#I'll put it in JJ's tag too since JJ was very much a part of this period of Jassie's life
soulsxng · 10 months
I don't think I've mentioned this at all since moving to this blog a while back, but Jaspern was actually a serious alcoholic for a long time when JJ was younger. That's because, when JJ was only a few years old, Kalliah, JJ's mother and Jaspern's wife (and soulmate), passed away from sickness.
Jas was devastated by the loss, and honestly didn't really have much of a clue how to raise JJ on his own. Especially since JJ had a few periods in which he was a fairly difficult kid to work with (For Jas, anyway). For example, JJ was an extremely anxious and sensitive kid, and Jas has always been a little...out of touch with his emotions. He's always been a very straightforward person. So not knowing why JJ was feeling the way he was, and not really being able to relate (not for lack of experience I feel, but more lack of recognition at what JJ was feeling), or how to "fix" whatever was making JJ hurt or afraid or anxious was hard for him.
That, coupled with losing his wife, on top of a pile of other things made him drink more and more over the years. It peaked when JJ was around the equivalent of 17 or 18 years old, and it got so bad that for a long time, JJ felt as though he was the one taking care of Jas most of the time, instead of the other way around.
A year or so after that though, Jas got his first major wake-up call (because as much as I hate to say it, Jas was a very functional alcoholic in public. Very few people could even tell that he was struggling with it in the first place...and when he did start to feel like people were catching on, he didn't interact with people as much, so he could continue to hide it.) when JJ very abruptly moved out on his own. It did take a bit to set in though, as after JJ left, he fell into another slump because JJ cut pretty much all contact with him at that point.
I couldn't say exactly what finally made it set in, but after a couple more months, Jas went from an "I failed my son, I couldn't make myself be the father that he deserved, I'm the worst" spiral, to "I failed my son, and so now I have to make it up to him and get better for him, even if he can't forgive me after everything."
And a lot happened over the years he was getting clean. JJ ended up moving back in with him after Jas saved him from a really bad romantic relationship. There were times he fell off the wagon. Times that he and JJ's relationship got really strained again, and times that they were okay.
Current day, he hasn't had a single sip of alcohol in 6 or 7 years. (Though he still definitely gets a craving from time to time-- especially in times of high stress-- he actually does have a very supportive group around him to help him get past it. This past year or two, he's even been able to start going back to the bar to hang out with the drinking party, which was a pretty big victory in his book, because he wasn't able to be around alcohol at all for those first few years without fixating on it and immediately having to leave)
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beatrixstonehill2 · 6 months
"Mmmm, happy Detrans December everyone! I am so excited I won the latest tag war, sorry Kara, better luck next year.... Or maybe you can join in with me and we can have ourselves another healthy competition? Just dm me if that sounds like fun, or do you just wanna jerk it to me going through male puberty and losing my gorgeous boobies? Either way....
Ever since I first found this tag I was so turned on by the idea. I started transitioning in like the sixth grade and I'm 20 now, so I've had no shortage of people try and detrans me already. Every single time it makes me rock hard. Always a new doctor, or boss, or some coworker that finds out. They start exclusively calling me by male pronouns and tell me how great I'd look if I detransitioned, that I'm already mostly a guy anyway, that I don't pass very well, and they always say me 'moobs' look ridiculous and I have to feel really embarrassed going out looking like this.....
I know it's just people being bigoted creeps, but every time it happens it turns me on so much. I have to run home and jerk off. You wanna know a secret? One of these pervy transphobes was a doctor I had a couple years back who put me on penile growth meds, despite me being on estrogen and progestrone. He said growing a 'fat cock' will make me realize I'm supposed to be male. I..... can't say he was wrong. He kept me on it for six months, and I had to find a new doctor when he outright prescribed me T, but I did fill my first script and have it waiting and ready to go. ❤️ I never post bikini pics or anything tight because my cock is already about a foot long and really thick. My balls are the size of plums! They make it kind of hard to sit sometimes. I bet if I went off my estrogen for just a day my body would be totally flooded with T from these things. Unsurprisingly I jerk off a lot, like a regular guy, I love having such a big fat cock. How could I ever pretend I'm a girl? I'm so silly......
So, as soon as I discovered Detrans December I looked up all the vids and whatnot and got totally addicted to all the pretty girls shooting up T and losing their girly bodies.... So the second I started getting tagged, you legit could not pull me away from my computer, I was scrolling through your tags and comments for hours a day, jerking off like a good boy.... Mmmm, I'm going to love finally taking T, although I love getting fucked too much to say I'll wind up as one of these straight gym dudes you see trans girls turn into.... Hey, Kara, you only live a couple hours away. What if we both became femboys.... dressed all girly, you have a big cock you were forced to grow, to.... I want our cocks so big they're impractical for fucking, they'll be way too fat.... They'll be perfect for our fans and random guys we meet at the club to abuse and smack around, same with our oversized testicles.... Won't that be so much fun? A couple of flat chested boys finally going through male puberty, hung like horses, just begging for our guy parts to be mistreated. I think we'd have loads of fun together, don't you? Oooo, we can even get top surgery together! I can't wait to lose these silly, fat boobs, and I know you can't wait to lose those ridiculous looking JJ-Cup boobs of yours..... I bet you're jerking off watching me say all this, aren't you? Good boy, now cum. ❤️"
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If I Wrote the Reboot, part 6
Part one | Part two | Part three | Part four | Part five
As of now, I am dedicating each part to a person. This part is dedicated to @dungeons-are-too-cold bc they keep leaving me really nice comments, if you want to be tagged in one of the later parts, let me know!
Garcia's first case back at the BAU
"Garcia, oh thank god," Emily says as Luke and Penelope get off the elevator together. "I am so glad you decided to come back, our new tech just quit and I had no idea what I was going to do if you didn't come back. I know this is only temporary, but if I still don't have a new tech by the time we're done with this network, can you stay until we find one?"
Penelope opens her mouth to say yes, of course, but Luke sent her a look that said, "Don't push yourself, don't agree to too much, put yourself first for once in your life." This was the reason he had asked her to re-join instead of Emily.
"I don't know," Penelope replies. "I don't even know if I'll be able to do this whole thing with you guys. I'll try my best, I promise, and I love you guys, but I gave so much to this job... and I almost lost myself because of it multiple times. I can't risk that again. I'm here because I want to be, but I need to know you'll let me go if I need to. Pretty much my whole life I've put anyone and everyone before me for everything, and I finally need to do some things for myself."
Emily smiled, albeit a bit sadly. "Of course. I understand. I mean, that's the whole reason I went to London. As long as you want to stay, we'll have you, but as soon as you need to leave, we'll support that too."
"Well since you are here, at least for a bit," Rossi says. "We should probably get you set back up in your office."
"Right, of course." She turns to Luke. "You're going to help me, right?"
"Of course."
They walk down the familiar hallway down to her old office and flick on the lights. It feels barren and empty, but it's nothing some good ol' Penelope Garcia magic won't fix.
They get to work, her powering on all her computers and him taking some items out of her box to start putting all over her desks. "I didn't even know you had this picture," he says.
She turns to see which one he's holding, and her face lights up in a smile. "Yeah, it's my favorite." The picture is of the five of them, her, him, Roxy, Lou, and Sergio. Her arms are around the pets, and his arms are around her, kissing her on the cheek. "It's our family photo." She takes it from him and places right beside her main computer. Then, she reaches into the box and produces a very familiar squeaky cat, which finds its home right next to the photo.
"Wow, I get front and center with the main computer? I feel special."
"As you should. It is a highly-esteemed place of honor."
Almost no sooner are they done setting up than she was getting the notification for a new case.
"Guess it was too much to expect the peace to last, huh?" She asks.
"In this job? Absolutely. I'll help you set up the presentation."
"Don't worry, I can do it, I've done it a million times before."
He grabs her hand. "Penelope. I'm not offering help because I don't think you can do this alone, I'm offering my help because you shouldn't have to. I know you hate crime scene photos, and this stuff is really, really bad, so I don't want you going through this alone. We just talked about you doing too much and putting yourself first."
Knowing he's right, she concedes. "Fine. Let's get this over with."
"Are those the only names you need me to run?" Penelope asks Luke and JJ over the phone.
"Yeah, for now," JJ tells her.
"Done and done, I will run them for you and bring you my results forthwith!"
"Thanks, Newbie," Luke says, before promptly hanging up.
JJ stares at him, agape. "Did you just-"
He holds up a hand, silencing her, and silently begins to count on his fingers. One... two... three...
As if on cue, his phone rings again, and he picks it up.
"Luke Alvez, you have better not actually just said that to me and then hung up," comes Penelope's (slightly furious) voice.
"I love you," he croons into the phone.
Flustered, she stammers. "I- uh..." she huffs, indignant. "I love you too." With a click, she is gone again.
Luke smirks and pockets his phone, then turns to JJ, whose eyes are still as wide as saucers. "Is that... all it takes for her to stop being mad at you?"
"No, that's all it takes for her to stop being annoyed at me. Occasionally. If she's actually mad at me, which is rare, by the way, don't go ripping my head off, it takes a lot more sucking up and owning up to my mistake than just a simple 'I love you.' Although, I do still say it a lot."
JJ makes a noise of comprehension and approval. "Smart man."
"A man who knows how great he has it and would be damned if he messed it up and lost it," he corrects.
After their case is over and the team is back, Penelope is there waiting for them, just like she used to be.
Luke's whole face lights up at seeing her, even after being together for two years and living together for one. He's the first to go to her and hug her, he finally feels like he's allowed.
"Hey, no Penelope hogging," Tara calls. "You get her 95% of the time anyway, leave some for the rest of us."
"Aw, you're fighting over my affection." Penelope sighs, bringing a hand to her chest. "You do all really love me."
Rossi gives her a pointed look. "And don't you ever forget it."
Part seven will be linked here when ready
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fanfics4all · 6 years
I'll Be Back
Request: Yes / No  Hi! I love your writing and I was wondering if I could request a Malachi X reader where the reader is his girlfriend who moved to the Northside after he was arrested and nobody really knew much about her and she's at pops when the Ghoulies show up and everyone is shocked that she goes with him? sorry if it doesn't make any sense or is too specific! Thank you so much 💞Anon
Request are closed <3 Have a nice day/night
Malachi x Fem!Reader
Word count: 1098
Warnings: Drugs I guess?
Y/N: Your Name
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you!
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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Malachi. Leader of the Ghoulies and my boyfriend. Being part of a gang was never easy but it was a little easier when you were dating the leader. He kept me very protected, the Serpents didn’t even know he had a girlfriend or that I was a Ghoulie. Everyone but the Ghoulies just thought I was some random Southsider, it was perfect.
I was sitting at home while Malachi was at the race to get those snakes territory. Malachi was an amazing racer and had the best car, it was like his other girlfriend. I was working on some Jingle Jangle orders when my phone rang. I looked and saw it was Spike.
“Hey dude, what’s up?” I asked holding my phone between my head and shoulder.
“Where are you?” He said out of breath.
“I’m at home, Malachi didn’t want me to come with you guys.” I answered confused.
“Stay there and do not leave! They’re rounding up Ghoulies, the Serpents fucking called the cops.” He growled.
“What!? Is Malachi okay?” I asked dropping the Jingle Jangle and got up.
“He’s in jail, I don’t know how long and I don’t know if he’s getting bail.” I began pacing and running my hand through my hair.
“I have to go see him!” I said and went to grab my coat but Spike’s voice stopped me.
“No! It’s not safe! He’ll call you just wait okay?” I sighed and nodded even though he couldn’t see me.
“Get rid of the JJ in case they come by and you better be able to fit out a window.”
“Right, I’ll burn them in the back.”
“Good, I’ll come by to make sure you’re okay if I don’t get arrested.”
“Okay, be safe.”
“You too.” We hung up and I grabbed all the JJ. I went to the back and started a fire, I tossed the drugs in. I grabbed the gasoline that was nearby and squirted some on the drugs to make sure they really burned.
After I burned the drugs I sat on the couch and waited for Malachi to call me but it’s been hours. Not a word and Spike hasn’t shown up either. Those fucking Snakes! I got up and threw a glass at the wall. My phone rang and I looked at it, unknown number. I picked it up and answered.
“Hello?” I asked annoyed, not at whoever it was but because those Snakes got my boyfriend and friends arrested.
“Y/N? Baby, are you okay?” Malachi’s voice came through the speakers.
“Malachi! Are you okay?” I asked happy and worried at the same time.
“I asked you first babe.” He chuckled.
“I’m fine, when are you getting out?”
“Not for a few months…” He sighed.
“What!? No! How much do you need for bail? I’ll get it no matter what!” I said quickly and started looking through our cash we saved up.
“No bail Y/N, take the money and go to the Northside… it’s not safe for you there anymore.”
“No! I’m not leaving our home!”
“That’s an order Y/N, pack your stuff and be safe.”
“And if I don’t?”
“The Serpents will find you and you’ll get hurt.” I sighed and looked at the cash.
“Don’t worry baby, I’ll come back for you.”
“Promise?” I asked with a few tears falling.
“I promise.”
“Fuck, I gotta go. I love you.”
“I love you too.” I said just before he hung up. I stared at the cash and bit my lip. Guess I have no choice…
Four months later
It’s been four months since Malachi was arrested and I had moved to the Northside. I was working at Pop’s to be able to keep my apartment, it actually wasn’t so bad working there. People weren’t assholes and no one knew who I was. I ended up becoming ‘friends’ with a few Northsiders, it was like a whole other life.
Right now I was working a late shift even though there was a riot going on. Pop Tate say I didn’t have to work but I needed the money. There weren’t many people here but there were a few Bulldogs.
“Y/N, order for table 3.” Pop said placing some food at the counter. I put everything on my tray. I walked over to the table and gave the people their food. Out of nowhere, there was a bunch of cars honking and laughing coming from outside the dinner. Everyone looked out the windows but couldn’t see anything because of the bright headlights. Not long after Malachi and a bunch of other Ghoulies walked in front of the lights and he was swinging his bat and held mine in his other hand. People barricaded the doors and someone pulled me down to the ground.
“Anyone want to come out and play? I got some new toys to show you!” Malachi yelled out over the smashing of cars. I smirked and got up.
“Y/N! What are you doing stay down!” Kevin shouted. I ripped off my apron and climbed on the table. I crouched down and jumped out the broken window.
“Baby!” I shouted and all the Ghoulies stopped what they were doing to look at me. Malachi’s eyes landed on me and smiled. I ran up to him and he gathered me in his arms and leaned down to kiss me.
“Told you I’d come back for you.” He smirked.
“Took you long enough.” He chuckled and called out for Spike. He came over and handed me my jacket. I quickly put it on a smile. Malachi handed me my bat and my smile grew. I lifted it up and smashed it down on a nearby car.
“Hey!” The Andrew’s kid yelled and we all looked up at him. He lit a molotov he was holding and tossed it just in front of us then lit another one.
“Hit me!” Malachi yelled at him. The Andrew’s kid hesitated and just looked at us. The sound of sirens filled our ears and we looked over to see the Sheriff’s car pull up.
“Alright! Now it’s a party!” Malachi said happy as could be.
“Let’s get you some action babe!” He said looking down at me, I smirked up at him and nodded. Sheriff Keller got out his car holding a shotgun. He cocked it and shot in the air.
“Get outta here!” A bunch of Ghoulies shouted and rushed off. Malachi grabbed me and pulled me with him.
“Time to ride baby!” He said with a huge smile.
“Let’s ride babe.” I smiled back.
Tag list: @les-bio-lie @tashy-bear @blueandgoldaus @cuddlememerrick
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