#I'm simply abuzz with excitement!
Hello! Your super secret santa here! Was looking through some of your tags to decide what to draw for you and wanted to ask some questions if that's okay ❤️
1.) For galaxies, do you have a ref of their full bodies and what the base might look like for Y/N? And perhaps what Y/N in the story might look like? I'm very interested in it as a subnautica fan myself haha!
2.) For eventide, are there any particular outfits you have for them that you prefer them in? And what kind of jobs they might handle? I don't know much about them but I would love to hear what info you do have to offer!
(Gosh I really hope this goes through as anon)
These are excellent questions! (I'm practically BUZZING with excitement already, omg)
Galaxies: Okay, so I do have a full-body one for Sun, and I'm going to post it here because at this point I don't know when the coloring book is getting released to everyone? Or if it already did? Anyway, so here's that, I've been a bit of a mess since May so I haven't even gotten around to finishing coloring this piece (it's my own coloring page, I recognize the irony). So, Fish-Sun in flats (with Sea Monkey babies):
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(I absolutely love Subnautica and Below Zero!!!!)
Now, Moon didn't get finished because a lot of really awful things happened all at once at the end of May and beginning of June, I got repeatedly sick, and so I didn't get around to finishing Moon's coloring page yet. It'll be done eventually, but for now, I'll show you what I did do.
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(it actually breaks my heart a little, because I had so many plans for this one, aaaahhhhhhh) So Moon's form in general is pretty similar to Sun's design (long, almost eel-like). He was supposed to have more spines that you can kinda see in the original sketch of Moon in the ref pic, and his design was going to be very inspired by a lionfish, spines down the back and at the "hips".
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The end of his tail was actually inspired by an axolotl, I just really liked drawing the little fin on my original sketch (which is long gone) and was like "Yeah, don't care that it looks odd, he's an alien". I do have plans to add more sub-sections of the story later (piratespiratespiratespirates) and I'll probably have to design baby Sun and Moon eventually, but I imagine both will be similar to axolotls, since they're supposed to be related species.
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Eventide: Actually yes, I did draw up a buncha outfits! I couldn't tell what was too many refs and what would be wanted, so I cut a bunch of doodles of Eventide that I've got.
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So, Eventide is a child unit built by my YN with Sun and Moon's help. She starts as a small child (5-6 years old) and "grows up" (through physical upgrades and hardware updates as her AI learns and grows) with her mum, two dads, and two human sisters. Story-wise, I have the plot for her to get up to about 15-16 (not because she dies, just because I haven't planned beyond that), and she wants to do all sorts of things. Legally, she is the property of YN and not Fazzbear Entertainment, and I'm not sure how to address the whole "can she legally have a job?" thing because I also don't know how to address the whole "Robots are people too, but how do I give them rights", so mostly it's the typical teenage/child level of "I want to be a ballerina and a doctor and a scientist and also I want to do what Mom does (officially, a handler for Sun and Moon and considered an expert in certain kinds of AI and human interactions that go into having a complicated family situation (two robot partners, two human children, one robot child)) and also she wants to do what Sun and Moon do (they will eventually be "retired", this is an agreement YN has with Fazzbear after a disastrous situation at another location, and they will be released permanently into YN's care at that point, but again, that's further down the line). At this time, her "job", as YN states (eventually, when I get there in the story), is to "be a kid and find out what all that means". (As for what she will probably do, I'm leaning towards a baker/barista, a marine biologist, or an artist of some sort.)
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passcode58 · 1 year
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Not Requested |
Fluff |
Pairings | Chase Davenport x Cheerleader reader
Word Count | 1409
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The hallways of Mission Creek High School were abuzz with excitement. It was the start of a new semester, and students were catching up with their friends and sharing stories of their summer adventures. Among them was Chase Davenport, a superpowered bionic teenager who had recently transferred to the school. He was anxious, this new change in environment didn't bode well for him. You see Chase was known for his intelligence and incredible abilities, which he had inherited from his bionic enhancements. This should make him cool, hot, and popular, right? However, instead, he was a short, nerdy nerd with the personality of a snobby egotistical dick, who often bit off more than he could chew. Not exactly your average pearly-tooth jock.
His brother was the cool guy. Tall, dark hair, chiselled jaw, and buff. Funny jokes, no brain but the charisma pulled through for him. He knew he couldn't compete but he wanted to at least make one friend. He made his way through the crowded hallway, eyes set on the new scenery around him. The floors were a bit dirty, but they were better than the tube he spent most of his life comfined to. So, he kept his eyes trained on the floor, until something caught his eye.
"And one, and two, and three!"
He noticed a group of cheerleaders practising their routines in the gymnasium. His attention was immediately drawn to one girl in particular. He didn't know who you were, he didn't know her name yet he felt the need to know you. Your legs came into view, perfectly visible due to the length of your skirt, or lack thereof. Gorgeous, dark, and muscular. Then, his gaze trailed upwards to your hips, they were more defined than the lot of girls in the school, and well the face card pulled full time. Plump lips, a beautiful mole, and pretty doe eyes. You were practically a doll, a pretty little thing, especially with your goddess braids done up, falling down your shoulder like a waterfall. He was simply entranced.
Then he heard your name. 
"I'm sorry (Y/n). I messed up!"
"It's no problem Em, we can run it again, okay?"
'(Y/n), that's your name.' Your infectious energy and enthusiasm caught his eye. But also your beauty, but he's not shallow! He's not shallow for sure— 
"Cool Kat's leading the cheer squad again." Someone shoved him aside, rushing into the gym to watch you. Now he also know your nickname is Cool Kat, and your real name was (Y/n). You were appointed captain for your incredible flexibility and captivating smile. You had always been the life of the party, lighting up any room you entered with your vivacious personality. As the cheerleading captain, you took your role seriously and put your heart and soul into every routine. You were cool, hot and popular but in brief moments he could see you tugging at the hem of your skirt and biting your lip, eyes creasing when something went wrong.
He watched you argue with someone for messing up the routine but you also helped them improve it, giving them a second chance. "Vicious but sweet," someone said. "Yeah she's Hot and cold," but she's so…dreamy.
Like any ordinary teenage boy— which ironically he was not— he couldn't help but feel a strange connection to you. There was something about you that intrigued him, something beyond your athletic prowess and dazzling smile but he didn't dare to approach you. Not yet, at least 
"You know, bionic or not you could get arrested and a serious deduction in
social cred for creepily eyeing up the hottest girl in school." Bree says casually. Chase frowns. "I was not."
"You were," and now Adam joins in, stealing an apple from his bag.
"Look bro, we love you, okay? There's a lot of girls I'm sure would…date you— if you pray enough— but this chick ain't one." He felt that deep within because he believes it. He does and it hurts so he storms off.
He swore he wouldn't talk to you, he swore he'd stay away but god. He bumps into you in the hallway, such a cliché thing to do. His super strength sends you barrelling to the floor and tears well up in your eyes at the impact. It was hard, your leg began to bleed. Today was a bad day and he made it worse. "For fucks sake." your mouth was foul, he'd heard that about you too but he liked it. Not right now though, he panicked and rushed over frantically. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" and he moves over to lift you up but you don't like this. You hate it, who even is this boy and why was he touching you when you never asked for his help!? "Excuse me," You said and his arms were promptly pried off. The all knowing Chase Davenport didn't know what to do. "Hey I said I'm sorry." Chase repeats and his eyes soften. "Genuinely, I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to, please just let me help you, it's the very least I could do." You were still upset, hands trembling but he gently placed his hands over you, and softly said "Breathe in…Breathe out… It was like a gust of gentle wind passed through you. Normally these exercises didn't help, but when he guided you it felt different. You could hear your heart beating slower and slower and suddenly, you didn't feel so defensive or upset. It was an accident. He wasn't setting this up to take advantage of you like other guys, he was genuinely a klutz with garbage timing. So you let him.
"Thank you, for helping me."
"Hey, I kinda knocked you over in the first place, which is so stupid of me, again I'm so sorry." But his guilt made you smile. "It's okay, stranger. I'm sorry I reacted like that. I was really defensive…guys here can be weird." And he knows, given that, you know he's not even a normal human being. 
You took his features in. He seemed familiar but you couldn't quite put your finger on it. Noticing your gaze, he cleared his throat and announced "By the way, I'm Chase. I'm new here, and I couldn't help but notice your amazing cheerleading skills. You're really impressive." He didn't know where he got this confidence from, but his mind seemed to have been absolutely fucked when he saw your pretty eyes.
You turned to face Chase, eyes sparkling with excitement now. "Hey, Chase! You're one of the Devenport kids right? I've seen your siblings around." And his heart wants to sink as you mention his older brother chatting her up a few times and buying you drinks. Of course the older Davenport got to you first. Of course of course of course. "Thanks for the compliment. I'm always thrilled to meet new people, especially those who appreciate cheerleading. It's such a passion of mine! Although the circumstances are quite…undesirable," and then he's brought out of his jealousy by your words. "Your brother is so sweet but he doesn't seem to appreciate my cheerleading like you do. Say, wanna talk some more?" and to be honest he doesn't even know what to make of this, so he awkwardly shakes his head. Maybe it was a shitty prank but once they actually continued talking, Chase discovered that you were not only talented but also incredibly kind and down-to-earth. A bit snappy— he made note not to get on your bad side— but generally pretty sweet.
"Chase, you're genuine and I like that. I like you, I think we should be friends, if you don't mind that is, I totally get if you don't want t—"
"NO!" Upon bearing his output your heart sank and your eyes widen, immediately, surprised by this. Maybe he didn't like you?
"Wait not no— I meant yes, as in I want to be your friend!" and you smile. 
"Then take my number."
He can't stop himself from grinning like a fool, but he holds it together.
"I— uh, I just want to tell you, while I think you're pretty I want to get to know you for more than that. I genuinely think you're an amazing person and thanks for giving me a chance." And for the first time you didn't feel like (Y/n) the vain, mean, airheaded, snappy and arrogant cheerleader. Weirdly enough this weirded you out, but it was something new and exciting and you were willing to give this friendship a chance too.
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I'm in love
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hyperdragon97 · 5 months
Ok so I finally got around to watching the 2023 Doctor Who Christmas special before work tonight, and... holy mother of mavity it is SO GOOD!!!
The sibling dynamic between 15 and Ruby! The intelligent gloves! The musical number! The STYLE! The FLAIR!
Ncuti Gatwa did not simply serve cunt, he brought out the whole buffet!
I was worried when they mentioned goblins as the antagonists in the preview of this episode, but thankfully, as far as I can tell, the concept and design of these creatures appear far removed from antisemitic caricatures like those deployed by She Who Must Not Be Named.
And then there's the bit at the end with Mrs. Flood, seeming unusually chill with the Doctor's "box of tricks" after making such a big deal out of where it was parked earlier in the episode. Interesting, but forgettable enough in the grand scheme of it... That is, until the POST-CREDITS SCENE where she breaks the fourth wall to address the audience and NAME-DROPS THE TARDIS!?!?
With just one sentence, this woman went from one-off background character to major plot hook in an episode with plenty of plot hooks already, and the fandom is already abuzz with theories as to who she is! Some think she's the Master, the Rani, or some other Time Lord we haven't seen, but personally, I think her name is the biggest clue - Flood, as in what happens when a river breaks its banks.
Either River Song is back, or there's a new member of the Pond family, and I'm excited either way!
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thelighthousestale · 7 months
Am I to suffer this constant stream of interruption?
The quaint village of Hogsmeade was abuzz with the excitement of students from Hogwarts enjoying their first weekend visit of the fall term. Among the loud and cheerful crowd, a blue-haired wizard calmly leaned against a lamppost, watching two teenagers try to sneak bottles of butterbeer out of the pub.
Or at least he hoped he looked calm. Teddy Lupin was surprised at how sweaty his palms felt and how fast his heart was racing. It shouldn't be that big of a deal to be standing in Hogsmeade. He was no longer a student, having worked as a legislative aid for the newly reformed Werewolf Affairs and Support Office (formally the Werewolf Registration Office) for over a year. He was allowed to be in the village whenever he wanted. And while this visit had been marked on his calendar for several weeks it really shouldn't be that big of a deal. Except today was actually in fact a big deal. A Very big deal.
Teddy Lupin had planned this visit with Victoire Weasley since September. It was their first official outing as a couple. And while he had known Vic her whole life the thought of actually being an official couple still made his heart jump and his head swirl in a whirlpool of incoherent thoughts.
And really what was there to be nervous about? The kiss at Platform 9 3/4 proved that the romantic feelings were mutual. She had flashed her sweet smile and said, "I love you too, and not in a cousin-sort-of-family-way either" while she boarded the train and his heart had swelled in size. And on top of that their near-daily letters full of flirtations, gossip, advice, and thoughts he'd only dare share with here were enough proof that the relationship was real. This wasn't a dream.
No, really he shouldn't be nervous.
He just wanted this day to be perfect. For her. Because she was perfect. And they had both been waiting for this day for far too long.
As Teddy scanned the high street of Hogsmeade once more, he couldn't help but smile at the sight of Victoire running toward him. Her blonde hair whipped around her in the autumn wind. She was radiant. Just as he was about to take in the cool pool blue of her eyes he was knocked back into the lamppost as she wrapped around him in a big hug. Their laughter mingled together as he leaned in to kiss her lips in a proper greeting.
"Hi." She breathed, their faces still close together. His hands now placed on her slender waist.
"Hi." He smiled back.
"Did you wait long?"
"Yes, it's been months of waiting."
"You exaggerate. It's only been weeks."
Teddy looked down at her laughing face and wondered if he should counter with his real thoughts of how waiting months, weeks, or even days without her was too much. Maybe she should drop out of school right now and they live as bohemians across the continent. He thought the better of it though and simply grabbed her hand and led her inside to the Three Broomsticks.
Vic found a small table in a corner of the pub while Teddy went to get the drinks.
"So, how's the castle? Did you get those Celtic ruin translations finished?" Teddy asked as he returned with the two butterbeers.
"Oh, it got finished. Not sure any of it was correct though." Vic accepted the bottle and after a beat gave Teddy an incredulous look, "You know, I don't really understand the point of having an older boyfriend if you can't help me with my homework. I can't believe you took a completely different set of NEWT courses than me."
Teddy took a long sip of his butterbeer before replying "My apologies, should I give you Titus Whinchley's floo address? I'm pretty sure he got O's in Ancient Ruins and Arithmancy."
"Oh Merlin, don't even joke about doing that. Titus Whinchley is more boring than Binn's lecture on goblin uprisings."
"And you already have a boyfriend, of course."
"Oh yes, that too."
Teddy and Vic both leaned into each other when - "Oi! Teddy!"
A blur of dark hair ran into view and dropped himself into the empty chair at their table. "You didn't tell me you were visiting today! Can you get me a firewhiskey?"
"No, James" Teddy stated firmly and gave James Potter a pointed look. "Get lost."
"What? No! Come on! Haven't you missed me?" James leaned back in his chair and propped his feet onto the round wooden table.
"Ew, James get your muddy boots off the table! That's so rude!" Victoire exclaimed as she kicked the chair from underneath her cousin and he tumbled onto the hard floor.
"I'm just being friendly," James said as he stood up and rubbed his bottom. " Are you two going to be one of those gross couples that just snog all the time and call each other the most sicking nicknames?"
Teddy rolled his head back and stared at the ceiling, wondering what misdeed he did in a past life to be cursed with James Potter's existence. "Only when we're around you."
James gave out a snort in disgust and bounded away out the door.
"He misses you, you know," Vic said as she took a sip of her drink. "Or at least he did last year. He was pretty down without you around. I overheard him talking to Professor Longbottom about how school seemed pointless without his best friend."
"I'm his older brother, not his best friend."
Vic looked up at Teddy with a smirk on her face as he took another sip of butterbeer. "I don't think he sees the difference."
Teddy disguised his choke as a cough.
After they had warmed themselves with drinks and each other's company they ventured to Honeydukes where Teddy and Victoire indulged in an assortment of sweets. Vic insisted she needed more sustenance for studying. "You can't get through NEWTS without sugar quills, everyone knows that." Teddy never needed an excuse to buy more chocolates.
As they strolled the aisles, James Potter materialized out of thin air, and Teddy caught sight of a familiar shimmery silver material that James was wading up and placing in his school bag.
"What are you doing with the cloak?" Teddy asked shaking his head in disbelief.
"Dad gave it to me."
"I know, but what are you doing with it in Honeydukes? You're not shoplifting are you? I'll buy you anything you want."
"Nah, I was just waiting for Fred. I've been trying to get the jump on him all day. He pushed me into the lake yesterday, you know."
Teddy ran his hand through his hair which changed from his normal bright blue to duller yellow. "Just don't cause trouble OK? I'm here to hang out with Vic, not babysit you."
"Do you have the map?"
"No, why would I carry around a map of a school I don't go to anymore."
"I know Dad gave it to you."
"Yeah, because my dad made it."
"So did my grandfather. You should give it to me. Don't even think about giving it to Al. He won't do anything fun with it."
"I gave it back to Harry after I graduated."
"Why would you do a thing like that?"
"As I said earlier, I don't need a map for a school I no longer attend. I'm sure Harry will give it to you eventually."
"Why won't he give it to me now?"
"He doesn't trust you."
"Why didn't you give it to me then?"
"I don't trust you either."
"Oi, Vic, your boyfriend is boring" James turned to Victoire. Victoire just rolled her eyes and pushed James out of the way.
"Come on, Teddy let's make our purchases and leave. I need to go to the bookstore." Vic swished her hair over her shoulder and marched toward the cashier. Teddy gave James a parting pat on the back and followed Vic to the front of the shop.
At the bookstore, Victoire looked for a present for her sister Dominque while Teddy looked over a selection of ink wells. "She loves all those cheesy romance books but I think it's time to refine her palate. Maybe The Alchemist's Daughter's Diary?
"Isn't that also a cheesy romance novel?"
"Oh Ted, you know nothing of the classics."
As Teddy rounded the corner of shelves he walked straight into another shopper causing him to drop ink down the front of his robes..
"Hey, Teddy, when you and Vic have kids will I be their uncle or cousin?"
Teddy looked widely around the store. "Are you doing this on purpose?"
"What running into you everywhere you go?" James asked innocently, "Nah, it's just a small village and there isn't much to do."
"Don't you have friends to hang out with?"
"Archie is in detention and Ellie is helping her dad in the greenhouse. Splinter is trying to flirt with Peggy and it is decidedly too painful to watch. But for real: Am I an uncle or a cousin?"
"You have a friend named Splinter?"
"You're ignoring the question. Uncle or Cousin?"
"You're nothing. What are you talking about?" Teddy grabbed James' should and steered him in the direction of the door as Vic purchased two books for her sister. "This is literally my first date with Vic and we are teenagers. We aren't even close to talking about kids. At this point, I'm lucky if we'll make it to Christmas at the pace you keep disrupting our time together."
"Ah, she's used to me." James shrugged off Teddy's hand and turned to face him. "Are you coming to my match next week?"
"Of course I am, I told you so in my last letter."
"Good, it's my first ever match on a real team. I want to make sure you see me win. "
Teddy was never sure if James' confidence was an act to rile people up or if he was genuinely that sure of himself. Teddy advised James to go back to school soon before curfew and joined Vic at the register and to pay for the ink that he had spilled.
"Do you think that kid has ever had a thought he didn't immediately have to shout out loud?" Teddy asked Vic while they watched James skip up the street and tackle his cousin Fred, he was distracted with the latest Firebolt 300 in the window of the quidditch shop to notice James, into a bale of hay.
"Maman says Auntie Ginny needs to reteach him proper conversation techniques."
"I don't think the Potters believe in your mother's standard of etiquette."
Vic just shrugged and continued to lead Teddy up the street until they reached the path past the train station that led back to the castle. But just as their lips were about to meet in a sweet farewell, a familiar voice rang out.
"Teddy! Victoire! I -" Teddy swished his wand and James froze on the spot.
"I'll unfreeze him on my way out," Teddy told Victoire as he tightened his grip around her waist. "I didn't want him to ruin our goodbye again"
"You know" Vic whispered as their noses started to touch. "As head girl, I can ensure that he is in detention next Hogsmeade visit."
Teddy chuckled as their lips met. "Great, I'm sure he'll do something to deserve it."
And just like their parting in September as he kissed Vic deeply her warm soft touch made his skin tingle and his hair turn bright pink with happiness.
"Still thinking about calling Titus Whinchley?
"Shut it"
"Love you."
"Love you, too."
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flowerinyourcare · 2 years
Reminiscence of the Unfinished Wine - Chapter 9
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🍷 September seasonal permanent event; banner characters Shylock, Murr, Bradley; 2022/09/11 - 2022/09/19 JST 🍷
[Location: Bacchus vineyards, day]
Murr: As evidenced by the fact that Calamity Wine is harmless, then while the Great Calamity's influence is extensive, it's not super serious. 
Murr: If all of us cast purification magic on the vineyard, it should be a breeze to clear up!
Akira: Really?!
Rutile: That's fantastic! Then, let's not waste time…!
The air was abuzz with anticipation, and Bradley caught Bacchus's eye with a piercing gaze.
Bradley: We'll be purifyin' the corruption, but don't get yer hopes up for much more.
Bradley: Got it?
Bacchus: … It doesn't matter. Please, just do it.
The wizards all raised their hands towards the affected fields.
Shylock: Then, let's begin.
Shylock: Inviebelle.
Bacchus joined the other wizards facing the fields, and they all followed Shylock's lead.
Murr: Eanyu Rambul!
Bradley: Adnopotensum.
Faust: Satillquinart Mullcreed.
Nero: Adnodus Omnis.
Oz: Vox Nox.
Arthur: Pernoctant Nixzo.
Rutile: Orotnik Setomaouge!
A gust of wind swirled up from the ground and tore through the vineyard. The vines swayed in the wind, then started to shine with bright white light.
When the wind settled, all the lush, fruit-bearing grapevines from mere moments ago had vanished.
Oz: The purification is done.
Just as Murr said, the Great Calamity's influence hadn't been too difficult to remove. But despite that, nobody could celebrate.
Akira: The fields…
Faust & Nero: ………
The field before us was desolate. 
It was as though the Calamity had frozen time to preserve the endless harvest, and with the successful purification of its influence, time had moved ahead all at once. Vines withered, branches snapped and littered the ground, and the whole field became overgrown with weeds.
Shylock: Because of the Great Calamity's influence, the crops did not need tending for quite a while.
Shylock: Now that the abnormal fertility has been cleansed from the fields, they have simply returned to their natural state.
Rutile: So that's the end of it… Such an important vineyard…
Arthur: …….
Akira: (And right after Mr. Bacchus had rediscovered his motivation to make wine…)
Everyone's gazes gathered on Mr. Bacchus. 
To be faced with the devastated remains of his fields - it must be heartbreaking. Of course everyone was worried about him.
Bacchus: I'll just have to start over from scratch, then. Now's a good opportunity to revise my approach.
Bacchus: I'll adjust the composition of the soil, and find improved fertilizer. Oh, and it's a good idea to look into starting new grape varieties!
Bacchus showed no signs of feeling hopeless. In fact, he was glowing with excitement.
He was brimming with idea after idea about how to improve his fields, making plans with the enthusiasm of a daydreaming child.
Bacchus: …Ah, I'm just so excited. A wizard's life is long, but I still feel like it isn't enough.
Bacchus: There are still so many things I want to try -- so many challenges I need to overcome if I want to improve my winemaking.
Bacchus: With this fresh start, I will definitely surpass Bennett wine!
Shylock: Hm, I look forward to seeing it.
Mr. Bacchus faced the vineyard. Today, his gaze fell on barren fields, but his words shone with enthusiasm for what awaited him in the future.
His grape-colored eyes were no longer dull nor hollow. Now they shone like a vibrant, juicy fruit - full to bursting with beloved passion.
[location: Bacchus's wine cellar]
With the field's abnormality cleansed, the rest of the post-festival cleanup went smoothly.
Then, Bacchus invited us back to his wine cellar.
Arthur: This really is a stunning amount of wine. There's so much of it…
Rutile: And to think Mr. Bacchus made every bit of it…!
Barrels of wine from many different eras were packed into the cellar.
This was a testament to a man who had dedicated his entire life to wine. It was almost overwhelming to see such a large cellar packed to the brim with many, many years of his efforts.
Bacchus: I've been storing things here for hundreds of years. The long-term storage is maintained with magic, so everything is preserved perfectly. That's pretty much the only involvement magic has in my winemaking process. 
Bacchus: Other than that, I don't use magic at all. If you take shortcuts to cut out labor or time, the wine will taste rushed and lazy.
Nero: I feel that. 'm pretty picky about that kinda thing, too.
Mr. Bacchus guided us through the wine cellar, and we followed him down the long aisle.
Bacchus: As you can see, the barrels are all in chronological order. And though some of the barrels might look the same, they're all crafted with slightly different materials, not to mention a lot of ingenuity.
Bacchus: Once it has aged enough, the wines are bottled. That means that whatever barrels I keep in here are my own archived reserves.
Bacchus: Younger wines are closer to the entrance, and the further back you go, the older the wines are. This area is around… four hundred years old.
Akira: Eh, four hundred years…?
Faust: This wine is as old as I am…
We looked over the crowded shelves of wine barrels in wonder. Suddenly, Oz's eyes landed on one barrel, and he stopped.
Oz: ……
Arthur: Master Oz, is everything okay? …Huh, this wine barrel has some sort of special mark on it, doesn't it?
The barrel had a big red "X" slashed across it in red paint. Mr. Bacchus grimaced awkwardly.
Bacchus: Um, that one is -- Listen, I had a surge of childish inspiration. I decided to ignore my usual process and make something totally different.
Shylock: Fufu. The wines from that year were certainly unlike any other.
Bacchus: Not another word out of you! It was terrible, and that's the end of it. Gaahh! Just remembering it is so humiliating…!
Akira: (I get the feeling that's a dark time in his history…)
Bacchus: Don't worry about it, okay? Here. Each of you, please take a glass.
Bacchus's magic floated a wine glass in front of each of us. It was a simple, casual glass, like the ones that were used at the harvest festival wine tastings.
Once everyone had received a glass, Mr. Bacchus smiled and clapped his hands together.
Bacchus: Now we get to the fun part! Help yourself to whatever you'd like. All-you-can-drink wine, from any year you want!
Murr: Yahoo! An open bar!
Bradley: Aren't you a generous fella? Well, if ya insist, then it would be rude not to.
Faust: For real? That's quite a big-shot move…
Bacchus: It's a small price to pay. You reminded me of why I love winemaking, and renewed my passion for wine. Consider it my thanks.
Nero: This is kind of crazy. I never thought the day would come where I'd have unlimited access to Bacchus wine.
Rutile: Thank you so much, Mr. Bacchus!
Bacchus: Don't be shy - help yourself to as much as you'd like. And for those who don't drink alcohol, we have grape juice as well. There are a couple excellent varieties - ones that are only served on special occasions.
Akira: Wow, they sound delicious…! I would love to try them all.
Arthur: If Bacchus made it, then the grape juice should be just as exceptional as the wine. 
Bacchus: …Oh, and there's some Calamity Wine left, too. If you're curious, I guess you could try a bit.
Bradley: Wow, y'sure lost yer sparkle real quick there.
Nero: Well, you can't really blame him…
At Mr. Bacchus's insistence, we all took our glasses and decided to enjoy the feast of wine to our heart's content.
Rutile: Where should I even start? Even if I only have a small glass of each, I don't know how I'll be able to try all of them - there's just so much!
Bradley: Oi, South big bro. Let's pick up where we left off on our li'l drinking competition from earlier. Y'know, since I didn't get the chance to whoop your ass properly.
Rutile: Okay, that sounds like fun! But since this wine is so fancy, let's take our time and savor it properly. Bradley: Agreed. It's too good to waste by chuggin' it like a madman.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10
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wwindblumee · 2 years
"Oh but of course I do.." Her eyes narrowed as he didn't spare her a single glance, visibly seeming more interested in the glass he was holding. "I cannot wait for this day to come as well."
Turning her gaze away from the male, her fingertips grazed across the hem of her dress - high thigh cut revealing just enough of her flawless pale skin. Though something on her mind kept telling her that trying to seduce this man wouldn't be the best choice.
"My role.. I'm but an Inazumian diplomat.. no one worth your curiosity.. I--" Her mouth closed on an instant as the door into the room opened widely, revealing the cryo archon herself. Her appearance was stunning, simply breathtaking as she walked towards the middle of the room slowly, greeting different quests and starting the awaited speach.
Sudden wave of anxiety washed over Bliss' as she simply turned her head away from the Tsaritsa, hiding her face behind her bangs as much as she could only to not be noticed. Everything will be alright once the Tsaritsa finishes her speach and leaves the banquet. - she noted.
-The Harbingers all stand up, giving a bow to the Tsaritsa as she begins her speech. They sit down again after a seemingly long time.- "An Inazuman diplomat, hmm? How interesting."
-The doctor finally spares the woman a glance. She truly was an eye-catching sight, with her beautifully pale skin and complimenting dress. An unnoticeable smile stretched itself onto the man's face, only a slight bit under his long mask. He looks away again, not wanting to stare as his eyes fall onto the Tsaritsa's cold form once again. He watched as the formidable Cryo Archon gave her speech, answering excited questions along the way. All of Snezhnaya's Fatui were abuzz today, it seems. The people themselves, however, had mixed feelings. Either way, Dottore didn't care. He just wishes to see Celestia fall.. and his machines to aide in that ordeal.-
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