paddysol · 1 year
Until the End
/ / limited life spoilers?
(im also trying my hand at creative writing for the first time in years im so sorry if its bad)
Something, something, the overall fear that festers throughout the server, in this case the literal time ticking on your life and knowing that any wrong move will push the clock hand forwards. Knowing that BigB killed Cleo out of desperation to save himself in Last Life, severing his friendship. Knowing that BigB didn’t stay with Ren in Double Life, a wariness that is harboured by every player, instilled deep within. A lesson learned. Something, something, it's a new game, and he is tired. Of loneliness, of fear, of the constant glance over your shoulder. So he chooses to be brave. He tries again. 
Something, something, Pearl knew friendship in Last Life. Despite the fear, despite the desperation to live and willingness to do whatever it took, she knew friendship and it didn’t break under the pressure so heavily applied to all the tentative bonds created. She may not have won but at least Scott did and that meant something right? She died but at least she was happy, not many could say the same. And then fate tied their strings together and the world came crashing down within moments. The warmth she knew so well from Scott was ripped away, a sharp gaze and sneered explanation of where she went wrong. A single twisting tower reaching for the sky built brick by brick on the ruins of the past. Something, something, she has been lonely for far too long and its a new game.
It's Limited Life now, there’s a timer on a player's wrist and a tick tock ringing through their heads. There’s the familiar scramble for tools, resources, anything they can get their hands on that will push that clock hand just a few minutes back. Alliances are quick, deaths quicker. 
Something, something, Pearl can't help but remember the past and this time she’ll do better. She makes her rounds from player to player, a friendly greeting and hesitant handshake. There's a reluctance to break herself into pieces again but there's a grim determination that accompanies that doubt. And then there's a mountain and Big B is staring down at her and there's a choice. 
He holds out an offer, of allies, of friendship.
The minutes are ticking down and in the cacophony of tick tock, an agreement is struck.
So it's until the end now. Whatever that may be. 
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