#Ichirou Futagawa
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I tried to do a set of weekly sketches of OCs while BNHA was airing... But in the end only did so many... Kinjiro, Daisuke, Ichirou, Nirou, Rei, Ai, Enko, Hibiki, Hoshiko and Kyoku belong to me. Karuta, Maru, Dokuki, Ryo’s Mother (Ican’trememberhernamesorry xnx; ), Ryoba, Ramune and Maneki belong to a friend
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The full line up of class 2-A! Basic stuff below the cut!
1. Akagi Miho / Volcano Girl
Hot-headed and hot-blooded butch. Quirk: Magma
pros: Excretes hot lava at will, skin is igneous rock
cons: Can’t turn her quirk off, needs fire-proof accommodations.
2. Abe Ai / Miracle Medic
A soft and caring girl with a love for kittens. Quirk: Defibrillator
pros: Sends a shock into the body that boosts healing speed, or just shocks someone
cons: Not very useful in offensive situations, still can’t beat a kiss from Recovery Girl
3. Itou Ren / Plague
Mysterious and distant agender who acts cool but is just a nerd. Yes, they always wear the bandages. Quirk: Swarm
pros: Summons various insects from their skin, as long as it’s got 6 legs it’s game
cons: Loses control over the swarms if they get too far away, leaves marks on skin
4. Utsura Kaoru / Paralymist
Easily angered but ultimately a big puppy who just likes to act tough. Got in on recommendation. Quirk: Miasma
pros: Mist exhaled causes paralysis if inhaled, lasts until the air is clear
cons: Only takes effect after a certain amount is inhaled, little control over the mist itself.
5. Okuma Yasuo / Wallflower
A little weird, but a lover of hugs and being hugged. Quirk: Sticky Finger
pros: Can stick to any flat surface, useful for climbing and such.
cons: Needs exposed skin to stick, so no shoes
6. Kamiki Miki / Miss Melting
Sweet and sunny, but a bit naive. Quirk: Melt
pros: Any inorganic material her hand touches melts instantly
cons: Needs to wear special gloves to keep from melting the whole school
7. Kanda Minami / Zantetsuken
A strict, stern girl who rarely smiles. She is Class Rep. Quirk: Air Cutter
pros: Projects a blast of air, slicing from a distance
cons: Quirk must be channeled through a sword or similar weapon, she’s banned from all local kendo clubs
8. Kurosawa Tomie / Batty
Peppy and upbeat. The shortest person in class. Was originally in general studies but was transferred into class near the middle of their first year. Quirk: Echolocation
pros: Uses sound to map out her surroundings, can also create a painfully high-pitched screech
cons: Is almost completely blind, sensitive to certain sounds 
9. Shimizu Yuzuru / Bombing Boy
Loud and wild with a love of rock music and surfing. Loves to use English words he doesn’t understand. Quirk: Bubble Bomb
pros: Generates bubbles that explode when popped, can control those bubbles to an extent
cons: Can’t control when they pop, can literally blow up in his face
10. Takase Ichirou / Gyro-Devil
A smug jerk with a hero complex, loves to be the center of attention. Quirk: Pressure
pros: Pretty much the opposite of Uraraka’s quirk aka, increases gravity on things he touches
cons: Requires lots of concentration, can cause fatigue if overused.
11. Tsukuda Masaru / Blast Racer
Tries to be cool, but gets a bit too emotional too easily. He’s Vice Class Rep. Quirk: Speed Burst
pros: Pushing off from any surface gives him a major boost in speed, capable of breaking the sound-barrier
cons: Has issues stopping, also hard to change directions
12. Hirose Yayoi / Highwire
It’s ya girl! I don’t need to explain her!
13/14. Futagawa Shinji and Reiji / Mix and Match
Twins that have similar personalities, but don’t always get along like you’d expect. Quirk: Twin Fusion
pros: Fuses into a single body with enhanced strength and endurance, about as big as All Might
cons: Both retain full consciousness when fused, unfuse if they can’t get along
15. Funanori Kaede / Merman Man
Is too nice for his own good. His smile is pure sunshine. Quirk: Fish Form
pros: Super fast swimming, can breath underwater easily
cons: Gets dehydrated easily, needs to take a long bath everyday
16. Madaraki Hisako / Stitches
Quite, shy, and a pretty swell guy gal. Quirk: Frankenstein
pros: Can disconnect and control her limbs at will
cons: Limbs will sometimes fall off on their own and get lost
17. Matsuoka Aki / Amaterasu
Pretty aloof and calm and fun to be around. Quirk: Solar Panel
pros: Turns sunlight into physical power, more sun equals more muscle
cons: Lack of sunlight gives her withdrawal symptoms, still gets sunburns
18. Yuuki Shizuko / Lady Blizzard
Bouncy, peppy, and will never, ever stop talking. Quirk: Ice Blaster
pros: Fires either a solid icicle or a freezing spray from her mouth, gives her strong cold resistance
cons: Needs to drink lots of water, sensitive to heat
19. Yutani Naoya / Arrow Hood
Wants to be a cool guy who doesn’t speak, but gets drawn into arguments easily. Quirk: Crossbow Arm
pros: Arm forms a high-powered crossbow that can be folded and concealed in his sleeve easily
cons: Needs to carry arrows, firing too much too quickly hurts
20. Watari Hiroji / Stick-it
Smiley, goofy, and a ball of goodness, but sometimes has trouble being serious. Was also originally in general studies but transferred to the hero course after day one first year. Quirk: Stretch
pros: Can turn his arms into one of those stretchy arm things, good for smacking things
cons: Stuff gets stuck to his arms too easily
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Hoshiko really suits the Pokemon universe ahahaha. Her father is a forest ranger so she really loves animals and such. Her hero costume did have some inspiration from Pokemon Rangers too... Of course the most fitting for the twins was Jigglypuff and Whismur. Part 1 / Part 2
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Another BNHA draw dump... I have one other OC I’ve drawn (outside of family members of some of the others) but I haven’t actually scanned it. Idk if anyone even cares tho. I was just happy with how varied they felt to me in their designs... Especially the guys... I’ve always struggled to make male characters. Male characters clothes and hair especially. Ahaha... And again Rei was named before Mama Todoroki was named... But they do use a different spelling in Japanese...
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