#I'm just a rebageller
mutedstring · 2 years
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I posted 41,945 times in 2022
That's 38,967 more posts than 2021!
10 posts created (0%)
41,935 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 39 of my posts in 2022
#i mean - 2 posts
#about me - 2 posts
#oh man i remember quizilla - 1 post
#honestly - 1 post
#i'm here for it - 1 post
#gimme a kiss that's a spark of fire - 1 post
#the princess and the goblin - 1 post
#it was an animated film - 1 post
#i absolutely adored it - 1 post
#definitely recommend if you want a non-disney animated film - 1 post
Longest Tag: 101 characters
#your love is knowing their favorite gas station snack their coffee order their loved and hated songs.
My Top Posts in 2022:
tfw you’re going to reblog a pretty aesthetic picture, and see “NFT” in the tags.  >:[
0 notes - Posted February 9, 2022
yo mutuals who aren’t into BTS?
yeah I’m sorry Imma be posting ALL the new concert shit >.>
1 note - Posted March 10, 2022
Hello where are you located
Wow, what a personal question to ask. I'm located on the internet.
2 notes - Posted May 18, 2022
✨when u get this, list 5 songs you like to listen to lately, publish and then send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool) ✨ [ hello it is me politely requesting some shiny rocks!!! 🥰 ]
Lmfao I would be happy to provide you shiny rocks. Since I am still *also* listening to the same songs over and over again, I'll pull from my "Music of the Day" playlist (link here if you're interested, and yes I did just pull out my limited HTML coding knowledge to link that) 1) Evergreen by Skott 2) W.I.T.C.H by Devon Cole 3) Don't Teach Me by Ailee 4) lemonade by Chilli Beans 5) Superbloom by Misterwive (stripped version) If you'd like links to any of those tracks, just throw me a dm and I'll send over YouTube links (cuz I have all of these tracks up in my browser at all times, pretty much)
3 notes - Posted July 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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I sincerely hope this was the same person because that would be delicious.
7 notes - Posted June 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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prismatic-sprinkles · 7 months
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Unus Annus, you funky little youtube channel.
It's been three years since the end of Unus Annus and I still don't really know how to feel about it. It's like there should still be videos uploading but there's not even a trace of the channel left outside of memories, which... I guess was the point? Anyways I don't upload stuff often but I did a little speed paint of this over here if you wanna see it.
Memento Mori, my friends. See you next year
Okay to reblog!
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lex-cursus · 10 months
We also deserve to be here
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someone please ask me some fits au asks 🥺 it can be for an au i already have or bringing up an au you have 🥺 but only if u want my take on it!!!!!!
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apocalypta-secundus · 9 months
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Happy Halloween.
I'm a month early, but I know me. I'll lose art muse or something. :') Poor Nnoi, Leyre found out what Halloween was.
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vetteldixon · 2 years
not to content police but gentle suggestion suggestion to f1blr to think twice before putting suicidal ideation in the tags of someone else’s post
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bogunicorn · 1 year
i have like 5 posts in my drafts about that therapy-speak article, but they distill down to "half of it was legit, half of it was obnoxious whining, you are not owed anyone's attention, especially if you aren't at a certain level of emotional intimacy with them to begin with, why do y'all want exit interviews with people who clearly dislike you so goddamn much".
anyway ghosting is like... fine, actually. most people don't ghost out of nowhere, and frankly the desire to have someone DM you and explain all the shit wrong with you instead of just peacing out and making their issues with you Not Your Problem is a little screwy to me.
but also i'm convinced that at least half of the people who are like "at least tell me why you don't like me" actually mean "i would rather you feel obligated to sit there and take it while i tell you what a shitbag you are for not wanting to be my friend", but they know it makes them sound like an asshole.
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meggydolaon · 2 years
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I've been rather on and off again on FR so I figured I'd go finish my BE fan dragons before I inevitably slip into hiatus again :}
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I trace the cord back to the wall-
No wonder it was never plugged in it all.
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phynali · 1 year
As the world's most random note about tagging, because I think of this every time I tag a post with an updated tag, I... "update" my tags
Meaning that over time as my moods and blog topics and interests and dialect and mutuals and inspirations all change, I'll go from using one standard tag to a another for that same exact content.
And I don't know if anyone else really does that or if it's a weird me thing?
When I first had a humor tag i called it "snort laugh" to convey, literal or just in tone, "this post surprised me into a half scoff laugh or making a snerk sound". It was inspired by a mutual's "ugly laughter" tag because i didn't want to steal that perfect tag whole cloth. But almost a decade later they're still using that tag and I've cycled through "snort laugh" and "laugh rule" and variants on "lmao" and "humour" and some i can't even remember. Right now I'm intermittently tagging "I loled". None of these have ever really fit well enough to stick around and I still think "snort laugh" every time i try a new one, even if i never liked that tag much either.
Some of my index tags are static and unchanging and some I still use, even if I used to tag every other post with them and now use that tag once a year maybe (social awareness comes to mind). Some I've always had 2 or 3 versions of, either because I like one but keep another for indexing or blacklisters (doggo and dogs) or simply because I can't recall what I use (was it world building or worldbuilding? Bat fam or bat family?) and end up converging as i decide on when and then diverging again when i change my mind... again. Many overlap a lot (positivity, daily dose of positivity, faith in humanity, love, human beings), while all actually being distinct enough i keep them all.
But with over a decade now of this account it seems it'd be a strange little nightmare to plumb, the work of a historian or linguist to go through the changing tides of tags and indexing, and I have to wonder what conclusions or insights they would be able to glean if they did, and what it might say about me.
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charmtale · 3 months
potentially triggering for those with eating disorders idk
it's so annoying how to avoid feeling like shit you have to 1. eat regularly and 2. eat the correct things. If I forget to eat bc depression + a long history of disordered eating (not for the usual reasons, but i suppose the end result on the body is very similar) fucked up my appetite i get really pissy. if i eat the wrong things AKA anything processed/junk foody and easy to just grab and eat (or at least, too much of it; one oreo is fine, 10 oreos is not) then i feel Immense Despair. i think it's more of a like... brain chemical (or whatever the fuck lol like bodily) reaction to 99999 grams of sugar at once more than guilt though i can't say i'm proud of myself when i do end up just eating 20 dove chocolates for dinner. it's just so easy and cooking is so hard especially when you were never taught how because your mom only ever cooked for herself and you were left to eat whatever random snacks you could scavenge from the cupboard. and now you're a whole adult and when your roommates see you trying to chop vegetables they stare and make comments about how you can buy them pre-chopped. Not that that happened to me. since i'm great at everything, especially things i have never done before. in the end i tend to operate on the logic of 'anything is better than nothing' so i'm not out here starving myself don't worry. but . Man
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saintharted · 1 year
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It has been severely lacking in sinful thoughts in Chaldea, Amen.
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so-what-eichi · 1 year
how did a kink post end up on my dash,,,
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asheneclipse · 1 year
Sometimes I think about all the things I'd like to do, but don't.
Part of me thinks it would be fun to get involved with a local theater company. I remember enjoying being part of plays in high school - not being on stage (I'm not good enough at acting for that, at least atm, though I am good at memorizing lines) but doing things like set painting and backstage work and helping with makeup.
I'd like to cosplay, but the learning curve to know how to sew is wow. Added to that is the fact that I would have to draft my own patterns because of my size. (And, lets be honest, fat cosplayers get extra judgment.) (Also where would I wear things?? There are so many people at cons that I get anxiety. Exposure therapy would probably help, I know, but...)
And then, back to sewing, if I knew how to sew I could make me cute items and bras that actually fit my dumb chest.
Or make a romance visual novel. With choices and different love interests and fun scenes and cute graphics. But I can't draw, so while I could do the writing and the coding and mash together UI elements from free resources in a pretty way.... I don't have the money to pay an artist for the character art.
And I'm trying to figure out all of the barriers I have for these issues and then I'm just like... OOOOr I could not, because just thinking about this makes me tired.
(This COULD be the combination sleep apnea and depression talking. Like I am LEGIT tired all. the. time. I need to figure out a way to wear my mask, but just thinking about my cpap mask sends me into anxiety and wearing it makes me feel like I can't breath and....)
AND THEN I look at all this and think 'I need to get over myself. These issues are minor and I should just deal with them like an adult and its easy, you incapable dummy.'
It's very hard to be compassionate to myself. But if it WAS 'easy' for me, I would have done it by now.
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megiddo-ichi · 2 years
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You ever see an image that makes you go ���I wanna be that”
(Art by Nikolas Draper-Ivey)
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flatstarcarcosa · 2 years
“Well, holy shit, Wilson! Is that you?”
It’s the tone of the voice, as well as the name, that causes the both of them to look up. Reese and Ben have been settled for months now. Mallory was specific about the location she chose. Anyone in the town that may recognize the pair of them either chooses to do nothing about it, or is a plant on the CIA payroll. Regardless, there isn’t anyone within a hundred miles that should be clocking Reese in such a manner.
A bald man in a leather jacket is moving across the bar towards them. There’s an arrogance, and an aggression in his eyes that sets Ben on edge as he approaches. Beside him, he hears Reese suck in a surprised gasp with such intensity that it throws him. He glances over, eyes narrowing, and sets down his beer. “Ginger,” says Reese, voice low and tinted with surprise. “W-what’re you doing here? I thought you didn’t come this far north of the Mason-Dixon; matter’a ‘goddamn principle’, I think you used to say.” “Ah, well,” drawls Ginger. He leans on an empty chair on the other side of the table. “You go where the money is, right? You know how business be.” Reese lets out a forced, stiff laugh. Below the table, they thump Ben’s calf with the toe of their boot. He pops a few more fries into his mouth with one hand and reaches for his wallet with the other. “Don’t rule out the Mason-Dixon, still,” says Reese. “Yeah, well, things’ve stayed a bit hot since Houston,” says Ginger. His eyes track from Reese, to Ben, and back. Ben gets the feeling despite it that he’s not really in the man’s attention, and tests the theory by standing. His chair squeaks against the floor, and Ginger’s gaze remains fixed fully on Reese. He notes that with a soft ‘hm’ and snatches the lunch ticket from the table. “Haven’t been to Houston in years,” says Reese, draining the last of their soda. “I’m surprised,” says Ginger. “I’d have thought you and Crash woulda been out tearin’ shit up after that.” The waitress behind the counter totals out lunch, and Ben lets her keep a hefty tip rather than waiting on change. Reese is standing when he returns to the table, and Ginger’s laser focus on them hasn’t moved. “Way I heard it, Crash took four to the chest,” they say. “You’d know, wouldn’t you?” asks Ginger, brows raising. “See, now, way I heard it was...Crash took four to the chest, but you took two to the head.” Reese says nothing. Ginger grins, spreading his hands. “Thus, my genuine surprise to see you sittin’ here,” he says. “Turned out Crash lived from his four, but I am puzzled about you.” “You know what they say about demises, rumors thereof,” says Reese. “I take it that goes for Crash, too?”
“Damnedest fuckin’ thing,” says Ginger, “not only did he not die, word got it he was a fuckin’ narc the whole time.” “Y’don’t say,” says Reese, almost distractedly. “News to me. Like I said, I ain’t been back to Houston in a while.”
“I’ll have to catch you up, huh?” says Ginger, somehow managing to add to the smile. “Like I said, go where the money is.” “Oh, yeah, sure,” says Reese. They take a step back from the table, slipping one arm around Ben’s to pull him towards the door with more force than necessary. “Be seeing you.” “You bet,” says Ginger.
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