#I'm petty so why not share my irritation on the internet
wyrddogs · 1 year
I love receiving unsolicited advice on how I should be raising my puppy.
Four days into owning an 8-week-old puppy, two of which were spent driving: "You need to trim his nails."
I'm still getting this thing settled in. I have plenty of time to introduce nail trims.
On an 8-week-old infant whose ears are still developing: "You're going to want to tape his ears."
They stood up on their own two days later.
On a 10-week-old in a new environment, who was nervous and was requesting comfort from the humans cooing over him: "Does he know sit? No? You need to teach him. Like, immediately."
I have been doing so much goddamn impulse-control work with this puppy. Working on it every single day. He offers sit all on his own, so it will take me about two seconds to train it. I have a bunch of other things that I think are more important to train immediately, and have been working on those. Also, you called him over and then got mad when he was excited about it. This is a 10-week-old. At this point I want him to know that humans are safe.
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butchsophiewalten · 2 years
May I ask why do you dislike many fandom ideas from twf?/gen
I repect you have opinions and wanna share them which is no problem at all because not eveyone shares the same view but it makes me afraid to make anything related to the fandom because I look up to you and fear you'll see it and hate it :(
i gotta be honest with you, you NEED to stop giving so much of a shit about how i feel about fandom whatever. i promise you, from the bottom of my heart, i am just some guy on the internet. my little bitchy posts complaining about things i think are annoying should not be scaring you out of making the fan content you feel inclined to make.
please please please for the love of god do not look up to me. it's fine to think i'm cool and to like my posts or my drawings or my character analysis or whatever, but i should not be like, an authority figure to you. don't try to make content to please me. if i post something inane and too mean that you dont agree with you should be able to roll your eyes and go "whatever, pal" and move on with your life.
i dislike so many fandom things because i'm petty and opinionated and i care too much about this series and it's characters. i latch too hard onto things i like and i get too irritable about things i dont, and i don't think opinions like that are particularly worth holding in any high regard.
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