#I’m rereading the Iliad and odyssey and for the first time reading apollodorous
ravenofsilver · 7 months
Sometimes I see posts wondering if Patroclus and Hyacinthus would be friends in the afterlife.
And I want to assure you that no. They would absolutely not be. Why would Patroclus and Achilles be fond of one of the best-beloved of Apollo, the god who played a most direct hand in both their deaths?
Don’t get me wrong I see the parallels. But still absolutely not.
I do think Hyacinthus chills with Adonis. In some myths, Apollo is listed as one of Adonis’ lovers. I think out of the three, Apollo would have been the one to give that mortal the most freedom, the most room to breathe.
Similarly, in his courtship of Hyacinthus, Apollo took him to new places and taught him new things.
I think if there is anyone who could really appreciate what this means, it would be the two of them. So. Adonis and Hyacinthus are friends in death. But Patroclus and Hyacinthus would absolutely throw hands because they’re both slightly unhinged and very much in love.
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