#I'm finding addict!sam very compelling
mlobsters · 8 months
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supernatural s9e16 blade runners (w. brad buckner, eugenie ross-leming)
i don't read the episode descriptions on netflix even but i do pop over to the wiki to get the writer info and (this is so silly) i blur my eyes so i don't get more info than that (so silly!) but even super blurry i recognized the image that was in the wiki's episode page, finally getting to the mark of cain bubbling to the fore again
LOL i completely forgot that crowley was supposed to be out literally searching the bottom of the ocean for the blade
DEAN Yeah, but his ass is on the line, too. He goes missing for weeks on end without a peep? Well, not one that makes sense, anyway. Listen to this. CROWLEY Dean. Um... [indecipherable ramblings] SAM Wait a second. Did he...drunk-dial you?
laughed out loud, thanks guys
i understand logistically and whatever but crowley and his demon friend fucking while fully clothed basically, also silly :p
did i just see snooki in the credits?? okay. curious if i'll be able to recognize her
so heaven factions, hell factions (sub-subplot crowley being addicted to human blood because it makes him feel things), mark of cain and brother drama... it's enough slices! i just don't care.
i think the crowley stuff is interesting and fun, he's a good character when he's being tricksy (and dull when just evil) and mark sheppard is overflowing with charisma, so i can be down for stuff that revolves around him. but when we start getting scenes of his demon lady meeting up with abaddon's minion because hell double agents i'm t i r e d
(god i'm making another reference to once i ate a pie, but this dog is the most relatable)
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okay, so it's snooki as snooki/nicole
i fully expected paris hilton's appearance to be not good and was pleasantly surprised. unfortunately, can't say the same for snooki
also is crowley feeling guilty for the dead people now post-dose
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wonder if that got a bitchface note from the transcriber. very pointedly asked lol
SAM Hey. So...Cain said the First Blade was tossed in the deepest ocean, right? That's the Mariana Trench. Maybe Crowley found it, and it's a double-cross. DEAN That doesn't make sense. He wants me to power it up and kill the ginger. He set it up. SAM Okay. A-assuming he does show up with it, Crowley is only useful to us until we have the Blade. DEAN Yeah. So? SAM So...There's nothing stopping us from using it on him, right? DEAN Nothing at all.
oh but the moral quandary of his addiction and human-y feelings! and dean latches on to people and if you're family, all is forgiven; oh and demony things coming down the road for dean...
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lol the awkward intervention where only 2 people showed up
exasperated parent vibes from sam and dean LOL
SAM What, are you knocking over blood banks?
DEAN Look at you. You're a mess. You know, we were counting on you. You let us down. SAM Your slimy followers were counting on you to kill Abaddon, and you let them down. DEAN The man with all the mojo -- Captain Evil. SAM Oh, it's pathetic. CROWLEY What is this? An intervention?
CROWLEY Poor Moose. It's always a little tricky keeping up, isn't it? SAM [looking up to find CROWLEY staring at him] What are you doing? CROWLEY I'm still a little tainted by humanity. Makes me sentimental. SAM Well, stop. CROWLEY You and I both know we shared a mo back in that church. And on some level, we are bonded.
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SAM [exasperated] What is Crowley doing? DEAN looks around Stealing candy. SAM He is -- he's -- he's stealing candy.
i feel you sam, my kids make me feel the same way sometimes
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dean lookin sharp in that suit. similar vein of the more casual dressy situation with the nice boots but really i think it's just it fits him more closely and he has a dark shirt ha
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another microsoft surface product placement lol
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DR. MCELROY "Compel"? And what might that involve?
all right
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porn booze and comfy chair, quite the upgrade
oh my good god i do not care about this fucking magnus/cuthbert subplot. anything around the men of letters i rapidly lose interest. similar to the angel politics. demons and the boys apparently are about all i can get it up for
MAGNUS Dean, I am offering you the moon here -- to be part of the greatest collection of all time, to be young forever. Let me teach you my secrets. Hmm? Be my companion. I have to be honest with you, it has gotten lonely here over the years. DEAN When you were saying any of that, did it feel at all creepy? Yeah. I'm just gonna grab the Blade and go.
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CROWLEY Who would have thunk it, eh, Moose -- you and me, same team, in the trenches. When this is over, we can get matching tattoos. SAM Just to be clear, Crowley, we are not on the same anything. By the way, since the place is warded, your powers are useless, which means you are useless, even more so than usual. CROWLEY You're gonna need another set of hands when you get in there, unless you have other volunteers in mind. SAM Thanks. Pass. CROWLEY If memory serves me, I'm the one who helped your brother find Cain so that we could find the Blade, so that Dean could receive the Mark. I'm the one who flushed that lout Gadreel out of your noggin. So, lately, big boy, I've seen more playing time than you.
the whole dean is "Not Moose" in crowley's phone, he's really focusing in on sam here
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the awkward hunched over half inside the car rummaging through files is cracking me up
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as much as i'm feeling blah about the MoL magnus thing, there is some spark from this dude being so creepy and collecting people/monsters/whatever and forcing dean to be part of the zoo collection
not sure how creepy magnus plans to keep mark of cain powered up hunter on a leash and doing his bidding
MAGNUS Hmm. Well, I'm not asking you for your cooperation. I'm just taking it.
oh. magical roofies. great. ugh.
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trying to figure out who magnus guy reminds me of, young treat williams maybe
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good food
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oh, controlling dean via torturing sam, great.
i liked the sound design/score there for after dean killed creepy creeper where it had kind of a ringing over the music, whole blood / blade singing
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well at least dean can't go on any killing sprees without the blade egging him on? not clear on how that works exactly now that he's held it and used it to kill somone
so is crowley fine now, no lasting effects from abruptly discontinuing his drug of choice?
no time for brotherly angst with all this hoopla
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purpleplaid17 · 2 months
Jess Watches // Mon 25 Mar // Day 180 Synopses & Favourite Scenes & Poll
The Newsreader (with mum) 2x01 Decision 87
It's one year on and Helen and Dale are now established as 'The Golden Couple of News'. It's Election Night 1987 - Hawke vs Howard. Competitor Geoff Walters is also making a comeback on a rival network.
The rampant sexism and expected submissiveness of women throughout was infuriating, but it makes very compelling tv. I just want to protect Helen and Noels from all the misogynist aresholes. I hope Dale and Robbo prove their love and loyalty to them.
The Patient (with mum) 1x03 Issues
Sam's desire to find a therapeutic solution grows as his inner struggle intensifies. Dr. Strauss brings a new variable into their sessions.
Why can't women sing at Jewish weddings? She had a lovely voice. And using Sam's mum to try and get him to stop murdering people would be an effective method on me because I'd do anything to help protect my mum. Not that I'd ever need a serial killer intervention. Not yet anyway. 👀🔪
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (rw) 3x15 Consequences
A homicide detective closes in on Buffy and Faith as he investigates the deputy mayor's death.
The gay goggles were ON this ep:
Buffy having a dream about Faith pushing her head down.
Cordelia bristling at Buffy calling her just a 'friend'.
Faith touching B's shoulder to guide her out of the library into an empty classroom in which they lock the door to talk.
"I know what you're feeling because I'm feeling it, too."
Them telling different stories about their night in Faith's apartment.
Buffy crying to Willow that Faith doesn't even care about what happened between them.
Buffy fumbling over her words as she comes out to Giles.
Buffy not wanting to hear how Xander slept with Faith.
Faith using Xander as a substitute for Buffy.
"Yeah, because you and me are such solid buds, right?"
"You can't handle watching me living my own way, having a blast, because it tempts you! You know it could be you!"
The heavy breathing and prolonged staring after Faith saves B's life.
Six Feet Under (rw) 2x01 In the Game
A drug-addicted actress dies from a cocaine overdose and leaves her fellow cast and crew members to set up the funeral.
Ruth trying to communicate better with her gay and lesbian (looks at Claire 👀) children is so endearing. She really is trying her best. And I knew it was only a matter of time before Nate unknowingly took the hidden ecstasy pill from the aspirin bottle. He was so tactile with everyone around him. To get to talk to his dad again and see Life and Death fuck nasty was a lot to process. For him and for me.
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it’s my bloody valentine (spn 5x14) and sam has fallen off the wagon.
to be fair, he’s ramped up on famine’s soul hunger and then sent two demons. he’s already resisted once. he’s taken every precaution. but he’s nudged too far.
and also. dean’s not there. in much the way that sam has been dean’s moral compass—dean is also sam’s. especially in light of sam’s demon blood addiction.
here me out. ruby has been slowly manipulating sam—whispering in his ear that he’s not as strong as dean. that’s he won’t be able to tackle the apocalypse without him. that he needs to be him. 
because dean’s going to hell. for sam. and sam idolizes dean. that’s his cool big brother and his doting parent. his whole world. and when dean is horrifically dragged off to the pit, sam breaks. who wouldn’t? 
the entire world on his shoulders and he’s all alone. an entire lifetime of john telling him to be more like dean and so he tries to be. an entire lifetime of being protected and so he tries to be stronger. an entire lifetime of feeling unclean and he tries to make it have purpose. 
sam’s hunger is for autonomy. a voice. a calling. it’s a type of power. only ruby twists it. turns it into dominion. authority. revenge.
that’s not dean. that’s john.
I think that’s why sam is starting to forgive john after a lifetime of being angry at him. he is seeing how easy it is to lose the path for the trees. to be so hollowed out by grief and despair that you will do anything. anything to fill it. he even gets to tell young!john in the song remains the same (spn 5x13) “truth is, um, my dad died before I got to tell him that I understand why he did what he did. and I forgive him for what it did to us. I do. and I just—I love him.”
that doesn’t mean john was right. or that sam is condoning the neglect or the anger or literally anything john did. sam is taking a step back. seeing the road that that john was forced down. where he made the wrong choices. he might even empathizes and/or sympathizes with john.
love and hate can exist side-by-side. 
but any forgiveness is not for john’s benefit. it’s not granted to john. or for john. it is solely about sam. about letting go of resentment. about moving forward with his life by relinquishing the hold of the past.
it’s almost a 12-step program. sam is taking an internal inventory and discovering he’s become what who he’s always hated. and he doesn’t like it. works hard to change those aspects of himself. he admits to dean in sam, interrupted (spn 5x11) “most of the time, I can hide it, but...I am angry. I'm mad at everything. I used to be mad at you and dad, then lilith, now it's lucifer, and I make excuses. I blame ruby or the demon blood, but it's not their fault. it's not them. it's me. It's inside me. I'm mad...all the time...and I don't know why.”
this is why we see sam eating better, like the salad quake shake in swap meat (spn 5x12). in fact, correct me if I’m wrong, but from s4 on we really start to see a noticeable difference in sam’s eating habits. he drops read meat and ops for salads and protein bars. 
because the thing is. demon blood is, well, blood. and I can only imagine that a bloody grill-seared steak is a little too close to sam’s drug of choice for comfort. and as many metas before me have said. it’s also a way to distance himself from john. to define a strict boundary between the eating habits he was taught (and that dean keep) and ones he sets for himself. 
perhaps he even sets them too high in his pursuit of sobriety. esp after falling off the wagon. esp after he worked so hard to win back dean’s trust. in the end (spn 5x04) sam says this isn’t about revenge, but redemption. that is sam’s narrative arc of s5. he wants to redeem himself for himself. but also for dean.
and really. that’s where sam’s sobriety really lies. dean is his de facto parent. and dean pulled an I’m-not-mad-I’m-disappointed on him in the rapture (spn 4x20). for the first time in sam’s life dean didn’t yell. didn’t throw a punch. just quietly agreed that they should go their separate ways.  
and it was devastating. but not in the same way that john disowned him for going to stanford. all anger and spite and spit and fist. this was worse. because dean says, “you were the one that I depended on the most. and you let me down in ways that I can't even...I'm just—I'm having a hard time forgiving and forgetting here. you know?” it was quiet and painful and heart-breaking. beyond articulation.
that is, until dean glimpses a future where he’s not there to be sam’s moral compass. where sam’s not there to his. and he extends the olive branch. forgives sam. because future!dean is not who he wants to be. become. is becoming.
future!dean is a bereaved parent. and much like a bereaved sam when dean goes to the pit, future!dean has turned into a version of john. willing to sacrifice his friends (cas) for the sake of revenge. willing to sacrifice himself.
and the thing is. sam and dean have been mending their fences. in fallen idols  (spn 5x05) sam confronts dean on his autonomy. their dynamic. “if we're gonna be a team, you and I—it has to be a two-way street.” he doesn’t want to always be the kid brother. the brother who is dean’s kid. 
all that work. all that rebuilt trust. and sam rips into the demons sent to his hotel room. because as he reveals in good god, y’all (spn 5x02) “I just miss the feeling. I know how messed up that sounds, which means I know how messed up I am. thing is, the problem's not the demon blood, not really. I mean, I, what I did, I can't blame the blood or ruby or...anything. the problem's me. how far I'll go. there's something in me that...scares the hell out of me.”
that’s sam’s soul-hunger. a very viseral craving to be good. wanting that power. the power he associates with john and with dean. wanting the authority. the voice. the calling. neither sam nor dean want to be the vessels for the angels of the apocalypse. but it still must sting. dean is chosen by heaven. he has a literal angel on his shoulder. even john is temporarily michael’s vessel. 
while sam is meant to be lucifer’s vessel.
so yeah. sam falls off the wagon. maybe even gladly. because redemption comes in all forms. and at this moment in time. sam’s redemption is to sacrifice his sobriety to save dean. to take out famine. 
and unlike sympathy for the devil (spn 5x01) there’s no supernatural methadone this time. sam gets another round in bobby’s intervention panic room. this time voluntarily.
and he will do it. perhaps on repeat for the rest of his life. because dean’s outside the door. and sam can face up to his choices. 
he can choose the right path.
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Leonard Joseph "Chico" Marx (March 22, 1887 – October 11, 1961) was an American comedian, musician, actor and film star. He was a member of the Marx Brothers (with Groucho Marx, Harpo Marx, and Zeppo Marx). His persona in the act was that of a charming, uneducated but crafty con artist, seemingly of rural Italian origin, who wore shabby clothes and sported a curly-haired wig and Tyrolean hat. On screen, Chico is often in alliance with Harpo, usually as partners in crime, and is also frequently seen trying to con or outfox Groucho. Leonard was the oldest of the Marx Brothers to live past early childhood (first-born Manfred Marx had died in infancy). In addition to his work as a performer, he played an important role in the management and development of the act in its early years.
Chico was born in Manhattan, New York City, on March 22, 1887. His parents were Sam Marx (called "Frenchie" throughout his life), and his wife, Minnie Schoenberg Marx. Minnie's brother was Al Shean. The Marx family was Franco-German Jewish. His father was a native of Alsace who worked as a tailor and his mother was from East Frisia in Germany.
Billing himself as Chico, he used an Italian persona for his onstage character; stereotyped ethnic characters were common with vaudevillians. His non-Italian-ness was specifically referred to twice on film. In their second feature, Animal Crackers, he recognizes someone he knows to be a fish peddler impersonating a respected art collector:
Ravelli (Chico): "How is it you got to be Roscoe W. Chandler?"
Chandler: "Say, how did you get to be an Italian?"
Ravelli: "Never mind—whose confession is this?"
In A Night at the Opera, which begins in Italy, his character, Fiorello, claims not to be Italian, eliciting a surprised look from Groucho:
Driftwood (Groucho): "Well, things seem to be getting better around the country."
Fiorello (Chico): "I don't know, I'm a stranger here myself."
A scene in the film Go West, in which Chico attempts to placate an Indian chief of whom Groucho has run afoul, has a line that plays a bit on Chico's lack of Italian nationality, but is more or less proper Marxian wordplay:
S. Quentin Quayle (Groucho): "Can you talk Indian?"
Joe Panello (Chico): "I was born in Indianapolis!"
There are moments, however, where Chico's characters appear to be genuinely Italian; examples include the film The Big Store, in which his character Ravelli runs into an old friend he worked with in Naples (after a brief misunderstanding due to his accent), the film Monkey Business, in which Chico claims his grandfather sailed with Christopher Columbus, and their very first outing The Cocoanuts, where Mr. Hammer (Groucho) asks him if he knew what an auction was, in which he responds "I come from Italy on the Atlantic Auction!" Chico's character is often assumed to be dim-witted, as he frequently misunderstands words spoken by other characters (particularly Groucho). However, he often gets the better of the same characters by extorting money from them, either by con or blackmail; again, Groucho is his most frequent target.
Chico was a talented pianist. He originally started playing with only his right hand and fake playing with his left, as his teacher did so herself. Chico eventually acquired a better teacher and learned to play the piano correctly. As a young boy, he gained jobs playing piano to earn money for the Marx family. Sometimes Chico even worked playing in two places at the same time. He would acquire the first job with his piano-playing skills, work for a few nights, and then substitute Harpo on one of the jobs. (During their boyhood, Chico and Harpo looked so much alike that they were often mistaken for each other.)
In the brothers' last film, Love Happy, Chico plays a piano and violin duet with 'Mr. Lyons' (Leon Belasco). Lyons plays some ornate riffs on the violin; Chico comments, "Look-a, Mister Lyons, I know you wanna make a good impression, but please don't-a play better than me!"
In a record album about the Marx Brothers, narrator Gary Owens stated that "although Chico's technique was limited, his repertoire was not." The opposite was true of Harpo, who reportedly could play only two tunes on the piano, which typically thwarted Chico's scam and resulted in both brothers being fired.
Groucho Marx once said that Chico never practiced the pieces he played. Instead, before performances he soaked his fingers in hot water. He was known for 'shooting' the keys of the piano. He played passages with his thumb up and index finger straight, like a gun, as part of the act. Other examples of his keyboard flamboyance are found in A Night at the Opera (1935), where he plays the piano for a group of delighted children, and A Night in Casablanca (1946), where he performs a rendition of "The Beer Barrel Polka".
Chico became the unofficial manager of the Marx Brothers after their mother, Minnie, died in 1929. As manager, he cut a deal to get the brothers a percentage of a film's gross receipts—the first of its kind in Hollywood. Furthermore, it was Chico's connection with Irving Thalberg of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer that led to Thalberg's signing the Brothers when they were in a career slump after Duck Soup (1933), the last of their films for Paramount.
For a while in the 1930s and 1940s, Chico led a big band. Singer Mel Tormé began his professional career singing with the Chico Marx Orchestra. Through the 1950s, Chico occasionally appeared on a variety of television anthology shows and some television commercials, most memorably with Harpo in "The Incredible Jewelry Robbery", a pantomime episode of General Electric Theater in 1959.
His nickname (acquired during a card game in Chicago in 1915) was originally spelled Chicko. It was changed to Chico but still pronounced "Chick-oh" although those who were unaware of its origin tended to pronounce it "Cheek-oh". Numerous radio recordings from the 1940s exist where announcers and fellow actors mispronounce the nickname, but Chico apparently felt it was unnecessary to correct them. As late as the 1950s, Groucho was happy to use the wrong pronunciation for comedic effect. A guest on You Bet Your Life told the quizmaster she grew up around Chico (California) and Groucho responded, "I grew up around Chico myself. You aren't Gummo, are you?" Groucho is heard in videos pronouncing it "Chicko", as in a Dick Cavett episode with Groucho talking to Dan Rowan.
During Groucho's live performance at Carnegie Hall in 1972, he states that his brother got the name Chico because he was a "chicken-chaser" (early 20th century slang for womanizer).
As well as being a compulsive womanizer, Chico had a lifelong gambling habit. His favorite gambling pursuits were card games, horse racing, dog racing, and various sports betting. His addiction cost him millions of dollars by his own account. When an interviewer in the late 1930s asked him how much money he had lost from gambling, he answered, "Find out how much money Harpo's got. That's how much I've lost." Gummo Marx, in an interview years after Chico's death, said: "Chico's favorite people were actors who gambled, producers who gambled, and women who screwed." Referring to Chico's love life, George Jessel quipped, "Chico didn't button his fly until he was seventy."
Chico's lifelong gambling addiction compelled him to continue in show business long after his brothers had retired in comfort from their Hollywood income, and in the early 1940s he found himself playing in the same small, cheap halls in which he had begun his career 30 years earlier. The Marx Brothers' penultimate film, A Night in Casablanca (1946), was made for Chico's benefit since he had filed for bankruptcy a few years prior. Because of his out-of-control gambling, the brothers finally took the money as he earned it and put him on an allowance, on which he stayed until his death.
Chico had a reputation as a world-class pinochle player, a game he and Harpo learned from their father. Groucho said Chico would throw away good cards (with the knowledge of spectators) to make the play "more interesting". Chico's last public appearance was in 1960, playing cards on the television show Championship Bridge. He and his partner lost the game.
Chico was married twice. His first marriage was to Betty Karp in 1917. Their union produced one daughter named Maxine (1918–2009). His first marriage was plagued by his infidelity, ending in divorce in 1940; he was very close to his daughter Maxine and gave her acting lessons.
Chico's second marriage was to Mary De Vithas. They married in 1958, three years before his death.
In the 1974 Academy Awards telecast, Jack Lemmon presented Groucho with an honorary Academy Award to a standing ovation. The award was also for Harpo, Chico, and Zeppo, whom Lemmon mentioned by name. It was one of Groucho's final major public appearances. "I wish that Harpo and Chico could be here to share with me this great honor," he said, naming the two deceased brothers (Zeppo was still alive at the time and in the audience). Groucho also praised the late Margaret Dumont as a great straight woman who never understood any of his jokes.
Chico died of arteriosclerosis at age 74 on October 11, 1961, at his Hollywood home. He was the eldest brother and the first to die.
Chico is entombed in the mausoleum at Forest Lawn Memorial Park Cemetery in Glendale, California. Chico's younger brother Gummo is in a crypt across the hall from him.
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