#I'm not gonna send u meme prompts I'm gonna write u a thing
byanyan · 7 months
gonna... set down a soft little inbox call. ♡ for a glittery little problem to pop up in ur ask.
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cantsaythetword · 5 months
Hey Y'all,
2024 - New year, new me (kinda). I'm sectioning off my blog into different sub-blogs (which will be listed and explained briefly below) to try and better manage what I'm posting and where I'm posting it.
If you want the tl;dr, the most important updates coming are as follows:
@cantsaythetword will be a SFW 18+ ONLY blog
(as of Jan 10th 2024 to give people time to adjust)
@cantwritethetword will be a SFW ALL AGES blog
(where I post all my fics)
@cantspamthetword will be a (mostly) SFW 18+ ONLY blog
(memes lol)
Want more detail? here:
This blog (cantsaythetword) will be my main blog, including:
tickle stuff (posts, gifs, thoughts, etc)
I'll also be reblogging any fics I write on my other account onto here just so people can still see it
This blog will be 18+. Not because I will be reblogging lots of NSFW/kink/explicit content, but purely because with some aspects of tickling there are grey areas. And I'd be much more comfortable reblogging things that fall into that grey area (and reblogging from potentially NSFW blogs even if the post itself is sfw) if there are no minors following me.
However I will allow minors to send me a message/ask IF there is an adult in the community making them feel unsafe.
Please please please do not hesitate to say so, it is important to keep yourself safe, and as a grown adult in the community I feel it is my responsibility to keep you guys safe too
Anyways moving on to exciting shiny new things !!!
My fanfiction blog will now be cantwritethetword. This is for:
fic challenges (e.g. tickletober, squealing santa, etc)
headcanon requests
reblogging other's fics too
the occasional update on what's going on with ya boi
this blog will be all ages (cause it'll just be fandom/fic stuff), but I won't be using this blog for DMs
Finally, I'm gonna set up cantspamthetword (do u like the continuity with the name lmao). This is just a spam blog for:
random memes
generic reblogs
world news stuff
fandom/gaming/hobby things
it'll still be SFW and 18+ cause there might be some suggestive/implicit memes or that sort of thing, and again I won't be using DMs on this one
Thanks fam!
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menzosarres · 6 years
hey friends - anybody want to help me be a productive writing human? 
(yes, this is going to be a call for prompts - kind of) 
as you can probably tell, I’m pretty swamped w the politicing these days (got a House to take back and it gets more and more crucial every fucking day) but I’m a very specific kind of busy that usually leaves me with a very specific kind of free time... in the office. Which was really hell for my daily writing resolution until I decided to change mediums, go old-school, and ever since I’ve managed to churn out a couple hand-written notebook pages every day, without fail, between meetings and emails and screaming abt the news. It’s been,, great? I went off a prompt a day from someone’s pride month calendar for June paired w obscure colors and wound up writing some weird original stuff... some weird fic... 
anyway, the month is about to change, and this time I thought it might be nice to take prompts. Now, no guarantees on when (if ever, because I’m terrible) these would actually get typed up. Might just end up posting straight pics of my terrifying illegible scribbles fresh off the notebook page, but I’ll do my best to translate eventually. For ideas, I’m going to link a couple prompt posts I’ve saved and swore I’d eventually post but never did (send the post title w the number or prompt itself so i know which one its for). Aiming for short and simple for the most part, but feel free to go off script, and definitely feel free to specify a ship/fandom. Willing to write for pretty much any femslash you’ve ever seen on my blog and probably plenty you haven’t. If you’ve seen a fandom and it has ladies, i’m probably here for it. I also have a very incomplete tags page with a ships list and a page with most of the other fic i’ve written, or, heck, keep it fandom-free and get a taste of the absolute nonsense my brain comes up with in the lawless world of original fiction. 
I’ve never Actively solicited prompts before so who knows if any of y’all will send, but this seemed like a thing worth throwing out there in my airport wait time, and I’d really, really love to get a full thirty-one days’ worth, so... feel free to send multiple, feel free to send anon, feel free to send ur friends, etc. etc. etc. This handwriting thing seems to have been really working for me (seriously, would recommend - the way ur brain works on paper is hella different in a Good way) so let’s see if I can keep it up through July! 
Some prompt posts: x | x | x | x | x
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uvindi · 3 years
✰ no mourners, no funerals ✰
♡︎ im uvindi, but you can call me Queen, Ghost, Witch, Decay, Death, Demon, Angel, Cheshire, whatever because i love, I love weird nicknames ♡︎
☁︎ I'm a cis woman but they/them is fine too ☁︎
☾︎✰ i have adhd, maladaptive daydreaming disorder, executive disfunction disorder & myopia ☾︎✰
And check this post about my sexuality
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can i offer u a hug? a kiss on ur forehead? a flower in your hair? a compliment? u seem so nice nice enough to actually check my about me
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☁︎ I am an ancient god of darkness and warmth
☁︎ but you're probably gonna laugh it off because your mind can't comprehend my existence and that's perfectly okay!! most mortals can't :)
☁︎ However, my physical body is a teenage girl.
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✪ Other things about me:
✰ I'm a desi disaster (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞ sri lankan babey
☾︎ but I also live in Kurtistown
☾︎✰ a witch (and an occultist, but that's more of a hobby.) ☾︎✰
☝︎ a game film food theorist ☟︎︎︎
♕︎ a Queen of narnia ♕︎
☘︎ a gryffndor ☘︎
also whenever I pop by camp half blood, I stay at cabin 3 ༄
✰ a virgo ✰
☾︎✰ an official member of the Midnight Gang ☾︎✰
⍟ a destiny's child ⍟
♡︎ the elder sister friend ♡︎
☾︎✰ a mandalorian and a jedi ☾︎✰
✪ the mum friend ✪
★ and a black cat. ★
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♡︎ I also am amazing at everything i do ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎
➪ draw (and I'm gonna post art soon) ☮︎
☯︎ murder ☯︎
☆ witchery ☆
✍︎ write, my writblr is awriterindisguise. (and if only I was productive!!! Maybe my wip would probably be done by now!!!) ✍︎
and sometimes calligraphy ☽︎
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My fandom's include, but not limited to
☂︎ the umbrella academy ☂︎
☯︎ Good Omens ☯︎
☠︎︎ Scythe ☠︎︎
☆ the grishaverse
☆ the shades of magic
♕︎𓆙 the folk of the air 𓆙♔︎
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ whatever the fuck roald dhal's and david walliams' writing is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
𖦹༄ atla ༄𖦹
⍟ Friends ⍟
✫ mcu ✫
(❍ᴥ❍ʋ) translation failures ಠ_ಠ
☝︎ plato & diogenes ☞︎︎︎
ALSO please please send me recommendations of books. p l e a s e.
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DNI if ur anti human rights
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ples send me asks can be anon or not u can send me asks to:
confess a secret
send me a meme
tell me about your day
introduce yourself 
ask me about me
talk to me about ur crush if u want to dont ik that oxytocin is addicting 
tell me something that makes you excited
song recs
art requests
writing prompts
random things cuz we are all mad here ‘;}
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If you are on my blog and end up liking/reblogging a fuck ton of my stuff, leaving me with thousands of notifications, I love you. you are not bothering me! you are giving me a huge burst of dopamine and it makes my day (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃
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So for whatever reason you're here, I hope you have a wonderful time scrolling thru my blog, my asks are always open if you need to chat! have a nice day!! (●’◡’●)ノ
uvi ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎
the lovely dividers are by @spideyspeaches <3
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babblydrabbly · 2 years
Oh, Babs, I’m completely smitten by both your Bookstore! Tak and your Assistant! Tak. This is coming from someone who hasn’t seen Altered Carbon before! Despite my joy in reading your fics, I’m afraid I’m gonna have to ask you for compensation because now I’ll be expecting Takeshi Kovacs to be a literary enthusiast who is a tease during workouts—anything other than your fics is no longer canon to me!
There’s this ask game that’s been floating around the timeline lately: send writers a fic of theirs and they’ll tell you that one scene that inspired them to write the fic. I was wondering, if it’s not too much trouble, if you’d like to share the first scene you got in your head that inspired you to write both your Takeshi fics? 😊 if it’s something from a later chapter then feel free to skip it! 💗💗
Always, always in awe of your talents and i hope you have the best weekenddd
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Oh anon I think you just made my whole week! (´•ω•`)♡ And OH NO, ANON- you caught me. My fics aren't anything like the show LOL But to be fair, I also haven't finished it. What's altered carbon?? Whose Joel kinnaman??? We're not just vibing??
But to answer your question!
For the bookstore/mob au, the first scene that popped in my head was the idea of gruff hitman!tak tagging along side reader down a rainy street. Like he didn't have to be there, but he wanted to- and Tak rarely wanted anything so quaint.
I knew that I wanted their relationship to be this sort of unspoken thing- Him being bold, and wanting to be near her, and her being shy, but wanting to be near him too. Like they should be holding hands while they walk but being side by side is enough.
It's really @lorecraft's fault for the wonderful idea of the rival gangs and Kit being caught in the middle! I asked for ideas for conflict and she delivered. ❤
And for the assistant!tak au, that's actually from a prompt list: first one from the top. Once again, I shout 'me and who??', and @lorecraft hit back with 'u and tak'. I'm tellin' you. She's the brains of this operation.
From there, the idea of shameless Tak offering filthy car sex after making eye contact once at the gym set the mood ( •̀ᴗ•́ )
I hope those answers statisfy, Tak Anon! And don't let not watching the actual show stop you from enjoying things. I def dont lmao
Scene Meme
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aliaisreal · 3 years
Happy International Fanworks Day!!! 🥳🥰🥳 Aaaaa I'm so glad I got to know you through our little pen pal asks and your incredible prompt meme 🥺 Again thank you so much for sending me that first ask about it and just thinking up the whole thing 💌💌 it's such a lovely idea and your writing is also! Just wonderful and not gonna lie that Gavin one about hope h u r t in the best way. I'm also just super glad how similar our writing aesthetics seem to be ahhh it's always refreshing to talk to someone with a similar creative process or style 🥺 I can't wait to see what you write next 💌💌 wishing you all the best ideas and inspiration and hope you have a wonderful day!
This is probably the ask that I won’t be sending back to you, dearest pen pal but instead, I shall post it in my blog so I could be reminded by this. 
I am very very much grateful for that burst of courage that made me send an ask towards your way- looking back on it, I am laughing at the awkwardness I have presented and I am surprised that you took me seriously and sent an enthusiastic response that gave me motivation to do the prompt. 
Having that said, I would also like to greet you a Happy International Fanworks day! I’ve read your works beforehand and I can’t gush enough at the way you weave the words, plucking my heartstrings along and gaaaaah I just love the way you write! And I agree with you when you said it’s refreshing to talk to someone with similar style.  🥰 🥰 🥰 
Knowing you in such short span means a lot and I cannot wait to see more of your works and to get to know you even better. ^^ I hope you have a lovely week!  💌
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