#I'm gonna make this so you don't even need the piccies!
tyrantchimera · 5 years
Vaati has the Fierce Deity mask, and he’s researching it.
A picture essay by me, because I’m bored AF.
First of all, let’s establish some facts. Vaati is associated with a specific eye symbol, one I sometimes call the “upwards eye”. you can see it very prominently when he’s redecorated (Dark) Hyrule castle with it. (credit to HistoryOfHyrule on Youtube for the image/thumbnail.)
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(Also this gets long so... READMORE! Because it’s important to be polite too~)
Anyways. The upwards eye Symbol is Vaati’s symbol. This is obvious. We know this. But why is this important?
Because this symbol appears in Majora’s Mask. Specifically, the 3DS remake.
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Fellow tumblr user Chocochu kindly found this image, and I’m gonna use it. Now, as a heads up, in the original, you only had an image of fangs/keese where the eye is (I’m betting keese because let’s be honest, it was the N64. It was kind of hard to do textures well back then). The “upwards eye” has been very intentionally put there in the remake (Pay attention to people putting graffiti up right next to you Captain Keeta! Geeze!). So maybe it’s important (or maybe it’s just a fun cameo. For the sake of my boredom-er, theorizing, let’s say it’s more than that for now).
Now here’s the question. Why is it important that we can find Vaati’s symbol in Ikana? How in the heck does Vaati’s eye being in Ikana make it possible for him to have found the Fierce Deity mask?
Because, in Ikana, lays the only gossip stone in the game that refers to said mask (image stolen from HeroVoltsy’s Let’s play on Youtube). And you can onyl get to it by flying (enjoy the Deku trading side quest peeps!)
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This stone says, according to Zeldapedia, "The Fierce Deity Mask, a mask that contains the merits of all masks seems to be... somewhere in this world..."
Right. So! We have now established: Vaati’s symbol, which is very recognizable, has been very deliberately pasted on a wall in Ikana, where the Fierce Deity’s mask is alluded to by a gossip stone.
Great! Good info! But that doesn’t necessarily mean Vaati has any idea about the Fierce Deity’s mask. Isn’t it more likely that’s he knows abot Majora’s mask instead? You know, the title mask of the game? Or maybe even the light arrows in the Stone Tower temple. Maybe he could have gone after those? Heaven knows they’re powerful.
Well, Maybe he did. But Vaati has always been attracted to power, and there’s no doubt the Fierce Deity mask is the most powerful item in Zelda history. Or at least one of them. But these connections are loose at best. We need more. So! We’re going to get more.
And for that... We, my friends, are going on a mini tangent. We are finding one of Vaati’s allies! Why is this important? Well shut up and be amazed! One of Vaati’s strongest allies is none other than Shadow Link! specifically, when there’s multiple Shadow Links! The only time there have been multiple Shadow Links at once... you’re all thinking of Four swords adventures, aren’t you?
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Image above taken from GameArtHQ, and hey! We get Vaati’s symbol in there as a bonus. The Shadow Links are having a party on it. Whee.
“Oh, but TyrantChimera!” You say, “Ganon was also in this game! Shadow link(s) are obviously connected to him right!”
Ah... no. No, and I’ll tell you why. The Shadow Links/Dark Links have appeared in some games NOT involved with Ganon at all. One good example being Triforce heroes (you’ll be hearing more on this one later!). So. To your point; yes! Shadow Link/Dark Link can be related to Ganon. But even in A Link Between Worlds, where there were ALSO Shadow Links, they were... not associated with Ganon. In fact, they were just part of a trial where you got to fight other people’s shades. Bah. Unneccesary tangent. The ones we’re specifically interested in are the ones that appeared as a bonus boss in A Link to the Past. You can find them GUARDING THE FOUR SWORD  in the Four Sword Palace (But only in the GBA remake, the one that came bundled with Four Swords! This was the onyl version of the game to have the palace. Score one more for Vaati’s antics showing up in remakes). MULTIPLE SHADOW LINKS ARE GUARDING THE FOUR SWORD (in fact, they’re welding it! Each Dark Link is a different colour!). This is important. Thanks ZeldapediaVideo! (youtube again, yay).
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So to recap that last word barf: Shadow/Dark Links don’t have to be a result of Ganon. Whenever there are multiple Dark/Shadow Links, in fact they are usually more related to the Four Sword, ie what Vaati himself is related to. Also, Multiple Dark/Shadow Links can be associated with BONUS DUNGEONS FULL OF TOUGH ENEMIES AND GUARDING POWERFUL ITEMS.
Huh. I wonder if you can think of anything else fitting this bill. Oh, I know! Zeldapedia, take it away again!
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Why have I been on a tangent about Shadow Links? Why is that important to our topic? How could Vaati having the Fierce Diety mask be at all supported by this? Because.... let’s recap! Again! Because here’s how our evidence stacks up!
Whenever there are multiple Shadow Links, It’s usually associated with Vaati or the Four sword. Such as when they were guarding the Four Sword itself, at the end of a tough Dungeon. So here we have the Den of Trials, a tough dungeon with multiple Shadow Links at the end, guarding... Da na na naaa!
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The Fierce Deity armour! Got this Handy image from AbdallahSmash026‘s walkthrough.
If you’re not quite getting what I’m getting at... final recap!
Vaati’s symbol, the “upwards eye”, can be seen in Ikana, where a gossip stone knows about the Fierce Deity Mask. Vaati is associated with the Four sword, as is Shadow Link when in multiples. Multiple Shadow Links have been documented guarding not only the Four Sword, but the Fierce Deity armour, at the end of tough dungeons.
In essence...
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(thanks to Darklink7884 for this youtube shot!)
The Four Sword, when removed from it’s pedestal, releases Vaati. In the AlLttP remake, the sword has clearly been removed as the Shadow Links are straight up WIELDING IT. Vaati has been released, and probably tasked Dark/Shadow Link(s) with guarding the sword in the toughest-to-reach place he can put it. Shadow Links are also seen guarding the FIERCE DEITY ARMOUR. Therefore, it doesn’t seem unreasonable that Vaati has not only OBTAINED the Fierce Deity mask, it’s possible that he’s studied it so much, he’s been able to ISOLATE ITS PROPERTIES, ie the Fierce Deity’s outfit. (The only other time we’ve seen the outfit is as an amiibo bonus in Breath of the Wild, and I think we all know that the BotW version is significantly less... good. almost as if it were a FAKE or REPLICA.)
And to cement this. We know the Shadow Links appear in Triforce Heroes. But does Vaati? Could he possibly be associated with this game?
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There are MULTIPLE associations with him. You can see his upwards eye symbol worshipped in the sand realm. And if the eye is not a good enough symbol for ya? Well, it’s a little hard to see (these are my images and I only had a phone camera, sorry), but there’s a red orb with gold details that is VERY HEAVILY REMINISCENT of Vaati’s hat.
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Heck, this ‘hat orb’ is even found in the sky realm. On the walls of a Palace. Because, you know, Vaati also has a flying palace. So congrats, Triforce Hero, you were trespassing on his lawn the whole time. Apparently Lady Maud is his roommate. Come to think of it, maybe that’s why Lady Maud think she did such a nice job with Styla’s outfit, and yet “her” outfit was just some Cursed Tights. Vaati pulled a joke. Jerk.
Anyways, yes! Vaati is roaming around freely. Because if the ALttP bonus dungeon is anything to go by, he’s definitely out and about now, searching for power and avoiding any heroic incarnations he finds. Even going as far to potentially sabotauge other villains into, well, being villains, so that Link goes after them instead, and not Vaati himself. And in his travels, Vaati has struck GOLD. Something potentially stronger than even the Triforce itself. ZeldaMaster’s Let’s Play perhaps has the final word on this.
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“I have the power of a god!”  Credit to Chuggaaconroy for this next image.  
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 And Credit to Vaati, too. You have the Fierce Deity’s mask at your complete mercy. You have a mask that grants the power of a dark god. Even if it’s not the light force itself you wield Vaati, you have the power of a god. You most CERTAINLY do...
...Yeah no wonder Vaati hasn’t been given a new game. WE WOULDN’T STAND A CHANCE AT FIGHTING HIM.
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