#I’ve just really gotten into the Ninjago fandom ok
artqueen02 · 11 months
I have spent the last two days that I have meant to be spending on a relaxing holiday with my family on a relaxing holiday laying in bed and reading fanfic.
I have since come to the conclusion that I am too gay to function
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notluhloydgarmadon · 5 years
Bad Moon Rising
Here’s my contribution to the Rejected Prophecy AU! It’s basically how season 5 could’ve happened.
Tagging: @kyra-plays @fandom-trapped-03 @cakeking-cole
“The armors nice but it’s not the only thing I want to possess.” Morro laughed as Lloyd struggled to get up.
“What else do you want?” Lloyd asked.
He felt empty. It was dark and almost cold but yet at the same time it wasn’t. He wasn’t stupid, he knew Morro had possessed him and in a way he welcomed it almost. Morro materialized before him.
“I deserved to be the green ninja! Wu said I was to be the one all those years ago and then he took it away!” He shouted at Lloyd. “I trained everyday! I worked so hard!”
“I’m sorry.” Lloyd said and dropped to his knees. It had become a phrase he was very familiar with. He couldn’t remember a day he hadn’t said it.
“You’re sorry? You take my destiny away and all you can say is sorry?” Morro continued to yell.
“You can be the green ninja.” Lloyd whispered. Morro froze, it couldn’t actually be that easy could it? “If you want to be so badly then be the green ninja.”
“What? Why aren’t you fighting back?” Morro asked, clearly shocked. This had not been the response he was expecting. He expected Lloyd to fight back with every ounce of his power. Lloyd shook his head, he wouldn’t let the tears fall.
“Why fight to be something everyone hated me for?” He looked up at Morro. “The power, the title, it’s yours. I don’t want it, take it, kill me, do whatever you need to.” Morro’s face softened. “I’m done.” Lloyd sighed in defeat. Morro didn’t say anything else and left. Lloyd let out a quiet sob. Maybe they’d like Morro as the green ninja. Maybe he’d be better at it than Lloyd.
Morro left Lloyd alone for a bit after that.
They had reached his Uncle’s tea shop. Morro was letting him see everything. At first he didn’t but when they left the city Lloyd suddenly regained his sight but that was it. He watched as the ninja struggled to fight Morro. He watched as they decided to flee and abandon him once more. Except Kai.
“I know you’re in there, Lloyd. Fight him!” Lloyd perked up at the sound of Kai’s voice.
“What do you say, Lloyd? Are you going to fight me?” Morro laughed. He already knew Lloyd’s answer. “Any last words to your friend?” He remained silent. He could hear Kai begging him to fight back against Morro. Why should he? Kai didn’t really care. He just wanted to stop Morro, right? Save Ninjago. That’s all any of them cared about.
“I won’t fight him.” Lloyd finally said, his voice actually being heard by Kai. He briefly heard Kai gasp before he was consumed by the darkness again.
“You heard Lloyd, he’s not going to fight me. It would seem you’ve lost your green ninja.” Morro smiled with triumph as Kai was grabbed by the others. “Just rest, Lloyd. I’ll take it from here.” Morro spoke softly and Lloyd began to feel a wave tiredness wash over him. The darkness completely consumed him.
“Let’s talk Lloyd.” Morro spoke to him. It had been awhile since he had last talked to him. Maybe a week? He wasn’t sure, it was hard to keep track of time. All he knew was Morro had found the Sword of Sanctuary before the ninja. And for once he wasn’t being possessed, though that didn’t mean he was free. Morro had him locked away in a cage. “I want to talk about revenge.”
“Revenge?” Lloyd questioned.
“Yes, revenge, on the ninja, wu and your mother.” Morro stated and walked over to the cage. “I went through your memories.” His voice echoed. “I know how they treated you. I can protect you, Lloyd, make you stronger.”
“Protect me?”
“I won’t ever let them hurt you again. Fight against them with me.” Morro said and unlocked the cage.
“But that would be wrong.” Lloyd pointed out.
“It’s ok to do the wrong thing. You’ve earned it.” Morro continued to persuade him. “Well it wouldn’t be wrong from our point of view. They’re just getting what they deserve, karmas a bitch you know? So what do you say?” He reaches his hand out to him. Lloyd stared at his own hand and moved it a bit before igniting it with power. He had sworn to use this power for only good but since when had that helped him.
“Ok.” He agreed and took Morro’s hand. The ghost possessed him once more but this time he shared control of the body with Lloyd. The ninja, they probably didn’t even want to rescue him, they just wanted to stop Morro. Lloyd knew very well that without him they had no powers. That’s the only reason they want him to fight back, they don’t like feeling powerless. “The ninja, my uncle and mother, they mean nothing to me.”
“That’s what I like to hear. Now let’s get that realm crystal.”
Lloyd and Morro stood before the ninja, the preeminent emerging behind them.
“Morro, let him go.” Cole demanded.
“Let him go?” Morro laughed. “You see the funny thing about that…” Morro’s voice faded and Lloyd’s took over.
“Morro stopped holding me captive awhile ago.” The ninja gasped at the sound of his voice.
“Lloyd?” They all questioned, clearly confused.
“You should’ve treated him better.” Morro took over again. “Then maybe you stupid ninja wouldn’t have gotten yourselves in this situation.” The ninja started to back up as Morro or Lloyd walked closer to them. “No powers to save you now, so what’s your plan?” Morro asked. They backed up into a wall. Morro faded and Lloyd took over again.
“You all treated me like crap the day you found out I was the green ninja!” Lloyd shouted drawing his sword. “Do you know how many times I wished I could’ve just died?”
“We’re sorry! We really are Lloyd!” Jay apologized for them. “We know we treated you badly and we shouldn’t have!” He sighed. “We’d do anything to make it up to you.”
“Sorry doesn’t cut it! I’m done being nice!” One of Lloyd’s hands curled into a fist, green energy began to surround it. “You guys destroyed me without a second thought. Morro sees what I could become. He knows the pain I’ve been through. He felt the same pain no thanks to my uncle.” Lloyd closed his eyes and a surge of power began to surround him, a mix of his own and Morro’s wind. He opened his eyes and it was at that moment the ninja knew what true fear was. He spoke again and the voice that echoed was that of Morro and Lloyd. No one was sure who was truly in control anymore.
“You abandoned us, forgot us, and hated us. We will watch Ninjago burn.” The green ninja shouted each word dripping with anger as the Preeminent rose behind them in all her glory.
And there we have it! I wrote a lot more than I planned haha! I hope you guys enjoyed it! I really like this AU so I’m happy I got to contribute a little! Might throw this up on fanfic, I don’t know though.
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