind.
“Scary,” he whined. Lucy’s scowl deepened before gifting him with another one of her signature Lucy Kicks.
“Humph,” she muttered, smiling in satisfaction. “Serves you right.”
Later, at the Fairy Tail guildhall, the pair found themselves curled around the bar. Mira wiped down the counters, glancing at the two while she worked. Lucy sat on Natsu’s left with reequip mage Erza Scarlet on his right. Gajeel, Levy, and Pantherlily were located at a table behind him, while Gray was doing his best to avoid an overly exuberant Juvia. Happy had disappeared soon after their arrival back at the guild, dreams of fish and a particular white feline dancing in his head. An overall jubilant air had settled on the guild as members had returned from their missions to settle in for the day.
Lucy leaned against the bar, head spinning, with a strawberry concoction clutched between her palms. A dull ache had settled into her bones since their mission earlier, winding around her mind like a snake. A slight burning sensation danced along her side as a pair of onyx eyes watched her with intensity.
“I’m fine,” she said with a huff, not bothering to turn towards the dragon slayer gazing at her worriedly.
“Lucy, I–”
“Really, Natsu, I’m alright.”
Natsu grumbled, unconvinced, as he finished off the plate of food Mira had set before him. He knew Lucy was lying, but he also knew that she could be just as pigheaded as him. She had been acting strange ever since their return from their earlier expedition. Despite her claims otherwise, he could tell something was up.
Lucy stood up abruptly, letting out a heavy sigh, before turning towards Natsu once more. Ignoring the stars that threatened to consume her vision, she forced a wide smile onto her lips. “Don’t worry,” she said. “I’ll be okay. I think I’m just gonna head home and get some rest. The fight today really took it out of me. Thanks for the drink, Mira.”
She gave one more wave to the white-haired woman before making her way towards the entrance. Before he could make any move to stop Lucy’s departure, Erza placed an armor clad hand on his shoulder. “She’ll be fine, Natsu,” the red-haired warrior assured him. “She can take care of herself.”
He simply nodded, giving Lucy another intense stare before promptly getting knocked off of his barstool by a half-naked Gray. Mira giggled as Natsu let out an enraged scream. Apparently, Juvia had finally caught up to her beloved Gray.  
“What the heck was that for, you pervert?”  Natsu yelled as he quickly shifted into battle-mode, fists blazing with fire.
“Who you callin’ pervert, flame for brains?” Gray challenged.
Soon after, a fight broke out between the two, eventually expanding into a guild-wide brawl after another slice of Erza’s strawberry cake was destroyed. Lucy, who had been watching from the towering guild doors, shook her head. She let out a yelp as a chair smashed against the wall to her left, before finally disappearing out the door and into the streets of Magnolia.  
 Despite a slight limp in her step and pain in her side, the walk home wasn’t as bad as she’d first expected it to be. It wasn’t long before she was weaving her way past the ferrymen and stumbling into her apartment with a heavy sigh.
“Home at last,” she hummed to herself. She stretched out her limbs, cringing as her ankle buckled a bit in pain, before making her way toward the bathroom. “Maybe a shower will help wash off the pain from today,” she mused, ridding herself of her blood-stained clothes. With steam flooding the little room and the water temperature set on high, she stepped carefully into the scalding water. A shaky breath escaped her lips, but her mind continued to spin at a rapid fire pace. Groaning in frustration, she tried for another calming breath. Despite her chance to finally relax a bit, she couldn’t manage to quiet her mind. It had already been a long day, now made even longer by the pain that constricted her mind and body. A glance towards her numerous bruises sent a frustrated sigh past her lips, before her features contorted in confusion. A second glance down at her body caused her gaze to quickly slip from confusion to fear. Thin green lines painted swirls and complex designs across her torso, leaving angry red marks in their wake. The vines, she thought. They don’t just feed off human flesh… “They steal magic power!” She shouted, mentally kicking herself for forgetting the farmer’s warnings. He’d told them that this was a possibility.
Her hands shook as she slowly grew more and more hysterical, tearing frantically at the small vines cutting at her body. Just as she made some headway clearing the thin vines, however, the dizziness from before threatened to overtake her. She reached for her keys, only to find them rendered useless. My magic power is too far gone, she cursed. “Loke, Virgo, someone please!” She cried out desperately. They can’t hear me, she sobbed. A single step towards the bathroom door sent her vision shaking. By two steps, the light in the room began to dance. By the third, Lucy could feel herself losing her will to stand. By the forth, she found herself hitting the ground as the ceiling grew further and further away. “Natsu…” She whispered as vines tangle around her mouth. Her vision slipped away as she soon felt herself get swallowed whole by a cocoon of roots and vines, before she finally lost consciousness altogether.
Back at the guild hall, things had finally settled down. Luckily, the aftermath of the brawl had been minimal. A few burnt spots, some broken tables and chairs, and a few missing pillars. The building, by some miracle, still stood proudly in the heart of town.
“Where’s Lucy?” Natsu asked, having finally cooled down from his fight with Gray.
“Oh. Lucy? She went home a little bit ago.” Mira said, smiling sweetly from behind the bar.
“You even watched her go, you idiot.” Gray said with a laugh. Natsu shot the Ice mage a scowl.
“He loooooves her.” Happy drawled from his place next to Charle on the bar top.
Natsu reddened in embarrassment, brushing salmon strands out of his face. The dragon slayer stiffened as a ball of anxiety settled into his stomach. His nose twitched as he took in the stale undertones in the air, confirming some unknown fears. He could be wrong, but he knew Lucy. He knew her scent and how it changed depending on her mood. Right now, the thick smell of fear curdled his blood. Something was wrong.  
With one last vengeful fireball to Gray’s face, he ran off towards Lucy’s apartment with the blue exceed following close behind. Fellow mages and townsfolk cried out in protest as he pushed by them, but Natsu didn’t notice. Blood pumped in his ears, matching his racing footsteps as he hurtled himself down the stone streets. As Lucy’s apartment came into view he pushed his legs faster, using his fire to boost himself through her window in a single bound.
Once safely inside, the first thing he noticed was the silence. Despite the distinct sound of a shower in the background, the stillness hung like a thick fog in the air, suffocating him.  Steam seeped from beneath the bathroom door as he flung it open to reveal a horrific jungle. Vines grew up and off the walls, roots digging out of cracks in the floor.  Leafy plants twisted in midair like worms burrowing through the dirt, dragging curious fingers along his face and down his legs. “Lucy!” Natsu shouted, digging through twists and snarls in the vines. “Lucy!” No answer. Frantic, he set his body ablaze, burning down every vine he could get his hands on. The twisted nether of green squealed and screeched, cutting at his arms and face as every vine soon turned to ash. Finally, there was nothing left but a pale sleeping beauty curled up on the scorched and broken tile.
“Lucy…” his voice was barely a whisper as he pulled the blonde into his arms, swaddling her in a nearby towel. Ashen vines were like cobwebs arching across her ghostly pale skin, her fingers tinged blue as if frost bitten. Even her hair seemed somehow drained of life, as the last of her magical energy seemed to fall dangerously low.
“Nat-su,” a shuddering gasp swept past her grey, cracked lips. “Help m-me… S-so c-cold…” Her words came out in little puffs as her eyes fluttered open, straining to gaze up at his face.
“Lucy. Lucy, look at me. I – I’m here. I’m here. I’ve got you.” He hugged her into his chest, his tears melting into sobs as the smell of strawberries and vanilla wrapped around him. Desperately, he looked around the small apartment before his eyes settled on his blue companion, standing wide-eyed at the door.
“Get Wendy!” He cried out to the little exceed.
“Natsu?” His little eyes rounded with horror.
“A-Aye, sir!” Happy jumped up and gave him a determined nod before soaring back out the open window from whence they’d come.
A shaky hand grasped onto his scarf, pulling his gaze back down to Lucy’s shaking form.  She curled like a sunflower into his warmth before letting out a shuttering gasp.
“Don’t leave me,” she wheezed. Every note grated against his ears, her normally melodic voice cracked and broken. Regret settled like a stone in his stomach as he cradled her closer to his chest.    “Never,” he whispered.
A soft kiss warmed her clammy skin, flowering across her cheek, as exhaustion finally pulled her into a deep, restless sleep.
Warm hands wrapped around her as the smell of wood smoke and cinnamon swirled through the air. She knew that scent. It meant safety, warmth. It meant home.
A slow smile stretched across her lips as her eyes fluttered open to see a chiseled chest and strong arms holding her close. A quick blink shot her eyes upward, only for them to be met with slightly parted lips. As her eyes roamed over the curved planes of his jaw, the slightly parted lips morphed gradually until she was met with a wide, toothy grin. One more shift left her breathless, as she tumbled deep into the depths of his obsidian gaze.
“Natsu –” she stammered.
“Welcome back.” He pulled her closer, resting his forehead onto hers before finally releasing a heavy sigh of relief.
All the pain that had previously ensnared her was gone without a trace. The telltale signs of the guildhall infirmary told her that she had Wendy’s sky magic to thank for that. The warmth that flooded her senses, however, was thanks to her one and only favorite dragon slayer. Although, she doubted it was his naturally higher body temperature that caused warmth to flood her cheeks. Curious eyes peered up at him as his eyes danced behind hooded eyelids. Her very presence seemed to melt him, soften his normally sharp edges.
“Natsu?” She questioned as his face lowered towards hers, their noses brushing together.
“Hmm?” he hummed a response, not quite focusing on her words.
“I –” she began, her words causing their lips to brush. Fire raced through her veins at the sudden touch. A gasp escaped her as their lips finally connected, the sound muffled by the gentle caress of his lips on hers. She felt the fire that raced through him swirling just beneath the skin, held back by an unseen floodgate. He nipped playfully at her bottom lip as their lips danced together in perfect harmony. Abandoning its previous position around her legs, his right hand slid up her side to cup her face while his left hand snaked around her waist, tugging her closer still to his chest. Trails of fire blazed across her skin wherever his fingers danced, sending a shiver of delight down her spine. Her delicate fingers dug into his silky salmon locks as all of their raw emotions were poured out, left open and vulnerable for the other to see. Their kiss grew desperate as the spicy taste of cinnamon filled her senses, causing her toes to curl and her fingers to tug harder at his cotton candy locks. With one last shuddering breath Natsu pulled away, studying her rosy cheeks and her chocolaty brown eyes alight with joy and complete contentment. A deep, throaty chuckle escaped his lips, vibrating against her chest, as he took in her dopey smile. Swollen red lips downturned into a pout, enticing him into another sweet kiss upon her lips, before her dopey grin returned with renewed vigor and her laughter intertwined with his. Lucy gazed sleepily up at Natsu as he mindlessly spun her golden locks through his fingers, a gentle lullaby to her tired mind.
“I –” she began slowly.
“She loooooves him!” came a teasing voice, followed by fits of laughter and giggles. Lucy’s eyes widened, taking in the audience staring at them from the doorway. Spotting the culprit for the interruption, her eyes narrowed on a certain blue exceed hidden in the crowd.
“SHUT IT, CAT!” She screeched as Natsu’s chuckles rolled into cackles, his body shaking as his face twisted with laughter. Lucy burrowed into his scaly white scarf, groans mixing with laughter as she took in a beautiful, terrifying truth. Happy was right about her and Natsu. She really did looooove him, and the adoration he showered down upon her told the mage that he really did looooove her, too.
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thebounty · 3 years
Incompatible (Mandalorian x Hunter!Jedi!F Reader)
Chapter Three: The Pursuit 
Word Count: 6k
Warnings: some violence, mentions of organ harboring (idk where that came from in my weird head), angst, fluff, soft mando, soft reader (this one gets pretty soft at the end), FEELINGS, slow burn, grammar errors probably 
This one I actually really enjoyed writing, sorry it’s slightly shorter than the last ones, and it took me forever to write. School has been stressful but its fine (haha...haha). I hope you all enjoy, and again I am so sorry this is late, I love you all! 
Chapter Three: The pursuit
Well, you didn’t necessarily lie to Mando. Most of it was true, except for a few major details you just so happened to have ‘forgotten’. Which was obviously the truth.
After the little incident that went down last night, you had to think fast. You could not afford to spill everything about yourself, but you also had to be smart about it. If you lied about the whole thing, there was no way he wouldn’t pick up on that. He’s a kriffing bounty hunter for makers sake, he definitely could tell a lie from the truth. Thankfully, you also knew how to maneuver around that as well. So, this is the story you told him after he threatened to kill you, after just almost dying yourself not even a few minutes prior.
Such a nice guy.
“Okay look, before you think of doing something rash let me explain myself.” You started calmly, seeing how tense Mando was didn’t make you feel any better than you already did with having to come up with something on the spot. His fingers were hovering over his blaster, almost like a warning for you to continue. You cleared your throat.
“I only found out I had these abilities a few years ago, my family never told me of them,” lie, “so before you go thinking that I’m some Jedi or whatever, a sworn enemy of a Mandalorian, just know I have never had training with this before, so I wouldn’t even know where to start. And plus, Jedi have those laser things, I don’t.” Okay that’s somewhat of a lie. You have had training but only a few short years of it. But the latter part of your sentence was obviously a lie, the lightsaber poking at your back was evidence of that, at least for yourself.
“I only use it when totally necessary, and by the looks of it, we were not getting away from those guys with a shootout or a fist fight. I was not about to die and let you take the reward of our bounties for yourself. You have the armor to protect you, I have this ability.” You spoke clamping your hands together in your lap. Mando eased just a little bit by retracting his fingers from his blaster, leaning back against the tree stump more as he contemplated your words.
All he did was shake his head. “How do I know that you won’t kill me with these abilities? How do I trust you?” Mando spoke in a lighter tone now, he felt a little more at ease with this new information. You sighed and shook your head.
“I don’t want to kill you Mando, far from that. However, if I recall you were the one who threatened me a few minutes ago. How do I know you won’t kill me?” You questioned staring directly in his visor. A short sigh escaped his modulator, if anything, it was a soft chuckle. Mando was laughing?
That’s more unsettling than a death threat.
“Look, if you don’t threaten me, I won’t threaten you. I- “Mando shook his head quickly and leaned against his forearms on his lap, leaning in a little closer to you.
“I was nervous before. I threatened you just out of instinct. I don’t really want to kill you. I just want to come to an agreement. You did save our lives back there and we do work well together, as hard as that is to admit. I just don’t want that to be compromised.” Mando spoke lowly causing you to shiver. You could tell he was telling the truth, and you felt grateful for his honesty.
You nodded, “I agree.” And that was how the conversation went, and you two haven’t spoken of it since last night.
Dawn came quickly and you knew that you both had to get to the city soon to track this gang, which shouldn’t take that long. You hoped at least. The sooner this was over, the sooner you could get as far away from Mando as you could.
However, despite this unspoken competition between you two, you were starting to feel something else flow from both of you. It was strong in the force, you felt it clearly. Mando was slowly starting to trust you. With trust came friendship, something Mando had extraordinarily little experience in.
However, so did you.
The last time you can remember having a friend was on your home planet, her name was Sif. She was just like you, a force wielder, a fighter, and strong. You two bonded heavily over that. Unfortunately, you didn’t know whether or not she made it out of harms way like you did, or if she suffered the same fate as your family.
This growing comfortableness between you and Mando was becoming intense but not unwanted. To put it in simpler terms-
It terrified both of you.
While you two walked together through the gates of the city Voss, after walking the longest bridge you’ve ever seen in your life, you two actually held up a conversation. It was nothing of importance and nothing personal was discussed, just talking about shared experiences while hunting bounties. Mando took an interest in your fighting style, it was unique. It was a type of martial arts style of fighting that he himself could never perform due to his armor.
It was- nice. You both found some form of comfort talking together without the unwanted tension that you two create around each other. You were both coming to realize you created walls to protect yourself from caring too much about one another. You both knew what being close to someone causes.
You both stopped talking for a while after tracking the location of your bounties. They were last seen walking east from the city walls, in attempt to go to the Nightmare Lands, in hopes to lose any bounty hunters tracking them.
They obviously haven’t meet you and Mando before.
There was something rare in the woods that they wanted, that’s what the locals told you both at least. You and Mando made an agreement to catch them before they entered, you did not want to see what was beyond the tree line and Mando was not in the mood to patch up any more wounds you two might get. As a result, the two of you spent the remainder of the afternoon trudging through the woods following the low beep of the tracking fob.
“We’re getting close.” Mando spoke lowly as he brushed aside some branches. You nodded silently behind him.
“Do you think they’ll suspect us coming?” You questioned, Mando shrugged.
“I don’t know. They might have set up camp since it’s getting late. That’s really all I can assume.” Mando spoke as he walked next to you. His cape rustled against the slight breeze causing your cloak to move as well. You angled yourself towards him slightly so he couldn’t see the glimmer of your lightsaber. But you had no clue what he was looking at through the dark visor. You could only hope and go off of his feelings. He was somewhat anxious as you two approached where your bounties would be, he’s never taken anyone down with help before.
You could sense his uneasiness and tilted your head towards him, and a small, “I’m nervous too,” were all the kind words you could offer him without it being awkward.
Not that it would mean anything besides reassurance.
“I never said I was nervous.” Mando tried to hide what his voice might give away. He didn’t understand how you always seemed to read him so well despite wearing the helmet. He could read you sometimes, but it was almost always a guess.
“I can feel it radiating off of you in waves. Your helmet can’t mask all of your emotions.” You chuckled, sending him a quick wink to mask your ever-growing nerves as you two approached a small hill amongst the trees.
“I read heat signatures down in the valley, I think our bounties made camp for the night. Stay low.” Mando commanded as he got down on his knees and then his stomach as you two approached the edge of the hill. You got down on your stomach as well next to him as you looked down on the scene before you. They had one large tent housing all of them it seemed, and one little one next to them. No doubt holding the women they seemed to like to capture along the way.
You shuttered at the thought of what they do to them.
“We need to get the women out.” You whispered to Mando as he scanned the area with his small telescope. He paused for a second as if contemplating your words. He knew it was risky to try and free them, obtain your bounties, and stay out of harms way at the same time. But he knew how stubborn you were, and he did want to help them too.
“We will.” He states attaching his telescope back on his pulse rifle.
“Have any idea for a plan?” You asked gazing down at the camp. You saw smoke coming from the other side, meaning that your bounties were most likely around a fire. Not knowing they were being stalked like prey on the other end was kind of amusing.
“Most of the time I just stun them from a distance.” Mando says as he tilts his visor in your direction. The light from the sun setting created an amazing glow on the beskar, it was entrancing.
“I don’t think that’ll work this time with this many people.” You shot back, trying to think of an alternative plan.
“Do you have a better idea?” He asks taking another glance down at the tent.
“I do. It’s a little risky though.” You whisper causing him to look curiously in your direction, urging you to continue.
“I could offer myself as bait, seeing that they like women a lot, at least that’s what the locals say. I can keep my dagger hidden and then strike when they aren’t expecting it, that’s when you come in and help me take out the rest of them.” You say shrugging as if it’s not a big deal. Mando’s eyebrows stitched together under the helmet, were you serious?
“Are you kidding me? No, absolutely not.” He concludes shaking his helmet so fast you think he’ll get whiplash.
“Why not? You don’t think I’m capable?”
“No, I know you are. I- “
He sighed heavily, “I can’t protect you that well from up here.”
That made your mouth shut, and quickly. You just stared at him, his chest piece rising and falling as his heartbeat quickened. He didn’t mean to say that out loud. However, he was right. You didn’t know what they were capable of, but you knew what you were capable of.
You cleared your throat. “Listen, I know I can handle myself. With that being said, I trust you to come if things turn south. I can have my communicator with me if you want. But I trust that you’ll have eyes on me the whole time. Because I don’t think we have any other choice than to have some sort of bait for them.” You said, trying to speak the plan into existence. It was risky, but there was no other plan that would get they whole group to comply.
“Plus, I have that little gift I told you about.” You smiled. He only sighed and rolled on his back, arms crossing over his chest in the process. You could mistake him for being relaxed right now, but his emotions said otherwise. He was contemplating your words. You trusted him, that’s a big thing to him. He knew now that he couldn’t let you down if things did turn south.
He nodded once. “Let’s get this over with then.”
You both waited until the sun was completely down, the only light coming in from the ever-glowing moons in the sky and the light haze from the campfire below. Mando was perched up on the hill on the opposite side of the one you two were at earlier. It gives him a better view of the entrance of the tent.
The only way in and out.
You took off your cloak, wrapping your lightsaber in it as you set it down next to Mando, hoping he wouldn’t open it. You then started taking off your black pull over and revealing a black tank top, if you were to get into the tent undetected, you were going to have to show some skin. You kept your dagger concealed in your boot and made sure you didn’t have any other weapons on you.
Mando was pacing as you got yourself prepared, he kept making sure that his pulse rifle was loaded and making sure that the safety was already off on his blaster as well. He had to be ready for anything. He felt terrible that you were only going in there with a single dagger while these bounties were fully weaponized. He put his hands on his hips and leaned his weight back on one leg while he looked at you.
“Are you sure about this?” He asked for what seemed like the millionth time that night. You looked up to him from your kneeling position by your boot, tying it tighter as you spoke to him.
“Mando, it’ll be fine. It won’t take that long. They get me in their tent, you come down and we take them all at once. Going in quiet is our only option here. All they have to do is go in the tent all at once. Not that hard.” You whispered, making sure your cleavage was somewhat more prominent. Your hands were slightly trembling, you’ve never done anything like this before and you hoped Mando didn’t notice.
He did, and it sent him on edge, he notices everything. However, he also tried not to focus on your appearance too much, you were becoming slightly intoxicating to him and he couldn’t be distracted during this mission. He cleared his throat, darting his eyes from you.
“It’s all a risk.” He whispered as you got ready to finally leave, taking another once over of yourself. You placed a hand on his shoulder plate, gently as if to not scare him away.
“Look, the sooner we do this, the sooner we can get our reward. Then we don’t ever have to see each other again.” You said with a slight grimace. Despite everything he’s found out about your past, you were actually enjoying your time with him. He was a great fighter, bounty hunter, and he had this certain charisma about him. He felt the same way you did, but he couldn’t let you know that he was also enjoying his time with you, maybe a little too much.
“Yeah.” Was all he could say as you descended down the hill towards the camp. He sighed as he got down on his stomach again, blending in with his surroundings very well in the dark. He took a look through his telescope, to have a close eye on you the whole time.
You walked through the trees closest to the campfire where your bounties were. You counted six of them, but maybe there were more in the tent. You hoped that there weren’t anymore. After you rounded one more tree, you came into view of them.
“Excuse me?” You asked meekly. They all looked up at you from their roast. As if they were the same person, they smirked and laughed lowly at the same time. By the looks of it, they were all human. You mentally sighed with relief at that. Humans were easier to read and easier to take down, and given the wound still healing on your side, you were very thankful for that.
One man stood up and whistled lowly. “What’s a pretty las like you doing out here all alone?” He asked throwing his cleaned off bone somewhere in the brush. You smiled at him, rubbing your arms.
“I’ve been traveling alone for quite some time now. My ship broke down and I need some shelter. You folk are the first people I’ve seen for miles.” You whispered, allowing yourself to tremble slightly against the cold of the night. The man approached you as the others around the fire stood up from their positions.
“The names Randall, sweet thing.” He seethed, touching your hair. You were so grossed out but had to act otherwise, and just gave him a small smile instead.
Mando was reeling from his position. His grip was so tight on his telescope he’s surprised it hasn’t broken. He didn’t understand why he was feeling the way he was. He never cared like this before when he was with you. Not even about anyone else he’s encountered along his journey now that he thought about it.
“Why don’t you come inside, you look cold. We’ll take good care of you.” The man, Randall, smiled as his hands stroked your arms, dangerously close to your tank top straps. You grinned at him.
“That would be lovely, thank you so much.” You said as you grabbed his arm. He led you to the tent, but it wasn’t the main one. Your heartbeat started to quicken as he practically dragged you to the smaller tent off to the side, where you assumed all the other women were being held.
“I hope it’ll be comfortable for you sweetheart.” One of the other men said behind Randall, you didn’t realize they were all following behind.
Mando was concerned to say the least as you rounded the tent. He could see that they were taking you to the other tent now, but his view on you began to grow smaller and smaller until you were out of sight, even from his telescope.
“Shit.” He whispered, springing up onto his feet and stuffing his telescope into his pocket. He treaded lightly as he walked the perimeter to get a better look at the other tent these men were leading you to. He was starting to get a bad feeling about this, since they were all following you there.
His hand instinctively went over his blaster.
Once you arrived at the tent, Randall pulled back the curtain and revealed an awful sight. You couldn’t contain the scream that ripped through your chest at the sight; women, men, children, all dead, strung up by ropes inside the tent like meat. Their bodies were cut open, dripping blood everywhere. There were multiple coolers inside surrounding them, it was not a question to what they had inside.
Your stomach was in your feet as you struggled against Randall’s, now death grip, on both your arms.
“What is this?!” You screamed, struggling against his grip. Even if you were to break free, all the other men were just outside the tent.
You were trapped.
“Oh, this? We like to steal stragglers like you in the woods, harbor their organs, and sell it on the black market. Women’s organs sell the highest, and I can see why. Don’t worry darling you won’t feel a thing.” He laughed into your ear as you struggled more against him and managed to elbow him in the stomach, he loosened a bit, but a laugh broke through him instead of the grunt you were anticipating.
“A feisty one. I’m sure that’s worked on others, but not me sweet thing.” He seethed before your world turned black. The men all laughed as they wrapped rope tightly around you, stuffing you into the corner of the room.
Randall laughed lowly, “We’ll be back for you later darling.” He snickered with his friends.
Mando was resentful after hearing your piercing scream rumble inside his helmet. He was running now, and he did not care about anything else, only getting to you. It sounded stupid in his head, how caring and downright angry he was right now, except that wasn’t the worst of it.
Mando was scared.
He was not about to let you become their new donor in the black market, not at all. But he was also not about to lose someone he was starting to consider his friend.
He hated to admit that though, but it was true.
He hasn’t heard a peep from the other end of the commlink for awhile now. All he heard were the events of what happened a few minutes prior. Your scream, Randall’s voice in your ear, and then nothing from you afterwards. He listened to the men after you went silent start to discuss what they were going to do to you. He knew they were dangerous from the moment Karga talked about them at the cantina.
He was regretting taking this job now. But that didn’t matter right now.
Once he came up on the camp, he kicked the logs on the fire, drowning the flames in the dirt around it, causing the whole camp to be swallowed into darkness. They, unlike him, didn’t have night vision. He heard the group talking lowly, mumbling a few words he was able to pick up from his helmet. It was along the lines of,
“Who the fuck left the fire so small?”
“You did this didn’t you Derek?”
“Was she with someone?”
“You’re being paranoid.”
“Shouldn’t someone be with the girl?”
“Shut the fuck up.”
Mando was smirking under his helmet. He was standing inside their tent now, completely surrounded in the darkness, anticipating that their next move was to come inside here. He had his blaster to stun pointed at the entrance. Mando was slightly disappointed that these men were their bounties, and you two came here for a reward.
If they weren’t, he would love to give them slow deaths right about now. He hoped you weren’t hurt.
He heard the rustling of the tent opening and aimed his blaster towards it, his finger quivering in anticipation over the trigger. He hopped Randall walked through first.
“Let’s just get the supplies and rip that bitch open- “
The men jumped in sync. Mando assumed he hit Randall, since they all looked so shocked to see him now unconscious on the ground at their feet. As if they were one organism, all the men looked up and stopped breathing, similar to a child getting caught stealing candy, their eyes were bulging. It only fueled Mando on more.
Mando grinned under the helmet, “Welcome.” He spoke in his deep baritone voice. One of the men reached for their blade and Mando quickly stunned them down.
“Tsk tsk, that is not how it’s going to work gentlemen, please allow me.”
Mando didn’t hesitate to take them all down, giving them a few punches here and there to give them false hope, however they were no match for him.
It was almost too easy for him, but then he remembered that they were only smugglers. He could handle a thousand of them at a time if he had to, he has before.
After the fact, he focused his attention on retrieving you, and getting off this kriffing planet.
You awoke with a gasp, clawing at your chest. The last thing you could remember was Randall breathing down your neck, darkness, and the feeling of binds on your arms. However, the scenery around you told you otherwise. You furrowed your eyebrows and took in your surroundings. You were still at the camp the smugglers were in, which was odd to you. The fire was burning, and Mando was no where to be seen.
Was he okay?
You shook your head, of course he was, you thought. You noticed the blanket around you and the pounding in your head and the back of your eyes.
“Dang farrick.” You whispered, rubbing your temples and felt the small gash on the side of it where Randall slammed the butt of his blaster on you. You sighed.
“How are you feeling?” A voice said from behind you making you jump and turn. It was Mando, with some firewood hanging in his arms. It was an interesting sight, seeing a Mandalorian like him so domestic. He slowly walked over to where, you guessed, his sleeping mat was located and started adding the wood to the fire. You realized you were staring at him applying wood to the fire for a little too long and forgot to answer his question.
“Uh- yeah, yeah I’m fine. My head just hurts a little bit.” You answered, all of a sudden feeling shy under his gaze in the light of the fire surrounding you two. All he did was nod in return.
“That’s good. You had a pretty deep gash on your temple, but the bacta patched it up pretty quickly.” Mando responded as he sat back against the log. You nodded and glanced around.
“What happened, after I become unconscious?” You whispered, wrapping the blanket around you when you felt a cold breeze on your torso. You noticed Mando’s fist tighten into a death grip, the leather made a small squeak while doing so. He tilted his visor to the side looking away from you momentarily, almost as if he were grimacing at something sour in his mouth. The act confused you.
“Mando?” You whispered, “what happened?”
He grunted and stood up fast. “What happened was you were too reckless to see that these men were dangerous! We should have taken them together and maybe they wouldn’t have strung you up like a piece of fucking meat!” He seethed pointing a finger at you, his chest plate rising and falling rapidly with his increasing heartbeat. He felt a pit in his stomach at the sight of your face drop, his shoulders fell too.
You nodded. “I’m- I’m sorry. It was idiotic of me to think I could face them alone and be vulnerable like that.” You muttered looking down at the mat. You knew that it was risky, the whole thing was. Not just the bounties but letting yourself get so open around him. However, after seeing what could have happened to you, you truly did feel guilty. As much as you didn’t want to admit something like that to Mando, you knew it was the truth, plus he did save your life.
Mando dropped his pointed finger and sat down, closer than he was a few minutes ago and sighed.
“I’m sorry for snapping at you like that, but- they…they were going to harbor your organs, and whatever else they wanted to do to you. I couldn’t stand by and let them do that. I’m glad I got to them before they did again. You’ve- “he shook his head and looked down. “You’ve become a good friend, and a strong ally.” He admitted looking back up at you, and found you already looking at him. Somehow you were looking directly into his eyes, despite the dark visor he wore. It made him feel…
Seen, as if for the first time.
You smiled softy at him. “I appreciate that, I do. I believe we do make a good team, and I’d consider you a friend too, and a decent ally. Even though you are a pain in the ass.” You chuckled softly. Mando shook his head, smiling under his helmet. You sensed there was something more he wanted to say, so you tilted your head at him.
“Say what you want to say Mando, I can sense there is something more you want to say.” You asked calmly, he turned to you and looked down.
“I found something while I was retrieving our things, something in your cloak.” Mando started, turning around as he did so and rustled around in his bag and pulled out your lightsaber. You could feel your heartbeat in your ears as you stared at the shiny metal in his hands. You looked down feeling guilty once again. Mando didn’t take his eyes off of you though, “what is it?” he asked further.
You glanced at him and looked down at the saber. “It’s a lightsaber. I know I told you I didn’t have one, but since we’re being so honest right now, I didn’t trust you enough yet to tell you I had one.” You watched as he twiddled with it in his hand, it was almost mesmerizing. He didn’t know what he was holding or dealing with.
“Be careful with that. You don’t want to accidently impale yourself.” You grinned softly looking back up at him. He stopped his movement suddenly and set it down at your feet slowly, the act caused you to giggle slightly.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to go looking through your stuff. I would be mad, but I understand what it means to have something for yourself.” He said, speaking softly. He knew what this probably meant to you, since you kept it hidden from everyone. It was something you knew you had that was specifically yours, and Mando felt the same way about his Creed. It was just his, and no one could take that away from him.
It was the softest you’ve ever heard his voice go. You didn’t know if it was because of the darkness surrounding you both or the fact that you two were finally coming to terms with letting go of the weird competition you two created, considering you two have recently just saved each other’s lives in the matter of two days.
“Did you make it yourself? How does it work?” Mando asked now leaning back against his hands, intrigued with this weapon. He’s heard of these…what were they called again? Saber swords? Laser saber? He couldn’t remember even though you just told him. He understood the Jedi used them; however, he’s obviously never met someone like that before.
Until he came close to you.
You picked up your lightsaber and nodded at him. “Yes, I made it with my old master, but that was many years ago when people like me weren’t hunted.” You said as you ran your fingers down the lines on your saber. You remember having to harvest the rare sap from a tree to build this wonderful weapon. Your master was amazing, and even though it was a short few years you still missed him. You missed everyone.
“That’s why you kept everything so hidden, isn’t it?” Mando said breaking your thoughts about your old master. Your shoulders dropped.
“I guess it isn’t much of a secret anymore, at least not to you.” You looked at him, feeling slightly anxious with the information he now possesses. He could sense your discomfort and shook his head.
“If your nervous about me telling anyone, I won’t. I know what the Empire was capable of, and if there is anyone like that still around then no one will know. You have my word.” He spoke strongly, as if to make sure you understood what he was saying was genuine. You felt instantly calm, he was radiating a comforting feeling and it helped ease your suspicions.
“Thank you.” You smiled at him and put your lightsaber behind you.
“Can you, can you still wield it?” Mando piped in, making your head turn curiously towards him.
“What do you mean?”
“Can you still fight with it I mean, do you know how to fight with it, since you don’t use it much to conceal your identity?” It was a good question. You knew you could still kill someone with it if you had to, but you were a little rusty on your sword fighting skills.
“I probably could, I mean I’m a little rusty, but it wouldn’t take long to pick it up again.” You shrugged, kind of liking how intrigued he was with the topic. He nodded while tilting his head, raising his arm out.
“Show me.” He asked, almost instructive making your gut fall to your knees. You just stared at him, cleared your throat, and stood up.
“Sure.” You shook the feeling off, you were strong. You were not about to let a simple statement like that shake you, this was Mando after all. You two hated each other.
You always will.
You squared your feet with your shoulders, stepping back from the fire, and ignited your lightsaber. The sound rang through your ears and it caused your heart to flutter, you missed the sound of the absolute power of the lightsaber flowing through you. The white saber emitted light throughout your makeshift campsite and caused the Mandalorian to have a different glow to him as he watched you hold the powerful weapon.
To say Mando was entranced is an understatement, he didn’t understand was he was feeling. He only knew that he felt drawn to you, like he was meant to be here in this exact moment and time.
“I think I can still do a few spins without cutting my leg off.” You joked and twirled it around your side and back, loving the sound it made cutting through the air. You brought it back in front of you and shrugged.
“That’s pretty much all to it. Hard to spar with it when no one else has a lightsaber. It cuts through practically anything.” You smiled as you retracted it, sitting back down across from Mando.
“It doesn’t cut through pure beskar.” He piped in causing you to nod.
“Yeah, that’s why Mandalorians and Jedi’s fought against each other. They were equally as challenging. But that was a long time ago.” You waved off the thought and yawned, feeling drained from today. Mando shifted and got more comfortable, feeling his eyes start to tug closed, but he knew he could survive off of a few hours of sleep. He didn’t know how you would though.
“You should get some rest.” Mando spoke softy as you started to lay down again. He only leaned back against the log, crossing his arms over his chest. Last attempt to try and cover his heart before he exposed it anymore to you.
“Goodnight, Mando.” You spoke softly as sleep took over you once again. Mando’s heart stopped at the softness of your voice, he felt as if he suddenly turned to liquid at the sound of it. At that moment he now understood he couldn’t cover his heart to you anymore, the thought terrified him.
taglist: @tillytheslytherin @faith-quake @archaeoheart @darthcassi @areyouthorreal @cyarikaaa
21 notes · View notes
gayreddie · 4 years
middle of adventure, such a perfect place to start
hi i never use tumblr to post my own stuff so idk how this layout is gonna look lol but i’m starting a little nsfw reddie ficlet. its only 3 chapters, and i just put out chapter 1, so the link to it is right under the summary! leave kudos if u don’t hate it hehe
middle of adventure, such a perfect place to start
Nobody wanted to room with Richie Tozier. He was a loud mouth who came across as only tolerable for a couple of hours, if that.  
When little Eddie Kaspbrak shows up at his door with a copy of his “Roommate needed” sign, Richie is taken back as ever.
Who was this precious pixie boy with soft chocolate hair and summer freckles that lived across his cheeks? And why did he want to live with Richie? 
read it here or below the cut!
Richie Tozier loved to have sex.
He loved having people come over to his flat in the late hours of the night so he could release everything that had been building up in him that day, as loud as he liked. He loved going out to nightclubs with his fake I.D. which states that he was 21, a year older than he really was, and finding someone to take to the bathroom stall within minutes. He loved talking about it with his best friends the next day and getting groans, eye rolls and pleads to shut the fuck up.
His first two years of college ensured him plenty of that. He had his own flat right outside of Derry University, where he lived all alone. The underclassmen years flew by pretty quickly, but Richie had been positive they have been the most eventful years of his life. That all changed when he got into a bit of a financial situation with his father. Richie had gotten in trouble because of his low grades, a result of his party years being active and taking over. Wentworth Tozier decided to cut him off for 3 months as punishment.
The only way he would be able to pay for the upcoming rent was with a little help. So, he cleaned out the extra bedroom full of dirty clothes from his hookups, expired snacks, and video games, and turned it into an extra bedroom available to rent.
Nobody wanted to room with Richie Tozier. He was a loud mouth who came across as only tolerable for a couple of hours, if that.  
When little Eddie Kaspbrak shows up at his door with a copy of his “Roommate needed” sign, Richie is taken back as ever.
Who was this precious pixie boy with soft chocolate hair and summer freckles that lived across his cheeks? And why did he want to live with Richie Tozier?
He’s standing in front of Richie’s door in a jumper. An extra large white jumper on top of his maroon short shorts. His hand that wasn’t holding the paper was by his side, the tips of his fingers reaching the white hem. Richie stopped peeping through the hole and opened the door.
For once, Richie was at a loss for words. Eddie Kaspbrak was the first to speak. “Hey,” he looked up into Richie’s eyes. Which were too high for Eddie to see to get a good look at. 18 year old Eddie Kaspbrak was a whopping 5 feet tall and everyone he grew up with swore he would not be able to get any taller after ninth grade. He straightened himself up as much as he could, but it was little help. Richie Tozier leaned against his door frame and smirked down at the boy, from 6 feet and 4 inches off of the ground. Eddie gulped. “I-I saw you needed a roommate…” he trailed off and looked behind Richie while clutching the paper a little tighter. Anything to get away from the burn of the taller man’s eyes.
Richie snatched the application from the boys hands and pretended to pull down his glasses to read it. The fast action made the boy jump back a bit. Richie began to read out loud. “Eddie Kaspbrak. 18 years old. Freshman. Majoring in nursing. Minoring in linguistics…” he read the next line on the paper then pulled apart to look Eddie up and down. “Hm. Scorpio.. blah blah blah study time blah blah blah sleep times… Can you supply the six hundred a month?” He crosses his arms as he leaned now. Eddie pursed his lips and eagerly nodded.
“Good boy,” Richie let out, unknowingly. He caught himself immediately after saying it and hid his face behind the paper again. He’d hope Eddie would take that as a playful thing and not think too much into it. Little did he know Eddie was flushed on the other side of the paper and his eyes had gotten a little darker.
Richie looked him up and down one more time, focusing on his fresh summer tan. The fall semester was just about to start and this boy looked like he spent everyday at the beach for the past three months. He was so dark, Richie almost wanted to say he looked latino. “You got the job, kid.” He handed the paper back to Eddie. Eddie smiled to himself as he asked if Richie could help him unload his luggage from his car. Richie jokingly asked him if he would be giving him a tip. Their playful relationship of roommates flowed pretty easily from there.
Eddie had morning classes. Richie had night classes. They never really had to interact during the week unless it was the afternoon. Even then, it was sometimes a quick “hello,” and “goodbye,” and one giving the other a longing stare.
Some weekend nights, they’d have movie nights. Eddie would pick one week, Richie the next. Richie would never admit it, but he’d turned down offers to grab drinks with his friends just to sit down and eat dinner with Eddie for multiple nights. He found the boy so interesting to talk to… not to mention how easy he was on the eyes. Definitely not to mention that.
Eddie liked to lounge around in his signature shorts and oversized shirts everyday that one day Richie finally pestered him about it. “Do you have any other clothes? You always wear the same style.” Anyone else would have taken that with offense, but not little Eddie spitfire Kaspbrak. He leaned his head back on the side of the couch to be eye to eye with the boy standing in the kitchen, eating a strawberry pop-tart. “Why are you fixated on the clothes on my body?”
Richie dropped his jaw a bit. “Jeez, I just notice things. You can always wear things my friends have left here, they’re all in a box in the linen closet…” he stood up straighter and walked closer to Eddie. Eddie sat up now to look up at Richie standing in front of him. “How kind of you, offering me your ex-hookups’ dirty bras and panties.”
Richie snickered. “It's washed. Besides, It’s not all girls stuff. I have boxers and briefs, too.” He nonchalantly took another bite of his pop-tart, still eyeing down Eddie. His toes in his tall white socks were squirming against the dark couch. Eddie felt red in his face. “Briefs… in your ex-hookup box?”
It was Richie’s time to be cocky with a sly nod. He had been playfully flirty with Eddie whenever he could, winking at him when he caught him staring, saying he looked extra cute on certain days and sitting a little too close to him on movie nights, but he never admitted that he was actually into boys. All of these actions only had reactions of an annoyed Eddie brushing him off, assuming he was messing with him.
“Ooh, better yet-“ Richie hurried and turned around, rushing to his room and back to bring a different box that did not read Ex-Hookups, but Old. He sat it in front of Eddie, on the coffee table. “Take my old clothes. I don’t need any of this stuff,” Richie smiled at Eddie as he paced around the living room. Eddie, silent, raised an eyebrow, before standing to sort through the box. There were oversized hoodies, sweats and band T-Shirts. Richie waved him off with, “Keep the whole box,” before he walked back into his room with his pop-tart, closing the door behind him. Eddie was already changing into the black hoodie.
Five weeks into rooming with him, Richie had thought this boy was the cutest person he had ever laid his eyes on. He would go meet his friends most nights at the local bar, and none of them cared to hear about Eddie. None except Beverly Marsh, Richie’s other spitfire in his life. His best friend since last year, mentioned that he was in her biology 101 class, usually a freshman class, but she had just gotten around to taking it. “You better leave that boy alone, Richie Tozier, or I will never hear the end of it. He’s my partner for Christ’s sake and all he can blab about is you some days..” This sparked Richie’s interest.
“Really?” He sat up straighter and ignored Stan Uris, Mike Hanlon and Bill Denbrough’s side conversation about an upcoming party. He leaned in next to Beverly. “What’s he say?” He playfully asked, batting his eyelashes. Beverly was unamused. She took another sip from her martini. “He says you always leave a mess for him to clean in the kitchen,” Richie interrupted. “I do the cooking, he does the cleaning, we agreed to that!”
Beverly talked over him. “He says you play your music way too loud in the afternoon when he’s trying to study,” Another interruption. “Yeah, I’m trying to distract myself from how attractive he looks when he’s sprawled against my couch in those fucking shorts.” He snorted, but it was too true. Beverly sternly looked at him before continuing. “He hates- well… nevermind, actually.” She took another sip.
There was no way she was getting away with that. “Tell me now, Red. You know he’s close friends with that big Ben you have a crush on, I could ruin you like this,” he snapped his fingers for emphasis. Beverly bit the bottom of her lip, she never knew when Richie was kidding. “He... he hates that you constantly have guests around. Something about germs.”
Richie furrowed his eyebrows. Guests? The only person he had over was Holden from Calculus… and Piper from the frat party. And Wren from the night club. And Stella from… Oh shit. Richie stopped his thoughts. Eddie had been aware of his ongoing late night hookups.
Richie tries his best to keep his sex life private from everyone besides his friends. He loved sex but he thought it was meant to be personal. He tried his best to keep it quiet, but obviously Eddie was aware of the noises from down the hall at 3 in the morning.
“Well, it’s not my fault my dick is so irresistible... Besides if he wanted to have someone over, he could. As long as he cleans up behind himself, I don’t care. I’d give him his space…” Beverly smirked at this. “Is that so, Tozier?”
Richie nodded as he blankly stared across the room. He downed some more whiskey. “Because I happen to know…” Richie’s eyes quickly fixated on hers. “That he has someone over right now.” She sadistically smiled at him.
After staring at her for nearly 10 seconds, Richie’s first reaction was to laugh. No way did Eddie have it in him to be the hook-up type. He and Eddie would stay up late and talk after movie nights. He knew Eddie had only had sex a handful of times, and that he wasn’t looking for anything at the moment. Richie respected that. Deep down, he found it in him to be okay with that and try and give him his space. This would change that. “No, Beverly. You’ve got the wrong short stack.”
Beverly was scrolling through her phone before she stopped on a photo of broad shouldered, golden locked, Damian Scott. Richie’s fist tightened. He had walked by Eddie’s rooms multiple times in the late night to hear Eddie giggling on the phone. “Damian, oh my God! Why would you do that?” Oh, you’re just so funny, Damian. Richie rolled his eyes in his head before walking into the bathroom.
Richie was up before he knew it and the rest of his friends looked up at him, waiting for him to announce something. Beverly raised her eyebrows. “I… have to go...” Is all Richie said before taking off towards his Mercedes Benz in the parking lot. His friends shrugged it off before continuing drinking, figuring Richie would blab about whatever was going on next time he saw them.
When Richie parked outside the flat, he had his headlights off. His car made the smallest sounds against the gravel, and he closed the door with just enough force to make sure it closed and wasn’t too loud at the same time. He looked at the window. Eddie’s room was dimly lit. Candles were sat near the curtains. Richie could see it in the shadow.
He quickly got in the front door, tiptoeing and shutting the door with more grace than ever before. He could have laughed, he was sneaking into his own apartment.
Then he heard it.
The deep voice. The grunts. The squeaking on the bed.
His roommate was getting fucked.
Richie could not explain what he was feeling. He crossed his arms over his chest. Was he mad Eddie had someone over and didn’t tell him? Was he annoyed that jock asshole Damian Scott was in his flat of all people? Did he wish he was in there giving Eddie a fucking he would never be able to forget? Drinking in his whimpers and teasing his little body in ways that would make him shiver?
He quickly shook it off and reached into his cabinet for his own bottle of whiskey. He shrugged his jean jacket off and rolled up the sleeves on his peach shirt, which truly did flatter him, and his dark curls against his dark jeans. As he downed one more, he heard one loud (hopefully final) groan from Damian himself. Richie’s grip around the bottle was tightening so hard he could have broken it.
He took the bottle with him to the couch. Eddie’s bedroom door creaked open to reveal a still slightly gasping Damian Scott with a handful of clothes slowly closing the door behind him. When he turned around and was met with Richie, his face went red and he stopped in his tracks. Richie gave him a dry smile. “Hey, Damian.” He said low enough so Eddie couldn’t hear.
Damian’s hands were clammy. He only had his pants on in front of Richie. Richie Tozier, who, besides being a loudmouth, had a history of getting into fights. Whether it be a bar fight or a frat party fight. He just had sex in Richie’s place, even without knowing about his tiny fixation with Eddie, that was scary enough. “Richie.” He acknowledged as he walked towards the door, a little pep in his step.
Richie abandoned the bottle that shattered on the ground and quickly ran towards the door right as Damian had his hand around the knob. Richie tightly grabbed his wrist and roughly pushed him against the door, leaning down to whisper in his ear. Because although Damian was 5’7, which was 7 inches taller than Eddie, he was still 9 inches shorter than Richie.
Richie reeked of alcohol and he knew it. He didn’t care as his hot breath spoke out the following words. “Make the hell sure you never fuck Eddie again. He can’t go see you, and you sure as fuck can not come here again. Spread the word to your worthless posse as well,” Damian was silent and his chest was heaving up and down. He nodded. “Go.” Richie finally demanded, and Damian could not have scurried away quicker. Richie watched as he ran to his car parked on the street, pulling his shirt over him as he ran.
He proudly smiled to himself for a moment. Then it fell. He turned to look at the mess on the ground. What the fuck had gotten into him? He closed the front door. Then the bedroom door creaked open for a second time in the past few minutes.
Eddie was wearing one of Eddie’s band shirts. Sublime. It dropped to the middle of his thighs, which were becoming a little chubby. Eddie was experiencing a small Freshman 15, and God, did it look good on those golden thighs. He rubbed his eyes, and his hair was a mess. Richie was reminded of what just happened and felt his blood boil again. He didn’t want to react and scare his roommate, because what the fuck was he supposed to say? So he took a deep breath and let out a, “Happy Saturday,” with a smile. Whatever that meant.
Eddie was confused. He dropped his hand from his face. “It's not Saturday, yet,” his soft voice insisted as he checked his phone in his hand. 1:36 am. “Oh, I guess you could say it is Saturday,” he yawned and stretched a little, his hands going high above his head. Richie dreamily stared for a little too long. Eddie spoke up again. “So, what happened here?” He motioned to the shards of broken glass on the floor.
Richie was brought back to life. “Oh, nothing. Your friend accidentally broke something on his way out, but I told him it was no problem. No worries.” He smirked as he walked to grab a broom and dustpan from the closet. He avoided Eddie’s face as he began to sweep, and Eddie was thankful because his eyes had nearly fallen out of his head. “I didn’t mean for that to happen. I’m sorry. I thought you were gonna be out with your friends tonight. That’s what you said… and usually you don’t come back until like 3 in the morning with friends of your own, so I thought…” he trailed off as Richie stood up and dropped the broom, he walked closer to Eddie, keeping his demeanor cool.
“So you didn’t think you could ask me for permission before you bring some stupid jock over?” Eddie backed up closer to the wall little by little as Richie got closer. “He’s n-not stupid. He’s very nice. Did you talk to him on the way out?” Richie saw small bits of fear in Eddie’s eyes, so he decided it was too late to stop now. Eddie was already seemingly scared of him. “Of course I did. Now he knows not to come back or mess with you again. You’re welcome.”
Eddie’s back was finally against the wall and Richie wasn’t far behind him, putting his arm on the wall next to Eddie, and getting closer than they ever had before. Eddie shuddered as he looked deeply into Richie’s dark eyes. “You can’t do that. I have just as much of a right to fuck people in here as you do. You bring girls and boys here nearly every night-“ he was cut off by Richie bringing his abnormally large hand to Eddie’s small sides of his hips. Richie loved being this close to Eddie. He loved seeing how small he looked, both emotionally and physically next to him. Eddie was squirming under his touch now, his thighs shifting back and forth.
“And you’re always welcome to be one of them, baby,” Eddie’s lips were parted now as Richie brought down his hand from the wall to drag his rough fingers across Eddie’s swollen lips. Again, Richie is reminded of why they were swollen and gave the plumper bottom one a little pinch. Eddie whined under his touch and leaned his body more flush against Richie’s. “Yeah. I’d love to get these pretty little whore lips around me,”
Eddie was holding back a moan. He hadn’t come close to reaching his orgasm all night, but right now he was over half hard with his roommate barely touching him. Richie continued. “How big was Damian huh?” He leaned down much closer to Eddie’s face and whispered. “I bet you don’t even have it in you to take all 9 inches of me.” Eddie shut his eyes and leaned his head against the wall. His imagination was running wild right now, and his hips were rocking back and forth to get friction with Richie’s own cock. He could feel it against him from time to time, if he leaned his hips high enough. It was thick, hot and ready to pop out of those jeans. Eddie pulled Richie closer to him by his shirt.
Richie chucked at this. “What is it baby? You wanna use me to get off?” Eddie bit his lip. “So quiet and good for me now, huh? Damian didn’t fuck you right, did he baby?” All these questions and Eddie did not have it in him to form an answer to a single one. He could feel wet spots forming at the front of his underwear, and if he shifted the right way he could hear his precome spreading across his dick. “You want to be full of me, don’t you? You want to feel me all over your fuckable little body. You’re so small and tight, I know you’d suck me right in. I’d give you the best fucking you ever had, Eddie.” All this rambling, and Eddie finally let out a full blown moan at Richie saying his name. “Richie… please…”
Richie watched him. The face that looked so desperate, with his deeply parted lips. Richie pushed his right index and middle fingers through and Eddie instinctually sucked on them. He eyed Richie as he did. He gathered a little saliva on his tongue and gave Richie the most innocent look he could. He was already looking up at Richie because of their size difference, and Richie’s fingers looked big enough inside his tiny mouth to nearly resemble a dick. Richie’s cock was begging to be in the place of his fingers.
Eddie brought his hands up from his shirt to his arm that had the fingers down his throat to lightly grab it and shove it down further till he gagged. Holy fuck. Richie got red at this. Eddie smirked a little. To get the look off his face, Richie started shoving them at a much faster pace. Hearing constant gags and gasps for air as tears began to prick in Eddie’s eyes. Hmmmph. Eddie let out a little moan as a tear rolled down his cheek. He pulled his thigh up to wrap around Richie’s legs and pull him closer. Eddie gave small, weak thrusts against Richie’s cock, squirming as much as he could.
Richie got the hint. He finally released his fingers from the tiny ones mouth and wiped the strings of spit across Eddie’s lips. He already looked so fucked out. Richie could have came at the sight, but that was nothing compared to what he saw when he lifted up his own shirt on Eddie.
Eddie had worn a pair of baby blue lacy panties and his red cock was aching against the material. It was begging to be touched. Richie went hungry at the sight. He looked into Eddie’s dreamy, teary eyes before gently pulling down the material and harshly grabbing his cock.
It fit perfectly in the size of Richie’s hand. Eddie hissed. “Yes, fuck,” Richie devoured those fucking sounds as he leaned down to mouth against Eddie’s neck. He made a heavenly sound as he leaned to the side to give Richie more to work with. He moved his hands to the tops of Richie’s biceps, which were surprisingly strong. He held on to the muscle as Richie kept a fast pace up and down his cock. His giant thumb teased over the head and between the slit. “Since when have you been wearing those panties, princess?” His fingers massaged around the head a few times and that made Eddie let out another whine. Eddie’s mind felt hazy, but Richie ensured he wouldn’t avoid his question. He let go of his cock all at once.
“No!” Eddie grabbed his hand and attempted to drag it back, but that was hard when his whole hand had the weak ability to wrap over just Richie’s thumb alone. Richie scoffed. “Don’t think you’re in control for a fucking second, Kaspbrak. Answer me.” Eddie hummed at the thought of how powerless he felt, and could cry at how much he missed feeling Richie on him already. “Since you told me to. When you gave me the box with the panties…” His eyes were still shut, but Richie happily smiled down at him again.
“Yeah? You like wearing them around our place?” He placed his hand back on Eddie’s eager dick and made sure to watch his face as he did. “You like knowing I could potentially see them if you were bent over? You like rubbing your little cock against them as you listen to me fuck someones brains out right next to you?” Eddie pulled Richie much closer by his shoulders at that, and Richie let him because of how pretty the moan was that he let out. It sounded like something that had been building for weeks. Richie slid his precum up and down his dick at a much faster pace now.
Eddie stuttered. “C-close…” Richie scoffed again. Eddie’s thighs were shaking at how hard he was about to come. “You didn’t answer me,” Richie started slowing down his strokes. “No, no! Rich…” Eddie protested. Slower and slower until he pulled away again. At the loss of the sensation, Eddie broke, opening his eyes to get a good look at the tall man in front of him. “Yes! I do. I love the feeling of you staring at me whenever you see my ass-” Richie harshly grabbed his right ass cheek as a result of that. Eddie purred before speaking again. “I love hearing you fuck people next to me. Hearing you whisper that your roommate is sleeping when girls let out their fucking screams when you make them come…”
Richie was all ears now as Eddie honestly rambled. “When you bring boys home, I get especially jealous. I wish it was me you were fucking into everytime I hear the bed thump against my wall…” Richie was at the brink of coming in his fucking pants. Eddie spoke one more time. “The whole time Damian was fucking me, I was imagining it was you, but it was so hard,” Richie grabbed both of his cheeks now, kneading them in a way that would get Eddie talking some more. “You’re so much bigger. So tall…” he dreamily let out. “So big and perfect for me.” He looked up at Richie with pleading eyes. “I want to be the one you fuck, Richie. I’ll be so good for you...”
Richie felt more content than ever. This little hothead wanted him to fucking ruin him. He’d wanted it for a while. He’d probably gotten off to hearing him fuck everyone he brought home and now he wanted to be one of them. Richie thinks of Damian Scott. He talks before he thinks. “You should have thought about that before you let Damian stick his five inch up you,” he harshly let go of Eddie, placed his dick back into his panties, pulled down his shirt, and began to walk towards his room. The broom, pan and glass remained on the ground. “Make sure you clean that up. Goodnight, princess.”
Richie slammed the door. Eddie could have screamed.
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joachimnapoleon · 4 years
How the (Quarantined) Murats broke the Internet (and Lannes). [Part 2/2]
Hello all! Here is the second half of my and @histoireettralala‘s AU on our Trifecta in Quarantine.  (Part 1 can be found here.) ^_^
Caroline groggily plops into her desk chair, yawning in between sips of her morning coffee as she waits for her laptop to start up. She smiles at the sound of the sewing machine running from across the hall; Joachim is already hard at work making a new batch of masks for their friends and family. He has become quite determined, he informed her this morning, to make as many as he can, now that he's discovered he has such a talent for it.
She is secretly relieved that he has developed such a liking for this new hobby. Joachim has been delighted to be able to spend so much more time with the kids since the office temporarily closed, but at the same time... she knew her husband well enough by now to sense his restlessness. Joachim has always been bursting with energy and a perpetual need to be doing Something Important--not unlike Napoleon himself. Sitting at home for days on end, feeling useless, was simply unbearable for him.
Now, he has a purpose again, and she can already see the effect it is having on her husband, the added spark in his eye, the renewed spring in his step. And, she thinks, I've gotten an adorable new video out of it to add to my collection.
Caroline takes another sip of coffee as her YouTube page loads.
She nearly chokes on the hot liquid in her surprise.
Since she went to bed last night, her video of Joachim sewing with Letitia has accumulated... 12,184 views. There are hundreds of new comments and subscribers.
Caroline blinks. She figured Paulette and Josephine would be able to give it a nice boost, but... wow.
She refreshes the page.
She refreshes it again.
She decides to take a look at some of the top-rated comments.
@napoleon, 12:03: Well this was most... unexpected. So, when can I expect my masks?
@j.poniatowski, 1:05: MY DUDE
@ney, 12:17: very sweet, and kudos on not hurting yourself yet joachim
@bakingsoult, 3:27: maybe we can make a deal, fresh cookies of your choice for masks? PM me
@elisa.bacchiochi, 2:08: CAROLINE WE ALL NEED MORE OF THIS PLZ
@augereau, 4:02: My dear Murat, I think we could do a very lucrative business together; give me a call if you're interested.
@jeanlannes, 12:54: O___O
The majority of the comments, though, are from total strangers, many of whom have felt compelled to comment on the physical beauty of Caroline's husband. It would take far too long to go through them all and filter out the ones that go a little too far, especially as new comments are constantly being added to the thread. She sighs. At least most of them seem to be wholesome enough. And, anyway, it isn't like Caroline isn't used to this by now.
After finishing her coffee and refreshing the page one more time--the video is now up to slightly over 14,000 views--Caroline grabs her camera.
She has an audience to please.
[Three days later]
Lannes is not happy.
Aside from being bored to death right now as a result of so many days pent up inside, the masks he ordered from Amazon still haven't arrived, and wearing them is now required in order to go anywhere. The family's groceries are running low (except for their toilet paper; Lannes had made sure to buy twelve 24-packs of that once this whole thing had started, a foresight of which he was extremely proud). How is he supposed to go grocery shopping now without the requisite mask?
To make matters worse, Murat had entirely abandoned him for the past couple nights. Lannes is deeply wounded by this. How could his best friend just up and forget about two straight Skype cocktail hours? Especially when he knew perfectly well that they were the only thing keeping Lannes sane at this point? Even a flurry of furious text messages had failed to impress upon Murat the gravity of his neglectfulness.
Ten minutes later, a "sorry lol" was the verbatim response Lannes had received, followed shortly after by a "super busy" and then a "maybe this weekend idk". Murat had not even had the decency to reply to Lannes' ensuing "WTF".
If I don't get out of this house soon, I'm going to lose my mind, Lannes thinks.
He grabs his cellphone and dials the one man capable of helping him in this crisis.
"What in God's name is it today, Lannes?" a weary Larrey asks after the seventh ring.
"Doc!!! Do you have any spare masks?"
"I've already told you three times I don't!"
"How can you still not have any though? YOU'RE A DOCTOR!!!"
"That's correct; I'm a doctor, not a miracle worker. The mask demand has far outpaced the supply right now. Have you tried asking Murat?"
Lannes blinks, uncomprehending. "Ask... Murat...?"
"Yeah, I've gotta give it to him, he's been making some excellent quality masks!" Larrey exclaims. "I'm actually wearing one right now."
Lannes doesn't know how to even begin to process this statement. His arm holding the phone goes slack; the phone drops from a limp hand to the carpeted floor.
Everything Lannes knows is wrong.
Well, except one thing: he needs alcohol.
A lot of alcohol.
He heads towards the kitchen.
"Lannes?" the voice of Larrey calls through the abandoned phone. "Are you still there?? Lannes???"
Ney stares at himself in the mirror, studying his new mask. Murat had delivered it to him personally earlier this morning, along with a set of masks for Aglaé and all their children.
"Letitia picked the fabric for your mask personally," Murat had said with a wink.
"Well, I hope you'll give her my thanks. Tell her she has very good taste."
A giant image of the perpetually scowling Grumpy Cat covers Ney's mask.
Aglaé appears behind him in the mirror. Appraising her mask-clad husband for a moment, she nods approvingly.
"It suits you perfectly, my love."
Her husband's mouth might be covered by the mask, but Aglaé isn't fooled. His smile is betrayed by his eyes.
[Three weeks later]
Fifty-thousand subscribers.
And Caroline is only just getting started. A prominent blog had e-mailed her this morning about doing an article on Joachim's mask-making venture. Shortly afterwards, a local news channel had called to inquire about conducting a Skype interview with Joachim (and would it be possible for little Letitia to be present too?). Joachim had been reluctant to leave his work--there were still so many masks he needed to make!!--but Caroline had convinced him it would be for the Greater Good.
At Pauline's suggestion, she had monetized the YouTube channel yesterday morning.
Joachim enters Caroline's office, carrying Louise in his arms. Caroline greets them warmly.
"Did Napoleon like his new mask?" Joachim asks.
The last video Caroline had uploaded had been of Joachim and Letitia making Napoleon's mask, complete with her brother's signature "N" ornately embroidered by Joachim himself. His skills were progressing at a surreal pace. Imagining the look on Madame Campan's face at the sight of Joachim's meticulous sewing and craftsmanship, Caroline makes a mental note to forward the video link to her former mentor. See?! Caroline imagines herself screaming triumphantly at the haughty old woman. I was right about him all along!!!
"Napoleon said, and I quote: 'Tell him it's really not bad at all.'" She gives him a knowing smile.
Joachim beams. He's fluent enough in Napoleonese to know that this is high praise indeed.
[One month later]
Two-hundred-fifty-thousand subscribers.
Caroline's latest video--Joachim teaching Lannes to use the sewing machine--is shaping up to be their biggest hit yet. (She'd had to implore the two to keep their language as clean as possible; this is a family-friendly blog and besides that, it simply wouldn't do to put the ad revenue at risk). Her viewers couldn't get enough of Letitia and Louise laughing in the background at the struggles of their grumbling Uncle Jean to figure out "this demonic device" (as he called it). But Joachim was a patient teacher, and eventually Lannes had succeeded at making his very first mask. The video culminated triumphantly with him holding the mask aloft towards the camera like a hard-won battle trophy, as Letitia and Louise cheered and Joachim glowed with pride.
Now, Joachim is beginning to experiment with increasingly ornate embroideries and higher quality materials.
"Just because it's for a pandemic," he insists, "doesn't mean it can't be fashion."
[Three months later]
One million subscribers.
"Vogue?" Pauline's tone is one of total disbelief.
"Vogue," Caroline affirms.
"THE Vogue?" Elisa presses.
"And he's going to be... on the cover?"
"On the cover of Vogue."
"THE Vogue."
[One year later]
Five million subscribers.
Caroline parks her new cobalt blue Maserati, grabs her Louis Vuitton handbag off the seat, and heads into the house.
Joachim is in his design room, hard at work as always. He greets her with a kiss.
"How's it coming?" she asks.
"Pretty good, I think. Maybe another week or so and everything will be wrapped up."
After months of hitting the runways and photo studios of some of the most famous designers in America and Europe in the aftermath of the pandemic, Joachim has decided to pursue his long-cherished dream of putting out his very own clothing line--for both adults and children. So far, their videos of Achille, Letitia, Lucien, and Louise parading around and posing in their dazzling new haute couture outfits were proving to be immensely popular.
They have been floating the idea of live-streaming a fashion show to launch the new line; the participants would be their friends and family. So far, Lannes, Jerôme, Pauline, Elisa, Eugène, Lasalle, Bessières, and Poniatowski have all volunteered. Lannes' runway walk needs serious, serious work, but there's still plenty of time.
Of course, the children all want to participate in the show too, and how can Joachim possibly say no?
[Six months later]
Napoleon hates shopping. Primarily because Josephine always spends obscene amounts of money--really, if anybody ever found out just how many pairs of gloves she has--he lets out a sigh. It isn't just about the money though. Shopping for clothes is always such a hassle. Napoleon is a simple man with simple tastes. No frills, no feathers, no silly ornamentation--unlike some people. He just wants something nice and comfortable. Something breathable. Something that doesn't cut off the circulation in his arms or legs.
So of course, he has to live in the age of... skinny jeans. A crime against God and man. If he was in charge, he'd criminalize the horrid things. Of course, his ludicrous brother-in-law doesn't mind them. Murat is always delighted to have an excuse to show off those perfectly chiseled thighs of his.
"Napoleon! Come over here!!" Josephine calls. "I've found something you might like!"
I highly doubt it. He sighs again, but proceeds in the direction of her voice.
[The following afternoon]
Napoleon and Josephine arrive at the Murats' monthly garden party. Caroline has been renovating the place obsessively for the past few months; the spacious property now has a massive heated outdoor pool and vast gardens full of exotic plants and flowers. To the house itself, has been added a large marble terrace.
All this because she didn't want to learn how to sew, Napoleon marvels. He wonders how Madame Campan is processing it all.
Joachim and Caroline see the newly-arrived couple and hurry over to greet them.
Joachim's greeting cuts off in mid-sentence. His eyes are locked onto Napoleon's shirt.
"You're... wearing..."
"Yes. You know, it's really not bad at all, Joachim. You should make more like this." He gives Joachim's ear his signature tweak, before continuing on towards the food table.
Caroline giggles at the sight of her husband stricken speechless--the rarest of rare events.
"Come, my love," she takes his hand. "Let's go celebrate our success."
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