#I wrote this post at 4am and it’s now 4:20 (nice) because I am new to Tumblr and bisexually inept at most things in life
aziraphaleyoufool · 10 months
Everything about Aziraphale and Crowley just works. Like *chef’s kiss* to it all. Rewatching scene compilations and it’s just stuff like the little smile on Aziraphale’s face as he corrects Crowley about the word smitten in the bar and tells him he’s being “silleh” (my attempt to spell silly in Aziraphale’s accent). Their chemistry is beautiful annnnnddd I really need to just get over it and stop this madness. It’s 4am and my brain is decaying. My soul is rotting. My heart - aching. Damn you Gaiman and your accursed writing for blessing us with this wonderful show.
0 notes
whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Sunday 28 July 1839
3 ½
8 ½
Dull morning F65° at 4am a shower between 4 and 5 am our Inn seems upon a wide moor, the whitewashed church at some distance standing along its parish houses so scattered – off at 5 17/.. from Hede – heavyish showers stop by the way at 6 22/.. a little distance from the post station at  Skallerug [Skälleröd?] (Tzchellăre, Tzchellăry) and the man said if he was not too much hurried, he would take us to Wip thro’ Eist, a post station, 1 ¾ mile  
July Sunday 28 – narrow granite girt, fir-sprinkled, unfertile vale – farmers thinly stewed – thin crops of corn – off from just before Skallerug [Skällerö] in about 1/4 hour at 6 37/.. and at 6 ¾ a few hops tall and looking well – this stage (about 8 am) observe white water lilies lotus of the north, on the river and shallow lake – Stage at 8 35/.. but drove on – at 9 47/.. stop at pretty custom-house at Hogdal and pay a six dollar = 32sk. Banco instead of 24sk. B- as as proposed by the man himself to avoid being searched – he owned giving anything was not compulsory – I offered him a rigs dollar note – because I could not spare my small notes – the man had no change and quietly pocketed the whole – off to the Inn close to the custom house – could not have horses of 1 ½ hour would have breakfasted but had eaten of our rice pudding at 9 – alighted at the neat little wood Inn at Hogdal – picturesque scattered little village or town – had a good room (village Inn) to our ourselves and sat inking over accounts and this little book till off again at 12 ¼ - Talk about the road to Frederickshald [Fredrikshald] – Handbook says we might go by Helle or Westgaard – It seems Helle is supprimée – must go to Westgaard – very beautiful drive from Hogdal rocky woody, narrow, beautiful broken vale – our road lying partly thro’ a forest of pines – this now seems by far the most picturesque beautiful stage since Götheborg [Gothenburg] – it began to rain as we alighted at Hogdal and tho’ a gleam while we were there began again just before we set off and from 12 ¼ for 50 minutes rained tremendously – rained – all the way to the ferry – then almost fair for ¼ hour
The scenery at the ferry very beautiful – up and down the river equally beautiful – fine mamelonné wooded granite or gneiss mountains – neat good-looking Inn on the Norway side and picturesque hut or 2 on the Swedish side on which a new road making to avoid the tremendously steep descent upon the ferry – should like to stay a day at the Norway side Inn – Passport visé – ferry 2sk. Banco per person and a dollar Banco for carriages large or small – our Hogdal horses took us forwards – still rain – the carriage embarked on the ferry-raft or barge in 5 minutes and disembarked in the same – over in 10 minutes – at the ferry at 1 ½ - over at 1 ¾ - off from there at 2 – passed Helle at 2 33/.., an old farmhouse looking dilapidated, and at 2 35/.. alighted here Westgaard – very nice good looking wood-built farmhouse – Still rain and likely for nothing but rain – Frederickshald [Frederikshald] 3/4 mile off – Frederickstad [Frederikstad] 3 ½ mile off – horses from here to be in at 1st they said in 2 hours than in ½ hour! but would take us till 8 to reach Frederickstad [Frederikstad] – ordered dinner – sent off forebud – looked about in the kitchen etc. – no fire in company part of the house – dinner pork-pancake with bacon inside bread and butter and thick milk – everything good – dinner from 4 20/.. to 5 – then inked over accounts and wrote so far of today till 6 ¼ - Still rain – glad we stopt
July Sunday 28 – here – then getting change for 5 Norwegian species and counting it over etc. till 8 – no difficulty in getting change here as in Sweden where it seems as if it was not to be had very terribly rainy night and F61 17° now at 8 pm
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ladyofmind · 6 years
July... Oh, July
Where did you go?
Seems like it was just the other day that I got home from that weekend trip and tried to find my routine again. Yes, I didn’t post much about my Nano camping or victory, but that editing work got done. The book itself isn’t finished, but I need a break!
Where else did July disappear to? Some good things came with my minor query attempt... I am waiting for more answers and managed to find myself an AMAZING editor to help me get this massive series into some shape. (Seriously, message me about her, I will be glad to share!) So yeah, that’s where I’ve been, plus or minus a sugar coma birthday weekend... 32 years old now, and that was way too much food. Well loved and over fed for sure.
As with any of my month end wrap-ups, I do like to keep those hashtag games in one place... For the above-mentioned reasons, I didn’t finish all my games this month so I will try my best next month...
More after the jump...
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1- Woods started tuning and testing his guitar before finally deciding on the one he wanted, a wicked little smile of his own forming. Two could play this game.
2- Pulling into the parking lot of Woods' building, Remmy stayed silent again, about what was ahead for Tweet.
3- Malta went in bounding search of Remmy, flying at the man for the second time that day.
4- Unfortunately, Malta took his compliment, despite his eyes traveling Tweet's form as discreetly as he could.
5- "He's certainly got my attention, cute little fishy he is." When both girls gave Tweety a look, she shrugged "You know like plenty of fish in the sea?
6- Tweety wanted to be Woods' muse, his sexy little siren, the thing he didn't take his eyes off of and drew inspiration from.
8- Rounding, she held the giggle at Brandon's confusion, even as the show went on. She felt a bit like those streakers that ran through sporting events, the way she was disrupting things. Though this time it wasn't her fault, but if you're already making a spectacle of yourself, might as well go full on.
9- Grabbing his music player and speakers, she continued on, shirt starting to climb up her back as she walked to the bathroom, tossing it just inside the doorway.
10- Woods wasn’t helping the cause, leaning against the door he held open, a mix of dented pride and cat with the canary.
12- She started to move again, softly swaying to the song.
13- He could tell Bebe was the type to do as Tweety wrote, and now Sly wondered if that was the reason miss Tweety sponged down that particular table so.
14- In Frost's mind, this was what a successful operating business looked like; something he'd been trying to have happen in the years he'd been the manager.
15- He had to think a moment to make sure he hadn't said anything other than a comment on food. He couldn't help but smirk, she looked as if he just said the smartest thing ever, and he knew himself well enough to know that couldn't happen.
16- That left Malta and Tweety to finish attempting to send the men on their way. Of course they were not being forced out, but the party had wound down nicely, and those boys needed to be up early to ship out, so they were trying to be mindful of this.
17- It could be called pretty, even if it sorely needed some updating. She looked past him, down the row of empty spaces, her own history easily meshing here too.
19- She somehow had bags of stuff again but knew the last stop she needed to make before getting to work; ordering two boxes of assorted cupcakes from her bakery boys, who seemed a bit surprised (she) came back.
20- Tweet just felt it more, the enormous mistake this would be.
21- That didn't quite help because he gripped the edge, and sunk down a little. "Maybe you should take ten first? You don't look so good."
22- Returning her attention to the drinkers, who had abandoned all the empty bottles, moving instead to the couch, swigging from some dented flask.
24- She'd lost count of them all now, and that probably wasn't a good thing to admit to. Just because she chased after one man, didn't mean she wasn't being tailed by more than enough of her own.
25- "Maybe if I could get another drink? I guess I can't drink through my skin." Deej gave the stink eye to Roger, before shrugging and rubbing the back of his head with a chuckle. "Anyone got an extra shirt?"
26- Woods laughed with a nod to the rest of the group, stepping a little closer to the microphone "I do believe the naughty nurse Trouble just issued another challenge, one we intend to take on."
27- Malta started to sway to the music, causing Tweet to do the same, and then they covered an ear each when the club could hear the way Frost boomed "Lass!"
28- Making a face as he downed the drink, Collar figured partying too hard wasn’t as bad as alliteration. "Good luck sir." He saluted and then wandered off, finding a nice table of random people to bother.
29- She could write a book about how to divert attention from yourself.
31- Her back ached as if she had jumped into a pool and met with the solid wall of water, stinging her all over.
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1/7- "Ballentine Rajneesh Siyamak, but you can call me Sly for short." In an old school fashion, Sly bent at the waist. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance, and welcome to Soulful. Are you here to see Tweety about the Red Letters series?"
2/7- Sly- "Back in the old country, I slept under the stars, or in a tent a time or two. Now? I suppose one might consider me a hotel camper, if one sees the club's bedrooms as a hotel, even if I hardly use it…"
3/7- Sly- "I know my way around a few things, been around a while. I once managed a spider infestation with a loo brush and pail."
4/7- Sly- "I love the outdoors, big fan of walking around at night, contemplating life in the darkest time of day."
5/7- Sly- "I don't get scared, so I must be telling them? I am not aware I am telling scary stories though, given that I am already often told how terrible I am at noticing flirtatious behavior aimed at me."
6/7- Sly- "Cooking? I am more of a concocter. I make a mean milkshake, and have been known to mix up some drinks and make something new."
7/7- Sly- "I like music, I do, but I don't sing. Not unless it will lighten the mood, and that is a last resort option."
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8/7- "Oh? I've never been to camp! Hey fellow campers, I'm Raven, and I'm in a cabin all by my lonesome, stop by for a visit won't you?"
9/7- Raven- "Stargazing? I mean there was this one time, in an outdoor hot tub," *blushes* "We were under the stars but I didn't notice them much…"
10/7- Raven- "Why do we talk about me so much? I want to know about you. What's your favorite activity? I'll try anything once, twice if it's a good time…"
11/7- Raven- "Why ask me something like that? Do you want me to follow you? Because I totally would."
12/7- Raven- "Depends on if I'm taking that dip alone or not. Will you be joining me? I'd do it with you."
13/7- Raven- "Of course I am, anything you want, I'm willing to do, even change for you, so long as you love me."
14/7- Raven- "The bar that was home changed, so that sense of home is gone for a while now. But if you're offering to have me move in with you, of course I will!"
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15/7- "Cop" Collar- "Hm, the Intel said that scumbag was here. Better let Nira know Tim's still out there." *texts back and forth* "What do you mean go camping for a while? I wasn't prepared to camp here…."
16/7- "Cop" Collar- *chuckles while unloading car* "Depends on the mountains… More of a poolside camper lately, but apparently I'm stuck in this forest for a few days."
17/7- "Cop" Collar- *finishing pop up tent* "I flirt all the time, ladies love the man thong, men too. Unless you mean a different kind of tent?" *pulls half deflated blowup doll from trunk into tent* "Leftover from a prank, but a good mattress you pervs."
18/7- "Cop" Collar- "I really shouldn't because alcohol starts the party… but I am off duty for a few days before the big bash…" *Chugs a large high proof bottle*
19/7- "Cop" Collar- *bleary eyed* "Always… Where's my thong? WHO TOOK MY THONG?" *spies a guy lost on the path* "You! You must have taken it!" *gives chase to poor guy* (this author spares some details for PG purposes)
20/7- "Cop" Collar- "Oh, great with knots, not so great with shelters."
*finishes hog tying guy with only man thong as rope*
"Collar, dude, it's Nathan Winners. Chef Nathan, you know, your buddy? I never stole your thong! You gotta stop that. Man, Deej owes me for this mess."
21/7-"Cop" Collar-"Usually I'm great at weathering a storm, but in this case, I gotta head back, someone has to help with club security. The big bash is a big deal. If you can get free & bring my man thong, you can get home Wieners." *pats hog tied man & leaves.*
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22/7- Chef Nathan Winners- *struggles to get free* "It was a cute joke or pet name the first time. Haha, Chef Wieners. I am never helping Deej by delivering a meal to the woods again. Never stole the stupid thing!"
23/7- Chef Nathan- "I like walking thru the parks and taking the scenic route on my 4am supply runs. It's calm and quiet, plus who doesn't love getting the freshest food to cook with?"
24/7- Chef Nathan- "Did… did you not see what happened this time? That's the worst it's ever been for me. I prefer going alone and wandering the farmer's markets. No danger there, just me and the ingredients."
25/7- Chef Nathan- "I am not adventurous beyond my food. Unless you count navigating the strange people that are my friends, like Collar and Deej."
26/7- Chef Nathan- "I wander and take the long way home on nice days, but never get lost. Probably why a certain cat man calls me whenever he's hungry or lost but not lost."
27/7- Chef Nathan- "Urban legends? Not that I know of. I know a lot of food legends, and there are myths about some of the wilder things that happen in the bar's front of house."
28/7- Chef Nathan- "Is anything weirder than getting hog tied with Collar's man thong? Like seriously… I better get it back to him before he comes back to torture me more."
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29/7- Antag Raven- "OMG I SING!!"
MC Sly- "… I suppose that means I shall be forced to play music?"
30/7- Yes! NO!!
SC Collar- "What do you mean no?"
BG Nathan- "You are not someone I want to turn my back on, let alone close my eyes around…" *returns the rope thong*
31/7- Sly- "Tell stories?"
Raven- "Karaoke!!!"
Collar- "Can't we just drink instead…?"
Nathan- "Time to pack, definitely time to leave camp."
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2- Quick pitch? A women's journey through a life that is 'Cheers' crossed with 'Animaniacs' and surviving mostly sane. That's the Red Letters series!
3- Tweety took a breath before a gorgeously wicked smile spread her face. "Wouldn’t you like to know deary?" Shoulder lifting in a halfhearted shrug, "Probably will have to stick around to find out."
Song- Trouble for me/Britney Spears https://youtu.be/DQNm-P_1VVY
4- Woods started tuning and testing his guitar before finally deciding on the one he wanted, a wicked little smile of his own forming. Two could play this game. #RedLettersTeasers
5- Side char love?
-Malta the Cockney with a bold streak.
-Bebe that crazy friend who makes you do things.
-Roger the lynx cat with an attitude and cupcake addiction.
6- #1randomques Tweet's sorta done this before. But she'd say "It's just a woman's life, full of love, friends, and some legendary stories. It's up to you to believe me or not."
7/8- Tweet's care package includes:
-purple and red pens
-fun notebooks
-new music for her player
9- Tweet likes pancakes and bacon or chicken fingers with french fries.
10- Tweet's got some food issues, being a picky eater… But Woods, another MC is allergic to cherries.
11- …close enough lol…
"He's certainly got my attention, cute little fishy he is." When both girls gave Tweety a look, she shrugged "You know like plenty of fish in the sea?" #RedLettersTeasers
12- Cupcakes. Thank goodness there is a temperamental cook or two that can make real food too…
13- #1randommques I'm a Gordon Ramsey fan. So, one char would be in trouble for the "herbs" in his brownies. Another might have a distance contest about flinging food, while a third would just be trying to figure out how to frost the chef…
14/15- Tweet has a chef to cook, but left to her own devices, it's candy. Or basics learned as a kid- cereal, quick processed foods, the no cook, doesn't expire for 5 years types of things. So, might be going to the diner to eat.
16- Tweety- "Things were rough growing up, but I always enjoyed chances to be near the water. Pools, oceans, it always called to me.
17- Antag- Brandon- "That's simple. Get off the stage, drink until that night's groupie is ready to play, and pass out around dawn."
18- Collar stepped up to the sink, like he would wash out his shirt, careful to slur his speech as well. "Swell party, til your drink ends up on your gut, not in it." #RedLettersTeasers
19- Tweety- "I can't tell you that. I have a few regrets in my life, but I also try to be a private person, even in the middle of a crowded nightclub."
20- #1randomques - Let's see… My chars are glad that I have managed to overcome bouts of depression, and that I am progressively working on the crippling anxiety. But they are still concerned about what part of the brain "Tim" comes from, and the things he does…
21- Antag- Lady S- "I hired her."
22- Most tech savy- Nira, considering he runs and watching the security system
Least- Deej fries his fur on the jukebox regularly.
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hellosophrosyne · 6 years
2017 recap
Fun fact: I used to be very active and present with myself in the sense that I would journal quite often on a blog. My form of therapy. And one of my absolute faaavorite things to do in the beginning of each year was to recap each month of the year that had just past just so I would always remember what the heck I got myself into someday when I’m old and trying to remember my life.
I haven’t done a recap in YEARS, but I still kept my makeshift calendar/planner that I used in 2017, even though it’s already halfway through 2018 already. I think I kept it so I could try and recap it on here sometime when I could... & I guess that time is now, so...
(it’s currently 2AM, I just said goodnight to you on ftime, so here i gooo)
January looks like it was a boring month by the look of how little I wrote on here. I think I was depressed still. From failing my boards in October 2016. I had rescheduled my retake for the NCLEX on February 8, 2017. All I have written down is checkboxes of “150″ as a reminder that I should do at least 150 practice questions before going to sleep. But whoa, looks like I happened to go to my little’s installs this month too. Feels like that was ages ago. I can’t believe my old ass actually crossed a little sis even though it was years later. It’s too bad the chapter died, and I wish we were closer. Our age gap plays a big factor, but I’m glad I met someone like her.
February 8th- I retook the NCLEX. Most stressful day ever. Thank god I actually have a youtube video commemorating that entire day. I remember eating lunch with Sarah after and just crying because I did the hack into the site to see if I could get the results early and it looked as if I actually passed. Even though it was still uncertain, I had some peace of mind.. and found out I officially passed 2 days later at 6AM when my mom came barging in to show me my name on the official boards website. I remember I was sooo into yoga during this month. I thought it really helped. I was gaining all this flexibility, finding a sense of peace within my body partnered with daily practicing of meditation. Like damn, I need to incorporate that kinda stuff in my life right NOW. I went to Bear Valley to check out the snow. Got to ride in my first snow mobile kinda thing... I would totally do it again. I tried AcroYoga with Jessy, first and only time. I kinda wanna try another class again. I got invited by an old high school friend to go see the FIreFall at Yosemite. Such a crazy experience, getting to wait around with hundreds of photographers just for one opportune moment where the waterfall looked like it caught fire just for 3 minutes. At this time too, I was heading to SF a lot to have dinner with everyone I could. Still working at the job that I hated, training to be supervisor. I think this was the month they tried to screw me over too, trying to make me do things I was never trained to do.
My 23rd birthday month. This month felt freeing. I started applying to anywhere and everywhere. Had dinner with Freda (my therapist friend) (i have to document whenever I see her because i feel like i never see her), started planning my Havasupai trip with the girls (Jessy, Veronica, Britney, Sherry, Amanda). Getting fitted for backpacking backpacks, buying backpacking gear... SHIT BE EXPEEENSIVE. For my birthday weekend, me, Jessy and Veronica headed to LA and got to spend the entire time just being gluttonous, going to disneyland, being housed by Johnny Ta. Never felt so carefreee and wreckless with my money. and whoa, I just remembered now.. i was STILL vegan at this time! We went to this $$$ vegan sushi place.. had vegan take out.. dude my friends are so cool to have gone through 2 years of dealing with my lifestyle choices hahaha.
I started my BSN online school this month. Had 2 interviews and got both jobs. Got the job at DMC and right after I got the OK that I got accepted, I QUIT THAT B-ass job and vowed to go a little bit crazy and treat myself to 4 months of doing whatever the F I wanted (they told me my start date would be in July). It was Tien’s birthday, and he wanted to go to Pismo so we did. He rented out this hugeass house and we had a house full of 20 people but somehow we all still had beds. Me and veronica sand dune buggied for the first time and stayed safe while everyone else was being wreckless AF. Went to Fresno for my baby niece’s birthday. Hiked mission peak. Went to Hometown heroes for the first time. Went to the outlets with Jayne. And wtf.. it says here on my calendar I went to Vegas??? Wuuut. With who LOL.
---- ok so i had to reupload snapchat to my phone just to see if I had documented it in any way. AND I DID. This vegas trip was supposed to be celebrating one of the newer girls’ birthdays, but me, kat, and tiahs flight got delayed for days so we ended up going to that club. The club where I saw YOU for the first time in 5ever and realized that hey, you are one cutie. But I didn’t think much of it then, just that I remembered you were the first guy I recognized as cute for the first time in what seemed like forever at that time. So long since I had found anyone cute that it was something I HAD to document and tell my girlfriends about because it had felt like such a huge milestone. That I was finding some attraction to someone physically for the first time in years. Maybe that’s why I was so drawn to you in the first place, when I saw your snapchat pop up just a few weeks later. (but too bad you didn’t feel the same about meeee that night lololol)
What a fun month. My big bro took me to True food Kitchen where we had the BEST vegan flan, it was insane. We have to try it if we ever go. I went to Utah/Arizona with my parents for 2 weeks. Saw the ‘seven magic mtns’ in vegas, went to see a LOT of red rock, hiked my first water hike into a canyon (kanarraville falls), went 4wheel driving into a desolute absolute no service area to a place called White Pocket which was absolutely beautiful. Saw horseshoe bend, went to grand staircase-escalante for the coolest canyon hike I’ve ever attempted where you have to squeeze through the small canyon walls (remind me to show my snap story from this day to you someday), hiked to see waterfalls. Damn looking back.. I was pretty active this month. In just one week after coming back from Utah, only had to head out again to Havasupai with the girls. We flew into vegas, got our rental van, drove it to Arizona, slept in the van (but i couldn’t). Woke up at 3-4am to start our hike into the Indian reservation. Made it to the campsite at noon (after taking a faaatass 3 hr break at the village). Saw the most beautiful waterfalls I’ve ever seen in my life. Hiked back, drove to horse shoe bend, saw antelope canyon, then trekked it back to vegas to have the most amazing “last hoorah” if you may call it that. Because not only was it my last trip in vegas to document to this day, but it was the best because it was 100% free and we had complimentary tables and bottle service the entire damn weekend. It was also the time your name finally popped up on my snap. I added you, but you never got to see my last day in vegas snaps go through LOL. Good thing though, you woulda just seen a bunch of bad singing to loud alesso songs. Straight after this weekend, I had Lemonade for the first time with Arielle (what an expensive ass place LOL). Jeez what a jam packed month. I can’t believe that was literally just a year ago.
~~~~ exciting things start to happen
June was the month when we started texting. I planned my whole solo LA trip to see the Kingdom Hearts Orchestra, and I remember I was texting you the entire time. JUNE 17 [i marked it in my calender] was our first lunch/ idk date at the korean place. Ugh so crazy, it’s SO SO crazy that here I am writing this post on June 2, 2018, when our first real interaction was just 11 months and 2 weeks ago. Time flies. What a successful first meal together. I remember being so nervous because I didn’t want to scare you off by the fact that I didn’t eat meat and that I was barely starting to eat fish again (in preparation for Hawaii). We had the most amazing lunch partnered with no phones, just plain conversation. It was seriously just so nice. and so innocent. I knew at that moment that I was in dangerous waters, feeling so attracted to you and not knowing how to deal with these new emotions I haven’t felt in so long. But I was accepting and ready for whatever was to come.
I ended up going to Hawaii for 2 weeks (Kauai|Oahu). We were playing loads of phone tag here. I feel like both of us were drinking, trying to build up liquid courage and give us a reason to talk late at night on the phone. I remember you texted me once this month too something like “so why doesn’t someone like you have a boyfriend?” :p Ugh, it makes me smile just thinking of how we were when we were just barely starting.
I went to my classmate Sarah’s wedding. I think at this time I was already smitten by you and our random phone calls here and there. JULY 11 ~~ (again written on my planner) was our ICHI date. I personally didn’t know what to expect from this, if it was a date or not. When you put your arm around me when walking to that ice cream place (smitten?), to us awkwardly trying to cozy up at your house watching those movies. Me being an alcoholic just tryna BRING SOME LIQUID COURAGE into our lives. HAHA do you remember how you wouldn’t kiss me after I *ahem*? Ohhhhh how times have changed. 
Because of how well this date went, (and how we both knew you were leaving so soon already to socal), we halfhazardly made a new date on July 15, to go to Land’s End. I remember all I wanted to do was just see you again. Confirm if that night was just a fluke or if there really was something there. I didn’t plan to stay that night..... but I did. And there we went, kissing for hours and hours until I had to go. (can you believe I went to 6flags the following day, i was fucking crazy man). You officially moved to Anaheim shortly after this... I wasn’t sure when the next time I would see you next (IF I would even see you again). But I’m so sosooo happy we remained in contact, probably even stronger than ever, with late night calls, constant texting. I went to the John Mayer concert with my big bro at the end of this month and I remember I just could not stop talking about you or to Johnny Ta about you (since he came up for the concert as well). I was soooooo sprung (i still am soooo sprung babe). Talking with you was so exciting. I feel like my personality had been brightening up with each passing day we got to know each other more. 
I don’t know how it happened, but I decided I was going to drive to see you that one fateful weekend (August 12-15). I had already started my job just 2 weeks prior, but already I wanted to drive down to see this guy I went on 3 dates with? Ugh. I am SO glad I did. I remember feeling so uncertain if things were gonna pick up from where they left off.. if things were going to be awkward.. if we were going to be “fuckbuddies” or something more. I needed moral support, so I made plans to see Veronica that first day I came. We ate at EMC, went to the OC fair, then headed to the packing house to drink a little at kettle bar. Met up with Blake and then you finally showed up and man, what. a. whirlwind. of a night. Headsup, drinking, lots of snowboarding, you attacking my neck/face while I was trying to brush my teeth...  I remember specificially at THIS moment, I felt like we were already SO comfortable with each other. Everything just flowed so easily. From the way we kissed, to the way we brushed teeth next to each other, from the way we slept together (for the first time), to the way we cuddled in bed. It felt SO natural for me. (I wonder how it felt for you). I felt like it was such a big deal too... everyoneeee knew my business at this time. I feel like every single one of my friends became such huge supporters of me “putting myself out there” after I had been solitary and avoiding all men for so long. I had created such a persona for myself that even blake and veronica the following morning thought that we didn’t even do it. Which was fine with me (although down there I was a little bit dying already. felt like I had lost my vcard all over again tbh). Waited for you to get off, and you took me to Tanakaya for the first time. Then we headed to the 626 night market. Went home and drank whooo knows what that night that we had to go get pho the following morning and brodards to top it all off. Remember waiting in line for hours for that .86 cent coffee? We ended up taking a nap then going to Laguna Beach before deciding to go to Kang Hodong for the vurry first time. Damn, all these lowkey traditions were formed just from this first weekend together, now that I’m reflecting on it all. The next day was when I had to leave... we had tanakaya (AGAIN), then I had to head back home :’(. And I remember feeling so... sad. I realized I felt so so excited and full of happiness being with you.
But crazy enough, you came to visit me in Modesto literally less than a week later. I was wearing my Burgundy scrubs, we went to get Crown Royal.. I’m sure you remember how the rest of night goes. Damn we were all up on that yayyy this whole beginning of our relationship LOL.
Then literally 5 days later on August 25, I came to see you in SJ, got hyped up on too much black coffee, watched HIMYM, met your parents, ate at sushi confidential.. We already seemed to have done so much in so little time, but I wasn’t complaining. Even though we werent official, or even had the talk of wondering what we were, all I knew is that I just needed to keep seeing you, and I didn’t care how.
SEPTEMBER 3 ~~ aka labor day weekend, another 4 days I had off work. I had Guads for the first time! Chilaquiles. I think this weekend was when I literally had to study for my EKG test. I tried 1/2 of my first sweetbird sandwich. Went to that one vietnamese place MY’s kitchen with Hieu, David, and Michael. Had my first Michelada and was like whoooa, this beer is meant for my taste buds.
I tried out the wine bar here in modesto based off Yosemite with Cassandra. Such a cute place, I would totally take you here someday.
This was a pretty jam packed month at work for me. I had tons of tests going on and all I wanted to do was be finished with it because I wanted to see you again.
SEPTEMBER 29 ~ I flew down to SD to get picked up by veronica to head to LA. We were housed again by Johnny Ta after we hiked up this “wisdom tree trail” and saw the psychic who told me that me and you are soulmates. Even though I knew I was taking this time to bond with my friends, you were the only thing that consumed my mind. I just wanted to talk to you, be with you, call you to hear your voice.
OCTOBER 1-3 ~~ Veronica drove me to fatty tuna and you ENTRUSTED ME WITH YOUR CAR for the first time. The next day, we tried Meiji Seimen before going to the Botanical Gardens and going to Newport Beach. Interesting enough, I don’t have many pictures of this weekend... so I can’t remember much of what we did. But this trend of us drinking a lot LOL jeeeezzuhs. This was a very very short trip, but I was so happy I got to see you. EVEN THOUGH I already made plans to see you just a week later.
OCTOBER 8-12 ~ we went to Sun Non Dang with Drew and Wonnie(?) for that galbi jim that i wanna try ohhhh so bad again. After, we went to Puzzle Bar where I met Kevin. This was a weekend where you were starting to work a lot a lot at sweetbird so we really didn’t have too much time together. It was also when that huge fire happened in the hills that caused that apocolyptic looking sky when I went to have orange roll sushi during one of your lunch breaks. (we went to try out that indian place the next day too and tanakaya for dinner). Although we didn’t get to spend a real day together this trip, it really was everything to be there for you to come home to. We WERENT EVEN OFFICIAL HERE YET, but I felt like we had something real.
OCTOBER 20 <33333 ~ was our planned staycation in san mateo. the time where you slept in through your alarms and missed your morning flight :p. We had brunch with your mom, headed to burlingame, went to eat at b street & vine, and i asked you out with a card I made. #makinmoves
This day was fulll of wonddderrrrful lovemakin, ugh. The couch...the table..the king sized bed... the blackout curtains. We had shabu before I had to say goodbye :( 
My calender says I visited you Nov 1-6, but I don’t have any recollection of what we did :c. Maybe someday I’ll go through my harddrive and try to find out... 
I went to Napa with Jessy this mid November! We had the BEST pasta I’ve ever had in my life (MUST TAKE YOU), so much wine. i trimmed my hair for the first time in 3 years. I randomly got my car November 17 out of necessity from my truck tires being unreliable.
I went to visit you Nov 19-22 (again another trip I don’t have any pics from rn...) and we flew back together Wednesday morning! I think this is when I watched stranger things season 2 at your parents house, we went out with the guys, and the next morning was thanksgiving (when I had to work)  and we had that amaaazing *** in the bathroom hehe. Right before eating at that vietnamese hotpot place. I had to say goodbye to you yet again... i sang to you that eric bellinger song (what you want). I knew I was going to see you literally a week later, so I was excited. Just had to work 5 days and I knew I would be with you again.
This was my first 8 day trip visiting you and it was JAM. PACKED. This was when we made an LA trip to go see Museum of Ice cream, LACMA, went to the counter for the beyond burger. The fail to see the sunset at griffith observatory. Disneyland with Jayne/JJ, Anny and her boo. The day after disneyland, you had work until dinnertime where we went to NANA SAN, and had omakase with jj and jayne. Again, I think Im gonna have to go through my harddrive and see what other pictures I may possibly have to remind me more about this weekend, but it’s all a little bit hazy for me right now.
Jessy’s bday was this month. Ate at her workplace Kokkari, saw the christmas tree at union square.
I went to visit you Dec 17-20, you gifted me the calpak that I use now everyyyyytime I travel thank you baby. We also ate at sushi confidential with Vanessa. (THIS WAS ALSO THE TIME I WAS STARTING TO GET SICK AND I WAS SICK THAT ENTIRE DAY CUS OF THOSE HOT CHEETO CURDS)
I worked for days in a row but had christmas off, which was when I came to visit you and your family. Had dinner at your aunt/uncles place. The next day you made ratatouile and we had taco night at your house. And boy was I sick.... This was probably the fastest sickness I had ever experienced surprisingly. Typically, I will cough for weeks... but idk, maybe you just took care of me well :)
I then had to say bye to you just for a couple more days before getting to visit you just in time for our first NEW YEARS EVE!
AND THAT, is my 2017 recap. Going through it now, I can only see how much of an impact you have had in my life right from the very very start when we first “met.” I am so happy to have met you and I can’t believe how lucky I am to be cared for and loved by somebody so amazing as you.
I have so much more to say, and so much more love to give, but i started writing this at 2, and it is now 350AM, T__T.
I am gonna try to head to sleep now, I can’t wait to hear your voice in the morning. I LOVE YOU OTTER. You’re seriously the best thing that’s ever happened to me.
0 notes
whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Sunday 28 July 1839
3 ½
8 ½
Dull morning F65° at 4am a shower between 4 and 5 am our Inn seems upon a wide moor, the whitewashed church at some distance standing along its parish houses so scattered – off at 5 17/.. from Hede – heavyish showers stop by the way at 6 22/.. a little distance from the post station at  Skallerug [Skälleröd?] (Tzchellăre, Tzchellăry) and the man said if he was not too much hurried, he would take us to Wip thro’ Eist, a post station, 1 ¾ mile  
July Sunday 28 – narrow granite girt, fir-sprinkled, unfertile vale – farmers thinly stewed – thin crops of corn – off from just before Skallerug [Skällerö] in about 1/4 hour at 6 37/.. and at 6 ¾ a few hops tall and looking well – this stage (about 8 am) observe white water lilies lotus of the north, on the river and shallow lake – Stage at 8 35/.. but drove on – at 9 47/.. stop at pretty custom-house at Hogdal and pay a six dollar = 32sk. Banco instead of 24sk. B- as as proposed by the man himself to avoid being searched – he owned giving anything was not compulsory – I offered him a rigs dollar note – because I could not spare my small notes – the man had no change and quietly pocketed the whole – off to the Inn close to the custom house – could not have horses of 1 ½ hour would have breakfasted but had eaten of our rice pudding at 9 – alighted at the neat little wood Inn at Hogdal – picturesque scattered little village or town – had a good room (village Inn) to our ourselves and sat inking over accounts and this little book till off again at 12 ¼ - Talk about the road to Frederickshald [Fredrikshald] – Handbook says we might go by Helle or Westgaard – It seems Helle is supprimée – must go to Westgaard – very beautiful drive from Hogdal rocky woody, narrow, beautiful broken vale – our road lying partly thro’ a forest of pines – this now seems by far the most picturesque beautiful stage since Götheborg [Gothenburg] – it began to rain as we alighted at Hogdal and tho’ a gleam while we were there began again just before we set off and from 12 ¼ for 50 minutes rained tremendously – rained – all the way to the ferry – then almost fair for ¼ hour
The scenery at the ferry very beautiful – up and down the river equally beautiful – fine mamelonné wooded granite or gneiss mountains – neat good-looking Inn on the Norway side and picturesque hut or 2 on the Swedish side on which a new road making to avoid the tremendously steep descent upon the ferry – should like to stay a day at the Norway side Inn – Passport visé – ferry 2sk. Banco per person and a dollar Banco for carriages large or small – our Hogdal horses took us forwards – still rain – the carriage embarked on the ferry-raft or barge in 5 minutes and disembarked in the same – over in 10 minutes – at the ferry at 1 ½ - over at 1 ¾ - off from there at 2 – passed Helle at 2 33/.., an old farmhouse looking dilapidated, and at 2 35/.. alighted here Westgaard – very nice good looking wood-built farmhouse – Still rain and likely for nothing but rain – Frederickshald [Frederikshald] 3/4 mile off – Frederickstad [Frederikstad] 3 ½ mile off – horses from here to be in at 1st they said in 2 hours than in ½ hour! but would take us till 8 to reach Frederickstad [Frederikstad] – ordered dinner – sent off forebud – looked about in the kitchen etc. – no fire in company part of the house – dinner pork-pancake with bacon inside bread and butter and thick milk – everything good – dinner from 4 20/.. to 5 – then inked over accounts and wrote so far of today till 6 ¼ - Still rain – glad we stopt
July Sunday 28 – here – then getting change for 5 Norwegian species and counting it over etc. till 8 – no difficulty in getting change here as in Sweden where it seems as if it was not to be had very terribly rainy night and F61 17° now at 8 pm
0 notes