#I was forced to watch Donald in Mathmagic Land
mabith · 20 days
I am experiencing constant, unexplained nausea going on four days now and it's just making my Parental Holidays (parents days and their birthdays) season so much worse. I had constant nausea when I was first sick and trying all kinds of medications and living on luna bars and my mom was always trying to make things that would tempt my appetite, like bread pudding, and it's just making me so sad. I ate two large bread puddings per week for a while there.
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robinine-blog · 7 years
How to date myself
I first fell in love with Donald Duck while playing World of Illusion on the Sega Megadrive and watching Donald Duck in Mathmagic Land.
I knew there were comics, in a vague sort of way like I knew there were kiwi fruit but chances of me getting any was slim.
We had a quick fling once again when Kingdom Hearts came out, and I tracked down a number of Donald's and Goofy's animated appearances
And now there is Ducktales 2017 and my love has been reignited in full force, verging on obsession (who am I kidding? Obsession your name is Robin) and I am so glad we live in the internet, because I can now read many of the comics I missed, and the awesome fanfiction. I am in awe guys, truly! There's some heartfelt stuff at there, and this weekend has left my heart in itty bitty pieces all over the floor
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