#I’ve got lists for a lot of the other doctors which I’ll probs post eventually too
whump-or-whatever · 3 months
3rd Doctor Whump - Classic Doctor Who
Figured I’d post this since it’s made anyway… Some of these might be a bit vague or confusing cause, well, y’all know how dr who is.
Spoilers ahead!
S7E1- faceplants into some grass
S7E2- grazed by bullet, coma
S7E4- strangled by tentacle thing
S7E5- strangled
S7E9- subjected to Silurian torture beam thingy
S7E10- feeling symptoms of disease
S7E11- torture beam thingy again
S7E15- bandage on face after explosion
S7E17- gassed, coughing, passes out
S7E19- stuck in limbo
S7E21- wakes up groggy, manhandled
S7E22- interrogated, weak
S7E23- knocked to ground
S8E1- coughing
S8E2- arm twisted behind back, tied to chair, rag stuffed in mouth, attacked by angry mob
S8E4- wrapped up in phone cord, tied up, jumps out of moving vehicle
S8E6- head hurting, hallucinating, panting
S8E8- cuffed to chair, hallucinating, passes out, one heart stopped, weak, knocked out by gun to back of head
S8E9- affected by nightmare machine
S8E10- nightmare machine again
S8E11- hurt by scan
S8E13- tortured for information
S8E14- smothered by axons?S8E19- gassed and passes out
S8E20- coughing from gas
S8E21- frozen in snow
S8E22- still frozen
S8E24- hit with sticks, tied up
S8E25- briefly electrocuted
S9E2- tied up and gagged
S9E3- knocked in the head, interrogated (implied whipped), strapped to table
S9E4- subjected to mind analysis machine, weak supported
S9E6- manhandled
S9E7- in a fight
S9E11- cuffed to chair
S9E16- strangled
S9E21- nightmares
S10E4- choked, coughing
S10E6- brief fight
S10E8- falls to knees, weak, passes out
S10E9- shot with stun gun
S10E11- headache from mind probe
S10E14- bloody head wound, falls to ground, helped up
S10E15- collapses, pain from head wound, nightmares, running out of air
S10E16- shot by dalek disabling weapon, falls to ground, struggled to stand
S10E21- attacked by animals?
S11E2- shot with sontaran weapon, headache, shocked repeatedly by mind control machine
S11E4- shot again with sontaran weapon, briefly knocked out, knocked down by explosion
S11E5- knocked in the back of the head
S11E7- hit with small explosion, crawling on ground
S11E11- attacked, kidnapped
S11E12- beaten to the ground by a gang of creatures, unconscious
S11E14- mental assault, grabbed by back of neck
S11E15- briefly knocked over by rockfall
S11E18- thrown around, punched several times
S11E20- psychic torture
S11E23- zapped unconscious
S11E24- aftermath, feverish, thrown to ground, hand stepped on
S11E25- subject to mind control
S11E26- zapped again, falls to ground, regenerates
That’s all folks!
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praphit · 5 years
Glass for your ass!
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I know, people. That was unnecessary and childish, and I'm almost halfway sorry, but it IS fun to say.
Say it with me GLASS FOR YOUR ASS! One more time, let's shout it together - GLASS FOR YOUR ASS! Yes!
I'm thinking of starting a business with that name. Idk what would actually be sold, cuz... I can't imagine that anyone would want glass literally sticking in their butt. Though... who knows what the young people are into today?? Maybe I'll sell custom glass chairs instead. Can you imagine that commercial?? "Come on down to John Praphit's Glass For Your Ass today for a free fitting." 
But, no, people! This post is not about my new biz venture, but a new M. Night movie! "Glass"
He has taken some of his old twists, and brought them together in this new movie!
Twist number one: Bruce Willis - An old geezer
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Come on, young ladies - follow the creepy old dude in the poncho.
The twist here is that this particular geezer is super strong. He also has the power to touch people to find out their motives (good for catching bad guys). I guess another twist would be the fact that he has been walking through the city groping people for decades and no one has reported him. He is "metoo" proof!
M. Night has a chance here for a cop show idea. He could sell this idea to Fox or someone (seems like they'd do this): A cop who always gets his man or woman, BUT he has to grope several people to do so. He doesn't enjoy it, he's simply utilizing his God-given talent. The show could be called "The Groper" or maybe not... maybe "The Geez". Yeah, that's better, I think.
 The next resurrected twist on M. Night's list is Mr. Glass!
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He's lookin good isn't he? It's crucial to look sharp when you're also crazy and evil.
Sam L has the power of super intelligence, and cool hair.
The twist, unfortunately, is that he is also super-breakable. He could pass gas and break a rib. They should have put that in the movie. Sam L giving a speech, then *fart* "Aaaaah! Shit! My rib! Anyway, back to my master plan."
It's just another day. The last resurrected twist is James McAvoy - aka The Horde
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We can just call him "Mental Illness Man". He has D.I.D (multiple personalities)
Allow me to step on my soapbox for just one moment: I've said this before, and will continue to say it - Can someone please create a character who happens to have a mental illness, but is not defined by that illness or driven to evil by it?! PLEASE!
Ex. Let's say Dr. Susie has an extreme case of OCD. One could write her as having this illness leads her to become a serial killer. If you're messy, you've gotta go! OR - one could write her as managing her OCD, and giving others with OCD hope... now you could still have her kill people if you want, but not because of OCD. See what I mean??
Anyway... By these three twist combined, we have "Glass"!
Sarah Paulson is also in this movie.
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She looks like a poltergeist in this pic. Maybe she is... ANOTHER TWIST!
I love her, btw. She is good in everything. She plays a doctor who is trying to treat these three; believing that they are suffering from delusions.
The movie does a good job of selling that all of this might be bullshit. The characters are doubting themselves. Their families are doubting them. Even I was doubting them. I started to get mad. When did "Unbreakable" (Bruce Willis' movie) come out? 2000?
If all of this is leading up to lies, that would mean that M. Night has been lying to us for almost 2 decades. That's worthy of an ass whupin if you ask me. There's another twist for you. Me tracking down M.Night to slap him around for his lies.
But, this is pretty much the movie. It's a Blumhouse production, meaning that not a whole lot of money went into this flick. Most of the scenes are shot in the clinic that those three end up in. This is a story of doubt, possible lies, Mr. Glass plotting something, and an eventual twist that you know is coming. This is all fine if this is the movie that you believe you were sold.
From watching the trailer, I thought we'd get a flick with Mr. Glass breaking them out of a very temporary sitch in the clinic, him convincing The Horde to join him, and Bruce Willis fighting for justice! - maybe even get a good love scene with Sarah Paulson.
Oh, I wish that they had promised Bruce that love scene, cuz maybe he would have tried in this movie. He's pretty much sleep-walking through this film. This is the face he's making throughout the whole picture
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- the face of exhaustion and contractual obligation.
The movie comes down to Mr. Glass scheming (which is actually cool), breaks for James McAvoy to be his schtick (and it does feel gimmicky. Less like a man with an illness and more like a one man show), and plot twists that don't make much sense. There is a message of believing in yourself depsite how the world tries to suppress you. I think this message is cool, and is planted well through the film. The prob is that nothing else is planted well through this movie. Yet, I still reccomend it... I couldn't tell you why... maybe that's another twist.
It does a good job of creating anticipation, it just doesn't deliver. Like a first date that's driven by anticipation and excitement. You keep thinking it's going to be something that it never turns into - anticipation, excitement, anticipation, excitement... and then you go home confused. BUT, you don't exactly regret going on the date... i guess... idk... that damned M.Night has got me so twisted around that I'm not making any sense.
Regardless, I give this movie an entertaining D+
I still have some things to get off my chest (that'll also explain the low grade), but I can't do this without spoiling anything, so here's your chance to get away.
Ok (you've been warned):
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1) Bruce Willis gets caught, but how?
His son is working with him (same actor who played his son all of those years ago btw). His son is his eyes. Where were those eyes when it counted? If I were Bruce, I'd ground the son. Idc how old he is now. In your 20's or even your 30's, STILL GROUNDED! - until daddy gets out of prison. And even then, there'd be a spanking.
2) Why aren't the mass murderers (Mr. Glass and The Horde) better secured?!
And that whole flashing light in the face of The Horde whenever he jumps into a dangerous personality, to change him into a less menacing one? Really?? Assuming I go with that, why couldn't he have simply closed his eyes?
3) The dumbass girl, who was The Horde's victim, whom he took hostage and was going to kill in his movie "Split" - she visits The Horde in lockup - TWICE! Towards the end of the film she puts her life at risk even more for him... WHY?!?!
4) Never trust Sarah Paulson! In most of her roles in movies or shows, she's never what she seems. This wasn't a bad thing, I'm simply voicing my mistrust.
5) The question is asked "If we DO have these powers? and it's not all delusions -  Why aren't there more of us?"
Yeah... WHY?! Good question! M. Night twisted himself on that one!
6) Lastly, his master plan to show the world video evidence of these feats done:
In 2019, would we even care for that long? Not much of a master plan.
Man, Jesus could return, with us having video evidence, and He could rapture tons of people. In two weeks we'd forget all about it.
Person A: "Hey, remember when Bob was raptured two weeks ago?"
Person B: "Who? Oh yeah, Bob. Right."
Person A: "It's crazy about Satan running around melting people's faces off isn't?"
Person B: "Is he still doing that? It hasn't been trending. Have you seen this cat video?"
We are the worst!
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