twinkpoll · 1 year
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Blanket Rings of Power ban. This is a “read the goddamn Silmarillion” account. Sauron or bust.
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wonderwomemes · 2 years
Unpopular opinion maybe but putting the ending -blr to random things that are going on on tumblr is so ugly like please this is not instagram stop it
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renstrapp · 29 days
blogging because I'm having fun with my new OC. she doesn't have anywhere to be, no webcomic or graphic novel or anthology project. she's just for me to doodle and think of when I listen to songs.
her name is Amira Miles, she's in her mid/late-20s, and she's a van life influencer. she fucking hates her job and hates having to be upbeat and relatable for thousands of people, but she loves being on the road and this was the quickest way to monetize that.
her real passion in life is coming into women's lives in all the national parks and small town bars and planet fitnesses she passes through and leaving a trail of devastation and one night stands in her wake. all that's left behind when she's gone is "oh god, am i gay now? what will my boyfriend think?" that kind of thing.
she always uses an alias when she picks up women because she doesn't want them looking her up when she inevitably ghosts them.
how this dirty, stinky outdoors woman who lives in her van has all the rizz? now that's... a case of the divine (me, i'm god)
there's more to say about her, and she might end up with a porn comic some day, but that's all I got to say tonight. thank you for listening. i'll draw her for you soon some time
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introspectivememories · 6 months
this gif is what i imagine jeanist and bakugo's relationship to be forever
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chillinglikeashilling · 5 months
I'm watching the new season of Hilda, and I need that girl to stop just touching stuff willy nilly 😭.
I understand that Hilda has always been impulsive and headstrong but she's aware of the story she's in.
Hilda knows that she is a magnet for weirdness and yet she keeps moving or picking up things, that she does not know the purpose of, and the part of me that grew up superstitious keeps screaming internally.
Picking it up is bad enough but at least try to put it back correctly after girl please!! You've been turned into a troll, please!
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leadxxr · 6 hours
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it is official now as if it wasn't already: dweet is the jealous type ||:
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I don't like the way Luke is drawn in some cards
It's like they're pedo-baiting
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ask-mist-ghoulette · 2 months
I saw Sodo give dracopia some catnip and now he’s being weird..
Is he okay? I know he has to run the dark mass soon 🧍‍♀️
Oh dear Satan, he's high. I'm gonna have to have a word with Sodo about giving everyone, especially Dracopia, catnip because everyone has a different experience when high. Thank you for letting me know, I'll shall take care of this as soon as possible.
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sorcerous-caress · 6 months
The Devil works hard but Astarion dick-riders work harder huh
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chronomally · 3 months
I love Zhongli Qian he spends three months imprisoned in the absolute circus that is Xuanyuan Sect and his takeaway is "Wow. It must be nice to live unfettered like this"
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wonderwomemes · 2 years
Deactivated 😭😭😭😭😭
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thedoubteriswise · 3 months
I think someone must have really impressed upon the director of my office the importance of mentioning "collaboration" in every conversation, because for the last six months he has managed to use the word at least twice in every meeting regardless of whether it is needed or relevant. it's incredibly distinct. you can feel him intentionally finding a spot for it. it's like watching a fictional character communicate with their partner in front of the villain by dropping a code word into an innocuous conversation
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ghostmistdraws · 1 year
The Bad Batch 02x10 Review and Thoughts
I enjoyed this episode! It was a side quest, sure, but a necessary one! Loving the gonky love in this episode and Benni has massive Ezra Bridger vibes, as a Rebels fan I loved it.
I'm trying avoid negativity *cough twitter cough*, since it tends to dampen my mood on my current obsession. But I have seen the usual complaints, which I'm not surprised by. But I personally don't believe in filler.
I loved the parallels drawn between the Ipsium miners and the Empire. Because it's true, the same corruption on a smaller scale. I enjoyed seeing their reactions to what was going on and Omega's reaction especially. It had massive Rebels vibes and I loved it.
It may not have been the most plot driven episode, and you can't expect every episode to drive the plot hard when its a 15-20 episode season, but I had a lot of fun watching it and talking about it with my friend!
Can't wait for next week!
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telethrutime · 1 year
Screw DiMA specifically for making me play puzzles in his offbrand roblox bug infested brain
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idk-bruh-20 · 1 year
HELLO!! IM LATE TO LIKING ALL UR STUFF CUZ MY PHONE IS DUMB AND NOTIFS ARENT WORKING!! BUT UR HERE!! UR BACK!!! HI!! I MISSED HAVING U ON MY DASH!! WELCOME BACK (even if its just for a bit?? imma have to catch up fr. u heard it here first, im a fake idkbruh20 fan smh) ANWAYS HI!! I MISSED U :DD
(I'm not really back! I've just fallen off the wagon of being Not Allowed! But it's really nice to hear from you, it's been sooooo long omg)
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baddingtonbitch · 1 year
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it's cause you're always on that damn table
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