#I would have snapped a pic of Kep looming over the bunny but it was nighttime and I didn’t want to flash bang the rabbit
kangals · 1 month
Kep unexpectedly got a chance to score himself an A+ grade in Being A Collie tonight!
I let the dogs out for the last potty and suddenly Keps tearing off after what’s obviously a rabbit he startled. Now my yard is the ONLY one on our street that’s fenced but rabbits just fucking love to dig in under the gate and fuck up my flower garden, so I hate them. And this rabbit is clearly so panicked it forgot where it came in, because it’s racing in laps around the yard and slamming into the fence to try and escape. This goes on for a good 1-2 minutes and Kep is tailing this thing like a gd coursing hound, he is INTENT (Stellina also chased but visibly lost interest halfway through once the rabbit kept repeating its laps). And then finally the rabbit just freezes in some brush along the back fence in sheer panic/exhaustion… and Kep just stands there, looming over it, muzzle punching it. Not biting, not pawing. Just “hey, move.” now I don’t particularly care what happens to this rabbit but I’m also not the kind of asshole who let’s my pets torment wildlife so after it clearly wasn’t going to move anymore I picked up Kep and carried him back to the house, which he was quite miffed about. Hopefully bunny catches its breath and remembers how to leave the yard overnight.
but I am proud of Kep, because that was exactly what a collie should have done! Herding drive = prey drive, the only difference is that in herding dogs their drive is modified to be fully stalk-chase and no catch-kill (as compared to a dog like a greyhound, whose drive is (CHASE-catch-kill). But a herding dog who bloodies the livestock is useless, so that’s bred away from. Maybe he would try to bite if he were older, or if it was a rat or mouse as opposed to a (comparatively) large rabbit. But he showed excellent collie instincts and I definitely need to test him on sheep once he’s a bit older.
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