#I've watched all of BB and I know there's more but this is just surface level stuff
elvishdemigod · 18 days
If I had a nickel for every time MacCready was physically compared to Jesse Pinkman, I'd have 2 nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
If there were to be a parody, who'd be Walter? The Sole who can make and sell drugs, and just randomly hires someone to help them? Or Hancock, the one who not only has an association with drugs, but is also bald and has a bad relationship with his family? Someone else?
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telomeke-bbs · 9 months
bad buddy fandom getting-to-know-you-meme!
Got tagged by @tiistirtipii at this post here and @inventedfangirling at this post here. Thanks for tagging me! 🥰 (And sorry I've taken so long to respond. 🤦‍♂️)
name and whatever you want to share about yourself
You can call me Tel. I love writing, languages, linguistics, and learning about different cuisines and cultures. I live right in the middle of Southeast Asia.
when did you watch bad buddy/join the fandom?
I started watching Bad Buddy almost from the start, after a friend told me Ohm had a new series out. I went into it pretty blind, not knowing anything at all about its history or genesis. I'd liked Ohm's work in He's Coming to Me and was open to more from him, not thinking the series would be anything more than your run-of-the-mill BL. And was I ever wrong! I think BBS sort of grew slowly on me for the first few episodes, but it really took hold after Nanon's single tear at the end of Ep.4. And I lost it after The Kiss at the end of Ep.5, of course. The no-holds barred obsession really set in after I realized this wasn't any ordinary BL; it works on so many levels and the intelligence with which it was crafted is formidable.
Favourite ship/s
PatPran does it for me.
Favourite character/s
Love them all, but introvert Pran with his protective walls, defensive rituals and surreptitious signposting of his emotional state with doodles and symbols really struck a chord. Pre-Ep.10 Pran was like an extreme version of younger me, I sometimes think.
Favourite episode/s
Episode 11 – I love everything about the beach, and the two of them alone by the sea was like my idea of paradise. But I nodded sagely along when BBS gently pointed out that their beachside idyll was just a temporary respite and that paradise doesn't exist on Earth.
Favourite scene/s
Oof. So many. My all-time favorite is the opening scene of Episode 5 (see this link here for why) because it was layered so deep with meaning and messaging, beneath the happy surface theatrics. I sometimes think of BBS as one giant and intricate puzzle, and if you find and fit together the right puzzle pieces it reveals so much more to you. The amazing thing is that it kept doing this over and over again. Like how many themes and allegories can this one series have? But if you want to disregard all of that and just enjoy it as a well-crafted BL with stellar acting, you can too. And that is also part of its magic.
Some other scenes that still give me the chills:
Deeply-pining Pran looking on at an oblivious Pat sleeping peacefully in Ep.4 [4/4]; I've been there and I know exactly how his heart must have been rent in two at that moment.
The Kiss in Ep.5 of course.
Pat finding out in Ep.10 that Ming wasn't the unimpeachable hero that he thought he was.
Pran missing Dissaya in Ep.11 (this is because I still miss my late mom with all my heart; the grief is going to be a forever guest there I fear – you just learn to pack it away in a box and put it away in a quiet room in your heart, but it breaks free every now and then, just to stare at me silently with its unknowable face).
When Our Song plays in Ep.11 (especially when Uncle Tong does his voiceover and the soaring guitar solo kicks in, and then we see Pat and Pran back in front of their houses, bracing themselves to face their families again).
Ah that award-winning scene on the balconies in Ep.12, when Pat and Pran indulge in a joyful, all-smiles tin-can conversation for old times' sake, play-acting at being strangers, and then dastardly Director Aof toys with our hearts once again and has the music crescendo as he morphs them back into their kiddie selves dressed in the same clothes to show us that the bond between the two scamps had always been there, forged since childhood, and that they were never really enemies throughout it all. And amidst the nostalgia we're suddenly engulfed in a wave of bittersweet emotions imagining all the what-ifs and if-onlys and what-might-have-beens had those poor little tykes not been forced into that meaningless rivalry by their warring parents. But as the camera pans away we hear their young voices piping in the night, still innocent and so full of hope, reminding us that when those two little boys grew up they still managed to find a way to triumph over all the pitiless hurt imposed on them. And how privileged we were to have been able to share in the story of their journey.
One thing you would change about the show if you could
I've thought so much about this show, it's not just one thing. And don't get me wrong; I'm not tearing it down or hurling brickbats at this series I love so much. It just irks the Perfectionist Pran side of me that something so beautiful, deep, intelligent and heartfelt also has its little flaws here and there.
I think they could have done a better job helping us understand how and why PatPran's competitive dynamic launched them so suddenly into the madcap bet in Ep.7. The cinematography was inconsistent in a lot of parts. The English subtitling (especially of Ep.5) could have clarified some things, but instead made them more confusing. And Pat getting shot may have been necessary on an intellectual level, to nod at some trope, theme or other literary preoccupation perhaps. But the narrative didn't really need that moment of conflict and I felt BBS tipped over into unnecessary melodrama at that point.
what are your some of your favorite fanworks made by other people?
I adore the analysis, meta and backgrounding of BBS that you can find on Tumblr. So many intelligent, creative people looking at this show, but those that spring to mind:
@airenyah @bengiyo @chickenstrangers @dribs-and-drabbles @dudeyuri @grapejuicegay @inventedfangirling @kenmakaashi @lovelyghostv @lurkingshan @lurkingteapot @miscellar @neuroticbookworm @pandasmagorica @ranchthoughts @recentadultburnout @waitmyturtles
Fan art also by @hereforlou and @kit-teung. 😍
I've probably forgotten so many others, please forgive me if I have; if I've liked and reblogged your work it means that you've touched me with your intelligence and output and I'm automatically a fan.
What are your favourite fanworks you've made?
I mostly post observations and findings from research about the show, so they're not works of fiction or visual art, just essays really. They're all special to me in different ways, but I lean most to the one that talks about the etymology of Pat and Pran's chue lens, what they mean semantically and what they mean for the series (write-up linked here):
My post about the Ep.1 scene in front of Khun Noppharnach's Pharmacy (linked here) was another one where the pieces of the BBS logic puzzle fell into place in a way that satisfied my gameplaying side:
I'm also chuffed about my location posts (linked here; have identified almost all of them, such is the power of the Internet), finding out that the jeep in khanom jeep dumplings also means to court (linked here), and tracking down Baseball Mom (linked here).
A song that makes you think of BBS (not in the show)
My obsessive mind can't let go of this song (I've written about it several times now) but Never (ไม่เคย) by 25Hours devastatingly captures the quiet grief over losing that special someone in your life (and tells us what Pat must have been going through post-separation from Pran in high school). Pat mentions it at Ep.5 [3I4] 0.35 but it isn't played in the show. I've got it on repeat now, and am well on my way to memorizing the lyrics.
Onward tagging:
@airenyah @bengiyo @chickenstrangers @dribs-and-drabbles @dudeyuri @grapejuicegay @hereforlou @inventedfangirling @kenmakaashi @kit-teung @lovelyghostv @lurkingshan @lurkingteapot @miscellar @neuroticbookworm @pandasmagorica @ranchthoughts @recentadultburnout @waitmyturtles
No pressure to play if you don't want to, or have already done it. But do tag and let the rest of the BBS fandom know if you have responses for us to read! 😍
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madraleen · 2 months
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Bungo Stray Dogs - Kafka Asagiri/Sango Harukawa Volumes 5-6: Tainted Eyes, Cats and Dogs, and Me Simping for Dazai - A Commentary (*anime spoilers)
-i'm such a simp for dazai, i saw him on the cover and was so delighted. ridiculous
-kouyou and ranpo are the same age? KOUYOU AND RANPO ARE THE SAME AGE?
-in the excitement of the anime, i don't think i appreciated properly the strength of character and the sense of self of kyouka. her will to become something else, something less sinister.
-kenji-kun <3
-okay but why is lovecraft so relatable -.- not leaving home, not wanting attention...
-i love dazai, have i mentioned that lately
-dazai's neck bandages aren't missing as often now. and it feels like the character designs are more set
-NO, DAZAI, YOU'RE NOT IN THE "with yosano-sensei we can keep ourselves healthy, as long as we don't die" GROUP, DON'T SAY "WE," JUST BE CAREFUL, YOU FUCKING DUMBASS
-DAZAI-CHUUYA POSTSCRIPT, HELP ME. i'm imagining dazai has chuuya in a chokehold, judging from chuuya's reaction
-ahaha, according to harukawa-sensei, then dazai has mafia eyes with a tiny touch of a "chance to go back" from having a stained psyche. ahaha...hah... *sob*
-well, in this volume dazai's eyes get "tainted" ie all black when he's about to interrogate kouyou, so i'll assume he's the one whose eyes get a bit tainted once their true nature comes to the surface, but i will keep a close watch on eyes from now on. i've noticed from the start that dazai's eyes span the monochrome rainbow anyway
-akutagawa be tainted to the core eyes-wise
-so when akutagawa's eyes turn white, is he vulnerable and not his usual tainted self- ARGH, am i going to be over-analyzing eyes now?!
-akutagawa and nathaniel have turned into somewhat of literary poets in their encounter, they don't usually speak like this
-honestly, props to yosano for not lopping ranpo's head off when he says "war is so boring"
-i keep voting tanizaki for the mafia because he'd fit right in, but you know what, maybe we should send them kenji-kun. he'd make everyone insane in one week tops and the mafia would be disbanded
-kenji's wide-eyed sparkly-eyed "OOH!" at chuuya? that's me when i see chuuya
-"do you think the agency is some stray dog" fukuzawa says- okay, so if the agency isn't a dog, and the mafia are dogs, it makes sense for dazai and kyouka to dislike dogs, but it's interesting that akutagawa dislikes dogs, but also he doesn't like himself very much either, so- *DEEP BREATH* i must stop with the cats and dogs thing
-ranpo, my lil bb <3
-yes yes chuuya's bio, we know, you dislike dazai as he dislikes you. sure jan. also chuuya is older by almost two months and you can't convince me they've never used that in an argument
-my my, what big tainted eyes you have there, mr lovecraft
-margaret's skill "able to make things wither away by exposing them to wind"?? we've barely seen that, i hope she gets to do more in the future
-i mean, kunikida my man, mr grape of wrath literally sticks seeds in his neck and grows vines, what's "simply bizarre" about lovecraft's tentacles? what, the transformation? your jinko literally transforms into a tiger
-yes, for tanizaki, naomi comes FIRST, before the agency, before good or evil or morals. to the rest of the agency, arguably the agency comes first. my man tanizaki, let me show you the way to port mafia. please child, relieve my fears. HE EVEN GOT TAINTED BLACK PUPILS FOR A BIT THERE, FFS
-me reading bsd: "mmhmm. mmhm, i see. mmhm." me reading bsd when dazai: "mmhmm :). mmhm, i see :))). mmhm :)))))."
-yes so, if the port mafia are dogs, and this dog barks at dazai, then dazai is a cat, and if a tiger is a cat, and natsume cat started the agency, and atsushi belongs to the agency, and the agency are the "foes" of port mafia, the agency are cats, cats vs dogs, and if dazai is a cat, then dazai decidedly belongs to the agency, do you see where i'm going with this
-aaand dazai continues to eat dog treats as though they're popcorn. okay sure
-dazai be like "only three plans? three HUNDRED plans, who do you think we are"
-dazai's "war is a living creature" fits very well with how he overpowers fyodor in the "end," with fyodor "losing" because dazai constantly readjusted his plans and improvised as things unfolded
-dazai be like "my mafia senses are tingling" when he ditches atsushi
-i'm sorry, but my man dazai is so beautiful. such a pretty man. such a pretty princess. i cannot.
-my girl higuchi doesn't have tainted eyes
-look at that man. look at that whole man. (*dazai. obviously)
-dazai is so wtf about mori-san's proposal to his returning to the port mafia that his eyes became untainted for a sec there.
-HAHAHA that's where you left the chapter?!?! WITH MORI'S QUESTION?! FOR A MONTH?! nooo!
-the bits about the actual authors are so interesting. higuchi feels nothing like the real higuchi. she feels more like her sister tbh
-re: dazai's reputation: "he would kill his own parents in a second, take down buddha himself at first glance, and laugh it all off with cold cruelty afterward." TELL ME MORE
-dazai has a habit of letting his kouhai try to kill him before he adopts them, huh? a ceremonial ritual if you wish
-AKUTAGAWA WAS GIVEN AN ACTUAL HONEST CHOICE BY DAZAI! he would literally have provided for him and gin and then disappeared! but aku-kun chose differently!
-AND GOING BACK TO MY CATS-DOGS THING, mafia akutagawa "the heartless cur," "the silent mad dog"?? hello??
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stardust-kenobi · 3 years
Hi can I request a wrecker smut Please? I keep thinking of wrecker guiding his s/o’s punches, showing her home to properly punch and duck. As in she asked him to teacher her self defense. Just back to his chest, and the closeness and what that would lead to? Thbks so much! Have a great day!!
You got it bb ;)
I decided to write this as wrecker and reader being good friends instead of an established relationship bc the tension was so much spicier that way.
Show Me
Wrecker x F!Reader
Summary: Your good friend Wrecker tries to teach you self-defense, but the tension between the two of you rises, and neither of you can help yourself.
Word count: 2.7k
Warnings: smut!!, piv, soft wrecker fluff
A/N: I know nothing about fighting or training so take those details with a grain of salt. also there is a reference photo attached in the fic to show you what sex position is being referred bc I feel like I did a shit job of describing it. It is not super nsfw, its just a diagram
(gif is not mine, I can’t find original creator now)
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Defending yourself was shamefully never a strength of yours. This left you with a crippling anxiousness of being alone, especially when you were constantly surrounded by men that could overpower you without ever breaking a sweat.
Wrecker would undoubtedly be the biggest physical threat in your environment if he wasn't your best friend and the kindest man you'd ever met. He agreed to teach you self-defense without an ounce of hesitation. Protective doesn't even begin to describe his innate nature toward you, so of course he jumped at this opportunity.
You two were just friends, nothing more. But sometimes you wished you could be something more. Your feelings toward him left you feeling conflicted. Whenever you would watch him walk in a room, your stomach would tingle and your heart fluttered. You often pushed these thoughts away, afraid to ruin your cherished friendship with him.
The training room that Wrecker led you to was vast and mostly bare. There were a variety of items resembling punching bags, and other complicated equipment that didn't look familiar to you at all.
You were dressed in your normal workout attire, tight black leggings, and a gray sports bra. You figured this was the best thing to practice in, but Wrecker had seemed significantly flustered at the sight of more of your exposed skin than he was used to seeing.
"Ready to get started, y/n?" He asked, pulling your attention away from scanning the room.
"Kinda nervous, but yeah, I'm ready" You smiled.
"Don't be nervous, I've got you. It's just you and me" He reassured you. He always knew how to calm your rigid nerves.
Wrecker started with the basics of being aware of your surroundings, showing you how to predict an opponent's next move before they even made it.
"Shouldn't I be learning how to throw a punch or something?" You pondered.
"We'll get there. You've got to know where you'll be throwing a punch before I actually show you how to swing your arm" He explained. Fair enough, you thought.
He introduced you to a variety of new skills and strategies, skimming the surface of everything he intended to teach you in time. He then showed the perfect stances to hold when faced with different fighting styles. You would've been lying if his hands gripping your waist to show you how to stand didn't make your heart skip a beat. He was gentle, but his finger tips emitted a lingering desire to dig deeper into your figure.
"Look at you! Already getting the hang of it. I knew you would" he praised you. You turned to him, your blushed face dripping with sweat, to see a mile wide smile painted on his face. You both exchanged glances for a few seconds.
"What?" You asked, getting a hint of something more than pride in his expression. He shook his head before resting his hand on the back of his neck nervously.
"Oh. uh...nothing. Let's finally show you how to throw those punches." He urgently changed the subject. Weird, you thought to yourself. "Stand here at this punching bag" He instructed you to come closer to where he stood.
"So, we're going to use what you've already learned, and combine it all into how to strike"
You nodded, readying yourself into the right stance, raising your fists in preparation.
"Okay, like this?" You asked.
"Kind of. Bring your elbow in tighter" He instructed. You tried to obey, but you were missing something. "it's more of like, tucking it in toward your body", He continued, so patient with you.
"Show me" You muttered. He paused, very aware of what you were asking, but unaware of whether he had the control. Your mind was wandering to thoughts of him pressed against you, overpowering you, and holding you tight. You knew it was wrong to tease him in this way, but you couldn't help yourself.
"Yeah...sure" He spoke sweetly, but hesitantly.
He came behind you, keeping distance between your backside and his front.
"Wrecker you can't guide my arms from there" You insisted.
"Right" He agreed.
He took a step forward, the front of his body meeting the back of you, pressing against the curve of your body. He felt how your ass stuck out just slightly more than the rest of you. Wrecker slowly wrapped his arms around your entire wingspan. He was so large.
His bare fingers brushed atop your balled fist. He wrapped his grip around both your wrists. The contact felt electric and soft all at the same time. The tension between you was so raw...so sweet. He cleared his throat and shifted his stance slightly.
"You'll want to hold your arms like this" He pulled your arms into your body, wrapping you in what felt more like a hug.
"Uh-huh" you affirmed.
"Then you'll just pull back like this" He continued, opening your chest. "And then push forward, using force from your abdomen"
You swung the punch together, slamming your fist into the defenseless bag.
"Wow! That felt like it had a lot of power in it!" He celebrated.
"That was mostly you, I'm sure" You said, feeling weak.
"No, that was all you. I didn't use any strength, just guided your arm"
You were shocked to hear this, surprised by your own strength.
"Thank you, Wrecker" you graciously mumbled to him, turning your head to look up at him still attached to you. He held your gaze for a moment before becoming shy and looking away.
"Oh its nothing, really"
"It's not nothing. You're teaching me to protect myself and that means a lot to me" You continued, detaching the connection of your bodies and turning around to face him.
"I'd never forgive myself if something happened to you and I wasn't there to keep you safe" He said, his tone so serious as he looked down at you. He mustered the courage to wrap his hands around your waist, and pulled you into him, missing the feeling of your body already.
You gasped as the tension grew deeper. He watched your expression for any hint of disapproval, but found none. Instead he found longing and desire written in your gaze. You couldn't resist it anymore. You needed him.
"Kiss me" You pleaded. His eyebrows raised suddenly. There was no time between your words and the crashing of his lips on yours for either of you to consider your actions.
It was fireworks and bursts of sparks connecting the two of you as the long awaited kiss finally took place. He kissed you deeply, with more passion than you'd ever felt in your entire life. The warmth his mouth provided poured through your veins, heating into the very core of your body, leaving an aching feeling between your thighs.
Wrecker's hands moved to cup your face. His movements indicated he had no intention to break away any time soon, and you wouldn't let him anyhow. Your mouths continued to dance together in rhythmic harmony.
As he finally did pull away from the kiss, it was slow. He knew he'd have to look at you, and he was afraid of what he'd see. His concern was dissolved when he caught glimpse of the grin stuck on your face.
"I've waited...a long time for that" He said softly.
"I should've told you to kiss me sooner" You admitted. He smiled, blushing in the process. Your eyes caught sight of a firmness growing in his tight black pants. He was visibly embarrassed, unaware of how much this turned you on.
"Touch me, Wrecker. Stars, I want you" You practically whimpered.
"Are you sure?" He requested your further consent, trying to hide his excitement.
"I have never been more sure of anything" You assured him, seductively eyeing every inch of him that you want on you and in you.
"I hope you don't mind doing this here, because I can't wait any longer" He growled. You nodded in approval. To see a man who is always so gentle toward you, get so worked up at the thought of having you, was deeply arousing.
Wrecker swept you up as if you were weightless. To him, you probably were. You wrapped your legs eagerly around his waist, returning to the passionate kiss you already missed. His free hand roamed your body, granting himself access to every part of you he dreamed of feeling.
He pushed his hand between your skin and the tight hem of your sports bra, he pulled back, looking to you for consent. You nodded, helping him pull it over your head.
The animalistic groan that inadvertently escaped his throat at the sight of your breasts covered in sweat was the hottest noise you'd ever heard. He gently squeezed your nipple before caressing your breast, wrapping his hand around it. You moaned at his touch.
"You are...so gorgeous" He managed to mutter while he admired you.
You blushed as you shifted your hips, grinding them against him slightly. Your aching heat pulsed around emptiness, so desperate to be filled by him.
"Wrecker, I-..I need you...to fuck me. Please" You breathed deep, the overwhelming need was relentless.
"Yes ma'am. Anything for you" He smirked.
He eagerly and swiftly placed your ankles on his shoulders, before pulling your leggings down to your mid thigh, allowing him plenty of access to where you needed him. Wrecker's arm remained wrapped around your back, holding you around him as he stood. You weren't surprised at his strength to hold you with one arm, but you were certainly surprised with his coordination. **(reference photo for this position in case it is not clear)**
The other hand trailed down to your pussy, fingers exploring your slit. You bucked your hips into his touch and he chuckled softly. He watched your face as he slipped a finger into you. You gasped, and he smirked in response.
"Oh yeah, you're ready for me baby" He rasped, feeling how you were practically dripping already. You whimpered in anticipation. Wrecker pumped his finger inside you only for a moment, circling it around to stretch you open.
He raced to free his cock from the tightness of his pants. It sprung out, slapping against your clit and you jolted from the sensitivity.
"Oh my gods, Wrecker" You were astounded by his size. He grabbed it in his hand, rubbing it back and forth gently across your bud, earning whimpers from your soft lips.
He pressed his cock into you slowly, making sure that he did not hurt you. You winced at first, feeling the initial sweet sting that quickly transformed to pleasure. You didn't believe he could push himself any deeper, but he was able to completely bury himself inside of you, creating a feeling of utter fullness that was unfamiliar to you.
"Kriff, Y/N" He moaned deeply, breathing out shakily. He didn't move, not for a few moments, letting you adjust to him and taking the opportunity to stare into your eyes while he was full encased by your slickness. "You feel so kriffin' good"
He began to slowly thrust his hips upward while also pulling you up and down onto his length, his hands supporting you under your ass. You cried out, overwhelmed with ecstasy. You cared very little about whether or not someone could hear you. As long as Wrecker heard how good he made you feel, that is all that mattered.
Wrecker was vocal, more vocal than you could've imagined.
"So tight around me" He panted "You take my cock even better than I thought you would"
You wondered if he fantasized about this moment as often you did. You were lost in your pleasure, and still somehow too shy to be as vocal as he was, only allowing sweet sounds to brush past your lips. Your noises were encouraging to him. You look at him as he fucked you, and felt a flutter in your heart, as you felt so connected to this man you already loved as a friend...now maybe even more than a friend.
"My favorite girl...letting me fuck you like this, yeah? I've thought about this for so long, sweetheart" He cooed, his face hovering close to yours.
"I love you, Wrecker" You spoke softly. His thrusts suddenly halted, letting himself keep warm inside you.
"You...you love me?" He smiled, his eyes grew so preciously excited.
"Yes, I do" You assured, placed your hand on his face.
"I love you too, Y/N" He almost seemed lost for words, so taken aback with happiness to hear that fall from your lips. Your mouths intertwined again, sinking deeper into each other's embrace.
"Keep going...please" you whimpered.
"Don't have to ask me twice"
He slammed in and out of you again, using even more passion with his motions now, holding you closer to him than before. He fucked you like he missed you, like he may never get to fuck you again, and stars, it was hot.
"Yes, right there" You commanded. The curve of his cock brushed your g-spot with every thrust now, causing a frantic frenzy of moans to fly into the air.
"Yeah? You like the way I fuck you, baby?" He spoke roughly into your ear.
"I-I love it...you fuck me so good Wrecker" You praised him, and he ate it up.
The sound of your skin slapping together echoed as he continued to work into you while bouncing you on him at the same time. Your gut tightened suddenly, a sign of your approaching orgasm. It tingled sweetly within you.
"Wrecker I am so close" You announced to him, and his face lit up, pleased with himself for helping you reach your climax.
"Yeah?" He breathed, not changing his pace to keep on your path to finishing.
Your walls spasmed around him, and the tightened coil burst open, washing over you. You crumbled in his hold, feeling as though you would seep through his hands with the way your body convulsed and melted. You cried out, eyes shut tight, whimpering Wreckers name as he fucked you harder through it.
"There you go, Y/N. You look so pretty falling apart for me" He coaxed you. "Fuck, you're gonna make me cum making noises like that, baby"
As you rode down gently from your own high, Wrecker's hips trembled subtly. He groaned deeper, his thrusts losing rhythm in you as he lost control.
"Fuck" He growled, flooding you with his release, shaking as he finished. You held his face in your hands, caressing him through his high. You both panted, breathless and silent, unsure of how you got here.
Wrecker was so delicate with your body as he pulled your legs off his shoulder. He lifted your leggings, placing it back where it belonged. You winced, sore from the position you were held in.
"Are you hurt?" Wrecker asked, his voice riddled with concern.
"No, I'm okay. My legs are just sore"
"Here" He began, "Let me". He held you bridal style, and lowered you slowly onto the mat beneath you. You grabbed your sports bra that was left on the floor and put it back on. Wrecker joined you after tucking himself back into his pants.
"I didn't say it back earlier, but I waited a long time for this too" You admitted, slicing through the silence that lingered.
“You did?” He said in disbelief.
“Yeah…but I never thought you felt the same way”
“This may sound weird, but I think about doing that to you nearly everyday” He concurred.
“We are just terrible at communicating, then” You chuckled.
"Seems like it" He smiled at you.
"Wrecker, I um...I'd like it if this wasn't a one time thing" You said suddenly, hoping he'd know what you were hinting at.
"I've waited too long to call you mine, I don't wanna wait another second" He progressed.
You hid a shy smile in response.
"I meant what I said...when I said I loved you" You started.
"And I meant it when I said it back" He said before wrapping you into his embrace and kissing your swollen lips again.
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iamoncewas · 5 years
My thoughts on the KH3 tutorial Dive to the Heart. This is kind of crazy, but I don’t think it happened during Sora's death at all.
Sora's Dive to the Heart in KH1 was a dream, he was asleep on the beach, and the KH1 intro is the start of the dream. It begins with Sora falling into water, into darkness, away from a light, symbolic of him growing more distant from Riku as he gets closer to Kairi. It ended with Sora waking up after being swallowed in darkness.
When Riku dove into his heart in DDD, after defeating the Armored Ventus Nightmare, Sora was consumed in his heart's darkness much the same way. Ansem the Wise told Riku that defeating the Nightmare is what freed him.
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I believe Sora would have woken up after he sank into the darkness. And Riku did not have to go deeper into his heart, answer the 3 questions, and have this lengthy conversation with AtW, which is what gave Sora, Donald, and Goofy enough time to have a tea party. By the time Riku got back, Sora had been awake for a while.
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So then, why did AtW tell Riku that answering the questions was what woke him up? Because it did, it just "woke him up" a different way.
When Riku dives into Sora's heart in DDD, he sees the blue coloured station we see in KH3, and in Roxas's Dive in KH2, part of the Station of Calling, where it was connected to a red and green station. I believe these are symbolic of Aqua, Terra, and Ventus, the hearts connected to Sora's, and also to Roxas, who helped shape their destiny. The blue one then, represents Aqua. Riku also sees memories, of him and Sora, and various floating Sora's he must touch (XD) on the way down. All kinds of Sora's, KH1, KH2, DDD, Anti (who attempt to stop Riku by attacking him with X's. The sigil). The KH2 model, Sora's current self, becomes more prevalent the deeper Riku goes. This is called "Sora's Soul World" (ソラの精神世界 Sora no Seishin Sekai). So in KH3, Sora must be in his Soul World as well.
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After Riku dives through the ring, he awakens on the station, which is already covered in darkness. After defeating the Nightmare, we see Sora’s station is now coloured differently than when Riku was diving. It was coloured like this in BBS when he contacted Ventus, his very first DttH, called "Sora's Mind". I guess this means, Riku dove into Sora's Soul World, and then entered Sora's Mind.
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Sora then sinks deeper into his heart's darkness. Riku unlocks the keyhole in Sora's heart, there's a bright flash of white, and Sora's station was not shown again after that in DDD. Riku then opens his eyes on Destiny Islands, deep within Sora’s heart, and this is when Sora’s KH3 dive starts.
In KH3, Sora lands on his own station, not on those of the 7 Princesses (so Kairi), like in KH1. He then hears "There are 7 hearts to save." There are so many hearts connected to Sora's that this could mean almost anyone, and I do think it's supposed to have more than one meaning. However, here I take it to mean the hearts of the 7 Princesses, just like it would have meant in KH1 (and funny enough that was the impression I got first playthrough). The 7 Pure Lights were made from Riku, their light is his light, and if he died, their light would have been extinguished.
Sora sees the mirror, which signifies him taking a clear look at himself, self reflection, seeing one's truth. After passing through and becoming his current self, he is surrounded by walls of memories and most of these memories are clearly Sora's. However, I believe they are also Riku's, for one of them shows Sora unconscious in Where Nothing Gathers, and another shows Kairi receiving Destiny's Embrace from Riku. It also however, shows the aftermath of when I'm suggesting this is happening. When Riku is named a Master. Sora wouldn't have seen that yet. But he would have, in the original timeline, and the memory would remain in his heart. I believe that's what this sequence signifies, Sora getting closer to the memory of what happened originally. Riku also saw memories as he was diving into Sora's heart, and saw the same station Sora is standing on. Which represents his connection to Aqua, the one who gave him his role: to stay with Riku, and keep him safe. And if it's the Master speaking to Sora in this dive, Sora himself, this is exactly what he would want him to remember. [This could also be Riku's voice, since Sora tells him "I was watching what was going on in my dream, and I could hear your voice the whole time."]
So as Riku was answering his three questions, Sora was answering his three questions.
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Sora is then led to the Final World, by Riku's ocean scene from KH1 (his KH1 DttH), by a light, and is the contrast to Sora falling away from the light at the beginning of the KH1 intro. Sora would then be seeing this right after Riku answers his three questions. The water washes over his station completely, and usually water means darkness, but in dives to the heart darkness is shown as such, as darkness. So the fact that it's water, still means darkness, but accepted as merely that, not as something "evil."
In KH3, his station isn't supported by a column. This is strange because, even when Ventus was dying, his station broken and crumbling, it was still supported by a column. Later when Sora wakes Ventus, its not really clear, but it also doesn't appear to be supported by a column (that I can see).
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So, in KH3, when Sora's heart has no foundation, I believe this is what is meant by an "unchained heart". A heart that is free, literally floating. Riku did this when he unlocked the Final Keyhole in Sora's heart, and I believe it affected all of his selves through all of his lifetimes. This is the significance of the repeated imagery of multiple Sora's we saw in DDD. I believe this never happened in the original timeline, even if everything else happened the same way. Riku would have defeated the Nightmare, and Sora would have woken up. That's it. This is how the Master of Masters achieved his goals, through dreams, through death, through darkness, through the heart, things that "cannot be measured in time and space". His power could be said to be the mastery of the nature of the heart itself. A fitting power for Sora. But only Riku has the power to unchain his heart, which was apparently vital to everything, and the MoM's Riku must not have done so before he died. He used the Mark of Mastery exam, the dream, as the moment he could affect (and also, the moment Sora died) Dal segno al Coda, "from the sign" of Coda. Or, "from the sigil".
Sora then sees the light above the water and surfaces, and this is Sora moving on from the Station of Awakening to the Final World, even deeper into his heart, deeper into the dive. This is what Chirithy was talking about when she told Sora he'd been there before.
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He then looks up at a cloudy sky, showing us there is no sun, no light source there that caused that light above the water. Where'd you go light?
After that Shadows appear. I believe this is proof that Sora is not dead or dying here, it's still a part of his Dive. We saw no Heartless in the Final World after dying in the Keyblade Graveyard. Hearts that are dead can't be corrupted by darkness. They’re dead.
The Darkside surfaces to bring us back to Sora’s KH1 DttH once more, but again, it is made of water, not darkness. It represents Sora's confusion about his feelings for Kairi, which are, again, not something evil or bad, but something painful. “Hurting is a part of caring.” He loves her as well, as much as he loves Riku (his heart is literally connected to both of them). But his very soul is shared with Riku and that is something that can't be changed, even if Sora wanted it to be. They’re soul mates. It's fate. I believe that's what the Lost Page refers to.
"Unable to permit disharmony, you will be disappointed by fate, and lose sight of true strength..." Sora felt his deep connection with Riku, but ignored it, and focused his attention on Kairi once she came into their lives (I assume, because Riku was a boy). He's just been hiding these feelings, pushing them down. Convincing himself they are something else. He then lost sight of the source of his strength. Which is his love for Riku. "Misreading the truth, you will venture forth in secrecy..." His heart is also connected to Kairi’s, so he feels love for her too. So he misread the truth, and figured he must be meant to be with her. (Again, most likely because she’s a girl) He has kept any romantic feelings for Riku he’s had a secret. Plus, he is aware of Kairi's romantic love for him, which would have made it all the easier to push any feelings for Riku aside.
The last passage specifically refers to Riku's death, the result of these actions. Sora's betrayal, since he's the traitor, a traitor to his own heart, and subsequently to both Riku and Kairi. And all those connected to him.
After Sora defeats the Darkside, it cuts to Yen Sid's tower, a scene we know didn’t start there. After defeating the Darkside in KH1, Sora was consumed in darkness and then woke up. To Kairi. Right before that, Sora, like Riku, was also asked three questions on Destiny Islands in his dive. The same questions Riku was asked, just worded slightly differently. No matter what response Sora gave they all responded basically the same, "Is _____ really that important?" But Riku’s correct answers all had to do with his love for Sora.
Sora also woke up after defeating this Darkside, and realized the truth. [There’s probably more to this scene after the fight, but this is already super long] I also think this is why Sora reacted so affectionately when Riku got back, and hugged him not once, but twice. Because Riku freed his heart from it’s bonds, for all of their lifetimes, and Sora could feel it.
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"I've never been better... Thanks, Riku."
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