#I woke up two hours ago just let me sleeeeeep
white-rose-week · 7 years
WhiteRose Wedding
A WhiteRose Wedding Ruby woke up to the sound of an alarm clock screeching into her ear and a drool covered tongue on her face.
“Zwei. Five more minuets.” Ruby says sleepily.
“Today is certainly not the day for sleeping in.” A familiar voice says to her from beyond the palace of warmth and blankets. Looking up Ruby saw Wiese standing in the doorway to their bedroom still wearing her nightgown.
“Wiiiiiiiiiese. I wana sleeeeeep.” Ruby said still a little sluggish. Wiese’ response was a pillow to the younger girl’s face.
Ruby knew how important today was. Under normal circumstances she would’ve been up before Wiese. However Yang always knew how to throw a great party, if only they didn’t go so late.
Ruby got up and out of her nice bed, put on her pj shirt and walked into the small kitchen. Wiese had made a cup of coffee for her setting aside her usual five sugars and the cream. As she groggily made her way over to her drink she notice her fiancé eying her.
“Wiese,” Ruby says with a slight grin before coughing a bit. Wiese’ face turns a bit red, “there’s more of me up here.”
“Yes there. There certainly is.”
Me: 1 ice queen: 0
“So how long until go time?” Ruby asks Wiese.
“Well, I figure we have thirty minuets until your sister busts open the front door. After that it’s just an hour and a half until we get “hitched” as your sister would say.” Wiese says adding air quotes around Yang’s slang.
“You nervous?”
“Not at all, I have organized everything perfectly to make sure everything goes smoothly.”
“Good.” Ruby says causing an awkward pause.
“Are yo-“ Ruby tries to say before.
“COME ON LADIES WE GOT PARTY TO GET TO!” Yang shouts as she kicks the door down and off it’s hinges. “Whoops, sorry.” “Yang! What did I say about breaking down doors!” Wiese proclaims.
“That it makes me look cool?” Yang says.
“No, that it’s expensive.”
“Just a sec, good thing I’m early.” Yang says before running back down through the floors of the apartment.
After spending a good fifteen minuets repairing the door Ruby and Wiese reach the two cars waiting for them outside their building.
The two girls hug and say their goodbyes to each other before hopping into the separate vehicles. Wiese’ POV
Wiese sees Yang’s car pull in front of there’s as they follow behind them.
“So, how’s the bride?” Blake asks.
“If you’re talking about me I’m fine. Ruby on the other hand, I’m not so sure.”
“What makes you say that?”
“You know Ruby, she’s always been a bit anxious about these types of things.”
“Wiese, she loves you. She’s made that pretty clear. Yang will make sure that she’s fine.”
“You’re right. Everything will be fine.” Ruby’s POV
“How much further?” Ruby asks looking a little anxious.
“Not much further. You doin ok?” Yang asks.
“Ya fine, fine, completely fine not worried about a thing nope nothing super fine-“
“I’m gonna stop you right there. What’s wrong.”
“It’s stupid.”
“Not if you’re worrying about it this much.”
Ruby sighs. “You know what always happens at weddings Yang? Something always goes wrong. I’m worried because a lot of things can go wrong.”
“Everything will be fine, I’m sure if something goes wrong you and snow cone will probably laugh it off.”
“Ya you’re probably right.” Ruby said, although at the back of her mind she was still worried.
Both cars pulled up in front of a dock full of airships. The team proceeded to grab a few things from the car before getting on board an airship headed for Beacon. It was Ruby’s idea to have the wedding at the place they first met.
The ride was short going from Vale to Beacon. It always was but it had been a few years since the team had taken this trip.
The airship touched down at Beacon and the team split into pairs of two and headed for the separate dressing rooms. Ruby’s POV
The sisters were able to unpack everything and get settled. They had an hour to prepare for the big event and having had a practice session yesterday Ruby knew exactly how long it’d take her to put on her dress and what to do during the ceremony. But that’s not what she was worried about.
“Yang? Did Wiese mention anything about security?” Ruby asked anxiously.
“Well she told me she didn’t think it was necessary.”
“What?! Wh-“ Ruby tries to say as Yang clamps a hand over her mouth.
“Don’t worry Rubes. I was just messing with ya. This place is so tightly locked down Neo couldn’t even break in.”
Ruby mumbles something underneath Yang’s hand.
“I’ll let you go if you promise to calm down and relax.”
Ruby mumbles some more. Yang then releases her hand.
“I’m just worried he’ll find a way in.”
“Well don’t be. If he shows up we’ll all kick his ass.”
“I hope so.”
“Now come on we gotta get cha into this big mess of fabric.” Yang says putting a smile on Ruby’s face. Wiese’ POV
“Is the cake here?”
“Yes Wiese.”
“All the guests accounted for?”
“Yes Wiese.”
“How ab-“
“Wiese! Everything will be fine.” Blake says to Wiese as she stops the heiress from pacing back and forth.
“It better be.” Wiese says sitting down on a chair.
“As long as you both love each other this will be the best day you’ve ever had.”
“How can you know that Blake? It’s not like you’ve done this before.” Wiese says slightly annoyed by the cheesy advice.
“First I read enough books to know how this ends. And second.” Blake says finishing the statement by showing Wiese a diamond ring on her finger.
Wiese gasps, “Who, when, how?”
“I don’t wana upstage your wedding but the blonde finally convinced me.” Blake says with a smirk on her face.
“Wait whi-“ Wiese tried to ask but gets interrupted.
“Ladies, it’s time.” The guard outside the door says. Ruby’s POV
Ruby stands just out of view from where everything’s set up. She’s dressed in a long white dress that has black lace patterns of different Grim on it. She’s about to walk down the isle with her dad. He is currently on the verge of tears.
“Dad? Are you ok?” Ruby asks looking concerned.
“I’m fine, my little girl’s just growing up.” He says chocking on tears.
“Don’t worry, I’m still the same daughter you had two hours ago.” That’s all the two of them has time to say as the music starts to play.
Ruby is walked down the makeshift isle by her father leading up to the point where she first met Wiese. It had a lovely view of Vale and held a special place in her heart.
She saw Wiese at the end of the rows of chairs and people. She looked stunning, dressed in a similar white dress with blue snowflakes embroidered on in a sky blue. Ruby had to try to keep her focus on walking, it was not an easy task.
Finally she reached the end with her beautiful bride.
“Hey gorgeous.” She greeted Wiese with a smirk.
Wiese rolled her eyes in a playful way, “Hello Ruby.”
The minister then started the ceremony. Everything was going as planned, no Grim, no random fights, and no bad guys trying to end the world. Ruby felt relieved.
“If anyone should have a reason these two should not be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace.” The minister said.
At that moment a very tired and angry looking man ran in front of the crowd, “I object!”
It was none other than Jacques Schnee, Wiese’ father.
“Code White everyone, code white!” Yang screamed from somewhere in the audience.
Before Ruby to take another breath all of her friends and family were standing in front of her and Wiese, weapons at the ready.
“I cannot let you do this Wiese. I need sons of a proper house, she cannot give that to me or you.”
“No she can’t! And I’m thankful for it.”
“Don’t worry you guys,” Ruby says, “I got this.”
Ruby tears off her dress revealing her combat clothes underneath.
“I thought you’d do something like this,” She says as she pulls out Crescent Rose, “So now you’ll pay for it.”
Ruby then proceeded to gracefully beat the shit out of Wiese’ father. A punch to the face, a kick to the groin. She even gave him a few cuts. By the end of it Jacques Schnee lay passed out on the ground while Ruby didn’t even have a scratch on her.
“Shall we resume?” Ruby asked the crowd.
With that the two lovely girls were happily married and no one could ever do anything to separate them ever again.
The End
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saying-nothing · 11 years
I've reached the point of mouth breathing where I make a whistling noise every time I breathe in so I started whistling Mary Had A Little Lamb and the rest is history.
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