#I'll reblog this in a bit with a pic of the toy... it's glass and spiral shaped and I love it
bittsandpieces · 3 months
Um. Remember the famed audio post that got corrupted? I made a new one 🫣
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mybrain-fanficedition · 3 months
I have some Harry Potter art I did that I just realized I never actually posted
Anyways, these are from this summer on and in chronological order starting with this drawing of Sirius I used in an animation
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This style is absolutely not my usual one, I was drawing on Adobe Animate which has way fewer brushes [...that I could find lol- I have since figured it out a bit more but it's fun to experiment] and you can very much see that I gave up trying to redraw his hands lol (i just color picked from my reference pic and colored right on top in a new layer bc animation is hard enough like that)
(I'll reblog with the animation when I find it bc I do not remember in the slightest where I put it)
Up next is a Drarry thing I did in Photoshop both to test out Ps and to illustrate one of @drarrily-we-row-along 's fics iirc (yes this was this summer, yes I have no recollection of it lol)
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Again, not my usual style but I guess my usual style is me doing doodles in class so this could definitely become my usual style
Sirius Black again! Based on a pic of Kit Connor
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Did I spend the most time drawing and shading the pool toy despite the fact that there's a whole entire human in the pic? Absolutely lol
Next up, Black brothers!
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This was meant to be a quick sketch to try out some new brushes/new coloring style bc I actually decided to watch a CSP (clip studio paint) tutorial for once
Based off of the technique of using watercolor brushes, I did the four houses
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The raven/crow/eagle/whatever bird that is is traced bc birds are really hard to draw and I just noticed that the brush is visible hovering over the lion but oh well
This one is really just because the cottage my family stayed at during vacation had a sauna lol
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This was actually a pretty fast drawing because the background is a picture which makes it so much easier, especially given that I drew that in a moving car
Also his glasses are floating lol i'm so good at details like that [i have glasses i should know how to draw glasses]
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