#I’m gonna slink away to write because there is a severe lack of Blue Leader x Red Leader fics for some reason????
baconcolacan · 1 year
Has red ever had to calm blue down? From some sort of anger attack? Hold him still until he calmed down?
dhakdjf god I missed this ask sorry anon.
It’s not often this happens, as Red isn’t as capable of keeping in his aggressions as he pretends to be, but sometimes Blue might be feeling particularly violent when Red is trying to be civil. (Usually the fault of his sponsors, and he doesnt have a healthy outlet.)
When this happens he tries to disarm him first, or at least keep his hands locked together so he cant reach for anything to bludgeon/stab him with. Blue will start thrashing and yelling at him, but he just has to be patient and keep still and or sit down just holding him.
Once he’s calm, they’ll just go back to talking, and or, hashing it out with actual warfare (rip).
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