#I'll go first I would be a 'butchy boy' or 'butcher boy'
anotherdarkiboi · 11 months
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Tag yourself, which common name for armadillidiidae are you?
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homielander · 3 years
Ok how about the boys ?
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the first character i ever fell in love with: somehow, billy. he was so suave and badass and i love his accent so i got manipulated right alongside my boy hughie 😓
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: hmm idk. does the deep count? i saw nate archibald and immediately fell in love, then fell out of love literally 2 mins later. sharpest 180 of my life
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: becca and billy. oh how i wanted to believe in them and root for them. i think the actors pulled off a real miracle in making them semi-sweet. it was just clearly not a healthy relationship in any way (which makes sense because billy is involved). and the fact that becca was barely a character doesn't help at all.
my ultimate favourite character™: homelander. i'm sorry 😭 also i know this category asks for only one character but do you really expect me to not include hughie and maeve? i am obsessed with all three of them okay
prettiest character: this might be the hardest one yet because all the girls on this show are gorgeous!! but for me it's a tossup between annie and kimiko
my most hated character: i hate stormfront. and i think that's fantastic because duh, she's a villain. aya cash really knocked it out of the park. she was just so disturbing every time she was on screen. i hate the deep too, but he's someone the audience can at least laugh at, whereas stormfront was menacing for her entire run. her whole character is based around nazism so there are no redeeming qualities there.
my OTP: i'm not super invested in any of the ships on this show. i would say i enjoy butcher and hughie the most but i just love their dynamic in general, not necessarily in a romantic context.
my NOTP: homelander and stormfront GET IT AWAY FROM MEEE. their scenes were so hard to watch god
favourite episode: 1.02 !!! this episode is just perfect there are no negative things i can say about it. one day i'll make a post listing all the reasons i love it as much as i do
saddest death: lucy :( in all seriousness none of the deaths have really made me sad yet. i probably liked stillwell the most and her death was kind of horrific but she was the Worst so i didn't cry about it. maybe robin ?? i think they did a great job of characterizing her in under five minutes. i also love ryan and i think he is the sweetest child ever so i'll say becca too, just for how much it will haunt him.
favourite season/least favourite season: i really liked both seasons so far, even though they had different strengths and weaknesses. i've only watched the show twice so i think i need to rewatch before i pick a favourite.
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: i don't hate him, but lamplighter. the actor seems like a nice dude but i genuinely cannot see why he is so loved in the tumblr fandom? i think he had potential though
my 'you're a piece of trash, but you're still a fav' fav: i already talked abt homelander so i'm going to say a-train. he can keep murdering people and i'll happily cheer him on. also stillwell, ashley, and neuman
my 'you're a beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this' fav: hughie, MM, annie. all three are baby
my 'this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it' ship: butchie i suppose? but i think they're on track to developing a healthy relationship. hopefully
my 'they're kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i'm not too invested' ship: hughie and annie! they're soft but i don't care much for them. also frenchie and kimiko (might be my most unpopular opinion lol). i started off really loving them but as time went on frenchie's entire character began to revolve around kimiko and i hate that. i think he's so sweet with her, but i love them as individuals first, and that's what i want to see more of. (kimiko hasn't latched on to him in the same way so i don't have any complaints for her.) thankfully it looks like they addressed that in the second season so hopefully frenchie’s character doesn’t continue being sidelined to further the pairing.
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