knightartorius · 2 years
i know i made that super long post about tsukasas mental health but man i love how project sekai depicts mental health!!! its so real and multidimensional and doesnt hide behind “theyre kids” as an excuse. it breathes so much life into the cast and i relate to like every character in the cast but like, im a sole believer that everyone can find a prsk character that is just like them if not seeing themself a bit in everyone
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sunbeams-and-honey · 3 years
hi im new to astrology and i just wanted to know what does it mean/how it affects me and my future if i have sun, mercury, venus all in gemini 10th house, moon in aquarius 6th house, virgo rising and also pisces mars in 6th house. thank youuu.
Hi darling! Thanks for the question.
Your combination of a Gemini Sun and an Aquarius Moon makes you a very captivating person. You're someone who can definitely trust in your intuition and you also benefit from a witty foresight. You are absolutely capable of improving yourself and making positive changes for yourself. You're intellectually energetic, which means that you can go on for ages with any activity involving your mind, such as writing or solving puzzles. You have a deep need to express your individuality as much as you can, as well as being stimulated at all times. You are more or less terrified of being bored. You are so busy so much of the time that boredom seems to affect you more intensely as you're not used to staying still and relaxing. You really enjoy and benefit from finding new ways of looking at and thinking about something, and also from establishing connections between different things. It's really satisfying for you when something finally clicks in your mind.
Your Sun is in the 10th House, which means that you work hard in order to achieve your goals and to also reach a certain status. You are excited by the idea of having power, but make sure that this desire does not make you cruel. You might want to be famous at some point in your life but you want to live an honourable and dignified life while doing so. That being said, you may be prone to getting into scandals if you're not careful. You want to be in charge where possible and you aren't afraid of the responsibility that comes with it. If you were to be put into a position of leadership then you'd know exactly what you'd be getting into. You're very determined to make a name for yourself and to be a good role model to others. You're likely to have a good reputation.
You have your Moon in the 6th House, which makes you someone who is obsessed with being healthy and organised at all times. A lot of your emotional satisfaction and stability depends on how hard you work, which can be a problem if you don't work as hard as you think you should. You have to understand that you have limits and you're allowed to relax without having to work for it. You are caring and emotional, and very empathetic. You get very stressed when you can't be of any help to anyone else. You may be prone to have physical pain when going through emotional distress or pain. You tend to feel very energetic and alive when there is nothing worrying you and when everything is going your way.
Your Gemini Mercury means you have great social skills. You are charming and eloquent in your speech. You are a quick thinker decision-maker. You always have something interesting to say so people always want to talk to you. You may find that you're the one carrying the conversation a lot of the time. You have the tendency to exaggerate sometimes. People are fascinated by your intelligence and knowledge. You know a bit about everything. You're constantly thinking about more than one thing at a time and because of this, you can forget about very important things every now and then, such as birthdays or anniversaries.
Your Mercury is in the 10th House, which makes you very good at solving problems under pressure. You're not one to back down from a challenge just because everyone else does. In your personal life, there will be a huge emphasis on self-improvement and general achievements. You highly value your goals in life and you are a natural communicator and public speaker. Even if you're shy, you have a great way with words, which leave a huge and lasting impact on those around you. You're very articulate. Your career is very important to you. You don't see it as merely a job, it's something with which you put effort into and care about.
You have your Venus in Gemini, which means you are very talkative and witty, especially when with your friends. You are very skilled with your words. You may love deep and complex subjects such as philosophy and once you find someone who shares this appreciation, then there will be no one stopping you from discussing it at all hours of the day and night. You are skilled with mediating conflicts and settling arguments before they become too big and destructive, and this is largely down to your persuasive skills. You need someone who appreciates and, to an extent, shares your intelligence and thirst for knowledge. You are very transformative, most likely going through many important changes throughout your life.
Your 10th House Venus makes you someone who wants to make a valuable contribution to the world. You want to change things for the better and will do everything in your power to make that happen. You want to make the world a brighter place too, spreading love and positivity wherever you go. You'll probably make a good career out of one of your hobbies. You might be the type of person to have an Etsy shop. You like being the centre of attention because you want to be appreciated for the things you have done. Some people can see you as pretentious because you want the nicer things in life and because you surround yourself with influential people. They don't realise though that you do this to keep as many doors open as possible when it comes to opportunities.
All of this means you have a Gemini stellium, which means you really embody Gemini qualities, more so than your average Gemini Sun. You are quick to both crack a joke and to put the pieces together and solve a problem. You are probably the life of the party. You have a great ability to relate to anyone, which is something that really helps other people. You may find that others often turn to you for comfort and support because they feel seen and heard by you. People can struggle to keep up with you at times albeit entertained by the stories you have to tell. You always have something interesting to say.
This also means you have a 10th House stellium, which makes you someone who loves their independence. You're not one to typically listen to authority figures unless you absolutely must. You might benefit from working for yourself one day rather than for somebody else. You are ambitious and not one to mess around once you get down to something. You may have had some kind of issues with a parent, or someone you viewed as a parental figure, at some point in your life. You know the best path to success, and are hellbent on staying on that path.
I've already gone over what it's like to have a Virgo Rising! You can find the post here.
Your Mars is in Pisces means that you are the kind of person to fight for your dreams. You are a walking contradiction, both sensitive and powerful, though perhaps it is your sensitivity itself that makes you powerful. You prefer to go with the flow rather than planning for the future or being in control. You want and expect things in your life to just happen naturally. Even if you are a hardworking person, you don't expect all your hard work to just go to waste. You want to get something from it. This can make you confident enough to go after your goals and dreams, but it can also lead you to getting easily disappointed.
You have your Mars in the 6th House, which makes you someone who is prepared to work incredibly hard for your dreams and goals. You love helping other people, but you have to watch out for people who use this kindness of yours and exploit it. Remember you can say no. You are productive, efficient, and almost always ready to work. You rarely ever seem to get tired so you do run the risk of burning out because you work so hard. You have the tendency to become impatient and irritable when other people do things in a different way to you. You have an amazing capacity to pick yourself up after failure or mistakes.
Words Of Advice:
Learn to relax more, maybe even meditate!
You need to learn how to balance your work life and your personal life.
Try to depend less on validation from others.
Maybe choose an area to specialise in rather than knowing a bit about everything and not properly committing to something.
Be more open to new experiences.
You don't need to take on every single challenge thrown at you.
Try changing your ways of doing things every now and then.
Remember to slow down every now and then.
You don't have to be working 24/7.
Pay more attention to your friendships.
Be mindful of who you spill your secrets to.
Try to keep your expectations realistic.
Thanks for the question darling and I hope this helped! Sending good vibes your way and have a wonderful rest of your day!
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iloveposse · 5 years
Send a number ask 1-30
Mwahahahaha...don t blame me for the ling ass post, blame my dear hun^
1)how old werr you when you firat fell in love?
Now see this bothers me cause love can be very different. Cause romantically id say 14, but i do believe we must understand that when that is boiled down, the love and caring part is the same as in a platonuc sense, it s just added on attraction if sorts that makes it romantic. So truly, the first time i genuinely met someone i cared about deeply and, id say, loved a lot, more than anyone at the time, i was 13. And that was a pivotal point because i realised that being loved is a strength and power while loving someone is a great weakness.
2)name the first person who broke your heart.
My parents. Fuck them.
3) hiw many different best friends have you had?
Over a dozen by title, 3 that actually meant something
4) do you have a best friend?
5) do you have a specific talent?
The talent of being average. Im good at everything i try (except riding a bicycle)but im a jack of all trades, master of none
6)do you fit into any stereotypes?
Hmmm...don t think so. I guess depresses millenial/gen z kid?
7) sexuality
Confused mess
8) fav animal
Tarantula brachypelma, peacock spider, snakes, sloths....i love all animals more than people 😚💕
9)favourite pet names
Darling, pumpkin, asshole, the unknown material
10)what do you think love is....
11)when did you discover your favourite band?
Hmmm 14, but last month i listened to palaye royale for the first time and i already know almost all their songs....still finding favourite bands
12) do you want to get married?
Ah, now this is important, see i am undifferent to it, i find the idea of parties and people repulsive and legal bindings are not the sort of bondage im into.....but...if against all odds someone i somehow really loved wanted to marry me i would fucking kill putin and make gay marriage legal for the person (or more reasonably just move to another country)
13) do you want to have kids?
I have a huuuuuge phobia of pregnancy and i have serious anger issues stemming from a meh childhood.. .i would fucking suck with children, but i think i could handle adopting a teen.
14) when did you have your first kiss?
Like for realsies like 2 and a half years ago (14 i believe, at a cinema, right next to a mutual best friend who didn t find out her friends were dating till like ages after, it s actually a hilarious story)
15) nope
16)have you been cheated on?
Technically no
17) how many times have you fallen in love?
Idk, twice romantically, and also back to like the first question, though it might not be defined as falling in love, i do love my best friend very much, like more than anyone else. this whole post is basically gonna be an ode to her.
18) have you ever rejected anyone?
I tend to get very violent and/ or cold towards people when they show me a smidgen of affection so never got the opportunity cause i scare em off....im surprised i even have good close friends.
19)have you ever cheated?
relationships ..no
20) have you ever been in a ling distance relationship?
All of these do not really apply i dated someone once, it ended horribly, i think i just really wabted to answer the 2 i saw when i first looked through this. But i am a lass of great determination and i will do this
21) romantic or sexual aspects of relationship?
Ummm i prefer the aspect of having someone who gives a rats ass about you and who you give a rats ass about. But like. Sexual stuff is cool too, not gonna discredit that.
24) favourite thing about best friend?
Where do i even start? She s marvelous! She s incredibly smart, intelligent and she studies a lot. But she also has a great way with people. She s incredibly dimplomatic abd resppectable. She could be a world leader! But she s genuinely kind but not to a fault. Shes extremely trustworthy
However she s also very funny and cool and just a blast to hang out with. We re basically two sides of the same coin. The basics are similar (smart, hardworking, determined, sense if humour) but then she s just so much better than me at almost everything. She s brilliant.
25) do you want a significant other?
Idc about the label, i just want someone who i can trust and talk to about everything and vice versa, cause i don t like bothering my aforementioned best friend. She s too sweet and worries too much.
26)do you like anyone?
Yes, my 2 friends, my cat, and someone i barely ever talk to (also a couple of lovely people from this hellsite that im not tagging cause they ll be forced to try to figure out wher they re mentioned in this mess)
27) who was the last peraon you loved?
Well right now i love my friends and....ok i get that this is like a romantic question and as i said i had one shitty relationship that ruined a fucking awesome friendship, and though i still care about the person and xould talk to them, but it s just said. This whole topic is sad.
28)do you have a celebrity crush?
Though many celebrities are very attractive both inside and out i do not have crushes on them for i feel uncomfortable thinking that.
29)name a song that makes you want to fall in love?
Um....any song directed to someone else? If we re getting music into this i just want to violently sing my affection at someone. Especially ma cherie by palaye and the only hope for me is you by mcr and smithereens by top.....all of the emo bops
30) do you think you ll be happy later in life?
Hahahahahahah. Um...this hits too close to home. There are moments when im semi happy but...ye...i ve kinda been stuck with the same mood in the background for years and it isn t great. Here s to hoping it doesn t engulf me and that one day (hopefully soon) i won t be surrrounded by people i hate so much i gave my stomach erosions (not kidding, the doctor said it was stress making the burning sensations that s caused by stomach acid basically neating away at various areas inside the tum)
Heeey venting actually made me feel better! Like a bit.. Thank you @thegreenpea. Cause yes im making you scroll through all of this just to let you know that i do love you very much and i appreciate your existence and the moments whenever we talk :)
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vjjeons · 6 years
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whaddup!! i’m acacia (satan). i’m twenty years old, i use she/her pronouns and i hail from the pst timezone! i’m super excited to be in a lil ol’ group again because i haven’t been in one since like… idk?? but enough about me — let’s get to the good stuff aka my girl, veronica jeon. it gets pretty lengthy, so if you just want the overall version of it just scroll to the very end! anyways, if you like this, i’ll take it as an invitation to IM you for plots, so be careful!! ♡
jennie kim + cis female + she/her — have you met veronica jeon? they are a twenty-one year old artist/barista known as the philophobic. a pansexual scorpio, they are independent + bold, as well as stubborn + cynical. their soulmark is a crescent moon on the left ring finger, and they can feel the emotions of their soulmate.
BACKGROUND + TRIGGER WARNINGS: abuse, death, drugs
to kick things off, veronica grew up with just her mother around. her father had always been MIA. so, she doesn’t have a lot of memories involving him. therefore, her mother dated an array of men. often times neglecting her daughter, with the exception of the times she brought in successful report cards.
when she was thirteen, her mother married a man who physically abused veronica any chance he had. especially when mrs. jeon started cheating on him. so ronnie recoiled around her art for a few years.
being alone as an only child, she had to keep herself entertained. she started off by doodling with just a pencil. but, eventually expanded with acrylic paints and water colors. thus ultimately discovering her love for the arts!! 
she isn’t exactly sure how she’s going to find a successful career path through her beloved hobby. which is why she picked up her job as a barista to make some actual cash flow.
when veronica turned sixteen, she thought of tracking down her father in hopes of reuniting with him. this lead her to her grandmother’s house. who eventually had to break the news that her father had died from a drug overdose before she was born.
though, the news was shocking. it didn’t leave her feeling empty. instead, she found something better — her grandmother. she instantly connected with the woman and eventually found herself making her grandmother’s home as a sort of safe haven.
her grandma even supported her with her arts. buying her any supplies she needed and giving her suggestions on places she can find more muse. basically fulfilling the mother role veronica desperately needed.
but one day while visiting, the woman had passed in her sleep. this took a toll on ronnie considering how attached she became to her grandmother and her home. she would have to return back to her mother’s and her step-father. when she went back, the man attempted to abuse her again. however, she ratted him out. ultimately sending him to his imprisonment.
once she turned eighteen, her mother had packed up her things and left the girl behind. though, ronnie was fazed by the woman’s actions. nor did she feel any lose considering how little she cared about the other.
but good things do happen to v! one day she received a letter explaining that she inherited her grandmother’s fortune. (which she often uses to pay off her apartment bills.) along with a small journal with letters and locations to keep veronica on the right path. to stray away from the hatred and negativity and turn those emotions into something beautiful.
PERSONALITY: she is charming, creative, and witty. however, she can be quite cynical, stubborn, and reserved. she has that tell it like it is personality. she just calls it likes she sees it. even if she’s not exactly right. she’s witty and intelligent. she’s very particular when it comes to most things. she wants things done correctly. so she often runs by the quote, “if you want things right you gotta do it yourself.” she doesn’t like relying on others to get things done when she knows she could do it faster and better. a little bit of a ocd queen. she’s one of those people that set their mind to something and goes through with it until the end. she has a way with words. her silky soft voice makes it easy for her to manipulate people. (unless you’re close to her, then they can see past the bullshit.) but don’t get her talking about feelings. because you’re gonna just hear crickets if you do that. she’s sort of an introvert. over the years, veronica had to work hard to become the person she is today — someone who is hopeful, who sees art and beauty everywhere, even in the ugliest parts of the world..some days, it’s a little harder, but she never gives up. she’s slowly growing out of her tough head of hair and morphing into a young woman so beautiful over the years, but also at times, terrifying?? self destructive?? even if she’ll never let anyone see her deteriorate her insides sigh. basically she’s a hot mess. but she tries her best to hide that shit. yeye sweg.
when it comes to FRIENDS veronica can always use some of ‘em. she possess the qualities of a good friend loyal, honest, trustworthy. however, she can be quite pessimistic. which might be a reason why she doesn’t have as many friends. once her mind is set to think a certain way it’s hard to persuade her to believe otherwise. she’s the type of friend to listen to your problems, but be prepared to listen to her unwanted opinions – all of them. she’s also the type to put a friend in check when they need it. she thinks of it as trying to convince them to see the bigger picture. first impressions is something she might not be very good at. while she isn’t exactly the definition of rude, she tends to not filter then things she says. overall, i would say that she might just need a handful of friends, a whole bunch of acquaintances, and her a ride or die.
please flood her with ENEMIES. i know for a fact that she has these. being so boldly opinionated and all. you know this girl has more than enough haters. sometimes she has some very evil intentions. she’s vengeful and irrational. but, don’t get me wrong. she’s not pure evil. veronica does have some good intentions, she leans more to the chaotic evil side. deep deeeeep deeeeeeeeep down the girl is trust issue central when it comes to letting people in. she can’t help it. she has abandonment issues thanks to her parents. therefore, she might come off as standoff-ish to new people. she keeps her circle tight. so maybe they think she’s cliquey? or she could have pushed people away. she’s like that one rihanna meme, them: you can’t just cut people off. ronnie: *holds a pair of scissors* she doesn’t have problem with letting people go. so maybe people think she’s a bitch because, “how could you just drop our five year long friendship like that.” and she’d just shrug. but really, she’s hurting beyond repair and will go home crying while eating a thing of ben & jerry’s chunky monkey. and there’s always that possibility where a friendship just didn’t work out. maybe they just stopped having time for each other and now it’s just mad awk. whatever it is, an enemy would b beaut.
as for LOVERS. veronica is a fucking cynic. love ain’t real and life is cold. she’d rather just be alone and happy than in a relationship and suffering. she sees so many people around her settle for less. (her mother being a prime example of that.) especially when she’s giving advice for friends. she doesn’t think people should be so easily manipulated by the concept of love. she knows there’s a difference between wanting someone and wanting to be with someone. and in her eyes, most people only settle for the sake of companionship. it’d be a hard mission to win this girl over. but not impossible. she’s definitely been on a few dates and had a couple of relationships. though most ended quickly due to the realization she only fell for their smooth talking and nothing more. 100% dabbles in the quick hook ups for the sake of fulfilling those needs. though, if the right person were to come along… she’d be loyal to them, completely devoted to just them.
sooooo, my lazy ass actually found the power to make a RELATIONSHIPS PAGE. peep it, tell me what you think. if you can’t find something your muse fits, throw whatever ideas you have right at me! i’m so down for whatever.
in a nutshell, she’s an angel with a halo unbalanced with horns, not a devil but not a saint either?? kind yet has a backbone. softer than what she seems like. humorous and witty though understanding. mistrusting but willing to let loyalty speak. veronica is a hot mess dealing with personal issues by lashing out on those around her. she’s loyal, but manipulative. opinionated, but easily offended. intelligent, but sometimes argumentative. she’s a bit of a feminist. trusts no bitch. but if you’re her friend, she’s chill as fuck. though, she’s a bit hesitant when it comes to making new friends. since she’s likes being a lame outcast. but really — she just doesn’t know how to process her good thoughts into words. she’s a barista and a tortured artist. she’s independent, hardworking, and determined. muse inspo for her: kat stratford (10 things i hate about you), samantha borgens (stuck in love), michelle (spider-man homecoming), and a hint of blair waldorf (gossip girl). anyways, give her girl scout cookies and she’ll love you til the end of time.
congratulations ! you made it to end ! if you read all of this… i love you. i only ever write so much bc… it gets me in character lmao. also, i wrote all of this the second i woke up. so don’t mind the grammar mistakes and what not. HENNYWAYS… i would really love to plot with everyone. so just slide into my DMs and we can get things started!! luv u *blows a kiss*
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My journey to pursue MS in US
I was like any other teen in the world...trying to make through college and trying constantly to prove myself to the world. My undergrad was me participating in anything and everything technical.just to get involved in as many activities, workshops, and seminars as possible and help myself for placements. This was me when I was outside. At home, I became this overly lazy person not putting more than the required amount of effort to pass and get reasonably good grades. The first year went by with me trying to cope with school portions being repeated. The second-year took me by surprise as I not only became more focused in work but also became a better student altogether. The third year was my downright low. I reached my first 6. score and lost my open elective courses. I should say I was very depressed. I need a more active enthusiastic environment where I can study being an introvert. I recharge by being with people but prefer being the silent one. This was also the first time I was apart from my best friend in our classes. I did not do well. I was totally depressed. Over my undergrad years, I’ve become so used to studying together for exams that now in my masters it feels very difficult to get motivated on my own. Meanwhile, I had started attending GRE classes just because some of my friends were attending. Frankly, though I wanted to have as many choices as possible when I graduated. Before this year ended though I got a job offer from iNautix.Though not an excellent company I got into it. Again my notion was to have backups for backups in case things didn't work out in the future. Then my fourth year came and it was my turn to shine..many people got to know me better by the in numerous amounts of last rounds that I attended. So when I finally got a job,I felt really blesses. The role was that of a QE but I had gotten into a very good company. Many people started to appreciate me for my great determination. Though all I did at home after attending a class where I fully concentrated was sit and watch videos. I was known for being the girl who watched tv/videos 24/7..people told me if only I used this time wastage to actually study something I would do more. When the placements initially started I was nervous but I had good aptitude,,, All I had to learn though was technical..but I had no interest to start doing projects on my own that I was interested..always thought that I was good at simple coding but not actually good at starting projects. Turned out that I did not have solid practice or perseverance to prove to others that I can think or code well. It was me being extremely lethargic expecting things to fall right on my hands..then came my confusion for whether to apply for MS since it is a QE job and does not have much career height. And my other job was automatically rejected since this was a higher salary. Even then I felt really bad to leave this job. I had worked hard and struggled to get a job and in the end, I had to leave all of its luxury and comfort and brought to the same position I was in before after coming to higher studies. It was a sad truth and though it was my choice I felt that I had no choice that I had to leave.Moreover I started getting signs that my relatives and family members were going to torture me into marriage or that related topics.Inside though I was still a woman-child. I needed a huge spavce from them...My motivation to pursue and decide on MS was mainly due to a collaboration of those reasons.I really also wanted to travel abroad.But the weight of my decision struck only when I was halfway aross the world in Turkey.I was like what was I doing here and how the hell am I going to get out of it now.Its going to be impossible.More than that my first two classes were disappointing to me interms of sylabus and depth.I had the same two books as my undergrad.I should have got full credit but no..I was still a 3.5 gpa perosn.I really did not repect my college’s standard and had decided that it did not require the hardwork that was very essential for most MS degrees.Though I had the enthusiasm of a recent student I lacked the expertise or experience that most of my other classmates had.I started freaking out.I did not realize that I was doing the most outragoeus comparison.How can I even compare myself to a person with work experienc of 8-10-15 years in an industry that requires a lot of skills.I was intimidted and that led to my believing that I was not worth anything.I did not know anything and will never amount to anything when compared to them..but is that so bad?? everyone has their own pace...evryone has their struggles and their lows.More than this came two important “friendships” I gained and the emotional turmoil of falling out with a friend.I was really lonely and underappreciated from my roommate friend and more than that my self-esteem too and hit from my classes..then I started having weird flirty conversations and was trying to deny that I liked a boy when I really did like him.My constant attempt at trying to impress them my non stop talking about me Im pretty sure must have made me a very attractive person.I lost all focus of whats important in my life and started to see videos non-stop about girl-boy relationships..I don't know what I was thinking..More than that I was struggling hard to manage my time to do work from a good boss, work from a critical boss and my studies.I truly lost focus of what was truly important to me.This was also the semester that came from I knew everything so. I didn't know a single thing...My self esteem really took a hit...I lost all confidence..and this semester was a very bad time to do that..This was the time I had to search for internships.I didnt have the drive,will power or confidence to carry ahead with my mission..I wish I had strength and will power to go through this phase properly but i didnt.I am really tired of constantly feeling self-pity, disappointed in myself,avoiding doing work,running away from what I needed to do.This is my messy MS life till now...
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