foursaints · 8 months
give me a rosekiller AU where Evan Rosier is part of a famous "twin seer" duo with pandora, and has made a very comfortable life giving awe-inspiring prophecies on television and hammering home the whole ~mystical blonde twins~ schtick. except its all fake, its always been fake, & he is too busy happily tricking the stupid masses with his sister to care. Cue Barty Crouch Jr, who is batshit insane, a little frightening, a babbling mess with a fringe cultlike following.... and who is very much giving some very real prophecies.....
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tumblunni · 5 years
* the staff were so nice to a newbie like me! I think i gave them a good giggle with all my over the top reactions lol!
* they have these pod things you go in and then it MOVES AROUND oh god i was just squeaking with delight and/or fear every five seconds!
* there was a spaceship tour/rollercoaster thing that was my first game. I just went WOOO and AAAA and i dont have much else to say except that! Im still going woo and aaa in my soul!!!
* the next pod experience was a horror house with a creepy mannequin clown dood calles Jinx. I am SO weak to horror so with that and the sheer OH WHOA factor of the rolleecoaster pod i was totally gasping and screeching and giving the attendant guy a great show XD afterwards he was real nice and chatted with me about how he was totally scared too when he tried it, so i wouldnt be too embarassed. There was a REALLY WHOA BIT where the game spawns the puppet guy in JUST out of your peripheral vision! He's actually riding the ride WITH you for 2 minutes but you only realise that subtle "something is wrong here" feeling is HIM when he leans forward and draws attention to himself. It was so effective cos it was a real slow long stretch of time when you were waiting for the jumpscare and then YOU DO IT TO YOURSELF by noticong something in the picture changed! So good!! The bit that the attendant got the most spooked by was a similar moment where puppet guy directly interacts with the ride later on, where he jumps up and reaches out WAY CLOSER THAN YOU WOULD HAVE THOUGHT WAS EVEN POSSIBLE IN THIS 3D ENGINE but then obviously he cant really touch you so he pulls his hand away at the last second. But then he trolls you by ripping apart the rollercoaster cart and sending you careening into a surreal bendy mirrors room! It was a really fun experience and i kinda ended it feeling like this was the spirit of vr? Like this game was literally alive, i literally just visited some mischievious yet nice spirit who really enjoys scaring people and is happy he finalky got a job where he can do it in a benign way and get paid. "Humans are the real scary ones if they enjoy this as much as i do!" Thanks Jinx i really did enjoy your horrifying doom time
* TOCH A SHARK SIMULATOR!! there was this super realistic oceab exploration and i was so sad it was a non playable tour application thing cos i really wanted to touch the shark. I was flailing my hands everywhere going OOO THIS FISH NO THIS FISH AAA like seriously man please make that one into a full game!!! It was so good even just for a short preview! It was so cool it was made from real documentary foitage!! I didnt really learn anytjing tho cos i was too distracted going WOO AAAA! And i think the shark and giant squid were supposed to be scary but i was totally DEAD OF THE CUTENESS! It was so realistic like i could really pat a critter nobody can ever pat! Please make more vr games where you emotionally bond with rare critters and/or totally imaginary animals. Give us the cuddle experiences we deserve!!!
* i was a lot worse at the actual playable games cos i was still getting used to the experience and the complex controls were hard to work while being distracted by so much sheer WOO AAA! I did the best at this shooting gallery thing, it was so fun and funny cos you had to dramatically dodge with your entire body and point your plastic guns all dramatic style! I bet i was a good advertisement to the people at the counter, cos i was totally going full ham! Felt embarassed people were watching and i had no clue lol! Oh and i liked that it had a lazer katana option for people who are bad at shooting. It had much weaker attack thk so i never got the time bonus. I made it pretty far ro stage 14 i think? Feel pretty proud!
* there were some other more complicated games with more controllers but i ended up just havibg no clue how to manage it all at once. There was this gigantic plastic gatling gun thing and a full fake car setup with gearsticks and stuff. I failed that one extra hard cos i have no clue how to drive even without complicated vr, lol! It was hilarioud to see me stuck on the same wall going back and forth and repeatedly smacking it, i think i enjoyed failing more than succeeding! XD
*and then i just messed around in that job simulator game i saw everyobe doing in the example vids. I already knew how it goes so i just experimented with breaking everything and throwing fire extinguishers at everyobe in the restaurant while shovelling infinate bread into my mouth.
In summary i think the operator dude thinks i'm insane, especially cos i turned up in a cape! But he had a good laugh and i just felt even better kbowing the people in the shop enjoyed themselves as much as i did! And i got a gift card to give to my sister so i hope she enjoys it too. (Or if its not her kind of thing, she can give it to a friend)
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